By Siritunga Jayasuriya –
The coming state visit of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Sri Lanka, and the red carpet welcome accorded to him, including the ceremonial speech to the Sri Lanka’s parliament, is indeed a bad omen for all the democratic minded, left and progressive forces of this country.
As International Socialists the United Socialist Party (CWI – Sri Lanka) stands for the best of co-operation, understanding and solidarity with the neighbouring countries peoples, especially with India with whom the People of Sri Lanka share a common heritage, history and a common struggle for the emancipation of our oppressed peoples. USP stands and follows the rich tradition of the BLPI which had a reverberating effect on the anti-Imperialist struggle in both countries during the People’s Freedom Struggle against the British Imperialism in the sub-continent.
The USP has always stood steadfast and has separated itself from the forces of jingoism and right-wing Nationalism from all the quarters, including the so called “Marxist” JVP and its later day variants. But as a political force which unflinchingly stands for Socialism and its victory in the entire world the USP has stood by the struggles of the people in both lands. Be it the recent anti-nuclear struggle in Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, anti-capitalist globalisation struggle against POSCO company in Odisha or the heroinic struggle of Human rights defender Irom Sharmila Chanu of Manipur against the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) which terrorises the peoples of North East and Kashmir occupied by India.
The entire history of USP in Sri Lanka is marked by its uncompromising stand on its support to the Right of Self-Determination of the Tamils of North and the East, including and up to separation. But many a times the USP has stood alone in the entire country to patiently explain our stand point both to Tamils as well as Sinhala masses. During the infamous IPKF period, when the right wing reaction amongst the Sinhala population was represented by Deshapremi movement, which opposed the India’s intervention from a Sinhala communalist reactionary stand point.
We in the USP warned that “the army of India is no liberator of the Tamils, they will turn their guns very quickly against the oppressed Tamils, India is here because of its sub-Imperialist ambitions and they will not tolerate a radical government in the North of Srilanka on their southern borders which could influence the Tamil Nadu masses”, but our voice was isolated and even vehemently opposed not just by the Sinhala radicals but unfortunately even the Tamil parties did not understand our independent Socialist stand point.
Times have passed , but the history is repeating itself with a blatantly right variance, now the not only the Sinhala bourgeois and the petty-bourgeois but even the Tamil National Alliance is finding common cause in welcoming the utterly anti-minority, anti-muslim and one who stands firmly on the slogan of Hindu Rashtra, which is nothing but an aspiration of Indian Imperialism, which was hitherto latent.
If for some reason the Tamil leadership of the North thinks that they have found a saviour in Modi and would solve the Tamil Nationality question for them, they are grossly mistaken. USP would like to warn the the misguided TNA and other forces, that Modi, the BJP or its think tank doesn’t even consider Tamils in India as nationality, they categorically state that it is a Language only. Hence to expect the Modi magic wand to intervene here is nothing tom foolery. Modi & BJP unmistakably stand for the supremacy of Indian nation, which is according to them is Hindu Nation.
For those amongst the Sinhala right, who think that Modi is their role model and hence they can do business with him are also completely mistaken, Modi apart from being the pivotal head of Hindutva nationalist forces, is also also the brutal face of Corporate interests of India. For the BBS types who eulogise Modi and RSS, they must realise that Buddhism according to the RSS is offshoot of Hinduism and not very distinct, and hence they would play down the fact that historically Buddhism was rebellion against the Bramhinical upper caste supremacy of Hindutva forces.
It is in the peoples interests of Sri Lanka, that we find a common platform to fight against the tyrants of the region including Modi and our own ilk. It in this endeavour that we should be with the progressive and struggling forces in Tamil Nadu and the rest of India, who are putting up a valiant fight against the Hindu Right represented by Modi, BJP & RSS.
It is pity that thouse sections who introduce themselves as lefts are keeping mum on this visit. It has been stated in various corners that defeated Mahinda Rajapaksa has been using facist type methods to suppress the opposition. In that context Modi has shown more features of that nature.
USP unequivocally opposes the visit of Modi to Sri Lanka we call upon the oppressed masses; Tamils, Muslims and Sinhala people to voice their protest against the government of the day for giving such a welcome to an undeserving communal bigot who has the blood of the people on his hands.
*Siritunga Jayasuriya – General Secretary of the United Socialist Party (Sri Lankan section of the Committee for a Workers’ International-[CWI])
Thiru / March 10, 2015
Siritunga Jayasuriya,
I go along with your thinking that imperial forces are at play in the island including India, the US and the West, China, and the Sinhalese with ambitions for puny imperialist hegemony over the island.
In other words, this island is the playground of imperialists worldwide:
When the house is divided global imperialists rejoice fishing in the troubled waters.
Raja / March 10, 2015
Well said. I wish TNAs traitorous duo listen to you
thondamannaru / March 10, 2015
Yes. Modi can if he could convert himself to the kind of belief practiced by S.J.Emmanuel and Rayappu.
Modi being a Hindu can not play the Tamil savior role in Sri Lanka as the Tamil Saviour role is hijacked by the catholic & Anglican churches.
First Modi will have to apologise to the Tamils for the rapes and murders committed by the IPKF.Modi is here because of its sub-Imperialist ambitions and incidently historically Buddhism was rebellion against the Bramhinical upper caste supremacy of Hindutva forces.
What Sira & the Sinhala right see & think baffles as they follow Modi as their role model and hence they can do business with him are also completely mistaken. Modi apart from being the pivotal head of Hindutva nationalist forces, is also also the brutal face of Corporate interests of India.
It appears Tamil Christians will get screwed as for Modi stand for a supreme Hindu nation.
Lanka Liar / March 10, 2015
Typical Sinhala approch. Divide the Tamils and Muslims. Hindus and Christians Catholics and Hindus caste system and so on. You thrive in dividing people and keeping confusion among them. Unfortunately they are much more inteligent than you. Try Karuna Pillaiyan KP and co.
Ponkoh Sivakumaran / March 10, 2015
The old LSSP and CP sold the Tamils out for peanuts. The rump that is left is at least holding firm to the idea that minorities have the right of self determination. It is always good for at least a small group to remind the majority community of this fact.
As regards Modi, he will not do much for the Tamils. His visit appeases the people in Tamilnadu. He will make the right noises and go away. But, his visit will focus attention on the plight of the Tamils. The Indian public will know what is going on in the North through the press which accompanies Modi.
Despite the fact that Sampanthan had indicated the shortcomings of the 13th Amendment at the time it was thought of, he will probably indicate support for it now. The LTTE left Tamils without anything as a result of their inability to negotiate when their hand was strong. So, some Tamils will see that the path of appeasement taken by Sambanthan and Sumanthiran as right. With no power to argue, the Tamils will be happy with any crumbs in the present situation. The diaspora may shout their heads off. The reality on the ground seems to be different. Modi is seen as providing some hope though clearly he has India’s interests at heart. Tamils can only hope that these interests coincide with ensuring the safety of the Tamils in the NorthEast and the releasing of their lands from military control. If that can be achieved, which Tamil in the NorthEast is going to say no. It could well be that Indian interests coincide with those of the Tamils for the ultimate guarantee of support for India can only come from the Tamils. Twice, Sri Lanka has courted India’s enemies. Once when it gave flight facilities to Pakistan during the Bangladesh war. Once when it courted China. The only constant factor in Sri Lanka is the support Tamils will give India and the fact that India can spring an insurgency any time in the island and control its outcome.
Jim softy / March 10, 2015
Oh, socialist parties with racial overtones,
In this case tribalist overtones.
Mallaiyuran / March 10, 2015
“If for some reason the Tamil leadership of the North thinks that they have found a saviour in Modi and would solve the Tamil Nationality question for them, they are grossly mistaken. “
I do not think so. TNA asked Modi to come. He did not come. Sinhala Intellectuals asked him. He is coming. TNA is using this opportunity to prove that is has dropped off the Tamils’ national question. It has has something new(I do not know what it is), without any conditions to New Royals. But heir last election(NPC)’s manifesto talked about Self Determination. They feel they do not ask the people any more for any mandate. They think they can, by slightly twisting their prism, they will produce all 7 colors (any mandate they want) from the colorless( white).
Pacs / March 11, 2015
TNA is not going to win next time. neither UNP, nor slfp. May be sitharthan Plote might wish to fill the cap. Varathar might rekindle his UDI
Pacs / March 11, 2015
Emperor Akbar and Asokan could not rule Tamil kingdoms. As such Modi is desperate to win at least a few seats in TN and show the Indians that he is ruling the whole of India. For that reason there may be a few things happen to less than partial salvation of the Tamils.
Matupala / March 12, 2015
DR Siritunga is supporting for Tamil-chauvinism and communal outfits of Tamil extremism in North of Sri lanka that as similar as Modi’s obliged to help for Hindu Extremisms in India.
There is no differences between Dr Siritunga and PM Modi both are encourage and supporting extremist in principle two countries.
And both are extremis, but Tamil communalism support by Dr Siritunge of against majority democracy of Sri lanka.
PM Modi’s help for Majority Hindus in majority democracy.
Is that majority extremism against democracy by Modi.
F. N. Stein / March 13, 2015
An unnecessarily provocative article by the leader of an insignificant political party that has been sounded beaten over and over again by the Lankan voter. Modi-bashing is a favourite past time among many in India. Siritunga follows suit. Is he aware Modi received a tumultuous reception in the USA, China, Japan, Australia and many other countries despite his unconfirmed RSS connections.
Siritunga trashing the visiting honoured VIP is akin to the dog barking at the Moon. Modi will come, conquer and depart, leaving many a friend. Siritunga will, of course, be one amongst the many.
Frank N. Stein