9 September, 2024


AKD’s Visionary Address At The 2024 National Teachers’ Convention

By Nihal Jayawardane

Nihal Jayawardane

This was the Annual Convention of the Government Teachers and Principals Association, which was held at the P.D. Sirisena Stadium, Maligawatta in Colombo. It was a massive gathering of over 15,000 teachers from across the island, making it probably the largest crowd in Sri Lankan history.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s exceptional delivery during the 2024 Presidential Election emphasized many vital issues related to the country’s development, particularly focusing on the importance of improving the state education system, which is currently on the verge of deteriorating. The full speech lasted nearly an hour, and he demonstrated his unique talent for delivering speeches by merely referring to footnotes—an ability that many politicians lack. A notable aspect of his delivery was that he did not politically antagonize anyone.

Before unveiling the NPP policy on education, he provided an insightful backdrop on the current state and history of education in the country. He highlighted that our formal education dates back almost 2000 years to the arrival of Ven Mihindu Thero, who introduced Buddhism to our country and established Buddhist temple schools. He noted that comparing our literacy levels to those of some developed countries three generations ago reveals a stark contrast, as their literacy levels were close to zero at that time.

This contextual introduction highlighted the challenges and opportunities within the educational landscape, setting the stage for his proposed reforms and policies.

During the meeting, the speaker highlighted a significant difference in the workforce composition between Singapore and our country. In Singapore, 60% of the workforce consists of graduates and professional diploma holders, while in our country, it is only 15%. To address this issue, the speaker emphasized the need for human resource development through education.

The speaker also discussed the correlation between education and crime rates. In 2017, nearly 90,000 individuals were convicted and imprisoned, with 84% of them being educated below the O/L standard. Additionally, 74% of drug addicts were found to have education levels below the 8th grade. This highlights the parallel relationship between poverty and illiteracy in our country, underlining the importance of prioritizing education to uplift the nation.

Furthermore, the speaker stressed the government’s primary responsibility to steer the education system towards success. They expressed a firm stance against the commercialization of education, emphasizing that knowledge should not be treated as a commodity. While private schools and universities are allowed to operate, the focus remains on strengthening government institutions. The speaker committed to allocating the highest percentage of GDP in history to the Ministry of Education, ensuring substantial support for public education.

Comparing education funding across various countries, the speaker highlighted the need for increased allocation in our country. They emphasized the importance of investing in IT education at all levels, viewing it as a strategic and valuable opportunity for both domestic development and attracting foreign investment.

Addressing foreign employment, the speaker underscored the importance of equipping our workforce with professional skills to increase the number of professional job placements and subsequently double the remittances from abroad.

The speaker highlighted the urgent need to tackle the high dropout rates in schools. They committed to ensuring that no student leaves school before completing their O/L exams, with the government taking full responsibility for the expenses of children’s education. This initiative aims to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their socio-economic background, and to ensure that every child has the chance to complete their basic education.

Additionally, the speaker acknowledged the significance of expanding postgraduate institutes across the country. Recognizing these institutes as essential national assets, they emphasized that enhancing access to advanced education and research facilities is crucial for national development. Expanding postgraduate education will not only foster innovation and critical thinking but also prepare a highly skilled workforce capable of addressing the complex challenges of the future. By investing in postgraduate institutes, the government aims to cultivate a culture of academic excellence and drive forward the nation’s progress in various fields of knowledge and industry.

The meeting, attended by over 15,000 teachers, was described as an inspiring and transformative gathering, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and commitment among educators to shape the future of education in the country.

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Latest comments

  • 8

    I am very impressed and can see how wrong people are who say that AKD has no policies.
    He should take care that as he builds up the country vultures do not move in to profit from the huge budgets that will necessarily accompany his vision. A case in point is the huge salaries paid to university staff with no matching advance in standards. It is a challenge he has to take up without fear. Rewards are necessary but only with proper measures of progress to match.

    • 1

      A new super hero since the fall of CBK and MR from their pedestals?
      There are several matters on which AKD is not coming clean. That is the common complaint.

  • 0

    Very noble people.

  • 3

    I did not see anything visionary in what was reported. If education to be pulled out of its present state, english will have to be taught as a link language across the country. Internet access should be available in every nook and corner with readily available wifi.
    These are the basic tool for education in a modern society. So that children can link with the rest of the world to educate themselves. Cramming a text book and reproducing at an exam is thing of the past.
    The examination questions are curated to find how knowledgeable are the students. The questions going from easy ones to harder ones, to determine the knowledge base of the student. they are more practically oriented.
    Few years ago in India every hole in the wall had a computer, this is how they created experts in IT spreading across the world. It is a big ask for the mundane politicians to grapple with. Good luck.

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