18 February, 2025


Archaeological Task Force To Shrink Space For Muslims  

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

“I will tell you a little secret about archaeologists, dear Reader. They all pretend to be very high minded. They claim that their sole aim in excavation is to uncover mysteries of the past and add to the store of human knowledge. They lie. What they really want is a spectacular discovery, so they can get their names in the newspapers and inspire envy and hatred in the hearts of their rivals.” ~ (Elizabeth Peters, The Deeds of the Disturber)

A Presidential Task Force appointed for Archaeological Heritage Management in the Eastern Province, and focussing on Pottuvil in Ampara District, has more to its innocuous title than strikes the eyes.  The timing of this appointment, crucially on the eve of a General Election and in the thick of a deepening economic crisis, plus the questionable credentials of several of the appointees and their ethnic homogeneity and ultra-nationalistic stance, carry the hallmark of a politically inspired mission to aggrandize territorial control and power over an area populated by Muslims. 

Rajan Philips and Tisaranee Gunasekara, in two separate pieces in Colombo Telegraph, 14 June 2020, have exposed the underlying politics of Buddhist ethno-nationalism behind this task force. This short piece adds some details to their otherwise critical and penetrating analyses.

From the time of independence, archaeology has been a powerful tool in the hands of Sinhalese nationalists to obliterate any vestiges of an ancient Tamil civilization in Sri Lanka. This was part of the running ethno-nationalist battle between the Sinhalese and Tamil communities. The demand for federalism by the Federal Party was viewed by Sinhalese nationalists as demand for a separate Tamil country. (Federal Party leaders’ confusion between federalism when speaking in English and Tamil Aracu when calling in Tamil added to the controversy). Archaeological excavations funded by governments with contestable interpretations about the discoveries occupied the intellectual energies of reputable academics like Professor Paranavithana. While Sinhalese nationalists applauded his works, Tamil historians accused him of sacrificing his intellectual integrity at the altar of political expediency. 

However, what the Sri Lankan archaeologists did was no different from what Israeli and Western archaeologists accomplished in Palestine. Theirs was a mission to strengthen Jewish historical claims to Arab lands. Similarly, in India today, dubious archaeological evidence are advanced as poof to delegitimise and destroy Muslim historical sites and to dispossess Muslims of any claim to any part of the country.  In Israel and India, archaeology is used as weapon to disenfranchise a whole community.    

In Sri Lanka too, archaeological discoveries are being turned into instruments of dispossession. Lands located in areas where minorities are concentrated are in danger of being confiscated by governments under the pretext of managing archaeological Buddhist heritage. With the defeat of the LTTE, archaeological activities in the north received fresh impetus, spearheaded by an ultra-nationalist and supremacist Buddhist clergy backed by armed forces. The main objective behind this activity was to justify and encourage Sinhalese encroachment into areas claimed by Tamils as their traditional homeland. It is this issue that is preventing any reconciliation between the two communities. In this context, one should give credit to the Tamil Tigers who, with the Draconian control they exerted over the north for over thirty years, could have dug out and destroyed all Buddhist relics at any time had they wished to. Instead, they left them untouched, because they must have believed that those ancient relics are a heritage of the whole humanity, and not belonged to the Sinhalese or Buddhists only. This was in total contrast to what the barbaric Taliban thought of the Buddha statues of Bamiyan before they dynamited and destroyed them.   

Today, Buddhist supremacists, with support from President GR and his power cartel, have turned their attention to the Eastern Province, where, according to 2012 census statistics, Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese form roughly 40%, 37% and 23% of population respectively. In each of the three districts, Ampara, Batticaloa and Trincomalee, ethnic distribution is as follows: 

Ampara:  Sinhalese 38.7%, Tamils 17. 4% and Muslims 43.6%

Batticaloa: Sinhalese 1.2%, Tamils 72.8% and Muslims 25.5%

Trincomalee: Sinhalese 27%, Tamils 32.3% and Muslims 40.4%  

Among these three, Ampara after independence, thanks to the Gal Oya Scheme with its Senanayake Samudra, has become the country’s rice bowl, and Muslims in this district are among the best paddy farmers in the island. Incidentally, it was a Muslim Parliamentarian, M. S. Kariappar, who baptised that irrigation tank as Senanayake Samudra at a public reception given to D. S. Senanayake.

Within the Ampara district lies Pottuvil with a land area of 265km2 and a population of roughly 35,000, of whom around 27,000 are Muslims, 6,600 Tamils and only 880 Sinhalese. The 2006 Tsunami, with its high waves and sand shifts exposed the Kotawehera Buddhist ruins along the west coast, and today two Buddhist temples, the Magul Maha Vihara and Mudu Maha Vihara stand majestically at the site of those ruins. Apparently, President GR’s archaeological task force is expected to concentrate its excavation activities around these areas.

There is no questioning the fact that ancient ruins should be protected, because they are not only part of a nation’s history but also are the heritage of humanity. This is one of the reasons why UNESCO was created, which keeps watch on preserving ancient heritage sites. But, what is questioned and feared is the political motive behind certain archaeological activities. They have become weapons in the hands of ultranationalists to promote Buddhist settlements, which can upset the demographic balance and destroy ethnic harmony in the region. Discoverers can become disturbers.

Eastern Province is one province in the entire country where there is a rough demographic balance representing all three communities, despite imbalances within each administrative and electoral districts. However, in terms of land holdings Muslims over all are at a terrific disadvantage. For example, Batticaloa District, with 73% Tamils, 26% Muslims and 1% Sinhalese, has a total area of 2,632.7 km2 of which 106.3 km2 are water filled, which leaves a total land area of 2,464.4 km2.  Of this land, Muslims who form one-quarter of the population hold only 30 km2 or less than even one per cent. How congested their settlements could be witnessed in Kattankudy, where nearly 50,000 souls are cramped into a land area of little over 3 km2. Likewise in Ampara District 26,000 Muslims are packed into a land area of 6 km2 in Sainthamaruthu.  In the province as a whole, Muslims with 37% population hold only around 3% of non-contiguous land. There is therefore acute land hunger in this community. What was true of the Kandyan peasantry on the eve of 20th century is true of Muslims in the East in 21st. This is the ground situation hidden under the superficial glitter of sporadic Muslim bazaars.     

In Amapara district hardly any Muslim or Tamil was given land under the Gal Oya Scheme, and in 1960s Muslims lost even a part of what they held when the overnment grabbed their lands without compensation for sugar cane cultivation. Not surprisingly, it was this confiscation of land in Sammanthurai, Akkaraipattu and Addalaichenai, which later motivated few Muslim youngsters in late 1970s to organize politically and form the Muslim United Liberation Front, the antecedent of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress. 

Later in 1990s, in the wake of archaeological excavations around the ancient Buddhist shrine in Dighavapiya, Muslims lost even more lands in the region. Archaeology had become an ammunition of dispossession as regards Muslims were concerned. 

It is with this disappointing experience that Muslims in Pottuvil, are looking with askance the proposed archaeological activities of the new task force. Is it a sinister exercise by supremacists to aggrandize more Muslim land, colonise the area with outsiders, and upset the existing communal harmony in that region? Prevailing phobia about Muslims spreading under the watchful eyes of the President, his Premier and ministers, legitimize such questions and fear.

Latest comments

  • 13

    This is a situation which should be investigated and take corrective action without giving into political demands of any party.

  • 11

    There are more things to do to revive the economy of the country. I do not understand why GOTA is fusing There are many research papers, based on past records and inscriptions that tare used by University student., The funniest thing is that the Military who do not know A B C D of archeology are appointed to the team. This proves a corrupt mind of the President and his party. The target is minorities After the actions if they win and get two-third majority thaey will announce Singhalese Buddhist are living in the island before 500 BC and Raavana was Singha Buddhist The name Vijya will disappear as he came from Kalinga and the stamp issued in summer of the arrival of Vijaya was removed. This is pure garbage politics.,

    • 14

      Why can’t these ‘Para’ people stay without putting their nose in to the affairs of Sinhalayo who are the Native people in Sinhale. Poor upbringing?

      • 5

        Eagle Evil

        what are you refering here with the prefix PARA ?
        I guess one of the two groups right… tamils or sinhalayo.. since both come from india as we have learnt in the high school.
        And only native veddas cant be addressed with Para so as is the case with aborigins of downunder.

        In case if you cant cotton on this simple things, how have you lived several decades as a human being – is my million dollar question.
        Wish you the best in the healing process.

        • 5

          “what are you refering here with the prefix PARA ?”

          In Sinhala ‘Para’ means ‘Foreign Origin’. Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are the Native people in Sinhale. Demalu (aka Tamils) and Muslims have ‘Para’ origin.

          Archeologists P.E.P. Deraniyagala, S.U. Deraniyagala and Raj Somadeva who conducted research on Pre-History of Sri Lanka based on archeological findings have concluded with scientific evidences that Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo evolved from Homo sapiens who lived in the Southern Coastal areas about 125,000 years ago.

          Demalu who have their origin in Hindusthan fall into three categories:
          1. Descendants of Dravidians who came with invaders before 1505 and allowed to stay in Sinhale by Sinhala Kings;
          2. Descendants of Dravida slaves brought to Sinhale by colonial parasites after 1505 to work in tobacco plantations in Yapanaya and tea plantations in central highlands; and
          3. Descendants of Dravidians who entered the country illegally (Sinhalayo call them ‘Kallathoni’).

        • 3

          Muslims are the descendants of refugees from Hindusthan who lived in the Western coastal belt and saved by Sinhala Buddhists on the request from King Senerath when they faced persecution by Portuguese. Sinhala Buddhists allowed them to settle down in interior parts of the country among Sinhalayo.

          • 4

            Is that okay for you EGALE, if Australians would repeatedly call you… ” as migrants” and have nothing to seek in Australia ?
            Likewise, if Muslims arrived in SL as refugees how can they eternally be refugees ? Then those black americans in America too should be treated as eternal refugees or not ?
            Sinhala buddhists not real buddhists as of today, they are just FOLLOWERS of buddagama religion. Today s Buddhgama is not Buddhism as we learnt in the school. A bunch of sivuru wearers make it worse calling themselves BUDDHA PUTHRAYAS:: but not even hold on to the 5 precepts. Today we see, those PINGUTHARAYAs that are close to POLITICIANS are no different to SECURITY of BODY guards of those political goons.

            People should finally realize this. we dont have good buddhists in the country today as had been few decades ago. Those who line up with politicians have created a vacumm of real buddhists in this country.

            If they are real buddhists they should be able to tolerate BASIC buddhist teachings as taught by BUDDHA. Not even SIRVURU wearers are doing it today. They enjoy their SMART phones and TV programs.. but stay further as BUDDHAGAMA MONKS…. for some reaons these men have been that lazy to live by their own, that is why they enter to MONK hood.

  • 13

    archaeological-farce -force

    • 2

      Looks like the Israelis are being consulted on this, they are Masters of stealing lands, and excavating under Muslim lands, including Mosques.

  • 11

    Once again I have hit the nails where it hurts most.
    A part of the Yakko despicable group has gone senile or mad aa things are not going their way according to their silly demented scruples.
    Since independence, the poor Sinhalese were taken and dumped into the Amparai district under the Galoya scheme.
    The most of them are even today fish out of the water still living as poor of the poorest cultivators poverty-stricken.
    Being restricted to 200 words, I will state as to why this kallathoni of a war criminal most wanted imbecile has within 7 months of his coming into power has lost his marbles and does not know whether he is a comer or a goner.
    To me, I can safely state that he’s nothing but a loser who has lost his balls.
    As he cannot mess around with us the Tamil’s he’s taken his garden rake to target the economically strong Muslim community.
    He is trying to use his military goons to infiltrate into the Moor and Tamil homelands in the eastern province to cull the population and bring in more destitute pauper members of his ilk with the sole petty aim of cohabiting and increasing their population.
    It will not succeed.

    • 12

      What was he doing with Tamils as the Secretary to the Ministry of Defense; playing ‘Hide and Seek’?
      Rajapakshes taught a very good lesson to Tamil terrorists in 2009. If the situation demands, they will teach a similar lesson to Muslim extremists as well.

      “As he cannot mess around with us the Tamil’s he’s taken his garden rake to target the economically strong Muslim community.”

  • 15

    Sinhalayo can not do anything in their own country without hearing this ‘Adhonawa’.
    King Senerath, it is your fault.

  • 18

    This article is factually incorrect which conceals true facts involving the “dwindling archaeological reserves in the Eastern Province due to Muslim encroachment.”
    I don’t agree with the composition of the PTF for Archaeological Heritage Management as this subject should only be handled by trained experts.
    However, establishing a Naval sub-unit to protect the historic Muhudu Maha Vihara site is commendable.
    The N&E Provinces are full of Buddhist ruins. We have excavated only 10% so far. The balance 90% is yet to be excavated. That is why a military style PTF is not appropriate.
    This temple had 264 acres during the British rule which was gazetted in 1965. Over the years, Muslims have grabbed around 194 acres leaving only 72 acres.
    In 1971, Senerath Paranavithana had done a monumental blunder by only declaring the remaining 72 acres as the temple site.
    Today, the temple has only 13 acres due to systematic encroachment of Muslims.
    Muhudu Maha Vihara is our “Taj Mahal” which was built by King KavanTissa in the 2nd Century BC in honour of his legendary Queen Vihara Maha Devi.
    To restore this ancient monastery which is a part of our ancient Sinhalese Civilization, we need to reacquire the initially gazetted archaeological site which spanned 264 acres. A single acre less than that is unacceptable.

  • 6

    Very well presented. The quote from Elizabeth Peters encapsulates the mental contours of the Sri Lankan powers that be to circumscribe the ethnic and religious minorities. A more effective way to restrain them cannot be found than through the so called ‘archeological finds’. The incidence of this vicious unfairness was seen in Trincomalee District, which is multi in lingual, ethnic and religious formations.

    A chip of pottery found just below the surface is adequate to stop any development project. The District Administration conveys it for direction to Archeological Department and a ruling is issued “the site is closed for settlement”. Till when? Till the relevant group is mature in numbers to demand monopoly rights. If the minorities show fight, the majority says “now ‘arms’ speak for me”.

  • 1

    The Author of this essay Dr.Ameer Ali, a Scholar in his own right even when he was at Peradeniya has through Land statistics shown a key area of contention between the Tamils and Muslims in the Eastern Province.
    Over the past 60 years there has been a drop of 6% in the population of the Tamils.
    This is as a result of the war leading to deaths as well as displacement.
    Correspondingly, there has been an increase in the Muslim population by 5%
    Indeed in the Trincomalee district 50% are Muslims.
    In fact the Time Magazine of 1984 carried an article that Kattankudy was the most densely populated area in the whole of South-East Asia!
    The recent dispute over the creation of the Kalmunai North DS division and the protests by Muslim politicians is an indication of the Muslim Tamil rivalry.
    This was never heard of when Dr. Ameer Ali was a student.
    In a plural society like Srilanka, managing Ethnic Tensions must be given top priority. Experiments with Archaeology will only accentuate ethnic rivalry.

    • 6

      “In a plural society like Srilanka, managing Ethnic Tensions must be given top priority. Experiments with Archaeology will only accentuate ethnic rivalry.”

      The problem in Sri Lanka is Sinhalayo who are the Natives and majority are been asked to compromise in the name of ‘Sanhidiyawa’. The main obstacles to living in harmony are racist separatist Vella Ala Demala politicians and Muslim politicians who are linked to extremist groups. They are the people who want to keep the communities apart for their political survival but keep on putting the blame on Sinhalayo.

      Sinhalayo are concerned about archaeology because these sites show about 2000 year old cultural heritage of Sinhala Buddhists. Demalu and Muslims destroy them because these things have no value to them and sometimes think that they are an obstacle to achieve their objectives. If Demalu and Muslims do not like the attempts taken by Sinhalayo to protect their heritage, let them go to hell.

  • 8

    In order to form a Tamil Homeland a substantial amount of land carved out of Northern and Eastern provinces will be required in proportion to the numbers involved which include Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) scattered across the island. You can imagine the resulting congestion.
    That is the main reason I always plead with the Tamils to choose the option of freedom to live anywhere.


    • 1


      Which side are you going to support in the forth coming war between Hindia and China?

      Some believe they ought to support the Chinese on the other hand some believe they ought support Hindia.

      What do you think?

      • 4

        Neither country need our assistance.
        I think we must guard ourselves from schemers like you who wish nothing but trouble for this poor country.


        • 1


          “I think we must guard ourselves from schemers like you who wish nothing but trouble for this poor country.”

          This island was relatively rich when Sudda gave independence on a platter. What happened to it since that now you moan and groan on a 24/7/52 basis being poor? FYI all those instruments of powers were held by racists like you in and out of governments.

          Racists like you tried Citizenship ACT, Sinhala Only Act, Standardisation in higher Education, filled Sinhala/Buddhists in state bureaucracy and armed forces, police, …. ministries, … Prevention of Terrorism Act, now Task Forces, elected racists to top offices, tried numerous pogroms, committed war crimes, …. mass murders, elected and re elected public racists to higher offices, promoted war criminals, applied impunity, ….. yet the country has reached rock bottom.

          Why haven’t your racist politics worked for the country except for a handful of noisy Sinhala/Buddhists minority like you?

    • 7

      My proposal is to give 20% of land in the North and ask all Tamil speaking people to move to that area. Then the headache is over.

      • 0

        Eagle Eye,
        Why do you want to be so liberal. Why do you want to give away 20% of your land to para Demalu. What happened to your belief that the entire island is Sinhalayo property. Don’t give an inch to them. If you give 20% today, they will ask for another 20% tomorrow.

        • 3

          When someone has a cancer, sometimes the person has to sacrifice a part of the body to prevent the cancer spreading and survive. ‘Para’ Demalu who are the descendants of Dravida slaves brought to Yapanaya by Portuguese and eventually given the citizenship in Sinhale by Sinhalayo have become a cancer in the body of Sinhalayo. So it is better to remove that cancer and survive before the cancer kills the patient.

          • 2

            Pity, good old Adolf H did not come up with this theory!

          • 1

            Eagle Eye, So, you admit that yours is a sick society that might die of its own sickness some day!

            • 1

              If the Demala cancer is removed Sinhalayo will be able to live for ever happily!

              • 0

                Eagle Eye, Now you are contradicting yourself. When you give 20% of your land to that cancer, there is no chance of removing it, is there?

          • 1

            Eagle Eye
            You talk through your rear end when you talk about ” para” Demalu. Let me make it abundantly clear to you moron that Eelam rightfully belongs to the Tamils as it was inhabited by Dravidian ( Naga ) tribes from time immemorial. An Island ( srilanka ) that was connected to Tamilnadu by land until 5000 years ago would have been colonised by the people from the Mainland as early as the humans were able to travel and settle for agricultural purposes, fishing etc.

            You Sinhala Kallathonis came to Eelam as renegade thieves from Orissa and other parts of eastern and southern India in the last 2500 years . Your language Sinhalese is a hybrid language mixed with Tamil and prakirit .Prakirit is an indo European language which doesn’t belong to Eelam, if anything the only connection the Sinhalayas can claim to Srilanka is through their partial Tamil heritage. Everything else about Sinhalayas is from East India..

          • 0

            Eagle Eye the MLDM
            Sounds like a Moda wethermathya has cut off your head to cure your Brain Cancer. Pretty sad man!

      • 4

        Eagle eye
        Tamils (all Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) must be offered two great democratic options. A ‘SEPARATE’ Homeland as you suggest in consideration of their political masters’ demand ‘OR’ the right to live anywhere as at present.
        What can be more just and fair than that?
        and share with us the most beautiful part of the most beautiful island on earth as equal citizens.
        I also campaign for unity among all Tamil speaking people urging them to give up their differences in religion, caste or the date of arrival.
        (With regard to the Caliphate they must negotiate among themselves)
        My dear Eagle eye, you may be another Sinhalese, but I have to tell you this. The day I observe Tamils ( all Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) have developed any tendency to move out of Sinhala majority provinces and settle down in North and East I may feel ashamed to be Sinhalese. I may even join TNA. ( For the present, to my comfort, Sampanthan aiya has decided to pass his remaining days in Colombo)


  • 15

    Space is not shrinking – Muslim masses are exploding.. they don’t practice family planning and always go to make more and more kids (one for religion) at the mulla’s request … – why Katankudy is congested is due to over population in Muslim families – this can be seen in areas such a Col 15, Col 10, Dehiwela also…

    Muslims in east are doing what ISIS did in Afghanistan and destroying the Bamyan Buddha statues.. they cant live in a multi-ethnic environment and need to destroy even centuries old artifacts..

    This is why the task force was created..

    • 7

      Correct. Space is not shrinking. Ask a Physicist. In fact the universe is expanding. Muslim population is expanding at a faster rate. Hence the apparent relative shrinking.


    • 1

      SAM the dump

      “Space is not shrinking – Muslim masses are exploding..”

      The Sinhalese Population in 1881 1,846,614

      The Sinhalese Population in 2011 15,250,081

      Exploded by between 1881 and 2011 13,403,467

      The Muslim Population in 1881 193,437

      The Muslim Population in 2011 2,936,768

      Exploded by between 1881 and 2011 2,743,331

      Do you think 2,743,331 > 13,403,467 ???????

      • 5

        Native Vedda (trying to fool us with false use of statistics)
        “Do you think 2,743,331 > 13,403,467 ??”
        Sinhala Population Increase – from 1,846,614 to 15,250,081 = 725.85% increase since 1881
        Muslim population increase from 193,437 to 2,936,768 = 1318.2% increase since 1881
        NV It does not matter if you are a fool – but don’t think that everyone else here is a damned fool. We all know who the kings of explosions are among the two communities and I don’t just mean of the population variety. If there is any sense of remorse that the community has for the deeds of last April then the whole community needs to make amends not by rubbing our faces in this mandatory veneration of round caps, filthy unshaved beards, and women forced to dress in black gunny bags, but by accepting that all people in Sri Lanka should live as one instead of playing identity politics. Please name a single country that has stuck to identity politics and succeeded? Saudi Arabia with all its oppression? Please.
        All religions claim to be revealed truth- they are all founded by divine revelations, but Islam rather dangerously says ‘Ours is the last and final one. There can’t be any more after this. This is God’s last word.

        • 1

          Walter Bagehot

          You type

          “Muslim population increase from 193,437 to 2,936,768 = 1318.2% increase since 1881”

          Equally mad SAM types

          “B. 2,936,768/193,437 = 1418% growth over 135 Years ( Muslim)”

          Who is telling the truth?
          Can both be Srinivasa Ramanujan or P C Mahalanobis?

      • 3

        Thanks for your stats. They say Muslims are nearly 10% today. I am curious to know when they were 5%. Can you help?


      • 6

        your number skills are so high that you can be working for NASA

        A.15,250,081/1,846,614 =725% growth over 135 years (Sinhala)
        B. 2,936,768/193,437 = 1418% growth over 135 Years ( Muslim)

        Also from the latest census – growth rate in Muslim population over last 20 years is almost double for child bearing Muslim women – this is the main issue as uneducated brothers are making babies to create a Muslim nation at the request of the Mulla’s from the Friday mosque…

        Dr Ali – have you seen a family planning unit office in Ampara? Where is the education for your underage Muslim girls on contraceptives?? Your hypocritical commenting on SL Muslims while living in Australia right?

        • 4


          It seems Native Vedda has disappeared after being exposed for his false statistics. But who knows. He may come and tell us that Islam is a religion of peace next!

          • 1

            Walter Bagehot

            You wish Native to disappear?
            In fact I was looking for racists like you on other threads.

  • 0

    Archaeological Task Force To will benefit india

    Exploring Archaeological data has to be gathered then it will discovered the comparing recorded historical data Historical information about the ancient road network of, Highway System in Ancient Sri Lanka connected to indian Encountered in historical documents and also to information and India will be very happy to say claim its owner ship like the babri mosque incident.

    • 2

      Beware, it may also tell us where Ravana had his airport and the aircraft manufacturing plant.

    • 5

      Who cares? Islam and mosques are an alien concept to India and the downward spiral of India before European colonialism set in with the sacking of Delhi by Arab invaders.

      • 1

        Check your facts.
        The invasion referred to was by Moghuls who are descendants of Mongolians and the regional population.
        What is called Indian Culture in North India is predominantly what evolved under the Moghuls.
        They produced the best emperor after Ashoka.

        • 4

          Do you get your alternative ‘facts’ from the encyclopedia of The Congress Party or from the mouthpiece of the embassy of Saudi Arabia?
          Muslim invasions in India predate the Mughals by almost a millennium and ravaged india from about the 650CE, long before the birth of Genghis Khan, and were by initially by sea during the Rashidun Caliphate. These took advantage of trade relations to proselytize and resulted in the creation of the Cheramaan mosque in Kerala. Various other invasions by both sea and land culminated in the Delhi Sultanate almost completely leveling many cities and prosperous places in the North, killing an estimated several hundred thousand in the north and on the coasts and desecrating Hindu temples and seats of learning in what was an advanced part of the country at the time across much of the subcontinent. However, there was some cohabition until the Mughals rolled in and sacked further. Nader Shah’s humiliating defeat of the Mughals put paid to what was left, and coupled with British looting the North of India never really recovered as far as the South. This is a very condensed version of what you will find if you read up respected historians such as Richard Eaton who provide evidence based accounts, not creative alternative facts such as yourself.

  • 4


    Archaeological Task Force To Shrink Space For Muslims

    Muslim World is a Powerful World and what are you doing to bring it to the attention of Powerful Muslim Countries. There is enormous benefit to be had and why dont you join forces with the Tamils and it is sad that you would rather allign with the perpetrators.

    • 3

      All Tamil speaking people should unite to form a separate Homeland. The Caliphate can be accommodated within the boundaries of the Homeland.


      • 1


        “The Caliphate can be accommodated within the boundaries of the Homeland.”

        As I have suggested before why not a small Sinhala/Buddhist caliphate for Sinhala/Buddhist noisy fascists like you?

  • 14

    There are no Muslim historical sites. A mosque built in 1930 is not history. From 1505 till 1660 the Portuguese roamed around and destroyed many Buddhist sites. There is no mentioned of muslims having buildings for the reason that they were transitory seamen. Who came and left from India and Arabian sea. After the Portuguese took control of the coastline muslims got cut off from the ocean and went into hiding in the highlands during the reign of senerath.

    • 1

      Muslim presence in the island precedes by centuries the arrival of several major caste groups comprising the Sinhalese.

    • 4

      The only Islamic historical relic of any importance in Sri Lanka is the Kahatapitiya mosque on the Gampola Road, about 10km from the Peradeniya Campus, where a Sufi saint Bawa Khauf is supposed to be buried.
      However, few Muslims today and likely even fewer of those among the do-gooder crowd here who venerate the oppressive gunny bag and thoppiya, and consider everyone with an opposing view a fascist, would be aware of this. There are none in the East or even in the South, except perhaps for the Sinhalese women who were forcibly married off to the original Muslim merchants (who came here in an all-male mass having adapted to the rampant homosexuality prevalent during the Ottoman empire – which by the way is not outlawed in the original texts of the religion) and are thus RELICS of a bygone era of Sinhalese women.

    • 1


      Did the Portuguese destroy only Buddhists sites?

      “There is no mentioned of muslims having buildings for the reason that they were transitory seamen.”

      Check your DNA, those seamen might have left some semen residue in your ancestry.

  • 5

    I love archaeological excavations and any new find is a credit to our heritage, thoroughly mixed with various genes from around the world. A recent find at Fa Hsien cave depicting bow and arrow technology dating back more than 45,000 years is interesting also. I believe that some religions actively discourage the maintenance of archaeological or cultural artifacts as they purportedly detract from a narrowly defined adherence to a mythical almighty. In that context, perhaps special attention needs to be given to preserving these sites without unduly disturbing any demographic arrangements or legitimate rights of citizens.

    • 1

      One does not need a mythical almighty to possess a narrowly defined adherence to a fictitious theory.
      Think of the number relics of the Buddha, who repeatedly emphasized impermanence, the claims about the Buddha’s visits etc.
      Think of the vandalism that falsifies archaeological evidence running against Arya Sinhala myths.
      The fear is that only one class of archaeological finds will attract state interest and justify conservation and colonization, while others will be glossed over.

  • 2

    All Tamil speaking people should unite to form a separate Homeland. The Caliphate can be accommodated within the boundaries of the Homeland.


    • 0

      Will you like to include the formerly Tamil speaking people also in the Homeland?

    • 0

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    The writer Amir Ali has sidelined the reason for setting up a task force to protect archaeological sites in the East and tries to vindicate the extremist Islamic Jihadists as victims, when the facts are otherwise. The archaeological site in question is a place of utmost importance to the Sinhalese and in particular to the Buddhists because of its historical value. If not for the election of Gotabaya Rajapakse as the President, the fate of this archaeological site would have been sealed. Maha Muhudu Vihara which had a land extent of 235 acres during the British times shrank to 72 acres later and in course of time Muslim extremists made encroachments reducing its extent to mere 3 acres or less and denying access to the temple. Mr. Amir Ali has forgotten that the Muslims were given asylum by the Sinhala Buddhist king Senarath when they were expelled by the Portugues from the maritime provinces and settled them in the Kandyan kingdom with the full freedom to practise their religion. Can Mr. Ali name any Muslim country in the present world or past being so magnanimous? Muslims propagate like rabbits and hence the land space has become a question and they keep on illegally occupying State and temple lands.

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    It is the prime duty of the state to preserve archaeological sites of historical importance. This is what our new President is doing. Nobody can find fault with it. There are extremist elements, both in the Muslim community and the Tamil community destroying Sinhala Buddhist historical sites to erase the Sinhala heritage which should not be allowed to happen. Muslims in the East encroach on the State and temple lands using fraudulent means. The Temple in question, Maha Muhudu vihara during British times had 235 acres but the most part of it was illegally occupied by the Muslims and is now left with only 3 acres or less.
    The Muslim population keeps propagating like rabbits and they need more space at the expense of Sinhalese and Muslims. This should not be allowed to happen.

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    Lord Buddha was born in Indian then it should be Buddhist country with archived archeological data

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