20 September, 2024


Banning Cattle Slaughter, Premadasa, Rajapaksa & The Reality – An Open Letter To MR

By Haniffa Madhani –

Haniffa Madhani

As patriotic citizens of our mother land, we are very much happy to thank and wish you for your great service that has been rendered to this country to bring the peace and peaceful life for the people as a patriot of this country.

First of all, our whole hearted thanks go to your highness for the successful decision taken to stop slaughtering cattle for food in the meeting of ruling government party on the 07th September 2020 and the portfolios meeting on the 09th September 2020 unanimously. Regarding this matter we are very proud to thank you whole heartedly.

It is well known that to satisfy the long desire of some extreme people who wished to implement “Not to Kill”, the philosophy of the majority Buddhists people of our country.

There is an illusion for a long time among the people that when this law comes to practice it will bring impact and loss to the Muslim minority of this country. But it is untrue. In our country about 5000 cattle are slaughtered for beef every day. All this beef is not eaten by only Muslims. It is a passion of the people to think that only the Muslims consume the beef. But most of poor people, the hotel proprietor who wish to make tasty curry and the soldiers who need proteins for their strong body consume a plenty of beef.

Honoured Prime Minister!

I, the one who write this letter too do not eat beef much. According to Muslims, it is not necessary to consume beef as our prophet Muhammath (PBUH) did not encourage us to eat. It is the true that he never ate beef even once in his entire life of 63 years until he died. 

Due to this implementation of law, it is sure that the livelihood and the monthly income of most of the farm owners those who sending their 150,000 (One hundred and fifty thousand) cattle to the market every month is going to be extirpated. Most of the farm owners who send their cattle to the market are from Embilipitiya, Hambantota, Vavuniya, Anuradhapura, Thamangaduwa, Thanamalwila, Polannaruwa, Galle, Tankgalle, Ambalanthotta, Kottiyagala, Siyambalanduwa, Hulanuge, Panama, Rethithenna and Poonanai.

Next, the poor families and those who live below the poverty line will be affected because of the difficulties in purchasing the expensive food rather than the cheaper beef.

Instead slaughtering the cattle for the Muslims sacrifice which is called “Ulhiyya” in Arabic, they can also slaughter the goats or sheep and share with poor people.

Hence, after implementing the law of slaughtering cattle in Sri Lanka, according to the advice of the government we can also import beef from abroad to fulfill our needs. 

This will be a challenge for the government to earn foreign exchange according to His Excellency President’s expectation of reducing the import items and earning the utmost foreign exchange. 

For our daily consume, we need to import at least 1,000,000 (one million) kilograms of beef and which come 365,000,000 (Three hundred and sixty five million) kilograms annually. It is going to be a big burden to the country while trying to settle the foreign loans.

Further, we have to think about the sacred religious places in India named Buddhagaya, Saranaath and Kusinagar where the immense peaceful light Lord Budhdha received spiritual enlightenment and started his preaching, have been exporting million kilograms of beef to many countries, in exporting beef the Brazil in the first, the Australia in the second and the India in the third places.

Indian Prime Minister Hon. Modi made an agreement with China to export 100,000 (One Hundred thousand) tons of beef in 2017. Among the 56 companies which export beef in India, 10 belong to Hindus. They are in the background of RSS. According to the recent Indian Media news, “Allana Sons Pvt Ltd” had been exported worth of U.S Dollar 312.6 million (5,740 million rupees) beef in 2017.

It is to be noted that if we do not slaughter the 5000 cattle per day after one year it is going to be increased as 1,800,000, (one million and eight hundred thousand). We should spend at least Rs.10, 000/= per month to maintain a cow. So, we have to spend 21,600 million rupees (1,800,000 X 120,000) per year to maintain them. 

When we implement a law and before coming to practice it, we need to consider the above challenges and take the final decision to the betterment of the people of the country and the peaceful life among the communities. To aware the situation of the good and bad, profit and loss from this implementation of law only made me to write a long letter. 

Finally, I wish to mention a news that I heard once some extreme people of went to meet one of our Ex. Presidents, Late Ranasinghe Premadhasa to implement the philosophy of “Not To Kill” and to take a decision to close all the beef stalls in Sri Lanka but he said to them Good, but come with the decision of closing all the pig stalls in Sri Lanka then I’ll order to close all the beef stalls the next day” hearing this those who went never met him again. 

We are very sorry for the inconveniences and mistakes if any in this letter.

Our wishes and gratitude for you forever!

Wish you all the best!

“Dheruwan Saranai”

With love,

S.L.M.Haniffa Madhani

President,Muslim Assembly for National Unity.


Copies to:

His Excellency Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

Hon. Sajith Premadhasa M.P, Opposition Leader.

Hon. Basil Rajapaksa M.P, Chairman, President Task Force.

Hon. D.B. Herath M.P, State Minister of Livestock & Farm Promotion.

*The writer; Ex. Chairman of Muslim peace Assembly, Ampara District, Ex. President of federation of All Mosque and Muslim Institution, Ampara District, Ex. Deputy President of All Ceylon JammiyathulUlama, Ampara District, Ex. Opposition Leader & Member of Municipal council, Akkaraipattu.   

Latest comments

  • 26

    Dear Mr. S.L.M.Haniffa Madhani:
    You know what … I’ll tell you a good idea. You must spread a rumour among the Buddhist monks that foreign beef will make men less virile and as a result the fertility rate of the Sinhalese will go down further. Then see what happens.

    • 0

      Very good IDEA AJAY :)
      Not a rumour but another myth. That could keep all pseudo buddhagama followers away from Beef eating.
      In a country, any kind of myth mixed with buddhagama Jathaka Katha go viral in current day srilanka.
      The best example – was that water snake carried – FAKE-RELICS- to kelaniya Viharaya. The man who passed it to the local press was – CHIEF MONK OF KELANIYA Rajamahaviharaya, another boot licker of RAJAPAKSHE mafia clan.
      To my own info, I discussed this with the gate security guards (dressed in ARMY uniform), who confirmed me over few lacks if not millions rushed to the temple to worship those “FAKE RELICS”. – The Kapuwa/Witch doc who involved in bringing those “FAKE RELICS” from Kelaniya River to its banks was well known as a FACE BOOK Freak. – No matter even PRIMA FACIE evidence would be available, but what INCUMBENT PRIEST’ s public statments were what they buddhgama followers (SADU-SADU gawky followers) took to their hearts. As Makkar prilgrims did it, they lined up to Kelaniya.
      Just a few days passed, all was clear that was a fake story, but SRILANKEN EXPERTS in the UNIVERSITIES and other temples yet stay as if they were warned to utter a single word on it.

  • 26

    How has this cow slaughter issue been taken as an anti-Muslim issue is because of partisan ethno-religious politicians and corrupt journalists and equally corrupt scholars. Many Sinhalese also eat beef, and that is actually many times the total Muslim population numerically – for every Muslim who eats beef there must be at least 3 Sinhalese. But the scene is presented as if every Muslim is ready to kill cows with knives in their hands, while the good Sinhalese are trying to save the poor cows. Hilarious.

    • 7

      Are you for or against beef eating? Be honest.
      As for me, I like beef but can’t afford it.

      • 7

        I am not against people eating beef, but If we were to have a referendum about cow slaughter I will vote in favour of banning cow slaughter. This has nothing to do with religious convictions, but about being fair to the cows. I think most people regardless of their religious beliefs and their desire to eat beef would feel and vote the same way.

    • 2

      Punchi Brain

      “How has this cow slaughter issue been taken as an anti-Muslim issue is because of partisan ethno-religious politicians and corrupt journalists and equally corrupt scholars. “

      The Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority does not mind
      cutting off their nose to spite their face.

  • 13

    I am strict vegetarian who doesn’t even consume eggs in Omelet form, except cakes, which I understand contains a certain percentage of egg. My wife does not consume even cakes.I have no religious reason to avoid non- vegetables. I am an agnostic.
    My parents and, grand parents too were vegetarians,. My children in overseas too are vegetarians, but my grand children are not.
    I wonder whether it is really necessary to eat non vegetables. My siblings and I are nearing 80 or over 80 years of age. We have been reasonably healthy except for the old age sickness of pains and slow downs.
    I understand that the animals like cattle and goats has to consume over 10 lbs vegetable protein to give you one pound of animal protein . I cannot comment on the the probable over population of animals, if humans don’t consume animals. So is Human population? What do we do?. Will it be OK for the animals to pounce on humans to satisfy their hunger- Protein or not?.

    • 2

      That is the point I also have been thinking. If Vegan meat and Vegan milk are produced in large quantities, food prices should go down. These machine produced from grains and vegetables. Many million acres of farming land can be returned to nature. Animal farming produce many million tons of Methane & Carbon Monoxide gas, harmful gases to nature. When farm animals numbers return to small, carbon-dioxide will go down. No more Covid-19, no more TB from cattle, no more tape worm………….If other areas are not properly settled and if they stop animal slaughtering, it can create some nuisance. But it is easier to fix that than the problem that comes from shutting down plastic product factories.

  • 7

    There were no cattle in the arid Land that Islam originated, Arabs were not farmers. Hence Mohamed probably never saw any cattle in his life. In the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, a Mahayana sutra giving Gautama Buddha’s final teachings, the Buddha insisted that his followers should not eat any kind of meat or fish. On a practical side the land and water needed to raise cattle is enormous. Sri Lanka is 130th in land size yet 50th in population density. It has a population crisis which predictably no one sees coming and Muslims have contributed to this.

    • 8

      “There were no cattle in the arid Land that Islam originated, Arabs were not farmers”
      You couldn’t be more wrong. Arabia isn’t all desert. Some areas are as green as Jaffna, with cattle, sheep, and farmers. Even today, Saudi Arabia produces milk and wheat. I have seen it myself. Some Saudi milk products are even available in Colombo.

      • 1

        old codger

        How long do you think MR/GR government will last?

        • 2

          The cracks are already showing among Gota’s most ardent supporters.There is no doubt that there is bi-partisan opposition to 20A building up.
          Even Hiru TV did an interview with the arch-racist and Pohottuwa supporter Elle Gunawansa, who is alarmed at the line the Gota regime is taking. He has realised that the Pohottuwa only used his extremist services to get power for themselves. Gota doesn’t care two hoots for his opinions now on MCC, Port City or whatever. Which is not a bad thing really. It’s about time these sacrosanct thugs were told where they get off, no matter who does it. Expect interesting times ahead, people !


          • 0

            old codger

            Thanks a lot.
            Immediately after Gota’s election victories I asked many in these forums as to what price he was going to pay for those unpleasant supporters of newly founded SLPP namely the Saffron brigade, Armed Forces, and other crooks, thieves, racists, bigots, …..

            Do you think Gota can politically survive as the Strong man/leader of this failing state for the next four or five years without resorting to despotic measures finally ending up like Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi, … Nicolae Ceaușescu?

            Gota may need a good war, isurrerection, or a good riots to establish himself as the good Sinhala/Buddhist leader, hero ….. revitalise his popularity.

            Take care.

            • 0

              “despotic measures finally ending up like Saddam Hussein,…”
              Don’t forget Saddam among others was Uncle Sam’s pet poodle once. Gota can be as despotic as he likes if he doesn’t offend Powerful People in Delhi or Washington.

  • 15

    Animal slaughters to gallows and human killers to parliament.
    No difference in killing animals and humans. We cannot live without killing living organisms and they are part of our body.
    Do plants have a life? Even plants eat living organism
    Food should be cost-effective and environmentally friendly
    Religions are hypotheses (god, sin, rebirth). What is not proofed is not false but not true either. Birth, death, sickness, hunger, thirsty, feeling, and accidents are part of nature. You can think of life as sorrow in a negative way or life as an opportunity in a positive way. What we certainly know is there is only one life. So think of an egalitarian society.
    Culture not based on reasons. One against killing pigs other cows. How many road accidents kill people a day but we do not stop the transport.
    The decision should not be based on religion or culture but based on the nature of reality.

  • 6

    There is saying that if there are no consumers then there won’t be any producers. Producing and killing such big animals for food, besides being horrendous is environmentally unsustainable. But it should be brought into the consciousness of the people of this unnecessary production and killings for any eventual reduction of this consumption. It is interesting while a significant number of people are moving into vegetarianism in the affluent countries, people with non-violence as their basic teaching and heritage moving forward with environmentally unsustainable food culture.

    People following Abrahamic scriptures know that it originated in the desert and hence certain procedures. Just like most Christians, just absorb the spiritual aspects only but change it to suit the local customs. One doesn’t need to adhere to customs developed for a different environment.

    • 11

      It is Thiruvalluwar a Tamil poet, who has stated in his book Thirukural that if there is no one to consume meat, then there will be no one to kill animals. In contrast Buddha told his disciples not to consume meat, but if you receive meat as alms do not refuse. This is misinterpreted by Buddhists in Sri Lanka saying not to kill animals, but if someone kills animals for meat, there is nothing wrong in consuming it.

      • 2

        ‘It is Thiruvalluwar a Tamil poet, who has stated in his book Thirukural that if there is no one to consume meat, then there will be no one to kill animals.’
        Have you not heard of people hunting for pleasure, for the chase? Foxes, birds etc. Have you not heard of them hunting for trophies? Elephant tusks, leopard skins, etc
        You have completely misunderstood the Buddha’s teaching.

        • 2

          Stanley, Buddha is a human being and is not infallible. In this instant he has erred in giving correct advice to his disciples. He should have been equivocal in telling them not to consume meat, not only killing but also partaking what is offered by others who have killed them. In this instant Thiruvalluvar has superseded Buddha. There is another gem from Thiruvalluvar which states, best thing to do to one who has done harm to you is to do good deed towards him. Is this not superior to what Buddha has preached. Thiruvalluvar was an orphan who was brought up by a Buddhist family, and his thinking has been influenced by Buddha’s teaching. Here is an example of a student excelling over his teacher.

        • 0

          So Wijeya was hunted for fun to keep his tooth in Daladamaligawa?

          Killing cannot be justified by any reason other than to save another one. So many times animals are killed to protect human being and their properties. If a lion going to eat you, they both agree you kill it. So, the first part of the reason, i.e. “to save” another one, is acceptable. But food is too important for people like Vedas. So in some religions it’s accepted to eat meat as last resort. But neither Buddha nor Valluvar is accepting making meat eating as habitual and killing for that. They both were explaining this to disciples; not for one Sinhala Buddhist Modayas. So, neither of them had brought in their talk of killing for fun because it is well understood by their disciples. Buddha told his disciples not to be choosy. They must eat whatever the edible food donated to them. Returning meat is telling the giver that you want him to give veggies next time. Buddha wants you avoid returning. Then you may use your commonsense to avoid the same place for alms, next time. But still you have options. When you teach them, that time you tell them avoid offering a monk meat. Though you didn’t be choosy or reject, but you avoided meat by commonsense.

          • 2

            GS, Mallaiyuran, even I did not appreciate the extent of your ignorance. Nothing can justify killing.
            For example in the case of ‘If a lion going to eat you, they both agree you kill it. So, the first part of the reason, i.e. “to save” another one, is acceptable.’
            Again you have misunderstood. One of the aims of the Buddha’s teaching is to see that there is no ‘I’. A person who has developed to that extent will see no difference between his own suffering and that of the lion, so he will not kill it.
            I will ignore your racist slurs about ‘Sinhala Buddhist Modayas’. It is obvious that both of you are ‘balanam’ (Fools).

  • 4

    I have yet to fathom the real reason of this move. If it is totally due to “ahimsa” (non-violence), why imported beef is allowed? Why only cattle? What about the other animals, fish? Even Buddha, who preached non violence, did not try to stop the swine slaughter “ChundaSukaraka” who lived next to Jethavana Grove. Because Buddha knew it happens according to ChundaSukaraka’s karma. No one can stop that. When think about the food chain perspectives, at the basic level there are plants that produce the energy, then it moves up to higher-level organisms like herbivores, carnivores and then omnivores like humans. So this is going against food chain principals too. Then what could it be? Only hypothesis can come up with, is to harass Muslims. I am not a meat eater, but it is my choice. If others want to eat beef or pork or fish or nuts or bananas, it is totally up to them. Surely we have to stop animal cruelty; there should be regulations about the way they are slaughtered, like in developed countries. For that matter every animal cruelty should be stopped. Buddhist priests should be mindful of the way they acquire baby elephants, and treat them.

  • 1

    Buffaloes are attacked by fox rabies ( viral zoonotic neuroinvasive disease ) infected what will bewhen population of cows increase & attached by fox mass killing cows( make them Mad cows ) & escaped from urban dairies other areas happens or will take place and the news now is The Wildlife authorities on 18 September alerted the public on the threat from rabid foxes prowling in the suburbs of Kalutara following recent fatal attacks on humans and animals, a senior-most official said.The first fox attack dogs were bitten by a rabies-infected fox and later on, in the same month a buffalo and a cow were found with severe symptoms and abnormal behavior and later were found dead, he said.

    • 1

      So what are you trying to say??

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