19 April, 2024


Condemn The Vice Chancellor Of J’pura University For Killing Innocent Dogs – An Online Petition Launched

Rights activists have launched an online petition seeking justice for J’pura University dogs who were dumped/killed inhumanly and to condemn the Vice Chancellor of the University for ordering this inhumane act.

Professor Sampath Amaratunge – VC

The petition said: The petition is to ask for justice for the innocent dogs who were living inside of the premises of University of Jayawardhanapura. They had being there from birth and they were very friendly and attached wit all the kind students and staff. The students confirm that there was no harm from them. The students had formed few students clubs for the welfare of these dogs and they took care of their food and medicines both.

Even they has arranged a sterilization and vaccination camp to be held on 16th April and despite that the Vice Chancellor had conducted this brutal act. We highly condemn this babaric and unprofessional act of the vice chancellor and of the pest control company called “Ultra clean” who performed the dumping, which is illegal to be done by a pest control company and of the PHI who supported this.

We would like to ask those who are involved in this illegal act, who is going to take the responsibility of these innocent lives?? Who is going to answer the young students who did a lot day and night to save these innocent lives?? Who is going to bear the responsibility of the public live in the area where you dumped these dogs in??as it’s illegal to dump dogs and also it creates a threat to the public health. And also we would like to ask the vice chancellor that how ethical is it to hire a pest control company to catch dogs??

And we are highly disgust with what happened as vice chancellor failed to respect hon Minister Faizar Musthapah’s guarantee that the newly appointed animal welfare committee will be definitely informed if any dog catching or removing is taking place. So we compel hon Minister Muzthapah also to take an action against this brutal and unethical act. Please sign this petition and give your support to save these innocent animals.

Click here to sign the petition.

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Latest comments

  • 35

    Professor, thank you for protecting our children from rabbis at the University. If anyone don’t value human lives, and protest in the name of dog’s right, please don’t keep them at your university, there is a special education center for them at Angoda or Mulleriya send them straight away. For us our children’s safety is more important than anything else.

    • 7

      It is very pathetic to note that there exist ,two legged dogs as this Retired Government Agent’An inhumane being…….

  • 5

    It is the inhumane killing of any animal that l strongly disagree with. Intelligent people such as this professor should surely know a way of euthanasia for any unfortunate animal. What a world wide disgrace this is. Please use some compassion.

    • 6

      Oh bhoy… do the dogs have compassion when people get bitten and injured by them???

      • 1

        @Aku. No they don’t have compassion and are no different from fellows like you.

  • 14

    @ dianne gillan,

    Please stop being sentimental. It doesn’t help.

    We have huge HUMAN problems; most importantly the ETHNIC problem, and political corruption. Let’s focus on them.

    “Euthanasia” is only fancy word for “killing”. Such words are called “euphemisms”. Avert your eyes from the actual process of “elimination”.

    Sorry; it is necessary. Save some of your tears for equally “innocent” crocodiles that may soon be extinct – owing to OUR life-styles.

    • 0

      Are you even human?

  • 15

    I think that the Vice-chancellor has a major responsibility that is to keep the University environment and grounds suitable for education. I have visited many times University of Sri Jayawardanapura (USJ) during the recent past. I also saw there were many stray dogs roaming within the University premises. The VC has to do something to get rid of those stray dogs.
    I do not know that VC has removed the dogs humanely or inhumanly. I agree with the VC’s decision.
    I have visited many foreign universities but I have never seen stray dogs roaming around these universities. If there are stray dogs, they will be destroyed by the local government council. That practice to be adopted in Sri Lanka as well.
    I have further noted that the grounds and environment of the USJ is now like a construction worksite. It is very ugly and unclean due to building debris and other building material.
    I kindly request the VC of the USJ or to organize the university grounds and environment as a botanical garden as it was before and take the following short term and long term measures:
    1. Appoint a Professional Gardner to the USJ
    2. Prepare a master plan of building and grounds giving priority to the environmental beauty and protection
    3. Preserve the heritage buildings such as Sumangala, Ganneswara and Rathanasara Buildings
    4. Preserve and repair the University lodges (VC Lodge) and other cottages within the university to the previous conditions. They are historic buildings. These historic cottages to be used as offices instead staff quarters. Now these staff quarters located in these university cottages have become an eye sore.
    5. Remove the Maintenance Division from the Rathanasara Hall and locate it at the edge of the University.
    6. Prepare a reserved parking place. There should be a vehicle parking plan for the staff of the University.
    7. Please do not allow students to take motor bikes and three wheelers to the university premises. Now the USJ grounds have become cluttered with motor bikes and other vehicles as there are no reserved parking places.

  • 4

    “Even they has arranged a sterilization and vaccination camp to be held on 16th April and despite that the Vice Chancellor had conducted this brutal act.”

    Please relocate the VC to a distant beach after a rabies shot.

  • 5


  • 2

    WE See FRom The News Reports Today Of Meethotamulla Kunu Kanda Disaster,Dogs Has Sensed The On Coming Danger Of The LandSlide And Given The Message To THe People Barking and in what ever the way they could ,same as it happened during the Tsunami Disaster.It would have been the duty of the people to take this message and act ,as it would has helped them to escape from this great mis hap.So There are the uses of these MANS’BEST FRIENDS to show the recent incident but does not this cruel man the Vice Chancellor understand this.A Muslim Minister is also has been keeping making proposals to the government against the Dog community we saw in the media .May be this VC has taken this ministers proposals and taken upper hand as without any fear to do such a inhumane work which is not suitable for him.He should be taken taken before the law along with the Pest Control ‘Butchers’ and also as this VC is not fit for his Designation ,you all should replace him and before all kindly seek medical advice for treating them with a ANTI -RABIES,the treatment suitable for two legged DOGS .It Is High Time All Dog Lovers Of This Country Keep A track Of This Inhuman Work and Join These Very Sensitive Campus Boys And Girls who are working hard to Trace Their PETS with all the troubles they are undergoing stress and strain in their Education work.Please expose this ungrateful event to the world as to get the attention of the open world. At this time we would like to praise these boys and girls at the Campus for untiring commitment towards the Dog Community which shall give you all ,future rewards.Keep Up THe Good Work Going My Dear Boys And Girls

  • 4

    There are places where animal cemeteries are erected after death of an animal. But here people are killing animals brutally when they are alive. It is not acceptable. If you think of soul in man and in any living things are same. Only the outer appearance differ. Animals are even more clever. Look back of Tsunami time. All those animals near the sea escaped. If the human follow their movements would have reduced the death toll.


  • 15

    I suggest that the so called dog lovers be taken to a hospital and shown patients who have contracted rabies as a result of stray dog bites. The suffering, and often the agonizing deaths, would make them think twice. In Kandy, the teaching hospital at Peradeniya would be suitable.

    Of course, there’s a solution to the stray dog problem. Why won’t the dog lovers adopt them and take them home?

  • 1

    When following the comments given it is It is so pathetic in our country that some people are so selfish………….you only live do not think about others………..same as that happened during the tsunami disaster…a shrt while when the meethotamulla kunu kanda came down all the dogs in the area had been barking and behaving unnaturally….hence it was reported in the news papers yeaterday dogs in the area have vacated and even some dogs who have been chained had broken loose and run away………..if the warning given by the dogs have been identified by the humans may be there would have been a different story to tell…..God Have Created Animals for the benefit of the human beings……..so Dogs alike ……..There are lots and lots of stories to get about …the uses to the man kind from the MANS’BEST FREINDS ………we see this may be a result a Muslim Minister who is allergic to Animals,recently bringing proposals to the government to do away with the dog community in our country…….the Vice Chancellor has taken the upper hand……….and ordered a Pest Control Service To Kill The Dogs In The Campus which is a violation of Animal Rights…….Killings Of the MANS “BEST FREINDS in the Campus is a dirty thing an inhuman act of some TWO LEGGED DOGS un fit to call human beings……the worse we got this news during our Holy Week during the Lent Time……All Animal Lovers should get together with the Campus Students to take action against this Vice Chancellor and the ULTRA CLEAN BUTCHERS”to bring justice to the innocent Dog Community …………….May God Help US To SAve Our Dog Community In Our Country

  • 12

    This professor should be commended, not ridiculed. Roads and public places are built for human being; not cattle and stray dogs. If the safety of human is being compromised by all means the dogs have to go.

    If anyone wishes to rear a dog as a pet, have him in a collar, confine him your home. Otherwise he is stray and a danger to the public.

    UNless f course we agree to let the country go to the dogs.

  • 7

    This professor should be commended, not ridiculed. Roads and public places are built for human being; not cattle and stray dogs. If the safety of human is being compromised by all means the dogs have to go.

    If anyone wishes to rear a dog as a pet, have him in a collar, confine him your home. Otherwise he is stray and a danger to the public.

    UNless of course we agree to let the country go to the dogs.

    • 5

      Birds are the first owners of the planet then the animals you are the stupid destroying the planet and must be eliminated.

  • 6

    The most disturbing fact in here is that we live surrounded by selfish and disgusting people who lack humanity and who are clearly a waste of space on this earth!

  • 7

    Hey… Why the heck do some of you bring religion into this stray issue??? This stray menace is very real and really should be sorted out asap. Is it funny to have strays chasing your motorbike or bicycle?? Is it funny to have strays soiling the areas around our houses, which WE try to keep clean??? Guess the diseases are a good part too, eh???

    Me and my slingshot (shoots .38 steel balls) have had the pleasure of severely injuring some of these pet/pests, and the irony??? Certain people spend their money to take these dogs to a vet for their injury… but what happens when a human gets injured??? The owners vanish!!! Feeding these strays to the carnivores in our Zoo would also be a good end to them…

    I salute the VC for his actions about strays

    • 3


      A swine like you should probably also be eliminated and fed to the zoo denizens

    • 0

      You are scum..

  • 4

    Dear MR. VC , we will see what will happen to you in your last days on this earth (if you have supported to this action even with a word). because death or abandon is a big pain.

  • 4

    Hey Aku OR Haku..Boku which is found on a butchery….may be coming from that end ,we see so it is no matter to you …….But we as human beings and God fearing Why Should not we bring religion to this………..Animals are a creation of God according to the Holy Bible…No one has the right to take away their life just as they please……..All Animal Rights Bodies should get together and raise a voice against the VC and the ULTRA CLEAN to keep them out from services to the society as they have performed an act of inhumane.More over this is a” BUDDHIST” country not a “BUTCHERS”country….. .HOW CAN YOU THINK OF A PEST CONTROL SERVICE WHOSE DUTY IS TO ERADICATE CREATURES THAT ARE HARMFUL TO HUMAN BEINGS USING THEIR TECHNIQUES TO KILL ANIMALS WHICH ARE OF MUCH USE TO THE WHOLE HUMANITY…WE SUGGEST THAT CAMPUS STUDENTS GET TOGETHER AND DO THE NEEDFUL TO GET THEIR COMMERCIAL LICENSE CANCELLED FOR THE ‘ULTRA CLEAN’TO BE CLEAN OUT OF BUSINESS..WE ALL ARE THERE FOR YOUR BACK UP

  • 3

    look at the street dogs how much are they suffering. The endure all the cruelties of the humans. Still the love the humans. I have seen them running here and there for water under the hot sun . The spend days without water. All of the dogs suffer from mange. some time insects bite on the lesion their suffering is more than that of hell. Sri lankan close their eyes and believe the dogs can suffer. they thing it is normal and no need to do anything . There is no kindness towards them and it is horrible. They no food , no water, no care, no medicine, no shelter, no affection, no love. What a pity, what a human community. the entire Sri Lanka is same in this matter. That shows Tamils and Singhalese are from the same blood and possess same cruel mentality

  • 0

    Not All Singhalese And Tamils.. In most of the places we see these people keeping pots of water and in Jaffna buckets full of water………But the with the Muslims story is different………………We have been observing that even the minors of them are ill treating animals …..They dislike or hate the most common pets close to the Human beings..The Dogs And Cats…..Very recently one Muslim Minister had brought a proposal to the present government a law that he could wipe off the complete dog community from Sri Lanka……..This GENOCIDE OF DOGS AT THE CAMPUS may have some thing to do with this brutal proposal by this Muslim Minister….otherwise this cruel VC would have not taken the upper hand to use a Pest Control service whose job is to take care insects that are harmful to the humanity straight away with out any fear took this brutal inhumane job to their hand in a Buddhist country…….what are the Animal Rights activitists doing……Boys and Girls get this cruel VC out of the complete educational circles ….He is not fit to be in the educational system in this country and look after the Pest Control people as they have mis-used their commercial licence to handle poisons

    • 0


  • 0

    LET US BEGIN A CAMPAIGN TO FIGHT FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS MAKING USE OF THIS GENOCIDE OF DOGS IN SRI LANKA—Campus Boys And Girls ,Kindly Get This Cruel Man the VC and The Butchers Ultra Clean Before the law as they are cruel and inhumane more or worse of the worst than Mass Muderers ever to exist in this world Adolf Hitler and Velupillai Prabhakaran both of whom are Dog Lovers..So that it would be an example to the others and as you have a Animal Welfare Society within the campus you could fight for the lost dogs rights .. Animal rights societies shall back this worthy cause….Let Us Give A Start Boys And Girls

  • 7

    I am aghast at the poor English language these so called students of higher education have written. Leaving aside people being animal lovers, I like to ask this question “Is this the kind of people who are staging protest after protest on various issues disrupting public order?” 5th standard students can write better. One has to have an organised mind to express oneself. I am sure they would write the same way even if they were to write in their mother tongue. These budding professors can’t even talk to ensure the wellbeing of innocent dogs.(I believe Colombotelegraph did not edit what the students wrote)

    • 0

      Oh shut up..

  • 1

    GENOCIDE OF DOGS IN SRI LANKA……It Is not only killing of Dogs Have taken place In The University Of J’Pura…In most Of The Cities, Dogs have been removed means surely killed and Dumped in Deep Sea to be eaten by Sharks According to reports we have…..facebook/embark…..facebook/colomboanimalrescue………..During the past few days we have been searching As To What Had Happened To The Street dogs Not To Be Seen…How dare to plan such Evil Things In THe Sinhala And Hindu New Year Time And In The Other Way Holy Week For The Christians(These Culprits surely Cannot Go Away Doing Such Evil Things At These Times We Hope)………There had Been Several Persons Appointed To The Minister Post Which this Extremist Muslim Minister Faizer Mustaapha Is Presently Holding which all the Local Governments are under …..No one dared to do such a Dirty ,Brutal ,Barbarian work as for what this TWO LEGGED DOG has done………..Ordering To Kill All Street DOGS ………He has Given a Statement to the Papers that He did not ordered to kill any Dog is Just Spilling the beans out….Animal Right Societies are full working out to get Justice Done To The Dog Community……We are Also Holding Prayers to God To Show What had Happened To The Dogs to expose everything out …..With God you cannot play hide and seek…….These Innocent Animals are A Creation Of God The Father Almighty….We all know that Muslims Are Allergic To Animals and There is Another Story Which Adds To This…………..All Innocent Dogs who had Been Living In The Street Corners have been A Good Security To the vicinity and the areas was safe because of these Dogs……No sooner a visitor arrives in.. the Dogs Are The First to Answer………..Now They Are Gone What Would Be The Plight Of the People Living………….We Curse These Devils Who Has Killed These Innocent Animals….WE SEEK JUSTICE TO BE DONE TO THE DOG COMMUNITY AS WELL AS FOR THE ANIMAL LOVING PEOPLE LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY ……..WE SEEK THE WORLD ATTENTION REGARDING THE GENOCIDE OF DOGS IN SRI LANKA…..PUNISHMENT SHALL BE UPON THESE BUTCHERS FROM NATURE ALSO BUT BEFORE HAND LET US ALL GET TOGETHER FOLLOW THE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS…NO-DOG AREaS ARE OPEN TO DRUG ADDICT ROBBERS “The Kuddas”..And We must also see who and who Are Benefited of No Dog Concept….Then It Comes To “Kudu Mudalalis” to be benefited…..Who And Who Are KUDU MUDALALIS …AND ARE YOU NOT AIDING AND ABIDING THE KUDU Business and ruining the complete society by The GENOCIDE OF THE DOG COMMUNITY in the streets?????????There are more and more questions to be answered…Lets Wait And See

  • 2

    You Are Exactly Correct.Animal Kingdom.It was a hefty time we had during the dark days 30 years These Dogs did an excellent job.We were at Etul kotte yesterday some people were talking to see no dogs in the area.Then you are correct.But We should understand that there is a Muslim Invansion taking place in this country unlike in the rest of the world Rizad Badurdeen doing his duty in the East makimg a sahara with arabian aid azad sally is assisting and faizer mustaapha is clearing all security for his people to operate freely to flood the country with “kuddas” all this is happening when in the world backlash and hate campaigns held against Muslim extremism and in Sri Lanka Muslim invansion is taking place with the Clapper noted as Genocide Of Dogs For Town Development,Peace ,Harmony,Reconciliation and Corrupted Political backings.All People are to believe such and Muslims including Faizer Mustapha had made up in to a new Muslim Party.Going in for a clear Muslim Invansion .But you see all of us should be awake and check in what had happened to the street dogs.They were a good use to the people and we cannot let any man to kill them.This Is a thing that did not happen during the war time even .Even Velupillai Prabhakaran although a mass murderer was fond of Dogs.So what shall we call the culprits of these dog killers.The culprit we clearly see is this MUslim Minister as we Know by experience that they are allergic to dogs and the drug king pins are mostly muslims.From the time Faizer Mustaphaa was appointed to the ministries he was like a Mad Dog after the innocent Dogs just making proposals to restrict the movements of dogs and to bring trouble to the dog lovers.Then the J’pura Campus incident took place and with that matter he speeded to clear all street dogs .The dirty Two Legged Dog.A n utter disgrace for the mankind to hold a human being as such just to take away the animals and kill.Times are such when tsunami came we saw what happened.For killing of innocent animals he will have to repent may be from his family even.Such Is the nature.We should not predict .All these matters has to be cleared and get the maximum punishment to the devils killers of these street dogs

  • 3

    A university campus is not a place for students to foster feral dogs who may pose a public health threat. If these petitioners care so much about stray dogs they ought to rent their own lodgings and keep the dogs there. No sane person would protest if the VC ordered the extermination of rats in hostel kitchens. Same goes for dogs, unless one feels dogs’ lives matter more than those of rats – the same illogic of those who eat fish but not beef out of protest of the slaughter of cows.

    • 1

      Couldn’t have agreed with you more. While I like dogs in general the position VC is in is a trade-off. While I acknowledge the right of animals to roam the earth, I also acknowledge that a university premises is not a breeding spot for stray animals. Whether there had been a more humanely solution is unknown to me. But, this animal lovers’ fad increasingly shared by the public is an ample display of hypocrisy as you’ve pointed out, where a rat doesn’t share the same rights as the cattle and the fish don’t qualify for animal cruelty the same way the cattle do.

  • 1

    This Seems To Be A Pure GENOCIDE OF DOGS That Ever To Happen In This Buddhist Country at The Time Of Christians Mourning time For Lent and Celebrating Times for Sinhalese and Hindus .What had This Maniac Done .It Seems He Had Well Planned.He Has Forwarded a Peoposal To The Parliament To Restrict All Dog Movements To Home With A Penalty of Rs.25000 if Found outside of homes and What This Muslim Extremist Devil has Planned For The Street Dogs.ULTRA KILLING PEST CONTROL.It Was A Teaser Trailor Of The Movie
    And Also Starring The CAMPUS BOYS Introducing about 5000 STREET DOGS and KUDDAS AS DOG CATCHERS
    This Film We Are Putting Out At A Time Thousands Of Films have been produced on behalf of and as a gratitude towards the Mans Best Friends world wide……..We Curse This Muslim Extremist Dare Devil Faizer Mustaapa and all his associates who contributed to this dog genocide…DITTA DHAMMA WEDIYA WILL FALL ON THEM VERY SOON AS THEY DID TO THESE INNOCENT MANS BEST FRIENDS.MAY THEY BORN AS DOGS IN THE FUTURE BIRTHS AND GET THE SAME IN RETURN

  • 1

    Sad, when so many thousand innocent Vanni Tamils were bombed off the face of the earth, no one challenged that!

  • 0

    Korean specialty restaurants will cure the stray dog population.

  • 0

    VISHALI-Is it a call from the Traitor Gangs Die- Aas -Poras Calling….Spreading Crocodile Tears…….Speak to God openly and tell What Really Happened in the areas you are reffering to……You people were keeping a bunch of crooked bogus clergy to show they are from the catholic church to spread rumors and made up stories to tell the world that that the Sri Lankan Army Had Bombed Innocent Civilians…..Do Not Con Man…..Truth will be revealed one day…..Just to get the attention of the international community you con men created stories to get in to the luxury foreign life letting down your own community people…..We have got all stories now coming out….But These days as this Devil Of A PonSON governing no good talking facts and figures…All people in this country have common issues….you cannot hum-bug always….but in that way Dogs are better…..We Roman Catholics Pray to the God The Farther Almighty for all the Truth to Come out….So Do Not Spread Crocodile tears for events not happened

  • 0

    We should congratulate the Professor for taking the most exemplary action. all stray dogs should be eliminated. Let the owners look after their pet dogs.Why can`t these so called animal lovers – if they are so compassionate – collect all these stray dogs and take them to their own places and look after them ?

  • 0

    Just To Congratulate The VC ThE Two Legged Dog This Persons Should Also Be In His Criteria.We think that at A time when its a mourning Time For Some Because Of The GENOCIDE OF DOGS they were caring …ITS GREAT To HEAR For Some it is Been A Joke…More Over All You People must REmember one other thing that The murder of these Dogs By That ULTRAKILLING Two Legged Dogs have been done In the Mourning Days For Christians The Lent Period….So You People Dont’ Try To Escape nature ……You AlL Shall be well Looked After…All TWO LEGGED DOGS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THE BRUTAL KILLING OF DOGS SHALL GET THE CURSES

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