BBC Sandeshaya, the Sinhala service of BBC, has blatantly lied about their journalistic practice and ethics, Colombo Telegraph is now in a position to expose.
Colombo Telegraph, in August, this year, revealed that BBC Sinhala has barred Azzam Ameen from conducting political interviews or attending press conferences.
Ameen, who has built a considerable reputation for being a fearless and probing journalist who was also recently adjudged the most popular journalist in social media, was informed by his superiors that he will not be allowed to do political interviews or attend press conferences.
BBC Sinhala Service Editor Sangeeth Kalubowila is a close associate of Dharmasiri Bandara Ekanayake, the Senior Media Director of the President. Both of them worked closely at Capital Maharaja Organization, the parent company of Sirasa, for many years.
Just after Colombo Telegraph made the revelation, BBC issued a vague and ambiguous statement responding to our story. It said, “BBC News Sinhala is committed to impartial and accurate journalism in Sri Lanka and we will continue to conduct robust interviews with politicians and other newsmakers, which is exactly what our audiences expect.”
Despite this assurance, Ameen has not conducted a single political interview nor has he attended any press conference since we carried our story. The journalist has been sidelined by confining him to non-controversial and non-political stories that are below par by BBC’s international standards.
Meanwhile, BBC Sinhala Service has also hired an individual by the name of Kumudu Jayawardena as Video Journalist, through an opaque recruitment process. Jayawardena is a former colleague of Kalubowila at MTV/Sirasa. Although the service has advertised to recruit another Videographer, another former colleagues of Kalubowila’s, a former MTV/Sirasa employee has boasted with several parties that he had already being recruited for the post.
“What we see right now is an alarming trend,” a media observer told Colombo Telegraph, adding that BBC Sinhala Service was being ‘swallowed up’ by ex-MTV/Sirasa employees.
“There is a political element in this entire process. Sirasa strongly backs President Maithripala Sirisena and often functions as his mouthpiece. It is a widely-known fact that Dharmasiri Bandara Ekanayake has been plated at the President’s Office by MTV/Sirasa owner Raja Mahendran alias Killy Maharaja, a controversial businessman. Ekanayake has exerted pressure on Kalubowila to alter the nature of BBC’s coverage in Sri Lanka. Going a step further on this disastrous path, Kalubowila is currently in the process of hiring ex-MTV/Sirasa employees with questionable and dubious track records, making BBC vulnerable to politically orchestrated propaganda,” he explained.
To read related posts on BBC Sinhala click here
Mudson Amerasinghe / October 9, 2018
There is a political element in this entire process. Sirasa strongly backs President Maithripala Sirisena and often functions as his mouthpiece. It is a widely-known fact that Dharmasiri Bandara Ekanayake has been plated at the President’s Office by MTV/Sirasa owner Raja Mahendran alias Killy Maharaja, a controversial businessman. Ekanayake has exerted pressure on Kalubowila to alter the nature of BBC’s coverage in Sri Lanka. Going a step further on this disastrous path, Kalubowila is currently in the process of hiring ex-MTV/Sirasa employees with questionable and dubious track records, making BBC vulnerable to politically orchestrated propaganda,” he explained.
MTV/Sirasa owner Raja Mahendran alias Killy Maharaja, wants to see Ranil dead or alive. The amount of attacks on Ranil is increasing day by day.
The MTV / MBC journos are of cheap dirty quality without any media ethics.
Time to take action on the Maharaja group.
Thengai Srinivasan / October 9, 2018
Happy to read this article which reflects the real feelings of many like minded persons on the mtv/sirasa TV news broadcasts which is totally biased and on most occasions aim at promoting their own cronies and destroy the persons who do not fall into their line.
They have been shamelessly promoting Patholaya and his cronies
and degrading their opponents such as Ranil W,Karu J, Ravi etc.
It is clear their business interests in DEALS
to make money than true journalism. I have seen many persons/families have decided never to watch Sirasa news or their other political programmes. In their Tamil version, Sakthi TV telecast news etc to promote a kind of Tamil feeling which does not reflect their news in Sinhala/English.
These people must be taken to task if they do not follow any guidelines in the conduct of their activities.
LEELAGEMALLI / October 9, 2018
Yes – BBC s usual direction should have been subjected to some sort of baisedness during the past few months.
But I respect this Journalist and one another brave journos in SIRASA.
All other men are just LOW LEVEL men thatwould do anything pleasing their MEDIA mudalalis.
SJ / October 9, 2018
Do not mix BBC with BBC Sandesaya, a tail that wags (within limits) without the permission of the dog.
Sandesaya, Tamilosai etc. are little principalities within the BBC empire.
BBC intervenes only when British establishment’s interests are challenged.
Dilmah / October 9, 2018
Well CT editors, you need to put your own house in order before you throw stones at BBC.
CT Editors, you seem to be backing Bondscam Ranil quite openly.
There have been few stories critical of Ranil and his bondscam, and the fact that his policies are written by MCC Economic Hit men in Washington DC who are crashing the rupee now so Washington can buy strategic assets like land and infrastructure cheap with the strong dollar.
In fact, Bondscam Ranil is the bigger criminal than Sira.
Ranil has also been protecting the other mega criminal Mahinda Jarapassa.
So much for objective reporting or investigative journalism. This is muck raking CT!
Chamuditha Senanayaka / October 9, 2018
Bondscam comedy Presidential commission alias comic commission was set up to fix Ranil on killi mahendrans instigation.
Are you an Employee of Capitol Maharaja as i have never come across you on CT forum
Annesley Dias / October 9, 2018
Well the headline says bbc and azam ameen. Not bondscam so please stay on the subject without diverting some where else.
Herbert Thambiyah / October 9, 2018
Action of Maharaja & Co and others to defame Ranil Wickremasinghe will boomerang on them very badly in the near future. These brothers Raja Mahendran and Killi Mahendran are bloody crooks and should be exposed. It will not be long where they begin to feel the heat of the masses turning against them. A boycott of Maharajah services and products to begin with by the public, will pave the way to put them in their place.
Maithri is been taken for a ride by the maharaja Group and all there plants at PMD are ex cronies of killi maharaja.
Azzam ameen is an unbiased journalist and Maharaja tried to buy him and it failed.
SJ / October 9, 2018
I do not like the way Maharaja & Co abuse their new programmes as well as panel discussions.
But, RW needs no help to bury himself.
BTW the named brothers are one and the same.
Kapila / October 10, 2018
Well, I think that News 1st and their team of young and brave investigative reporters are doing and EXCELLENT JOB on the economic crisis and inequality brought on by corruption and Fake foreign aid and American Economic Hit men including IMF who craft Bondscam Ranil’ economic policies.
Hats off to them!
There is very little investigative or critical reportage in Daily Mirror or Sunday Times with regard to Economic Crisis and Fake news on the economy in Lanka today.
The Sunday Times Business and finance page with Kussi Amama Sera (aka Faisal Samath), and the Doddering Nimal Sandaratne who has not got an original thought in his head sorry to say, and some other economic idiot from University of Colombo are absolutely pathetic!
Sandra Aponso / October 10, 2018
Well, I think that News 1st and their team of young and brave investigative reporters are doing and EXCELLENT JOB on the economic crisis and inequality brought on by corruption and Fake foreign aid and American Economic Hit men including IMF who craft Bondscam Ranil’ economic policies.
Hats off to them! PS. No more white vans.
Young and brave my foot! get some treatment man soon.
Thank Dr. Ranil and Mangala for the regime change in 2015 if not by now we would be begging in the streets through economic sanctions and travel bans. Sira was bought in as a puppet he cannot do anything.
Bubbuladewi / October 9, 2018
What I question myself each time reading SLanken news me as one living in Europe is- why not they the media authorities react on HIRU and DERANA TV senders. This bothers to me to that extent, since their news headlines contain no head values, but all about hearsays of RAJAKASHES and their thieves.
Both senders CLEARLY mislead every second in the country by their highly irresponsible news telecasts. We know masses living in the country would easily be misled by any news being added to local air. Be them truths or untruths, they the common people have no knowledge to differentiate them. Poiticians abuse the weaknesses of the people. People are highly vulnerable to any kind of wrong news. News as we know guide any good and bad to end up in crimes.
Today, the reporting on crimes are that frequently than had ever been. Meaning not that crimes have gone up – but reporting according to POLICE other analysts have gone up. However, even fataly injured people are being displayed by LANKENs senders and Social mEDIA unlike the case in European countries.
Each and every country you will see day today accident occurences.
Instead of taking actions against any kind of crimes and incidents, lanken media seem to be on a race of earning their COMMERCIAL aims, by betraying the folks – is what I think is happening down there.
An anothe example the manner how Derana360 interviews goes on – that CHAPA Bandara the cheap journalist who is believed to know everything but not possessing the least qualification to proclaim so, is abusing the interviewee again and again.
Why the media department let CORRUTION in MEDIA institutions move forward this way ?
Colonel Gadafpee / October 9, 2018
the crime rate is down.
Media is publishing false news saying murder murder murder.
Hiru Derana and Sirasa are despicable Channels.
MsMaralathoni / October 9, 2018
Colonel, you are dead right.
This govt does lot more good work – but they dont have the publicity.
These media mena re highly criminal and just spread lies on and on by cheating and misleading the people.
People become predatory to Rajapkshes Kalliya who has been waiting to culprit any good work seeking their POWER grabs.
justice / October 9, 2018
This what BBC says about Tamil News regarding Sri Lanka:-
justice / October 9, 2018
Big News Network gives fair coverage about Sri Lanka :-
Dulci aachchi / October 9, 2018
Dayan J puthe why silent? We want one from you soon; can’t wait
Dolalanga Siripala / October 9, 2018
Dulci Misi,
DJ will have to be the next DIPLOMAT -Porter – when Rajathuma s Bastard SONs will be on a trip to Moscow in coming weeks.
There, Namal baby should be assisted by everymeans – after all they will need lot more help in terms of CONDOM support etc.
Unfortunately the culture introduced by former Prez Ballige Putha Rajakshes, almost continued by the incumbent Mr President Spineless, No matter UNP would stand against their appointments.
All in all, CURRENT men are said to be little bit better that I should say. DJ is now under the perks of Current Rulers even if THE BUGGERs cesspits was controlled by Wimal Ponnawanse over the last 3 years.
desperate Sinhalaya / October 9, 2018
Dayan Jayathilaka ‘s Both ends were subjected to irreversible shut after the estranged creatures has been sent to Moscow.
Now his big talks – yes mama thamayi miniha -I am the guy etc is the history.
He will also have to lick the balls of Rajakshe Sons, if they would want DJ to do so.
Diplomatic Positions are turned out to be PORTER jobs under Meeharaka Rajaakshes and his party secretary-today incumbent Presidet Mr Sirisena.
Muruththattaya Ananda / October 9, 2018
Only thing missing in maharaja group is a brothel plus massage parlour.
A third grade company where most of the employees not seen the chairman.
Boycott killi maharaja products now
Bineka Venurapolonnowita / October 9, 2018
Ranil coming all the way! Our next President!!
K.Pillai / October 9, 2018
Et tu BBC?
Ranjith(SPRRW) / October 10, 2018
This journalist is doing his job. They were sent there to defame their mother whatever the way possible.May be Sinhalese or Tamils or Mohomadans they are fulfilling their masters whish. Defamation of motherland Lanka. No matter whoever in power. UNP or SLFP or Others.these people are doing their job to satisfy their local masters.
gamini / October 10, 2018
Maharaja’s rise in the Coporate sector is thanks to the help of Paskaralingam during R. Premadasa’s time. Maharajhs were handed prime peoperty in the city of Colombo for almost nothing by Paski on which they have put up their Offices. The last property to be handed to a subsidiary of Maharajahs to cover up was the Echelon Square property which they tried to claim, by erecting a barbed wire fence during MR’s time and was chased away by Gota.
Maharajah also has a fair investment of the Tamil Diaspora money. They have been up to all the rackets with the Politicians of all Political parties. Even at the moment they have President Sirisena in their pocket involving some deals exposed by Lanka e news, that has been banned fearing the exposure. It is only Ranil Wickremasinghe who defied Kili Maharajah and that is the reason why is targeted for attack. Maharajah Company, also have a senior Director one Nimal Cook who is a wheeler dealer who was one time the purse keeper of Gamini Dissanayake.
K.Pillai / October 10, 2018
gamini ~ “…….Maharajah also has a fair investment of the Tamil Diaspora money……”.
So this ‘success’ of Maharajah is due to this ‘Tamil Diaspora’? Brilliant!
Mallaiyuran / October 11, 2018
” Maharajah also has a fair investment of the Tamil Diaspora money. ”
Gamini the UNP racist knows well dragging Diaspora into this will make Sinhalese to hate Kili more than Ranil. But his cheap techniques doesn’t go that far because Old King is stand ing many steps above the UNP racist Gamini. Old King associate Ranil’s name with “You want One Country or Two country”. That is many more time effective than UNP racist Gamini’s Diaspora game. So the UNP racist Gamini can convulse any amount, but the Sinhalese are going to reject Ranil in next election. This child is thinking Kili is rep of Tamils. But unless Tamils support this UNP racist’s boss Ranil, he is out in the next election. There seems to be no question of UNP in the parliament election so the 21st century fox’s political history may to an end to soon.
Kili was hard core UNPyer. His competition started with UNP oly after Old Lake house Chairman’s son started to lead the party. Aloysius imported one of the biggest Press Printer to set a new “Lake House” for Ranil. But New Ling killed, it seems.
Good Sense / October 10, 2018
It is good to let us know the mechanism in which the “BBC” is gagging up its local correspondents and the link between “BBC – Sinhala Service” and the Sirasa. From the available publications it is clear that most media institution operating in Sri Lanka is politically aligned. Any partiality on the part of Sirasa towards MY3 will soon end the day HE steps down from his ability to control frequencies, the prized asset of the electronic media. I am told that this is why HE is controlling the Telecom Regulator despite his inability to do so in terms of the 19th Amendment of the Constitution.
nadarajah / October 10, 2018
Ranil and Anura kumara dissanayake are still the best bet to lead the country
The MTV group is a disgrace to the journalistic standards of the country ,hope the all mighty will punish the group for undermining the country and its leaders
Nimal / October 14, 2018
Why not make Ranil the Prez and Anura Dissanayake the PM? Then Ranil could get rid of the bad, corrupt company he keeps.
Larson / October 10, 2018
Ameen is a pro Islamic biased individual. His father is a member of a Islamic organization which operates in a supremacist manner. . We all well know left leaning western democracies specially Britain are mainly controlled by Arab Petro Dollars and local Muslims voting power. British based BBC offers Special privileges to Sri Lankan Muslims.
MirakRajBanda / October 10, 2018
Needless to say, Sirasa and Kili Maharaja are shameless and biased media entity that carries political revenge and witchhunt without impunity. Even the Prime Minister of this country not spared and men like Sri Ranga orchestrate the hatred on others whenever, wherever it’s possible through Siresa/Sakthi.
Amila W / October 10, 2018
Sirasa is spreading south Indian culture here in SL – There is a presenter called Sri Ranga who is also a politician – I hate the guy’s programs as he always tries to act over-smart
K.Pillai / October 10, 2018
So the gaggers can reach BBC! ‘New York Times’ next?
‘The Guardian’ be careful.
Mallaiyuran / October 11, 2018
This is not BBC. It is Sinhala Service. BBC was under very heavy pressure under Old King to relay Rupavahini for the license it has to relay BBC in Lankawe. That time BBC was spreading false news about Tamils’ plight too. Once Old Royals were gone, BBC tried to drain the swamp. Of course it did something. It true BBC’s Old Royals left, but now New Royals occupying it with the blessing of Kili. Still CT should try to bring this to London office’s attention & should push to go go for another “Regime Change”. London BBC is an independent corporation so it can try again.
Claire Motwani / October 13, 2018
BBC is supposed to upohold media freedom – be it BBC Sinhala or BBC English. Muzzeling this young budding jouranalist shows that Bush House is a place of hypocrisiy
Jerome Schokman / October 13, 2018
Sirasa Maharaja is so powerful and wealthy he shows he had swallowed BBC in one gulp