10 February, 2025


Committing War Crimes And Hosting CHOGM

By Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

Hosting of CHOGM by Sri Lanka is an affront to Commonwealth’s commitment to human rights and democratic values

The Commonwealth of Nations is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that were once mostly colonies of the former British Empire. The Commonwealth operates by intergovernmental consensus of the member states, organised through the Commonwealth Secretariat, and non-governmental organisations, organised through the Commonwealth Foundation.

It was formally constituted by the London Declaration in 1949, which established the member states as “free and equal” and Queen Elizabeth II is the symbolic Head of the Commonwealth.  The Queen is also the monarch of 16 members of the Commonwealth, 32 members are republics and five members are monarchies.

The Commonwealth covers more than 29,958,050 km2 (11,566,870 sq mi), almost a quarter of the world land area, and spans all the continents. With an estimated population of 2.245 billion, almost a third of the world population, the Commonwealth in 2012 produced a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of $9.767 trillion, representing 15% of the world GDP when measured in purchasing power parity (PPP). This represents the second largest nominal GDP and GDP PPP in the world.

Despite these impressive statistics, CHOGM is a glorified Old Boys Club which meets once in two years. Its meetings go unnoticed and internationally wield very little political and economic influence.

Member states have no legal obligation one to another. Instead, they are united by language, history, culture, and their shared values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.  These values are enshrined in the Commonwealth Charter and promoted by the quadrennial Commonwealth Games. Gambia became the most recent nation to withdraw from the Commonwealth.

The Harare Commonwealth Declaration reaffirmed these core principles and values, detailing the Commonwealth’s membership criteria, and redefining and reinforcing its purpose. The Declaration was issued in Harare, Zimbabwe, on October 20th.  1991, during the 12th CHOGM.   It reaffirmed the political principles laid out in the Singapore Declaration of twenty years before, and (along with the Singapore Declaration) is considered one of the two most important documents to the Commonwealth’s un-codified constitution.

The Singapore Declaration had committed the Commonwealth to several principles in 1971: world peace and support for the United Nations; individual liberty and egalitarianism; opposition to racism; opposition to colonialism; the eradication of poverty, ignorance, disease, and economic inequality; free trade; institutional co-operation; multilateralism; and the rejection of international coercion. The Harare Declaration reaffirmed all these except the last. It also emphasised in particular a few of the principles and values mentioned in Singapore as integral to the Commonwealth project:

*      We believe that international peace and order, global economic development and the rule of international law are essential to the security and prosperity of mankind;
*      We believe in the liberty of the individual under the law, in equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender, race, colour, creed or political belief, and in the individual’s inalienable right to participate by means of free and democratic political processes in framing the society in which he or she lives;

*    We recognise racial prejudice and intolerance as a dangerous sickness and a threat to healthy development, and racial discrimination as an unmitigated evil;

*   We oppose all forms of racial oppression, and we are committed to the principles of human dignity and equality;

*   We recognise the importance and urgency of economic and social development to satisfy the basic needs and aspirations of the vast majority of the peoples of the world, and seek the progressive removal of the wide disparities in living standards amongst our members.

Sri Lanka is clearly in violation of Commonwealth’s own core principles and values that includes world peace and support for the United Nations; individual liberty and egalitarianism; opposition to racism; opposition to colonialism; the eradication of poverty, ignorance, disease, and economic inequality; free trade; institutional co-operation and multilateralism.

The choice of Sri Lanka as a venue for CHOGM 2013 has provoked intense controversy and agonising debate among member states.  Sri Lanka has attracted severe criticism over its record on human rights, rule of law and good governance. The UN Experts Panel appointed by the Secretary General of UNO Ban Ki moon revealed “a very different version of the final stages of the war than that maintained to this day by the Government of Sri Lanka”. The panel found credible allegations which, if proven, indicated that war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed by the Sri Lankan military and the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil Tigers). The panel concluded that “the conduct of the war represented a grave assault on the entire regime of international law designed to protect individual dignity during both war and peace”.

Human Rights groups like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group and many other human rights and civil societies have appealed to member states of the Commonwealth to boycott the CHOGM. They accuse President Mahinda Rajapaksa of squelching dissent and suppressing the judiciary.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Navaneetham Pillai after her week long visit to Sri Lanka in August, 2013   slammed Sri Lankan government’s dismal record on human rights and media freedom at a press conference she held in Colombo.  She said that democracy is being undermined and the rule of law eroded, with the country increasingly becoming an authoritarian state.

In a report subsequently issued in Geneva, Ms Pillai said she has seen no new or comprehensive Sri Lankan effort to properly and independently investigate the allegations of war crimes and other abuses during the civil conflict.

The UN’s 47-nation Human Rights Council has repeatedly demanded such an investigation, and Ms. Pillai said she would recommend that the council establish its own probe if Sri Lanka does not show more “credible” progress by March, 2014.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has already said he would boycott the biennial CHOGM because of the alleged crimes and rights abuses during and after Sri Lanka’s civil war.

Prime Minister Harper said last month he was disturbed by on-going reports of impeachment of a chief justice, intimidation and jailing of political leaders and journalists, harassment of minorities, reported disappearances and allegations of extra judicial killings.

To demonstrate the seriousness of the issue, Prime Minister Harper has threatened to cut the $20 million funding to the Commonwealth operations due to ongoing human rights abuses by the host Sri Lankan government.

Prime Minister David Cameron will attend, despite opposition from Thamils in Britain, but he would raise human rights issues with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He has wants Colombo to make concrete progress on human rights, reconciliation, political settlement and to probe war crimes,  He also  plans to visit the North and meet the Chief Minister, members of the civil societies, war victims and  relatives of missing persons. If David Cameron makes it, he will be the first Prime Minister of any country to visit the North.

Likewise, Australia and New Zealand have opted for engagement with Sri Lanka rather than staying away.  The United Nations has warned it could launch a probe into suspected war crimes during the island’s civil conflict unless Sri Lanka conducts its own, proper investigation.

Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India is in the horns of a dilemma whether to attend the CHOGM or skip it.   There is tremendous pressure from Thamil Nadu government which adopted a unanimous resolution asking the centre to boycott the meeting. Even Congress Party Ministers from Thamil Nadu are against Prime Minister attending   the CHOGM.   With a general election just a few months away it will be suicidal for the ruling party to ignore the sentiments of 80 million Thamil people. The Congress Party is already unpopular in Thamil Nadu for giving material aid to Sri Lanka to defeat LTTE. At the  for the state assembly held in 2011, the Congress Party won  only 5 seats  out of 234 and that too   in alliance with the  DMK.

Clearly India, by virtue of its regional super power status and its political and cultural history, is the most important and populous country in the Commonwealth.  In the interests of regional stability apart from anything else, India has to confront the crimes and push for truth and justice – the preconditions for peace, reconciliation and political solutions to long-standing injustices.

A final decision by the Prime Minister has been rendered more agonizing after the execution style killing of Isai Priya on May 18, 2009.  A damning video evidence shows the capture of Isai Priya alive by Sri Lankan soldiers and subsequently her dead body lying on the ground.  Isai Priya was the television anchor of LTTE TV during war time.

Britain’s Channel 4 on Friday telecast a 48-second-long clipping (http://tmwtmw.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/blog-post_6395.html) showing Shoba alias Isai Priya lying in a pool of muddy waters half naked  and soldiers were seen placing a piece of white cloth over her body.  She was then seen   whisked away by army men, hands fastened behind her back.  The soldiers mistook her for Duwaraga the daughter of LTTE leader Prabhakaran and Isai Priya is heard denying she is not.

The footage was shot by an unknown Lankan soldier and bought by the UK-based journalist-filmmaker Callum Macrae.  He is the   producer of   an earlier award-winning documentary, ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ in June 2011.

When photographs of Isai Priya’ s naked body surfaced 4 years ago, the army claimed that her body was found during “mopping up” operations after the war ended on May 19, 2009. And she was killed in combat with the 53rd division of the Lankan army, commanded by Major General Kamal Gunaratne, on May 18, 2009.

Isai Priya though she was working in the propaganda wing of   the LTTE was a civilian and not a fighter. She never carried a gun and her physical condition did not permit her to bear arms.

Not surprisingly, the army as usual has described the visuals as a ‘drama’ dismissing same out right.

The latest visuals confirm the suspicion that she was captured alive and killed later. Priya’s foul execution style murder after capture has cast a dark and long shadow over the summit.

The  release of the  visuals  have raised a storm of protest in Thamil Nadu and all political parties including the ruling  Congress party (TN)  have mounted pressure on the Central government to boycott CHOGM. As I write now, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is yet to decide whether to attend the CHOGM or not. A final decision by an apparently divided Cabinet will be taken tomorrow (Friday). It is likely that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh decides to attend the CHOGM as well as visit the North accepting Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran’s invitation soon after the inaugural meeting of the Northern Provincial Council.

Added to the woes of the government is the decision by the TNA the main political party representing Thamils to stage protests in the North, East and in Diaspora to coincide with the presence of some of the leaders of CHOGM in Jaffna.  One of the major issues for the protest relates to the land grab of 6,382 acres of prime land in Valikamam North belonging to 7,060 families. These families got uprooted when the Sri Lankan army advanced into LTTE held territory in 1990.  Now the army is demolishing the houses or what remains despite protest by the people.

A total of 25,328 IDPs belonging to 27 Village Headmen divisions have been living in welfare centres for the last 23 years.  This issue has become a do or die battle for the people concerned.

The TNA has welcomed Canada’s decision not to attend the CHOGM. “We have taken a position that Sri Lanka is in breach of fundamental values of the Commonwealth,” said M.A. Sumanthiran, a member of the TNA which won 30 out of 38 seats in landmark polls in the Tamil-dominated Northern Province in September. “We appreciate the call by various people that it must be boycotted,” he told Reuters.

To blunt criticism, President Mahinda Rajapaksa In his address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York on September 25, 2013 condemned the “growing trend” of interference in the internal matters of developing countries on the pretext of security and human rights.  This was a feeble attempt to deflect criticism.

Perhaps he conveniently forgets the existence of the concept of R2P (Responsibility to Protect), based on the report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty in 2001 (The Evans Commission), and articulated in a diluted form at the World Summit in 2005 by the then Secretary General, Kofi Annan, in his report on UN Reform priorities.  says:

In the wake of these conflicts, a new understanding of the concept of security is evolving. Once synonymous with the defence of territory from external attack, the requirements of security today have come to embrace the protection of communities and individuals from internal violence. (Para 194)

New approaches in this area could include establishing a mechanism to monitor compliance by all parties with existing provisions of international humanitarian law (Para 212)

Mahinda Rajapaksa calculated that hosting the CHOGM will help to polish up the tarnished image of Sri Lanka, but what we see is the opposite effect.   It has only helped to focus on the dismal record of the government in the sphere of upholding the values of Commonwealth, notably those values laid down at the Harare convention held in 2009.

It is a pity the Commonwealth allowed Sri Lanka to host the CHOGM when that country faces serious allegations of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and other serious violations.

The Commonwealth countries are failing in their duty to uphold their own core principles and values. The hosting of CHOGM and taking over the Chairmanship of the Commonwealth by Sri Lanka is an affront  to Commonwealth’s commitment to support human rights and democratic values.

Latest comments

  • 0

    It does not matter to the Sri Lankan and world economy and politics what you think. What matters is what the leaders of those countries attending think. There are so many thangavelus around but no thangavelu has yet reached the level of a western leader to be noted. The miainformation about HR violations during the war was already busted by the Wikeleaks revelation of the ICRC report.

    • 0

      Sorry! The Jewel in the crown of the long dead British empire will BOYCOTT Rajapassa’s CHOGM circus it seems – short of a miracle!
      Arguably, the most important and certainly the largest member of the Commonwealth of Nations and Lanka’s closest neighbor, India, which could take out Rajapassa and take over the island in a wink of an eye despite all the Chinese investment if push came to shove, will not be present at Head of State level at the CHOGM circus. A slap for the Sri Lankan Dictator perhaps?
      At the CHOGM opening ceremony at the Chinese Pond (Nelum Pokuna) where creativity is censored and UN-creative state PROPAGANDA passes for “culture”, which has in fact has been killed by the brutal, uneducated and UNCULTURED Casino and gyrating dancing girls loving Rajapassa regime of Sri Lanka, the CHOGM circus will start with the address of 2 EMPERORS WITHOUT CLOTHS: Prince Charles who represents a long dead in the water British Empire and Mahinda Rajapassa the wanna-be Emperor of Sri Lanka. CHOGM in Colombo is to be a coming out or “arrival” party to TRUMPET (as the shameless Maharaja TV and Radio channels have) the triumphalist MILITARY DICTATORSHIP of the Rajapassa brothers. This along with Charles’ British colonialism celebration party will show the hapless Sinhalaya Modayas, Rajapassa’s vote bank, how great their Emperor is in the world!
      As far as the rest of the world is concerned the CHOGM circus is a totally unnecessary waste of time and money. The Commonwealth of Clowns morphed into a platform for third world dictators should be SHUT DOWN and buried with the BRITISH EMPIRE!

    • 0

      Apparently Kamalesh Sharma, who is called a Sri Lankan shill by Canada, wants to start internal investigations on Sri Lanka lasting 18 months on whatever he only knows.

      The has shown partiality by hiding 2 vital reports about the illegal impeachment of the CJ. No internal investigations especially with Sharma having a hand is not going to be impartial.

      This may be a conspiracy to subvert the efforts of the UN to conduct an impartial international investigation on war crimes and Crimes against humanity/genocide by Sri Lanka.

      Tamil people all over the world should categorically reject any such attempt by Commonwealth which Sharma wants to initiate.

      • 0

        Won’t they like to cover up genocide taking place?

        Martin Vickers, Conservative MP, UK:

        Clearly there has been genocide taken place in Sri Lanka and the International Community needs to take the issue much more seriously and investigations should take place.

        Source a video clip in English, above is a transcript by me from:


  • 0

    Committing War Crimes And Hosting CHOGM

    Veluppillai Thangavelu –

    How about supporting and financing one the most atrocious terrorist organizations in the world for 30 years and then becoming human rights advocates! You should be able to write a pretty good no wait a damn good long article on that right?

    • 0

      Navin and Veluppillai Thangavelu –

      “Hosting of CHOGM by Sri Lanka is an affront to Commonwealth’s commitment to human rights and democratic values”

      No. It is not an Affront. It is a celebration of victory over LTTE terrorism, that was born due to Sinhala Buddhist Racism, and prevented the formation of a civilized Egalitarian Society, courtesy of Sinhal Buddhist and Tamil $Racists, and the Socialists who sold their principles.

      It is very good to expose crimes, and to punish the killers. Do not think this is exclusive to the SL Army. LTTE had its hands full killing Muslims, Sinhala and Tamils as well for quite some time.

      However, most of those killed by SL Army, guilty and innocent were supporting one way or other, the LTTE killers given below.

      Kattankudi mosque attach by LTTE


      LTTE Massacre of SriLankan Muslims


      Uploaded on Sep 19, 2007
      Timer Tigers Massacre of Srilankan muslims.
      source of this video

      • 0


        The marriage is over because the Bride has refused to come.
        What you are going to have is a GAY marriage.

        The Servant ( weak man Peiris ) went to invirte the Master ( the Bride) but the Bride has said no.

        How Humiliating.

    • 0

      Vellu ole boy,
      You try any of those previous tricks,we will not hesitate to commit more war crimes.Yes we committed war crimes at Nandikadal.AS a reward Mahinda has been awarded the chairmanship of CHOGM. Jealous?You poor defeated Tamil terrorists!

      • 0

        Max Animal you Moron,

        By your own admission you lot have consensual sex and kill the partner.


        1) When did you last have sex
        2) Was it with a willing partner
        3) Have you killed your partner or have you passed her on to other Animals.

        You need to answer this question before you have any Moral justification to post any comments on the above Topic.

        • 0

          Dear Kali,
          Here’s my answers.
          1)In fact right now i am doing it with a Tamil beauty.(It proves that i am not a racist).Can you hear her moaning?Ooh Maxi boy!Ah ah ah!Oh take me take me!
          2)She is asking for more!
          3)As you are my buddy,i will let you have her.That is after i finish doing it.
          Pl say thank you!

    • 0

      Navin you Idiot,

      You can get the answer from Karuna the War Criminal who is lying next to you.

  • 0

    “TNA the main political party representing Thamils to stage protests in the North, East”
    This is what the stupid Tamil leaders have been doing since 50’s and ruined the the lives of poor tamils.You opportunist fled the country and enjoying your life in Canada with your sons.Even when Thamilselvan urged you to send at least one of your sons you idiot refused to send even one son.Your writings incited poor tamil youths to take part in the struggle ind kill themselves.

    Your previous leader Prapakaran wanted nothing but Eelam.What does your current leader Sampanthan want?Eelam or not?

  • 0

    Terrorists” are not born, they are made. In the case of LTTE it is the by-product of state terrorism. LTTE took up arms in self-defence. Only the blind, deaf and dumb will refute this. During the war Mahinda Rajapaksa said he is offering a military solution to the LTTE, but he will offer a political solution to the Thamil people. This has not materialised.

    After the war ended on May 18, 2009 President Rajapaksa and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon agreed that following the end of operations against the LTTE, Sri Lanka had entered a new post-conflict beginning. In this context, the Government of Sri Lanka faced many immediate and long-term challenges relating to issues of relief, rehabilitation, resettlement and reconciliation. While addressing these critical issues, it was agreed that the new situation offered opportunities for long-term development of the north and for re-establishing democratic institutions and electoral politics after 2 ½ decades. The Government expressed its commitment to ensure the economic and political empowerment of the people of the north through its programmes.

    President Rajapaksa and the Secretary-General agreed that addressing the aspirations and grievances of all communities and working towards a lasting political solution was fundamental to ensuring long-term socio-economic development. The Secretary-General welcomed the assurance of the President of Sri Lanka contained in his statement in Parliament on 19 May 2009 that a national solution acceptable to all sections of people will be evolved. President Rajapaksa expressed his firm resolve to proceed with the implementation of the 13th Amendment, as well as to begin a broader dialogue with all parties, including the Tamil parties in the new circumstances, to further enhance this process and to bring about lasting peace and development in Sri Lanka.

    The sad fact is Mahinda Rajapaksa did not keep his promise. The talks between the government and the TNA to find a political solution after 17 round of talks ended abruptly by the unilateral withdrawal by the government side.

    The failure on the part of the government to find a reasonable and acceptable solution within a undivided and united Sri Lanka was reflected in the just concluded elections for the Northern Province. The UPFA/SLFP was trounced winning only a paltry 7 out of 38 seats. This despite the government as usual using the entire state machinery to influence the outcome of the elections. The army bigwigs not only canvassed votes on behalf of the government, they even fielded candidates of their choice on the SLFP ticket. The government party would have won a few more seats if not for the oppressive army occupation of the North. The occupation army has grabbed, inter alia, 6,382 acres of land in Valikamam North belonging to poor people. This land grab is equivalent to 25.8 sq. kms or 1/3rd of the city of Colombo. A total of 7,060 families (25,328 persons) covering 27 Village Divisions have been rendered homeless for the last 23 years. And what did the army do with the land? It has built in addition to army bases, cantonments tennis courts, Buddhist Viharas, erected Buddhist statures, luxury hotels, health resorts, tannin courts, golf course etc. Part of the land is used for large scale vegetable farming.

    So let us stop talking about “monstrous terrorists” and move forward. Harping about the past will be disastrous for everyone.

    • 0

      Oh how can Tamil eelam be self defense? It was a dream, a dream of having a Tamil nation.

      I do agree on the short-comings of the government, but again they are not confined only to North.

  • 0

    I am pretty sure this [Edited out] – looking THANGAVELU did not send at least one child to the Liberation Struggle.

    • 0

      Jim Sooty,

      At least this Thangavelu looks a lot better than your Rambukawella and I am sure you can work out who Rambukawella looks like. Even Clive Lloyd of the West Indies looks thousand times better Rambuka the Bazuka.

  • 0

    One foot in the grave, it is then one begin to realise of human Rights.
    Thangavelu was dosing for 30 + long years in a slumber.

    Quote “Terrorists” are not born, they are made” No…no its all a myth. They are forced into it with a hidden agenda.

    30+ Years the majority of Tamils who lived in the South sharing everything with the majority never resorted to taking up arms.

    Quote “During the war Mahinda Rajapaksa said he is offering a military solution to the LTTE, but he will offer a political solution to the Thamil people. This has not materialised.” ….IT IS A REFLECTION OF THE SELFISHNESS & SELF CENTEREDNESS ON THE PART OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE.

    You who fled with your sons & daughters yet continue to bring misery to the poor tamil in the country from being overseas and influencing their way of life with your $$$ to getting them to bend to your whims & fancies.
    Your TNA politicians only added furl to the fire.
    You & the politicians are all doing fine & not the poor Tamils.
    What a chauvanist

  • 0

    Please read the recent article in Colombo Telegraph of the report by ICRC and stop talking nonsense.

    • 0


      You really are an Idiot. It wasnt an article confirming anything. It was quoting “wiki leaks” report – all speculation.

  • 0

    There is no doubt crimes have happened at the end of war but they are hardly war crimes. Actually the gov and forces took care to minimize civilian casualty at the cost of military men.

    Tamils claiming war crimes is an insult to real victims of war crimes in Darfur

    • 0

      Only an impartial investigation can establish if “the gov and forces took care to minimize civilian casualty at the cost of military men”. The government and its supporters started with “zero civilian casualty” and later after UN HRC resolution -1 changed into 9,000.

      On top of it the number games of 70,000 civilians held up in the narrow strip whereas 310,000 surrendered later. 70,000 was hatched up to limit the food and medical supplies delivered by ICRC which tantamount to more serious crime of genocide. These important questions cannot be settled by one or the other of protagonists.

      • 0

        Impartial? then who? The only ones who can do investigation on SL is SL. That is the norm around the world! The same way brits punish the british soldiers who killed iraqi civilians, SL would punish the SL wrong doers!

        And who held up the 70,000? If people were in danger those who held them up must be responsible right? And how were they dragged into a narrow strip? Again who did that?

        310,000 didnt surrender, They came to army defence lines where they were provided with food, refuge, medicine and security. Would any sane person go to a army front that shoots them?

        Who stocked the food items given to people? Didnt LTTE made bunkers out of rice given to people?

        These are important questions! And now what are the evidences for genocide?

    • 0


      Are you the authority on the Defintion of War Crimes. Why dont you apply to Interantional Criminal Court for a job. What you have uttered is the ultimate insult to the War Victims of Sinhala Lanka.

  • 0


    As a fellow Tamil I share your anguish. But after watching the shocking interview The Criminal Sharma gave to John Snow I can now see who the Traitor is.

    1) Sri Lanka won the war against the LTTE with the support of Traitor India.
    2) During and after the end of the Freedom Struggle MR put aside millions of pounds to bribe those in position of influence to hide the Genocide and those include.
    1) Vijay Namiar
    2) Shiv Shankar Menon
    3) Krishna
    4) Sharma and many others.

    It was Sharma under the Directions of the Corrupt Indian Politicians who made it possible for MR to hold the CHOGM in Sinhala Lanka and to play the leading role for the next two years.
    It is a travesty of justice that the Man who is responsible for the Genocide is allowed to shake hands with World Leaders.
    But at least Canada has refused to shake hands and the Bride has just said no to the marriage.
    If this is not humiliation and I am sure what is.

    GOSL can arrange any amount of POMP and PAGENTRY but without the Bride it is meaningless.

    At least things are now moving in the Right Direction.
    When MR is taken to the Hague after March 2014 I have no doubt Sharma will be tried along side MR for aiding and Abetting. Steps are already in place.

    It is time the Sinhalese Die Hearts accept that what they say or do doesnt mean anything. They can BARK but they cant BITE.

    • 0



  • 0


    Which party are you referring to? Is it the party of the Thugs , Criminals, Looters, The Bribers, & The Beggars heade by MR the born RACIST.
    What else can you do other than to do with what you have got which is very little.
    MR tried every book in the trick to Manmohan the Bride to the Table. But he has slapped him on his face.
    Just for your information the weak man “Peiris” was sent to Delhi to invite the Master personally but look what has happened.
    Just like MR you lot have this Unique talent to take it lying down.
    Just imagine if as CM the Iron Lady has made Manmohan to do a U Turn what will happen when BJP gain power if in doubt ask DAYAN.

    Enjoy what is left of the party and boogie all night mate.

  • 0

    Thondamanaru claims”30+ Years the majority of Tamils who lived in the South sharing everything with the majority never resorted to taking up arms” is not a valid statement. The Sinhalese goons aided and abetted by the Sinhala dominated governments killed, assaulted, looted, houses set on fire etc. in 1956, 1958,1977,1979, 1981 and 1983. My wife and her parents ended in a refugee camp before they were shipped to Jaffna. History repeated itself when my sons and their grand parents got shipped to Jaffna again in 1983. Even as late as June 7, 2007, 376 ethnic Tamils staying in Colombo ‘who could not explain their reasons for being in the city’ to the satisfaction of the Sri Lankan authorities were sent ‘back’ to their homes by the Sri Lankan Police. The evicted were sent back to Jaffna, Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Batticaloa, where they are originally from, in several buses with a police escort. What this incident showed was that Northern and Eastern provinces are the traditional habitat of Thamils.

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