17 January, 2025


Chief Justice Impeached

By Colombo Telegraph

Chief Justice is impeached a short while ago.  Parliament votes 155 for the motion 49 against it and 20 abstained . Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa said that motion against the Chief Justice was passed in parliament.

Issuing a press statement the United States Embassy Colombo says it remains deeply concerned by the impeachment proceedings against Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, which were conducted in defiance of a Supreme Court order.  This impeachment calls into question issues about the separation of powers in Sri Lanka and the impact of its absence on democratic institutions.

The Embassy is also concerned about accounts of violence during several of the protests.  The Embassy calls on all sides to respect the right of peaceful protest, and calls on the government to ensure that non-violent protesters are protected.

“The United States, along with our partners in the international community, continue to urge the Government of Sri Lanka to uphold the rule of law and respect the principles of democratic governance” the US says.

Meanwhile the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) says it vehemently condemns the resolution passed by Parliament today to impeach Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice, Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake. This follows CPA’s statement issued on 8th January 2013 welcoming the judgment of the Court of Appeal and determination of the Supreme Court and calling for Parliament to comply with the law.

“This unnecessary and regrettable move by the legislature today has deeply debilitating consequences for constitutional governance, and demonstrates the contempt in which basic principles of democracy and the rule of law are held in Sri Lanka today. Notwithstanding this, CPA hopes that the constitutional crisis facing us may yet be addressed responsibly, with restraint and in adherence to the Constitution.” the CPA further says.

Related stories;

Mobs Camped Outside CJ’s Residence, Kiribath Is Being Cooked, CJ’s Life Under Threat

Latest comments

  • 0

    Joining demonstrations and protesting at risk to life and limb is of no use. The most effective would be a Civil disobedience campaign. All litigants should not attend Courts as the Govt. has set the precedent. People should not pay electricity bills and Taxes. Can the govt. lock every citizen? No. The MR govt. can be brought to it’s knees in a week. Good Luck Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      Yes, if the GOSL can act unconstitutionally and illegally, why not the citizens of the country. All those who oppose the GOSL should stop paying water and electricity bills, taxes, train fares, bus fares, etc. etc. If they can, we the general public who are above the elected MPs could do better than that. We should continue this until the GOSL acts legally and constitutionally. The Opposition political parties should give lead to this. Also, please put all those who voted for the Impeachment behind bars for Contempt of Courts if not their actions are legal.

      • 0

        Do you all know that majority of Appeal Court judges (5) have written to the President of the Appeal Court Justice Skandarajah who head the bench that delivered judgement for case no. 358/2012, the CJ has filed and accused him for bringing disrepute to the Court of Appeal on bias judgement?

        Among other things the letter says that
        1) A Court can ‘request’ Parliament to take some course of action but cannot issue it a ‘writ’ (order).
        2) Picking a vacation court date to make a hurried judgement is wrong.
        Hurried judgement means; the said court case started hearing at 1.30 pm and finished hearing 3.30 pm and delivered the judgement 4.30 pm on the same day. Much, much much faster than PSC hearing)
        3) The Bench at Court No 303 usually handles all writ applications filed in the year 2010-2013. But it has been changed.
        4) Justice Jayatilleke who normally sits with Justice Sriskandarajah in Court no 303 has been dropped and Justice Anil Gooneratne who sits in Court No 206 and Justice Salam who sits normally in the Court that hear DC Final Appeals were selected for this hurried hearing.
        5) Case 358/2012 was not only taken up hurriedly but was argued and decided in one day whereas the normal practice is to give a draft judgement and ample time for judges to opine their views. But nothing of the sort has happened here.

        I am sure, more details of this bias judgement and more on Haultsdrop coups and conspiracies would come to light in due course when the CJ is fired and locked out of her chambers.

        • 0

          Leelo the Poo will drown in your own poo.

      • 0

        Dear Ronny ,
        i know every one is upset over this impeachment news , but weren’t we expecting this out come ?
        if we don’t pay electricity/water bill , respective boards will disconnect the supply , at the end of the day we are the one going to suffer again , not the junta !
        we will have to come up with some thing more practical Ronny !

        • 0

          I am happy.

          • 0

            Hey Leela , i was referring to genuine sri lankan patriotic folks who have real feelings , obliviously not for the government stooges , I know your ilk will not think twice to sell your own mother if there is a gain , so do not show your own stupidity and intolerance here , go and write in Daily NOISE column you traitor, that is where you belong !

  • 0

    The So-called Demoncrazy Rivoopublic of Rajapakastan has illegally and unconstitutionally raped the Justicia and the Lady Chief Justice.

  • 0

    UNP MP Lakshman Kiriella and TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran said that the resolution passed in parliament a short while ago was flawed and thus invalid.
    Speaking to the Daily Mirror after the conclusion of the vote MP Lakshman Kiriella said “it was a sad day for the country.”

    He went on to point out that the resolution presented was the same resolution that was tabled on November 6.

    “The speaker didn’t give a proper reason as to why our objections were not accepted,” he said.

    TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran said that since the resolution was flawed the President cannot act on it.

    “Its flawed, the resolution tabled was to a point a select committee and nothing else. If the President acts on it he will be acting unconstitutionally,” he said

    • 0

      What a load of BS , what did they expect from the clowns , real justice ? Now opposition can accuse the junta for this and that, who gives a shit about it?

      One must ask, who asked the opposition to participate on this illegal activity ?

  • 0

    President Mahinda Rajapakse Four Brothers and Company Unlimited, in Sri Lanka achieved the final goal with celebrating their dictatorship with fire crackers, and serving kiribath and banana while chasing Chief Justice from Judiciary.

    today confirmed that they are the absolute owners of Sri Lanka.

    By taking in charge of 100% of the country’s budget, it’s economy,Foreign trade, it’s day to day life, it’s administration, International Affairs and Defence and security and police, taking over all the Ministries under their wings and creating a club of family looters and goons Rajapakse and unlimited Company, today proved to the world that they can do anything in Sri Lanka ………whenever…..whereever…….to whomever…..and ………whichever …..way they want.

    Itn’t this called ABSOLUTE DICTATORSHIP………



  • 0

    Now the buggers have all kinds of laws passed easily. CJ is a great srilanken woman – people will not forget that. Nobody but the idiotic govt will say yes to this impeachment.

    Now it is time to impeach the bugger-MR for the restoration of rule of law for the nation.

  • 0

    The Rajapakses have no appetite for the Courts, Judiciary and the Courts so long as the subject concerned is against their personal and family fortunes. In the Fascistic philosophy it is “I am the State”
    and those who entrenched him with over 2/3rd majority will have to hold themselves responsible to what happens to the country and to posterity – that, at any rate, is doomed to bankruptcy. The ruling family knows the country has the memory span of a goldfish and this matter, like most other, will be forgotten and eclipsed by the next

    There is still space before the President places his assent and in between there will be no lack of effort in trying to strike a deal with a CJ who, anyway, burnt her boats by getting involved in utterly
    unsavoury deals and property matters in finances she simply did not have or could not have gathered lawfully.

    And as to the Rajakse Royalty? Like Don Quixote’s Man from La Mancha they ride again towards the next windmill – with faithful kudu Mervin and Dumninda’s hordes armed with yakada polu, bicycle chains, buthgottas and arakku/kasippu in faithful company.


  • 0

    Another blunder. UGC is capable of performing perfect blunders. Haven’t they rendered resignation yet!

  • 0

    it is a very sad day indeed , RW must bear the full responsibility for the debacle , it’s no point putting the blame only on MR , we all know what type of monster he is , all he needs a very weak opposition , RW is the greatest asset he has at the moment , thanks to RW MR will do every thing and any thing he wants ( imprisoning General SF , sending a rocket to space , Ferrari races to impeaching CJ ). There is absolutely no real resistance from UNP , from the very inception of this squalid misdeed RW’s direct and indirect support contributed speedy and hassle free result for MR , he really wanted to see this happened , one must thank JVP & TNA for their last minute brave stand against tyranny , i see a very bleak future , no words to describe the emptiness and disappointment , I had this same sick feelings when 18 th amendment was passed .

  • 0

    Sri Lanka’s Parliament already become a Toddy Tavern and a Donkey auction joint. The more Donkey barks the higher the price fetch by the Big Boss pay to cross over from the opposition parties……like Grade eight school drop out Gonwanse who knows only to Bark with no sense.

    Toddy Tavern cum Donkey auction joint is more busy after getting Monthly pay and with Bribe as santhosam.

    Toddy Tavern Philosophy is That more one barks like Gon Wansa, higher the Bosses Santhosam.

    Parliament…..Sri Lanka’s popular Donkey and Toddy Tavern Joint.

  • 0

    The impeachment procedure may be flawed but CJ Shirani Bandaranaike cannot claim to be clean because she has failed to answer allegations of impropriety. She cut off and ran away alleging procedural irregularities and refusal of natural justice instead of honestly attempting to answer the charges. Instead of standing up and answering the charges she was running to the Court of Appeal seeking a writ against the PSC members.

    She dragged the whole judiciary and legal profession unnecessarily into a conflict situation over a matter she should have honourably handled herself like what the former CJ Neville Samarakone did when he was faced with a similar situation. There is a difference between the charges levelled against CJ Shirani Bandaranaike and former CJ Neville Samarakone. Former CJ Neville Samarakone was charged for making an unwanted political statement but Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranaike was charged for personal impropriety.

    Never mind corruption on the part of the members of government, the Chief Justice should be a clean person. Most Sri Lankan politicians are corrupt and people know that. Judges should not be corrupt and they should set an example to others by leading a clean private life. No Chief Justice should be even rumoured to have approached the President of the country seeking a personal favour on behalf of her husband.

    The whole drama has only helped the government to distract people’s attention from the rising cost of living, rising unemployment and corruption. When the media’s attention was turned on this unwanted drama, government conveninetly jacked up fuel prices.

    • 0

      A sensible valid and perspicuous comment.
      Now the task before us is how to tackle the situation that has arisen.
      How to do that is the question especially when the the people in the country have the memory span of a goldfish as commented elsewhere under this caption.

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