15 January, 2025


A Brief Open Letter To Navi Pillay

By Amaravathi

Your visit to Sri Lanka, after years of failed efforts by the Sri Lankan Government to insult and intimidate you, is most welcome. Its outcome will be critically important for the future of Sri Lanka – whether it can  evolve as a democracy where universal human rights are observed or  whether the present autocratic   genocidal regime will be further entrenched in power for the indefinite future.

We are confident that you will act strictly consistent with the responsibilities of your high Office, and not let external  pressures deter you from your task, as reportedly was the case during the final months of the war, according to the  UN Internal Review of UN Actions in Sri Lanka—called the Petrie report (1)

Navi Pillay

To your credit, you were the only high UN official  who was prepared to speak the truth about ongoing atrocities and their possible implications as violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, before you were effectively silenced, until the end of the war  —when you called for a independent international investigation , explaining your reasons for it, which subsequently available information has amply justified. The Petrie  report noted the irony of the  “UN’s most senior human rights and humanitarian law official not having a direct role in the UN monitoring or supervision  or oversight  for UN action, or UN engagement with Security Council”

The Petrie panel therefore recommended that in future  the UN Human rights  Commissioner  be given an explicit and enhanced oversight role “ to coordinate the human rights promotion and protection activities throughout the UN system” as defined in the UN General Assembly resolution of 1993 setting up that Office. The Secretary General has already approved the Petrie recommendations.

Sri Lanka stands out as the only case in recent decades where the UN and the International Community remained not only silent but was complicit in mass atrocities against civilians  during the war. They have  also failed to hold the Government to account for its failure in over four years to implement its many  promises to the UN and UN Human Rights Council in May 2009 on accountability, human rights, democracy, devolution and reconciliation, with dire consequence to all Sri Lankans.

Madame High Commissioner, you now  have  the opportunity as well as the moral and legal high ground to help remedy those wrongs.

You are already well informed on events in Sri Lanka during and after the war. However, we wish that your highest priority during your visit will be to listen first hand to the silenced victims of both the mass atrocities during the war as well as in the years since.

The impressive new network of transport infrastructure  in the war devastated  North East is welcome. It is, however, it is important that you find out what is behind that impressive façade for the war affected people, or  whether it is serving  mainly    the Government’s plans for militarization and ethnic cleansing  and demographic and cultural change of those areas, and not national reconciliation.

The truth is that the Sri Lankan Government and its foreign collaborators have never expected to be seriously called to account for their alleged crimes. They believed, and still seem to believe, that they could continue indefinitely to buy time by simply asserting    that no crimes were committed  and , as usual,  through promises  which they had no intention to implement.

As recently as this April, Foreign Minister Pieris revealed the Governmment’s  true intention  when he declared in Parliament that Sri Lanka would never accept the UNHRC resolution of March 2013, and even added  a few caustic comments questioning your integrity. More recently however, the Government seems to  have decided to charm you with more worthless promises in order to buy more time. We are confident that you will not be persuaded by such blandishments, either by Sri Lanka or by its   supporters.

In  conclusion ,we would  also request that you give particular attention to the following.

1.Among the  information  on the mass atrocities  during the war that has been publicly available for a number of years  are the  Channel Four video documentary called “ Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields” ,  reports of two of your own  UN Rapporteurs  on Extrajudicial Killings confirming the authenticity of army executions of unarmed prisoners, as well as satellite photos of the conflict areas—all of which support and supplement the credible allegations in the two Un Panel reports.

The  Sri Lankan Government has rejected all of them as baseless and even fabricated.

It is  critically important that  an objective evaluation of the authenticity and reliability of these sources and their implication to accountability be made under your direction, and be made available to UNHRC to help it in  arriving at an informed decision.

It is particularly unfortunate that there has been no follow up action of the reports of the UN Rapporteurs,  especially since the  2013  UNHRC resolution calls for an additional eight UN Rapporteurs on different aspects of the Sri Lankan situation.

2. It is astonishing that all the reports on Sri Lankan events  ( including the UN Panel reports) have  avoided mention of the genocidal pattern of  the  alleged crimes under international human rights and humanitarian law, even though  the stark fact is that the hundreds of thousands of  victims  in  the North East  were almost entirely Tamils and the alleged perpetrators were predominantly the almost 100% Sinhala security forces. This has been even more evident since the end of the war, driven by the Government’s  commitment to Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country.

We hope that this  serious  gap will be be addressed in your  report to UNHRC.

3. Two  of the most vicious but under reported aspects of the Sri Lankan events, which are also  of central  relevance to 2.  above,  are the pervasive use of sexual abuse and rape by Sinhala security forces and their paramilitaries  against Tamils, and the extensive use  of land appropriations  and ethnic cleansing of the North East, under  heavy cover of militarization.

4.Finally,  while your visit will help in ascertaining the broad contours of the current situation, only an independent international investigation, as has indeed been done in every other case of mass atrocities in recent years, and which you have already called for, can provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the troubling events during and after the war, and an effective system of remedies and monitoring.

Footnote (1)

The Petrie report   concluded  that “events in Sri Lanka mark a grave failure of the UN to adequately respond to early warning and the evolving events during the final stages of the conflict and its aftermath, to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of civilians and in contradiction with the principles and responsibilities adopted by Member States and the Secretariat, agencies and programs.”

The UN internal report also concluded that “ the UN’s political engagement in Sri Lanka during the period from 2007 to the end of the conflict in May 2009 rmained secondary to the efforts of external actors.. These included other countries in the region, including India and China, along with Norway which had sponsored the CFA (Cease Fire Agreement); and the EU, Japan, and the US which, also along with Norway, formed a Co-Chair Group of States to coordinate financial contributions to Sri Lanka as a support to the peace process. The UN was not invited to be a member of the Co-Chair Group.”

Latest comments

  • 0

    Excellent request by Amaravathi to Navi Pillai to be impartial in her investigations during her visit to Sri Lanka to bring justice to the people massacred and continuing atrocities on people in the North-East.

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      If Navi Pillai accepts your request for her to be impartial, then she will have to expose the Tigers and those in the diaspora who acted through the Tigers to terrorise a nation and massacre civilians for three decades, in their genocidel campaign to carve out a new Tamil state out of nothing. It is time the Sri Lankan authorities regained the land distributed to Tiger supporters by Prabakaran and return such land to original owners.

  • 0

    Hindus I know are mostly Vegans.

    Yet Thousands of poor goats get their throats cut by the poosaris in their Temples.

    Evidently they killed a number of goats in Mathgama only a few days ago,which is in the Sinhala Buddhist heartland.

    This was despite court orders not to kill animals in this cruel manner.

    And the genocidal Sinhal Budhhists couldn’t do a thing about it.

    Hope Ms Pillai visits one of these Temples to get a blessing.

    Wonder whether Amarawathie attached a Director’s Cut copy of the Video for Ms Pillai to watch at the Cinnamon Lakes?.

    • 0

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “And the genocidal Sinhal Budhhists couldn’t do a thing about it.”

      Sinhala/Buddhists received free meat after the slaughter.

    • 0

      KAS, Don’t be a goat. This letter is not about slaughter of goats, but human beings. Your comments can be taken seriously if they stick to the subject of discussion. If not, the mere annoyance factor is not worth the effort, nor worth the money paid to you. Give some serious arguments and many will engage you.

      • 0

        K A Sumanasekera is wasting the Govts money by writing trash and not engaging the core context of the argument,as mentione by someone else he is just a nuisance factor on CT to entertain others at his expense!

        • 0

          we all need a clown now & then.

    • 0

      As you comment, You Big Boss and his Bosom Kudu friend are asking the blessing from GOD of the Hindu Temple of THIRUPATHI in India.

      Big Boss always Squeezing a ball of Hindu MALAYAALI Magicians.

      You Better first ask them About That squeezing Balls Business to participate Than Ms Pillai to attend Temple Pujas.

      That is NON of Any body’s business to hope She Visit or not.
      But Our business is to tell the World, that Roaugh VVI politkkans do Looting And Cheating

    • 0


      Well done mate for confirming that you lot are Genocidal and this is what we have been saying all along.

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    Dear Hon.Madam Navi Pillay,

    Please visit CJ Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake before you leave to USA.

    She is our favourite CJ who at the moment is helpless, voiceless and powerless and she needs your help.

    She is our darling CJ and we love to see her to be back in her seat.

    Please help her. Thank you.

  • 0

    A terrorist army that devastated our country’s economy and it’s civilian population for 30 years had to be stopped.

    It was done, certainly there would have been innocent lives lost (on both sides) but at least it is over.

    would it have been better to “in the interest of a perfect human rights record” have the war still ongoing ? Sure it would have suited Countries that base their economies on the arms industry !

    In most cases (Afghanistan) the war is still raging and civilians are dying in droves…..what do you prefer ?

    For god’s sake and our Country’s, let bygones be bygones and work towards unity and a stable peace !

    • 0

      Can accept your argument to let bygones be gygones…. if the govt puts a complete stop to the postwar killing, rapes, corruption, nepotism; but will they? How long are the people of this country going to suffer in the hands of the politicians of this country? Ethnic divide, terrorism, religious tension are all their doing and yet they want the people of this country to be grateful to them for ending terrorism. People are still suffering, still living in fear to speak out (remember Chilaw, Katunayake and Weliweriya?). Freedom and prosperity has only come to the political elite and the parasites that live with and on them.

      • 0

        James, your comments are based on the false allegation of post-war killings, rape etc. As such a thing is not happening in reality, your comments are a waste of time and space. You should be happy the killings have come to an end and tens of thousands of lives that may have perished in the last 4 years have been prevented, with the elimination of armed Tamil Tiger terrorists.

    • 0

      You Quixote,

      For your information there is state terrorism man unleashed on every citizen and I sure you are a foot soldier enforcing it.

      • 0


        Now you know state terrorism is not just confined to terrorising Tamils alone.

  • 0

    UN failure in Sri Lanka facilitated the calamity to continue for decades. During the cold war world politics and its aftermath until recently the UN maintained total silence on the horrific war crimes in Sri Lanka. If the UN had eyes and nerves then, many thousands of lives could have been saved.

    The last leg of the war is no different to the calamity created by both the warring factions and the successive governments remain culpable of breading violence without dealing with the deep rooted political issues.

    Killing of innocent Tamils in the International Tamil Conference in Jaffna in the early 70’s, mayhem by the military and police forces predates the birth of LTTE. With the emergence of the Tamil militancy innocent Tamils experienced the fair share of the state onslaughts. Military rampages, random shootings, rapes and torture processes were carried out whilst the UN was the spectator when tagedies after tagedies were unfolding.

    For the past 20 years independent media reports were claiming 100,000 deaths in Sri Lanka. Where are the rest of the deaths gone, including the UN claim of 40,000 during the final leg of the war.

    Whilst welcoming Navin Pillai’s visit, it must proceed with full scale international inquiry into crimes against humanity where victims are allowed speak without fear and culprits ultimately identified and made to account for their misdeeds.

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      Killing of innocent Tamils in the International Tamil Conference in Jaffna in the early 70’s

      You mean the time when 9 got electrocuted when a pylon fell on them?

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        vibushana,the power lines fell on them because the police shot at the wires,please read and update your knowledge,the cops of the day actied in a high handed manner

        • 0

          Reading? Did this person ever let the facts interfere in his writing?

    • 0

      Looks like the the payments from Sri Lanka has stopped. Don’t give up there is still some crumbs left.

  • 0

    Navi Pillai hails from a country where Tamil is not an official language. Unable to speak a word of Tamil she comes to Sri Lanka apparently questioning its language policies – go figure!

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      How do you expect Tamil to be an official language in South Africa when the Tamils (of Indian origin) do not speak Tamil? A few of the older generation speaks it but not the younger people. Moreover, Tamil is only one of the many Indian languages as the Indians here are not all from Tamil Nadu. There are Telugu, Hindi, Malayalee and many other Indian languages spoken here. The SA government will have to give all of them official language status if Tamil were to be given such a status. Better, you go figure!

    • 0

      How stupid to compare Sri Lanka with South Africa.

      2500 years ago, Vijay abandoned Quweni and took wives for him and his 700 men from the Tamil speaking Pandyan kingdom of Madurai, South India. Some believe even before that the Nagas spoke Tamil. Unlike any other country, Tamil is spoken in Sri Lanka right from the beginning of known history.

    • 0

      You are an another Idiotic Moron Like Your Handlers at the DIYAVANNAAOYA Piggery.

    • 0


      You moron for your information Banki Bloody Moon was not born in a Sinhala speaking country but he supports the Genocidal Racist Thugish, Criminal, Rulers of Sri Lanka. So waht is the problem here man when Navaneetham Pillai questions the Language policy of Sinhala Lanka.

  • 0

    Was an invitation to the UN to be included a necessity.The Co Chair group of member states was formed for contributions to help recover after the war ended.

  • 0

    Well said. Justice need to be ensured!

  • 0

    When the Super powers geared up to Rule , Gag and shackle arms and legs of the UN behind doors ,the UN becomes powerless. This is the sorry state of the UN who is POWERLESS against the BIG BULLIES OF THE WORLD. Shame on the organisation. That exactly what happened in SRILANKA I believe.It’s like I scratch your back in return you scratch my back.

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      Dicky Bird,

      I give you the benefit of the Doubt. Not Out

  • 0

    UN is only the namesake it’s an empty vessel makes the BIGGEST HOLLOW sound.

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    Sri lankan Tamils (who brought for tobacco cultuvation in the north part of sri lanka by imperialists Dutch – Thats why No Brahmins in Sri Lanka) want to control power over the majority inhabitant of the Island. They will never be satisfied with anything…US use this pwerful minority(just because of free education offered by Sinhala leaders) to make pressure this country. Navi Pillai is a puppet of US.

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      Sri lankan Tamils (who brought for tobacco cultuvation in the north part of sri lanka by imperialists Dutch – Thats why No Brahmins in Sri Lanka)

      Brahmin tradition did not allow them to cross water.

      • 0


        I think yopu are low caste man.

      • 0


        “Brahmin tradition did not allow them to cross water.”

        Probably they were the pioneers of Air Travel, flew all the way to Bali as well.

    • 0


      Are you creating stories from thin air. Can you prove what you have said with relaible evidence.

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    TNA, as the first and the worst enemy of the Tamil People. They should take full responsibility, among many other matters, for the loss of several thousands of lives and for causing injuries for many more….. All have become paupers now. They will find hardly anything left when they return to their homes one day. All these or atleast 90 % of these could have been saved and total displacement could have been avoided if only the TNA had the forethought to advise the LTTE to release the people from their grip, to go anywhere they liked.

    The TNA is blamed for this because, when everyone, every organization, every country, the EU, the UN etc. had made this request specifically, only the TNA kept on asking for the war to stop. When the 8000 students who sat for the G.C.E(O/L) exam were taken away for compulsory training by the LTTE the TNA kept mum. Some of them are now dead and others are under detention by the Government.

    Where are the children and grand-children of the TNA MPs. Will the TNA at least now tell the world as to what happened to the students at Sencholai. …. Who are these gentleman of the TNA now wanting to form an alliance with the DTNA. They are the people whom the LTTE elected to represent them in parliament fraudulently and it is they who unashamedly claimed the LTTE as the sole representatives of the people.

    – Anandasangaree (TULF)

    I think Anandasangaree is spot on here.

  • 0

    Mrs.Navi Pillay, the UNHCR is dealing with a double-tongued illegally ruling clique that has no compunction or control of its mendacity. You already know the many assurances the Rajapakse Bros have given to the Indian Govt. – all of which have been violated. That includes one given to Shekar Gupta of the NDTV (Indian TV Station) watched by multiple millions where President Rajapakse confirmed “13th Amendment. Yes. I am ready to move in that direction” Naturally, GoI is not going to take this lying down and seem to be telling Il Postman and GoSL their patience is wearing thin. And then that idiotic lie of a massive war of “Zero casualties” from which the regime has since retracted – not the first.

    The LLRC recommended 2 years ago removing the Police Dept from the Defence Ministry – but it is done only last week – to coincide with your arrival??? Action, per due legal process, on the massacre of the 5 Trinco youth was ignored for many years – and suddenly some suspects were arrested a fortnight ago.

    We appreciate some of the development work in the North but please find out if the urgency to do them was to see friends and relatives are benefited from the Contracts or the priorities were the badly needed facilities to the people. Do also ask why, even after the intervention of the Supreme Court, the army refused to hand over the houses and agricultural lands taken over under the false pretence of the HSZ. Yes. Some of them have been since released – but most not. Many have been handed over to friends and relatives. Please also enquire if it is true Tamil fishermen in the NEP are prevented from the rich Prawn fishing areas – now given to Sinhala fishermen from far away South. Also, please ask for the reason why the President personally ordered the singing of the National Anthem in Sinhalese in the Tamil areas while the law allowed it to be sung in Tamil. Why do the Tamil people there have to seek permission from the Army to hold school events, cultural events, educational events etc., some of which rudely disturbed by the unwelcome visit of armed soldiers. Why do soldiers insist on going into Hindu temples with muddy boots – despite the gentle protest of the priests?

    If you need to know about the carnage of the civilians in and around May 2009 please ask for a 1-to-1 with the cantankerous Sarath Fonseka, who will spill the beans. Exactly what happened in the White Flag Case also will come out in that discussion.

    But, Madam, please ask your personal security staff to be doubly alert
    24×7 so long as you are here. You may have heard of what happened to the late Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi (1987) within the maximum protected walls of the Presidential Palace Compound and that too in the solemn exercise of a Guard of Honour. Need we remind you of more in this fantastic Miracle of Asia where the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament, curiously, is just 3 wise men. That surely must make your task much easier.


    • 0

      Varathan, you have said “… the many assurances the Rajapakse Bros have given to the Indian Govt. – all of which have been violated”, as if India is a honest broker that have not violated its promises. In fact India has violated many agreements, including the agreement to take back around a million of Indian Tamils brought by the British to work on plantations; the promise to stop Indian fishermen from fishing in Sri Lankan waters using banned methods; failure to keep the promise to disarm the Tigers after forcing Sri Lanka to agree to 13A etc etc. So whatever you say, please don’t try to show the Indian regimes as reliable and trustworthy.

  • 0

    As the Sri Lankan army was pushing north into the Tamil areas, the predominantly Tamil areas that were controlled by the LTTE for more than two decades, they displaced, the Sri Lankan army displaced a large number of Tamil civilians and they all began to move northwards. The LTTE systematically refused international efforts to allow those internally displaced persons to move south. To move away from the conflict areas where they could have been given food and shelter and so forth. So they systematically basically refused all efforts and in fact violated international law by not allowing freedom of movement to those civilians. So had the LTTE actually allowed people to move south, none of this would have happened in the first place, so it’s important to make that point. I think that often gets lost in the debate on this.

    Secondly, the LTTE often deliberately put its heavy artillery in the midst of civilian encampments, precisely to draw fire so that people would get killed in the hopes that there would then be international outrage and there would be essentially demands on the Sri Lankan government to stop the fighting and [agree to] some sort of negotiated settlement.

    The Sri Lankans, not without reason, argued that the LTTE was really never interested in peace and that they had always used ceasefires as a way to regroup and rearm themselves, so they essentially refused any efforts to resume the peace process.”

    – US Assistant Secretary Robert Blake

    Blake is spot on too!

    • 0

      Sinhalese journalists reported that those who managed to come out of the Vanni were kept in barbed wire camps (near Mannar and Vavuniya) even before the barbed wire camp at Menik Farm began to be populated. Aid agents were severely restricted from helping the people in the Menik Farm with medicine, food and water.
      Vibushana, et al will keep hatching lies for their pay.

    • 0


      When your Genocidal Learder are taken to the Hague you will be called as a witness to give your running commentary. So keep rehearsing just in case you forget.
      I think you have telegraaphic memory and I dont kmnow how you managed to stay alive when you were moving with the civilian population with bombs falling everywhere. It is a miracle indeed thank God you are alive to give evidence.

  • 0

    amaraLINGAM writes a good story . lol

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      When they said Navi Pillay is coming, Mahinda Rajapakse flees to Belarus.

      Of all the 7 billion people in the world, UN found a Tamil woman to check on Moda Singalayas.

      Karma at work – you reap what you sow.

      • 0

        isnt pillay a chetty name , I dont tihk they are true tamils

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    There are several witnesses, including, I believe, a candidate for the NPC – who have seen the handing over of husbands, brothers, friends, neighbours by Christian/Catholic priests to the army. Some of them were
    well known figures like Yogaratnam Yogi. How come they are all missing, including some of the priests.

    If the LTTE is destroyed, the war won and militancy ended why are people inconvenienced by an Emigration point at Omanthai still.

    Civic leaders in the Jaffna area, going in delegation to Government leaders visiting Jaffna, have pleaded building Contracts and work in the Peninsula, including labour work, be given to people of the area as a measure to provide gainful employment to the IDPs. These have, in many cases, been given to Sinhalese – often friends and relatives of the army. There should be a change of mind in this matter.

    The subtle project of demographic change by encouraging the movement of families of the reported 200,000 soldiers to the Tamil areas is worrisome and fraught with future danger. Schools, Viharas, hospitals – far in excess of the need of the troops there – are being erected elsewhere. This may please come to an end.

    The Governor in the bifurcated NEP should ideally be from the Tamil community. An enquiry should be made of all major decisions of the Governor adversely affecting the Tamil people and justice restored.

    I am sure Mrs Pillay will meet civic leaders in Jaffna – where these issues will come up.


  • 0

    UNs failure was due to the fact they believed the LTTE could win miltarily, therefore they did nothing. UN and the west did nothing to bring LTTE to the negotiating table and nor did the genocidal, terrorist, racist supporters of LTTE. Now they moan. The LTTE terrorists and their supporters were not intersted in the ceasefire(s) and violated the terms. Now they talk about Human Rights, after killing tens of thousands of Sinhala civilians. The problem with you Amaravathi is that your 100% terrorist army lost very badly at the hands of the 100% Sinhala army, and you are angry that you cannot spill more Sinhala blood. Bad luck. Get a life!

    • 0

      Lal you stupid there is more Sinhalese blood being spilt every day from the attack of Sinhala on Sinhala you half animal.

      Sinhabahu or (“Lion-arms”), was the son of a Vanga princess and a lion. He killed his father and became king of Vanga. His son Vijaya would emigrate to Lanka and become the progenitor of the Sinhala people.

  • 0

    Pillay would have known that she was led out through the rear door of the Jaffna Public Library on tuesday morning, after the conference with state officials,was to prevent her meeting the group of wailing women who wanted to meet her to complain about their husbands and sons, waiting in front.

    When her predecessor Louise Arbour visited earlier,the army beat back a similar group waiting to meet her,while she watched.

    Ananthi Sasitharan,the leader of women whose husbands and sons vanished after surrendering to the army while they watched,is reported to be excluded from the group of human rights activists waiting to meet Pillry,on the grounds that she is now a “politician”,as she is a TNA candidate at the NPC election.

  • 0

    Madam Navanethem Pillay,

    Please don’t get cought to Master Brokers who are good at offering 10% to 100% Commissions.

    They are very good at buying people and now our Parliament is consist of bought up “Yes Sir” Goats. Sixty Five (65) bougtht up Goats from one opposition party alone. It is now the famous Brothel house in Sri Lanka where they lift their ass…s to anybody who offer them a good price and the Pimp who run it is a well known Alibaba figure.

    Therefore please don’t get caught to this well known Commission “kakka” crow and the Bribe giver who could influence you by offering you a very Good gift to write a different favourable Political picture on their administration in Sri Lanka.

    Please watch your steps…….and your pocket.

  • 0

    Can anyone tell me who is the Minister of Justice in MR^s regime ?

    All these weeks or months, I failed to read any official statements made by a minister of Justice. But all of a sudden, the minister is to be appeared before Ms Pillay is beyond ridiculous.

    What kind of reactions were seen, at the time, teenage boys were gunned down by Army forces at Rathupaswala…. did anyone raise the question about what Minister of Justice has to make in that regard ?

    At the time, Duminda^s case as a key accused for the Bharata murder… where had this minister of justice had been ?

    At the time, the time all other arbitrary or plotted killings directly by ruling goons – e. g. British tourist murder and Madawala from Waragoda rd, Kelaniya, where had the Minister of Justice been ?

    What is the role of a minister of Justice in a country such as ours if he failed to come forward when just civilians are killed by state goons ?

  • 0

    I never bargained to see the day when our Justice Minister himself,
    a few months ago when an attack was made targetting a Mosque, lamented “there is no JUSTICE in the country” ??? I then thought this carpetbagger should learn of honourable Cabinet Ministers like the late Gamani Jayasuriya and the circumstances in which he left JRJ’s majority government. Men like Mr. Jayasuriya came from very wealthy families to politics and left losing many millions. I recently read Dudley Senanayake died poor. Those were the days when Ministers were men of uncompromising integrity. Seeing them entering meeting halls we willingly stood up with a smile and in respect. Not the type of crooked opportunists we see today – attacked with water bottles
    and met with hoots and so on. If not for the posse of the armed security of mostly IRCs that accompany these worthies, the public response and mood coming face to face with them will be starkly worse.


  • 0

    Dear Dr. Navi Pillai,

    Dr.Navi Pillai should look into the life of the samll children of seven years old who are been sent by their parents to be Samaneras purely on economic reasons.

    These samll Samaneras are being brainwashed, abused and manupulated by these BBS, Rawaya,Ravana Balakaya Monks to be extrimists and Racists.

    Also these small samaneras are been used on protest marches against other religions and their property, various business and Trade issues and on political and religious rallies. This is brainwashing and spreading Racism among these small Samaneras at those Buddhist temple Madrasas.

    First of all these innocent tiny children who are been forced by their parents to be Samaneras purely due to economic reasons. They do not join the Buddhist Sasana on their own wish, but mostly due on economic grounds. What is the reason for a Seven year old child to be a monk when he don’t know even the meaning of life at that small age.

    Once they join the Buddhist temple, they are been brainwashed and been abused and manupulated by these senior Extrimist monk groups such as BBS, Rawana Balaya, Rawaya and JHU to be Racists, Extrimists and Terrorists.

    I was told that Ravana Balaya brought these small children to the Colombo UN head quarters to protest against Dr.Navi Pillai’s visit to Sri Lanka.
    Please see the following web….


    This manupulation and Brainwashing of these Samaneras should be stopped.
    They should never be allowed to participate in protest marches.

    Infact they should be taught to be Loving, kind and be positive towards all the other religious groups, communities and other racial groups.

    These misguided,misdirected, misled and mis-used Buddhist monks should be enlightened, educated and directed towards positive paths by some educated and intelligent persons and organizations such such as UNHRC for them to be more worthwhile, more positive and more productive citizens to our society.

    Therefore I kindly request Dr. Navi Pillai to look into this matter and to see what UN could do to make a stop to this samanera abuse by BBS, Rawaya, Rawana Balaya and JHU who abuse and brainwash these tiny seven year old Samaneras to be Extrimists, Racists and Terrorists.

    Thank You.

  • 0


    Independent investigation should start from what happen in last 30 years then you have to go and give statements for the crime you and your terrorist gang did against the innocent tamil and Sinhalese people

    don’t try to include only the period you and your gang lost the war

    • 0

      Yes you black klu klux,

      The investigation ( I mean an independant investigation carried out by civilised people and not the Thugs from Sinhala Lanka) should cover the period from independance when you lot started butchering innocent and defenceless Tamils in their Thousands.

      I can understand how you feel about innocent Sinhalese people who died but stop this nonsense of shedding Crocodile tears for innocent Tamils and let us grieve for those poor souls.
      Let me tell you as majority you had it in your hand to avoid the bloodshed which has blighted the country for the last 64 years where the majority who perished are Tamils by a margin of 10 to 1


      • 0

        Hey Kali Amma ( are you white) I never know any Tamil have white ASS

        Do you think that we are going to listen to your barbarian LTTE craps, NO

        Those civilised UK people since 1815 to 1945 butchered Sri Lankan people

        Karuna and KP (KK)

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          Yes black klu klux I am whiter than white.

          You wont listen now but you will listen when you are giving evidence at the Hague.
          Take up the issue of Civilised UK people killing uncivilised you lot with them who is stopping you.

          Who is in bed with Karuna it is you man. Do you know that he single handedly killed 2000 occupying Sinhalese and he is now married to a Sinhalese [Edited out]. You have no morals you moron

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    KK- should start from 1958.Tamils only who went through this horrible experience with no help fom the government stooges are still alive.Kids of this era are today between 30 to 50yrs old.Parents alive
    are beyond this age.

    During these years did we have Un monitoring what was happening in SL?

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      Yes it should start from 1815 not from 1958 as Sinhalese also human beings not only tamils, and first send UK people to hauge to what they did to SL people then we talk about what happened in 2009

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    Mehala -Thankyou for the insight and bringing this up.You should post an article on this sad situation about innocent children who are offered as Samaneras whithout understanding anything about the religion
    nor why they are being sent away from thier parents home and now to be used as tools of hatred.

    Lets have a discussion about this sad situation.If this kids are being brainwashed into a culture of hatred to be used in violence against other religions then this must be stopped.

    Before we go to Navi Pillay lets appeal to the ‘King maker’ MR.This can be viewed as child abuse.Where is the Social service department.
    Yes, indeeed we saw them not so long ago used on a march.

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    Breaking News (APF)
    The UN Human Rights Commissioner, Ms Navi Pillay,has scheduled visits to Iraq and Afganistan to observe first hand the human rights violations carried out by US and her allies. She is expected to fly direct from Sri Lanka to these 2 countries and at the end of the tour, which is expected to take 6 weeks, file a detailed report at the next UNHCR sessions. If found guilty, she is relaibly understood to recommend to the UN that US and its allies be expelled from the UN.

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    Ms. Navi Pillai

    Please also read the following article published by Arie Kruglanski (a distinguished university professor) and Michele Gelfand (a distinguished scholar reacher at the University of Maryland, College Park. Both are senior researchers at the National Center for the Study of Terrorism and the Response to Terrorism)

    This island nation, south of India, was torn by a vicious civil war for twenty-six years, which ended in 2009 with a clear victory for government forces over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Since then, the ruling authorities have done a remarkable job forging reconstruction, rehabilitation and reconciliation with the Tamil minority. This is truly an example of how military victory needs to be followed up by forgiveness and peacemaking.
    Without a doubt, the LTTE has been one of the most vicious and dangerous terrorist organizations ever. It was formidable militarily, complete with a navy (the Sea Tigers), air force (the Air Tigers) and a highly developed intelligence capability. The last push against it was relentless and bloody, claiming significant casualties on both sides. When the war ended, nearly three hundred thousand displaced Tamil civilians were left in the government’s care. These were persons who the LTTE dislocated from their villages and whose land was strewn with hundreds of thousands of mines (across five thousand square kilometers of land), making their resettlement impossible. An immense demining effort took place; now, three years later, only 5,424 internally displaced persons (IDPs) remain in a temporary welfare village awaiting their return home on completion of the demining process.
    The Sri Lankan government proceeded to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure in the LTTE controlled areas of the island. It constructed a network of new roads, bridges, schools and hospitals and provided economic and vocational assistance to the returning IDP resulting in over 20 percent annual growth in the northeastern parts of Sri Lanka.
    Particularly impressive was the government’s treatment of the nearly twelve thousand LTTE fighters who surrendered to the Sri Lankan Army. Given the bloodiness of the protracted fight, the heavy casualties suffered by the military and the murderous track record of the LTTE, the surrendees feared the worst (our interviews indicate). They were in for a shocking surprise. President Rajapaksa publically instructed the army “to treat them as your children.” Rather than being imprisoned or punished, a vast majority of the LTTE cadres were put in rehabilitation centers where they were offered vocational education, artistic activities, psychological and spiritual counseling. The 549 LTTE child soldiers were put in a special program cosponsored with UNICEF and received psychological counseling and catch-up education.
    Systematic empirical research we have carried out with thousands of detained LTTE fighters yielded encouraging results. Over time, Tamil attitudes toward the Sinhalese have significantly improved; this seems attributable to the rehabilitation programs rather than the mere time away from the “killing fields.” Of the twelve thousand initial inmates of the rehab centers, over ten thousand have been released to their villages, and efforts are being made to reintegrate them into their communities.
    To be sure, the process wasn’t perfect. Unfortunately, as often happens, numerous civilians (used by the LTTE as human shields) perished in the final fight. At present, members of the international community, including the United States, are questioning the intensity of the army’s onslaught and accuse the Sri Lankan government of human-rights abuses. The Sri Lankans, for their part, feel disappointed by what they see as hypocrisy and betrayal by nations they had considered allies in the global war on terror.
    As academics, we are unwilling to take sides in that debate. We would like to bear witness, however, to the remarkable reconciliation efforts by the Sri Lankan government that we saw on several recent visits to this country in our capacity as terrorism researchers. We held informal conversations with Tamils and Sinhalese, including members of the Tamil diaspora and of the Tamil Nadu community in Southern India. We interviewed commanders of the Sri Lankan Army and ministers in the Sri Lankan government. We talked with members of an international NGO assisting in the reconstruction efforts. Most importantly, we carried out empirical research with over nine thousand former LTTE members, visited their rehabilitation centers and interviewed senior former LTTE fighters released into their villages. All these studies add up to an impression that what has been happening in the post-2009 years in Sri Lanka is truly unique.
    A great deal remains to be done, hopefully with the full participation of the international community. The tasks ahead are challenging, yet there are reasons for optimism. To quote Winston Churchill: “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
    The world would do well to pay attention to the case of the Tamils and the Sinhalese. The United States urges the Pakistani and Afghan armies to crack down harder on Taliban and other extremists, but does anyone have a plan for what to do after the war on terror is won? Sri Lanka does.

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      This writer should be blind to see things in this way.

      “President Rajapaksa publically instructed the army “to treat them as your children.” Rather than being imprisoned or punished, a vast majority of the LTTE cadres were put in rehabilitation centers where they were offered vocational education, artistic activities, psychological and spiritual counseling. The 549 LTTE child soldiers were put in a special program cosponsored with UNICEF and received psychological counseling and catch-up education”

      President Rajapakshe publicly says that we are all now srilankens. But unfortunately, he seems to have forogtten this golden statement at the time he addressed the nation on last independence day. There he was the one who dared to call ” we the sinhala buddhists”, since then, radical buddhists like BBS and RB started to be violent against innocent muslim srilankens. Innocent muslims are the ones who backed the sinhalese to fight against tamil rebells. They are the ones who equally fought to achieve a terror free island. They are the ones who contributed their sweat to develop our economy. Muslim srilankens though were discriminated to the same manner the tamils have been, they did not rise up… but still on the same mode of patience.. … what has particular Rajapakshes done to solve the common problems facing the muslim folks today ? Nothing. In the name of non-issue halal, they the ruling thugs in disguished forms physically attacked muslim folks. Even today, they have been in the same mode of attacking. Saying the palatable, but doing the opposite is the unique feature of MR. He is not a man to respect human values.

      Not only muslim srilankens, he would not even care to command the forces to kill his own community people. I know this well as a sinahlese, Rajapakshes have become a curse to the nation today. But none of us can open our mouth. How can we the little simon do so, while oppostion is being attacked to the manner there exist no opposition in the country today. We are in a failure – lawlessness enviroment today.
      Rajapakshe would never care about Law and order. If he would do so, he is the top of the list to be convicted before all other crminals. That is the truth of todays Srilanka.
      I have no doubts, that MS pillay will collect all the information that she needs to sue this man – allowing him finally to be brought before INTERNATIONAL court -HAGUE – relieving us all soon.

      When this is done, we the nation are free to elect a good educated leader to guide the nation, not forgetting to solve the tamil ethnic problems above all. Devolution of power is the solution for the tamil problems. If Switzerland, Germany and all other enjoy the federalism why not US srilankens. We should give it a chance through the guidance of Internnationl communities. We are one of the poor country, who cant stand without the support of International communities. We must not be swollen to the manner MR has been to this date.

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      Although on the face of it this report has a pro-Govt tilt, it needs to be given serious consideration. Little is said of the thousands of
      LTTE activists handed over and taken by the Army in the days immediately following May 2009. There is little reason for the Army/the Govt to be silent if they are alive and well – particularly against pressure from relatives and the international community. These two commentators have missed out on the feared and highly disliked over-presence of soldiers, unable to speak or understand the local language, in the ordinary civil life of the people of the Peninsula – even 4 years after the war. Equally concerning is why the local people are kept out of opportunities and employment of the so called “massive development” in the Province. The presence of a highly despised checking point – almost an Emigration Counter at Omanthai – could not possibly have missed their attention. There are many more key issues that the report ignores, sadly, almost by design.


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        Yes, there are many more issues , should investigate what happened to the abducted ARMY and Police people in the hands of barbarian LTTE

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          klu klux

          The abducted ARMY have claimed asylum in the west claiming to have helped the Tamils and as a result are being hunted by GOTHA. If you want I will send a full list to Gotha and you can get it from him.

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        Just in case, my comments are in response to commentator Hewa’s (Aug 29 – 12/56am)re. Report of Professors Kruglanksi and Gelfand


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      Hewa you moron it will be a waste of time commenting on what you have written as it is a lot of garbage.

      Hey you academic who is Churchil. I have never heard of him was he a singer or may be a comedian.

      This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

      If that was the case I take it that it hasn’t started. Please let me know when it dose start.

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    First of all from your open letter I get the impression that you are expecting a lot from Mrs.Pillai than she can deliver. I endorse and agree with every thing you have written which is well documented.

    Reading the comments above one thing is clear and that is the vast majority of the Sinhalese almost 99.9% see Mrs. Pillai as a problem and not a solution which is expected from an overtly racist audience. They see her as being biased but they have no problem accepting the one sided biased report from the perpetrators who act as judge and jury . For me Mrs.Pillai is only part of the solution and the UN is a weak body with differing interests and she can only recommend but cannot enforce and that is left to Member Countries.
    The Nation that holds the key to enforcement is Mother India but there was lack of will from that important country for obvious reasons.
    It is only after pressure from USA and Britain the position has shifted and with General Election due next year they have finally started to flex their muscles and we have seen the fruits of it.
    MR was forced to do a U turn and agree to a lot of things ( amounting to humiliation) and from what we know the crunch meeting took place when Basil met Man Mohan in Delhi when he was read the riots act and he was shown all the satellite evidence of Sri Lankan forces shelling Hospitals and Civilians killing thousands which finally convinced MR the game was up .

    The following is a chain of events.

    1) Meeting of Basil with Man Mohan at Delhi.
    2) Announcing the date for the Election.
    3) The visit by Mrs.Pillai which was forced on MR
    4) The election itself and the outcome is a foregone conclusion if it is a fair and free election but there are already signs that MRs Thugs are employed to intimidate. But in fairness to Man Mohan he has already said that his visit depends on the conduct of the Elections.
    5)Mr.Wigneswaran as soon as being installed as CM and his first task would be to acting on the mandate given to him by the people to confine the Babaric Army to Barracks and introduce a Tamil Police Force to take over security.
    6) Develop North and make it possible for al the displaced Tamils to return home.
    7) Using the Land Powers under the Constitution return all the confiscated land to the Rightful Owners
    6) But this will interfere with MRs grand plan of ethnic cleansing and colonisation and judging from his past deeds he will
    a) Dismiss the newly elected Assembly and impose direct rule from Colombo
    b) Jail CM in Welikade
    c) Re introduce army rule

    Then the battle lines will be drawn and the Third Phase of the Eelam struggle would have started in earnest. But thank god this time we will not be fighting alone as the Three Countries mentioned above as Guarantors with India in particular will join the battle. Especially after the general election in March 2014 a Government led by BJP with the Iron Lady wielding influence will make a telling difference to the fortunes of the long suffering Tamils
    This is not wishful thinking but shape of things to come and I will say to any Sinhalese die heats did you ever think that MR would have agreed to any of the things above without outside pressure. NO MAN.
    The majority of Sinhalese being inherently racist will re elect MR but he will be a Lame Duck President Quacking from the “House of Horrors”

    So yes the visit of Mrs. Pillai was important but that is only a part of the equation and Decree Absolute will be the final act.

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      Some sort of sanity and could be maintained amidst the MR’s racist display if two or three permanent offices of the UNHR Commissioner are established in Sri Lanka’s North, Colombo and East! It will facilitate power sharing among Sinhalese, Tamils and minorities in a transparent and fair manner. A few day’s visit by her is not enough to establish and prove the ground realities out here. There must be continuous international monitoring so that the true image of the regime is reflected out there on the table of international policy and decision makers. Sri Lanka is now beyond help from within and only an international intervention can prevent it from further degeneration and suffering at the hands of Rajapakshas. Regime change is the only way this change can be brought about.

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