20 September, 2024


An Open Letter To The Speaker: Don’t Let The National Security To Suffer Through The PSC Proceedings 

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

Dear Mr. Speaker,

I write this with reference to the Media Statement issued by your Office, on your behalf, dated 8 June 2019, regarding the current controversies over the proceedings of the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on the Terrorist Attacks of 21 April 2019.

The Statement explains the background within which the present PSC is appointed, and no one would have any concerns or objections over the presumed good intentions. As much of the controversies are related to the opening of the proceedings to the media and recordings (now You Tube), I like to draw your attention to some of the discrepancies between the claims of the Statement and the reality.

First, the statement says, “The proceedings of this select committee, conducted according to the new standing orders, Parliament has also approved the opening of those proceedings to the media.” This at best is misleading. Nowhere in the Resolution of the Parliament, adopted on 23 May 2019, says the proceedings would be open to the media let alone electronic recordings. Now we can see the whole proceedings circulated in the social and other media, many of the matters related to the national security.

Second, in the same paragraph, the statement justifies such open revelations of the matters discussed at the PSC, referring to recent questioning of the Attorney General and the CIA Director of the United States broadcasted all over the world! However there is a difference. Those questionings were not related to an immediate security situation or a terrorist attack.

Third, we are not yet even two months away from the ‘investigated’ terrorist attacks. Given the second security lapses on 13 May, the security situation of the country should be considered still not settled. Some of the political rifts leading to the weakening of the national security in April still prevail and enhanced. Therefore, the public revelation of many of the matters and the weaknesses of the security apparatus could further hamper the national security and public safety.

Fourth, if Sri Lanka or the PSC wanted to follow the USA on similar matters, the best example or the model to follow should have been the Congress Commission appointed to investigate the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in November 2002. Not the recent congressional committees appointed for allegedly for political purposes that your media statement refers to.

Fifth, the 9/11 US Congress investigation was conducted after one year and two months of the event, not to jeopardize the ongoing security situation and criminal investigations. The purpose was not simply to find fault with some selected personnel or absolve some others, but thoroughly investigate the failures behind and rectify the future. It was also a bipartisan committee with equal number from the government and the opposition. There were women in the committee, unlike the present PSC!

Sixth, your official statement says, “It is clearly notified that everyone who comes before the select committee could give evidence without media coverage, after taking oath, when that evidence could endanger the national security.” This is of course some precaution. I have also noted some members of the PSC clearly stating to some witnesses that they don’t need to reveal certain matters. However this has not been the case of all or some others. Most clearly, some of the witnesses go loose and talk; and some matters could be quite sensitive. Even at present, major weaknesses of the security system are roundly exposed, and this could be quite detrimental to the national security.

Seventh, when one goes through the Resolution of the Parliament pertaining to the present PSC, it is very clear that it has not at all considered the possible national security implications of the PSC proceedings. The term ‘national security’ does not appear at all. No mention even about the media coverage and its parameters. It appears the purpose is political and there is a section included to investigate “whether allegations levelled against any Member of Parliament, Governors or any other persons are true or not.” There can be a conflict of interest between some members and the above matters when investigated.

Eighth, what does it mean by ‘any other persons’? This can be a reflection of bad formulation, but if this section is followed literally, the PSC might try to take over the whole investigations of the terrorist attacks. Any allegations on the MPs or Governors also should have been left for the law and order authorities to investigate, whatever their apparent weaknesses. It is not correct for the PSC to intervene and interfere.

Ninth, it has to be stated that the mentioned letter of the Attorney General in the Statement which was sent to you by the Secretary to the President should be taken much more seriously, although we are not aware of the full contents.

According to your official Statement, “It [the letter] claims that some of the matters that could reveal during the select committee proceedings can hamper the now ongoing investigations” to mean the terrorist attacks and the people who have aided and abetted. This is a serious concern coming from the AG, although your statement mentions that you have informed and advised the PSC to take necessary precautions.

Tenth, it should also be noted that MP Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe (PC) has written to you particularly regarding the implications of the present PSC proceedings on ‘official secrets and national security’ based on the Official Secrets Act. This should also be taken seriously. Not so long ago, he was the Minister of Justice of the present government.

Eleventh, your office Statement expresses the opinion that if the opposition fully participated in the present PSC (particularly the Joint Opposition), most of the present defects and/or controversies could have been ironed out. It may be or may not be the case. This is however a good political wish for cooperation. This is also an admission of defects/weaknesses of the PSC procedures, if not inbuilt dangers. How far and how long are you going to be behind the PSC to rectify the situation?

However my/our concerns are national, security and people’s lives.

Twelfth, with or without the PSC proceedings or the findings, it is very clear that the national security of the country has been in jeopardy mainly because of the infights within the government. President of the country is pulling in one direction, while the Prime Minister is pulling the other way. Both were elected from the same political sources and for the same purposes of ‘good governance.’ It is apparent that many of the security officials are either divided between the two, or paralyzed as a result of the infights. Who is the monk that conducted a fast unto death in recent days, adding more fuel to the fire! He is or was a member of the governing party.

Therefore why should the country and Parliament allow the PSC to surreptitiously fuel these infights and personal struggles further? It is obvious that most of the members of the PSC belong to one faction of the government, directly or indirectly.

As the Speaker of the Parliament, who is supposed to be neutral and should work on broad national interests, I appeal you to intervene to stop this insanity, factionalism and personal agendas and at least try to bring some understanding between the President and the PM until the next elections are held. Please don’t let the national security to be further damaged.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Laksiri Fernando (former Senior Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Colombo)

Latest comments

  • 21

    Looks a biased article which wants to avoid the trutt being exposed. The fact.Is 250 odd persons have lost their lives and a further 500 injured some of whom may not completely recover during their remaining period of life. Where/when and how.justice would.be meted out to them.

    • 17

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando

      “Please don’t let the national security to be further damaged.”

      Therefore bury the PSC Proceedings in order to cover Hopper Sirisena’s back.

      • 7

        Prof Laksiri, why are you beating about the bush without disclosing that Rajapaksa brothers and Sirisena who are responsible for this carnage should not be exposed for their involvement, and then tell Rajapakse brothers that since you have saved them from this crime, to appoint you as the High commissioner for Australia. It is clear that during Mahinda’s regime funds from defense ministry was paid out to Muslim terrorists, and they had infiltrated the terror groups using their agents. When you put these together it will strike any clever person that it was Rajapakse brothers with Sirisena conniving, who had instigated the Muslim terror groups to carry out this carnage. This is the reason why no Buddhists temples were targeted nor any Buddhist was killed. For these scoundrels, lives of Tamils and Sinhala Catholics were dispensable to achieve their agenda of usurping power. In the past national security excuse was used by successive governments to cover up atrocities committed by security forces on Tamils, and now they are resorting to the same trick. By the way I am told that your letter is already in the dust bin.

    • 15

      This Man Laksiri Fernando has been suffering from incontinences of various kinds.
      He was then agreeing with Sirisena at the time ballige putha created that 52 day constitutional crisis. The kind of scholarly men would not see it right let alone in their later day. I really question why LF has been playing the role of that self proclaimed Mr KNnow all – DJ thesedays.
      If the current open meetings were not the case, people would never realize the blatant lies made by BP Sirisena the sacking of IGP Jayasundhara and DS Fernando. Local press misled the people saying that BP Sirisena asked them to resign.
      BP Sirisena should be made accountable for not having done enough as a the MINISTER of Defence albeit pre warnings from Intelligence.
      I think even today, BP Sirisena has no HONESTY to make a public apology looking at his profile and how he failed to do the job of MINISTER of defence within the last few months.
      I think not just he should be IMPEACHED, going by ARABIC laws, if BP Sirisena s would be beheaded, the hearted thoughts of the victimized families would not cease.
      I hate the kind of stupid POLITICIANS; BUT WE ARE made fools here, since MEDIA would not reveal the truth for their own selfish gains. N ot just PRESIDENT only but media too should be made accoutable for not having informed the INNOCIENT prayers on that very days. Those 270 people… who came from various walks of lives … from little ones to elderly were caught by the death .. JUST because 6.2 mio voted for a MOST stupid man to be the president. He iso no good enough to BE a gramasewaka.

    • 2

      I agree. Also, the argument about jeopardizing intelligence secrets is an utterly meaningless. That is b’cos SL never had a well organized intelligence system. If there was, it should have been able at least to verify the Indian tip, let alone uncovering the terrorist plot by themselves! As I maintained all along, SL intelligence operations were no better than any other public sector operations, particularly at regional levels. The PSC not is asking details of field operations; it is only inquiring how decision making failed at the highest level. Therefore, the 12 point argument has no practical meaning at all. All the country wants to find out is: Did the Prez know about the Indian tip; if so when did he know it. These two quests no bearing whatsoever on the danger of revealing intelligence secrets, if any existed at all.

    • 10

      Laksiri Fernando obviously is biased. He is a Mahinda Rajapaksa Buddy. When he was a member of the Colombo University senate/Council he proposed the awarding of a Honorary Doctorate to Mahinda Rajapaksa who was just a library assistant at Vidyodaya Univrsity in the late 1960s. Laksiri is such a Sucker.

  • 10

    This Laksiri Fernando writes a letter to tell others that he was former senior professor of political science and public policy at University of Colombo.

  • 16

    (Dr Laksiri Fernando (former Senior Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Colombo)
    Another piece of rubbish form some one with a Phd? (Phd= Permanent Head Damage).
    ‘For Your Eyes Only’
    “Wisdom does not come from studying great theories or philosophies but observing the ‘Ordinary'”.

    • 5

      This Dr trying to cover up the President’s bungling that resulted in severe Injuries, death and destruction. It’s 100% correct to hold the PSC meetings and get at the true facts. The crooked ones at the TOP needs to be exposed to the General Public.
      How long and how much the Sri Lankan people can tolerate this nonsense. President and PM should resign and care taker GoSL formed with Speaker of the House as President and Sajith Premadasa as PM until the new Election

    • 5

      Please use not ” Dr ” to the kind of men that have not even grasped the least about the ground realities of today s politics.
      This man for some reasons, changes his skin colour perhaps going beyond to a chamelieon.
      And never forget THIS MAN while being a prof at CMBO, was complicit to offer Rascal Rajapakshes Dr titles. TO that time, i have no idea where his brain cells were. I thought, once they become older, they could notice more of their failures, but LF is a great example, so long they bear SINHALA genetics, these men would never see it right.
      I have no respect to LF today, even if I found his articles somewhat interesteting until few months ago.
      I am very ashamed to call me SINHALAYA today…. I think I can live up with that….. since I dont live in that country where almost everyone is made a fool today.

    • 1

      I do agree with your motive but I think your dictum About the “Wisdom” from an unknown source is misguided. One can have infinite amount of observations & experiences but they can have much use without a guiding principle. Theories essentially are the guiding principles. I think that the Kantian dictum: “Percepts without concepts are blind, but concepts without percepts are empty” proves your error. Wisdom & theories are complementary to each other; not exclusive from each other!

  • 1

    Mr. Speaker, opportunity to prove your flexibility.

    Unless dreaming for presidency will be in vain.

    • 9

      PSC will not make it any worse, the prevailing political situation. If at all it will make the future better. In that, the voters will regret their choise of the present President and the other parliamentarians and make them think twice before they vote for the next elections.
      Hitherto, the members of the public did not know as to how the governments function by squandering our hard earned money
      Professors live in a world of their own and consider others a fool.

  • 0

    PSC is another COPE committee to cover up something. I heard already PSC commiittee members have included FOOT NOTES in their findings. Pretty well, some one who watches the parliament can understand, some of the members of the PSC foreign agents. they are friends with Sarath Fonseka because he talks a lot and he can be fooled to talk and align with them. I here, there are FOUR – SURE SHOT foreign agents. Is is simply for creating double agents and understanding it. Even though Ranil’s good thing is He talks loud so both parties know it. But, there are many who are silent and at Least Mangala Samaraweera talks something in Matara and another in Galla. PSC is a FRAUD it is being used for political purposes and for future purposes

  • 14

    Dr. Laksiri,
    I doubt about your intentions about national security. It looks like you are more interested about covering up the true factors or individuals who purposely allowed this to happen to get political advantage. We all know you tried to justify the political coup that happened in October 2018. I am sure PSC is not interested in finding out the weaknesses of the security system or security plans they had in the past or what they have for future.

  • 15

    What security detail that endangers national security has been leaked out ?We all know intelligence info was given on 4 prior days, we know the names of the CCN & SIS. They are always named in newspaper reports. We were publicly told that IGP & hEMASIRI Fernando were informed. So why shouldn’t we get to know their side of the story ? The former IGP has filed a case & all info is available in that as well & no secret.
    We already knew Nalaka silva had filed a B report with an open warrant for the arrest of Zaharan . So what is the big deal here ? Why should we the public not know the truth ? It appears you are worried that all the president’s blunders are coming out.
    Moreover an option has been given to speak without the media being present.

    So stop trying to protect this useless president.

  • 1

    The author may have his perceptions regarding this matter. So is the opposition and some members of it have told if there is a need to inquire why nor do it in camera (meaning not open to the blare of the media). I, as a member of the public, am curious to know what exactly happened. Here is an assertion that Indians have warned us over an act and authorities neglected to heed the warnings. If that were the case then those responsible for it should be dealt in accordance with the law. In view of this, I am supportive of a public inquiry subject to the condition that Intelligence operatives and their activities should not be exposed, ultimately they being targets for elimination. There was the information that churches were to be attacked. Then it was refined to say that Methodist churches were the targets. But in fact it was the Catholic churches that were attacked. Even in Batticaloa, the bomber’s first choice was a Catholic church, failing which he targeted a Zion church. It is now known, that the so called security council is a label although it functioned for years based on tradition and practices. It is still not known whether this is a statutory body or not. Clearly, the country cannot be that vulnerable to attacks in donning the garbs of confidentiality.

  • 13

    If you check Laksiri Fernando’a writings, you will find out what kind of academic he was. I really feel sorry for the students who had to study under him. All his articles appearing in CT site are bias and do not help anyone to see the truth. For an academic, it’s important to be impartial so that he/she can present the facts correctly. But, it seems to be otherwise in case of Laksiri Fernando. He should be ashamed.

  • 14

    LF proposed honorary degrees to Mahinda Rajapakse and Gotabaya.
    They were his heroes, when he was professor.
    Now, Sirisena has replaced them.
    Maybe, he is waiting for a “Gotler” presidency.

    • 7


      “Maybe, he is waiting for a “Gotler” presidency.”

      News papers reported Gota is undergoing heart surgery in Singapore.
      It would have taken the Cardiologists and heart surgeons double the time to perform the operation as they would spent lot more time locating his heart.

      Is Basil standing for Presidential elections instead of Gota?

      • 3

        Great one, NV!!!!!!!

    • 3

      Honorary Degrees are a Disgrace! What do they Signify?
      They are an insult to the Students who study Hard, to improve their Knowledge, during their Years in a University, to obtain a Valid Degree at the end?

  • 3

    Laksiri is a person suffers high inferiority complex. I am not able to discuss even one out of the 12 points he cites. I don’t know if none of them are worth enough to discuss or his writing ability only that much to bring out real points. (We are not supporting or opposing the PSC. That is one more white washing game of Ranil’s part in hiring the ISIS to attack Tamil churches, to teach a lesson to UNHRC. Whole Yahapalanaya is responsible for renting ISIS. Not Sinhala Ministers or Muslim Ministers “ Kafir or Kefir”, or even Mano Ganesan did not inform Tamil Churches to stay out of prayers on Easter, though 100% of the cabinet did know it. Nobody is going to bring to PSC the minister who went to Mattara church hearing Father’s hospital bed consultation. Where Ranil was on that morning is question needs to be asked from Ranil hanging him 4th floor, upside down. It is Wimal the one, who one day going to break which of his UNP friend opened about the Easter attack and why he didn’t go out on that day out. Ranil is not going to be questioned for why he did not take any action on the failing Security Committee meetings. Without any question, Ranil was partner in staying out of Security Council meeting or not discussion the danger of it in Parliament. So Ranil will not come to PSC to be questioned. Ranil did this secret plotting in CB looting October Revolution too. He always put some Oliver Twists through the homes’ window and stands outside hoping what he will bring out. But those all are irrelevant here.) The relevant one here is this guy gave DSc to Old Royal family for the War Crime and demanded to withdraw it when they again were not acting to his wish. Who wants to listen to chaffs do things like that?

    • 1

      Top politicians in government and opposition knew about it and wanted to make use of it for their political agenda. These Sinhala politicians did not want Sinhala Buddhists to die and sacrificed the lives of Tamils and Sinhala Catholics. Mahinda and his supporters wanted it to create chaos, topple the government and usurp power. Gota wanted to use it to win Election for president. Sirisena wanted to use it to Postpone election, dissolve parliament and prolong his term. Ranil and his supporters wanted it to use it to take the pressure off UNHRC in complying with accountability and Rights issues of Tamils. Ranil is feigning ignorance, but he must explain why he was out of Colombo on that day

  • 7

    Hi Laksiri
    We have enough Gammanpilas and Weerawansas.
    Please have some Civility to your learning
    Writesomething like or agaist things of this nature

    Nihal Jayawickrama / June 9, 2019
    3 0
    It is unfortunate that over 42 years have elapsed since this country had a parliamentary system of government, with a Cabinet drawn from, and accountable to, Parliament. Consequently, the majority of people in the country have probably not experienced life under that system of government, and have been conditioned to the presidential system, and therefore accept the presidential system as inevitable. I am old enough to have experienced life, as a student, as a lawyer, and as a public officer, under a parliamentary system with a constitutional (or ceremonial), non-political, Head of State. I have no hesitation in stating that that was the most open, democratic and effective form of government in this country. It was sufficiently flexible to enable the government to be changed at every general election. It was sufficiently strong to deal effectively with an attempted coup by military and police officers, and an insurgency launched by idealistic but misguided youth. The office of “Executive President” was tailored to meet the imperatives of Mr J.R. Jayewardene, and imposed on this country at a particular time and in a particular context. The other political leaders of that time – Mrs Bandaranaike, Dr Colvin R.de Silva and Dr N.M.Perera warned of the consequences if that system persisted, and that is what we are now witnessing. Why do we not look beyond the waters that surround our island home, at India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, and ask how they are able to govern themselves without an “Executive President”?

  • 2

    People need not know intricacies of security, until it fails, and fails in a big way.

    Now people need to know, since it seems, the whole country is falling apart

    People need to come together and propose a new system.

    After all the attitude of government is, look after you own security.

  • 6

    It is amazing that a purportedly “educated ” man (by his own admission )has written what he has, in this article.

    But then, any truly educated man would not append after his name , what he formerly was. What matters after all is the degree of sense attached to a man’s writings, not his position in his professional life.

    Using that yardstick it could be safely said that Laksiri fails the examination.

    • 3

      Justice & Fairplay

      Does education has anything to do with WISDOM?

      • 2

        What education? a doctorate handed down by friends?

  • 1

    Dr Laksiri, You can’t be serious to expect our UNP Uncle Karu to be Neutral .. Can you?..

    Uncle Karu kicked out his one time adopted Son, the kid from Keslwatta ,to go to bed with Dr Ranil and give us this U beut Yahapalana Government as your mates Down Under would say..-

    Uncle Karu braved even Water Bottle Missiles from our onetime Leftist MPs in Kotte to protect Dr Ranil, although the real leftists are all in Dr Ranil’s back pocket.

    Anyway it is nothing knew for Dr Ranil’s clan to dob in our brave Intelligence Officers.
    You may remember what Batalanda Dr Ranil did to our poor RAW boys in Athurugiriya..

    But then it does not look like a Big Deal for them anyway..
    Did you see what Dr Ranil’s Field Marshall Ponseka said at the first PSC to defend Dr Ranil and exonerate Dr Ranil from any wrong doing with Mr Pirahaparan.

    Ponny said the Chief Sleuth in Athrugiriya was a Big Fat Guts who couldn’t walk even 50 Meters..

    But then it didn’t matter because the Pira boys apparently visited them, when they were fast asleep. according to my Elders.

    Wonder what happened to that Big Fat Guts ?…

    • 4

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Uncle Karu braved even Water Bottle Missiles from our onetime Leftist MPs in Kotte to protect Dr Ranil, although the real leftists are all in Dr Ranil’s back pocket.”

      It’s funny you should say that.
      Guess who was protecting shameless Mahinda during the peak of the coup inside the parliament.
      It was none other than one of his Tamil Rottweiler, Douglas Devananda.

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      Why did Hopper Sirisena put out the red carpet for the leading fascist member of Hindutva?

      What was Namal Baby doing in the same room as his childminder G L Pieris, another court clown Dinesh, and his daddy Mahinda were pretending to be in talks with the leading fascist member of Hindutva?

  • 9

    Laksiri Fernando is the fellow who proposed conferring doctorate on MR and gota at the UOC Senate meeting and later proposed that Nirmal Ranjith can prose retraction of the honour. He is a bootlicker of an power now he is behind Sirisean. He back even the illegal MR government. He should be stripped off political science prof title though he is retired

    • 2

      Having an academic background does not necessarily make a person a true intellectual. The most important thing is that one must be a principled person without some hidden agenda based on self-interest. Like sucking up to powerful or potentially powerful persons by defending there wrong actions in anticipation of some reward in the future.

      • 1

        It was a fake doctorate actually, not a real one, that was given away by his own friends at Pera. Not a real talent. This guy has contradicted himself so many times on this site and one wonders if he is suffering from dementia.

  • 3

    Mr Laksiri where were you when sirisenaa fellow put the TID chief behind bars on false allgation of when this fellew blindly followed a fraudsters (Namal Kumara) claim or we donot yet know whther namal was sirisena’s setup. Where were you when sirisena ignored the security threats, why are you silent about sirisena fellow commaning that no one under his authority should not give evidence to PSC? please tell me how much didi you get from this fellow, I too can write some rubbish and get some money please give me the link on link me!!!!!!

  • 3

    What more is to collapse in an already collapsed national security. We now need the truth and we don’t care for the opinions of boot likers of the likes of Dr. laksiri. Only and open forum will deliver vthe truth. People don’t have any faith in a closed door proceedings of govt commissions. The are used only to strike political deals and gain bargaining power. Please don’t interfere with our right to justice…Dr. Laksiri. Believe you and Dr. Mervyn Silva got your Doctorates together.

  • 3

    Laksiri, enough is already said here. I thanked you, on your last article(in spite of my criticism in past) when you called for PSC to help victims , their families and public in general, in getting the real facts. But now I realize you still are another Rajeewa , who is a hypocrite, enabler and proxy, who has not changed stripes. It is almost two months now and still our politicians are playing hide and seek , and you coming here and trying to make a case to block PSC. All what you said about US is either not true or facts taken out of context and used favorably in building your cover up. I lived there during 9/11 , and have followed the investigations. What F – – – – – G threat to security do any one expect than what has already taken place. Give a break and find some other audience to entertain.

  • 2

    Though it hurts I will admit you fooled me once (last year coup) and shame on you, fool me twice (last article) shame on ME. Hope there will not be a third time. To be honest after seeing the title I was mot interested in reading. But my curiosity won over my common sense. Because I thanked you on your previous article believing in you I decided to read this one today. Alas, you have not changed stripes. Since PSC came we can see the rush of proxies Rajeewa, Mahindapala and now you coming out of hidings. One left the great DJ.

  • 4

    This guy, once lackey of Jarapakses, now wants a diplomatic post from My3. I am ashamed to be one of his former students.

  • 0

    It is pity to note that there are so many to make negative comments to a worthwhile article in the paper .very often alluding to two main political parties. No one can express independant views such as this in one’s own perspective without hurting the sentiments a certain section of the public. I am inclined to think that they are hired guys permanently on payroll to voice their sentiments at the drop of a hat. Nothing works in their head other than the green rivalry with blues. This is all that we as public should consume on every national tragedy. So long as these distasteful creatures are there, there is very unlikely hood that we prosper as a nation in the future

  • 2

    Dear Dr With due respect hasn’t it occurred to you that the security has already been compromised and 250+ innocent men , women and children paid with their lives and properties of Muslims have been destroyed! What compromise are you taking about . As a educated individual please come out of the utopian mindset allow the investigation and law to take over and bring the accountable individuals to justice. Regards

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