9 September, 2024


Aragalaya: Role Of Protests In Political Change

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

“Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law.”  ~ Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The current protests in Sri Lanka are multitude. The most influential has been the Galle Face protests, Aragalaya (Struggle), now exceeding two months. After a halfhearted governmental change, some of the participants must be staying at home or going for work, carefully watching the situation. However, it is superficial to say that the protests are waning out.

It is basically the Galle Face protests that could achieve (1) ousting of Mahinda Rajapaksa as the Prime Minister, (2) Gotabaya Rajapaksa to accept failures as a President, (3) for him to compromise in forming a new Cabinet, and (4) now Basil Rajapaksa to resign from his parliamentary membership.

There are some slogans or demands which are idealistic or difficult to achieve. For example, to oust all 225 members of Parliament can be considered one of those. However, it can be symbolic to mean holding of new general elections to elect a new and more people friendly 225 Members of Parliament.

Galle Face protests also have a black mark. At least some of the factions, getting involved in violent reactions against government MPs and destroying their properties. Most atrocious is the killing of MP Amarakeerthi Athukorala who however himself had involved in shooting at protesters and reportedly killing one. There were six others who were killed during the events. These events must be another reason why some of the sections now not participating in the protests.

Role of Protests

It was in 1960/1970s that I encountered protest movements first as a university student and then as a young academic. Apart from some of my involvements, I was the Editor of the fortnight newspaper Virodaya (Protest) which became banned in 1971. It had nothing to do with the JVP, and disapproved violence.

Historically, the working class took a leading role in social change and achieved trade union rights, five day working week, minimum wage for working people and even universal franchise, internationally. In Sri Lanka, 1953 Hartal (Boycott) was one example. In Russia and China, there were even revolutions.

1960s were different. Students, the young and women took a leading role. Paris, Los Angeles, London, and Tokyo played a leading role in young and student protests. Among other explanations, ‘generational struggle’ was one interpretation for the new movements. Lewis Feuer (The Conflict of Generations, 1969) was one of the pioneers of these studies. However, many of the protests were open to many or any section of the society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights said the following in the Preamble.

“Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,”

Do we have tyranny and oppression? First it was against the minorities (1958, 1983). Now it is extended to all sections. Rathupaswala and conspiracy against Aragalaya at Temple Trees were two examples of how tyranny works.

It is the duty of an elected government in a country like Sri Lanka to manage the economy properly and deliver the day-to-day necessities of the people. A decade ago, Sri Lanka appeared to be an economically stable and promising country. However, corruption and fraud remained. All these are human rights issues directly and indirectly.

Aragalaya is not the only protest. Before that, widespread protests took place by the peasants and farmers against the sudden chemical fertilizer ban and dictatorially ordering of farmers to use organic fertilizer without any preparation or assistance. Those were widespread throughout the country even to characterize them as a people’s uprising. Now the farmers are affected by the fuel and gas shortages, and machinations of the big rice mill owners. They are still protesting intermittently.

Spontaneous protests also have erupted when people had to line up in queues first to obtain cooking gas, then fuel (petrol and desal), and now even food. People had become impatient and attacked workers or owners of those shops which cannot be condoned by anyone. There is massive unrest among university students because of the closing down of universities and other issues. The authorities should resolve these problems with the students, allowing them to represent their views and involving them in university administration. Therefore, there is no one protest, but multitude of them in the country.

Violation of Human Rights

People are suffering from the scarcity of food, fuel, gas, medicine, and electricity for the last six months. Still there are long queues even after a cabinet change. Some of the senseless statements by the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, aggravates the speculations. What are being violated are the economic and social rights of the people by an elected government. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) says the following.

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.” (Article 25).

Of course, there are so many countries falling behind these standards. However, in Sri Lanka’s case these conditions were largely there until those were destroyed by the government, and bureaucrats through mismanagement, fraud, and corruption.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa came to power promising ‘vistas of prosperity.’ However, the reality is the opposite. He wants to stick to the position, ‘I can’t go as a failed president.’ This cannot be justified. He could and should go. Election to a position, as a MP or President, does not give an absolute right to anyone to remain in that position.

UDHR says, “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives” (Article 21). People, in the case of Aragalaya, have a right to take part in the government directly and indirectly, as the freely chosen representatives have utterly failed. Parliamentary decisions, debates and proceedings are a clear reflection of their failure.

UDHR further says, “The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.” This is further explained saying, “this will/shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage etc.” The will of the people is the basis of the government and any government. A term of office should not be fixed especially in unstable political conditions like in Sri Lanka. This mistake was done even in the 19th Amendment.

New Elections?

People can make mistakes at elections. When the elected representatives degenerate or the mandate becomes controversial, people should have the right to go for new elections and change the government and members of parliament for betterment of the country. Ranil Wickremesinghe does not have a people’s mandate to become the Prime Minister.

According to the Constitution of Sri Lanka, sovereignty is in the people. Article 3 clearly says, “In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable. Sovereignty includes the powers of government, fundamental rights, and the franchise.” Of course, one can argue that Article 4 conditions this sovereignty. However, sovereignty is not a power that could be conditioned from above. It is inalienable.

Just because a parliament is elected or a president is elected, sovereignty of the people does transfer to those institutions. Even in between elections, sovereignty remains with the people. When an elected authority abuse power, people can exercise sovereignty through expressing views, opposition, protest and even rebellion as the Universal Declaration says. However, non-violence is the most effective, reasonable, and legitimate way of using that sovereignty.

Aragalaya in this sense, until it was tarnished during the counter violence in reaction to Temple Trees coup, was a proper exercise of sovereignty of the people. Sovereignty can be exercised individually and collectively. However, when it is exercised in a limited or sectional manner, the people who exercise it should also be mindful of their limitations. This moderation has come back again to Aragalaya in my opinion and observation. This is one reason why it should be supported by broader sections.

Today democracy and good governance are in shambles. Confusion at the highest level is increasing. The newest scandal is about what the Chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board stated before the Parliamentary Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE) that Gotabaya Rajapaksa told him that he has influence from the Indian PM, Narendra Modi, ‘to give the wind power project in Mannar to Adani.’ The President has denied the claim, and the CEB Chairman has now apologized! (See The Island Editorial, 14 June). This is just after few days when the government passed an electricity amendment bill in which tender procedures were abandoned.

All these indicate that the present governmental changes are not going in the rights direction. Sri Lanka at present talk about local government and provincial council elections. What might be most important is to have elections for the presidency and parliament first.

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  • 6

    You do not seem to appreciate the present crisis in all its complexities. You are assuming as if only some politicians had failed and elections will solve the crisis. Elections even if they are held free and fair will only have another set of rascals in place of present rascals.
    Remember, we have come to the end of the road with no possibility of recovery
    it is not only the failure of all political parties and politicians, but it includes the professionals and bureaucrats and the society as a whole.
    Democracy and human rights are only ideals to aim for; they are not the universal remedy for all our ills.
    The “Aragalaya” if not resulted in a revolutionary overthrow of the present system and replace it with a new progressive system that will galvanize the people to move forward towards prosperity with equity and human rights could be discarded early as it is really a wastage

      • 2


        Let me elaborate!

        Democracy and elections are almost universally used as synonyms.

        Many intellectuals and politicians advocate elections as a panacea for our current economic, social crisis.

        Elections will only postpone the critical point when the crisis had built up to a level resulting in anarchy and chaos.

        Look at how constitutions or amendments to constitutions are mad in Sri Lanka. Politicians and of course constitutional lawyers play leading role. The so called sovereign people are sidelined and remain almost onlookers.
        For instance look how the 17th,18th 19th and 29 the amendments are formulated?. How politicians like Mahinda Rakjapakse and his cohorts supported all the above amendments. Where is their integrity? Of course, they will enact the 21st amendment also after necessary deals.!

        Human rights are in a continuum, all the great defenders of HR including, Australia, EU,UK,USA and India are somewhere in the continuum, not reached the desirable level.

        • 2


          “Elections will only postpone the critical point when the crisis had built up to a level resulting in anarchy and chaos.”

          What do you suggest as an alternative?

          A dictatorship of the proletariat?
          A benevolent dictatorship?
          A king and a dynasty?
          A theocracy?
          A Military Dictatorship?
          A plutocracy?
          A Kakistocracy (the one we have now)

          Don’t you think Democracy is the “Least Worst Form of Government”?
          Let us have some robust Marxist/Maoist critique of Democracy.

          • 2

            SJ is unusually silent!

            • 0


          • 0

            I too was influenced by Marxism during my youth, not so now. I support liberal democracy and even neo-liberalism as a compromise and as a way out to move forward in a western dominated environment.
            I do not believe in a political reform and economic reform without revolutionary changes because it is halfhearted and is deceptive to hide and cheat the average citizen and postpone the D day.
            I support Aragalaya and expect them to play a leading role to have a new constitution with systems and institutions to reflect the people’s aspiration with west minister type parliamentary democracy with extensive devolution and necessary checks and balances so that ministers and parliamentarians and even public servants are bound by principles of good governance and guilty are punished then and there.
            Zero corruption and zero nepotism and military to the barracks.

  • 6

    Laksiri: Thank you for mentioning that the “Killing” of Mp Amaraweera Athukorala, that the “Pohottuwa” and the Government are making an attempt to “Credit” into the account of “Aragalaya”. How you failed to mention the “ANTECEDENTS” to that “Killing” in particular and the “May 9th” countrywide mayhem that irrupted. The two main “antecedents” for your information are as: (1) The crowd who were “Energized” by Mainda Rajapakse & his cohorts inside Temple Trees first came out and lay siege on the “Protestors” on Gale Road and attacked a woman by the name “Nura-Akka”, a well-known figure of Slave Island. On seeing the incident, all the people from Slave Island and those who were engaged in building construction works stormed the “Rajapakse Goons” and that was the “START”. By this time “Rajapakse Goons” had stormed the “Aragalaya too. (2) This MP Athukorala was returning from “Temple Trees Tamasha” and he got caught in the crowd at Nittambuwa. He first fired at a motorcyclist whom he thought was coming at him. His name is Harsha Nadeesha Jayaweera, 27 years of age from Hapitagama, Kaleliya. When he fell down, the MP and his bodyguard ran into a nearby textile shop to hide.

    • 4

      Great revelations about the very facts that are kept away from the media.
      Nevertheless many believed instead at least if one single wearing satakaya caught by the shooting mobs/ so called Rajapakshe judiciary / Rajapakshe media would nt react as done so far.😶😶😶😶😶😶😶

    • 3

      Please add your links. That ll help readership to differentiate us from Lester/Soma/EE and the like Rajapakse backlicker squad 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

      • 3

        My Dear LM; I do not want to jeopardize the ongoing investigations and especially the “Defense” case that would come up in courts against the “Accused” already in custody.

        Let us wait for the story to be unfolded in the courts. A “Defense” team for the “accused” is working and progressing well.

        • 2


          Thank you your sensitive input.
          let s do so. agree with you..
          .. but how can we ever expect same JUDICIARY to act properly against the real criminals ?
          I wonder why Mahinda Rajaakshe be able to roam in the city today, though all is clear if HE had not held such provocative speeches, . on very day…..would the ARAGALAYA protesters have ever been attacked ? No…. all was clear that ARAGALAYA youuth were exemplary to entire world. I know some europe talked high values of the Aragalaya youth… taking it as a ” ultra peaceful protest one has ever seen in that part of the globe”.
          Ranathunga family ‘s fat pig should put the blame on MaRa than anyone else – if MaRa could control his both ends, things could not have worked on the demolitions of those properties….

    • 4

      Simon Man

      Thanks for your addendum.
      In a few months time the truth will be erased from our history. Now that we have your information we can always challenge the fake news creators.

      Immediately after the May 9th incident a lady from Slave Island told the Social Media that there were a few people from Slave Island who came to protect the peaceful protesters while armed forces and the police were doing nothing to prevent the mayhem, as usual. At that time I didn’t catch her name.

      “The crowd who were “Energized” by Mainda Rajapakse ………”

      And by free unlimited supply of liqueur.

      In one of the recent news item I read somewhere Mahinda was blaming the Aragalaya, and the protesters for perpetrating violence.

      The entire history of this protest I am afraid will be perverted. Some day in the future our learned people will record this struggle was being organised by Gota, just like Mao’s role in the cultural revolution.

      • 5

        ☹☹☹The crowd who were “Energized” by Mainda Rajapakse ☹☹☹
        By repeating his gesticutons and ejacuations before the stupid gathering on palamiwath mawbima/ thewanuwath mawbima/ thewanuwath mawbima or the like rhetoric 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶……

      • 4

        NV: Thanks. Very happy to hear that you are among the “few” who caught that “Evidence” of the woman who said: ” people from Slave Island came to save another woman from that locality”. The “Media Coolies”, as usual, didn’t give this information to the public, but it is well recorded and available for the future. Let us wait for the court proceedings to hear more.

        Yes. Mahinda Rajapakse said: ” There is Blood in the hands of the protestors”. Who can see “Blood” in others’ hands? It is only who have “Blood” in their own hands and mostly “Blood Stains” collected over decades and still continuing to collect. To be precise he is a “Living Vampire” among a family of “Vampires”.

        • 3



          “It is only who have “Blood” in their own hands and mostly “Blood Stains” collected over decades and still continuing to collect. “

          And they will be the same people who most likely to be elected in future years.

          • 2

            NV: Thanks. Did you listen to the speech delivered by TNA MP Rasamanikkam in Parliament when the “Vote of Condolence” was discussed? Of all the “225”, this MP Rasamanikkam was the ONLY wise, good soul who detailed the Actual and Realistic causes of the “9th May” “Up-Rising”. After listening to that speech, Ranil W -the “Back Door” PM is trying to “oust” him from Parliament by asking the Speaker ti initiate an “Inquiry” against Rasamanikkam.

            I stand in salute to this MP Rasamanikkam and we need many more of such calibre. Thank you TNA for “Producing” such an MP.

            • 4


              “Speaker ti initiate an “Inquiry” against Rasamanikkam.”

              Not just Ranil there are others who want to maintain status quo are dead against his presence in parliament. There are a few whatsapp clips circulating in the social media, which tried to disgrace him with stories of land graping, supporting Christians and Muslims against Hindu (implying he is not a Hindu), …..

              Ranil has started a process, a nasty spin, this process may lead to “Manufacturing Consent ” among all the anti liberal, anti democratic, …. right wing forces.

              We should fear for his life.

  • 2

    Role of Protests

    Every house is starting the day with Role Of Protests faced with NO gas, No electricity, Transportation, extended to Galle Face. Working people was blocked by the government with the basic needs generator of economic growth; having 225 none had regards to Human values need to be advocated vigorously. Even today parliament shuffling the cards and they are unable to pick up trump card Bangladesh is sending Potatoes but I read some is requesting Boiled and send because there is no gas to cook the potatoes. Or request for onion to make onion sambole no need cook.

  • 3

    Do we have tyranny and oppression?
    Laksiri Fernando answers his own question:
    First it was against the minorities (1958, 1983).
    He earns a D (a weak pass) for his answer.
    You have a long way to go, Laksiri Fernando, before you earn a C (a credit pass).

    • 5

      Nathan Aiya/
      LF as one scholar ,who was part of that blinded committee to have offered Dr Titles then, even to waste ur time thinking about him making efforts to improve the passes is similar “pigs might fly”. This is unfortunately common among srilanken high professionals 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

      • 3

        Thank you for your continued support for my consistency.
        Sadly, Laksiri Fernando has a short supply of it.

        • 5

          “Laksiri Fernando has a short supply of it.”
          What is ‘it’? Support for your consistency?
          One can be consistently wrong.

        • 2

          That may be coded in his genetics. So is the case for anyone in that brutal family in downsouth of our motherland.
          Had satakaya wearers ever worked with an any kind of contingency plan for the sake of the very people whose stupidity kept them above – things would have beeen better.
          MaRa and LF or the like have often been inconsistent.

          Let me add one another to the list – that is Dayan Jayathilaka.
          All these men are unfortunately produced by our motherland for our curse.

    • 1

      “First it was against the minorities (1958, 1983).”
      Wrong. All the ethnic clashes after Sinhalayo gained independence were started by Tamils from Yapanaya unleashing tyranny against majority Sinhalayo. In 1958, Tamils attacked Sinhalayo who lived in Yapanaya after the Government changed the English letters in car number plates to a Sinhala letter. In 1983, Tamil terrorists blew 13 members of the Sri Lanka Army into pieces by using land mines and triggered the riot.
      Tamils are trying to clean their blood-soaked hands by putting the blame on majority Sinhalayo.

      • 4

        Tamils are called terrorists by this BP again and again .I cant bear this anymore.

        Sinhalaya got branded as racists, just because EE or the like stupidly spread falsehoods about our history.
        Now time has come to REPLACE sinhaya with a ” dirty pig” on our national flag… I am not alone… many are compelled to see it like that…
        .. when it comes to look at real terrorists – Mahinda Rajapakshe or the like…. he bounces back. Now experts see it that the damage Mahinda Rajapakshe deliberately made to this country is volume wise more than all what Prabakaran did. …. today people are speechless.
        What an idiot who knows nothing but to attack minorities repeatedly.. not knowing the basics of the issue.. – when would this bugger be content ? His last breath would be a disaster for sure…… i wonder how his neigbours get on with this ultra racist ?
        I always believe, that the hatreds in the mindset of our senior citizens are much more than that of a comparable group in Israel towards Palasetnians.

  • 4

    What is important and essential now in front of “Aragalya” to bring the Civil Society members who are truely willing to find solutions to unite the people from all corners representing all communities, all religions, all languages etc. Since we have nearly 75 years of experiences of different policies, different govt styles, natural hazzards, riots, wars, corruptions, misuse of power, massacres and the role of all institutions, role of power holders, role of people, role of religions etc. This is not a time for to debate or defend our religions, our races, our history, our political parties, our status, our castes, our gender but it is about our humanity, love and peace.

    • 4

      “Civil Society ” members.
      I am serious: Who do you have in mind?
      What has hijacked the “Civil Society” label is a group of NGOS, many funded by dubious agencies, not just here across the Third World.
      It will help if you can identify a civil society outside this group of mercenaries that can offer leadership.

      • 5

        Is there any problem with Dubious agencies dislodging the crooks and their cronies?

      • 3

        I have know one in my mind but if you are not happy with those who are willing to contribute, why don’t you suggest the names of those who can get the trust of the people? The country is not in war with USA and China. This is the problem of the people of Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          Sorry. It should read ” no one” instead “Know one”

        • 2

          If you have “know one” in your mind why propose any?
          “This is the problem of the people of Sri Lanka.”
          Very true.
          That is why I strongly urge keeping it that way and avoid foreign meddling, which some people keep inviting.
          NV has a question for you.

          • 4

            It doesn’t matter whether the agency is dubious or not as long as it is Chinese in Origin.

          • 3

            “That is why I strongly urge keeping it that way and avoid foreign meddling, which some people keep inviting.”

            Do you live in Sri Lanka? Are you a citizen of Sri Lanka?

            • 0

              Between you and me:
              I simply do not exist.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 5

    It is past 3.00 pm now. There’s no fuel, but the electricity is there except for “scheduled cuts”.
    I’m glad to note that you have at last accepted that the “Aragalaya” was right, and that Gota, Mahinda, and Ranil must all go. Fresh elections must be held.
    Obviously they can’t go in one day. We must have a date to hold election. Don’t tell me about the difficulties in doing this. There’s not only no money, but other resources are also not there.
    Stop giving what little there is to the “Security Forces”. What are they there for? To shoot us? You are safe in Sydney.
    You have said nothing about Dhammika Perera, the “super minister” who wants to destroy the Trade Unions, among other things. I’m no lover of Trade Unions that are conscious mainly of Rights and not of Duties. But now it’s going to be a contest between them and the unacceptable government. I’m glad to note that you say that “some” among the 225 in Parliament are not rogues. I say clearly: “I will still vote for the “imperfect” NPP.
    Your article is not unacceptable; but your credibility is zero.

      • 4

        Laksiri Fernando
        #GOHOMEGOTA , #GOHOMERAJAPAKSAS slogan is not just limited to the Rajapaksa’s.
        The slogan is much wide rand not just restricted to the family members.
        Go Home Rajapaksas their hangers on people on their payroll propagating racism and violence , fake news and corruption etc etc
        Laksiri Fernando Go Home!!

        • 3

          Rajapaksa and family should go immediately because they are directly responsible for this economic and political crisis.

        • 2

          Please dont say it
          “Laksiri Fernando Go Home!!”

          means asking the man to return to SL.
          Right at the moment, srilanka is sinking.. how can they afford to provide these ailing reptiles due services ?
          To my knowledge, even 1990 Emergeny services run by honourable Dr Silva is now grounded…
          In the days to come lot more of the kind will be the case…. what I have been trying to do is to collect loads of medicine and provide them with….. not sure, Rajapakshes would loot that too.

          • 5

            Laksiri Fernando,

            “Rajesh, I think you among some others take pleasure in castigating people like me who independently express their views. This kind of criticisms are part of our problems and antagonisms. Be decent and criticize the views not the person.”

            I have noticed this on CT for some time now. I have noticed it all over the Internet/social media. It is largely an example of “confirmation bias.” Unfortunately, it has the net effect of keeping well-educated people away from various social media and platforms.

          • 0

            Who am I ? – I am a concerned Sri Lankan citizen contributing on CT for many years
            You are free to express your views and I am free to criticise/comment on your views published on CT for the consumption of CT readers
            I am not asking you to literally go home.
            Every one who has been shamelessly propping up the Rajapaksa regime falls in to the category #GOTAGOHOME

  • 2

    “Gota Go Home” was the 1st one and still I thought.no one asking him to staying and accept the failure.

  • 5

    None of the four apparent achievements is of lasting impact. Everything could be reversed, and the campaign should press on with demands for more fundamental changes to the way we are governed. The protest cannot be apolitical, except in the sense that it allows political parties to seek electoral benefit from it. So there is no cause for complaisance.
    ” At least some of the factions, getting involved in violent reactions against government MPs and destroying their properties. “
    Are we sure that the attacks on some politicians had origins in the Galle Face Green?
    As for arson attacks, doubts have arisen about their sources, and hence intentions.
    The middle class as a body is generally averse to taking risks and conducting prolonged struggles.
    The youth can be different, but the enthusiasm of spontaneous protests , to sustain, requires political direction. My hope is that it will emerge in due course since no parliamentary government before had and after will have plans to get out of the debt burden (owed predominantly to private lenders in the West).
    Some of the answers will be bitter pills for a section of the protesters, some of whom have dropped out in the faith that Ranil will relieve us of the shortages including those that are to come.
    “All these indicate that the present governmental changes are not going in the rights direction.”

    • 1

      “Some of whom have dropped out in the faith that Ranil will relieve us of the shortages”
      Who are those protestors? Why can’t you name them?

      • 1

        I anticipated this question and have a list ready.
        But I will reveal it in public the day you dare to reveal your true identity here.

        • 1

          What does it with “True identity” I don’t mind who you are ? what colur you are? what cast you are?

          • 0

            What is the first question mark about?
            Colur?: Send me your dictionary.
            Cast?: Never acted in a play.
            How is Thalaivar doing? Any new plans?

            • 2

              You mean your “Thalaivar” Easter Bombing Master mind?

        • 0

          Do you seriously want the list?

      • 2

        I am not dubbing anyone a saint.
        Galle Face Green is an open landscape where all kinds of people roam, unrestricted. An agent provocateur or two are not hard to arrange. There are also a few trigger happy souls with good intentions.
        But the state and a section of the media are not being honest about the identity of the culprits.

  • 3

    Agree that we need to have an election to both President & Parliament. But it should be after a meaningful CHANGE in the Constitution.A constitution that will prevent uneducated uncivilised corrupt citizens to take part in the elections. All contestants should declare their assets prior to the nominations.
    Should we allow religious signatories to take part in politics/elections

  • 31

    These protests were useful to GR for a number of reasons. First of all, he was able to gauge the strength of the Opposition, which is non-existent. Secondly, Ranil is far less influential than MaRa. Gotha’s hand is now stronger with a yes-man as PM. One could argue, the protests were important for democracy, human rights, blah blah. Compared to the rest of the region (Bangladesh, Pakistan, India) Sri Lanka is much more democratic and progressive. Gotha is no Putin. His human rights record is excellent, that is why he allowed the protests in the first place. It should also be noted that the protests are misguided. Gotha is not responsible for the decline in foreign reserves, which came after the Easter Attacks shattered the tourist industry. Fertilizer prices have increased by 30%, as well as energy prices, so there would have been a food crisis regardless of the ban on chemical fertilizer. The real weakness in the government is the energy policy.

    • 5

      Shameless Rajapakse knelt down before same Ranil at this stage while mobs are searching to treat them to the manner they did it that pavement man mahinda kahandagama🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • 8

      Enough is enough u must not continue destroying srilanken name being on the Queen s soil, just because ur slavery mind would never allow u to improve ur thinking, period.
      Now or later u will have to get just deserts for all ur services rendered to Medamulana existence. .
      2nd ” 9th May ” is in making 😃😃😃😃
      Wait and see long awaited scenes will surprise u for sure. This we predicted long before wankers returned to lead punnakku eaters dominated our motherland 😉😉😉😉😉😉

    • 11

      Lester the lying jester

      “One could argue, the protests were important for democracy, human rights, blah blah. Compared to the rest of the region (Bangladesh, Pakistan, India) Sri Lanka is much more democratic and progressive.”

      Of course, is that why Sri Lanka begging and borrowing from Bangla people and Hindia, everywhere?

      Like SJ you are also living in fool’s paradise.
      Stay there please.

      • 34

        Fake Veddah,

        Did Sri Lanka ask T Nadu for a donation? What was the amount and how long will it last? The money borrowed from Indian government is a loan, to be paid back with interest. Have you ever taken a loan or are you still hiding under the parents sari. Type here when you exceed the age of 18.

        • 5

          Lester the lying jester
          Ungrateful Champika’s ***** carrier

          The entire universe heard your patriotic shameless leaders cadging for load of money to import, food, fuel, medicine, ………………. Stalin being genetically close relative of Sinhalese offered food, medicine and milk powder for free of charge.

          Recently a Tamil friend quoted a couplet from Thirukural, …

          உடுக்கை இழந்தவன் கைபோல ஆங்கே
          இடுக்கண் களைவதாம் நட்பு.

          Utukkai Izhandhavan Kaipola Aange
          Itukkan Kalaivadhaam Natpu
          — (Transliteration)

          Swift as the hand seizing a slipping garment, Friendship acts to assuage a friend in distress.

          Now this may appear to you a difficult concept.
          Therefore just forget it.

          What you should do now is go set fire to properties and businesses of minorities and celebrate it with kiri bath as if you have concurred the entire world.

          • 10

            Stupid Veddah,

            Answer the question. Did any Sinhalese government official ask Tamil Nadu for a donation? Use your tiny brain to reply with “yes” or “no.”

            • 1

              I constantly make some spelling mistakes. Apologize for that again. No doubt, I have a greater respect on unbiased commenters on this valuable forum. I see decent SIMON and SM apologizing for their spelling errors without delay. For own reasons, mine dont happen very often. Apologize for the inconvenience. Also thanks to CT for giving us the opportunity to exchange our thoughts.
              Mostly I add mine me being on the way. To update my readers/sensitive commenters, I have been consistent from the day one. My only fight is to liberate this nation from high criminals (Rajapakshes, I have been ). It is a mamooth task with average mind set not yet sensing it. Having said that, we must not give up our efforts. They are born high criminals.They ruined it as of today. And to tell you, I am not supporting to any politicians either. I would rather support ARAGALAYA youth. Some way or other we have been doing that today.



              • 1

                With this being the ground reality, a laughing stock, a hired person, being swollen as no others, just because he be able to continue as a migrant in the UK, LESTER should, atleast today, learn to respect the facts;
                we have reminded him enough to provide us with links. Yet today, he is dodging our reminders.His are now annoying to many of us. Lately, this joker as most known Rajapakshe baggage boy, made a ludicrous statement „ do you know the meaning of a journal paper ? „…… or similar, in a forum, former Profs, PhDers and other professionals constantly add their two cents worth ?



        • 1

          (Part I)
          “What was the amount and how long will it last?”
          Amount is immaterial and irrelevant!!??
          (None in the world willingly gave loan to us, which has reached ‘Pariah status, after the default’!
          Thanks to CABAL Cabral old Mynah’s, little “Lap dog”.
          Name one other country than India that has come forward with Fuel as aid or on repayable loan, in these difficult days!! Perhaps one of these day UGANDA may turn up to be the Saviour!!
          The real problem as perceived is, “what is the limit of the WANT/NEED of the recipient citizenry”??
          AVARICE is seen as limitless, rampant, in this Buddhist country, thrice visited by Lord Buddha???
          Foremost Buddhist country, must first show respect to teaching by Prince Siddhartha, ‘Gautama the Buddha’??!!
          Limiting the Avarice/Greed does not seem forthcoming, nor tending that the country is veering towards that end??!!
          At this rate of consumption, there will no avenue to Satiate, ‘out of proportion of Greed and Avarice, which seems limitless???’
          Really, am ashamed at this vulgar greed of some selfish!!
          Whilst I don’t deny there are many who are wanting basic needs!!??

          • 1

            Dear Mahila,
            “Thanks to CABAL Cabral old Mynah’s, little “Lap dog”.

            In a civilized country, where LAW and ORDER is above anything else, Cabral and Mynah would not have been set free as of today. They were also the ones, who archited SO CALLED BOND SCAM in 2008, – these are not just hearsays, butto the eyes of bank experts.
            Lester or the like eternally obsequeous men would never see it right. If he or the like ilk would grasp it, pig might fly.
            Today ‘s dire situation came int to being, due to incumbent adminitration.

            Please I kindly request you that we are not a buddhist nation. What is being practised in srilanka is called ” Buddhgama”. As you and I know it clearly- whole lot of buddgama monks are not buddhaputhrayas (in true buddhism, monks and their role was to work on spread DHARMA). Srilanken sivuru wearers behave no different street men and women so long their hidden propensities are fulfilled. Just imagine, how many of them, among the prominent monks in sl lime light are offered V8s on the cost of the tax payers’ funds ?

        • 1

          (Part II)
          Needs, such as 3 meals a day, foregoing and having 2 meals or sometimes none a day??!!
          This is the decadent attitude, doubting whether this is condoned by Buddhists?? Unbelievable?!
          Must be acts of ‘FAKE’ Buddhists – discredit Buddhism and this country!!??
          One must unmask this unpatriotic reactionaries and like in old days put them on a STAKE!!! GROBR!
          “Nava Gilunuth Band Chun” attitude!!
          Please do not look at the “Mouth of the Gift Horse” That is a despicable, unbecoming of a cultured Nation, with 2500 + year of Buddhist Heritage!!
          Worse than the rowdy unbecoming rowdy beggars at the Castle Street Railway Crossing, throwing the money, by passers-by if not satisfied as to the amount donated by any philanthropist, is less than the aspired amount of a Green, Blue or yellow Currency Note!!??

        • 4

          Lester the lying jester

          Who is helping you to cheat the manipulation of thumbs up thumbs down buttons? We know as a Sinhala/Buddhist you need to show the readers you are winning the thumbs up thumbs down petty war.

          Stop being an idiot.
          Using Virtual Private Network and Proxy Servers are for kids.

          • 5

            Fake Vedda,

            Why are you writing in Tamil using “Vedda” as an ID? What is the percentage of Veddas who can and write a difficult language like Tamil? If you write with your true credentials, people may respect you more.

            • 2

              Lester the lying jester

              Why are you writing in a foreign language? Remember you are no longer under colonial rule.

              Using Virtual Private Network and Proxy Servers are for kids.

              • 5

                Fake Vedda,

                You are a pretender. But not a good one. FYI: your fake freedom struggle is over. Britain is sending thala thel refugees to Rwanda now for processing. Australia is sending them to Christmas Island. What is your next move?

              • 2

                Part 1
                Dear Native V,
                Lester has no voice in UK. He supplies us one joke behind the other….. not exposing own ID, nevertheless to dare questioning of NV’s ID ? Typical Rajapakshe backlickers that would do any low level act whereever they turn up. Few decades can take until it dawns on him. The kind of mindset is beyond repair. Psychologists/psycho therapiest over to you… please help these guys.

                The kind of low-grade migrants are cornered within their own asylum homes in that part of the world. He may be a hero to Medamulana rascals, but another clown to us on CT.

                Not a single person with some sanity would ever agree with this bugger’ s facetious comments and his pro-RajaFUkshe fairy tales.

                Mr SM has commented on this lately, but this laughing stock’s rebuke was, as usual, similar to ” koheda yanne malle pol” – incongruous behaviour.


                • 2

                  Part 2
                  Now with the total collapse of RAJAPAKSHE TYRANNY- permanent agents like LESTER seem to be unemployed.
                  Old codger has asked him x times to come with proofs on Glyphosate and its direct relation with UKKD.
                  Yet today, not a single proof is provided by this bastard. instead he dodges it and starts with another topic, who does he think who he is ?
                  Shamelessly, he further claims to be an intellectual similar to Godahewa and Jayasumana ?
                  I think this man may be the one who then held a research work using ” drug sniffing mongoose for a project in nothern areas of the country “. Remember ? Later the bugger left the country for UK and became swollen – not being able to bear the refugee funds offered to him. In fact, UK govt is now struggling not being able to bear their costs on financing migrants. That is why they decided to stand against new refugees coming from Rwanda lately.


          • 4

            “Using Virtual Private Network and Proxy Servers are for kids.”
            Lester is no kid. He’s a retard, nowadays called “mentally challenged “. He likes giving himself upvotes, probably to show his boyfriend in between his shifts at the sewage sorting plant.

            • 1


              His condesending attitude may be the very reason him to behave like a loyal dog.
              British govt is to be blamed for having abused their social funds by letting idiots be their migrants.
              There is a common saying – Katussage kare raththaran baenda wage- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuIgTAfGiuc
              Let s hope devine forces would take over.

              My eyes could not believe, but Ranathunga family’s pig got his just deserts, just a few months after that iron lady- like a lioness, fought against his injustices. See karmaya chases like a shadow does.


              • 4


                I agree, “Old Codger” is mentally challenged. Actually, I have known mentally challenged people and even their performance is not as poor as this buggers. Take a look at his own postings:

                1.) Thinks LTTE submarines are advanced technology
                2.) Does not know the difference between power and hydropower
                3.) Does not think Sinhalese invented a waterwheel, but fails to explain how high-yield farming (weva system) is possible in the dry zone
                4.) Thinks tea (not cultivated until British times) is an essential good
                5.) Thinks Bangladesh is a paradise
                6.) Openly supports 40 year loser Ranil and now defunct LTTE

                Luckily he is only among 10% of the population, but this type has to be weeded out and rehabilitated, either at Angoda or the bottom of Nanthikadal.

                • 1

                  LESTER – the clown of all times,@
                  I think you are so easily confused, and so often got the wrong end of the stick.

                  Get well soon.
                  We often agree with all what OC has been adding to CT.

                • 1

                  Lester the liar,
                  Just give one, only one link to show that ancient Sinhalese had water wheels, or any wheeled vehicles?

                  • 4

                    Einstein said, “”Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity.” Government school three-wheeler prodigies such as “Codger” fall into the second category. To understand technology, one has to think in terms of form and function.

                    The “Bisokotuwa” and related structures accomplished the same functions as an aqueduct and waterwheel. Just like the Romans pumped water through underground pipelines, so did the ancient Sri Lankans.

                    Definition of waterwheel: “The water wheel is an ancient device that uses flowing or falling water to create power by means of paddles mounted around a wheel.”

                    Control of water flow in “Bisokotuwa:” the structure through which the water of a tank goes out; two square and well like structures that reduce the speed of the water of a tank when the water is released through the sluice (Sinhala, Sorata). This is a hollow structure, sometimes two structures in succession, built at the inner side of the dam to calm the water coming through the sluice. The purpose is to protect the dam and sluice from the force of the water released.

                    • 0

                      Those who don’t get it. Cascading system of water tanks accomplished the same feat as the waterwheel (using the difference in elevation to generate energy). Bisokotuwa regulated the water pressure. Modern-day waterwheels are also connected to water reservoirs containing various sluices to manage the water pressure. Only a government school bugger cannot see that exactly the same purpose was accomplished by bisikotuwa/associated structures and the waterwheel.

  • 3

    Looks like We need ARAGALAYA of TSUNAMI proportions to get ALL the Rajapaksas + SLPP +Ranil+M Sirisena out of their positions /politics ASAP.
    BEHAVIOUR of Defence personnel in North and East is deplorable– attacking PEACEFUL minorities

  • 0

    Adult franchise was a licence for the politiciens and religious leaders to syndicate.
    Cardinal was talking of “Patriotism” at the Jos. lately. will not go into other religions
    but tell him that his master was a patriot to heaven and spurned earthly kingdoms for a cross after giving unto Ceaser
    Apologists for clan games may have to now put their money where their mouth is
    Financial accountability and the rule of law is getting tight as far as lenders go for sure. Of course China and the thousand flowers that bloom with it are another Idealogical. option.

    • 0

      It was a ‘hundred flowers’ campaign in China.
      Interesting, where did you pick the remaining 900?

  • 2

    Laksiri Fernando
    Few clarifications;
    The longest non violent protest in Sri Lanka is the protest by the Tamil Mothers since 2009, who are still seeking their sons and daughters who surrendered to Gota’s army in 2009 and have simply disappeared form the face of this earth . The disgraced Ali Sabry the former justice minister went to NE to provide death certificate and Rs 100,000 for the mothers. He was chased away.

    • 3


      “The longest non violent protest in Sri Lanka is the protest by the Tamil Mothers since 2009,….”

      Do you think Laksiri does not know about this protest?
      He does not want to talk about it simply because he would be betraying the the armed forces and the clan that liberated the people from LTTE.

  • 1

    ‘I can’t go as a failed president.’
    He cant go on as a failed President

    • 1

      If Election commissioner did his job going by all the prerequisites that a PRESIDENTIALcandidate should bring

      things would have worked for everyone# s benefits. Unforutnately, MACO was controlled by hidden hands of Rajapakshes b….. puthas.
      At least today whole lot of people in this country are far from the reality. Gota cant read it…. nor would he ever be able to do so.
      Pigs might fly if anyone would ever expect him to step down as a successful president.
      All these were transported to the very people, but they were filled with RACISM against the minorities…. and as of today, all invisible/divine forces return on them… with Dr Safi setting all the exemples for a good buddhist monks to see it.

      • 3

        How will intensifying the campaign stop him from going as a failed president.
        Unless, regardless of the plight of the economy, success is measured in terms of how good a client of the US and its South Asian junior partner he will become?
        Let us get real. Ridding the country of GR or even MR is no more among the US agenda items.
        Loyalists of US imperialism may imagine otherwise, but who better than the GR–RW duo could deliver on the US plans for this country?

          • 2

            So called learned people are just obsessed with one or more persons without addressing underlying problems.

            China, IMF. Japan. US, Hindia can provide only a limited assistance. Unless this country acknowledge its real problem, accumulated over 74 years, it will continue to bury itself deeper and deeper.

            The crooked racist leaders promised heaven on earth through pure unadulterated racism and violence. Just because Gota seemed to be tough on minorities (because he killed minorities, not just minorities though) 6.9 million voted for him. He was seen as great military leader, (in fact academia was so elated it awarded him D Sc) people expected him to deliver. First day after the elections he claimed being a Sinhala/Buddhist. He was not the only one who claims such fake identity, there were many.

            Does this fake identity stimulate his brain and body, just like spinach stimulating Popeye?

            I never understood the importance of wearing such fake pointless identity on his sleeves, forehead, and on his bum, in case his followers may miss it.

            • 2

              Blaming just one person or a clan is not good enough and will not help solve the problem. Remember, passport controller is issuing 3500 passports a day.
              Soon the country will be left with, great racists like Weerawansa, Chambika, Dinesh, Udaya, Channa, ….. Sanghas, … which should be worrying.

              Voters, so called learned people, opportunists, racists, ….. party leaders, dumb ass military leaders, state functionaries, Fascist tendencies, Saffron brigade especially the Sanghas, incompetent managers, teachers, ….. parochial businessmen, media, …. share the blame.

        • 1

          Loyalist of China, China, China; Corona;Corona, Corana; Gota_Mahinda,Gota-Mahinda, Gota_Mahinda delivery plan?
          What a wonderful China-Gota_Mahinda relationship?Colombo Lotus Tower, Colombo Port City, Colombo East Harbour,Hambantota Port City, Hambantota Cricket Stadium, Hambantota Air Port, Colombo Hambantota Highway What a wonderful free investments with no return.

      • 3

        Please get it right.
        Rajash makes it clear

        “He cant go on as a failed President “

        Without insulting to DOWN SYNDROME patients, but the behaviour of GOTA is not different to a DS patient. But at least over 6 millions of this country (40% of voter eligible) warned it long before……..

        My blessings to those who stood against CRIMINALs since then…. may all the divine forces be with them to overcome the dire situation.
        Having watched a Video of CS yesterday, I thought how aggressive people should be to have demolished over 20 000 millions of assets of a negombo business man – if mobs caught BP Mahinda or his family on that day, they would no thave been alive as of today….. people finally understood – MaRa is litterally a FAKE person.
        I thought FAKE personalities would not last long…. how MARA with his amuda lensuw-SATAKAYA around his ugly neck continues ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

        • 0

          Thanks for clarifying.
          Gota is a failed president.
          He can’t carry on as a failed president….And fail over and over again

    • 1

      ‘I can’t go as a failed president.’ ? He cannot go away like that; he is a war criminal, so he has to be investigated as a war criminal in ICC & he has to go as a war criminal prisoner to Hague.

  • 1

    Putin has said that the main aim of the invasion in to Ukraine, was to defend “our” people in the largely Russian-speaking Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.
    Can India SAME reason to have a “Special Military Interference “ in Sri Lanka, to give freedom to the Minorities who had been subjected to untold misery over the last 7 decades in the East and North of SL.

    • 2

      Let us get one thing clear about India.
      It cannot afford the secession or even federalizing in this island. Its implications for the demand of autonomy by its non-Hindi-Hindu states are too serious.
      India may not mind gobbling up the island. But that is hard, not because of China: the US will not tolerate India snatching its prey.
      Tamil nationalists keep moaning about their untold miseries. Have they bothered to look at what is happening elsewhere and how the West deals with them.
      They provoked crises in the middle East, but are still harsh on refugees of war from the ME.
      See how they welcome Ukrainian refugees (including some hard fascists).
      If Tamils want friends they should seek them among other oppressed people globally, and among the downtrodden Sinhalese and Muslims here.

      • 1

        “India may not mind gobbling up the island. But that is hard, not because of China: the US will not tolerate India snatching its prey.”

        As far as Hindia is concern Sri Lanka is the Sinhala state of Hindia.

        Pakistan’s all weather friends US and China could not stop Hindia dividing Pakistan and creating a new country Bangladesh out of Eas Pakistan despite Siri Mao aiding and abetting genocide in Bangladesh.

        After 50 years the same country is begging and borrowing loans from Bangladesh. Not many appreciated Bangladesh’s generosity. Bangladesh is willing to feed these arrogant racist people.

        One person posted a note on Face Book, requesting Bangladesh to send boiled potatoes because we do not have gas.

        Forget what other countries are doing.
        That is their problem not ours.
        Let us focus on this island and how China’s civilised foreign policies are hurting the poor in this country and benefiting the crooked and the rich.

  • 1

    So called learned people are just obsessed with one or more persons without addressing underlying problems.

    China, IMF. Japan. US, Hindia can provide only a limited assistance. Unless this country acknowledge its real problem, accumulated over 74 years, it will continue to bury itself deeper and deeper.

    The crooked racist leaders promised heaven on earth through pure unadulterated racism and violence. Just because Gota seemed to be tough on minorities (because he killed minorities, not just minorities though) 6.9 million voted for him. He was seen as great military leader, (in fact academia was so elated it awarded him D Sc) people expected him to deliver. First day after the elections he claimed being a Sinhala/Buddhist. He was not the only one who claims such fake identity, there were many.

    Does this fake identity stimulate his brain and body, just like spinach stimulating Popeye?

    I never understood the importance of wearing such fake pointless identity on his sleeves, forehead, and on his bum, in case his followers may miss it.

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