The victory of President-elect Joe Biden as the 46th President of a long standing democracy and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, an accomplished woman sharing Tamil origins, has excited the human rights and democracy loving world. The Eelam Tamils have trod a careful path wondering if the new government can change their fate.
One may recall, it was the Democrats under Barrack Obama who nailed Sri Lanka with successive resolutions from 2012 onwards at the UNHRC. After the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa in the Presidential elections of 2015, on October 1st USA co-sponsored resolution 30/1 with the so-called government of good governance led by Ranil Wickremesinghe which promised a political solution to the Tamils as well as adhere to the agreed upon principles of accountability for the genocide of the Tamils in 2009.
Except for setting up a non-functional Office of the Missing Persons (OMP), the government of good governance never made any headway in delivering justice to the Tamils, especially going back on the setting of a hybrid mechanism to try war criminals from the armed forces as well as the political leadership responsible for the carnage against the Tamils.
All of us must realize that for reconciliation to come through there must be truth seeking, accountability, justice and reparations. The hardcore Sinhalese are always in denial when it comes to accepting that their loved regime was responsible for a bloody genocide of innocent Tamils, but they still want the Tamils to be part of Sri Lanka! It is here that the Tamils look forward to this new government to usher in changes that would foster democracy in the island.
As the Biden team has promised to host a ‘Global Summit for Democracy’ with an aim to advance human rights and defending against authoritarianism, the Sri Lankan government will be hard pressed to answer some key questions as they have always crushed the sane voices rising to speak up for democracy.
Former US ambassador to the UN and former National Security Advisor, Susana Rice will play a very key role in shaping the foreign policy. She was instrumental in seeing through the resolutions against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC in 2012 and 2013.
The recent visit of Mike Pompeo to Sri Lanka was a disappointment to the Tamils and the human rights activists as Pompeo used the opportunity to only shame China as a predator. On the other hand, the Sri Lankan President slammed Pompeo and glorified the role of China in ending the 30 years’ war and helping the rebuilding of Sri Lanka. The present dynamics is bound to change under the new government which will look for a relationship with Sri Lanka based on the performance of the country in terms of promoting human rights and democracy. It is here the Tamil question comes into picture.
Across the world many nations look forward to this new government to foster the spirit of the Right to self-determination of communities that have been ignored under the Trump government. The US which positioned itself as a champion of human rights across the world after WWII, shockingly pulled out of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in January 2020 as it did with the World Health Organization. It is highly speculated that these past mistakes of the Trump government would be set right by the new Biden government.
The Tamils around the world will look forward towards Biden, Kamala Harris and Susana Rice to seek a political solution to their more than seven decades old problem. The new government along with India must work out means to provide justice to the victims of the Tamil genocide. It is a tough task given the hardcore stand of the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, as both of them are prime accused in the genocide of the Tamils.
Sri Lanka has threatened to pull out of the UNHRC, in that case the new government must come out with strategies to deal with Sri Lanka outside the boundaries of the UN structure as they are morally duty bound to seek justice on behalf of the Tamils. Since 2012 the US had used the Tamil question to bring about three resolutions against Sri Lanka and co-sponsor one to showcase their strength in the Indian Ocean and to teach a diplomatic lesson to both Sri Lanka and China. They simply left the UNHRC and the Tamils in lurch when they pulled out of the UNHRC, thus slowing down the process of truth seeking and justice in the island.
It is the earnest hope of every Tamil that the new government in the long run understands the history of the Tamils in the island and recognize the fact that they had never lived or shared anything in common with the Sinhalese. All though our history we were a NATION and we still are!
From 1948, we have been thrust to accept the Sinhalese as out brothers and sisters against our wishes, though sincere efforts were made by the Tamils through peaceful methods to co-exist with dignity, the successive Sinhala regimes have denied the rightful claims of the Tamils seeking equality. This needs to be clearly understood by the new government when dealing with Sri Lanka.
The Tamil Diaspora has been the voice of the Eelam Tamils across the world. The Tamils in Eelam continue to suffer a structural genocide and cannot voice their opinion fearing their very existence. It is the desire of ever Tamil across the world that a Referendum must be conducted in Tamil Eelam to decide the future course of the Tamils, though it is a long and tough ask, the US must not ignore this democratic claim of the Tamils and must recognize this right of the Tamils in the times to come.
In the past, the Tamils in US had supported the Barrack Obama government and even formed an organization titled ‘Tamils for Obama’, with the hope that the Obama administration would help resolve the Tamil issue.
In the same earnest, the Tamils are once again enthused and hopeful that a democrat has been elected and look forward to getting closer to seeking a political solution to the Tamil problem apart from seeking justice to the 90,000 war widows, the innumerable Mothers, Sisters, Wives and daughters of the missing persons, address the issue of militarization of the north and east, return the land grabbed from the Tamils as well as seek accountability to the 146,679 unaccounted persons since May 18th 2009.
With this hope for a solution for Eelam Tamil, through the use of our right to self-determination, wish that the newly elected government work with the Tamils to realize our long cherished dreams to live with dignity. On behalf of the Tamils world over, I take this opportunity to wish President-elect Joe Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, and team a fruitful period at the White House and hope they would make the world a better place to live.
*The Author is a Member of the TGTE and seeks a peaceful political solution to the Tamil Right to Self-Determination.
GATAM / November 12, 2020
USA will never take any action against SL. Gota was a US citizen until 2019. They had 10 years to prosecute him when he was a US citizen. Didn’t even attempt!! Instead USA entered into military deal after deal with SL, donated warships to SL, included SL in military drills, provided free training to SL military in USA and other US training universities and never followed up on UNHRC resolutions.
US Deep State calls the shots.
Only way forward for Tamils is to join other stateless people like Palestinians and fight for a common cause. Otherwise it will failure after failure.
Sinhala_Man / November 12, 2020
Dear Nimal Vinayagamoorthy,
Yours is the sort of article that I dreaded!
I understand what you see as the need to write it, but I don’t think it is going to produce the results that you understandably expect.
We could discuss this further, but please first read many of the sympathetic-to-Tamils comments already made here. I humbly request that you look at mine, for which I take full responsibility.
Disregard the fact that the author there is Dayan Jayatilleke’s wife. Dayan is a slippery eel, but many of us are not. I once more request you to weigh what I have said, and pose your queries here. I will respond sincerely.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 48 3111 444V) aka “Sinhala_Man”
P.Rajeswaran / November 12, 2020
The author has given a very sensible rational message through his article. Susan E Rice is a very genuine, decisive and forthright person on whom the Tamils could expect a concerted action on our behalf.
During the time when she was the permanent representative to U.N. she made a remark while making her speech at the International Peace Institute in Vienna on June 15, 2009, thus: –
‘ in recent years, our consciences have been seared by the horrors of Srebrenica, Rwanda and Darfur. Today we are challenged again by the desperate plight of civilians in such places as Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Sri Lanka ‘.
Susan E Rice is well aware of the situation that took place in Sri Lanka at the final stages of the civil war and to the plight the Tamils were driven to.
Good Sense / November 12, 2020
In this globe, people belonging to the thousands of ethnicities and religions have their own tale of woo. While it is quite common for people to seek solace from God or Gods, depending upon the religion, it is uncommon, bordering to insanity, to elevate humans to that of a god and expect solace from them. This article does exactly that in expecting something from Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris. The author displays a lack in maturity in expecting a superpower nation to “intervene” to solve a “problem”. They do intervene to secure their own interests and such interests hardly change with a change of regime in those countries. The big picture that US grasps along with its allies in the quad or its expanded members is to control the Chinese expansion. The position of Sri Lanka is vital to them and they would prefer to deal with a single authority in Sri Lanka rather than multiple authorities. So, they would prefer the cry for “self determination” to lower down and at the same time the causes for that cry too to be lowered. The best interests of all Sri Lankans are achieved through unity and living amicably without rabble-rousing.
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
Good Sense
“The best interests of all Sri Lankans are achieved through unity and living amicably without rabble-rousing.”
Who are these Sri Lankans?
What are the difference between a Sri Lankan and a Sinhala/Buddhist?
Have you ever bother to find out the difference between “Unity in Diversity” and monolithic abstract unity?
Don’t you hear rabble-rousing in the South or probably suffering from selective deafness or in this forum?
Kanapathy Varunan / November 12, 2020
It is a pity that the Eelam Tamils have been hopping around with hope but nothing Tangible has happened. But with the four in one, Biden, Kamala and Kamala’s chief of staff and Susana Rice together will rise up and ensure that justice will be done to the Eelam Tamils.
N. Perera / November 12, 2020
Kamala Harris just a puppet of White Americans, the same as a Barak Obama. American Congress and Senate ruling white America. Is Barak Obama did any miracles for America? Even Barak Obama did anything good for his country Kenya and adopted country Indonesia. Can Kamala Harris make Tamil Nadu a separate country for Tamils? There is no separate country for more than 78 million Tamils in this world.
Sinhala_Man / November 13, 2020
Electing Kamala and Obama mean real progress in overcoming racism.
N. Perera, most of your comments must be so crudely racist for them to be so often rejected even by tolerant CT moderators.
N. Perera / November 17, 2020
Latinas, Muslims, Indians, Asians, Vietnamese and other nationalities who migrated to the USA are 2nd and 3rd class citizens. Whites America ruling the USA
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
N. Perera
“Kamala Harris just a puppet of White Americans, the same as a Barak Obama.”
So as fellow Americans Gota and his brother Basil.
What’s your point if there is one?
Lanka Canuck / November 14, 2020
***Can Kamala Harris make Tamil Nadu a separate country for Tamils?***
Who is asking for it?
Right from early history, Tamils are from both India and Sri Lanka. Tamil nation existed and still exists in South India (known as Tamil Nadu after the British) and North-East Sri Lanka (known as Tamil Eelam after the Cholas). The Tamils of India already have a federal state (Tamil Nadu) and they are not at all interested in any separate Tamil country. The Sri Lankan Tamils had a separate kingdom before the European Colonials arrived, but they lost their sovereignty, independence and their traditional homeland when the European Colonials left.
RAVI PERERA / November 13, 2020
“But with the four in one, Biden, Kamala and Kamala’s chief of staff and Susana Rice together will rise up and ensure that justice will be done to the Eelam Tamils”
Justice would be take all the tamils in Sinhale to USA/Mexico. That way justice would be done to both sinhala and demalu
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
the Sinhala Speaking proud Demela
“Justice would be take all the tamils in Sinhale to USA/Mexico. That way justice would be done to both sinhala and demalu”
Brilliant idea.
The island will become an uninhabited deserted land, like the very good old days. We will have our island back, save all those descendants of Kallathonies.
Man I love you.
When are we going to get rid of all of you?
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
Keheliya Rambukwella
“………. But with the four in one, Biden, Kamala and Kamala’s chief of staff and Susana Rice together will rise up and ensure that justice will be done to the Eelam Tamils.”
Is there any moral compulsion for them to ‘”rise up and ensure that justice be done to the Eelam Tamils”‘?
Agnos / November 14, 2020
While Susan Rice as a National Security Advisor or Secretary of State will be an improvement over Pompeo, they have to stay within what is considered the national interest of the U.S. Of course they will pay some lip service to justice and make some platitudinous statements, but the military and foreign policy establishment won’t go to the extent that many Tamils believe. Susan Rice and Samantha Power while in the Obama administration made some noises but didn’t do much–or couldn’t–when it really mattered in Mullivaikal. Rohini Kosoglu, though advising the VP, won’t have significant power. She may be able to point out GoSL’s lies, but the global Tamil community shouldn’t expect significant changes in US foreign policy.
Lanka Canuck / November 14, 2020
The author has forgotten to mentioned Rohini Lakshmi Kosoglu…
Sinhala_Man / November 17, 2020
Sinhalese people who have some problem are in the habit of running to their member of Parliament to seek a short cutto solving their issue. The MP’s derisively rere to their having an OPD day. Even an otherwise decent MP gets turned into a cynical hypocrite.
Successful people are plagued by suppliants, who can’t get on with their work.
The successful guy is used to flattery, but that should at least be done with accuracy and finnesse. I’ve been watching the comments with some pity, but also with amusement.
Kanapathy Varunan, you must at least get the names right. The firstnameof Rice is “Susan”, not “Susana”. I was waiting to see if this would get corrected by somebody commited to the cause. I’ve been disappointed.
What I see is both RAVI PERERA and Native Vedda repeating the wrong spelling, “Susana”.
Kamala would normally be sympathetic towards the Tamil cause. She’s not from Chennai. Her village is much closer to the Jaffna Peninsula. A bit inland, but they’d have been familiar with some of the colourful VVT smugglers.
Even I’m sympathetic to some of your causes; that sympathy will evaporate owing to articles of this sort.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / November 12, 2020
Dear NV
Predator Drone man to the future Drone woman sure will do the last Nail in all our coffins. The future of cooperation for mobilising the asians(India) vs asians(China) underway you have sadly summarised as a dream come true?? this is the curse you will only see was in the making from the following humble making that Mother Lankan children have already died thousands you can not see?? now we live and enjoy the same loot in those foreign lands has blinded us to write such material?? is called education/enlightenment perhaps?? a rather peculiar understanding of the third world predicament by the same people now blinded by their own successes or just showing gratitude for their lifestyle granted elesewhere?
The “Ratha Pottu Mafia Killings Fields in Jaffna a Tamil crime against Tamil by FP/TULF/TN from 1970-1977-1981” yet to be put on the record/tried/Hague?? The biggest “baby brigade mercenaries” ever produced in the world by the FP/TULF no child abuse charges from UN to date?
In the process you have owned Ms Harris as your own property (with or without her consent) and hope you will have her confirm your assumptions to us through some more resolutions to come??
Stanley / November 12, 2020
Usual foolish dreams by the Eelam Tamils. The US will pursue whatever is of importance to it. Antagonising the Sri Lankan government and pushing it further into the arms of China is not in America’s interest.
Sinhala_Man / November 13, 2020
Absolutely. Fortunately, they are only the “lunatic fringe”. I feel sorry for them.
I know that some things that happened were terrible, but they will never be atoned for. I’m sorry that it is so.
Now live your lives, TGTE guys.
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
“The US will pursue whatever is of importance to it.”
True, however US will do what Hindians want them to do as they did in Maltives a couple of years ago.
Regarding Indo/US activities in this island our own RAVI PERERA the Sinhala Speaking proud Demela who casually pops in foreign mission, knows more than what he is willing to disclose.
Stanley / November 13, 2020
‘True, however US will do what Hindians want them to do as they did in Maltives a couple of years ago’
I agree. The Americans continue to let India dominate the Indian ocean area, in fact they encourage it.
Native Vedda / November 14, 2020
“The Americans continue to let India dominate the Indian ocean area, in fact they encourage it.”
There is one problem though, our formidable anti- Hindian, pro Chinese SJ.
US/Hindia axis has to be careful.
It appears SJ wants the peacefully rising middle kingdom to colonise this island.
Ajith / November 12, 2020
Whether it is Trump or Biden, Tamils have a united Task force to handle the foreign policy and exploit the situation to achieve the rights of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Tamil people have a responsibility to force their parliamentarians to work together to achieve the basic nationally and internationally. A political solution based on North East Region self determination for Tamil speaking people to ensure security of the people with the same rights with other regions in a united Srilanka. This task force should be represented by all political parties that operate within the North East.
Stanley / November 12, 2020
United task force? Seriously? The Tamil idiots are as disunited as the Sinhalese idiots.
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
“The Tamil idiots are as disunited as the Sinhalese idiots.”
You know why, both share the same South Indian DNA.
Stanley / November 13, 2020
Hmm South Indians are known for their intelligence.
This reminds me of an Englishman who on visiting the Netherlands remarked to a Dutch friend that the Dutch were a very nice natured people. “Why do you think that is?” he asked. The Dutchman replied “Well, you have to remember that we exported most of our arseholes to South Africa”
Perhaps the South Indians did the same.
SJ / November 13, 2020
If you visit South India, you will learn that the South Indians have a much unfinished job on their hands.
Stanley / November 16, 2020
SJ they are intelligent but they have little wisdom. There is a big difference.
SJ / November 17, 2020
I thought that you were talking about exporting their “ar****les”
Native Vedda / November 13, 2020
“Hmm South Indians are known for their intelligence.”
You maybe right, I suppose you are talking about Sangam period or before.
Was it during Ramayana period monkeys were recruited/captured and brought here?
Stanley / November 14, 2020
I am being serious now NV. Many South Indians are known to have a fondness for Mathematics. I have heard that they are fond of classifying things in neat numerical and tabular forms. A kind of mathematical way of thinking about the world is built into their culture. This is supposed to have originated in the methods used for studying and learning the Gita by heart.
leelagemalli / November 16, 2020
Thanks mates, I thought SA was not a dutch colony. Looking back SA have much in common with srilanka.
SO IT IS RIGHT TO CALL SRILANKENS AS “SLAVES”. ……. That is why it is hard the average to see it right yet, be them SINHALA, TAMILS or others……..
When was South Africa colonized by the Dutch?
With colonialism, which began in South Africa in 1652, came the Slavery and Forced Labour Model. This was the original model of colonialism brought by the Dutch in 1652, and subsequently exported from the Western Cape to the Afrikaner Republics of the Orange Free State and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek
Why did the Dutch come to Sri Lanka?
The Dutch were invited by the Sri Lankans to help fight the Portuguese. They signed the Kandyan Treaty of 1638 with Rajasinghe II and soon embarked on a war against their common enemy. … The Dutch captured Trinco from the French and controlled all the maritime provinces of the island.
Sinhala_Man / November 13, 2020
Don’t try to “exploit the situation” and lose the support of those of us who wish you well.
Our lives also are full of problems with ignorant people voting for Rajapaksas because of their twin victories: over the Tigers and over COVID.
I desperately hope that the whole world, and us, overcome the plague. I do pose the question to the Sinhalese: “if the LTTE was so decisively defeated, how come a threat is still perceived and armed forces have so much say”.
We can’t do much more than we are.
Panini Edirisinhe
Sugandh / November 14, 2020
Dear SM:
[“ Don’t try to “exploit the situation” and lose the support of those of us who wish you well.”]
Isn’t it the right and prudent thing to seize every opportunity for a chance at justice and peaceful resolution anytime such an opportunity presents itself, and when such an opportunity is evasive, shouldn’t those seeking justice and peaceful resolution relentlessly lobby for action?
Can a well-wisher (whom I’m equating to someone with an absolute resolve to do the right thing) put conditions on their support (e.g. “not now”, “not here”) when the oppressed seek justice and peaceful resolution?
“Justice delayed is justice denied” rings true loudly!
Clearly the road to justice and peaceful resolution is a game for many as it was for the Yahapalana government, has been for many Tamil politicians, the UN, foreign states home to substantial numbers of SL Tamil diaspora, and India.
My point: those who’re truly righteous, relentlessly up the ante at every opportunity, without a miss.
While I find ‘TGTE’ to be an awkward setup and some sentiments expressed by the author disagreeable, what’s paramount is the voice for justice and any peaceful effort towards justice.
Lanka Canuck / November 14, 2020
“Tamils have a united Task force”
When did the Tamils unite? Will they ever unite? It is only a dream but at least keep the dream alive.
Sinhala_Man / November 14, 2020
Dear Lanka Canuck,
You are a truthful man; yet we can all make mistakes. Acknowledging our mistakes is an important first step towards uniting.
The day we all agree on the true facts regarding many ugly events in our History, we will get very close to perfect reconcilement and peace.
Do you remember how you stated that Kamala Harris had ancestors from Manipay and Batticaloa, and then, urged by SJ to reconsider, you retracted. Please look at the those exchanges, and also urge other readers also to look. I had spotted the mistake before SJ but kept silent.
You may not have gone back to see my final comment – thanking you.
That represented a small but important step towards “unity”. May all Tamils be united! Let that lead to all of us humans being united. The COVID-virus? Also something living. Will we be able to make him listen to a lecture on how he must act like King Sri Sanga Bo?
BTW, how much fluency in French has Kamala acquired during her sojurn in a school in Quebec, Canada?
Proud Sinhala Fascist / November 12, 2020
enough of this CT’s attempting to portray our pundit editors knows everything ! B S…..
and now this with Nimal Vinayagamoorthy…..like hello half of the people knows who Nimal Vinayagamoorthy is—oops sorry to bother you …MR. Nimal don’t write articles to fulfill your personal agendas to fanatacies …..because who told you america is glad to have biden[trump refers as Sleepy Joe] on the other hand you think kamal harris’s track recorfd as AG was humain…what don’t you do a search it is pathetic to luafable that 70 million plus americans voted for trump and there is wide concession now with in even democrats that due to covid-19 the mail ballot system was a means for election rigging……but then again you so called wannabe career jouralists only have brains to listen to far leftist sources as BBC-CNN-MSNBS[anti-trump sources] you have no damn idea what the hell is going on- MR.Nimal Vinayagamoorthy
Sinhala_Man / November 13, 2020
Like everything supporting Trump, statement of “Proud Sinhala Fascist” won’t pass fact-check.
This next is a bit below the belt! Or spell-check!
Adding this:
Already almost two days old from Durham county in North Carolina. My youngest sister lives in the city of Chapel Hill in the next county – Orange County.
The entire systemis crazy. But it is the Republicans who are helped by it.
Taking the entire USA, Biden-Harris have five million votes more than Trump-Pence.
Listen to it all; note that on the same day all sorts of other officers were also chosen. It’s liketelling us that we couldselect the most suitable cop as IGP, an “accountant’ as Auditor Genersl, the Governor ofthe Central Bank – or so I think. I’ve never been there, so I won’t claim to understand it all. My late mother visited the place about 20 years ago.
Lanka Canuck / November 14, 2020
Proud Sinhala Fascist is as crazy as Trump…
Sugandh / November 13, 2020
Appraising the new ray of hope;
1–Leveraging the fact that alleged war criminals who have evaded trial and buried accountability currently run SL, USA can play this card to its advantage in whichever way as a means of weakening the SL-China love-fest under Rajapaksa rule;
2–US is a huge market; threat of economic sanctions in the name of HR will be very punitive, putting Gota’s popularity at risk.
3–India-US alliance will be watching over SL to prevent it becoming a Chinese colony. Modi or not, India needs U.S. on its side. Any Indian government inherits the expectations of TN for a resolution to the plight of SL Tamils. India can strategize with USA to this end.
4–Biden’s administration will surely rejoin UNHRC; SL’s infractions under Gotabaya’s presidency have been repeatedly flagged by the UN; US is bound to leverage this attention
5–Biden’s administration is a welcome change for all the key states that are traditionally staunch on HR. They will create new synergies on the matter.
6–Heightened lobbying by advocacy groups and diaspora orgs to push pass the threshold in a climate of strengthening HR focus. Gotabaya’s presidency itself been the sole trigger for this heightened activism.
Lanka Canuck / November 14, 2020
During the last 5 years, the Yahapalana government put the Tamils to sleep with their never happening ‘new constitution’. Like all other Sinhala political leaders who came up with pacts and promises but finally gave nothing to the Tamils other than breaking their promises, the Tamil politicians (TNA & others), got cheated again. The Tamil Diaspora and the emotional TN politicians also went into silent mode.
It is time for the Tamils (locally and abroad) to WAKEUP from their deep slumber (the entire Tamil community should rise) and become active again with their Propaganda, Lobbying, Protests (non-violent campaigns with direct action), etc. for reconciliation, to fully implement the 13A+, human rights issues, etc. and make sure they cannot pull the Tamils down to hell again and again. Every opportunity should be grasped by the Tamils (locally and abroad), Tamil People, parties and organizations to establish links with the International community (especially India and US) in defeating majoritarianism (Sinhala-Buddhist Supremacy) and replacing the present Unitarianism with a confederative structure. This, in a plural society such as ours, is the only suitable vehicle for democracy, equality and tolerance at all levels of government and society and culture and liberating the down-trodden and oppressed, so that they may live in peace, dignity and concord, where there is scope for all without one community (majority) subsuming the others (minorities).
Mallaiyuran / November 13, 2020
Recently, TGTE’s approaches have been very poor. It had made few unwanted statements to Media. Few days ago Norwegians Ex envoy came to a tele-meeting, introduced that he was there to discuss the future of the Eelam Tamils (A solution). TGTE made him to pretend like drinking water and withdraw in the middle from the meeting. In another occasion TGTE, after Sec. Mike Pompeo left to Lankawe, wrote a letter to his empty office. Now Nimal is attacking Sec. Pompeo like that he was not aware of the TGTE letter to Pompeo. TGTE office released a statement during the election that the policy of the American administration doesn’t zigzag for each election so all what they had to do is convince the government, not a party. Latter they released another one saying that President elect Biden will not go strong enough to ignore India’s wishes. That means all Tamils need is to talk with India. TGTE is marketing its legal victory. So over-blowing that small victory, probably, has made India to take up that matter with British government. If India win on that matter it will try to put an early cap on similar victories can come in future. If India loses, this will only end up as new fight against India.
Mallaiyuran / November 13, 2020
India is the one opposed all resolution Western countries brought in UNHRC. Britain is the current Core leader. One may deal with it cautions not to spoil its good office’ works. UNHRC Resolution 30/1 specifically asks Lankawe to investigate LTTE’s activities during war time, bat no similar clause on government. Tamils will have to work for the IC investigation and should be ready to defend Tamils’ reasonable armed struggle against Government’s falsified accusations, on such a stage.
A Tamil writer (A. Nixon) has written about the Sinhala Medias’ hoax of 20 Tamils about work for Biden and Susan Rice supporting LTTE. He is saying it is hard for Tamil politicians to understand how racist Medias are already working on making Biden administration to kneel down to Lankawe by these created stories. American Ambassador has said that America will not enforce any of its wishes on any country. Lankawe government has stepped up its diplomatic approach by appoint, Doctorate or Minister Status diplomats to deal with America, India, China like countries. But the TGTE is willing to release statements only.
While all other Tamil organization is willing to be united and go for a diplomatic approach, TGTE is repeatedly attempting these type of spoiling talks and undiplomatic approach. It is disappointing.
Rajash / November 14, 2020
“A New Ray Of Hope!”
I think more appropriate heading would be :
“Yet Another Ray of Hope”
During the final days of LTTE in 2009 when Sri Lankan Government was carpet bombing the No Fire Zone, TGTE and other diaspora organised marches all over the world all most all major wester cities were besieged by Tamil Diaspora London, Paris, All European Cities, Toronto, NY Sydney, UNHQ etc.. They lobbied heads of governments, UN Organisations etc.
Not a Single so called Super Power or intervened.
Instead Banki Moon was flown to Killinochi to set foot on “liberated land” and garlanded by “liberated” Tamil Kids still shivering and traumatised.
So Mr. Nimal Vinayagamoorthy and TGTE dream on for another four years.
And there will be “yet another ray of hope”
Thanga / November 15, 2020
Nimal states “with the so-called government of good governance led by Ranil Wickremesinghe……..” this is an unfair and unwarranted insinuation. No lesser person than the PM of TGTE has conceded that the good governance government created space for democracy. That was a significant achievement. The government stripped the army of police powers vested in them by the Rajapaksa government and confined them to the barracks. The army men in uniform were lording over the Tamils in the North demanding invitation to temple festivals, sports meets and other cultural events.
The good governance government released between January 2015 and March 2019 a total of 47,604 acres (62.15%) of land out of 76,595 acres occupied by the armed forces. At Sampur in Trincomalee district during Rajapaksa’s rule 818 acres of land owned by 367 displaced Tamil families were given on a 99 years lease to Gateway Industries Ltd, a crony company of Mahinda Rajapaksa’s acolytes. The said agreement was annulled and the land given back to the displaced families in August 2015. Another 237 acres belonging to 617 families and occupied by the Sri Lankan Navy was vacated in 2015. Of course, Nimal and TGTE are stark ignorant of these facts.
Thanga / November 15, 2020
The OMP was established under Act, No. 14 of 2016 provides for:
“…the establishment of the office on missing persons; to provide for the searching and tracing of missing persons; to provide assistance to relatives of missing persons; for the setting up of a database of missing persons; for setting out the procedures and guidelines applicable to the powers and functions assigned to the said office; and to provide for all matters which are connected with or incidental to, the implementation of the provisions of this act.
Office for Reparations Act was passed in parliament on 9 October 2018 and is fully functional. It is the responsibility of the Office for Reparation to identify the aggrieved victims qualified for reparation and provide appropriate compensation individually or collectively to them. As an interim measure family of missing persons is paid Rs. 6,000 per month.
Office for Reparations is the second step of the transitional justice mechanisms for the reconciliation process formulated locally and implemented by the then Government of Sri Lanka.
The government in the 2019 budget allocated Rs. 700 million for the Office for Reparations. Although these Authorities fall short of our expectations, yet they have to be welcomed in pursuit of a “Transitional Justice mechanism.”
Thanga / November 15, 2020
Nimal says “All of us must realize that for reconciliation to come through there must be truth-seeking, accountability, justice and reparations. The hardcore Sinhalese are always in denial when it comes to accepting that their loved regime was responsible for a bloody genocide of innocent Tamils, but they still want the Tamils to be part of Sri Lanka! It is here that the Tamils look forward to this new government to usher in changes that would foster democracy on the island.”
This is day-dreaming in technical colours. Does Nimal seriously think that “this new government to usher in changes that would foster democracy in the island?” A government that has somersaulted on key issues of resolution of 30/1 on appointing a hybrid court to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity? It was the government of Rajapaksa that slaughtered thousands of Tamil civilians during the closing stages of the war. It was the same government that summarily executed more than 300 LTTE cadres who surrendered, some with white flags, on May 18, 2009.
I like to share Nimal’s optimism about the UN and former National Security Advisor, Susana Rice come-back. But under President Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo, the US policy towards Sri Lanka did not change.
Thanga / November 15, 2020
The US under Joe Biden is likely to reverse some of Trump’s decisions like pulling out of UNHRC and WHO.
It is a tall claim that “The Tamil Diaspora has been the voice of the Eelam Tamils across the world.” On the contrary, the fractured Tamil Diaspora plays only a minor role in the affairs of homeland Tamils. The call for a referendum is also an impracticable proposition.
The “principle of equal rights and self-determination” is enshrined in the UN Charter. Many have interpreted this as an unrestricted right under international law for people to separate. This, however, is a misinterpretation. The unrestricted right to self-determination only applies to colonies.
For non-colonial territories, the right to self-determination only exists where gross and systematic violation of human rights occurs. Even in those cases, the right to separate is allowed only when the state has made all possible efforts to address grievances.
Only a few countries like Eritrea (1993) East Timor (1999), Montenegro (2006) South Sudan (2011) have succeeded in gaining independence after holding UN-sponsored referendums.
“Tamils as well as seek accountability to the 146,679 unaccounted persons since May 18th, 2009” is false. Figure 146,679 was the difference between records maintained by Government Agent offices of Mullaiththeevu and Kilinochchi districts and the number who came out of Mullivaaikkal on May 18, 2009.
Thanga / November 15, 2020
The population of Vanni in early 2008 was 429,059 and the total number of people who went into the army-controlled area after the war was over is 282,380 persons. Hence, 146,679 remained unaccounted. This discrepancy could be partly explained by the fact many left Vanni as the war escalated in 2008. There are also the wounded civilians who were shipped to Trincomalee in Red Cross ships. This figure of 146,679 was given by Catholic Bishop of Mannaar, Rt. Rev. Dr. Rayappu Joseph in his submission to the LLRC. Tamil enthusiasts are twisting this figure to their advantage.
Hope springs eternal in the hearts of men even in the face of adversity. Nimal of the TGTE seems to entertain a bright future for the Tamils. Many will readily share his hope.
soma / November 17, 2020
US govt should help Tamils ((All Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) to relocate themselves to a defined Homeland so that the envisioned Tamil Ealam can begin to take shape.
However there is a situation where even God is helpless.
That is the subconscious acceptance in the Tamil mind that SINHALA BUDDHIST SOCIETY IS A FAR MORE COMFORTABLE PLACE TO LIVE.
Nothing terifies a Tamil than the thought of living in a Tamil only enclave.
(WITHOUT EXCEPTION every Tamil writer/commener on CT has vehemently resisted this proposal).
When arrangements were made for the estate Tamils to relocate themselves to India so that then can live as equal citizens among their own kith and kin in an environment of their own language, religion and culture they protested and demanded to continue that pathetic life in Sri Lanka. To this day they are happy here than going back to super power India.