15 January, 2025


Commonwealth Boycott: India Evading Rationale As Gotabaya Seems To Call For An International Inquiry

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Indian Boycott of Summit

After weeks of speculation over whether India’s Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh would attend the Commonwealth Summit in Colombo, in the late hours of Friday 8 Nov. 2013, Gulf News announced that “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh may skip the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) due to domestic political compulsions.”  But the report kept the tension high, attributing the news to sources and saying there was nothing official.

It was in the early hours of Sunday 10 November however,  that Business Standard reported the first firm hint that Singh will not go: “External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid will head the Indian delegation at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Summit to be held in Sri Lanka next week with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh deciding against undertaking the visit in view of the opposition by parties in Tamil Nadu, as well as a section in the Congress.”

Karunanidhi Confirms

A PTI report on NDTV, also in the early hours of Sunday, gave these reports greater official credence reporting that “DMK President M Karunanidhi today welcomed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s decision not to take part in the Commonwealth Summit in Sri Lanka in view of opposition by political parties in Tamil Nadu.”

Even though there is still room for doubt till the Indian Government officially communicates this to Colombo, those of us who want the Commonwealth to stand for the citizens of member states and their fundamental rights, rather than to prop up those governing us, are very glad indeed.

Good Decision for Bad Reasons

However, the common strand in all reports is that the boycott is due to pressure from Tamils. Why this evasion? Do the fundamental rights of the people and the need to investigate the many credible allegations against the Sri Lankan government have anything to do with the boycott?  There is a serious principle at stake, which Indian policy makers must stand by.

The unprincipled mandarins at the Indian External Affairs ministry, having failed in their advocacy of full participation, put forward a spin as late as Saturday 9th that any nonattendance need not be read as a boycott. “[Of] the last 10 Commonwealth summits,” they said, “only five were attended by the [Indian] prime minister of that time.” They further claimed at the time that a final decision is yet to be taken. That is, they were still trying on 9 Nov. to get the Prime minister to go.

Yet, if India does withdraw from the meeting, this along with the boycott by the UNP will raise a significant red flag at the summit, making it more difficult to proceed without attention to Sri Lanka’s violations.

The Next Stage

Provided these mandarins do not reverse the position by Monday 11 Nov. when the decision is to be officially communicated to Colombo, the case against Colombo will move on to the next stage. It is really too late to stop the Commonwealth Summit.  So human rights advocates will work on what is to be raised and decided there.

The UK’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander called on PM David Cameron to push for a review of whether Mahinda Rajapaksa should be granted the position of the chair of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Group when he meets fellow leaders this week, reported the Belfast Telegraph. That article pointed out that any engagement with the regime – which has failed to meet international demands for an independent inquiry into events at the end of a bloody civil war in 2009 – amounts to “collaboration”. The Shadow Foreign Secretary’s letter also revealed that Cameron is willing to heed Labour’s call to review “the automatic passing of the Commonwealth’s Chairperson-in-Office to President Rajapaksa following the summit”.

His letter added,

“Serious questions will be raised by the prospect of President Rajapaksa representing the Commonwealth on an international stage. Failure to address this would run the risk that upcoming events such as the Commonwealth Games – which will be a proud moment for Scotland and a celebration of world-class sporting achievement – risk being a time of sustained questions about President Rajapaksa’s Commonwealth role and human rights record of his government.”

As the pressure mounted Cameron himself, reported The Guardian, who had previously said Sri Lanka’s controversial government needs to hold an independent investigation, “now turned up the rhetoric by calling for an inquiry with international oversight if the country does not order its own review.”

Defence Secretary Responds

Evading an inquiry is now too late, and for the first time, the victims of the mass murders and rapes in May 2009 have hope of justice. The indiscreet Defence Secretary in Colombo who has difficulties in controlling what he says, proclaimed (as reported in The Isiand on 9 Nov.)

“Channel 4 released the report in July 2011. If the British outfit is sure of its sources let them be produced before judicial authorities in UK or some other country in Europe. Otherwise, their identities can be revealed in Geneva or The Hague. If they are not prepared to substantiate such allegations, they should shut up.”

Is that not an implicit acknowledgement by Sri Lanka of a willingness to hold an international inquiry  when such evidence is submitted? – something which the government has been strenuously, even violently, avoiding for so long.


In the meantime, the government’s misinformation campaign is now coming apart. Reports claimed that the Rt. Rev. Rayappu Joseph wanted Dr. Singh to attend the summit, which he has denied. Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran’s secretary too has said they never asked Dr. Singh to attend the Commonwealth Summit as reported in The Hindu.  If they had really issued such statements, it would have come out in the open in some form. It is to be noted that many TNA sources put the concoctions of Wigneswaran’s desire for the summit to be attended by Dr. Singh to a plot to split the TNA.

Murky World of Diplomacy

As a TV program said, this is the murky world of diplomacy where we cannot understand the gulf between governments’ stated principles and their actions. Indian policy-makers must not act as if policy has nothing to do with principle. They must let common sense principles and value for human life govern their decisions.

In Sri Lanka, the only way for Sri Lanka to redeem her reputation is to hold an inquiry and punish those responsible, however high they may be. In this the Defence secretary has unwittingly spoken good sense by effectively calling for inquiries in Geneva or the Hague.

It would seem that Prince Charles and Prime Minister Cameron will be the major players conferring respectability on Colombo. In terms of diplomatic insults, recall the  controversy in 1978 when Prince Charles pointedly ignored Idi Amin’s proffered hand at Jomo Kenyatta’s funeral and turned his back on Amin. Let’s see how he responds to President Rajapaksa’s hand at the Summit.

Latest comments

  • 0

    “The SAARC Election monitors who oversaw Saturday’s Northern Provincial Council election said they were dismayed at the falsified special edition of the popular Uthayan newspaper in Jaffna and the continued publicity granted to that fake edition by a television operator.” https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/saarc-monitors-dismayed-about-fake-uthayan-publication/

    Misinformation continues and the Rajapakse family and their clan would do anything to hang on to power and rob the country.

    “In the meantime, the government’s misinformation campaign is now coming apart. Reports claimed that the Rt. Rev. Rayappu Joseph wanted Dr. Singh to attend the summit, which he has denied. Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran’s secretary too has said they never asked Dr. Singh to attend the Commonwealth Summit as reported in The Hindu. If they had really issued such statements, it would have come out in the open in some form.”

  • 0

    The evidence of war crimes and rape by the Lanka military @ Nandi Kadel is so high that it hits one in the face with brute force and stinks to high heaven, but Gota the Deranged Goon is so INSANE that he cannot see or smell it and is asking for “evidence of war crimes” in the Banana Republic of Sri Lanka! The guy needs to be put in the lunatic Asylum!
    As for war crimes investigation of SL, India will keep mum because it has plenty of war crimes to hide in Kashmir my friend!
    Still the boycott of the JEWEL IN THE CLOWN of the British Empire at the CHOGM Circus to celebrate British Colonialism and 2 emperors without cloths – Charles who is having his 65th birthday party with Asia’s newest Military Dictator and wanna be Emperor – is a rather stinging slap face for both these jokers, no?

    • 0

      well said kapila

    • 0


      Are the following reports, and other reports, true, and it it the reason why they want to hide? The Tamil Pressure is there, but if true , so be it.

      If it is a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it is likely a duck.


      ‘Tamils still being raped and tortured’ in Sri Lanka
      By Frances Harrison
      Presenter, Our World

      As Commonwealth leaders prepare to meet at a summit in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, allegations of rape and torture by the Sri Lankan security forces have emerged, some of them occurring four years after the civil war ended.

      “When the lady left and that man closed the door, I knew what was going to happen,” says Vasantha. “They raped me.”

      One evening earlier this year, Vasantha says, she was going back to her home in northern Sri Lanka when a white van drew up and two men asked for her identity card.

      She says she was thrown into the back of the vehicle and blindfolded.

  • 0

    Gota asking for evidence is like a mass murderer asking for evidence in a court.

    Plenty of evidence in Matale mass graves to start prosecuting Gota with, what is he talking about?

    Does he still believe the world is full of fools to believe everything he says?

    • 0

      Just because ships sail on the sea ..
      can anyone find or show marks…?
      Only evidence is the radar…

  • 0

    Hoole must go to courts in Jaffna first. Then he can bark whatever!

    • 0

      He will. If you go to jail first

    • 0

      Anna, Gota’s Golaya. Even your comrade Devananda is now calling inquiry.

      • 0


        “Anna, Gota’s Golaya. Even your comrade Devananda is now calling inquiry.”

        Devananda is calling for an inquiry to clear Army’s good name and in turn he wants to save his own back.

        Do you believe he has suddenly become a human rights champion?

    • 0

      To answer Dogleash the pimp and murderer? BTW, what happened to Dogleash? He is very quiet after the people kicked him in the face at the NPC elections.

    • 0

      Sivananthan You Sinkalam ( aka Shankar)

      You have stopped biting but you will be forced to stop barking after March 2014.

  • 0

    “Serious questions will be raised by the prospect of President Rajapaksa representing the Commonwealth on an international stage…”
    Probably UKs strong terms will be to bargain the 2 yr. Chairmanship
    against fulfilling the LLRC recommendations to the fullest before UNHCR
    in March 2014. MR will agree to anything to keep the Crown! Gota will
    support it – as maintaining the dynasty is all that matters; come
    ICC – which will be stretched out for 10 more years.

    • 0

      “come not the monkey
      ICC – which will be stretched out for 10 more years”

      They can’t fool a fan.

      Britain has no voting right this time at UNHCR and proposes to sit next to Lanka in March.

      I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.

  • 0

    Whether Gota ask for evidence or not, accusers should have come with proper evidence. Fake images are no proof. Those who took the alleged pictures are the best witnesses. They are faceless means, bogus.

    I can see Hools are getting frustrated.

    • 0

      Aney Bando, there is no medicine for your naivete.

    • 0

      Lets hope that CT will not be a mouthpiece of the defeated Tamil terrorists. Mahinda is a war criminal.But when i said that one so called REV Singarasa was a bank robber,you just edited.May be freedom of expression.It was very unfortunate that that wonderful guy Prabakaran was bumped of that miserable fellow Gota the murderer!

      • 0

        Max Silva

        “Lets hope that CT will not be a mouthpiece of the defeated Tamil terrorists.”

        Even if it is, does it matter.

        “Mahinda is a war criminal”

        Did you really type this?

        Man you have really gone mad. How could you say this?

        ” REV Singarasa was a bank robber,”

        Was he? If he was, you should be making a western movie on that theme.

        “.It was very unfortunate that that wonderful guy Prabakaran was bumped of that miserable fellow Gota the murderer!”

        Don’t be mad and at the same time very stupid. One at a time please. We the readers can’t take it anymore.

        Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

      • 0

        Max you Animal,
        By your own admission you have confiremd the following.
        1) You belong to the Animal Kingdom ( History has taught us this )
        2) You have sex with your willing partner and then kill her.
        Both the above admissions are on record.
        I have already asked you the following questions and told you that before you answer them you are not fit to post any Comments.
        1) When did you last have sex
        2) Was that with a willing partner ( or may be an Animal).
        3) Have you killed her or have you passed on to another Animal

    • 0

      The No Fire Zone video clips were authenticated by world renowned experts in videography. Many of the clips clearly identify the soldiers committing the war crimes. Within a matter of days these men can be identified and the truth brought out. The fact is that the Rajapaksa regime knows that war crimes were committed and the command for these crimes came from Rajapaksa and Gota themselves. That is why every evidence is trashed as a “fake” even without providing any evidence to refute them.

      Col Ram surrendered and there is video evidence of him being interrogated in captivity. He is murdered and his body burned and soldiers are standing by and watching in one of the clips. The same with Isaipriya – captured alive and then seen lying murdered. The heat is on and there is no escape for the Rajapaksas. The ned is nigh!!

    • 0


      Your fake denial is showing up.

      Get someone else to deny it (not Dyan).

      BTW where is David Blacker?

    • 0

      Gota asking for an international inquiry on the Tamil massacre at Mulivaikkal is like Adolf Hitler asking for an inquiry to investigate the Jewish holocaust. The fate of this war criminal will be known very shortly . The choice is whether to despatch him with a bullet to his head or by a hang man’s rope similar to Saddam or Osama. Let us wait and see. . You sow the wind and you will reap the whirlwind.

      • 0

        Instead of barking show us the genuine evidence and cooked up versions.

        • 0

          Jim Sooty you half caste,

          You have stopped biting and it is time you stop barking. Despite calls from every corner of the Universe to have an independent inquiry ( not by you Criminals) your masters have refused point blank. If you lot don’t have anything to hide( despite all the evidence ) why don’t you Idiot pop in to the Murder House ( Temple Trees ) have a quiet word with the Criminal and set up an inquiry.

  • 0


  • 0

    If he was good enough for you to have high tea, certainly he is good enough for some one to shake hands right?

    I’m wondering whether you would be saying the same things had you been offered the VC post of Jaffna university.

    • 0

      (゜゜)~ someone to shake hands(゜゜)~

      ಠ_ಠ Bad Attitude, Amude Nave, What a display of animal instincts, eh?

      The Prince has always known how to wriggle his own hands pim-padi boy!


    • 0

      Navin you Moron,

      He is now attached to the University of Michigan and safe. But if he was appointed as the VC of Jaffna University it is obvious he wont be saying any of the above as if he did he will be put on a White Van and the family will never see him again.
      Which planet are you on mate and for your information yours is a planet of the Sinhalese Apes.

  • 0

    If the Indian PM does not attend CHOGM, despite all the talk of pressure from TN, it could well be that Manmohan Singh wanted to show his displeasure to the Rajapaksas that all their promises to Singh and other Indian leaders like Sushma Swaraj were swiftly discarded.

    The NPC elections were held, but came only after a lot of prodding. The watering down of even the toothless 13th amendment, after repeatedly promising to retain and going beyond it to 13+ quickly, is a slap to India, Singh and Swaraj in particular. That all that comes with a hint of blackmailing India using the China card, is like adding insult to India’s injury. At least a section of Indian establishment, I am sure, thinks on those terms. Read for instance Pranay Sharma’s article in The Outlook. So TN’s vocal demands are a convenient excuse for such sections in India to teach the Rajapaksas a lesson.

  • 0

    no problem. lets have about 100 international committees. none will commit. pillay can preside over the committee of committees.

  • 0

    If Rathanjeevan hoole got the JAFANAPATAM University Vice chancellor post, things would have been different for him.

    • 0

      What the fuck are you talking? It is not Jaffnapatnam it is our yaarlpanam you fool.

      • 0

        I dont understand what u talk about Jim. He is only a sucker not a —–

      • 0

        It should be YAPA PATUNA.

        See how rods evolve.

        • 0

          (゜゜)~ See how rods evolve?(゜゜)~

          Sevela Jin. tonic. Sena (’-’*);

          is he who thinks that – the great smell of Brut is King Kong’s B.O.?

          ;^) kiss :*

  • 0


    “You sow the wind and you will reap the whirlwind.”

    Isn’t this what happened to terrorist leader VP.

    • 0

      Ravi you Moron,

      As you sow so you reap. The Sri Lankan Harvest Period starts from March 2014 and you will reap the whirlwind.
      Make no mistake mate The Tamil Nadu Army ( TNA) are scheduled to arrive after March 2014 and you lot will be taken to the HAGUE Lock Stock and Barrel. Up to now you have managed to Bribe your way through and all good things come to an end.

  • 0

    “….in 1978 when Prince Charles pointedly ignored Idi Amin’s proffered hand at Jomo Kenyatta’s funeral and turned his back on Amin”

    You bet, Prince Charles will indeed shake hand with President Rajapakse. That Charles did not with Idi Amin – thirty five years ago when he had young blue blood and was quite idealistic. Now he is old and matured, so he wll be more prudent in his actions and attitude.

  • 0

    Don’t pay any serious attention on what eccentric Gotabhaya says. He is a mutt.

  • 0


    The decision to have CHOGM in Sinhala Lanka was taken by the Criminal Sharma ( who was no doubt rewarded financially) in connivance with the Indian Government who not only were paid handsomely by the bigger Criminal MR to hide his role in the Genocide but also to protect them from being implicated. We were victims of circumstances.

    The reason given by weak man Manmohan that it was due to pressure from Tamil Nadu makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. The decision to send Kurshid is the last desperate act by a Sinking Congress Party not to betray the Pay Master MR. I don’t think it was decided on the basis of any electoral consequences as the Congress Party knows that they will be decimated in Tamil Nadu. Adding spice to the upbeat message coming out from the 4 States in which elections are due in December it is obvious the Congress are in for a battering.

    Every thing else is secondary to what lies ahead for Sinhala Lanka under MR and if there are any clever Sinhalese ( which I doubt as they are like Ostrich) they should know that once we have the BJP forming the next Government ( of which there is no doubt) in partnership with the Iron Lady MR will be indicted to the HAGUE.

    But what saddens me is the decision by Mr.Cameron to attend in the hope that he will be able to achieve more by attending. But sadly the truth is that MR will never willingly either withdraw the army or give anything to the Tamils willingly unless he is ordered to do so. The only Nation that can dictate and enforce policies in Sinhala Lanka is India and a Small Bully like MR who is a born RACIST only understands threat from a Big Bully.

    We have to wait for a few more months to breath a sigh of relief that we are over the Worst and rebuild our shattered lives . I am confident that MR is not going to destroy 3000 year Tamil History and Heritage.

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