By Ameer Ali –
After the Easter infamy in April this year, masterminded and executed by a murderous Muslim clique schooled in Wahhabism, and in the midst of continuing violence against innocent Muslims engineered by Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) and its allied Buddhist supremacists, the government of Sri Lanka, in a state of panic, has resorted to adopt band aid solutions to some contentious Muslim issues, more in an attempt to pacify the supremacists than to mete out justice to victims of the infamy and BBS violence respectively. Government decision to control the madrasas and monitor sermons in mosques are a couple of such band aid solutions, without an overall and comprehensive strategy to stem the tide of ultra-conservative ideologies that are spreading within the Muslim community. Lately, a motion has been presented in the parliament to formally ban the wearing of burka. These three measures relating to three inter-related issues, must have been dealt with long ago not by the government but by Muslim leaders had they been observing with concern the changing social and religious landscape of the community, at least since 1990s. These leaders were living in a state of denial as if everything was normal. It was their lack of foresight and failure to act that compounded the problems, which ultimately and perhaps inevitably led to that April mayhem. It has now pushed the government to act in a hurry and Muslim leaders can only sit and watch the drama unfolding.
To come to the issue of burqa, it was thirteen years ago in 2006 that I first published, in the newspaper The West Australian, an opinion piece under a similar heading when the issue of burka and niqab was being hotly debated in my country of adoption. What follows is a revised and extended version of that piece with some additional information.
Burka and the niqab, are two extreme forms of female veiling – one covering the entire female body with a lattice in front of the eyes to see, and the other with a split gap in the facial cover serving the same purpose – originated from a medieval-patriarchal tribal culture that prevailed mostly in Muslim Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia notably in Afghanistan. When women of that time and in those societies were treated by men as tangible property like for example, cattle, household furniture and jewellery, owners of such properties had the necessity to protect their possessions from the evil eyes and intentions of others. The owner alone had the absolute right over his property. He could sell it in the market, donate it as gift to his friends, relatives, and even guests, destroy it if he wanted to, and use it in any way he wished. The tribal-patriarchal societies had no qualms or restrictions over the use and abuse by owners over their possessions. In such a context, the total veiling of women at that time had a positive protective role in an environment of general insecurity and perhaps even debauchery.
Bedouin Arabia of the sixth century was one such rigid patriarchal society where Islam was born. The Quran, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, carried a clear message towards liberating women from the prevailing status of degradation and depravity and elevate them gradually to a status of dignity and equality. A contextualised and critical reading of those verses in the Holy text relating to women, marriage, inheritance, and justice will no doubt establish the fact that the intention of the Quran is vastly different from the interpretation of literalists.
If there is one common ethical thread that runs throughout the Quran it is the principle of modesty. It urges the believers of both gender to avoid extremes and adopt a middle path. It even describes Muslims as a community of ‘middle people’ (ummatan wasatan). It was in that vein the verse, “believing women … should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; … should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; … should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their sons …,” (Quran, 24:31) should be understood. While this verse innocuously promotes the universal ethical norm of modesty in dressing, Muslim sacral jurists of medieval era who interpreted this and other Quranic verses on hijab or veil, manufactured, from the perspective of their own patriarchal and tribal background, a set of female sartorial rules and stamped them with a seal of the divine, as they had done throughout the entire corpus of the so called Islamic shariah. The term shariah literally means a clear path or way or road, but in the minds of Muslim jurists it came to signify a compendium of rules and regulations that governed even the most intimate personal behaviour of individuals. Thus, the rules that are supposed to specify the attire of women are rules devised by men as part of the Islamic fiqh or jurisprudence, and not designed by God.
Burka and niqab are therefore, the lingering relics of a patriarchal and tribal culture. What they actually do is not simply to cover a Muslim woman’s anatomy but more than that to govern her mindset. Unfortunately, the intransigence of the fiqh-designed rules of female attire assumes the impossibility of any social change to the better and therefore the need for permanency of the rules.
This fiqh-orthodoxy not only sanctioned the burka and niqab but also institutionalized them along with the harem, the practice of female circumcision, the tribal custom of honour killing and even polygamy, although the Quran on contextual reading actually directs Muslims to move away from these practices. For more than one thousand years, since the end of the period of Muslim rationalists or philosophers, when Islam came under the healthy influence of Hellenism and produced a magnificent world civilization, the pulpit, with support of Muslim governments ruled over the minds of Muslims unchallenged, and has singularly remained the chief obstacle to any religious reform and cultural change.
Facial expressions are a means of communication and they display in the open the otherwise hidden character of one’s heart and mind. Muslim women who cover their faces under burka and niqab are depriving not only themselves but also the rest of society an invaluable means of social communication and exchange.
Burka and niqab are not central to being a pious Muslim and they have become a social dis-equilibrator in plural societies. It therefore goes against the two fundamental principles of shariah, namely, necessity (dharurat) and public interest (maslaha). To support this attire in the name of freedom of choice and human rights is to ignore the more important issue of social relations in a plural society. This is where the principle of maslaha becomes extremely relevant. Do these pieces of dress promote or discourage social integration and peaceful coexistence in a plural society is the most important question to answer. Human right upholds individual freedom and not social cohesion.
Abaya is the third variant of this cultural dress code. This dress, coloured in black and allowing the face fully open seems to be the most popular choice of a new generation of Muslim women who are influenced by the post-1980 wave of Islamic orthodoxy. I have already expressed my views on this dress in “Abaya’s Victory at the Wrong Court” (Colombo Telegraph, 10 April 2019). However, all these variants are basically cultural and not religious in origin. They received religiosity through man-made rules of fiqh. Even if the imams now decide to sermonise on the need to change this attire to a more appropriately and climatically suited ones, like for example the saree worn by the vast majority of Muslim women in the past or the salwar, where and how will they sermonise directly to women when women are not even allowed to enter a mosque?
Burka, niqab and abaya are only a subset of the major issues on which Muslim leadership needs to sit back, do a comprehensive study and introduce where needed meaningful and sustainable reforms in order to avoid future clashes with Sri Lanka’s pluralist ethos. Internally motivated reforms are therefore preferable to externally forced ones.
jehan / August 7, 2019
You are a stupid cunt who can say bikini is progressive, and womens bodys should be displayed for mens pleasure and what not. But modesty in dress is tribal and backward. Lets get your so called qualifications. Are you the all knowing to decide what a women to dress. What of the high liberal values you so profess, when it comes to the muslim dress, or niquab, thrown out of the window. As you are a mouth piece of the western thought.
Just copy paste professors with western biased views have been a problem for the muslims, as they are hypocrites to the core. I know you will brand me as a extremist. But aren’t you a extremist to say a dress worn by women for centuries is tribal and they have the rights to ware what they want has been infridnged upon by the government is ok, because its not exposing enough skin for western values.
Amarasiri / August 7, 2019
What is your IQ? Well below 79? You can’t even appreciate such a beautiful piece of writing with historical facts.
Now go and read up on the prescient Hadith of Najd, where Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) where the Satan, Devil, Iblis following Wahhabies and clones are exposed, as they originate from Daria’s/Riyadh, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia.
Cholan / August 9, 2019
Hadith is a pack of lies ..still donkeys believe.
Musulim women both young and old in Morroco..Tunis …CIS countries expose 69% of their bodies ..they don’t care about 4th century laws imposes by a womanizer .
Donkeys still want to live in 4th century mind set but love to use modern technology invented by infidels. CRAZY YAKKOS
ghk / August 9, 2019
Muslims don’t pierce their skins with metal hooks or hang 10 feet above the ground with ropes tied to the hooks pierced in their backs to show devotion, or believe this brings good luck. Self-affliction to receive blessing from Lord Murugan, LOL.
Muslims don’t queue up, each with a pot full of milk to bathe Lord Krishna (whch is just a black idol)
Muslims don’t adorn cows with Pottus, bells & garlands, then worship. Some say you guys even eat cow-dung cakes & drink its urine on Pongal day, true?
Muslim women don’t walk on fire to prove their chastity to their husbands
Who is CRAZY YAKKOS? Do you still believe that you live in 21st century? Bro, when you point 1 finger at someone, there are 3 pointing at yourself.
Rishard / August 9, 2019
Cholan – “CIS countries expose 69% of their bodies” – Funny why exactly 69%? Why not a rounded figure? This reminds me of our railway station time table those days, “Podi Menike at 10:09” as if so punctual
Sena / August 7, 2019
Have some decency and write like a someone with a little class. You can get your point across without resorting to crude language, which only reflects badly on YOU.
Cholan / August 9, 2019
How can you expect decency from these jokers who follow 4th century craps….even they don’t know what is cleaness.
These animals are ready to marry
Even 8 years girls like Mecca Womanizer.
ghk / August 9, 2019
Chola, the decency champion, Did you thank the coast guards who rescued you? A decent man doesn’t land in a country via an illegal fishing boat. A decent man doesn’t lie for asylum.
Anyway, you serve your favorite masters (I mean white skinned) is what matters.
Estate Labourer / August 7, 2019
Jehan: Nowhere has the writer of this article stated that the bikini is progressive. You are putting words in his mouth and then abusing him as though it his fault!
Sarrij / August 8, 2019
You are an ignoramus like most Muslims in SL practicing a desert culture without knowing what Islam is all about influenced by ACJU and local “Muslim Politicians” who are pickpockets, unprincipled and taking the ignorant Muslims in SL for a ride.
A. A. has on many occasions attempted to educate the ordinary SL Muslims but seems to have fallen on many deaf ears. The self-appointed political Mufti seems to have a significant political influence over the S L Muslims.
The respected Justice Marsoof after much study has suggested significant changes to the antiquated MMDA to help the SL Muslim women; now it’s the government’s turn to act on it. The recent carnage in S L is a dire warning for the mindset of the so-called “religious leaders” to change their act.
Ralli / August 8, 2019
Don’t comment on this stupid rascal who think living in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah land have freedom to do anything, even dance naked in the street. If he had gone only to earn money he wouldn’t have written like this.
Amarasiri / August 8, 2019
What is your IQ? Did it decrease after the brainwashings at the Wahhabi Madrasas and Wahhabi Mosques and by the Wahhabi Ulama? Remember, according to the prescient Hadith of Najd, Prophet Mohamed( Peace be upon him), exposed the Satan, Iblis following Wahhabis originating from Riyadh, Najd, Saudi Arabia.
Save yourself. Give up Wahhabism, and avoid being tortured in the grave and burn for eternity in the Hell-Fire.
PS. Whahhbi Saudi Arabia, cannot think because of Wahhabism, and have the lowest GMAT scores in the world of its graduates, at 330, out of a possible 800.
Is stupidity a virtue for the Wahhabies?
Julampitiye Amaraya / August 8, 2019
There are so many idiots not only in Saudi Arabia but also in Srilanka too.
Shafeek / August 9, 2019
Julampitiye Amaraya – Do you mean one has to be an idiot to offer jobs to other idiots?
Dionysus / August 8, 2019
Why do you have to use a vulgar word to describe your mother’s birth canal from which you emerged into this world. The word you want, Jehan, is vagina. Half of the human population has one. You only display ignorance by using vulgar language when unable to formulate an argument. Shame on you.
Ile / August 10, 2019
It is not correct say that pre Islamic Arab women enjoyed lesser status in society than the Islamic Arab women. The best example is Khadijah. She was an international business woman in that era. Males worked under her. There was no need of consent of a male guardian to conduct her business matters. She enjoyed the right to property. She was a widow but lived without any harassment from her society. She decided to marry again and she independently selected a suitable partner for her. Later she decided to change her faith but no one came to kill her because religious freedom was available in pre Islamic Arabia.
Amarasiri / August 14, 2019
You are a stupid ! You evolved to be stupid.
See How we found out evolution is true: John van Wyhe at TEDxNTU
John van Wyhe is a historian of science at the National University of Singapore. He is the Director of Darwin Online and Wallace Online, the author of eight books and lectures and broadcasts around the world.
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Ahmad Nadvi / August 7, 2019
Dear Doc. Ameer Ali,
/The term shariah literally means a clear path or way or road,…/
The above statement is not clear and complete, I suppose. Because, if the term Shariah literally means clear path or something, what does it really mean for us to apply Mashala principles. Can you please explain little bit further?
Ameer Ali / August 8, 2019
Ahmad Nadvi
Shariah is clear path but that path is not laid out specifically in the Quran. Allah has given aql as gift to mankind to lay out that clear path. That is why ijtihad is recommended. The doors of ijtihad are not closed. It is permanently open until the Last Day. Knowledge of history, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines are essential to undertake ijtihad. This is why I argue that to understand the Quran one should first acquire knowledge available outside the Quran.
Amarasiri / August 8, 2019
Dr. Ameer Ali,
Thanks for your article.
In the 12th Century one of the greatest Islamic Jurists, Judges, and Philosophers, Mohamed Ibn Rushd, known in the West as Averroes, said that the Theologians, the Ulama, are NOT the people of knowledge, but the Philosophers are.
Ibn Rushd in his Incoherence of the Incoherence, showed that Al-Ghazali , the 11th Century Theologian-Philosopher, was in error in 17 of the 20 arguments he made against the Philosophers. An example is cotton burning.
Ibn Rushd also claimed that there is no conflict between religion and philosophy, rational thinking, and that philosophy is a requirement for the Theological understanding of nature.
So, the Ulama got together, (just like the ACJU are doing in Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia etc.), got the rulers to exile Rushd, ban and burn his books on philosophy, and books in philosophy in general.
The Catholic Church did that with Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. However, the Earth kept rotating on its axis and orbited the Sun. Copernicus made “Earth move so that the Sun could rise from the East”, said one astronomer.
D. P. / August 8, 2019
I think that you are missing an important part of origin of cultural habits. Burqa & Niqab might have become a symbol of Muslim patriarchal society at some stage but as with cultural practices, I believe that its origin must have had practical purpose at the outset: The need to cover the face from hazardous dusty winds, common danger in desert environments. Men also wore a full body dress while covering the face with an extended piece of the turban. I believe that subordinate status of women in many cultures also arose as practical reason of safety of children in very harsh living conditions; not b’cos women were considered necessarily weak or sex slaves.
It is also very likely that, before humans adopted sedentary communal living systems, men & women shared equal status and in some cases even a dominant status as in Matriarchal societies. In any case, since people didn’t have the luxury of changing styles in old days, as usually the case in all cultures, long-term habit might have become part of the culture. Burqa & Niqab could have followed the same pattern of social acceptance.
Now that most people live in safe environments -except in remote tribal communities – the need to continue old habits no longer exists. Burqa & Niqab have becom controversial issue today not b’cos of culture; rather it is b’cos of public safety issue. In any case, if history stands as a lesson on how cultural habits solidified over time, then the same lesson should tell us that the redundancy in practical use may eventually cause Burqa & Niqab, like women getting permission to travel without a male guardian & to get driver licence, to disappear by itself.
Muhandiram / August 8, 2019
“I argue that to understand the Quran one should first acquire knowledge available outside the Quran.”
Really? Did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his Sahabahs and those who followed them do that?
Amarasiri / August 8, 2019
“… one should first acquire knowledge available outside the Quran”
What is the knowledge available in the Quran?
The Earth is spread out like a carpet, the Sun goes around the Earth and sets in muddy waters, man came from Adam and Eve, and the evidence of two women is equal to one man?
Is the Quran a science book?
The knowledge available outside the Quran?
The Earth is round, the Earth restated in its axis from West to East, so that the Sun can rise from the East, the Earth orbits the Sun every solar year and man evolved here in Earth from primate ancestors in Africa.
Only Philosophers can reconcile these differences, and not the ignorant Ulama.
Cholan / August 9, 2019
Please don’t bring mankind into Mecca sect.
There was a civilization ex:Pharaohs in M.E 3000 years ago all destroyed by fanatic Isulam.
Now Musulims in M.E daily count dead bodies this is Isulam .
There is no place for this crazy sect in this 21 st century .
What are you doing in Australia?
soma / August 7, 2019
Hindi movie videos from India and Italian phonographic material are the main source of entertainment for MEN all across Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and the entire Arabian peninsula. As for women Allah has ensured that they don’t need any.
Themis / August 7, 2019
In 2014, a Cambridge University study found that pornography triggers brain activity in sex addicts in the same way drugs trigger drug addicts. “Compulsive behaviours, including watching porn to excess, over-eating and gambling, are increasingly common in many countries including our own, and cannot and must not be isolated to certain countries only, Men will always be men and the same goes for women. They only have each other to satisfy their urges and horny fantasies, and anything short of that is a pure humbug. Let it be a monk or a priest.
Lafeer / August 8, 2019
“As for women Allah has ensured that they don’t need any” – Whether it is men or women, watching pornography is prohibited, but both men & women watch when bored & horny, and there is territorial borders to it.
Islam doesn’t prohibit marriage life for men & women including Mullahs & other religious leaders who teach the young at mosques or preach. That might be the reason you don’t hear that many child abuse cases inside mosques by Mullahs.
Lafeer / August 8, 2019
there is territorial borders to it -> there is NO territorial borders to it
Cholan / August 9, 2019
But child abuse and rapes of underage is common among many Muslims in Asia and Africa.
How do you call 60 years old marry 8 years girl ?
In modern society it is rape the rapist will get 25 years prison…but sharia judge who lives in stone age say this is right.
Biggest market for blue films ..cigarettes ..alcohol today is in M.E.
He He He Isulam become a joke.
Lafeer / August 9, 2019
Chola – If there is a law in a country that allows a 60 years old man to marry 8 year old girl, it is not illegal, though it is not correct morally. What is rape, and against law & humanity is what Jaffna born Swiss Kumar did. 1: He raped the poor school girl 2: He videoed the scene with a view to make money out of it 3: Killed the helpless girl 4: He tried to escape law.
Ralli / August 11, 2019
Cholan the nut, biggest blue suppliers to middle-east are Indians.
Julampitiye Amaraya / August 8, 2019
As per my experiences in the Middle East, The Most of the So called Muslim population has the highest rate of Homosexuality. Men and women are separately practice the god given freedom on the Sly.
Seyyed Quraish Moulana / August 8, 2019
Ameer Ali is an idiot and hypocrite who is like Salman Rushdie. This fool so ignorant of Islam that he doesn’t know that Quranic verses has to be understood along with Hadees, explanation of Ibn Abbas Raliyallahu anhu on the verses. It’s a shame to call him in a Muslim name. He’s interpreting the Qur’an according to his whims and fancies. Burqa and Niqab is obligatory in Islam and it’s a command of the ALMIGHTY.
This iblees is seems to be an agent of jews. As he’s ignorant of Islam should stop writing with his stinking pen without misleading the lay people.
Julampitiye Amaraya / August 8, 2019
As per my experiences in the Middle East, The Most of the So called Muslim population including mullahs, Maulavis, and preaches coming from so many sects of Islam has the highest rate of Homosexuality. Men and women are separately practice the god given freedom on the Sly.
Rishard / August 8, 2019
“Ameer Ali is an idiot and hypocrite who is like Salman Rushdie” – Why compare this bugger with Salman Rushdie? AA is just one of eastern born typical selfish & odd type of people who are still in confusion if they belong to SL, India or Saudi Arabia. He ran away for better life in Australia, now that he sees his days are nearing, he is sticking to SL and SL media acting as if he is a true lover of SL & the community.
Anyway, anyone who is 70+ says anything, don’t take them serious please.
Ahmad Nadvi / August 8, 2019
Dear Seyyed Quraish Moulana!
Oh, ohh, ohhh!
“This iblees is seems to be an agent of jews”. What’s wrong with Jews? Don’t you know that many prophets , including (great) Jesus, and his mother Mary (Mariam (AW)) were Jews? which Jews you hate and why? Is that the “Palestine political ” issue you mix up with Jews hating propaganda? Come on Moulana. Are you related to Bin Norri of hill area of Sri Lanka?
Cholan / August 9, 2019
If someone question the 4th century carp is an idiot.
But jokers who believe earth is flat and no contaminated diseases are intelligent people.
Even Saudi teen age girls are running from Bedouin Arab life .to West.
maalumiris / August 9, 2019
“Burqa and Niqab is obligatory in Islam and it’s a command of the ALMIGHTY.”
Where does it say that ?
Please quote the relevant passages in the Quran which is the unadulterated repository of all Islamic Thought and Practice.. If you disagree with me here, you are an Unbeliever and should be stoned.
And if you cant point out a passage that explicitly uses the words “Burqa” and “Niqab”, then you are just BS’ing us
Rana / August 8, 2019
Mr. Jehan,
I don’t understand how you came to the word bikini which is not mentioned anywhere. I am sure it stemmed from your fertile imagination. And you call the author cunt which if you know the meaning is a derogatory term used on women.. One can imagine the plight of women in your life. Or may be lack of them is the reason for this fire breathing.
soma / August 8, 2019
Those Muslims who are exposed to non Islamic ethical standards are in a quandary. These alternative ethical standards appear to be superior to them. At the same time it is difficult for the men folk to make up their minds to give up the relative advantages over women enjoyed under Islamic ethics. Under Islamic system value of a woman is one-fourth that of a man. As Karl Marx said privileged class anywhere wouldn’t give up the privileges without a fight. As for the women who support the existing system all what you can say
is when slaves defend slavery there is nothing you can do about it.
Isharath / August 8, 2019
“Under Islamic system value of a woman is one-fourth that of a man” – Why women’s rights groups created in non-Islamic countries if men & women are equally happy? Why women go on protests asking for equal-rights in non-Islamic countries, if they already have equal rights there? So, it is a common issue though in different sizes.
Mohamed the Atheist / August 9, 2019
Women in non-Muslim countries suffer inequality in their job, salary, etc. But Muslim women in Saudi Arabia cannot leave their house without a male guardian who monitors her constantly. Muslim women in Saudi Arabia (and other Muslim countries and societies) are under house arrest from birth till death. Their only crime is that they were born as a female. In Muslim culture, women do not have basic human rights. Although non-Muslim countries haven’t yet achieved perfect equality, women and men enjoy the same basic human rights
Native Vedda / August 9, 2019
“is when slaves defend slavery there is nothing you can do about it.”
True, isn’t it why we are trying to help you liberate yourself from Sinhala/Buddhist fascism.
“Those Muslims who are exposed to non Islamic ethical standards are in a quandary. “
So are the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists who believe a good Tamil/Muslim is a dead Tamil/Muslim or Sunday Sil Monday Kill as you have seriously been practicing for more than a century.
Mohamed the Atheist / August 8, 2019
Jehan & Seyyed,
It is not a western thing to wear clothes that don’t cover the entire body. Many African and ancient Asian cultures had women who wear nothing above the waist. Every culture has a slightly different concept of nakedness. In fact, wearing clothes is not natural and humans are the only species to do something so unnatural.
I would fully agree that we as Asians needn’t emulate westerners. And by the same token, we Sri Lankans needn’t emulate Arabs. Whether it’s a bikini, sari, or burqa- everyone can wear whatever they want. But you must realise that if you dress like a bank robber, you shall be treated as a bank robber. Is there any difference between the burqa and the professional uniform of bank robbers?
jehan / August 8, 2019
When praying to idols made out of stones is the highest level of thinking, then they are slaves. look at india. the hindus who have 33 million odd idols, will pray to pornography. like you see in most south indian temples. i always say, if you want to be a ponography expert, goto south indian temples. animals having sex with women/men are predominant. this is what idols do to the humans. disgraced.
Cholan / August 9, 2019
Idiot you always think about sex even inside mosques.
No one get excited when people go near these idols.
.These idols were designed according to dress code many thousand years ago.
In mosque without touching the sex adventures of Mecca womanizer is in complete you all rush there every Friday to listen sex stories.
Why the help you all go around a stone in Mecca and go around..loojs like a joke also throw stones like mental patients .
There is no decency in Isulam ..forget about cleaness ..go near a Musulim women you will vomit.
Native Vedda / August 9, 2019
“Idiot you always think about sex even inside mosques.”
Is that why Hindu temple art includes sculptures depicting Kamasutra postures outside the walls of Kopura, so that the devotees could leave thoughts of sex at the doors ?
ghk / August 9, 2019
Cholan – “No one get excited when people go near these idols” – So, having known these are just idols, you guys bathe them with pure milk when thousands of babies are malnutritioned?
Come on man, millions of women with fertility issues worship Shiva Lingam (correct me please, God Shiva’s penis as per your belief system?) for hours thinking that piece can make them fertilized. You, sinner, disappointed all of these poor women calling it “idols” :-(
Looking at these, we don’t know how many Hindus converted to Islam when it was founded during 4th century.
Mohamed the Atheist / August 9, 2019
You mock people who pray to stone idols, but Muslims and Christians pray to something they can’t see, hear, or sense in any way. In other words, Muslims and Christians pray to their own imagination. That is true insanity
Isharath / August 9, 2019
Mohamed the Atheist – Sometimes seeing, hearing or sensing can also mislead you. You see/saw your father because you heard mother said so, since then you incorporated your sense of him in you; Is that a concrete evidence? Did you ever check your DNA before accepting your parents???
KA / August 9, 2019
In all those idols men and women take equal positions, physically and emotionally, even in supposedly cruel roles.
You lot want your women below you as sex slaves.
Balaclava has room for showing eyes. Post box mouth is wider open than slit in burqa.
I recently came to know telegraph and radio were long opposed by Arab muslim countries before technological development and circumstances forced them, citing that it would create bad influence on their women and children.
However, you enjoy pornography of others, just like you have enjoyed Hindu temples in South India.
You lot are scared of sexual and other freedom for your women. Most probably your women will find a partner in other men who treat their women with respect and in equitable manner.
KA / August 9, 2019
By the way, what you saw at Hindu temples in South India was and is real, subject to human evolution. Sex with animals were norm long before these temples were built, yet we arrived at the sexual finsse and decency of man and woman with freedom and openess.
Not like a belief of getting 72 (why not 99 or 200?) virgins (why?) after your death by killing others by shredding them into pieces.
JD / August 8, 2019
What Jehan or Wahhabis say is immaterial. If the Srilankan govt fails to abolish full face covering, that will eventually happen when Muslim women would have to be the next Group of Zaharans. Another way is ask muslim women to cover the whole body except the face. They can wear dark sun glasses. so, that men can see how ugly they are but women does not know that and they would not be influenced by men looking at them..
Anyway, an Islamic country, Tunesia, which can have only an Islamic president as per the constitution, has banned full body covering.
Lankan / August 8, 2019
Jehan. Check you head with a good Dr,, This is a brilliant piece of writing. Moderate view. must be appreciated.
KA / August 9, 2019
They won’t.
Do you think, the people who believe it is correct to think that by killing others they can get 72 virgins (why?) after their death, will be open to reason?
jehan / August 9, 2019
Even if a dog pees on an idol, the idol cannot do a thing. and u are worshiping the idol.asking material benifits from the idol. what kind of interlect do u think u have asking from stones and wood?
KA / August 9, 2019
Are you saying dogs or cats do not defecate mosques?
Get real.
thamizh / August 10, 2019
I don’t understand why the dark skinned Dravidian Sri Lankan Muslims want to practice something invented in the middle east/Mediterranean. In fact, they pretend to be more Arab than the Arab themselves. Get back to your original Dravidian customs.
Nathan / August 13, 2019
[……and u are worshiping the idol.asking material benifits from the idol. what kind of interlect do u think u have asking from stones and wood?]
Well said Jehan. It is better to worship the Lankan politicians than worshipping the deiyos. Politicians will give you favours, contracts, tenders, money, drugs, women but what can these deities do? They only get the money from you through the poosaries. If one worships MR or Ranil or MY3, despite all them being crooks yet you get so much benefits. You can even murder or rape some one and yet get away. But what these deiyos can do? Let us wake up. These deiyos are used only to hoodwink the fools by crooked politicians. Politicians are a reality but not these deiyos.