14 February, 2025


Cost Of Living Pandemic & Food Security

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Cost of living crisis is an economic pandemic spreading to almost every country whether developed or developing. Therefore, the constant barrage of attack on NPP government over the last few weeks about rising price of coconuts, shortage of rice and salt in the market is not unique to Sri Lanka even though there are certain specific factors such as oligopolistic control and hoarding which make the problem more acute in this country.

Worldwide of course Governments and central banks are treating the rise in prices as sign of inflation. While central banks are fighting to kill this inflation by hiking interest rates, democratic governments that face voter backlash are looking at budgetary solutions to increase the money income of consumers. These are temporary palliatives and not permanent cure to kill the viruses that brought this pandemic in the first place.

Neither the banks nor the governments are seriously interested in discussing in public the real reason behind this crisis i.e., the supply constraint. There is an absolute shortage in the supply of many consumer items partly because of fall in production and partly because of difficulties in transporting what is produced to consumer outlets. While unpredictable climate changes affect agricultural production the wars in Europe and Middle East disrupt distribution. Shortages therefore raise market prices. Both these viruses originated in the imperial and industrial laboratories of Global North.

CoP29 Climate Conference held in Baku, Azerbaijan this year was a tacit admission of guilt by Global North for its climate damaging techno-industrial economic development trajectory, but it got away from it lightly with a promise of $300 billion miserly annual compensation for ten years to Global South. Tamara Pearson’s “From Gaza to COP29: The 9 Types of Violence Wealthy Countries are Inflicting on the Global South” published in Counterpunch (22 Nov. 2024) summarizes the different ways by which Global North inflict violence against developing countries and the current cost of living crisis is the result of that violence. The latest craze over AI is expected to add to the climate crisis. According to one estimate AI servers to be sold in 2027 will consume between 84 and 134 terawatt-hours annually equivalent to electricity consumption of 18 million people in Netherlands. It is Global North’s limitless avarice for global resources and reckless industrialization that has led to the current climate crisis which is responsible for global shortages in the supply of humanity’s basic needs.

The other side is of the coin is the imperial drive for domination which is what prolonging the wars in Europe and Middle East. Wars divert resources for production of weapons which need to be deadlier than the ones employed already. What is more is that wars make travel unsafe if not impossible. The war in the Middle East has made the Red Sea unsafe for commercial shipping which means economies that depend on this route for external trade are imperilled. Safer but longer routes make exports and imports costly which pushes up the final price in the market and worsen the cost of living.

Small countries like Sri Lanka have no power on their own either to reverse the climate crisis or halt the wars. But individually they could take precautionary measures to minimise the effects from the two.  Ecological and environmental catastrophes could be reduced if development projects are subjected to ecological and environmental auditing. This aspect had been neglected for too long under previous governments. For example, the fascination over building highways and expressways under Rajapaksa governments seem to have ignored the impact of bulldozing the hills along those ways which had created havoc during rainy seasons with too many earth-slips and falling trees. Similarly, deforestation in the name of land reclamation has led not only to frequent flooding and unusually long droughts but also has deprived animals of their livelihood. Elephants are now invading the paddy fields and areas of human settlement. It is in this context that the India’s Adani financed Windpower project scheduled to be erected in Mannar islands has raised serious concern among local ecologists and environment experts. Their letter to President AKD regarding this matter deserves serious consideration.  In general, one would hope that the NPP government does not issue carte blanche to any foreign investment without doing a thorough cost benefit analysis which should include environmental costs.

What does environment got to do with cost of living? Prolonged droughts have forced hundreds of thousands of families in Africa to starve. Their corn crops have been destroyed because of the climate crisis. Food has become a luxury to many of them. The war in Sudan which no news media wants to cover has made the situation intolerable. When compared to Africa, Sri Lanka is a gifted country with salubrious climate and fertile land surrounded by the sea which should create no difficulty to provide food security. It has been a history of systematic economic mismanagement and lopsided prioritization of peoples’ needs that has created shortages in the supply of victuals and therefore high prices for them. Everyone knows that the 2006 tsunami destroyed the coconut plantations along the coastline. But was there a government sponsored replantation project soon after the tsunami? Had there been one the country would not be facing a shortage of coconuts now. Similarly, for far too long the rice market had been under the control of a few large millers. Prices of paddy and rice were systematically manipulated by these oligopolists. They became untouchables by law because of their connections inside corrupt governments.   

Thus, although the current cost of living pandemic is the product of viruses originated from outside Sri Lanka no preventive measures were taken by previous governments to minimise the infection. President AKD’s resolve to provide food security by increasing resources to agricultural sector is to be welcomed. The barrage of attacks levelled by the opposition against him and NPP government for shortages in rice, salt and coconut is unwarranted, because these problems have a long history. Rising cost of living is indisputable but a permanent solution to the problem should be found not in raising money income but in increasing local supply and removing supply constraints. The forthcoming budget and the ones to be prepared thereafter should methodically follow a plan of action and resourcing to tackle the crisis in cost of living.      

There are a few academics and economists who seem to believe that Sri Lanka’s economic revival and future growth should follow the developed world’s techno-industrial trajectory. The former President Ranil Wickremasinghe turned out to be a disciple of this philosophy. Don’t they realise that it is that trajectory which has led humanity to the brink of self-destruction? Let us reject the one size fit all model and cut the cloth to suit our size. This is not a backward-looking strategy but one sustainable in the face of unpredictable and disastrous swings in mega economies.          

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 3


    Those are the only truly honest young people who can solve all the problems of the nation: they have all the solutions/answers. ……. They haven’t had enough time to finish their work.

    Do the Commies believe in Christmas? Santa clause? Themselves?

    • 2

      Dr.DJ talking about his father’s greatness?

  • 3

    Yes, that‘s the way it is AA! So well said!

    Can then you imagine Elon Musk’s 1,000,000 people on Mars in 2050???!!! When Europeans explored the lands of the New World, there were humans already there with a profusion of food and water, and beautiful environments and ecology. Some Europeans went for gold, but the millions of immigrants ran away from their home countries to avoid starvation, disease, and racial and religious persecution. Money was created, for and from these purposes of immigration, and easy livelihood development on fertile lands stolen from the original inhabitants.

    • 2


      Mars on the other hand has no Earthlings or Martians to steal up and build on. One-million people will need to die on Mars before it stabilizes for human form. It is a futuristic goal, 10,000 years in the making. Money creation for this pursuit will have no meaning as it will have no creative power for human sustenance. Only creative power is an excitement of going to another planet. But cannot not translate into currency. Humans are more productive with religion and its festivals – Reverence!

      As per Sri Lanka, our Motherland, the land of our ancestors and natural DNA, it will be swamped by India howling up to Planet Mars. They have their hordes of dispensable low castes and untouchables to fulfill the Martian dream. Let us follow your ideas for our land and uplift the lives of each and every one of our citizens in Buddhistic fashion, and avoid especially that proposed land-bridge.

      • 3

        “Therefore, the constant barrage of attack on NPP government over the last few weeks about rising price of coconuts, shortage of rice and salt in the market is not unique to Sri Lanka”
        Wow, a new angle from Dr. Ali the fake economist!
        If it isn’t unique to Sri Lanka, how is it we can import all three items from India? Lies, even from Professors, must be plausible.
        What is true is that there are supply constraints, which are not helped by the NPP’s pre-election rhetoric and its amateurish attempts to get capitalist rice traders to operate without a profit. At the same time, the government imposes about 100% tax on imported rice, making a fat profit for itself. How is this different from the last government?

        • 3

          Hello OC,
          We have just come back from the Vegetable Market, Coconuts (Pol) 170 Rs each, why? Eggs (Indian) are down to 28 Rs. Not so long ago Eggs were 65 Rs and coconuts a little more at 80 Rs in the same Market. Now I understand the reasons for changes in the price of Fish having been brought up in a Fishing Port. But I do not understand the Sri Lankan variations in Supply and Prices of staples like Sugar, Salt, Rice and Dal for no apparent reasons.
          Best regards

          • 1

            It seems coconuts are being snapped up by the mills making virgin oil for export. There is also the effect of plantations being broken up, pests, and the effects of Gota’s idiocy. A perfect storm.You ought to grow a few of those short trees on your land. It’s easier to spray pesticide on short trees.😳

            • 3

              So it’s not going to be a peaceful Christmas between the husband and wife? Aw shucks!

            • 0

              Hello OC,
              Thanks for the suggestion, we already have Avocados, Coconuts, Mangoes, Black Peppers and a Kitul Tree. We haven’t needed any Pesticide so far. My wife has just planted some Banana Trees, I think they are the Short Strains, but I can still climb Ladders, wrestle Gorillas and swim Crocodile infested Rivers.
              Best regards

      • 0

        But it cannot translate into currency.*

      • 3

        Hello Ramona,
        Did you not see Arnold’s Film “Total Recall” that ended with the Terraforming of Mars. It didn’t take 10,000 years. Apart from that Elon Musk is delusional in thinking that you could transport 1 Million People to Mars in the space of 20 years. Maybe the best thing about it is if Musk leaves to be their Supreme Commander.
        Best regards

        • 0

          Great….will watch the film for Christmas. But it’s a film and not of scientific reality or even possibility (we can’t play about with global finances and human lives for possibilities). Nothing wrong with space exploration, but hope Trump puts some sensibility onto it and limits it to bases on the moon and Mars and other planets. Better to explore space and even go to the next galaxy. We can colonize other planets as soon as we find one like our own and can learn to live and assimilate with other lifeforms there and not devastate the place like we are doing (have done) to our own.

          • 1

            Hello Ramona,
            That’s a bit of a forlorn hope and very Imperialistic – “We can colonize other planets as soon as we find one like our own and can learn to live and assimilate with other lifeforms there and not devastate the place like we are doing (have done) to our own”.
            What does “colonize” mean? And when have colonizers ever learned to live and assimilate with the indigenous peoples?
            Best regards

            • 0


          • 0

            Hello Ramona,
            You need to take some Astronomy lessons, unless of course you think that the Enterprise Warp Drive is just around the corner. The Andromeda Galaxy our nearest large Galaxy is 2.9 million light-years away. The Megallanic Clouds are about 200,000 light-years away. Even the closest Star Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light-years away. This has planets so is the nearest Solar System to us.
            Don’t worry in a few years, maybe 10, we will have Fusion Power and won’t need Fossil Fuels for Power Generation. We will still need them for Lubricants and the Polymer Industries etc.
            As for the colonisation of the Planets listen to Neil Young’s “After the Gold Rush”.
            “Flyin’ mother nature’s silver seed
            To a new home in the sun”
            Best regards

            • 0

              LS……Oh, they’d probably find a wormhole or two, or create one. Or use nuclear power. You should read up about these things.

  • 1

    “At the same time, the government imposes about 100% tax on imported rice, making a fat profit for itself. How is this different from the last government?”
    The last government did not import chemical fertiliser that is needed to increase the productivity of agricultural crops. It was banned at that time.

    • 2

      “The last government did not import chemical fertiliser that is needed to increase the productivity of agricultural crops. It was banned at that time.”
      Really? Where were you when Ranil lifted Gota’s fertilizer ban?
      Plus, the question is why the government charges over 100 LKR in tax on rice? The retail price of Nadu rice in India is around 100 LKR.

      • 1

        O c,
        Do you know that it is the same government (Parliament) that brought the ban lifted it? Do you know Ranil supported Gota in 2019 Presidential election instead of his own party? Ranil was appointed by Gota not by the people. It is the people who elected this government not the MPs who banned fertiliser. It is the same parliamentarians who wanted Ranil but not the people. Listen to the people, not to the failed Ranil who could not win the Presidency for over 25 years. He couldn’t implement enen with that presidential power what he promised many times.
        Don’t try to say Ranil First and Country and People Second.

        • 2

          “Do you know that it is the same government (Parliament) that brought the ban lifted it? “
          But you are the one who said fertilizer was banned. The government is the President. That’s why he’s called “Executive President”.

          • 1

            “The government is the President. That’s why he’s called “Executive President”.
            ???????????????. So what is parliament do? What is Judiciary do? Where was the “Executive” to implement 13th amendment in Feb 24?
            It is Pathetic both OC and SJ together behind Ranil.

            • 2

              Pathetic you say something stupid and, as usual, hide behind some curtain of false charges to protect yourself.
              Using the right to silence is the best defence when there is no valid argument to offer in defence.

            • 1

              “So what is parliament do? “
              Can you give an example of Parliament rejecting a Bill proposed by the President when his/her party had a majority?
              Why do you think the NPP wants to get rid of the Executive Presidency? Why did you vote for them?

              • 1

                “Why did you vote for them?”
                I did not vote for any one. But I encouraged Sinhalese to vote for Anura/NPP because particularly Ranil is no different to Rajapaksas who had a family run governments. Even with one party had less than two third majority in parliament 20th amendment was made by bribing. Similarly Ranil became President by Bribing.

                • 0

                  “I did not vote for any one. But I encouraged …”
                  Can an eel be more slippery ?

            • 2

              Please read your first comment and educate yourself before moving on to the next one. I don’t think it’s a big deal.
              That’s why I recently branded you a political slave representing the North.

              I feel sorry for the people of the North and still think you are stupid people who are not educated properly and are misleading the weakest. So how can we reach our goals when you the stupid seniors who keep making stupid statements?

        • 2

          “Do you know Ranil supported Gota in 2019 Presidential election instead of his own party?”
          Not just oc, many of us do no, and you are always full of “news”.
          I would have thought that the SJB candidate spent more effort attacking RW than his key opponent.

        • 2

          Do you know the difference between Government and Parliament?

  • 2

    “The barrage of attacks levelled by the opposition against him and NPP government for shortages in rice…”

    Time to scale back the “rice and curry” diet. 3x GMO white rice full of pesticide residue is not healthy anyway, especially in a tropical country.

    • 2

      May I know what “pesticide residue” is?

    • 0

      Hello Lester,
      I see you are still posting at the last minute to prevent a Reply.
      Show me where I have defended Saudi Arabia. I was shown direct evidence of the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, whilst I was in Qatar, before it became public knowledge. I used to drive down the old road to the UAE inside Qatar, that the Saudis blocked off when they stole parts of Qatar and the UAE. In 1992 the Saudis attacked the Border Post in Khafus and shot 3 Guards dead whilst they were asleep.
      My Mother’s School was bombed by the Germans, my Grandfather was strafed by a German Plane walking back from his work. My Gt Uncle Marcus was killed at Sea when his vessel mv King Malcolm was sunk by a German U Boat U 374 (or U 106) on the 31st October 1941 with the loss of all 38 Crew. I have been an Anti Fascist since I saw the gruesome photographs (in our School Books) of the Holocaust Victims. So to accuse me of being a Hitler admirer is despicable coming from a Master Dissembler who just happens to support Genocide, Trump and Musk.
      And Buddhist Cosmology is B*llocks.
      Best regards

      • 0

        Hello Scot,

        You keep going on about a fake “genocide” in Gaza. But you have remained completely mum on a real on-going genocide in Yemen, which is due entirely to the UAE with complicity from the US, UK, and France.

        “The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) notes that the war in Yemen has killed an estimated 377,000 people through direct and indirect causes, with over 150,000 deaths resulting from direct conflict, including airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition.”

        So if you want to play the numbers game, the UAE has killed more civilians in Yemen than Israel in Gaza. The more important point is that unlike Israel, the UAE had no reason to attack Yemen. Israel attacked Gaza in self-defense. None of the Arab countries opened their borders to Palestinian refugees after 7th Oct. Any genius can conclude that given the high population density, with Hamas hiding in hospitals and schools, the civilian death tool will be high.

        You have also ignored the Hamas Charter, which calls for the total destruction of Israel. Your incorrect assumption is that Hamas has “reformed” since the original charter, which is false.

        • 1

          ” the UAE had no reason to attack Yemen.”

          No valid reason, other than it didn’t approve of the Shia-led government that is a partner of Iran.

          “And Buddhist Cosmology is B*llocks.”

          “In the Sattasūriya sutta (sermon of the “Seven Suns”) of the Pali Canon, the Buddha describes the world’s ultimate fate as a series of apocalyptic events, including the appearance of seven suns in the sky. Each sun causes progressive ruin to the Earth, eventually leading to its destruction.”

          According to the Wikipedia, “Finally, the most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded”

          Both are saying the Sun will eventually destroy the Earth. Maybe you prefer something simpler like “Jack & The Beanstalk?”

          • 1

            Hello Lester,
            So where do these 7 Suns appear from considering that we are 4 Light years from the nearest Solar System to us? That’s not Cosmology that’s purely Guesswork.
            Here is another Buddhist Nugget “As a result, people lived for an immensely long time—80,000 years—endowed with great beauty, wealth, pleasure, and strength”.
            When did that happen?
            Kosala Sutta 1 (A 10,29)
            Bhikshus, as far as the sun and the moon revolve, illuminating the quarters with their light,
            there extends the thousandfold world-system.33 In that thousandfold world-system there are34
            a thousand moons,
            a thousand suns,
            a thousand Sinerus, the kings of mountains,
            a thousand Jambu,dvipas [Rose-apple Continents],
            a thousand Western Goyana continents [Apara,go,yāna],
            a thousand Northern Kuru continents [Uttara,kuru],35
            a thousand Eastern Videha continents [Pubba,videha],
            So is this Cosmology with a Sun and Moon revolving round the Earth any more believable than Larry Niven’s Ringworld?
            We have 9 Planets (if you count Pluto). None of the others have continents. “The IAU lists 288 planetary moons orbiting the solar system’s eight planets”.
            Best regards

            • 1

              The Numbers 33 and 34 above are footnotes from https://www.themindingcentre.org/
              Best regards

            • 0

              Hello Scot,

              “So where do these 7 Suns appear from considering that we are 4 Light years from the nearest Solar System to us? That’s not Cosmology that’s purely Guesswork.”

              The basic idea is that the Sun will consume itself in seven stages.

              (1) lack of rain so that all plant life and vegetation are destroyed [§§6-8];
              (2) all the streams and smaller lakes dry up [§§9-11];
              (3) all the great rivers dry up [§§12-14];
              (4) all the great lakes dry up [§§15-17];
              (5) the waters of the great oceans progressively recede, until only a man‟s height [§§18-24];
              (6) the earth, with Mount Sineru, begin to burn up [§§25-28]; and
              (7) the whole earth burns up without any remnants [§§29-36].


              We are seeing some of this even now, with the drying up of fresh water lakes and the significant decrease in the water level of the Panama Canal.

              • 0

                There is some discrepancy between Buddhist cosmology and the view put forth by modern science. This discrepancy can be attributed to the differing definitions of time. In Buddhist cosmology, time is cylical, whereas for modern science time is linear. Regardless, both groups reach the same conclusion: the Sun will devour the Earth.

                “a thousand suns,”

                Theoretically, every star is a sun. This makes the possibility of life on other planets highly plausible.

                • 0

                  Hello Lester,
                  You have just proved that you don’t understand Cosmology, Time, Science, Astronomy or Buddhism and you haven’t heard of “The Fermi paradox”
                  Best regards

                  • 0

                    Hello Scot,

                    It’s good to read the Sutra before commenting it. When you ask questions like, “So where do these 7 Suns appear from considering that we are 4 Light years from the nearest Solar System to us?”, it proves you didn’t read the actual Sutra, since there is only one Sun, that goes through seven different phases. I have already given a reference that explains these phases in detail. If you still can’t grasp it, I suggest you take up fishing with the lads on Craggy Island.

                    • 0

                      *commenting on

                  • 0

                    ChatGPT is temporarily out of service. Please try questions about 300 psi time machines or Italian Prime Ministers of India.

        • 0

          *toll not tool

          • 0

            **toll not tool”
            Troll or fool?

        • 2

          Hello Lester,
          Malle pol. You never answer questions. So where have I defended Saudi? And where have I shown admiration for Hitler? I am well aware of the role played by the UAE and Saudi in Yemen. So now the Israelis and the US are bombing Yemen. Do you condemn them? As many have pointed out you are a supporter of Genocide in Gaza and a promoter of the Israeli Hasbara disinformation.
          Best regards

          • 0

            Hello Scot,

            You haven’t defined genocide. How can one be guilty of something that doesn’t exist? You forget that Western jurisprudence is different from Islamic law. Head chopper gave $20 million USD to Kashoggi’s relatives and that’s the end of the matter. Look it up for yourself. Do not confuse jihad with genocide.

            • 1

              Hello Lester,
              Answer the questions.
              Best regards

            • 2

              “The legal term “genocide” refers to certain acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.”
              I will not elaborate, but just borrow Bob Dylan’s words:
              “… and how many times can a man turn his head
              And pretend that he just doesn’t see?”

              • 1

                Is Bob Dylan a legal authority? There is no universally accepted definition of genocide. 14 years ago, when ISIS was roaming all over Syria and Iraq, an Imam would issue a new fatwa legalizing everything from slavery to destruction of idols.

                “Destruction of the Nimrud ruins (2015): ISIS issued a fatwa condemning the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in Iraq, declaring that the statues and archaeological sites represented idolatry and had to be destroyed.”

                This is the same ISIS that just took over Syria. Scot supports this takeover. The Kurds are already being massacred and the Alawites are being harassed.

                • 0

                  Bob Dylan is no authority on anything, but he has strong words for humbugs.
                  Give me any definition that deviates much from what I gave.

              • 1

                Hello SJ,
                “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind”. As are Lester’s replies.
                Isn’t it strange that Lester a genuine Philistine (and worse) gets this descriptive title from the Ancestors of the Palestinians?
                Best regards

                • 1

                  Hello Scot,

                  So you refuse to define “genocide.” Or did you appoint SJ as your spokesman? What I stated is factually correct. Slavery, for example, is allowed under Shariah law.

                  “Although the vast majority of contemporary Muslims abhor slavery, it remains part of their religious law.”

                  ‘Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Shari’a and Basic Human Rights Concerns, in Liberal Islam, ed Charles Kurzman, 1998

                  • 0

                    I can confirm Kurds (SDF) are being executed en masse by the Turkish military in direct violation of the “Geneva Conventions.” Having seen a video of two fighters shot in the head today and thrown into an open grave. Turkey is supposedly a “NATO member.” The video (cannot link due to graphic nature) is freely available on the Internet. Unsurprisingly, none of the anti-semitic HR champions, such as Scot, could give a lam. They only count the Palestinian casualties courtesy of Lie Zeera, funded by the Qatari government, alongside Hamas. Talk about a hidden agenda. Funding a major terror outfit alongside a major news network.

                    • 0

                      Hello Lester,
                      So to be in Favour of Human Rights is now anti-semitic? – “none of the anti-semitic HR champions, such as Scot” I only have issues with the Zionist Genocide Perpetrators and the Israeli Government, I have no problem with the Jewish People.
                      I can just imagine you being in Court alongside your Israeli Friends.
                      “So what if we killed more than 45,000 people, razed Gaza to the Ground, Bombed and burned their Hospitals, perpetrated a Medieval Siege on North Gaza and laid waste to all their Schools, Universities and Infrastructure, we don’t recognise this Court. And if you pursue this case we, the Israelis (with Americas Blessings), will assassinate all of you”.
                      Turkey is a NATO member, no supposedly about it.
                      And you still have not answered my questions. “So where have I defended Saudi? And where have I shown admiration for Hitler?”
                      Best regards

                  • 1

                    Hello Lester,
                    You said “There is no universally accepted definition of genocide”. Just because you don’t recognise it, therefore it is not universally accepted?
                    “Today, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is the judicial body responsible for prosecuting all crimes against humanity and genocide”.
                    Now don’t try to weasel your way out.
                    ChatGPT – “The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines genocide as the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group in whole or in part
                    You can read or download it https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/rome-statute-international-criminal-court
                    I don’t define Genocide, the International Courts do.
                    This is 2024 nearly 2025 80 years after the end of the War that enabled the Nazis to perpetrate their Genocide, The Holocaust.
                    “What I stated is factually correct” Malle Pol nothing to do with the questions we asked.
                    I condemn the destruction of any Archaeological, Religious Building/Site or protected Ancient Monument. I support the Syrian Peoples rights to elect their own Government fairly and squarely. I also condemn all War Crimes committed by any Party.
                    Best regards

                    • 0

                      Hello Scot,

                      “But even in law, it is imprecise to speak of a single, universally recognized meaning of genocide. There is a widely accepted definition.”

                      – 6 The Law and Genocide – Oxford Academic

                      Israel and the USA are not signatories to the “Rome Statute”, therefore any resolution passed by the ICC in their case is non-binding.

                      ” I also condemn all War Crimes committed by any Party.”

                      Too late, Syria is under the control of Erdogan and his ISIS Hounds because people like you spent decades asking for the head of Assad. Turkish soldiers are hunting down Kurds, Alawites are revolting, and Israel has occupied strategic areas. Forget “malle pol”, you are out of touch with the ground reality. You cannot fit the reality to your imagination. This is not an exercise in wood-working. “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”

                    • 1

                      Hello Lester,
                      You should check your sources. The Author that you quoted is William A Schabas writing in the Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies. He is a Professor Emeritus specialising in Genocide.
                      Your Quote “But even in law, it is imprecise to speak of a single, universally recognized meaning of genocide. There is a widely accepted definition”. Read the whole book, don’t cherry pick bits that suit your agenda.
                      Now Professor Schabas (of Jewish Ashkenazi descent) has condemned Keir Starmer and David Lammy.
                      “One of the world’s leading scholars on genocide, William Schabas, on Monday denounced British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Foreign Secretary David Lammy for refusing to label Israel’s actions in Gaza as genocide”.https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/top-genocide-scholar-calls-starmer-and-lammy-hypocrites-denying-gaza-genocide

                      Have you heard the expression “Hoist by one’s own Petard” – Hamlet?
                      Best regards

                • 3

                  I used to know a young autistic fellow who had an unusual skill. He would challenge people to give him a date, and he could within a few seconds tell you what day of the week that date was.
                  Given Lester’s mathematical obsessions, you diagnosis is correct.

  • 2

    For several decades, Sri Lankan politicians behaved according to how an investor would, if they want to make a killing and exit the market. Their contempt for ordinary poor people was palpable when one listens to them discuss things in private. The era of those vermin is over. However, those business vultures and high officials that benefitted from the reign of those parasites still remain, and make it difficult for a truly altruistic and sincere regime from succeeding in order to make Sri Lanka a wealthy country where everyone is able to live without heavy burdens on their shoulders. In addition to the war in the Mid East where Israel wants all the land around it, NATO attempts at destabilizing Russia are also impacting the poor in far off lands. AKD and his administration are the best things that our dear Motherland received in its post-colonial history. We must protect and nourish this gift.

    • 0

      LP, Agree that we need to give AKD team reasonable time to do what they can do as promised to end our basic sickness which is corruption and murder to amass the national wealth personally for themselves and not for all the citizens who hence get robbed.

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