13 February, 2025


Bloated Cabinet On The Cards

The much-awaited and many times promised cabinet reshuffle is set to inflate the already bloated cabinet of ministers, Colombo Telegraph reliably learns.


The Presidential Secretariat has drawn up a list of 48 cabinet ministries as well as those warranting deputy and state ministers. A total of 45 ministries which require ‘state ministers’ have also been identified.

Colombo Telegraph also learns that some ministries that have been amalgamated without any logic have been separated, for example the Ministry of Highways and Education. Some ministries meanwhile have been reduced to single subjects, for example ‘Sugar’.

The list has been forwarded to the Prime Minister, according to sources.

While the new cabinet will consist of MPs from all parties of the unity government it is not clear whether those who supported the no confidence motion against the Prime Minister or were absent at the vote would get portfolios.

Latest comments

  • 7

    Does the President truly understand his JOB? First he is the President of the country only thereafter he is the leader of SLFP. When there is a conflict between these two functions it’s his foremost duty to be the President not the leader. If so why is he allowing SLFP thugs and SLPP rogues to stop the functioning of the Government?

  • 7

    our so-called leaders are deaf, dumb and blind.
    they are illiterate, they feel that they are god’s gift to SriLanka.

  • 6

    NCM defeat. RW win? Now we know how he won. Here is the pay back time. And who is paying ……….. yet again the poorer tax payers!!! Fat and bloated ministers, I hope and pray that they will quite literally explode their guts.

  • 1

    ‘Cabinet bloat’ is a Lankan ailment. The indigenous treatment is to bloat it even more. It always works – albeit temporarily.

  • 2

    The Sinhalese politicians are greedy and unprincipled. They sell souls to anyone who will offer a ministerial berth. Do they have no shame? Do the President and Prime Minister have no shame? Cabinet responsibility is in tatters now.

  • 3

    Sirisena honestly must know that he is a UNP president.
    UNP voters have given mandate with other minority groups to lead the country as a president.
    Unfortunately he thought about SLFP and took leadership from failed Mahinda.

    The moment he was asked to take leadership of the SLFP he forgot everything.
    He became ungrateful.
    He is the only leader in our history that disclosed the ingratitude.
    Shame on you Sirisena

  • 1

    Fasten your seat belts folks, the new gravy train is about to leave.

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