By Jehan Perera –

Jehan Perera
Even as the date for the presidential elections approaches, there are increased speculations regarding those elections, not only who might win but also whether those elections will be held at all. There is also a debate being generated whether the presidential elections ought to be held at all. There are many who feel that President Ranil Wickremesinghe needs to be given more time to take the country to development. United States Assistant Secretary of State for South & Central Asian Affairs, Donald Lu, might be one such. He has described Sri Lanka’s economic recovery as one of the greatest comeback stories in the part of the world he deals with. On the other hand, there are others who argue in favour of abolishing the presidency as soon as possible. This would also do away with the need for a presidential election to be held.
The presidency is seen by many and generally believed to be an institution that is over-powerful and prone to abuse by those who are elected to it. This argument has been made into an election campaign theme by some of the past presidential candidates at past presidential elections. But after they won the elections those who promised to abolish the presidency failed to do so, and instead made strenuous efforts to stay on as long as they could, which explains why the presidency continues to this day. There being little faith that those who win the presidency will wish to abolish it, there is an opinion being formed that the presidency should be abolished before the presidential elections. The fact that the presidential form of government led the country to economic disaster is another reason for the hurry. There is, however, a question as to the practicability of this proposition.
The present system of government is called the executive presidential system on account of the central role in the constitution given to the presidency. It may be argued that through skillful constitutional engineering that the hole caused by the excision of the presidency can be filled. But the speed at which these reforms can be enacted is questionable in the absence of a political consensus that includes both government and opposition on the issue which is presently not to be seen. If there is to be an abolition of the executive presidency, it is very necessary for there to be consultation with the population and political parties about the new system that will replace the executive presidency. It must be one that meets the expectations and aspirations of the ethnic and religious minorities as well. There is no such consensus at the present time.
Unpopular Government
There have been deliberations on a new constitution and on constitutional reform on many occasions. However, constitutional reform that involves a core pillar of the constitution cannot be undertaken in a hurry. Constitutional schemes from the past cannot substitute for the need to consult people and political parties at this time, when circumstances have changed so drastically, having experienced the Aragayala protests and economic bankruptcy. There is also need for recognition that where there is no consensus, as on the solution to the ethnic conflict and the inclusion of ethnic and religious minorities into governance, change proceeds painfully slowly. This can be seen in the change of the electoral system to the provincial councils that commenced in 2017 and has still not been completed with the result that provincial council elections are overdue five years.
Public opinion polls are repeatedly showing that the opposition candidates are ahead in the presidential race by significant margins. If these poll results are anywhere close to reality it can be surmised that the vast majority of people are looking for an election. They would see that it is an election more than anything else that could dislodge the government which is entrenched in power under the leadership of President Wickremesinghe. Two years ago the weakness of the government was such that its leading members dared not come into the public as they feared the wrath of the mob. Some even faced heckling at weddings where people who had come for the happy occasion started hooting those whom they accused of bankrupting the country. Now they are able to attend public functions without fear and with reasonable confidence that their security personnel can handle any eventuality.
Unless the presidency is abolished, the opportunity for the people to effect governmental change by peaceful means will come in October when the constitutionally mandated presidential election falls due. Those in the government would likely prefer if those elections do not take place or are postponed for as long as possible. In March 2022, the government ensured that local government elections were not held by denying the Election Commission the money to hold them. The government’s determination not to hold those elections was high. It even disregarded the Supreme Court order to make the money available to the Election Commission to conduct the elections. This was a highhanded act that undermines the principles of democracy itself.
President’s Assurance
There is concern that the presidential election will similarly be postponed on some ground or the other and this could cause a second Aragalaya protest movement to erupt, this time with the backing of the opposition political parties that feel cheated of victory. However, on this occasion, the President’s media unit has stated that the presidential election will be held within the mandated period and according to the current timeline. It added that the general election will be held next year and financial provisions will be provided for in the 2025 budget. The government has also stated that the Election Commission is responsible for conducting the elections and the government will be communicating with the Commission as and when required.
President Ranil Wickremesinghe has also reiterated to a group of MPs who met him recently that the presidential election would be held on time and there would be no abolition of the presidency. This may reflect his confidence in his performance in restoring law and order and reviving the economy without permitting both to collapse. Speaking in a statesmanlike mode, the president said, “I have clearly stated several times that I have no intention to put off the presidential elections. Funds for that purpose are there. The talks about attempts to abolish the executive presidency were circulated by the main opposition.”
The president is also reported to have said that “People of this country know better than the opposition that the abolition of the executive presidency cannot be done in a hurry. There is a procedure to do that. We should not fall into their trap. Do not waste your time on this. You speak of the economic revival programme that we are carrying out.” Likewise, President Wickremesinghe can also seek to address the country’s most intractable problem, the ethnic conflict by ordering the full implementation of the 13th Amendment which would make it easier for the victor at the next election to find a mutually acceptable solution. Whether he succeeds or not he could feel contentment that he did what he had agreed and undertaken to do.
nimal fernando / February 20, 2024
Who the hell is Donald Lu? How the fuck can he decide for 22 million citizens of Sri Lanka? ……… Ask the citizens how well Ranil has done!
The election date is set in the constitution and is an inviolable right of all the citizens.
What you lowlife scum are not telling ……..the simple reason Ranil don’t want to hold the election is …….. he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning any election! He even scuttled the Provincial council elections using threats and all the undemocratic means possible ……… even after the candidates have handed in their deposits.
Ranil has already ordered tons of teargas and bullets …… it’s an underhand scheme with the tacit support of the USA. Perhaps planned in the Pentagon …….. for Lanka’s sake hope Donald wins ……. that’ll put a stop to this nonsense.
Jehan, you are nothing but despicable low life for writing this article ……. you are setting the stage for Ranil to violate people’s rights once again.
If you are so greedy and desperate for NGO Dollars ……. I’ll double what they are paying you for you to stop writing this crap. …….. That’s the best Native can do for his motherland.
nimal fernando / February 20, 2024
“There are many who feel that President Ranil Wickremesinghe needs to be given more time to take the country to development.”
I have never read anything more ludicrous in my life!
Ranil has been in politics for more than 40 years ……. what the hell has he done? ……. Finally, in the 75th year of his life, somehow he is going to succeed and develop the country!
It’s no less ridiculous than ……. Native sitting for the OLs for 40 straight years with the hope of passing and finally be able to leave parliament and go out and get a real job …… in the 75th year of his life!
Sure ….. like Ranil’s supporters …… we are out here cheering Native on ………..
ramona therese fernando / February 21, 2024
Well said Nimal!
nimal fernando / February 22, 2024
Who Ranil is protecting through his protection of the murderous Rajapakses ……………. https://assassination.globalinitiative.net/face/nihal-perera/
Someone has to expose the hypocrisy ………. now that all the vociferous great critics of yore ……… of the corrupt to the core murderous Rajapakses have fallen silent ……… since Ranil became their chief protector.
For Lankans, ……. there is no right or wrong ………. or truth or lies ………. there are only personalities that are dear to their hearts: same things that are wrong when the Rajapakses do them ……… are right when Ranil does them.
I don’t believe in a single Lankan because I know them better than they know themselves.
That’s why I’ve always said, I believe Lanka will come good only by a fortunate accident or a coincidence …………
This two-faced hypocrisy is the hallmark of “Sinhala Buddhism.”
Unbeknown to them, …….. years of stultified “Sinhala Buddhism” has seeped into the minds of even the greatest and the fiercest critics of “Sinhala Buddhism” themselves.
That’s the great tragedy …….. and the challenge ……… facing Lanka.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
“It’s no less ridiculous than ……. Native sitting for the OLs for 40 straight years with the hope of passing and finally be able to leave parliament and go out and get a real job …… in the 75th year of his life!”
deepthi silva / February 22, 2024
There are many…. ! Of 23 million, how many ! Who are they ? Who does this PhD guy keep company with ?
According to JP if an American says something it must be true ! Has any Western magazine or newspaper highlighted Sri Lankan achievements !
Something said by this Donald Lu undiplomatically is highlighted by an unprofessional writer.
Has JP applied for a Green Card ? For sake of integrity I invite him to publicly declare all the benefits he and his family have received from USA .
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
deepthi desperate silva
“For sake of integrity I invite him to publicly declare all the benefits he and his family have received from USA .”
Before we go into JP’s accruing benefits, could you tell us why do members of armed forces walk on Red Carpet when they visit army camps, how much such stupid foreign customs cost this island.
By the way thank our Defence Secretary Kamala for not walking on red carpet.
deepthi silva / February 23, 2024
Vedda the obsessed ! Have you seen south Indian movies ? The garishness and the overstatements of its heroes simply make me puke.Much worse than a red carpet !
Your opinions are also puke material-simply a man not deserving of the freedom that websites like this offer. If you were editor of a website I am sure you will exercise your discretion must arbitrarily and only to advance your own views.
old codger / February 23, 2024
So you enjoy watching South Indian movies? How is your Kannada, Malayalam, etc? I am glad you can afford the Netflix charges. Why don’t they show Sinhala movies?
nimal fernando / February 23, 2024
You bunch should get together and watch …….. “Kadhalikka Neramillai”
Find some time for love!!! :)))))
old codger / February 23, 2024
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SJ / February 23, 2024
You have done it at last!
deepthi silva / February 24, 2024
OC, I do watch but not blindly . I see in these movies why this part of the world ended up so bad.
People like you were given your freedom but have decided to embrace a culture which denied it for centuries with religious mumbo jumbo or sheer sentimentality.
By the way why don’t you people think of migrating to Tamil Nadu so you can live with other perfect people ? Not good enough ?
leelagemalli / February 23, 2024
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Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
nimal fernando
Where is our mate Sinhala_Man?
Has he joined Anura on his campaign trail?
Please watch the clip below from 1 minute onwards, a brilliant foot in the mouth opinion poll by JVP/NPP.
100% of those appeared in the clip agreed to support ADK, JVP/NPP.
Taste of thinks to come.
And you are not worried.
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
Sorry I missed the link.
nimal fernando
Where is our mate Sinhala_Man?
Has he joined Anura on his campaign trail?
Please watch the clip below from 1 minute onwards, a brilliant foot in the mouth opinion poll by JVP/NPP.
100% of those appeared in the clip agreed to support ADK, JVP/NPP.
Taste of thinks to come.
And you are not worried.
nimal fernando / February 22, 2024
I’m just 1 out of 22 million citizens …… I have to accept whatever the majority of them vote for: it’s not for me (or any other one person) to decide who should rule the nation.
JVP can’t do any worse than …….. any of the others have done so far …….. now, can they? :))
I’m sure you passed your OLs with flying colors …… at the first go! :))))
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
nimal fernando
“I’m sure you passed your OLs with flying colors …… at the first go! :))))”
As usual I would not confirm or deny your statement above.
“I’m just 1 out of 22 million citizens … I have to accept whatever the majority of them vote for: it’s not for me (or any other one person) to decide who should rule the nation.”
Forget the majority, you have to vote only for the persons who are fit for the job, anyone like old codger, yourself, ….. not members of the clan, not Wimal, not Champika, not constitutional expert Gevindu, not Channa (Masala)…….. not My3, …
nimal fernando / February 23, 2024
“I’m sure you passed your OLs with flying colors …… at the first go! :))))”
I just guessed …….. since you are not in the parliament ……. and not a minister or “advisor” of Ranil’s. ……… Are you? :))))
With Lankans …….. one never knows!
old codger / February 23, 2024
“JVP can’t do any worse than …….. any of the others have done so far …….. now, can they? :))”
Ah, but four years ago, we freely elected someone who did much worse than anyone up to that point.
Mahila / February 23, 2024
Pick of the choice with 2600+ years of experience in continuous lineage of Monarchs, Kings until 1815!!?? ‘Slip-ups’ due to western colonial influence of 450+ years – DETRACTORS AT WORK!!?? Want harm?? Nothing significantly pronounced damage to Proletariat!!?? Better TRIM, than ever before, doing 2 Jobs instead of One or Nothing, before!!?? SKY LARKING WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF FOOLS – who embarked on a Distinct Pathway to SELF-DESTRUCTION!!?? Melancholy Moment!!??
nimal fernando / February 24, 2024
After waiting for 40 long years …….. your dream has finally come good!
You know me …….. I’ll be the last person to come between people and their dreams …… of all kinds ……… .wake them up! :))))))
Sinhala_Man / February 22, 2024
Why does Jehan Perera keep churning out these articles, instead of sticking to one line, nimal, the way that Lasantha Pethiyagoda and you do?
You’re a past master in the art of making your comments entertaining, but you’ve been absolutely consistent in keeping the pressure on Ranil and the Rajapaksas.
No messing about with other long-term goals until some elections are held.
.We’re going to be patient and well-behaved until September 2024.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)
Mahila / February 23, 2024
“We’re going to be patient and well-behaved until September 2024.” What splendour is that??? Seems better than that offered by Gota – ‘THE PROSPERITY AND SPLENDOUR’, which turned out to nothing but Puswedilla!!??
Native Vedda / February 23, 2024
nimal fernando
“That’s the best Native can do for his motherland.”
By the way since Aryan Annagarica Homeless Dharmapala became part of the Germanic race/people we have been gradually losing our motherland while Aryan Annagarica’s followers turning it into their fatherland.
Please listen to one of the few fearless Public Intellectuals still alive on this earth:
Noam Chomsky – Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?
He mentions “what was once called a herd of independent minds”.
Let us forget the rest of the world for a minute, did we or do we have such (herd of) independent minds?
Please name them?
nimal fernando / February 24, 2024
Thanks Native, I watched ……..always interesting to listen to …….. have you got “Understanding Power: The Indispensible Chomsky?”
Good read ……. if you don’t I can send it to you.
Native Vedda / February 24, 2024
nimal fernando
“Understanding Power: The Indispensible Chomsky?”
Sadly no.
My partner tells me to first read books from my collection and then buy new books, (this is to show my …..). So I have to be selective, and hide any new books as if I am secretly enjoying top of the shelf naughty magazines.
I love to read Noams’, however I have read many of his articles hosted on websites.
My partner can smell new books from miles away.
So I will have to devise new strategy to buy and hide new books from her, my children, relatives, and friends.
SJ / February 20, 2024
“There are many who feel that President Ranil Wickremesinghe needs to be given more time to take the country to development.”
How many, and how long?
ramona therese fernando / February 22, 2024
Two whole suffering generations.
Mahila / February 23, 2024
3 Generations of Sri Lankans!!?? 75 Years!
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
“How many, and how long?”
More than the time S W R D Banda and the Weeping Widow took to ruin this island.
Nathan / February 20, 2024
How to get rid of the Executive Presidency … … ?
Hold a referendum just for the position, not an election for the post.
(Could someone oblige me with the proper wording of the last line.)
old codger / February 20, 2024
“President Wickremesinghe can also seek to address the country’s most intractable problem, the ethnic conflict by ordering the full implementation of the 13th Amendment “
He can’t. The fact is that the Maha Sangha and even a lot of Pohottuwa MPs would oppose it As it is, he seems to have decided to sign the ETCA with India by April, but I don’t know if he will backtrack under pressure from quarters such as the GMOA.
leelagemalli / February 21, 2024
Politics in Sri Lanka is full of various hypocrisies:
– Medamulanism of RAJAPAKSHE rascals – living their selfish tendencies at the expense of poor people, but showing that they are born to help the Sri Lankan Sinhalese nation.
Gevindu Kumaratunga Factor (Extremely Sinhala Racist Promoters)
– Wimal Weerawansa factor (uneducated but representing the lower social classes but pretending to know their aims, these are social parasites)
– Mihintale Chivaradhariya Factor (This person is a clown in robes who will do any menial work for fame)
– Ghanasara Factor (representation, radicals and rascals but being in disguise)
– Medagoda Abeytissa MUDALALI factor (radical sinhala buddhism)
According to my years of study as a thoughtful citizen of our motherland, our people are truly beasts rather than men. They act like they sympathize with the grievances of minorities but in reality they are not SERIOUS at all. They are worse than Ramona’s white supremacists in America.
The majority of our people are not wholeheartedly committed to the full implementation of the 13th Constitutional Amendment. This is public secret.
They may have said it publicly, but the real racists, the cancerous beasts of the nation, will always oppose it.
A significant portion will stay firm with their disagreements, how can any leader make it work? AKD as a teeenager politician would only address the emotions of the people. Is it different to that of medamulana Thakkadiya ?
leelagemalli / February 21, 2024
The best thing is to EDUCATE people enough and get it done.
So long as the racists are allowed to dominate their thoughts, every time before an election, or the adoption of a treaty or agreement, they will succeed in blocking our hopes. Although the world’s researchers have yet to find a way to extend human life, these buggers act as if they could live 100 years or more. what a nation ?
Nathan / February 21, 2024
Dear leelagemalli,
There are times I wished to run away from the web page and the very people you are speaking about. Thank you, I still cling on by the good grace of people like you.
At the early stages of our problems was the ‘task’ of DISINFORMATION.
Yes. Sinhala school Texts were full of them.
Learning is easy. Once you learn, UNLEARNING is tough!
I am hoping that the younger generation finds their proper way.
Douglas / February 21, 2024
Dear LM: You say: “According to my years of study as a thoughtful citizen of Mother Lanka……”
Next, you say: ” AKD as a teenager politician would only address the emotions of the people”.
Just think to yourself the type of study you have undertaken for years.
Don’t you think it has been all a waste of time and learned nothing?
leelagemalli / February 22, 2024
Mine are just speculations, but Douglas u are the one who is living there. Ask JVP to respond to our questions. Why to dodge further 🤔? I m so fed up waiting.
Lester / February 23, 2024
“The majority of our people are not wholeheartedly committed to the full implementation of the 13th Constitutional Amendment. “
`13th Amendment is part of the separatist agenda. Devolution should not be discussed for 50 years. The focus on the government should be on rapid economic development. If people don’t like it, they should be given passports to leave. Ethnicity does not matter. UK government deports illegals to Rwanda, time for GOSL to do the same.
Nathan / February 23, 2024
I appreciate your gesture of a Passport; Would a Visa also be provided along with?
leelagemalli / February 23, 2024
I think Sinhala-dominated Sri Lanka should finally be open to the world. It’s the only way out of economic recession India’s foreign secretary asking the world to go to Sri Lanka on vacation is really a good help.
Indians are well respected in Europe and any powerful nation. Back then this country was ruled by dogs, even Lybiansweren’t ready to spend a vacation in our place. Sri Lanka was relegated to a communal land by the Rhodia community built by Medamulana brutes.
Youtubers that sperad lies should be banned for good of the majority in this country. I really dont kno why our people are fearing to open up to the world. SINHALA buddhism has become a mental disease making lankens even more beasts day by day. It is not really a religion but a life style.
Mahila / February 23, 2024
Mahila / February 23, 2024
word of the day!? Self-Styled KNOW-ALL!!??
SJ / February 23, 2024
“Self-Styled KNOW-ALL”
Cannot be a word without a hyphen between styled and know.
Douglas / February 21, 2024
OC: Do the people and the Peoples’ Representatives (MPs) know what ETCA is and what it contains? Do you know what it contains?
old codger / February 22, 2024
I know enough about it to judge that it will harm some vested interests. If you know more, please tell us.
As it is, doctors are migrating due to what they claim are high taxes. Would even you not benefit if Indian doctors set up here?
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
old codger
“The fact is that the Maha Sangha and even a lot of Pohottuwa MPs would oppose it As it is,….”
Today The Island Reported that Dr. Asanga Gunawansa, PC, the Director General of the Interim Secretariat for Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism (ISTRM) presented draft copies of the Truth and Reconciliation Bill to the Chief Prelates of the Asgiriya and Malwatte chapters.
Couldn’t Dr. Asanga Gunawansa do his spellcheck on his computer?
old codger / February 23, 2024
“Interim Secretariat for Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism”
Is this another outfit like the Buddhist commission?
Can’t even get their trade description right🤯🤯
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
Ranil doesn’t have a mandate for any of that. What he has is simply man dates. Those are not going to go very far when it comes to electoral and geopolitics.
Mahila / February 23, 2024
In other words, “Are you suggesting, Gota didn’t have that Mandate from 6.9 Million”!!?? Any suggestion, Gota didn’t have such mandate for use during his tenure, is HIGH end of Fantasy, Lunacy, or Fiction – SUIT ONE’S AGENDA!?
leelagemalli / February 21, 2024
The Janata Vimukthi Peramuna, which has a brutal history, was criticizing that not everyone was up to the task of abolishing the executive presidential system. They never had deep thoughts why any elected leader failed to do so.
Why on earth is JVP standing in the way when they are ready to do that in this caretaker government?
I think Sri Lanka is full of MODAYA who are easily misled. They never learn from the past. They allow RABBLEROUCERs to add fuel back to the fire and take advantage. I think everyone should agree to abolish the executive presidency without any conditions. I am of the opinion that good politicians should come together to govern the country and not rely on AKD led groups alone. AKD’s election will be the second episode in the Gotabaya saga. See how they overstepped the invitation extended to them by the Indians recently? True, it was a ploy by the Indians to tame the rebels in the south of Sri Lanka.
Ajith / February 20, 2024
“The president is also reported to have said that “People of this country know better than the opposition that the abolition of the executive presidency cannot be done in a hurry. “
President is not in a hurry to leave the executive President Post because this is a gift woth billions for him from USA and Rajapaksas.
leelagemalli / February 21, 2024
Why you seem to be silent on Maldives
Enlighten us with the most updates.
Sinhala_Man / February 22, 2024
I’m not going to be distracted by anything you write, “leelagemalli“.
[edited out]
leelagemalli / February 23, 2024
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leelagemalli / February 23, 2024
[edited out] SINHALA MAN has not the least knowledge about the south asian politics. but trying to win people for his barbarians ????????????????????????
Pundit / February 21, 2024
Isn’t this another instance of JP running with the hares and hunting with the hounds?
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
And he cook and eat the catch with the UNP-SLFP union, the coolie hounds’ masters, too.
SJ / February 23, 2024
Is it not always the case?
kugan2 / February 22, 2024
You all can write or analyze but nothing changes strong 2500;with super 69;(including the gal/pol)
We celebrated the ……4th of without the animal parade here you could see the stickers on the back of the imported herse “proud of /lee)’,…
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
Evil’s monster child is VAT 18. Junius Richard’s monster Child is the presidency. After seeing President Obama struggling with Obama Care and President Biden struggling with Ukraine, I thought the (American) presidency is not a powerful enough position to manage the real situations. But in Langkang, now the Modaya community is tired and feeling “enough is enough with the super power presidents”. Getting rid of the Presidency has been a long talk in parliament and in elections. But nobody belled the cat so far. Protest 2022 went too close to the Sun and had its wings burned. All these times the Sinhala Buddhist Political parties preserved the presidency to “Protect the Sovereignty of the country” from Tamils. Hitler King spoiled that sanctity claim in the last election. If the UNP-SLFP has to come back to power, they need another invention to uplift the spirit of the Sinhala Buddhist. That is why the billion Ideas master, Evil Emperor is taking the “presidency” as this election campaign. But be aware, he is not there for abolishing the presidency, but to use as a campaign tool. We cannot predict anything that he would decide to do with the presidency or talk. But one thing is sure, that anything he does will give him a strong boost in the election campaign. Other than that, if any Modaya in Langkang dream of abolishing the presidency……..Sorry!
davidthegood / February 22, 2024
JP, The competition to become president alters the mentality of an average human being to almost leading to a type of craving which is satisfied only in one of the 76 contenders. The rest become frustrated and many later become MPs too. They are then unable to support the president who beat them and the parliament sees chillie powder, chairs and assaults too as seen recently. No longer is the parliament the hallowed example for school children to emulate. Citizens need to consider whether the expenditure is justified.
Cicero / February 22, 2024
This pitiful piffle displaced the worthwhile article of Vishwamithra which deserved longer discussion. Does the editor not exercise discretion in such matters?
old codger / February 23, 2024
Articles move down the list when new ones appear. But you can still comment for 5 days.
Naman / February 23, 2024
“ However, constitutional reform that involves a core pillar of the constitution cannot be undertaken in a hurry. “
Did not the GoSL in 2015 actively got to draft the new Constitution?
How many years one needs to bring forward a NEW constitution that can be passed by public referendum?
Without a new constitution that is agreeable to both minorities and majority our country to is not going to thrive. We need to dissolve the parliament before it completes its 5 years term so that those who have served less than 5 years can be denied their pensions.
The new constitution should abolish pensions for parliamentarians as well as for PM & President