The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) today recorded a statement from Buddhist Monk Uduwe Dhammaloka after he alleged that he suspected foul play in the death of Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thera.
The CID commenced an investigation into the matter after several groups made a formal complaint requesting a thorough investigation be conducted to verify if foul play was involved in the death of Ven. Sobitha.
Meanwhile, MP Udaya Gammanpila has requested that a presidential commission be appointed to investigate the death of the influential monk, who played an important role at the 2015 Presidential election.
Dhammaloka claimed that it was strange how some of the medical reports of the late monk had got misplaced.
“Ven. Sobitha underwent a heart surgery at one hospital, and he had recovered, but he was then transferred to another hospital, when it was not required, and that’s where he became critical. He was once again then transferred back to the first hospital, this is suspicious,” Dhammaloka claimed in a letter to the CID.
Wow / March 26, 2016
This is just creating discord among people. Why is everybody digging up graves these days? Haven’t we had enough of the thajudeen incident
Amarasiri / March 26, 2016
“The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) today recorded a statement from Buddhist Monk Uduwe Dhammaloka after he alleged that he suspected foul play in the death of Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thera.”
“This is just creating discord among people. Why is everybody digging up graves these days? Haven’t we had enough of the thajudeen incident.”
That may be part of the diversion of the Rajapaksas to prevent from being prosecuted. This is part of that distraction. How much was he paid for this allegation, or did he truly believe that?
Who benefited from the death of Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thera. These are reasonable questions.
Since Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thera died in Singapore, this allegation should be handed over to the Singaporeans, and Sri Lankans, wash their hands off.
The big question is whether the Rajapaksaa use the billions stolen from the people to bribe the Singaporeans. We all know money talks.
Analyst / March 28, 2016
have you blocked comments for this story.?? If so why ?? and ordered by whom??
This is called democracy and freedom of expression . By exposing the mistakes corrects and creates a favourable outcome.
Unlike in the past people were afraid to speak up .. See what happened to our country??? We are Bankrupt by the miserable Anarchy.
We do not need to go there again.
Saman / March 26, 2016
Uduwe Dhammaloka went to parliament by selling Gangodawila Soma’s Thero.
Now Uduwe is trying to sell Ven. Sobhita Thero’s dead body.
This is absolutely ridiculous……….
Now ACTOR has become a ACTIVIST.
Thamara / March 26, 2016
These men who are hiding behind the robes must be disrobed soon. this government must bring the Sanga Kathikawatha soon and clean up the Sasanaya from these rogues. One man is a leader of the nurses union. Nurses should be ashamed to have a rogue with a robe leading the. Don’t you have any one of your profession to lead you all . Time to think
Sama / March 28, 2016
who may be behind this monk ?
May_he_RIP / March 26, 2016
The risk of heart failure, specially after bypass surgery has a higher probability given his advanced age, and this would have been uppermost in the minds of the surgeons, anesthetists and everyone else involved in this operation. Life can never be guaranteed by anyone, be it government, doctors nor soothsayers. When it is gone there is no point arguing over it, why or what caused his death, since life is never going to come back to the dead. To come up with conspiracy theories after so long after his death means he is trying to stir up trouble and cause division within his clan and set them against each other and rebel the government. But that ‘paruppu’ will not cook since his motives are very clear, and the people are not buying it. It is just a waste of resource putting the CID to the task to investigate if there is any truth to those claims, as it is like leading them up the garden path to nowhere.
Indra / March 26, 2016
This is a wonderful opportunity to consign this lump of shit to the garbage of history. The CID should make him speak in detail about his theories of Rev Sobitha’s murder. Of course he is going to make a fool of himself and yesterday’s garbage. Then, publish every thing he said.
PROUDMAN / March 26, 2016
You mean in CT
Shan / March 27, 2016
Calling Dhammaloka Thera “Dhammaloka” and Sobitha Thera “Ven. Sobitha Thera”, CT gives the impression Dhammaloka Thera is not a venerable person. At the same time it says this:
“The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) today recorded a statement from Buddhist Monk Uduwe Dhammaloka after he alleged that he suspected foul play in the death of Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thera.”
I’m not a Buddhist but shouldn’t you address a monk properly no matter whether you like him or not. Don’t call him a “Budhist monk” if you cannot do it. I’ve sees this on CT number of times and wanted to bring to everybody’s attention. You either call every Buddhist monk “Ven. Thera” or call every monk a “Buddhist monk”.
Daham / March 27, 2016
The answer is so simple. No on can venerate this man Uduwe Dhammaloka so CT can not use the word venerable. His behavior is different to that of a buddhist monk. Buddhist monks are not supposed to do make up and get facials done. Buddhist monks are not supposed to lie as well. People found that this man is a deliberate liar.
Shan / March 27, 2016
Then don’t call him a Buddhist monk. As I highlighted, CT did.
Daham / March 27, 2016
This type of Buddhist monks can not be venerated. Elle gunawansa, Galagodaatte Gnanasara, Muruththettuwe Ananda too are such Buddhist monks. They just wear and hide behind the Yellow robe and do all kind of naughty things.
Analyst / March 27, 2016
Can we call him as ” Udduwe Dhammaloka Thug, Thief , Circus Master, Facial Beautician ” ??
Shan / March 28, 2016
Call whatever you want but don’t call anyone a Buddhist monk without proper respect. I expect same for other religious leaders as well.
Daham / March 27, 2016
Nothing will come out of these investigations and no action will be taken against UDUWE DHAMMALOKA since Sirisena is scared of taking any action against yellow robed men. Just after Uduwe was released on bail Sirisena has called him to say sorry for the actions of the CID. He is playing straight to the Sinhala nationalist gallery as clearly stated by Dr Kumar David in his article in today’s CT.
Dilan / March 27, 2016
Let’s first investigate how much money this Uduwe monk spends on beauty creams and skin care. If you sell one of his robe you can feed a family for a year.
RATAWESIYA / March 27, 2016
[Edited out] Please avoid typing all capitalized comments – CT
RATAWESIYA / March 27, 2016
[Edited out] Please avoid typing all capitalized comments – CT
DPJ / March 27, 2016
I am disappointed. Thoroughly disappointed due to these rogue monks defecating the Buddha Sasana. Folks, I am a born Buddhist. In fact my own elder brother was a dedicated Buddhist monk, who died some 35 years ago, at a very young age. As a youngster of 12 years, attending an English School,in the early 1950 s, I used to come to the village boutique, the only one who bought a newspaper, to read it seated on a box meant for keeping tobacco leaves for sale, would automatically rise, on seeing the yellow robe of the Chief Priest of the village temple, emerging up the hill.The others who were present would stand in attention as the Monk came closer. One or two elders would walk up to the priest and pay homage and politely inquire as to where he is bound, although he is on the road.That was the respect the people put paid to the Buddhist monks of that era. They were venerated as pivithuru monks.
It is with great sadness that I say that I have stopped worshiping Buddhist monks and going to the temple. I hate the yellow robe on seeing the behaviour of Buddhist monks’ dirty behaviour. This Uduwe rascal used to charge as much as Rs.30,000 to attend a Bana Preaching. If the preaching is a mass scale one he chose to take his own audio set and charge for that too.He should be disrobed immediately as he had broken several precepts. Bloody RASCAL.
Analyst / March 27, 2016
Well said about the past and the present day monks , and of the respect they received in the past and present.
While the men folks can express openly about the decline of Buddhism and the “Yellow Robed Con Artistes ”
The women folks are throwing “Themselves” at these con artistes by throwing lavish Danas and Pinkama Sils ect.as ordered by these ” Greedy Yellow Robes”” .
The greedy Business was started by these Desperate Women Folks , Desperate Politicians and the Greedy Monks.
Nowadays the unreasonable high flying Monks only goes to grand lavish places driven in a Lavish Vehicle , and to Be Lavished by these women Folks and by the Politicians.
Oh my god !!! Did Lord Buddha expected this kind of Kathina Pinkamas and Danas .??
There was an age old belief of Curse to befall on speaking bad about the Yellow Robes and their behaviour.
Thus the deterioration we witness now in Buddhism were the result of Bad Preachings by the con Artistes??
” Lord Buddha expected all to be humble and to be treated as most humble as possible and Equally””
Daham / March 28, 2016
Came across the following Dhamma Pada when reading the interesting Don Manu’s column appeared in the 27th March Sunday Times.
apeto dama-sachchena na so kaasaavaM arahati.
“The man who wears the yellow-dyed robe but is not free from stains himself, without self- restraint and integrity, is unworthy of the robe”.
This applies to most of our yellow robed guys including Uduwe, Elle, Muruththettuwe and Galagodaatte.
Spring Koha / March 28, 2016
Gone are the days when the person in clerical robes had status and was looked up to. Nowadays, things have changed. The public perception is that men in robes are more likely to be imposters and free loaders. To think that we still have this nonsense where we have to give our seat to one of these men on public transport. In these enlightened days, we are fully aware of what these fornicating, fire-breathing, power-hungry rogues get up to. They are an abomination in our society, and the quicker they are disciplined or eradicated, the better.
A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN / March 29, 2016
[Edited out] Please avoid typing all capitalized comments – CT