19 February, 2025


Among Manifestos: Māimāwa Is The Only Choice – Part II

By Asoka S. Seneviratne –

Prof. Asoka.S. Seneviratne

Sajith Premadasa: “A Win For All”

SJB’s manifesto focuses on 20 areas: a strong economy, debt crisis management, national security, law and order, anti-corruption laws, public digital infrastructure, personal income tax relief, reduction of corporate tax, VAT reduction to 15%, zero VAT for some items, 50kg bag of fertilizer at Rs. 5000, welfare allowance increases from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000, and for elderly people an increased allowance of Rs. 5000. Generality, manifesto seems to be welfare oriented than economic growth development oriented. The reduction in tax revenue is enormous, so the face value of a strong economy alone will not be sufficient to compensate for the deprived revenue in the right direction. In short, the manifesto promises all, including the sun, moon, and stars, but does not consider how to find money to fulfill those promises together to please the alliance, as explained.

To assess previous performance, once Sajith Premadasa was at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, he looked after the cultural fund. It was reported that Rs. 4800 million was distributed like Santa Claus. Still, the National Audit Report revealed that no work had been done, and the Central Cultural Fund did not follow the proper method of providing financial assistance for promoting religion, religious places, and religious practices under “Sunodhaya” program.

There are serious concerns about governance assessment. SJB, a coalition of many political parties and senior politicians, may lead to a situation where Sajith Premadasa is forced to offer ministerial positions to keep the alliance intact. This could lead to a significant portion of the government revenue being used for these positions, potentially leading to mismanagement and waste.

Sajith Premadasa often publicly states that his party or alliance does not have corrupt politicians, which is invalid. For example, MP Rishad Bathiudeen was convicted by the law courts. Dr Nalaka Godahewa, with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), had a misappropriation case of Rs. 5 million, even though he was later acquitted. For his political propaganda, Sajith Premadasa used schools and schoolchildren through the Sakwala Computer or Smart Classroom program and the donation of school buses, of which funding sources or donors are unknown, so it is suspicious with an array of implications. As explained by Sajith Premadasa in the Pathikada program on 27 May 2024, the value of donations, including to hospitals, was Rs. 832.7 million. Transparency and accountability of the above are less than zero. As Sajith Premadasa publicly promoted government-paid “sanitary pads”,  he was sarcastically called “Pads Man.” Alao, Sajith Premadasa’s political statements in front of the school children attacked NPP and Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD), referring to AKD as කය්ය නායක, shows a lack of leadership quality, immature and hence not worth to be the president in Sri Lanka. Generally, his political statements are of low quality, irrelevant in the context, very cheap, and unenthusiastic to the public.

The third concern is the IMF program, for which debt sustainability is crucial. In short, Sri Lanka is in a rough sea now. As indicated above, benchmarks from (ii) to (vi) are interconnected, reinforcing each other, so if one variable is derailed, it affects others. Hence, the whole program may be in jeopardy.  In other words, Sajith Premadasa promised everything blatantly without guaranteeing revenue, which is a real danger. Too many promises or expectations with limited resources while having unbreakable obligations with education, health etc. will not help maintain debt sustainability. There is no doubt that the phone will not work.

Manifesto of NPP: “A Rich Country with a Beautiful Life”

The NPP manifesto is not a departure from its original purpose when founded in 2019. It responds to the mounting economic, communal, social, and political problems created by power-hungry politicians and political parties. The urgent need for a new political movement transcending the traditional green and blue party boundaries or class and family politics is clear. This movement, led by young leaders, aims to unite Sri Lanka in a broader context of harmonization and reconciliation. The bitter, distressed, and disastrous experience of the three decades of war underscores the necessity for this new political direction. The NPP election manifesto symbolizes the above.

Accordingly, among the promises, monthly allowances for low-income families starting from a minimum of Rs 10,000, income tax relief, and VAT reduction were found to provide relief along with the increasing cost of living. For the above, NPP needs about Rs 100 billion, and this will be achieved via effective and efficient tax administration, slashing all unnecessary costs. Commitment to education, agriculture modernization, export orientation, health, a new constitution, a Bangladesh Grameen Bank type Development Bank without collateral, all-inclusive development and employment creation, law and order, and an independent judiciary are among the promises.  Furthermore, only 25 ministries and 25 deputies will be there. Expenditure is only for the priority; tax revenue will be saved, eliminating fraud and corruption. I provided details on the above in my article “The Meaning of Rata Anurata”.  Based on the above, the NPP election manifesto focuses more on economic growth and development in the context of sustainable development, which goes well with the UN Agenda 2030.

For the NPP, finding money is not a problem because it knows how to organize, manage, and use a massive resource base in the country well. For example, from 2015 to 2022, from Rs 8 trillion in project funds, 75% unaccounted for, is just the tip of the iceberg, according to the Auditor General’s reports.  Indeed, only a handful of opponents who do not want to see the end of 76 years of history will oppose the manifesto. In other words, hired and paid big mouths or voices talk and write stories about the manifesto that is nothing to the majority supporting the change on 21 September 2024. One ounce of action by the NPP in the right direction is far better than a ton of empty and blatant promises from the opposition parties and baseless criticisms published in the media.

Performance Assessment of AKD

Once Anura Kumara Dissanayake was a minister, he gracefully and without failure generated the expected outcome. AKD worked with the relevant authorities to deal with corruption and fraud during the Yahapalanaya Government without protecting anyone. Given the above, AKD has always succeeded.

Governance Assessment of AKD

AKD was not accused of any governance issue during any parliamentary session, particularly by his political enemies. For any wrongdoing, AKD or his presidency will be treated the same as other citizens in the country, and the law will be applied equally.

NPP and Debt Sustainability Assessment

Naturally, NPP is committed to debt sustainability following its election win based on benchmarks and gross financial need. As the manifesto has been formulated well, understanding the realities on the ground and its governance is also realistic.

The foundation of debt sustainability cannot be changed, but the house NPP builds upon can be changed however it likes; it is well known to the political hierarch of NPP.  Any government can renegotiate if an acceptable and credible proposal is submitted to the IMF, ensuring that the foundation or benchmarks are not altered so that creditors will get back funds as agreed. Also, any government can go to the IMF with a new DSA, which would guarantee that

creditors get their funds without delay or default, and that is all about IMF conditionalities, whether we like it or not. The pertinent concern is that the two options mentioned must be followed because the IMF program is an international agreement to which the government of Sri Lanka is committed.

For debt sustainability, whether existing or new, Sri Lanka needs to earn an increasing amount of foreign exchange and government revenue simultaneously. The strategy for the above is contained in the manifesto. Given the current benchmarks above, the debt repayment obligation can be met.


The manifestos of three presidential candidates were assessed based on three (3) assessment criteria to help the voters. The promises of the manifesto of Sajith Premadasa are unprecedented, and they cannot be realistic in supporting economic growth and development, which is the primary goal. Sagith Premadasa is with poor governance. Given the above, voters will not help him. The three-time defeated, the manifesto of RW, not having a foot on earth, is a romantic ideology/dream fantasy. It is a recipe for disaster based on poor performance records and an absence of good governance. No doubt he will be defeated for the fourth time. The NPP manifesto is the manifesto of the people and the country, and it is well-balanced between welfare and economic growth and development. Furthermore, due to many reasons, the leadership of Anura Kumara Dissanayake is crucial at this juncture to mark a turning point in political history since 1948. Given the above, the only choice of most voters looking for a beautiful life after 76 years is to go with the manifesto of NPP on 21 September 2024.

*The writer, among many, worked as the Special Advisor to the Office of the President of Namibia and was a Senior Consultant with UNDP for 16 years. He worked as a Senior Economist with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (1972-1993) before he migrated to New Zealand. The writer can be contacted at asoka.seneviratne@gmail.com

Related posts:

Among Manifestos: Māimāwa Is The Only Choice – Part I

Latest comments

  • 9

    Stop reading worthless manifestoes, not a single past government has fulfilled even 5% …….. and listen to this …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y41tE-uLo74

  • 8

    In Lanka …… all the political parties reflect their current leader. ……. The UNP reflects Ranil which he reduced to 0. The Phottuwa reflects Mahinda which he destroyed. The SLFP reflected Sirisena …..

    The current UNP does not reflect D S Senanayake: it reflects its current leader Ranil.

    Similarly, the current JVP, reflects none of their past leaders, but it’s current leader AKD.

    And unlike the other corrupt filth …….. AKD has not talked up his goodness …….. but for more than 20 long years has demonstrated ethical political-behaviour!

    Lanka is the moral and economic basket case it is ……. not because of the uneducated …….. but because of the educated are only “educated!”

    Now just watch all the “educated” ……. come in educated guise …… and try to whitewash their own particular crook/rogue/humbug.

    • 7

      Listen to this ……. AKD is divulging what they did ……. he may not be able to stop other’s corruption …….. but they have stopped their own corruption …….. and that’s a start! ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCLC8UqcdG8

      That’s why, they don’t have to hire a billion dollar PR outfit, from a Western country, overseen and given Lankan knowhow by Native, to run a pathetic misinformation campaign! :)))

      • 5

        to run a pathetic misinformation campaign …….. like Ranil!

        • 8

          Don’t ye realize …….. unlike never before ………. AKD is a rare Lankan man/leader who has all the right elements mixed in him? ……. Aren’t we fortunate?

          “and the elements So mixed in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, “This was a man.” “

          Take that ……. all you AKD haters …….. and lovers of ye own particular rogues! :)))

          • 2

            Hello Nimal/Spurinna
            So who is is going to get stabbed at the Senate this time? Will it be metaphorical? The Ides of September haven’t arrived yet.
            Best regards

            • 2

              Sometimes I can’t figure out when Nimal is being serious, unlike his wife Ramona.
              With Lester, who had no sense of humour anyway, you could see he was being serious all the time 😄😄

              • 2

                “Sometimes I can’t figure out when Nimal is being serious”

                There’s a fine line between sanity and insanity …….. a guy we knew back home when we were kids walked the thin line brilliantly. No one could vouch for his sanity: no one could vouch for his insanity.

                Gotta keep Native always guessing! :))))

                Ramona was sane ….. until, in a moment of madness, she eloped with you ……. now she is in cuckoo land flying sorties with the fairies! :)))))

            • 3

              The long knives are out for AKD ……. the long night is yet to arrive! :)))

      • 1

        nimal fernando

        ” AKD is divulging what they did ……. he may not be able to stop other’s corruption …….. but they have stopped their own corruption …”

        Lets forget AKD for second, briefly look at Dinesh …. compare his two comments one before Ranil (BR) and one after Ranil (AR):

        “….We wait for Ranil Wickremesinghe to respect the mandate and resign so that Mahinda Rajapaksa can be appointed Prime Minister. Already nine Ministers have resigned from the Cabinet. Why is he clinging on to his post? He has to go home if he values democracy. That is what we ask for,” Gunawardena said.
        Waiting for Ranil to resign so Mahinda can be PM – Dinesh
        Wednesday November 20, 2019

        The new alliance formed by the combination of all political parties and MPs backing incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the upcoming presidential election has been launched today (05).
        The event was held at the Water’s Edge Hotel in Battaramulla this morning, under the patronage of Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

        New political movement by MPs and parties backing President Ranil unveiled
        05 September 2024

        Did GOD create this man in his image?

        • 1


          Now that Gunduvindu is silent …….. here’s your other best friend …… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyGlX4o46Zs

          Don’t know who this guy is, but he is an entertainer (why can’t SM be like him, without wasting all his time with boring ID card Nos?) …….. cute gal …… another 40 mins of OC’s life accounted for!

          • 0

            Don’t know who this guy is, but he is an entertainer (why can’t SM be like him, without wasting all his time with boring ID card Nos?) …….. cute gal …… another 40 mins of OC’s life accounted for! ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3QFTbpMBD4

  • 5

    The Big Con about combating Corruption

    1) Prof. Seneviratne – it is incorrect to single out only Sajith as promising the “sun, moon, and stars” without considering “how to find money to fulfill those promises”. AKD and Ranil are also culpable although AKD maybe a tad more realistic.

    2) Presidential candidate Ranil while pontificating to some of Sri Lanka’s leading businessmen and professionals recently at a forum where special attention was given to combating the scourge corruption which is at the centre of our economic woes, he is reported to have made the outrageous statement “In my view, governance is second. We have to get our economy straight.” (‘Daily Mirror’ 5 Sept.) To no surprise the newspaper has published this without any scrutiny.

    3) Doesn’t this person who has been a 5 or 6 time Prime Minister and incumbent (unelected) Executive President know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to combat corruption independent of ‘governance’? From all indications, to no surprise none of the participants took him on.

    (continued below)

    • 7

      The Big Con about combating Corruption (continued from above)

      4) Seated seemingly in the front row was Duminda Hulangamuwa – Managing Partner of Ernst & Young in Sri Lanka who is also the incumbent Chairman of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce! Is this not brazen ‘conflict of interest’? Is it of no interest to anyone – not only the participants but more crucially at the present juncture to presidential candidates Ranil, Sajith, AKD and others?

      5) Don’t they know that an auditor can NEVER BE INDEPENDENT when coalescing with business chambers? This is only the tip of the iceberg in relation to ‘conflict of interest’ in this country which also involves a section of the legal community.

      6) The bottom line is that no matter who becomes Executive President, the country’s agony will continue also due to no sincere effort to address issues concerning minorities. This being said, there could be some MARGINAL HOPE with AKD?

      7) Very clearly the IMF doesn’t give a damn!

      Amrit Muttukumaru

  • 7

    “For example, from 2015 to 2022, from Rs 8 trillion in project funds, 75% unaccounted for, is just the tip of the iceberg, according to the Auditor General’s reports”
    Those are big words, but the author has provided no evidence in support of the accusation. I can’t find any link either. Are we to assume that the author is peddling disinformation and outright lies on behalf of his party?
    Nowadays, there is a torrent of invective from JVP supporters, but with very little factual basis.

    • 3

      Old codger,
      The truth is bankruptcy. Is there any doubt on it?So what contributed to bankruptcy? Another truth is the country is in debt which is around 100 billion dollars. What contributed to this?Have you got any evidence or answers to these truths?These are economic problems? There are political problems without evidence or answers? Do you think there is no evidences or answers?

      • 4

        All I am saying is that the author is making wild claims about 6 Trillion in funds being missing according to an “Attorney General’s report”. So where is this “report”? Do you have a link to it?
        Yes, the country is bankrupt, but don’t forget that 6.9 million voted for Gota a few years ago. Those voters are as responsible for the bankruptcy. Were you among them?

        • 1

          “Yes, the country is bankrupt, but don’t forget that 6.9 million voted for Gota a few years ago. Those voters are as responsible for the bankruptcy. Were you among them?”
          Old codger,
          What can I see from your argument is that the voters who elected Gotabaya are responsible for all the mistakes that brought bankruptcy to this country. In other words, those who voted Mahinda from 2005 to 2015 are not responsible for the bankruptcy. those who robbed the Central Bank through Bond scam from 1015-2019 are not responsible for the bankruptcy. Those who massacred Tamils in 1983 are not responsible. Those who massacred Tamils in 2009 are not responsible. Those who carried about Easter bomb are not responsible. Only those who voted for Gota are responsible.
          You asked me whether I was among 6.9 million voters. It looks like you are going to charge all those 6.9 million voters in the courts because you have got evidence. Do you want my details to include me in that charge list?
          Unlike you, I have never voted for any Presidential elections.

      • 2

        “Have you got any evidence or answers to these truths?”
        Anything accepted as a truth does not demand evidence. And why does a truth need an answer?
        Questions may demand answers.

        • 1

          I do not expected an answer from you. Any way I appreciate your brilliant responses to me continuously in many occasion’s.

          • 0

            I am used to ding the unexpected.

            • 0

              doing the unexpected

        • 2

          “In other words, those who voted Mahinda from 2005 to 2015 are not responsible for the bankruptcy. those who robbed the Central Bank through Bond scam from 1015-2019 are not responsible for the bankruptcy. “
          Did I say those who voted for Mahinda are not responsible?
          About this Bondscam, will you please explain how Aloysius lending the government 10 billion Rupees can make the country bankrupt?
          Congratulations in advance if you become the very first person on this forum to explain this mystery.
          Ajith my friend, an accusation is not a truth, even if it is published in the Daily News . It becomes truth only if it can be proved.

          • 1

            “It becomes truth only if it can be proved.”
            I don’t agree with at all. Lasantha was murdered in a day light in Colombo. Have any one proved it in the courts? If not why? So many murders are not proven in courts. So, you say there is no murders happened in the country? According to you all are accusations because you can’t prove within this system. Do you agree Corruption is one of the reasons for Bankruptcy?
            You have not denied bankruptcy? That means it is True. What evidence you have? No one was punished those who are responsible for this other than people and who questioned it? In theory, you are absolutely right. But in practice you cannot prove it.
            You asked about how Aloysius lending the Government 10 billion Rupees can make the country bankrupt? Yes the 10 Billion lending should not bring bankruptcy but the Corruption is one of the factor that would have contributed to bankruptcy. It is same as you or someone gave evidence of an MP paying fine for smuggling to prove the government has started to take action against corruption. But can one one say that it is the first time he smuggled? Yes it is not proven.

            • 1

              “I don’t agree with at all. Lasantha was murdered in a day light in Colombo. Have any one proved it in the courts? “
              Well, Lasantha was found dead in his car, shot in the head. Isn’t that proof of murder?
              “Do you agree Corruption is one of the reasons for Bankruptcy?”
              In short, no. Why not? Tamilnadu is more corrupt than Sri Lanka, but it isn’t bankrupt.
              “Yes the 10 Billion lending should not bring bankruptcy but the Corruption is one of the factor that would have contributed to bankruptcy. “
              Please explain exactly how this happens. I would like to know.

            • 1

              (Part I)

              1. “Lasantha was MURDERED IN A DAY LIGHT IN COLOMBO.
              2. HAVE ANY ONE PROVED IT IN THE COURTS? If not, why?
              3. So many murders are not proven in courts. So, you say there is no murders happened in the country?”
              Whatever, you have stated, to analyse has to be structurally divided, FIRSTLY FOR PURPOSE OF CLARITY
              A. The claim 1 is a STATEMENT OF “BLATANT FACT” – HAPPENED IN THIS REALM – THERE IS NO NECCESSITY “TO PROVE THAT IN COURTS”, except, that IPSO FACTO the CORPUS of the deceased was located and identified as that of the Editor-in-Chief of the Sunday Leader and Son of Mr Harris Wickramatunge, EX-MMC of CMC for Kotahena Ward by the Police and Medico Legal team and relatives beyond reasonable doubt!?
              B. It has been proved that as the case in the coroner’s courts, which is part of the SL Jurisprudence system!!!?? The coroner after due inquiry, has directed the members of Police and Prosecution, Attorney-General to further investigate and prosecute the Culprits who did commit the Dastardly act of ‘BUTCHERY’ – LEGITIMATE TERMINOLOGY BECAUSE THESE KILLERS ‘PURPORTEDLY USED STUN-GUNS’, SLAUGHTER HOUSE USE (INDICATING CLOSENESS TO “ANIMAL HUSBANDRY MINDERS’ HERITAGE) CRIME”!!??

            • 1

              (Part II)
              B. contd. – NOT, Revolvers, Shot-Guns, Rifles or Repeater Automatics, as most ‘CIVIC-MINDED KILLERS MAY RESORT’ to!?
              C. Your assumption under 3 above is preposterous and/or egregious – as the lack of follow-up action, or pursuit of the culprits to the crime, blatantly amounts to indiscipline in the prosecution and inability of their superior officers impel them to act fairly in pursuit of their duty Objectives, for which those investigators are renumerated (Pay-Packet) by the Administration of Justice and SL Government Legal system!!??
              FULLY AGREE with you Ajith, that,
              The derivative of finding the culprits and the Villains to Punish accordingly to SL Jurisprudence!!?? The lack of that derivative truth, doesn’t in any manner acquiesce or diminish the fact and ACT of CRIMINALITY was COMMITTED!!?? Justice moves slowly but surely it would catch-up and dispense remedial measures – NO Escape, as proven time and time again!!??

              • 0

                “FULLY AGREE with you Ajith, that,
                No, that was my opinion. Ajith disagrees.

  • 5

    Please do not vote for Ranil Rajapakse.

    His Uncle JRJ Proposed Sinhala only legislation first which was used by non Sinhala speaking SWRD used to capture power.
    When SWRD wanted to give some concessions to the Tamils this JRJ Fox went on a walk (Patha Yathra).

    He was the cause of 1977 attack on hapless Tamils when he addressed the nation “If you are coming for war, we are also ready for war”.

    His Executive Presidency in the form of a New Constitution deprived the Tamils due recognition like Srimavo did in her 1972 constitution.
    In an interview he said if he curtailed the Sinhalese thugs he would lose their support. He orchestrated the 1983 riots. Proscribing JVP, whereas the Black Friday was organised by his thugs. When you look at these RW is disqualified. He was supporting the Aragalaya first. When he became President with the help of Rajapakse thugs he started attacking the innocent protestors. He is shedding crocodile tears now.

    I don’t want to waste my time in writing about Sajith. He was talking of honesty, then why did he embrace SLPP thugs?

    Please I beg you all vote for the village boy Anura.

    • 2

      All these leading so called Sinhalese political families, that created racism and anti-Tamil feelings, like the Bandaranaike’s Jayawardene’s, Ratwatte’s and many others all have a very recent South Indian Tamil immigrant origin and the Rajapakse’s definitely a SE Asian origin and you can see it in their features. All ironically used race, ethnicity, and religion despite being of recent immigrant origin, South Indian Tamil in the case of most of them and ruined the country.

  • 1

    Prof. Asoka.S. Seneviratne
    ”….hired and paid big mouths or voices talk and write stories about the manifesto that is nothing to the majority…” Obviously, you are implying that you are not one of them but a voluntary flag bearer for the NPP, impressed by their work ethics & integrity. I can understand those singing for their supper but I can’t understand an ‘academic’ so passionately sucking up for no personal gain. Loyal support is one thing but an academic of your credentials unable to provide an unbiased, balanced opinion, supported by facts, without ridiculing opponents is, in my opinion, not very professional.

    By the way, isn’t the NPP also a coalition of many parties with different objectives & ideology? If not mistaken, there are at least 23 ‘groups’, so, in a cabinet of 25 can easily accommodate a representative from each party with 2 to spare. Therefore, it can be assumed that all will live happily in the house by the Diyawannawa with just a reasonable salary with no perks, a considerable saving of public money. Certainly, a picture of a’beautiful life’, now, haven’t we heard that before?

    • 2

      “an academic of your credentials unable to provide an unbiased, balanced opinion, supported by facts, without ridiculing opponents is, in my opinion, not very professional.”
      Even worse is an “academic ” who draws conclusions using baseless lies from other propagandists. Pathetic.
      “By the way, isn’t the NPP also a coalition of many parties….” As far as I know, there is only one registered political party in the coalition, the JVP. The rest are “associations” like Harini Amarasuriya’s National Intellectuals Organization, and trade unions, which are anyway JVP controlled.

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