By Ameer Ali –
“Futuristic and people centric” and “non-traditional” are the advertising captions given by Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa to his maiden budget for 2022. In fact, every budget is futuristic in the sense that a budget always speaks about intentions and means of realizing them over a certain period in the future. What is so unique about this budget’s future? At the same time and as expected there is very little in it to ease the punishing economic pain suffered by practically every ordinary household in the country. A country never known for hunger and starvation in the past is in the thick of it at present. In that sense, the budget is not people centric. It is also not non-traditional, because like its predecessors, this one continues along the path of deficit producing, and that too in trillions of rupees, 1.176 trillion to be exact. (Incidentally, how does an ordinary person comprehend the magnitude of this amount in physical term? Here is one way of explaining it: If one million = 1,000 000 rupees worth of 1000 rupees notes are stacked, the height would be around 4 inches. Based on that calculation, one trillion = 1, 000 000 000 000 worth of 1000 rupees notes would have the height of 63 miles or nearly 12.5 times the height of Mount Everest). However, in couching the budget proposals within the national policy framework of “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”, Basil’s budget is ideology-centric without admitting its un-achievability, at least in the life span of the current regime.
Before looking into the specifics of the budget, it is totally hypocritical for the minister to quote Mahagamasekera who summoned together, “Dharme, Cassim (and) Rajasundaram” to “make this world a better place than it is now”, when Basil himself is part of a regime that is bent on keeping them apart so that Rajapaksas could divide and rule. Without the minister realizing it, this quote is a tacit admission of a hard truth, i.e., the real and long-term solution to Sri Lanka’s economic malaise lies more in the arena of socio-politics than in economics itself. Over the last seventy years or more, it is the rotten socio-political foundation paved by ethno-religious nationalism that prevented the transformation of fertile Sri Lanka into an economic powerhouse like Singapore. Basil’s budget, like all other previous budgets, is not going to free this economy from its malignancy. It is therefore a traditional budget, rich in promises and dreamy but poor in how and whys.
The deficit amounts to near7y one and three quarters of a trillion rupees. How will this budget finance this deficit without borrowing more and adding to an already bourgeoning national debt with increasing risk of debt default? With international credit rating agencies downgrading Sri Lanka’s credit worthiness, borrowing is going to be costly. Currency swaps and loans from friendly countries and neighbours are palliatives measures, which may carry some hidden costs unrevealed to the public. The government seems to be betting too much on the expected financial bonanza from the Chinese Port City in Colombo, oil and gas exploration in the Mannar basin and from Foreign Direct Investments. These are birds in the bush. Even now it is not too late for Basil and Cabraal to go with this budget to IMF for help, but the threat of surrendering to IMF conditions, though painful in the short-term but healthy in long-term, would be politically unpalatable to the regime.
The Minister hopes to increase government revenue by improving tax administration. This is a perennial issue in Sri Lanka where tax assessors act as unofficial tax advisers to private firms and individuals. There are unwarranted and illegal leakages from the circular flow which deprive government of its revenue. What more evidence to this loophole does the public need than Pandora Papers with Rajapaksa names in them? Without cleansing tax administration of corruption there is not much hope to raise revenue from this source.
There is also an entertaining aspect in Basil’s revenue proposals. One of them is the tax on traffic accidents. The minister hopes to reduce accidents by taxing them. What a joke? If he is serious about reducing the number of accidents, which are of course too many, he should tackle the problem more directly by way of for example, widening existing roads, improving traffic rules, removing unroadworthy vehicles from operation and more importantly, by providing cheaper and safer alternative modes of public transport. Instead, his proposal to tax is analogous to how governments in the past increased tax on cigarettes by arguing to reduce cancer from smoking until public pressure made them to take direct action against tobacco industry.
On the expenditure side, the lion share has gone once again to defence, with Rs. 373 billion or nearly 10% of total expenditure. What is the rationale to spend on this white elephant when, according to one minister, there is no threat to security either from inside or outside the country? The answer is obvious. When discontent against the regime grows into open confrontation, military would be the last resort to save the rulers. Hence, defence personnel should be kept pampered all the time.
The second largest allocation has gone to public service, mostly to sustain an army of unemployable graduates. This is the result of the wrong type of education imparted in swabasha, the products of which have no place to find employment in the private sector. Overstaffing public administration is now biting the treasury and there are no suggestions to prune its size. No wonder the government is encouraging this crowd to migrate to foreign countries in search of any job. The solution to the problem lies in improving education to make it skill oriented and marketable. But education has received only 185 billion of which 30 billion would go to settle the teachers’ salary issue.
Another chunk of budget allocation, 250 billion, goes to the Highway Department. The argument is that they are necessary for economic development. But why should farmers, carters and cyclists pay for these ultra-modern autobahns, which they are not allowed to use? The reality is something else. These infrastructure constructions offer plenty of opportunities to earn percentages to minsters and their sidekicks from contracts and subcontracts. Larger the allocation greater the opportunities for them.
One should sympathize with the minister for presenting a budget under very challenging circumstances. But much of those challenges are the regime’s own making. As mentioned at the beginning the long-term solution to the economic crisis lies in earning surpluses both in balance of payments as well as in domestic budget. Removing the twin-deficit and converting them into surpluses requires a national effort. That cannot be achieved unless the socio-political foundation on which the economy rests is altered. It should be rebuilt to make it inclusive of all communities and not exclusive to only one. In other words, the real solution to the economic crisis lies outside economics.
*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business & Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia
leelagemalli / November 15, 2021
Basil or th elike with his education cant find a job in the US, but he became – MINISTER OF FINANCE in our motherland filled with modayas.
Our Iskolemahathaya; Sinhala man would disagree with us, but truth as it is, srilanka is dominated by Modayas regardless of their edcuation levels.
What we experience today were known to at least 8 millions of voters that stood against Rajapakshes comeback.
Tomorrow, theh criminals could shoot to opposition protesters, no doubt about that… Mlechcha Rajapakshes would not have hearts. The days very same villagers tear them off are nearing.
Tamil from the north / November 16, 2021
@leelagemalli in the U.S., this 3rd grade educated garbage did not have to look for work. He stole millions of dollars before he ran away to the U.S., which could provide him great wealth for years to come.
old codger / November 16, 2021
Whatever Basil’s budget dreams may be, what was starkly obvious is the decrepit health of the Family. Basil couldn’t stand for 2 hours, nor could he read his speech without stammering. Mahinda is obviously feeble. Will the Grim Reaper come to the nation’s aid soon?
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
bro, who in that family can stand for 2 hours.
Divine forces seem to have made it so that karmic retribution to them to be unique to them. Look at Chamal, Look at Basil, Look at Mahinda (floating deadbody) .. these men have to face it sooner than later…
No doubt, in th edays to come, they have no other choice but to go and kneel down before IMF…
Native Vedda / November 17, 2021
old codger
“Will the Grim Reaper come to the nation’s aid soon?”
You got a serious concern which most people are also beginning to share and worry.
Watch out Namal Baby is everywhere, doing everything, does not miss a photo opportunity, being burdened with 20 or so departments, including IT, AI, …..Digital Technology, Enterprise Development, ……
Duties and functions of Namal’s new Ministry gazetted
Please read the above.
You will start sympathising with him.
SJ / November 17, 2021
You are dreaming too.
There have been brilliant thinkers with a stammer, but a stammer does not promise brilliance.
Mahinda is lying low for good reason.
The Grim Reaper that just left Afghanistan has not set his eyes on us yet.
old codger / November 18, 2021
I meant the guy with the hood and scythe. I wish he would hurry up a bit.
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
I mean white colour jobs blue colour is possible anywhere. I challenge Gota too had no life in the us. All these were known to us but our people over 7 millions of voter eligible betrayed their votes..
JVP/NPP over to u please come forward and convince the people that are really in dark today if not today when? Leave ur hatreds against UNP modest but do it for the future of this rotten nation 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
leelagemalli / November 18, 2021
Vezeihung,, forgive me for typos… white collar Gota was not able to pay a visit to home country for such a long time, over 10 years or longer, until his brother Mahinda made him “pseudo patriotic”. – That was in 2005. Mr Fonseka was once telling how hard Gota went through at the begining of his stay in the US. These men were not educated to do any kind o fjob, but went hidden behind his megalomaniac brother Mahinda. Entire family became untouchably wealthy thanks to HORA JAWARAM of Mahinda Bp.
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
Sarath WEERASEKARA will have to face it today.
If opposition would be able to SW, it will be a greater success.
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
Wimaloooooooooooooooooo… come out of your hideouts..#
I now feel, if SHARIA law would have been part of srilankan JUSTICE systems, none of these men would have rights to live any more..
leelagemalli / November 18, 2021
It is high time – WE THE NATION to drive away GOTABAYA and the like highly controversal figures and save this nation.
Ivon is right – that any other CIVILIZED folks would have REMOVED Gota from the position.
Alone APPOINTING that MURDEROUS BBS dog to the position would have been more than enough.
Today what we got to see in the country is – and was common to ZIMBABWE shortly before their MUGABE destroyed it.
Or Lybria shortly before their LEADERS were killed and found dead in drains.
We see today, MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHES like a MOVING DEAD Body being displayed by biased TV channels…. his LAST DAYS WILL NOT BE sound at all… wish he would have to pay a high price….. if not he would LEAVE the nation from their criminal hands.
Eagle Eye / November 15, 2021
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Tamil from the north / November 16, 2021
Eagle ‘racist mutt’ Eye, time and time again you state your dull thoughts in short and brief comments, thanks. Please come again.
Svenson / November 20, 2021
Tamil from the north, do you know of an Eelamist website where I might post racist anti-Tamil poison and have it accepted?
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / November 15, 2021
It is a great article. Dr.Ameer Ali has analyzed properly. Rajapaksas are trying to hoodwink the public. They have already robbed the country, but wanted to remain in power on false promises. They are trying to find excuses after mortgaging the country to China.
nimal fernando / November 15, 2021
“the long-term solution to the economic crisis lies in”
Dr. Ameer Ali,
Unfortunately …….. you all are barking up the wrong tree.
In Forbes’ list of the 50 richest people in the world ……. the majority have not contributed/created anything …….. just looted their countries’ wealth …….
It took Warren Buffett 50/60 years to have a net-worth of 1 billion. From a near pauper, it took Mahinda Rajapakse less than 5 years to have the same net-worth.
The country’s problems are due to the blatant looting of the public funds.
The only solution is to create a “National Monetary/Finance Defence Fund” (perhaps someone can come up with a better term) ……… to protect the country.
The idea is simple but I feel it’s “out of the box” ………. and perhaps the best if not the only solution ……….. :))
nimal fernando / November 15, 2021
If there was such a find ……SL could have given Mahinda Rajapakse $200 million from the fund …… instead of him having to borrow $1 billion from China, to build unproductive white elephants, just to steal the $200 million. The country could’ve saved $800 million ……. + the cost of maintenance of unproductive “assets” for yonks …….
If it’s too touchy for Mahinda supporters ……. just think, if there was such a fund in America, George Bush jr could’ve given from the fund, the $60 billion his Texan oil buddies earned from the Iraq war …….. instead of invading Iraq and spending trillions …… and paying a high price in countless deaths and casualties ……. just to let them earn the $60 billion ……..
If the “elite” are willing to think ……. there are better solutions to problems faced by humanity today ……… :))
At the moment non-elite ……… are doing all the thinking …………
old codger / November 16, 2021
Very creative thinking. But then, crooks are never satisfied. Look at Basil and Mahinda, obviously on their last legs. What could they possibly do with even half a million in the time they have left? Eat? Drink? Fornicate? Hardly likely.
If there was such a fund, they’d find a way to steal it too.
Mallaiyuran / November 15, 2021
Mr. 40% has presented his futuristic budget. But sadly, the budget is giving stomach pain medicine to diarrhea. Country’s, current, main problem is the one mismanaged Covid-19, to earn a name that Lankawe lead in the vaccination rate in Asia. This is achieved by starving the people though. Relief, Relief …….. Relief are words people are looking for in the budget. Opposition, (though SJB mainly talks about Royals resigning and they are coming back), unanimously accepts that there is no relief provided for the people battered by the pandemic, for the last two year. As usual, the presentation was only a political campaign for the coming election, no clarification of the subject matter for people. (The clarification can come out of a person, , who had honestly worked with capacity to provide relief for the people. Mr. 40% was known to defeat Ranil without getting one single seat for him. That is why he was assigned to prepare the budget, but not because he had any understanding of the current situation of the country or vision of the future or in-depth knowledge of the country’s revenue and income.
Mallaiyuran / November 15, 2021
The wording of the budget presentation clearly indicates that Mr. 40% was being torn apart because of legs on two boats, 1). campaigning for the 2024 election and 2). searching for loans for the projects that would yield any improvements from the customary 40%. In the parliament, as he was being torn, apparently, he showed pain while reading this budget, because these boats travel on 180 degree opposite paths.
Vista of prosperity and splendid is the budget slogan delivered for the hungry people who were waiting for their belts to be tightened for the last two years. That is why we said at the start of our comment that this budget is stomach pain medicine for a diarrhea patient. Aiyakaraya borrowed on CDs a $400 B to fund a corrupted war & constructed white elephants and lured the country into debt, impossible ascending out of. Now Mr. 40% proposing fixes to these loans with VIsata Scene. The budget is whipping the horse to climb the fancy mountain of “Vista of Prosperity and Splendid” only when its legs are broken by the Covid-19 shutdowns. Economists fear that by the effect of this Vista Budget, the country will not be able to meet debt obligations & the heavy cart is going to drag the lame horse down the hill on the mountain, to ultimate disaster.
Mallaiyuran / November 15, 2021
Well, there is nothing said in the Vista budget about the Air Lanka, which is sucking even the born of peasantry, who never stepped into those fancy planes, but only their masters’ pets fly on special flits. But shamelessly he is funding the budget with a Tamil man Alloysius’s Perpertual’s, court blocked, money. This Aloysius family was the investment consultants to the Royal family in the past. Sampanthan Aiyya and Sumanthiran must read those lines in the Budget before they negotiate their Secret Solution for Tamils.
Yew Kwan lee is one who studied well the Lankawe structures in 1961 and eventually, in his book, predicted accurately where Lankawe would end up, but while with that clear understating of path and its journey’s end, he built Singapore to the envy of, not just the pariah nation Lankawe, but even the superpowers to astonish & wonder at its growth. Attractively, Mr. 40%, the thief who was the judge deciding the robbery case in the movie “Budget 2022”, compared Lankawe & Singapore’s now and then GDP.
Mallaiyuran / November 15, 2021
Mr. 40% expects all masses, locally, and the envoys in the Colombo embassies to believe him as a reincarnated buddha of pious truth. But he withheld the most important fact that In Singapore, the 4% minorities’ language, Tamil is one the official language and it is sincerely implemented from 1961. When Singapore, a tiny country was developing a secular, 4 languages nation, while Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals or the so called Viyathmaga guided to hell a Sinhala Only, Buddhism only, Standardized education only country.
If Mr. 40% is true and he expects the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas to believe him, then instead of protecting him from becoming unpopular within the racist crowd, will he tell the Modaya mass what the founder of Singapore, Lee has said about the Lankawe politics (Please translate this into Sinhala and make it as an addendum to the budget in the 2nd reading):
Ajith / November 15, 2021
The submission of budget is an annual exercise of any government but the real economic status is reflected in the satisfaction of the people. Unfortunately, in reality it is a failed government politically, economically and socially.
Raj-UK / November 15, 2021
I am not aware of the budget details but already faced with shortages, from food to gas & other essentials, I don’t think anybody expected miracles from the budget, unless the expert brought in from the US has a magic wand. The CB governor has a track record of large scale mismanagement & corruption, yet continues to be in charge of the country’s finances & I wonder Basil’s background in economics & finance for this important job, apart from his ‘business acumen’ in collecting ‘professional fees’ for facilitating investment in SL, some of which, no doubt, was shared with Nadesan.
Tax on accidents? Now that’s novel. Encouraging citizens to seek employment abroad to get some forex in the coffers? What ingenuity. Poor migrant workers have been abandoned in times of crisis, I hope they will be better treated now.
Pon Lanka / November 15, 2021
Dr Ameer Ali. There is no point in educating Economics to Rajapaksas because they are the contributors’ to all these deficits since 2010. When corrupted politicians are at the helm of running a country as if their grandfather’s family business, how good things would be expected? Moreover, all senior ministry Secretaries are filled with either over seventies in age or with military retirees whilst senior Administrative officers are being overlooked. Central bank Governer who has been previously charge-sheeted, being brought back to the same post to help Rajapakse family for their monetary gains. Even Gov’t members of other parties are meeting separately to raise their protests whilst in Cabinet posts.
Champa / November 15, 2021
These are some snippets of Basil’s Budget Speech.
Sri Lanka’s adult literacy rate was 96.3% in 2015 and 92.2% in 2019.
Basil’s Budget Speech shows the poor literacy rate of the Rajapaksas and their motive to discriminate against the Sinhala language, which is the heart of our nation.
Gotabhaya’s gazette notification in 2020 to conduct Law Collge examinations only in English is also a wider conspiracy against the Sinhala language.
For over five decades, the Sinhala language has been subjected to institutionalized discrimination in the hands of Minority Government Ministers of Education and Justice. The Minister of Finance is the latest addition.
Native Vedda / November 16, 2021
“Sri Lanka’s adult literacy rate was 96.3% in 2015 and 92.2% in 2019.”
Are you suggesting that 4.1% of the population has unlearned how to read, write, comprehend and communicate with the rest of the people? How this is possible?
This may a all time world first.
old codger / November 16, 2021
“How this is possible?”
There were about 400,000 babies born between 2015 and 2019. They were of course still illiterate in 2019.. I am answering on behalf of Champa, using Champalogic.
Native Vedda / November 16, 2021
old codger
“I am answering on behalf of Champa, using Champalogic.”
Thank you
Great news about Champa.
However why hasn’t Kurt Gödel Society listed Champa as its star member in its periodic reports?
(It is an international organization aimed at promoting research primarily on logic, philosophy and the history of mathematics, with special attention to connections with Kurt Gödel, in whose honour it was named, by the way I thought Weerawansa should be given prominent place for his services to mathematics.
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
Champi akki,
is it not high time you to wake up that Wimal buruwanse.. You could better use him as the loud speaker… he is being abused by various forces sofar.. why not you… he was one of your close men until recent years. Please Champi Akki… tomorrow will be too late.
You talk about Literacy rates, but were all those 6.9 millions not known about the facts about babarians ?
2010-2015 – Mahinda proved it how mlechcha his politics has become. That Shan from Madakalapuwa makes it very clear today, how so called people s men have turned out to be.
Native Vedda / November 16, 2021
I listened to Chanakiyan’s complete speech. How many of the 224 do you think understood his debating points/suggestions?
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
So long media mafia would take the side of the public, nothing ll change in terms of the improvement of the healthy conscience of the slaves, that went that far to tattoo the penis of Mahinda Rajapakshe on their faces. .
Aiyooooooo worst cant be☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
Would nt represent the voice of the people………………..
leelagemalli / November 20, 2021
I think KW is a good man.
Simon / November 15, 2021
I heard a member of my “Kadamandiya” who listened only to the “Introduction” part of the Budget telling: ” Thank you Basil “Appo” for writing down and saying even with the difficult pronunciation of what “Rajapakse Uththmayos” have done to the country. We only know that now. (note: This is a translation of what he said in Sinhala). In the midst, someone (whom I could not see properly) said in a loud voice: ” Moo Sudu Redi Andagena Kisima Lejjawak Nethive Rajapaksalage Keruwawa Kiyana Hati” ( What a shame this man, wearing all white clothes praising Rajapakses without any shame) As then the crowd got restless and what they said are quite unsocial (all filth) to write here, Yet, all of them, in common, paid a “HUGE” remembrance to the “Rajapakses’ Parents”. As things were getting out of control, I closed the session on the “Budget” speech. That was only what I heard of the “Budget Speech” made by an Americal Citizen for and on behalf of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Another “FIRST” in South Asia. Perhaps, the “President” (another American) would announce “15th November” of each year a “National Holiday” for Sri Lankans. Theruwan Saranai!
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
Bro Simon,
Please listen to the speech of Hon MP… whom I think is one of few good politicians that knows the history of this country better.
No decency, no what so ever law and order but family rule governs the island nation today. People would happier, all these Rajapkshes would be caught domino effect in terms of their existence. People though wearing SINHALA BUDDHIST banners on their foreheads, most of them have proved how aggressive they can be… so, days ahead of us will be much darker than appeared to be. God bless my mother land.
May all these BPs be vanished from our eye sights sooner than later.
Simon / November 16, 2021
Hi LM: I watched the video clip. There are a few of these types in SJB. Unfortunately, those few who could do something for the country have teamed up with a wrong “Leader” and he is none other than Sajith. In Sajith’s mind, his sole “Ambition” is pivoted on becoming the “President” to claim “I succeeded my Father”. Think of the “Struggle” he made while being inside UNP to get that nomination. Think of his track record while being a Minister. Practically nothing worth to reckon with. I cannot understand why some of those few who are “Capable” are still hanging on to this man Sajith?
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
“I cannot understand why some of those few who are “Capable” are still hanging on to this man Sajith?”.
What is the alternative for those who want to stand against medamulana criminals?.
People in kadamandiya ll reveal u more about the level of political literacy of the commoners in that part of the island. Not just the uneducated but talk to local graduates, and teachers, most of them are made to behave like mercy cows. .
JVP/Npp must transport the message through plain sinhala that the devil is not dark as appeared to be in terms of JVP black history. Bitter memories of 89 ll not leave them easily. More awareness could lead to palpable changes of the conditioned mind set of Soamadasas and Babinonas soon than appeared to be.☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
Simon / November 17, 2021
Dear LM: You asked “What is the alternative for those who want to stand against medamulana criminals” That is what happened in 2015 when people tried to stand against those criminals. Same in 2019 when those “Criminals” stood against the “Criminals” of 2015. The PEOPLE must be well informed to identify the “Criminals” of both sides of the coin and look for the “Genuine” who could attack the criminals. It is happening even though not shown out prominently. Please listen to the speech AKD made on the “Commemoration” of “Ill Maha Viru” day. He admitted the “Mistakes” done in the past and vowed to correct the course. I made that speech available to “Kadamandiya Club” and they are satisfied and resolved. Yet the road is not that easy to tread.
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
Dog Sarath WEERASEKA twists his tongue ” thamuse” or “thamunansela”… people knew these men are barbarians, nevertheless paved the way them to return dreaming a better future, but as of today, NANDASEENI and his henchmen have proved that ballige puthas are master only at high crime performances. If anyone would be killed today, we will react from EUROPE promptly. My wish is to see all these buggers be rotten in a prison cell in forseeable future.
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
Sarath Weerasekara was believed to be the mastermind of KANDY RIOTS 4 years ago. This was publicly confirmed by Polonnaruwe donkey not once several times on and on.
Now with a new PREY being taken from Ambilipitya, people should realize, these men behind Rajapakshes would make it a ” schlacthof- blood bath” if people would not send the warnings to them.
If it was the case in a CIVILIZED country, BP Sarath Weerasekara would not be given rights to stay behind ministerial impunity any more.
International Community OVER to you, please take actions, because srilanken Judiciary is carcatured by FAMILY rule. If not today when ?
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
Dear simon,
As no times in the past Rajapakshes
have established a slavery culture in villages, during their terms only focusing on their fascists politics. .
This they promoted for their voter gains tactics, in the same time fooling the nation. If one gruhamulikaya starts eating Punnaku, nobody in that family would reject it going by “sadu sadu” effect in buddhagama dominated society.😥😥😥😥😥. My eyes could nt believe even rascals among youth fell or knelt down before
me just because I live in Europe, this was a ritual being promoted as is the case in Indian society. I asked those youth not to kneel down before every one that could destroy their personalities. Even a dog should have a personality. .
Remember that elderly Chamal addressed FM Fonseka in the parliament lately, were there any signs of seelacharakama ?
Fahim Knight / November 16, 2021
Ameer Ali has summarized his entire article with one conclusive word.
Inclusive and yes not exclusive.
But how do you do that ?
70 + years , It has always been the same election bait the bait and guess what ? Fish loves the worm
I really do not know what the message The President was sending to the people ,
As per news release:
Why do you ( meaning the voters) elect the same Candidates whom you have voted out ?
Next time vote new members .
GATAM / November 16, 2021
Save money by getting rid of provincial councils and local governance bodies.
Why do we need 10 education, health, etc. ministries for a small island?
They are useless and a massive waste of money.
That will reduce public service by half.
Ajith / November 16, 2021
Why do we need a wasteful parliament with 225 MPs and 50-75 ministers and a President of this country instead of handing over to China or India or USA? It is much cheaper.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / November 16, 2021
The people should unite and revolutionize the country together. In cleaning the rotten system of its parasitic roots, all the looters’ money should be repatriated for public utility, the looters should be hanged in the public square after a summary inquiry and all those second and third tier crooks that were spawned by the corrupt system should be sent to hard labour camps for ten years after their money too is disbursed for public welfare development and upliftment of the poor peasants of Sri Lanka. If that somehow happens, SL will become a real “land like no other” and the vistas of prosperity and splendour will be there to be enjoyed by all.
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
overestimation of our people should be stopped. Their focus is S pore, but not being able to build up a consensus for a small issue. I think srilankens can wait decades long to become s pore and s korea. It is the thinking patterns of the average man, what matters.
I think JVP/NPP should come down to realize that they cant convince the people if they would not change their langauge. Average punnaku eaters would not understand those numbers, when JVPrs repeat in their tele discussions. JVPrs should finally understand it.
Lank like no other will remain another few decades.. not allow us to see it happening within our life time.
Sinhala_Man / November 17, 2021
You are a sane and reasonable man, and I wouldn’t have expected such extreme suggestions to come from you! One just doesn’t do such things in the 21st Century!
However, apart from that, I offer no objection to to the course of action suggested by you. If you set about organising this there will be little objection from anyone not connected with the current junta. Certainly not from the likes of me.
Neither the Presidential Election, won by a guy was was not qualified to contest, see
nor the Parliamentary election was properly conducted.
I have done all my thinking, even word-processed, but I need time to collate better. I will put it on a little later.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (Proof of Indentity: NIC 48 3111 444V)
SJ / November 17, 2021
“The government seems to be betting too much on the expected financial bonanza from the Chinese Port City in Colombo, oil and gas exploration in the Mannar basin and from Foreign Direct Investments.”
Even the government is not stupid to expect short term dividends on the “Chinese” Port City or oil and gas exploration. FDI has been sluggish and the author could seriously examine where the search is for a quick buck.
It may be a teeny weeny bit embarrassing to talk about the shady deals involved in the sale of 40% of the shares of Yugadanavi power plant to an American company; and unsolicited deal with the US-based New Fortress Energy to build a floating liquefied natural gas terminal.
He should look more sharply at places where the government is looking for easy cash before making seemingly profound but weakly supported utterances.
Tamil from the north / November 18, 2021
I can’t believe 7 million idiots in this country elected these circus clowns to parliament. Look at this fellow Basil Rajapaksa with a briefcase? What was he carrying that briefcase? Bananas and a rice parcel!!! What could this bugger possibly be carrying anything of substance in that case? He is a complete idiot!!!!
Svenson / November 18, 2021
Better to be carrying a rice parcel than a bomb.
Tamil from the north / November 20, 2021
Hello Svenson the Swindleson, better to be carrying a rice parcel than a bomb?
You are a damn hoot joker, the very same buggers carried bombs and killed 600 surrendered cops and many others in the country were given ministerial jobs by the hillbillies from Hambantota, who happen to be your redneck kind. Also Tiran Alles gave the very same bombers Rs. 182,000,000 in the Vanni jungles which was given as bribe to prevent the Tamils from voting for the UNP by the very same masters who you worship. Dumb little arsehole you Mr. Swindleson. Bring facts here when you want to chellenge people. I know it is hard for you to do that as you lack common sense and basic intelligence.
Pandi Kutti / November 20, 2021
Please excuse Svenson. The former southern beach boy now herding reindeer for his Nordic sugar daddy Pappa Svenson, somewhere in Lapland. Other than herding Rein Deer and pleasing Nordic Daddy he does not know anything else. Very bitter with his life.
Svenson / November 20, 2021
‘Dumb little arsehole you Mr. Swindleson’. Ooooh we have struck a sensitive nerve!
Thalaya has resorted to abuse because he knows the truth and has nothing left.
‘I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.’ – Margaret Thatcher
leelagemalli / November 18, 2021
Tamil fn@,
Saddest reality will be they ll do it again. This is the way srilanka average think about their future. Gota proved it now as no others that the bugger could be a leader to a criminal gang filled with multi killers but governing is not his cup of tea. He could please bayyas, but the educated would consider him as the leader. Ghanakka should have done it well.🐃🐕☹🐃🐕☹🐃🐕☹🐃🐕☹🐃🐕☹
Tamil from the north / November 20, 2021
@leelagemalli , so true my friend.
Black Lankan / November 18, 2021
Yes Tamil, it is kakulu hal and pol sambola after he finishes his broken sinhala kathawa. A huge tragedy and a misery. There guys proving again and again that they are a bunch of jokers. No one can skip his sheepish smile.
Tamil from the north / November 20, 2021
@Black Lankan, the problem is the bugger can’t even speak his mother tongue properly. What language is he good at? He could neither speak Sinhala, nor Tamil nor English.
leelagemalli / November 20, 2021
Tamil North,
It is called – dyslexia .
Unfortunately, the kind of men are the powerful minister through fake public perception.
My curse it to MLECHCHA MEDIA and Pinguththaraya Community. Just imagine, while entire island nation is “hena illanawa”, how those PINGUTTHTARAYA hidden behind sivura, keep on adulating.:::::
If a pilot would not do the job, people would become nervous, likewise, just because Mahinda was the president at the time, relay race of the LONG held CIVIL war ended up, entire nation must not put them above, put them above law…. however ballige puthas expect it forever.
Just look at the men behave today. Are these human beings ?
Svenson / November 20, 2021
Tfn very true my friend. He doesn’t need a language to speak to you, just a gun and a bottle of thala thel.
leelagemalli / November 20, 2021
please compare this with what young Dr Harsha Silva has to say about.
We as a nation should be very ashamed to have allowed ballige puthas of 10% nature becoming the minister of FINANCE.
/ / November 20, 2021
Irrespective of the finance minister’s education, Sri Lanka has an inherent problem which is being passed by the successive governments. Please take note that Mangala balance the budget in 2017. Our problem is the socialist agenda. A huge and overstaffed government which is being continually filled by the supporters of the party in power, unbearable pension scheme, free health, education, etc., for all. Most of the government employees do not work for the salaries paid. Doctors come to the hospital to canvass for patients who could pay. Teacher do not teach, but conduct tuition classes. Even the monks conduct tuition classes. The society is corrupt from the top to the bottom. It is so much so that there does not seem to be a ‘painless’ avenue to get out of the hole we have dug for ourselves.
Do not attack the messenger. I am no fan of his. Even a ‘double doctor’ could not steer us out of the mess then, which is worse now. A revolutionary murderer tried another method. Lucky that the people did not have a stomach for it.
Let’s start with honesty, a cornerstone of Buddhism, if we want to come out of this. Add fair play and law and order, applicable to all, as the second step.