16 January, 2025


Audio: Education Minister Akila Viraj Suffering From HIV Phobia; Threatens To Separate Kuliyapitiya Mother From Child

In a new twist to the controversial incident involving a six year old child from Kuliyapitiya who has been deprived of a school due to rumours that he is infected with HIV, it is learnt that Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam has been behind the incident and had also ordered provincial authorities including Zonal Education Director A. S. K. Jayalath against finding an amicable solution to the problem.

Kariyawasam appears to be suffering from the HIV phobia himself, and has also threatened to take a court order and separate the child from the mother, because as Sri Lanka is a tropical country and as the child sleeps next to the mother, he too can contract HIV.Akila Viraj

Photo – Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam with his child

Speaking to the media soon after visiting Malvathu Viharaya yesterday, Kariyawasam said that the Zonal Education Director has confirmed that the child’s father had died from HIV, and even the child’s mother is HIV+.

“This is a tropical country and there are ways the child can contract it as he sleeps next to his mother. So we have requested the mother to hand over the child to probationary services, but if she doesn’t then we will get a court order and take him away,” he said.

He blamed the media for making a fuss about the incident and trying to use the event as a commercial venture. Kariyawasam also alleged that certain human rights organisations have gotten involved in the issue and have influenced the mother by putting ideas into her head, which has led to the issue going a step further.

Incidentally, Kariyawasam himself was born in Kuliyapitiya, and attended the Kuliyapitiya Maha Vidyalaya. He has also come under heavy criticism for his failure both as a resident of Kuliyapitiya and the education minister to not play a more proactive role in helping find the child a school.

Meanwhile, President Maithripala Sirisena blamed the illiteracy of society to the current situation. Speaking to the child’s mother over telephone on Saturday, Sirisena also assured to provide the child with a school.

“We will help you, and we will get him a school, don’t worry. The society doesn’t have an understanding about this issue, this is why such a situation has happened,” Sirisena said.

The mother of the child has also filed a fundamental rights violation petition citing Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Provincial Education Director J. G. N. Tilakarathna, Zonal Education Director A. S. K. Jayalath, Education Ministry Secretary, Attorney General, the Inspector General of Police as well as the Principals of Bohandiya Primary School, Sripathi Royal College, as respondents.

In the petition, she has urged that necessary steps should be taken to ensure her child’s right to a formal education and have also called for an investigation as to whether any one of the respondents are acting under pressure or undue influence which led to them not taking action to ensure her child’s right to attend school.

Listen the audio below:

Related posts;

Education Ministry To Draw Up Guideline To Prevent HIV And Other Discriminations At Schools

Trinity College To Rescue Discriminated Kuliyapitiya Boy

Latest comments

  • 33

    Education Minister should take some extra class about HIV virus for sure. Really shame to hear from a Minister of the Education about this. I think wrong man be appointed to a wrong job for sure.

    HIV does not survive long outside the human body (such as on surfaces) and it cannot reproduce outside a human host. It is not spread by:

    Air or water

    Mosquitoes, ticks or other insects

    Saliva, tears, or sweat that is not mixed with the blood of an
    HIV-positive person

    Shaking hands, hugging, sharing toilets, sharing dishes/drinking
    glasses, or closed-mouth or “social” kissing with someone who is

    Drinking fountains

    Other sexual activities that don’t involve the exchange of body
    fluids (for example, touch

    • 17

      He is a wrong man for any job.

    • 0

      whoever whatever being said, is that not nice that even Pres, PM, anyone and everyone is focused on any issue today … was that case under the maharaja et all… Those ministers that worked with him were suffering from incontinence just looking at the bugger MR made decision – he should have been the brother of Zimbabwian Mugabe at least in last soul – anyways, the very same faekel eaters to back him going behind him even today is a joke that not even 10 year old would get it easily. This is wonderland filled with majority of idiots- they have genes that others Homosapiens seem to lack. That is the reason them to focus only onthe surface… I wonder why the bugger mann who ate millions if not billions deliberately to be backed further.

    • 0

      send a copy of this to the donkey named Akila ( The so called our Minister for Education )….

  • 26

    I’ve listened to the 6′ 39″ as well as reading this; what needless complications! An amazing level of bigotry.

    Trinity had better admit the boy – pronto!

    • 31

      Once again a ignorant, irresponsible and in this instance a dangerous statement that can affect the life of the child and the mother, in many ways and render them outcasts in society. Can this child be provided a congenial environment in any school, including Trinity College today, given the publicity his story has received? Could he have not sought the advise of a medical specialist in HIV AIDS before making this pronouncement? Did he not understand that playing around withe lives of a child and mother, and feeding the existing prejudices in our dociety. We should be able to expect greater erudition, wisdom, sober pronouncements and tongue restraint from an Education Ministet! I wonder what other stupid decisions he is making in the crucial ministry he is handling?

      This man is not fit to be our education minister, as he has committed a crime that surpasses even murder. Mr.Minister, resign!

      Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

      • 21

        Agree with Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

        This dumb statement from such a high profile public official has left my blood boiling.

        This guy should resign with his tail firmly between his legs. Better yet to kick him out of the Cabinet. Nothing less will do.

        He has proven his roots from Kuliyapitiya. Not that I believe people hailing from other areas in SL are less stupid either.


        Isn’t this guy widely considered a gay man in the closet. Does that mean we should stay away from him. Statistically speaking Gay men are the biggest risk group, when it comes to HIV infections.

        “This is a tropical country. It can spread through the air”. GOSL should take custody of Akila’s kids for their own protection.

        I sincerely apologize to all my LGBT friends. I am only going after the hypocrisy and stupidity of our so called Minister of Education. Not you. Please forgive me.

        • 21

          These are the yakko a——-s who are a part of SL’s new govt.
          These are the buggers that RW appointed to office just like himself radalayas.
          AVK should take his two cent qualifications and wipe his rear for all that good sri lankans care.
          SL is a laughing stock to the whole world and to the devil himself. Where is the compassion and the great maithri that comes from the great buddhist philosopy. Is it confined to murderers and criminals ??????????????????????
          A innocent little boy and his poor mother are hounded out like criminals while the real criminals are singing “role out the barrel” on the bandwagon.
          WAKE UP WAKE UP RW & MS before its to damn late when you find yourselves starring at the end of a rope.
          There are a lot of good sri lankans in this world who are sitting around doing nothing while evil triumphs in SL.
          Mr RW & MS dont let those good sri lankans suddenly get up from their slumber, get together and decide enough is enough.
          If they do, they will make sure, repeat make sure that SL and its vulgar politicians are hounded out at every corner of this earth and the result will be that innocent people will suffer for the political vulgarity of a few ugly sri lankan politicians.

          A recent video clip on youtube shows Ravi K begging western leaders and buisnessmen at the Davos economic forum to invest in Sri Lanka. By his side sat MS like a godaya,at a godayata magic show. The western audience must have been thinking that Sri Lankans are genuine grass eating wankers. This is the image SL politicians portray to the outside world.

          If any good and dear person reads this please pray that Trinity College will finally decide to take in that little boy with all the good Lord’s blessings.

          Finally may all the curses of HELL come upon you and your bloody family Mr Minister of Education. This is for real.

  • 19

    Most of our journalists are no better than “Lida Laga OpaDupa” guys, so many conflicting information. Anyway, now Edu minister confirmed that farther and mother was/is HIV positive and the child is NOT . My Google search pointed me to a School Principle’s article published in 1992 in California. Incident mentioned here is about a 4th grade girl who was HIV positive and decided tell her story to her class friend and how the principle handled this delicate situation in 1992 (24 years back in US)
    When a Student Is HIV Positive

    Minister, please read this and try to be a better human.
    This article says there were 200 HIV positive kids in schools in California in 1992. Privacy act was respected by SUDDAs, not even teachers knew about those kids’ condition. Here are two informative contents principle used to educate parents and children of the school before this 4th year school girl went to talk about her HIV condition in public.. (sounds like a different world)…

    Schoolchildren Will Not Get HIV/AIDS from the Following:

    Playing with other children… Touching other children…Coughing, sneezing, or spitting…Drinking fountains…A hug…A closed-mouth kiss…Sweat or tears…Mosquitoes or other insects…Eating food prepared or served by someone infected with the virus
    Children Will Not Get HIV/AIDS from Using the Following:
    Toilet or shower facilities… Forks, knives, spoons, or cups… Chairs, desks, tools, or phones… Playground equipment or pools

    Past medical knowledge also proves that a child getting HIV from a positive mother after the breast feeding time is extreamly low and could be completely prevented by educating parents and children..

    • 1

      Good find. Thank you for sharing it. This article should be publicised.

  • 22

    This minister needs some rehabilitation. Can somebody explain how a child can get HIV from a mom in a tropical country? Through mosquitos? It is scientifically shown that mosquitos are not HIV carriers. This minister is just responding to the idiotic vote base it seems.

  • 15

    Education minister needs to be educated http://www.hivaware.org.uk/about/princess-diana

  • 13

    Its really dissapointing this Yahapalanaya minister go to the level of a Weerawansa to spread rumors in his very electorate that is Kuliyapitiya.

    At one stage he says, the boy is ‘yet to get HIV’ LOL what an idiot in saying the father was HIV+ and so is the mother, it was the Education Ministry officials who are to determine they are infected with HIV?

    Where is the health professionals? any Doctors of Lab reports?

    With the advancements of medical research, HIV+ patients are certain to enjoy almost normal life with the medications and not going for the full blown AIDS.

    No wonder the Prez MS did send Ranjan of the OneShot fame all the way to Kuliyapitiya yesterday to console the child and mother as this man who says got 300,000+ votes in the last general election is utter waste.

    Where is that famous Kurunegala Distric MP who is shouting vengeance from temples all over the country had to say about this innocent child?

  • 10

    We should be embarrassed that an official from the Ministry of Education is showing ignorance, and causing fear among people who are equally ignorant. This is unacceptable, and shows that we are appointing officials in responsible positions, who can make tragic mistakes causing hurt and grief to innocent people. It is time these uneducated officials who show their ignorance were put through a special program to open their narrow minds, and learn about AIDs and other diseases, and how to handle it.

  • 8

    How is it possible that the minister of education. Is clueless uneducated about AIDS. What exactly are his qualifications to head one of the most important ministries. Our selection process for ministerial positions is disgusting.

  • 6

    Isn’t it clear that parliamentarians are mostly duds.

  • 4

    Everybody in Kurunegala knows who is the real HIV person. [Edited out]

  • 14

    Why oh why he had to open his big mouth to confirm to the whole world that the Father died of HIV and the Mother too is infected with the virus ? All these days it was only a rumour. Did he think for a moment of their right to privacy ? What right has he got to talk about the medical condition of others in public ?

    The time he spends in saloons close to the ministry, for his grooming needs, he should have spent to attend to this sensitive matter by himself. This issue is totally mismanaged and he is responsible for it.

    Thanks to the media exposure Trinity and Zahira agreed to offer a place.

    By the time you wake up from your slumber, Akila, the train has moved on ! Now keep your damn mouth shut and let the others handle what you messed up !!!

  • 8

    I am sorry but which year is this? 1980 or 2016? Such ignorance is unbelievable! that to from a Education Minister – I wonder what grade he had in Biology?

  • 6

    Better keep him away from Akila .. if what we hear about his preferences is anything to go by!!

  • 7

    Its strange that some are don’t understand how this minister’s statement is pathetic. A child contract HIV is highly likely during pregnancy of the mother and also child birth time. Apart from during the time of breast feeding to infant baby, Now this boy is 6 year old and he is negative on HIV, So he has been safely looked after by his mother. Education Minister should be Educated!!

  • 7

    Education minister is very dumb and selfish.

    A child should grow up with his mother. He can not get HIV unless there is a blood exchange. Besides, he may be already resistant to HVI.

    It is simply stupid and moronic.

  • 7

    Ignorance at its best disgusting and disgraceful ,seems like he is trying to protect his voter base but reflects on the governance of President and Prime minister also .RESIGNING OR SACKING SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY OPTIONS IF IT IS YAHAPALANAYA NOW.

  • 2

    Stupid Minister! I agree with all the comments against his madness. But why did CT publish the comment by Piyal Gamage. It is in bad taste. Why should that woman be dragged in to this?

  • 3

    Education Minister needs a good education.

  • 4

    A V Kariyawasam is suffering from ” psynocockitis “.

    Medically defined its a “sudden rush of shit to the brain” found only in sri lanka politicians. Symptons are gradual madness to total insanity. Difficult to cure and patients should be kept in solitary confinement untill death.
    Research shows that the virus comes from banana ( anamaalu & kolikuttu ) republics.
    So far no known cure other than slow maddening death.
    Precautions to be taken. Avoid all politicians and vacinate one’s self by destroying ballet paper as virus can multiply in ballot papers.

    TAKE CARE in every way.

  • 0

    judge by morals not by law and order

  • 2

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dear Minister,Akila V.Kariyavasam. By this statement you have broken all this families HR, who have given you the right to inform to the whole country about the HIV status of this childs father/mother. This has broken whole confidentiality of this families HIV status. This is grace miss management of this situation. Also about speared of HIV by child being/sleeping with the mother. Please come again in front of the TV and inform the public the gross mistake you did by punting this to the media. You have to apologies to the family and to the whole Sri Lankans. if not its a shame!!!

  • 3

    Dear President and Prime Minister of Sri lanka

    This one is to be laid at your doorstep.

    Congratulations on appointing such people to high office.

  • 3

    There is no other word to describe this minister but to call him a “dope”. The minister is an embarrassment to Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    This moron should be [Edited out]

  • 0

    It sounds like the child should never seek an education from the Kuliyapitiya Maha Vidyalaya, where the Honorable Minister had sought his faulty & biased education.

    I do not know the exact history of this. But everything I am reading pointing to me is on “putting the Modayas on the list of SLTB demonstration for a Biryani Parcel and a sip of arrack and exporting the active population for human slaveries to countries which would contribute to the $18 billion hat collection to send Swiss Banks. The deficiency of proper education is not just demonstrated at the rural level where ignorant people protests on unwanted matters for them just because by mongered fears by opportunistic politicians, but is severely acute status at ministerial levels like Kariyawasam. Basically none of the Yahapalanaya ministers seems to be willing to be refrained from putting bombshells like this statements, time to time, to show how idiot they and unfit for their jobs. This is the country where the leader of the state called for “Thirukkai Vaal Addi” (Stingray tail whipping) when a woman throw a woman garment to music stage. Here the foolish minister showing vengeance on the mother and trying to take away her child when she had lost her husband for the extreme mismanagement of the government the country’s employment oppotunities by this kind ministers.

    This female is seems to be suffering by an unbearable disease (I do not know the exact situation, only guessing the woman is sick by the news read). The minister failed to show his gracefulness towards the sick person, her to hope up with her disease. Minister failed to show support her to hope up with her disease. Without shame or shy the minister is out there on point blank attack on this helpless woman and blaming her of dancing to the tunes of NGOs.

    The country has resigned a low class mentality of submitting to any political manipulations for petty benefits. Sometimes government is using anything as a wedge to materially profit out of it. This is what done with racial differences, language differences, religious differences, gender differences, educational status differences, wealth and affluence differences, disease and health differences…Anything is turned into a wedge to divide people. Further while many part of the world see NGOs as organizations of angels, Wildlife Sanctuary, SinhaLE Lankawe see them as White tigers, Black tigers, South African tigers, American tigers, Middle East tigers….. so forth. The reason for that are these NGOs tried to work with the North-East women widowed by the rapist army. Now, the minister’s blame of this lady dancing to NGOs is to prove these tiger representatives have made lady a dangerous tigress terrorist. His wedging here is the lady is an AIDS tigress has been produced by the NGOs to spread disease and to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist civilization.

    The Notorious minister has to be punished immediately if an atom of honest in the New King’s words that he said “The society doesn’t have an understanding about this issue, this is why such a situation has happened”. The ignorant society can be excused for their negligence but ignorance minister should not be allowed to enjoy impunity to his political maneuvering. Minister has to plead apology for having engaged in harassing the poor woman, using her precarious situation mercilessly. He has to make sure if she is sick, her fundamental rights are not violated and the government provides a reasonable medical care like all other citizens are enjoying. He has to Apologize to the NGOs for having wedged against non-guilty organizations. Further he has to release an apology statement to media including his recognition of that they have every freedom to write anything they want as long as they have a back for that.

  • 5

    I apologize to people of Sri Lanka that I voted this person and that helped him to become education minister. If I knew that he was such an uneducated and senseless person, I would never have voted him. My apologies again to people of Sri Lanka!

  • 1

    Oh realy! This ignorant person is telling the media to shut up about this injustice so that he can please the similarly ignorant people that voted for him! So that they can violate all the human rights of this woman and innocent child silently. I hope everyone can see the absolute disregard for human rights, his ignorance and greed for power. Its not the media that is abusing this child in this instance they are really helping, its these foolish and cunning politicians that try to destroy the future of a child to get the votes of uneducated!O f course those people voted for this ignoramus! No wonder

  • 0

    Who suggested this idiot to be appointed as the Minister of Education ??? Can someone tell me ???? Because, I have no regard for that donkey either….

    Seriously, if the teachers, Principle and the Education Minister has such stupid mentality, god bless our nation….

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