15 January, 2025


An Observation On Muslim Voters

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

The forthcoming Presidential Election is not going to be like the ones before, because the stakes are high and the wrong choice will condemn this country to long term political instability, economic misery, corruption and communal disharmony. Voting in this election therefore is going to be an epochal exercise where voters would be asked to decide whether the country’s current system of governance and its overarching ideology should continue as it had been for the last seven decades and more, or, break away from it completely and adopt a radically alternative model which would ensure clean governance, accountable economic management and true democracy.  Such radical transformation would mark Sri Lanka’s Glorious Revolution. It has to be done through the ballot box. In essence, this election would mark the nation’s second struggle for independence, the first in 1948 to free from foreign rule and the second in 2024 to free from local misrule. In this struggle it would be futile and dangerous for Muslims to indulge in their traditional game of business politics, or, what is more stylishly called “politics of pragmatism”.  Also, boycotting this election as certain Tamil groups advocate is an act of sabotage.   

Business Politics

Eating biriyani and voting UNP aptly described Muslim politics in the past. That was a time when they, quite wisely, did not form their own Muslim political parties but joined any other which promised profit. Thus, individual Muslim leaders independently swung from side to side before and after every election to profit personally as well as communally. Misruling governments accommodated these swingers for different reasons, but were prepared to compensate handsomely to these fence hoppers. When a separate Muslim party emerged in late 1980s and split into two thereafter the same business politics continued but under party labels.  What was once practiced as business politics for mundane purposes now assumed a sacred veneer and transformed into a battle for Islamic identity and Muslim rights. But so far, no Muslim party leader had ever catalogued and published a list of those mysterious rights. This criticism however, does not deny or belittle certain remarkable achievements the community had made because of selfless and dedicated services of one or two Muslim leaders in the past. Compared to those achievements the record of the current lot is almost zero. The time has now arrived for this farcical drama to end. The forthcoming election provides the best opportunity for Muslim voters to do it.

The first thing which Muslims should understand is that there are no Muslim rights as such to fight for, just as there are no Sinhalese rights or Tamil rights. A true democratic governance bestows rights and prescribes duties to every citizen indiscriminately and when those rights are infringed upon or denied to any citizen, the victim has the democratic right enshrined in the constitution to seek justice from government. Thus, the rights and duties of an Appuhamy are no different from those of Arumugam, Antony or Abdulla. If they happen to be unequal then the system of governance is not truly democratic and that is the tragedy in Sri Lanka today. Therefore, what Muslims and for that matter all citizens should fight for is to change that system. To their credit, the aragalaya youth who were predominantly Sinhalese had already fired the first salvo in this regard two years ago.  System change is therefore the crowning issue around which the forthcoming election in September is destined to be fought. Will the Muslims rally behind the candidate promising to do away with the old system?

Qualitative Change

Between the Muslim voters of past and present there is a qualitative difference, which should have a quantitative impact at the ballot box. Although this change had occurred quite early in other communities it was delayed among Muslims because of their late entry to the field of secular education. Thanks to the services of leaders like Razik Fareed, Azeez and Badiuddin Mahmud, there is now a noticeable class of intelligentsia and professionals within this community which is spearheading an internal revolt against the traditional dominance in public affairs by religious clerics, wealthy businessmen and absentee landlords.    

What is even more significant in this transformation is the educational awakening among Muslim women. There is a growing secularly educated and professional class among them consisting of university academics, school teachers, doctors, engineers, researchers, writers and poets who are economically independent and no more prepared to be controlled by outdated religious rulings and cultural traditions. They are a discerning lot and their organized resistance against the male oriented reforms to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act for example illustrates their liberated spirit. They may not be actively involved in national politics yet, but they are silently making an entry into it. In the past, Muslim women were generally discouraged by their male elders from visiting polling booths for voting. For instance, this columnist is aware of a Muslim parliamentarian from Eastern Province whose wife never stepped into a polling booth and voted even when her own husband contested. That husband was prepared to accept defeat if he were to lose the contest by his wife’s solitary vote. To that extent Muslim women remained aloof from political participation. That has changed now. Muslim women have organized themselves as a separate entity and are ready to make their mark in the forthcoming race for the Presidency. Already one could witness the presence of head covered Muslim women in election rallies. This qualitative change among the new generation of Muslim voters must make a difference in the community’s voting behaviour this time.      

Hence, the need for them to understand the real issue facing this nation. The term system change is a loaded concept which basically involves a radical shift in the mode of governance in this country, and the need for that shift is now dominating the yearnings of a new generation of youth. This is why the 2022 aragalaya was a landmark event in the political history of this country. Perhaps, as a reflection of this need, a team of respectable intellectuals and constitutional experts from the Sinhalese and Tamil communities recently published a document in this journal on the urgency and relevance of constitutional changes that could bring about that shift (Colombo Telegraph, 28 July 2024). What was missing in that piece was an emphasis on basing that constitution on principles of secular democracy.  It must have been an inadvertent omission on their part. But without secular democracy, governance in multiethnic and multicultural Sri Lanka will always be problematic. Religion in particular should be privatized, and privatization of religion does not mean its devaluation or relegation to become an irrelevance. Singapore is an outstanding model to follow in this respect.   

When Trotskyite Colvin R. de Silva was drafting the 1972 constitution, he was prevailed upon by his Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike to provide “foremost place for Buddhism” in that document in order to satisfy the aspirations of political Buddhism. Colvin once complained that the Prime Minister was almost imposing the 1815 Kandyan Convention upon the new constitution. The insertion of that provision however, finally turned parliamentary democracy into a virtual Buddhist theocracy overseen by the Mahanayakas. The erosion of good governance with its attendant evils therefore has its root in political Buddhism, which grew and bloomed during Gotabaya’s Presidency. The time has now arrived for that tree to be cut down and happily the call for it has sprung from the Sinhalese Buddhist community itself with aragalaya demand for system change.  he task facing Muslim voters therefore is to rally behind thus call and elect a leader who would accomplish that change.      

NPP and Muslims

Amon those on the run for presidency three are reported to be in the front: sitting president Ranil Wickremasinghe (RW), leader of the opposition Sajit Premadasa (SP) and the leader of NPP, Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD). Among the three, only the third has made a firm commitment from day one of his campaign to “change the political culture through social revolution”, which in short translates into system change. According to reliable opinion polls AKD is commanding a winnable margin over his opponents within the majority community, but he wants his victory to be a joint contribution from all communities. His leading rivals are therefore desperately trying to woo the minorities, and with that objective in mind RW in particular is using his presidential status to buy the Muslim leaders in order to buy Muslim voters. This tactic will misfire this time because of the qualitative change noted earlier.

From the time RW became the accidental president he wanted the Muslims to go back to their forgotten tradition of eating biriyani and voting UNP.  But he lost his UNP through ineffective captaincy and clung on to the Rajapaksa clan with its 145 parliamentarians to remain as president. However, from day one of his regime he systematically made his moves to draw back the Muslim community under his wing. One could produce a catalogue of favours and positions RW had extended to Muslim leaders and their favourites. He has been in politics for a long time to understand the business mentality of these parvenus, and he knows that many of them would swing their allegiance to any side at the right price. That allegiance was assumed to be enough to draw Muslim votes in the past, because those leaders with support from religious clerics ruled over their respective constituencies like fiefdoms.  This will not work anymore, because of the new awakening. AKD’s call for a new political culture and NPP’s commitment for a clean and accountable government are the primary ingredients of the recipe for a new system. A new generation of voters are rallying behind AKD, island wide. Muslims should not isolate themselves and stand aloof from this memorable shift.   

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 8

    “Voting…is going to be an epochal exercise where voters would be asked to decide whether the country’s current system of governance and its overarching ideology should continue etc. “
    I know a couple of candidates who entertain such ideas.
    But has any of the ‘main’ candidates presented his manifesto in that manner?
    This is the same old electoral politics, and let us not get too sentimental.

  • 8

    “But he lost his UNP through ineffective captaincy and clung on to the Rajapaksa clan with its 145 parliamentarians to remain as president. “
    When did he lose his UNP? He held fast to it and saw to that Sajith P moved out.
    The R clan made a stupid mistake in trusting RW. He has put the can in an awkward position. Support him and the SLPP is out of the race; oppose him by fielding a candidate and the SLPP will be electorally demolished.
    The SLPP is not like the SLFP or UNP of the good old days to bounce back from total defeat.
    We have arrived at an era of parties without policies and elections with personalities and no politics.

    • 3

      He has put the clan in an awkward position.

      • 13

        “The erosion of good governance with its attendant evils therefore has its root in political Buddhism, which grew and bloomed during Gotabaya’s Presidency. The time has now arrived for that tree to be cut down and happily the call for it has sprung from the Sinhalese Buddhist community itself with aragalaya demand for system change. “
        Is Dr. Ali serious? Which Sinhala Buddhist politician has called for Sinhala Buddhism to be removed from governance? Definitely not AKD.

    • 9

      “We have arrived at an era of parties without policies and elections with personalities and no politics.”
      You have it in a nutshell. RW reminds me of the wasp that lays its eggs inside a tranquilized spider.
      The way that the Pohottuwa members switched sides shows that none had any particular principles, except to be on the winning side. But is that anything new? Kanchana Wijesekera’s father, for example, started off as a JVP insurgent, moved to the SLFP and then the UNP.
      Kanchana himself has gone from being a club-hopping layabout to Pohottuwa patriot and now Ranil-groomed young budding statesman.
      What’s new?

      • 10

        “The SLPP is not like the SLFP or UNP of the good old days to bounce back from total defeat.”
        The SLPP is Mahinda Rajapaksa. Once he’s gone (he’s already visibly on his last legs), it’s unlikely the Pohottuwa will survive.

  • 6

    “change the political culture through social revolution”
    Which revolutionary Marxist believes in changing anything through winning an election?
    Was it not one Colvin who said that the revolution was round the corner?
    He turned the corner but revolution stayed put.

  • 11

    … more stylishly called “politics of pragmatism”.
    The problem with “politics of pragmatism” is that it is confusion worst confounded.
    Pragmatic politics of Muslims has strengthened the majority Sinhala Buddhists.
    Pragmatic politics of selfish Tamils has got vital limbs of Tamils amputated.

  • 6

    New leaders or political movements, such as the NPP, even if they lack traditional political experience, may bring innovative solutions and a fresh perspective to longstanding issues. The historical performance of established parties like the UNP and SLFP, including their roles in leading the country to economic challenges, has made future to pay the Loan
    When Barack Obama was elected as President of the United States in 2008, he often highlighted that significant achievements do not always come from those with extensive prior experience in a specific field. He used the example of the astronauts who first landed on the moon in 1969, emphasizing that they, too, were undertaking something unprecedented without direct prior experience.

  • 9

    Dear Ameer,
    I haven’t said much on CT
    for the past three days. I have now taken a quick look at the above article. We can talk about how many are going to contest the Presidency only after all nominations are made on Thursday, the 15th of August 2024 – eleven days from now.
    AKD is definitely on everybody’s list of front-runners, but we cannot start guessing who the winner will be! Anura has yet to pay in his deposit! Why was Ranil the first to pay what is the relatively small sum of Rs 75,000 as an Independent Candidate? Another guy has now “announced” that he will be contesting:
    We could well have more than forty contesting! I will get back here after I return from the Bandarawela Town.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 8

      Here’s the link to Dr Ameer Ali’s article in Tamil:
      How do I know that this is the article?
      The use of some English (Latin really – just imagine if it was the Greek alphabet, which we have some familiarity with – you know the symbols for “alpha”, “beta”, etc used in science and to form the very word – alphabet! Let me use Google Translate for Greek: αλφάβητο
      And for Sinhala: හෝඩිය; Tamil: எழுத்துக்கள்; Telegu : వర్ణమాల Chinese: 字母 (my granddaughters and Timothy Walz, Kamala’s running mate, know the language.
      More than all else, the four photographs. I’ll give some other languages below!
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 12

    There are Tamil or Singhalese speaking Citizens in Sri Lanka.
    To which group do the Muslims belong to? In India, Tamil Nadu the muslims consider themselves as Tamils FIRST. Why not in SL?
    Do the Muslims regret supporting Singhalese crushing the Tamils over the decades? No they did not. They benefitted buying the Tamils’ businesses and properties at dirt cheap prices. They joined the Home Guards of GoSL and did HUGE damage to the Tamil speaking citizens in SL. Later they reaped the benifits from BBS of Gnanasara ‘THERO’.
    Muslims benefitted from the “swabhasha” introduction in 1963 by choosing English as their medium of instruction.
    Muslims practiced ‘Politics of Pragmatism” while Singhalese peracticed” Politics of FRAGMENTATION”
    RW was an EXPERT in it!!

    • 2

      Looking back at Sri Lanka’s past electoral trends, except for the 2015 election, elections have always been won by populists and not utopian leaders.
      Unfortunately, JVP and NPP do not give a damn much about this.
      The NPP’s rally crowds have yet to reflect their election results.
      AKD is popular ONLY among young people, but quiet amount of people do not respect new trends. Therefore, election results through opinion polls are still partly fake.
      MaRa (deadly virus of the nation) and his family were very corrupt from the beginning and destroyed the whole nation irrevocably, but the people did not turn away from them: see how their people accepted Mara’s BASTARD son being the presidential candidate.


      This should be closely studied by experts to predict the election outcome of the upcoming eleciton.

      • 1

        It is very difficult
        to comment on what you write. You have said this:
        “… see how their people accepted Mara’s BASTARD son being the presidential candidate.”
        Are you not aware of the primary meaning of this word?
        When we write, we are playing with the lives of 22 million citizens of this country. Please display greater responsibility. If not, keep bringing discredit to the white European country which foolishly gave you citizenship.
        I have had immense respect for this man after he told “the whole world” about the truth of his birth:
        Note that I have never used such words on “anonymous” you!

  • 14

    AA naana, write this article in Sinhala, so the gullible and naive Sinhalese will know what’s in cunning Marakkala-Mappila Muslims’ mind. And remind everyone about your “The OLUVIL DECLARATION” as well.
    Mus|ms have lost all the privileges to stick their noses in SL politics after Easter Sunday massacre which killed more than 270 and injured more 400 innocent people by Mus1ms, allegedly in retaliation for Christ Church incident which Sinhalese and other victims had nothing to do with.

    • 6

      I have never met Dr Ameer Ali, but we began to converse about 18 months ago. He missed Anura’s meeting in Perth, because he didn’t know about it.
      He was then sent messages in Sinhala, after I intervened. He just doesn’t understand the language. Furthermore, he’s an octogenarian who is doing his best to promote harmony.
      A Tamil version of this article will appear tomorrow in this paper:
      I hope that Naman (above) will look at that.
      Tony, I don’t understand any Tamil. We all have our limitations. Please try to extend understanding towards others.
      I have just submitted two comment here:
      Please work out how you can help – be constructive!
      I’ve been using this:
      I cannot type Sinhala, but this has helped me make some Sinhala comments. Before submitting such a translation, I always check what has come out. I will not dare translate into Tamil, because I will not be able to check.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 10

    In Sri Lankan politics, the Muslims had no ideological commitment. As the old slur goes, the thumbi turns his thopi according to the winds. The same prevails except that in the intervening period a salafist movement has diverted thinking. That AKD will move out of political Buddhism is just kite-flying of an acolyte. AKD is known to have links with the clergy and there are pictures of him offering flowers to the prelates. Political Buddhism has to be changed but the change will come only when Buddhist realise that it is a negation of Buddhism to preach the hatred on which it is based. The Sinhalese race is built on Buddhism. So, the change will not come. Muslims will also not change their fence-sitting posture. The others have to simply live with it or be released from it through constitutional and other changes which give them autonomy. The NPP is not the answer.

    • 3

      Naman, Cicero,
      Mixed thoughts about the election victory AKD.

      • 2

        Thank you, “leelagemalli”!
        My vote goes to Anura!
        This appears to have been recorded five months ago; I’m submitting this after listening carefully to the entire 13 minutes of this video, in Sinhala. I have commented in English.
        All readers: Please listen!
        I find all this amazing, and I have just said so on YouTube.
        Of course, Anura gets my vote!
        How can anyone be certain how this will all end? As I write this, at 06:11, I have read that there will be twenty-four candidates. All of them must necessarily start with equal chances.
        For Anura to win, we must all vote for him! Make sure that you do that!
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 2

          This is where I have read that there already are so many candidates:

          And the owner of that newspaper, Dilith Jayaweera, is a candidate!

          Dear Readers all!
          I try to make sure that you can check on the veracity of what I say, and also that you understand who says this, taking full responsibility for what I say.
          Nobody can be certain what will happen in the future! All that I assert, and assert vehemently, is that AKD gets my vote!

          • 1

            I’m listening to this right now.
            AKD speaking to the Muslims of Malwana recently:
            It is not clear to me when this had been, but obviously quite recently. This video will last 47 minutes (in Sinhala).
            I have said, in an earlier comment, that I was going to phone the new Information Centre of the NPP, which is very close to the Parliament. I haven’t visited it; it must be close to the Ministry of Lands, which I have visited.
            Well, I did phone them about two hours ago, and had a quite long chat with Karunaratne of Ganemulla, who was on duty today.
            Now also comes this good news:
            What happens now? Harin is Minister of Lands!

        • 1

          For those who do not understand Sinhala:
          Please consider this:
          What Adaderana has linked us to is a gazette notification.
          In this country, such gazettes always appear in three languages, and they are available at Post Offices for inspection by anyone. I can’t remember when I last did that, but that is, I believe, a fact.
          The candidates are described as either “Meya” – Mister – (මහතා) or “himi” for clergy.
          It would be wonderful if somebody who knows Tamil will inspect a Tamil gazette and tell us how that is handled.
          Also, would they also be making the Miss/Mrs distinction or have opted for Ms. None described in any such way. Therefore, no women!
          I confess that I’m confused by many things. Please educate me! If comments on this article are over (it’s now 07:50), please tell me here.
          I haven’t read that article yet, but that is only two days old, whilst this must be about to expire!
          Panini Edirisinhe

      • 2

        I have just given this comment by “leelagemalli” a Green Thumbs Up.

        Many seem to be guided how many Thumbs there are! The truth, or untruth, of a comment is what any conscientious and intelligent person must work out for himself/herself.
        Isn’t it strange, that with half the voters being women, only men have so far come forward? Their names indicate that some are Tamil (Hindus?), and some are “Muslims”. Thank God, at least, for that!
        After all, I do not challenge what the people in the video say – unfortunately, all of them in Sinhala.
        When, oh when, will people realise that Tamil also is a language that matters in this land?
        I hope that Tamil speakers will also listen to this video; even if much of the language is not understood, you will recognise the names, and be able to draw conclusions from the body language.
        Rightly, some say, that there are no humans who can be certain of what will happen in the future. Go to palm-readers for that!

        • 1

          And here’s the latest in the videos from the “Divaina” series:
          Namal Rajapaksa:
          That was a day ago, the other was a 5-month-old video.

          Beware!There is another of the same name contesting – and that for at least the Third Time. How to distinguish between them?
          The symbol? I see this now. Please work out the implications:
          Since “leelagemalli” says that he is a dual citizen, why doesn’t he turn up and vote for Namal?
          It is clear to me that these Pohottuwa fellows, and even the Ranil-fellows can find nobody else to contest. What do these guys stand for?
          Had the regulations allowed it, MaRa would have stood again in 2009, not to speak of now in 2024. Reminds one of the mess Biden almost made!

          Now they are drumming support for youth! Earlier, they wanted “experience”!
          Here’s the latest (that I can find) of AKD:
          Only 2 minutes; I’m sorry that it’s all in Sinhala. They are in the Pelawatte Headoffice of the NPP.
          I must telephone (for the second time) the Information Centre that the NPP set up about five days ago, on Rajamalwatta Mawatha, Battaramulla, close to the new Parliament. For the umteenth time, I must remind them that material must be put out in Tamil.
          That is what Naman had wanted four days ago.
          Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

  • 4

    NPP may be not the answer to get the Buddhist monks OFF politics but it is the only hope of bringing in truly Good Governance to the ISLE.

  • 11

    “Singapore is an outstanding model to follow in this respect.”

    Freudian slip? Singapore was created precisely because the conservative Malays rejected the notion of a secular state.

  • 1

    The latest
    So Parliament is sitting on 9/9/2024!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lOPZuZDAfY&t=56s – Anura’s response on 8/8/2024
    Well, I think that Anura will win! It’s all a matter of opinion, isn’t it? My vote goes to Anura. Each of us is entitled to one vote, and only to one! I hope that this election is going t be conducted properly.
    Incidentally, in case you don’t know, each of us entitled to three Preferences. Anura gets my FIRST Preference, to be marked as “1” – not a “X”.
    This point is important. My Second Preference will be Sarath Fonseka, also an honest man. These were carefully worked out over many months.
    And my number “3” that will be a ” Tamil candidate”. He/she will almost definitely be defeated, it’s just my acknowledgement that Tamils have much to complain about here. After all, the next POTUS is likely to be Kamala Devi, a Tamil woman.
    And not a single woman contesting in Lanka!

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