13 January, 2025


Believing Rajapaksa Deceptions; Will Sri Lanka Say “Never Again”?

By Mohamed Harees –

Lukman Harees

‘Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable’ ~George Orwell

That election was arguably not just the most dynamic, tough and competitive in Sri Lanka’s turbulent history, but was also a decisive election which marked the resurgence of ethno-nationalism and identity politics producing fresh tensions and fault lines, along ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ continuum, thanks to the power hungry political vultures. Thus, on 16th November 2019, a gullible electorate with a slavish inclination to the Rajapaksas unfortunately fell for the biggest political deception of all time which secured a secured a historic win for Gotabaya Rajapaksa. A carefully programmed set of lies and deception based on a platform of national security — in addition to misplaced patriotism — cunningly exploiting anti-Muslim hatred prevailing at that time in the minds of many (particularly Sinhala Buddhists) in the majority helped him to ensure landslide victory. Today, the deceived nation is nursing its wounds in regret, two years later, and the question arises, has the nation finally learnt its bitter lesson and will it say ‘Never again’?

Sinhala supremacists finally knew that in Post Easter period, they can use the Rajapaksas to achieve their majoritarian dream of a Sinhala State Utopia. For them, the nation that ‘the Easter attacks’ simply wouldn’t have happened on ‘Rajapakse watch’ became a good selling point. On the other hand, the Rajapaksas, also knew that, they can use Sinhala supremacists as shock-troops in their offensive against democracy and to grab power once again. The symbiotic reality was that the Rajapaksa ruling elite is only Sinhala supremacist, to the extent Sinhala supremacism serves their purpose of keeping them for more years in unbridled power. Patriotism for them is a means to an end, just to build their familial state. The Rajapaksas may or may not believe in the racist ravings of the Supremacist/ extreme hate groups; but they certainly knew how to use the resultant hysteria for their benefit, to strengthen their Sinhala base, to justify the ends- however unjustifiable they may be. They cared nought for a possibility that Sri Lanka may end up being the Asian Serbia as a result of their devious strategies.

The whole nation suffers as a result, with the risk of the country once dubbed as the Granary of the East and Pearl of the Indian Ocean being declared bankrupt nation and racist too . The sad truth is that the Sri Lankan electorate appear to be unconcerned about the deceptions of their political class and continue to vote in those politically corrupt and unethical, despite the country dipping to an international pariah status.

Political deception and lying is nothing unique to Sri Lanka. Lying as a political tool is as old as politics itself. The utility of lying on a grand scale was first demonstrated almost a century ago by leaders such as Stalin and Hitler who coined the term “big lie” in 1925 and rose to power on the lie that Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in World War I. For the German and Russian dictators, lying was not merely a habit or a convenient way of sanding down unwanted facts but an essential tool of government.

In the ‘Prince’ Machiavelli famously claimed that princes should use ‘force and fraud’ to achieve their political objectives, which suggested political lies are justified Political lies have led to wars, famines, genocides, and countless other atrocities around the world, but politicians never cease to tell lies. Politicians are now lying with impunity.

Lying proved a very successful strategy for political causes and individual candidates in the U.K. and U.S. elections in 2016. In a famous UK TV political show ‘Question Time’, “Why,” a woman in the audience asked the panel of politicians and commentators, “do you lie all the time? Wouldn’t it be better if you just told us the truth? . You can’t trust any of them.” “They’re all the same.” “They’re all in it for themselves.” “It doesn’t matter who you vote for, or if you vote at all, it doesn’t make any difference.” “I don’t believe a word they say.” Britain in 2019 elected a PM who told blatant falsehoods whenever it suited him. Boris Johnson still casually uses strategic lies to cruise himself and his Tory government through crises. Strategic lies -used by the ‘Leave camp’ during the Brexit campaign and played masterfully by Boris during the 2019 election campaign – are those deliberate lies which a politician tells with the purpose of shifting the news agenda onto his or her preferred territory. The classic strategic lie was the slogan painted on the side of the Leave campaign’s bus during the Brexit referendum that claimed that the UK sent £350 million a week to the EU. In 2016, US voters chose the latter-Donald Trump, who has made more than 13,000 false or misleading claims since assuming office. Both Boris and Trump were elected convincingly; sadly however the British public as well as Trump’s supporters were unconcerned by the continuous lies and deceptions of their Heads of State.

How is this possible? How can lying demagogues find traction in societies with proud histories of democracy and empiricism? Are people insensitive to falsehoods? Do they not know whether things are true or false? Do people no longer care about truth. Voters may therefore understand perfectly well that a politician is lying, and they may discount falsehoods when they are pointed out. But the same voters seemingly tolerate being lied to without holding it against their favoured candidate. Politicians lie because it is often the most expedient route to achieving their ends. Presuming politicians will lie and using this presumption as the point of departure for debate — rather than the topic of debate itself — normalizes the practice to a worrisome extent.

It’s thus a truism that politicians lie.  Even politicians themselves half-acknowledge this fact. As a result, there’s a deep-seated and growing sense of apathy when it comes to politics. When 2016 was declared the dawn of post-truth, no one batted an eyelid. So pervasive is this sense of resignation that a UK 2014 petition to make lying in the House of Commons an offence was widely regarded as a joke, even by the petition’s founder. This fatalism is understandable but dangerously self-defeating. It convinces us that our elected representatives will always spout falsehoods whether we like it or not. It encourages us not to act, which is a curious attitude given that all of us would like our politicians to be more truthful. So, what to do?”. Politicians have a personality that allows them to be evasive, to live with lies and keep a straight face. Not all people can do that. That is why many people are not willing to serve in a political role. It is disturbing that more people aren’t incensed when politicians evade questions and exaggerate the truth. Even more irritating is the fact that many people give politicians a pass to lie. Some people are incapable of independent thought, and so they will accept what the majority accept even if that if it is based on lies.

This is clearly a reality in the Sri Lankan political landscape. The nation particularly saw in November 2019 how Rajapaksas convinced a large swath of the public to believe their lies and had an outsized impact in the shaping of public opinion. Clearly, current checks on politicians’ behaviour leave a lot to be desired. It’s not surprising that Diyawanna Oya is swimming in falsehoods when the rules governing honest conduct are so weak and patchy. There are many in the legislature with dubious track records- murderers, drug dealers, underworld dealers etc. Many politicians are narcissists and their arrogance and sense of self-importance lead them to believe that they can do what they want. If they have to lie to get what they want, so be it. The political culture considers it perfectly acceptable to massage facts to fit the desired narrative. There is little or no consequences for politicians who lie, and we have often witnessed politicians who claim they were misquoted even when the evidence suggests otherwise and they get away with it.

It is important to identify why current mechanisms of preventing political deception don’t work well. One reason is blind slavish attitude of the supporters. Even when they are caught lying, their supporters will continue to stand by them and continue to vote them in; so, there is little incentive for them to be completely truthful. Because many people don’t want to hear the bitter truth, politicians tell voters what they want to hear. It is a win-win for both sides. The people hear what they want to hear, and the politicians keep voters on their side. There is a realisation on the part of the politicians that they need not watch what they say, or how they say it, because the people have not made them accountable. They are under no obligation to tell the truth, because their lies provide entertainment for a populace that has forgotten what facts look like.  Given the crumbling trust in traditional media and public vulnerability to lies on social media, it is not surprising that politicians on all sides try to manipulate voters into believing lies. After all, the incentive for politicians is to get elected, not tell the truth. To be elected, politicians need to convey the appearance of trustworthiness.

Until there are serious consequences for lying, it is unlikely that anything will change. Lying is a crime in many situations: in our tax returns, in court, in a police investigation. Not in the case of politicians. Parliamentary privilege has an importance place in our democracy, but it isn’t a valid argument against honesty laws. The right to speak freely and frankly is not the right to lie. Would a law prohibiting the President, MPs and politicians from lying be an infringement of their basic rights? Hardly – The philosopher Karl Popper considered this issue and argued that imposing limitations on the behaviour of politicians actually serves to ‘protect freedom rather than endanger it.’ Unfortunately, since politicians are the ones that make the laws, there is little hope that they will pass anything to hold themselves to account.

Some suggestions for Sri Lanka from other jurisdictions may prove useful. The first step would be to make it a criminal offence for a politician to make a public pronouncement which, at the time it was made, the politician knew or believed to be untrue. Such a law could result in fines, imprisonment and disqualification for politicians who lie. Introducing such a measure may seem draconian, but our democracy is at a very dangerous crossroads. Unscrupulous politicians, their advisers and others are using dark arts in a way that makes the activities of Marcos and Suharto look benevolent.

Another step would be to “give teeth” to the Election Commission to prosecute, punish, ban and curtail individuals and parties who persist in demonstrably provable dishonesty. A third measure should make social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter more personally liable for allowing political lies to be disseminated on their platforms. Fourthly, immunise the public against lies by teaching them to spot them – this is a long term, but necessary, education project. But on the overall context, the law has the potential to rule out political lies, but research has shown that it is only when people feel disenfranchised and excluded from a political system that they accept lies from a politician who claims to be a champion of the “people” against the “establishment” or “elite”.

Thus, it ultimately falls upon the people to keep themselves well informed, inform others and advocate for change. If the dishonesty of politics bothers people as much as they say it does, then they should direct that displeasure at politicians themselves. If the complaints are loud enough, and if enough people join in, any politician who wishes to stay in power will have to listen and act. It’s happened before, with politicians rejecting pay rises and imposing term limits on themselves. It could happen again if politicians are ready to face the truth.

Political deception cannot be allowed to take root. Ultimately, we need leaders who will lead. We need leaders who have the moral fibre to police themselves and others, and who are able to fashion solutions for social and economic problems that can create fertile ground for demagogues. Lies don’t die with each passing news cycle. They are like poisoned fruit littering the landscape. During the recent past, we all saw the ideals and spirit of Democracy trampled and attacked. Without question, the outrageous lies and deceptions actions we see being dished out were triggered by people who were willing to weaponize falsehoods and deceit. It is up to all of us to stand up to those who would place lives and democracy at risk. We still have time, but the clock is ticking.

In Sri Lanka, ‘stupidity’ of the people at elections has created dictators, narcissists, crackpots and corrupts in the past. Electorate should decide who will rule them rather than allowing the politicians to take them along the garden path as they have done in the past.  In the context of high political polarization and the deterioration of trust in the political system, continuing people apathy will prove suicidal to the future. Mature thinking of the electorate to elect suitable representatives and public activism to advocate change in laws and keep the rulers to account are therefore a must. Are we ready to think and act afresh?

Latest comments

  • 23

    Unfortunately, history shows Sri Lankans are foolish, lack judgement, and have low standards, when voting for their leaders. They knew that voting for the Rajapaksa clan again will result in nepotism, corruption, cronyism, racism, and bad governance. Did they say “never again” when they voted for them once again despite knowing how they govern, and that many people died under their leadership including people protesting contaminated water, and journalists murdered? Next time a Rajapaksa runs for president (most probably the crown prince) the voters will once again say “why not” and vote for these scoundrels again.

    • 4


      Where are you?
      Watch this clip you will learn this island is gloriously going back to pre 1977 which you believe as the Sinhala/Buddhist golden era.

      What will the year 2022 look like for Sri Lanka? Dr. W A Wijewardena

  • 19

    “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

    ― Abraham Lincoln

    It is high time Rajapakshes to go out of the sight of the very people. Days ahead of us, our eyes would not believe, but even a domestic pet of Rajapkshes will be hated by the very same stupid people who brought them back to power.

    Lets hope a future without Medamulana rascals !

    • 15

      “Will Sri Lanka Say “Never Again”?”
      A people who believe a robe should be respected no matter what its wearer does? A people who think every foreigner and his brother are out to grab their non-existent “resources”?
      A people who want everything free but don’t want to pay taxes?
      Certainly not.

      • 10

        old codger

        “….every foreigner and his brother are out to grab their non-existent “resources”?”

        On the contrary,
        we have surplus crooks,
        we have too many thieves, murderers, lazy and stupid bums,
        too many racists,
        too many inapt leaders,
        Nazi loving Saffronistas,
        too many war criminals,
        too many members of armed forces,
        too many non functioning non working functionaries,
        too many hypocrites,
        too many non performing saffronistas,
        too many historians,
        too many professors, ……
        too many ***** carriers,
        … too many somans,
        too many Eagle Blind Eyes,
        too many analysts,
        too many self proclaimed intellectuals,
        too many patriots, …….
        too many, ….
        too many that this and other,

      • 4

        Dear old codger,
        I know that the odds are against us. What I can do is limited. I shall do what I can, in the area where I can say something worthwhile:
        Many thanks to Lukman Harees for an article in which he focuses on the need for truth-telling. Yes, I shall expose lies, but mostly in relation to the subject dealt with in the article above. I want to stay focussed on that.
        Panini Edirisinhe

      • 2

        Dear OC,

        at the time, RPREMADAS went amok in late 80ties, taking away the life of my batch mates for no good reasons, I thought, this nation/country would never produce a man of that nature to lead srilankens.

        Also watching that SATANA or other weekly political discussions being telecasted by SRILANKEN TV channels, I believe, the mindset would not change like ” tatooings”. The reason behind that is, people at large are born studid. SLPP MPs are not foreigners, they got elected to parliament are by the people. So, both people are their representatives are equally stupid. Why on earth, they cant get it, that Rajakashes are sucking the last blood drop the poor people in this god punished nation ?
        But looking back the manner, 2005- 2015 and 2019- present how Rajapakshes shamelessly continue is beyond my bearing and comprehensiion.
        I thought, people would learn to stand against the kind of high criminals.
        .Ginipenellen batakaapu miniha kanaamadiri eliyatath bayayi lu (ගිනිපෙනෙල්ලෙන් බැටකාපු මිනිහා කණාමැදිරි එළියටත් බයයි ලු) The man who has been beaten by a fire-brand dreads the light of even a firefly. When someone goes through a traumatic experience, he/she tries to avoid everything that even closely resembles that experience.

        What is wrong with our AVERAGE mind set ?

    • 3

      LM: You say: “Lets hope a future without Medamulana rascals”!

      Then with WHOM that future?

      • 3

        I missed your Kadamandiya stories. I really do. May you be blessed with seasonal greetings. I thought you might have left for Canada.
        What i meant was, RAJAAPKSHES are the all high criminals. the kind of tastelss men .. ?.. all others cant be that virulent.

        • 2

          LM: Thanks. I am still waiting for my private jet which I lend to the “MARA” and “CHICHI” family to go to Tirupathi. I will be taking off to Canada no sooner than it is returned to me. Till then I will carry on with my “Kadamandiya Club”.

          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpM195cfLE Watch this.

          • 1

            Yellow pets stay as if their five senses are made permamently impaired ?
            How come Pinguththarayas turned out to be total ignorant today? That alone proves the world – our yellow pets- are no different to those elephants being used for PERAHARA decorations …

            Why srilanken main stream media channels dont find it as ” breaking news” ….. at a time every dollar is being weighed but our cattle thieves are going beyond the murdered “makandure madhush” ?

      • 4


        Watch this clip and tell us what you think about the cabinet, parliament, SLPP supporters, the entire people, ……. and all weather friend China?

        • 3

          NV: I watched it live. These are four among many other “Stooges” who contributed in no small measures to bring this country to the disastrous levels we see today. You know that “Mahachariya” (Prof:.) seated second from left, who is in his second “Childhood” and “Betrayed” the Left Movement and voted “YES” to that draconian “20A” to make “GOTA” – the “Dictator” Next to him is another “Humbug”. That other man on the first seat from the left is a “Traitor” who abandoned civil society work to become a “Governor” appointed by “MY3”. The other lady is a newcomer rejected by the people. I cannot understand why these “Media Coolies” still “Present” these “Bastards” to the people. Aren’t there enough YOUNG, forward-thinking, intelligent people to talk of the present and future of the country?

          After listening to this talk show, I called this presenter Jameel but did not respond to me. I wanted to give a bit of my mind as expressed above. Hope he will my comment.

        • 2

          My dear NV,
          thanks very much for this link.
          I was about to miss that…

        • 1

          My dear NV,
          thanks very much for this link.
          I was about to miss that…

  • 4

    The foreign funded political-class and Colombo NGOs and civil society are afraid to go out on the streets and protest.

    They are rather hiding under their beds wearing the Covid-19 Mask!

    The AUKUS_NATO Covid-19 Virus and Vaccine Bio-warfare and fear Psychosis has targeted the Left and Liberals in order to destroy freethinking and promote Digital Colonialism has hit Democracy hardest as intended by the Big-Pharma funded WHO Plandemic.

  • 7

    For those who are truly busy or are too lazy to read the article, I offer to assist. The article is about utilizing ‘lying’ to attain, keep, and exploit political power. You don’t need to thank me, because I myself couldn’t bother to read it entirely. Thanks.

    • 7

      You could let other people decide for themselves

    • 4


      Please just forget lying, exploitation, .. all those mundane things.
      Here is an important message from Kamala Gunaratne’s department.

      “Following mounting criticism on social media as to why Defence Ministry clearance was sought for Sri Lankan nationals to marry foreigners, the government said this was due to increasing reports of foreigners arriving in Sri Lanka to reside here on spouse visas to carry out illegal activities …………………………….
      “Therefore if a local intends to marry a foreigner a security document needs to be handed over to the Registrar General’s Department who will then hand it over to defence to get a clearance of a zero criminal record. A health certificate also needs to be handed over,” Cassilingham added. ……………….

      Please note this requirement by Kamala Gunaratne amounts to

      Did Kamala Gunaratne listen to our mate Nimal Fernando?
      I understand Nimal has this intense fear of men exploiting women in Sri Lanka.

      • 5

        This is not new in Sri Lanka. Take pages 8 & 9 of Form S – Application for Sri Lanka Dual Citizenship. These two pages were introduced half-way since the original set of Forms was in use, to trace Tamil family history and LTTE-connected persons. This part of the Form is sent to the various Police Stations for verification, which provided for lots of”gain” to the Police Officers in the process!

        (The I/E Dept Hqs. has the reputation of highest n Bribery Income in Sri Lanka – as most of it is from the SL connected Foreigner-Tamils) – This was estimated at Rs.80 million at the height of Dual-Citizenship Applications, per year. This is one Dept. that Nandasena did not make a “Surprise” inspection. (Remember, he got his Dual Citizenship in just one day!) Despite what the Instruction says – “please wait for 90 days before making any contact re the Application”!

    • 3

      This is disappointing.
      How can you presume to guide others without yourself having read carefully?
      You were earlier drawing unnecessary attention to typos by Kumar David. Why?
      Are all offers of assistance from you going to amount to this farce? I’m sorry to be saying this; I like you, on the whole.

      • 2

        Dear Sinhala_Man,
        I am not surprised that you are disappointed. I was so annoyed about the angle of attack, I put it out in my own style.
        In essence, what I have said is that there is nothing educational for us in this write-up.
        (We all know that the Government is ‘resting’ on a bed of lies!)
        If you assume that I am the one who is being lazy, tell something that I have failed to assimilate because of my laziness.

      • 3

        Haven’t I already given my ‘explanation’ on drawing attention to typo by KD. It was in pure jest.
        There was room for it; he was ‘looking forward to’ amendments, and I seized it to amend ‘eared’ to ‘erred’.
        I comment on CT as a leisure activity, when it suits!

  • 6

    Never say never.

    History repeats.

  • 15

    Bravo. Excellent.
    But the significant presently main point I see is :
    ………..Thus, it ultimately falls upon the people to keep themselves well informed, inform others and advocate for change……
    How to is the question.
    Rural folk are so ill informed that when I visit the village and talk to some, I see their ignorance of current events except in so far as it is directly felt by them. A broader view is lost to them. Some say – where is the time to even put on TV, and also lack of full coverage all-island.
    Newspapers and sources like CT, LankaNews etc., do not reach far enough. What is the CT readership that we subscribe to here.
    Our TV is the only source but does not reach the “masses” to the extent it should. Now social media has filled this gap somewhat with the younger even at rural level having smart phones to access news and events.
    It is good to see JVP and SJB doing the rounds all over the island now itself, so that a continuous mindset will be created instead of short bursts at election time.
    I agree with….In Sri Lanka, ‘stupidity’ of the people at elections has created dictators, narcissists, crackpots and corrupts in the past….but this is due to lack of news of events and discussions not being assimilated over time, till only at election time, are issues debated to form any assessments.

  • 7

    MH, you say political deception and lying is nothing unique to Lanka. Yes you are right. But what is unique to Lanka is since the time of independence our politicians have been deceiving and lying , so much so now with Rajapaksas we hear only lies and seldom the truth. Gommanpillay who claimed Trinco oil tanks were given to India years ago, today says Basil has struck a deal where unused oil tanks will be handed over to India for management. Years of conditioning has now transformed our public to not only believe but repeat the same in deceiving outside world. Mahinda is remembered by many world leaders for his constant lying and deceiving. In U.S politicians may lie when cornered, but if under oath, it’s punishable federal offence which carry jail term.

    • 5

      This was in the making for years.and public believed in Rajapaksas, it will all change one day. They understood the stupidity and took our silly Lankans, on a right Royal ride. Given the economic situation and at the peak of pandemic Rajapaksas were promising vista’s of splendor and prosperity?? Today there is no middle class. There is only super rich and struggling poor. It is sad but the chances of recovery is very poor to none.

  • 7

    It is best time people of this nation should think carefully and rationally and make a decision how we can make this country safe and peaceful. So far, politicians made the decision for you and it is time to realise to decide what is good for you. Our politicians made the people of this country to fight other, brought international powerful nations to use this land to fight each other and grab this land inch by inch. They told you lie again and again and you trusted them again and again you lost your ones, you lost your brain power and now they made you beg for food and shelter. Have you ever seen a politician gave up their wealth to become a Buddhist Monk? Have you seen any of the Politicians gave their life for country? But you gave everything for them, not for the country, not for the religion. Think, do you have the power to ask why you robbed our money? Have you ever find the truth about any one charged for Bond Scam, MIG deal scam or what happened to the Tsunami fund or Who is the master mind of the Easter Bombing?

  • 10

    There are other agents at fault. Rajapakses could not have succeeded without the support of the “Maha” Sangha who also live a lie of preaching a religion of lover and tolerance while spewing hatred and intolerance towards the minorities, preventing any reasonable accommodation of the ethnic problem on several occasions. Then there are the rogues of the Viyathmaga, the newly rich businessmen who became rich through political patronage of lying politicians. There are village level functionaries who are easily bought with money and Rajapakses have enough surplus wealth stolen from the public coffers. There is the question whether it is necessary first to stop politicians stealing from the public coffers before stopping them lying. We have too many rotten apples in the barrel to throw out. It is difficult to know where to start. The alternative is supposed to be Premadasa. Is there no family taint there?

    • 5

      “…while spewing hatred and intolerance towards the minorities, preventing any reasonable accommodation of the ethnic problem on several occasions.”
      What is the ‘ETHNIC PROBLEM’ that ‘Maha Sangha’ prevented accommodating on several occasions?

    • 4

      Cicero, but dont forget most powerful agents of all together is MEDIA mafia.
      Just imagine, how Derana and Hiru as TV channels spread blant lies as their breaking news. Today people have no time, but to fully rely on TV telecasts. That NAGAYA-CARRIERD FAKE RELICS and DHAMMIKA paniya above anything else, as panacea were irresponsible acts of mlechcha media. They have been continuing to be that mlechcha for several years now. Even if MR was the architect of SO CALLED BOND SCAM from 2008, media (SIRASA TV) under the direct illegal involvment of SORYSENA was able to destroy RANIL W forever. Remember ? That is why I believe, it is the media to be blamed if PEOPLE stay unturn in this country. Mediamen are worst than in Italy today. Paparasso of all mlechcha nature become president s darlings for some hidden reasons. President acts today similar to a person who is kidnapped by Derana TV. The man, the owner of Derana TV should be punished if not today in the future with the highest punishment a govt could impose. They have been doing it through teledrama series and through other programs of trickery by twisting the gullible mindset for their selfish gains. Please study it by yourself, the danger of media is huge huge than appeared to be.

  • 12

    The height of stupidity of the Rajapakse family is displayed in their decision to allow a foreigner to be the Finance Minister but not allow a Sri Lankan to marry a foreigner. Should there be another example so stupid as this? Imagine if this is happening under Mahinda, Gota, Chamal, and Basil, what would happen if the law exam copying Namal becomes the President?

    Every stupid move of the Rajapakse family to date has added an additional clause against Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights Session. This anti-marriage clause and police killings of those under their custody will result in two new additional clauses at the 2022 UN session.

    Stupid Racist Sarath Weerasekera will have to be taken before the courts and locked up in the prison for the rest of his life for interfering in civilian marriages and killing those under police custody.

    • 17

      As Buddhists, we all know about the dharmachakra. According to the Buddhist dharma no condition is permanent. Nature has it’s plans and options.
      If anyone wants to willingly ignore the nature of nature, that is the biggest stupidity. Rajapaksa family rule is over, if they want to continue at all costs they will end up paying a hefty price.
      As it is they are begging the gods to allow them cling on a little longer, hence the trip to India.
      It was the same with Prabakaran when his time was up and he didn’t want to budge all sorts of things went wrong. One could say he started his undoing from 2006. His rigidity paved the way to these good for nothing characters.
      After all these ordeals in the hands of the most treacherous bloody bastards (Rajapaksa family and their shit eating slaves), the people still have faith in them then there is no hope for us.
      We must be a bunch of retards who actually deserve these animals as leaders.
      Not only that, by now it should be very clear that religion and politics must be kept as far apart from each other as possible.
      Presently the Rajapaksa scoundrels are using Buddhism as a weapon through rouge Yellow pets etc and their racism. This is not only killing our country, it is also killing Buddhism.

      • 8

        Dear HT,
        Thank you for you honest inputs.
        “We must be a bunch of retards who actually deserve these animals as leaders.”

        There is something which stand between politicians and the people – that is mlechcha media mafia. It is believed the harm being made by srilanken media mafia is multiple times more than that of drug mafia.
        Just imagine MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE is honey mooning on the cost of the very same slaves in this country, while every dollor is being counted today. The pvt jet is reported to have hired from Uganda Kampala for his latest family trip to TIRUPATHI.
        Srilanken accountants and auditors stay mum as if it is not their duty to direct it to public scrutiny.

        • 4


          Thanks for your appreciation.
          A thought just crossed my mind, that private Jet from Uganda may actually belong to the Mara clan. After all one of their bases is Uganda, the jet may be their property registered in Uganda.
          I am told that they have a lot of real estate and businesses in Uganda and also they are now getting into Kenya.
          Otherwise what is the need to hire a jet from Uganda, when it could have been hired from somewhere very close to home.
          I think they brought their jet and must have paid the hiring charges from government coffers into their pockets at the expense of Sri Lankan Citizens.
          Think about it.

          • 2

            how tasteless Rajapakshes are. Dont they have hearts ? If you would follow daily telecasts from SL, almost over 70% of the population are poor people today. Most of them cant even think of their 3 meals.
            No doubt the bugger et al to have bought it for their pvt tours. Good riddance to people… they stay naive for ever… gawking majority to be blamed for their total ignorance.

    • 2

      “The height of stupidity of the Rajapakse family is displayed in their decision to allow a foreigner to be the Finance Minister but not allow a Sri Lankan to marry a foreigner.”
      For your information, Basil Rajapakshe has dual citizenship.
      They allow a Sri Lankan to marry a foreigner after obtaining security clearance.

  • 6

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    • 8

      Mr. Mohammed Harees
      Let me answer your question by using Eagle Eye as an example.
      This man feels that he is the ideal Sinhala person, but he is a highly irrational and stubborn mule, which has not learnt a thing in all the years he has been commenting on CT.
      Look at how many of his comments are removed by the moderator daily, does he learn, no, yet he persists, with his idiocy every day. Work done is zero.
      If most other Sinhalese people are like him, do you really think they will learn from the political slaps and kicks they have been receiving from politicians?
      Our people will not learn.
      If not, why is our country a poor 3rd world country after our so called 2,500 year civilization?
      What have we learnt from the past 2,500 years of being a nation?
      Absolutely nothing.
      If we were realisele people with some dignity, should we be so quick to mention the 2,500 empty history, when we have absolutely nothing to show for it.
      We are the most utopian set of people on earth, aside from the those pathetic Indians, who are even worst than us.
      Imagine the implications of the cast system. It goes against the very symbol of their ideology ” the dharma chakra”.

      To be continued

      • 5

        Cast system makes sure that you remain where you are generation after generation.
        The leaders no matter how stupid, will continue to trample on the ones below them.
        The system is made such that no one climbs up in life. The guys on top make sure of that.

        That is the mentality of the average south asian. No matter how religion, philosophy or logic is applied, it is hard-wired into our psyche that everyone must be kept under control.
        Hence they apply the brakes from the top.
        The subjects too, instead of resisting or fighting that injustice collectively, are very happy to remain oppressed as long as their peers are also oppressed.
        This is the disease we are all suffering from. This mindset is called the crab 🦀 mentality. Look it up.
        I hope my logic makes sense. As long as this logic stands, we will continue to suffer in the exact same way in the hands of our wicked leaders.

  • 5

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    • 8

      Eagle ‘absolutely dumb’ Eye, short, eloquent and brilliant comment. Thanks again and come back after your treatment at the Angoda.

  • 7

    Eagle, here are some news to keep you happy and smiling. 1) As a last resort Mahinda went to Tirupati looking for answers. 2) Ring Master has warned the clown trio (Wimal, Vasu, Gomman) for amusing public and not him. He is upset about them filing cases against their own party proposal and for criticizing PBJ. 3) Ex clown Wijeyadasa. Rajapaksa says by next May there will be change of government. 4) Johnston told media “we are ready for political horse trading, and we sure will get enough mules (moles??) if not real horses, with our hoarded cash. 5) Rumor is, if 10,000 note is printed, it may have your patriotic face printed on the back side. 5) Believe it or not Lanka is so desperate, they are pleading for loans from Iran and Nigeria. 6) Thanks to Sir the good old Barter System is back. Lanka will pay Iran with tea for the oil they already received. 7) Sir is going back to his grand father’s days, where we had Barter system, organic farming, zero imports, farm for your own survival, but still will have empty highways and sky scrapers (sounds like North Korea) 8) According to Sir, people need security and health clearance to get married (are you up to it Eagle??). Soon it may apply for having children too. All in all “Happy Days Are Back “. Wish you a new year filled with vista’s of splendor, prosperity, virtuosity and discipline. “

    • 6

      Eagle sorry buddy I missed the main one. Courts wanted to rehabilitate Ganasara, who in turn wants to rehabilitate politicians. What is special about Lanka and Rehab ???.

  • 2

    That election was arguably not just the most dynamic, tough and competitive in Sri Lanka’s turbulent history
    All elections are rigged by freemasons, who lead and control all sides.
    Even if they were legit, they still have their satanic agents covering all sides.
    The key is to have them all identified and thrown out of all positions of power and influence.
    They wanted Nandasena in power at this time. Their evil plans are to turn every nation into a dictatorship, using this fake pandemic as the cover.
    Thankfully their plans will not succeed and the most high will flip it upside down at the right moment.

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