16 February, 2025


“Enough, Already…”

By Emil van der Poorten –

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

While the title of this column might seem strange for one with pretensions of representing opinions from rural Sri Lanka, I couldn’t think of a title more apt than the one I am using for the simple reason that the tired old North American expression speaks more than eloquently to our being sick and tired of the murder and mayhem that is being visited upon all in this country, save a ruling elite and their hangers-on, some with continuing pretensions to represent “civil society.”

While we haven’t been directly affected (yet!) by events such as those in Aluthgama and Beruwala, the people I speak with around here, almost without exception village folk, have had their fill of the rampant violence in our country and believe that it is just a matter of time before this kind of lawlessness accelerates from its current levels in our own neighbourhoods.  For those living in the rarefied atmosphere of Colombo 7 or intoxicated by the carbon monoxide of “performance cars” in night races we have a simple admonition: please don’t assume that those of us who traverse unpaved footpaths do so because we are stupid and without any sense of decency or intelligence!

The racist violence unleashed on the Muslim minorities of Aluthgama, Beruwala (and goodness knows where else by the time this piece sees print) are, unfortunately not without precedent in this self-styled land of the Triple Gem.  Even more unfortunately, one may be justified in falling back on another old North American chestnut to predict the immediate future, that being “You ain’t seen nothing yet, buddy.”

Enough of the endless stream of contradictory statements from members of this government with the simple intention of covering every base and providing, among the plethora of lies and half truths, the one that best fits the need of the hour of a politically and morally bankrupt government.

Enough of such superficial communications as Twitter to “engage” the public and claim that some Twit (or several of them) shares the official opinion on some issue and that, therefore, a politically and morally bankrupt government is practicing “populist governance!”

Enough of a government controlling assault-weapon- armed troops only too ready to shoot people demanding clean water and resisting attempts to rob their Provident Fund savings, but refusing to deploy one of the largest armed forces in Asia in the protection of unarmed civilians whose only crime was belonging to the “wrong” community and the “wrong” religion.

Enough of a vacuum in leadership when the President is in Bolivia (!) presumably imparting the secrets of democratic governance, and the man who is, to all intents and purposes, primus inter pares in the matter of running the day-to-day affairs of this country, maintaining a deafening silence while people are shot down in cold blood for the crime of being “the other.”

Enough of a Muslim “leadership” that has proved, if proof be needed, that they are little but supplicants at the Rajapaksa table of goodies where they are only too willing to serve themselves but will do nothing to prevent their less favoured kin from starving to death in the matter of justice and the very right to live.

Enough of the mealy-mouthed, self-appointed members of the Forums, “intellectual elites” who do little but provide a cover of “freedom of expression” to a government that has proven its contempt for everything democratic and decent in governance.

Enough of “Commissions of Inquiry” and their reports that NEVER see the light of day once they have been sucked into the vortex of a Presidential Palace or some similar edifice.

Enough of Parliamentary debates which are little but a travesty of democratic practice but, instead, transport thuggery and brutishness to a different time and place.  They simply prove that some elements of homo sapiens have not progressed since the loin cloth, the shaggy locks and gnarled club in one hand and a captive woman held by her hair in the other, notwithstanding their satakayas of varying hue and the virginal white of their primary garments.

Enough of religious dignitaries of every stripe imaginable, who do little but debase themselves and their flocks by making every excuse under the sun for not condemning behaviour which is not only beyond the religious pale but simply uncivilized and criminal by any standard, finding one excuse or another to paper over the horror that is Sri Lanka today.

We need to reject, out of hand, every attempt to divert our attention from the destruction of decency and democracy.

We need to reject, unequivocally, the elevation of controversies over night races to a point where they are seen as infinitely more important than the killing of people. We need to force the pet-poodle media of this country to stop its active participation in building the biggest of smokescreens, between their readers and the Sri Lankan reality.

We need to force a return to the basic laws of the land, to a code of justice where people are prosecuted for breaking the law, not just political opponents persecuted for offering a differing opinion.

We need to end a regime of “Apey Minissu” being immune from prosecution for everything up to and including capital crimes not being subject to so much as the mildest of verbal rebukes even after their guilt is proven beyond dispute.

We need to identify and castigate those who, in the most insidious manner, continue to prop up a regime that is destroying this nation and its people, and will have soon succeeded in taking it back to the Dark Ages.  They are just as guilty of what is being done to this country as those actually performing the perfidious deeds.

Even if the seeming indifference to the murderous mayhem today is driven by an abject fear of death and disappearance, we have no choice but to resist because, as Niemoller predicted, our turn will surely come if it hasn’t already.

We need change.  We need democratic change.  We need dramatic change.  And we need all of it NOW!

Latest comments

  • 16

    Very well said Emil. Hope all citizens of this country will get to live a peaceful life with freedom….

    • 1

      Elakollage Appo,

      we are yet to see the light at the end of the tunnel – no peace in any time soon. So long Rajapakshe marauders are in power. That they proved in the aftermath of the post war. Today the problems that we ddnot focus earlier have become more… latter are connected with Drug dealing with the direct approval of Raja families, if would not do so, they will have to face problems for their voter campaigns since Lanza or the like are the million fund pumpers for them. Else there is no healthy reason Maharaja to stay KIRIMATI gilapu kimbula (crocodile fed with clay – and being unable to move an inch) in terms of go radically against the perpetrators related to any kind of high drug traffcking leading to the destruction of the youth. Ballige puthas of this kind are not what we deserve this country to run – but modayas seem to be not knowing what is right and what is wrong above all when voting them into power. See alone the fact that men like Dayasiri would even eat the extrements of Rajafamily if he feels to survive politically have painted a great picture about our men. I respect Harin and others that work fearlessly against the brutal culprits today… we the opposition have to fight against the brutal men of all kind that have been instrumetal for the grabed- so called political success of Maha raja.

  • 4

    Emil van der Poorten –

    Congratulations, Netherlands beat Brazil, 3-0 for 3rd Place in world Cup 2014 Soccer.

    “The racist violence unleashed on the Muslim minorities of Aluthgama, Beruwala (and goodness knows where else by the time this piece sees print) are, unfortunately not without precedent in this self-styled land of the Triple Gem. Even more unfortunately, one may be justified in falling back on another old North American chestnut to predict the immediate future, that being “You ain’t seen nothing yet, buddy.”

    Tweet , Tweet and Tweet

    Then, sign the petition’

    Sign the petition UN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISION: Charge the BODU BALA SENA,(BBS) Its Leader GNANASARA Thero for GENOCIDE


    Why this is important to me To STOP further GENOCIDE in Sri Lanka against its peaceful Muslim community similar to the Genocide unleased against them on 15th of June 2014, in southern Sri Lanka. 90% of the people of Sri Lanka are AGAINST this racist violence but NO ACTION is taken by the Government which indirectly supports this groups racist actions and agenda.

  • 3

    Hope the Sinhala elitist intellectuals, writers and the civic society shake away its foggy and clouded mind-set before the majority government destroy the whole nation into a ‘No Return Black Hole’. This is a wake-up call!!!!

  • 2

    wow had one durian too much have we ,



    • 8

      I’d be only too happy to donate one of those fruits to someone such as you who would surely benefit, if myth is to be believed, from said donation because of what seems to ail your kind, hiding under cover of a pseudonym while benefiting from the largesse of you-know-who for services rendered!
      (Or is it too late in the matter of “cojones?”)

      • 1

        Ah emil just one durian of thousands !! . just typical isint it . you benifit from the peace in the country with tourist arrivls which increase unabated . but dont want to give credit where credit is due due to your preferred party not being in power .

        There is no doubt that the Aluthgama situation was terrible but it really could have been much much worse if not for the actions taken . by those same people you loathe .

        You say that I am hiding under a pseudonym but you yiur self resort to taking pseudonys to attck me . And when was using my own name called a pseudonym ?

        So who is missing their cojones now my friend ?



    • 3

      If I knew who you re, I would have thrown a durian on you. I could really do. You the creepers made it possible social scum like Rajapakshes and his looters to do whatever they feel is right – entire world is aware of today, that they are uncultred, uneducated bastards born to promote impunity rather than anything paving holistic nursaries for criminals to breed up easily.
      Good luck Abhaya, not even several months to go with the brutal regime, I have no doubt, the Karama (dittadamma wedaneeya ) will take its ground soon for our sake.

    • 3

      And another I would have thrown on to Ghanasara the man in robes but have made every efforts to destroy lanken buddhist image sofar. Finally sharped thorny durian could taken him away from our sight. That is what we the many long for peace call – need of the hour.

      • 1


        You are a man of violent disposition.

        • 1

          It is all because we have reached to the levels that ENOUGH is enough.

        • 1

          Could well be… Banju mutta belongs to Rajapakshe families.

          They are born rascals, born violent makers. Anyway, avihinsa is not practicable in today s context. We need an opposition that fearlessly attack these culprits in power…. and grab the power through a millitary way. If the lanken millitary could do that against violent terror LTTE, why not the same millitary to go for the job to eliminate Rajapakshes and liberate the nation from them.

          In today s context, they are the Rajapakshes loot the funds of the poor of the poor for their own agendas while we the people stay as if we are injected for clinical trials.
          Not even much higher senior politicians, journalists, have guts to go against them, since the impunity fence that have been made by Rajapakshes are stronger to destroy anyone, i mean anyone regardless of the race and religion. This we saw in Rathumaliwila, Aluthgama, or anyother places in the recent past.

          All what we want is to chase away the Rajapakshe for the betterment of the srilanken future.
          TNA, JVP, UNP and CBK FRACTIONs of UPFA will have to work against Rajapakshe allies … then the victory is certain.

        • 1

          I expressed my angers in that way, means I cant be branded as born criminal. I am really desperate when I see only stalemate situation before us in terms of defeating the brutal regime.
          I dont think I have disspaointed you by my angry words in previous posts. Sorry aobut that, I truly know WE CANT achieve anything through violence… I respect Mahathma gandhi above anyone else.

  • 2

    “village folk, have had their fill of the rampant violence in our country”which village folk are you talking to? Maybe you talk in your sleep. The village folk are fine and they love their king and the leader of goats.Its them village folks who vote for them stupid.

    • 3

      If only you’d come out from under cover of that pseudonym, maybe those who read your blatherings would be able to judge whether your opinion about people in rural Sri Lanka is based on living among them or not. Do I have to tell you that I (and several previous generations of my family)have NEVER lived in urban Sri Lanka?
      Even though you might be an alumnus of a university that produced George (“Dubya”)Bush you should STILL be able to locate my place of residence using modern communication tools. But then the truth would be most inconvenient, would it not?

  • 0

    Eco Emil’s Blitzkrieg takes out even his own mates, the Forum peddlers, Alternative Policy advocates and even the Christian Faction of the UNP.

    It is true that the ex and current young Christian Guns of Ranil Faction exchanged blows in front of TV audiences ndacalled each other MFs….

    But to call them Neanderthals in Loin clothes is a bit harsh. Isn’t it ?.

    Just imagine how Cameron, Harper , Pillai and the Lady Ambassador in Colombo feel when they hear that their chosen ones are no better than the great majority, whom Emil and his ancestors always called Yakkos in Amudes.

    And the NGOs, the hot topic at the moment will take offence too, for Emil’s reckless attack.

    Wonder whether Mmr Poorten has plans to work for PM Rudrakumaran along side the likes of geriatric ex eminent from the West who obviously don’t wear clothes. at least in public..

    • 5

      K.A. Sumanasekera:
      It is VERY obvious that you have NOT followed my advice about taking some courses in elementary English, but then your “leaders” also insist of being incomprehensible, save in the matter of White Vans. So why should I expect better from you? I don’t know about my ancestors, particularly those from up-country villages, but, given your outpourings, I’d be GLAD to call you a “Yakko” because that would surely be appropriate terminology.

  • 3

    Emil van der Poorten you say:

    “We need to identify and castigate those who, in the most insidious manner, continue to prop up a regime that is destroying this nation and its people, and will have soon succeeded in taking it back to the Dark Ages. They are just as guilty of what is being done to this country as those actually performing the perfidious deeds.”

    Do so by all means: Its’ the vast majority of Sinhalese voters who have been electing and supporting election after election to this height of lawlessness. They may not be affected by this lawlessness so they are not bothered. It’s only the Tamils, Muslims and Christians affected anyway.

    This lawlessness started with a big bang in 1958 pogrom against Tamils. Did anybody care that their turn might come one day?

    You ain’t seen nothing yet, buddy. That’s all I can say with the Mahanama madness going on ad infinitum.

    • 3

      Thiru, I second your comments and would add the following. It was the jostling for the Sinhala-Buddhist vote (since the forties?) that led us to the big bang of 1958. In fact, I would say that the first shot against the ‘minorities’ was the Sinhala Only Bill that spread widespread discord and led to the first ‘silent’ pogrom of the prescient Burghers who, to coin a popular phrase used in their community, saw that the ‘coming colours were no good’. Nobody of consequence in my memory raised the question as why the Burghers were leaving (as in fact did many other English-educated non-Burghers). A silent, dignified exodus. Many of the Burghers who I knew left with regrets and heavy heart, and indeed many (like Emil) came back to claim their rightful place in the land they were fated to be born in. Those of us old enough, remember that members of their community too, like those of the other communites, fought to preserve the sovereignty of this blessed island.

      Of course Sinhala should have taken its rightful place as THE official language, but did it have to be at the expense of the other languages? Banda, whose Sinhala was at best execrable, was, with hindsight, an earlier incarnation of the odious Gnanasara, and chose to play to the gallery to buttress his popularity. So to recap those bygone milestones;

      1956 Sinhala only and the fight to woo the Sinhalese-Buddhist electorate.
      1950’s The silent exodus of the Burghers.
      1958. The first Big Bang
      1960’s Nationalisation of schools.
      1970’s Quotas for higher education.
      1977. JR plays his hand at Fairground No.1
      1981 The burning of Jaffna library.
      1983. JR’s dirty work is done by his racist coterie.
      1983 – 2009 The long war of every Sri Lanka.
      1988 to date – the great exodus of our Tamil brethren.
      2009 Sinhala ‘victory’ as the old adage ‘numbers is might’ is once again proved right. But wait, who authorised the many-hued Buddhist flag to be raised at Nandikadal?
      2010 General Fonseka – grand victor of 2009 – bites the dust.
      2010 MR is crowned New King of the Sinhalese and given rights to rule till the end of time.
      2011 Berobed thugs take the stage to preserve and protect the ‘beleagured and threatened’ Sinhala-Buddhists – should we go for the Christians or the Muslims?
      2014 Aluthgama. What took them so long? (Did their puppet master not want to spoil CHOGM?)

      Grandma used to say, live long and see the strangest things come to pass’, I know now what she meant.

      Mr van der Poorten has called correctly in his final two paragraphs; we owe it to Sri Lanka to rally to man the barricades and shout out loud and clear ‘NO FURTHER’.

  • 4

    Bravo! Wish there were more of you who would have the back bone to call and end to this tragedy that has befallen Sri Lanka.

  • 4

    Very True EmilvdP, Enough Already…….but the GOSL have influenced the GOAustralia to welcome the Perperators of Aluthgama/Beruwela to visit Australia on a “Spiritual Awakening” mission ?????? Bloody Bull Shit !!!!!

  • 1

    One wonders if “almost without exception village folk, have had their fill of the rampant violence in our country and believe that it is just a matter of time before this kind of lawlessness accelerates from its current levels in our own neighbourhoods”.

    Especially when they are instigated and egged on to protect their race and religion against the ‘other’ races and religons who threaten to gobble them up, by the numerous Gandasara acolytes, bells pealing and patriotic verses chanting. It seems that such an unholy atmosphere is sufficient to turn ahimsamatic meditators and ordinary village folk into violent beasts and murderers.

    And of course their political masters will tweet and issue statements to appease the international community.

  • 5

    “Enough of a Muslim “leadership” that has proved, if proof be needed, that they are little but supplicants at the Rajapaksa table of goodies where they are only too willing to serve themselves but will do nothing to prevent their less favoured kin from starving to death in the matter of justice and the very right to live.”

    Very well said, Emil; True to te very last word.

  • 0

    Many fine and heartening comments have been made. Thank You Mr van der Poorten; as some of the whiskery old hacks down the much-loved watering hole in Hospital street would say, ‘Top Ho, Sir’.

    I would like to add the following. It was the jostling for the Sinhala-Buddhist vote (since the forties?) that led us to the big bang of 1958. In fact, I would say that the first shot against the ‘minorities’ was the Sinhala Only Bill that spread widespread discord and led to the first ‘silent’ pogrom of the prescient Burghers who, to coin a popular phrase used in their community, saw that the ‘coming colours were no good’. Nobody of consequence in my memory raised the question as why the Burghers were leaving (as in fact did many other English-educated non-Burghers). A silent, dignified exodus. Many of the Burghers who I knew left with regrets and heavy heart, and indeed many (like Emil) came back to claim their rightful place in the land they were fated to be born in. Those of us old enough, remember that members of their community too, like those of the other communites, fought to preserve the sovereignty of this blessed island.

    Of course Sinhala should have taken its rightful place as THE official language, but did it have to be at the expense of the other languages? Banda, whose Sinhala was at best execrable, was, with hindsight, an earlier incarnation of the odious Gnanasara, and chose to play to the gallery to buttress his popularity. So to recap those bygone milestones;

    1956 Sinhala only and the fight to woo the Sinhalese-Buddhist electorate.
    1950’s The silent exodus of the Burghers.
    1958. The first Big Bang
    1960’s Nationalisation of schools.
    1970’s Quotas for higher education.
    1977. JR plays his hand at Fairground No.1
    1981 The burning of Jaffna library.
    1983. JR’s dirty work is done by his racist coterie.
    1983 – 2009 The long war of every Sri Lanka.
    1988 to date – the great exodus of our Tamil brethren.
    2009 Sinhala ‘victory’ as the old adage ‘numbers is might’ is once again proved right. But wait, who authorised the many-hued Buddhist flag to be raised at Nandikadal?
    2010 General Fonseka – grand victor of 2009 – bites the dust.
    2010 MR is crowned New King of the Sinhalese and given rights to rule till the end of time.
    2011 Berobed thugs take the stage to preserve and protect the ‘beleagured and threatened’ Sinhala-Buddhists – should we go for the Christians or the Muslims?
    2014 Aluthgama. What took them so long? (Did their puppet master not want to spoil CHOGM?)

    Everyone a nail in the national coffin.

    Grandma used to say, live long and see the strangest things come to pass’, I know now what she meant.

    Mr van der Poorten has called correctly in his final two paragraphs; we owe it to Sri Lanka to rally to man the barricades and shout out loud and clear ‘NO FURTHER’.

  • 0

    Quote”We need to end a regime of “Apey Minissu” being immune from prosecution for everything up to and including capital crimes not being subject to so much as the mildest of verbal rebukes even after their guilt is proven beyond dispute.Unquote”


  • 1

    My reports from the debacle of Asia is that the corner has been turned and the Rajapaksa band wagon is losing its wheels.

    My sources have always been right in the past.

    Keep up the good fight Emil and start entering the names in a list.

    Names of those who should hounded like the Jews hounded the Nazis’ or else they will enjoy their ill gotten wealth in foreign land, utilizing their Swiss bank accounts.

  • 1

    This regime must go. Dispatched from leadership sooner the better for the country’s good. Since an unjust ruler is the worst thing that can happen to any society in any country.

    Now that the worst has happened to Muslims by this sordid Buddhist group called BBS (Bodu Bala Sena) goons, we all raise our hands in prayer in this Holy month of Ramazan with our fasting and Quran recitals, whilst praying for deliverance from our own sins, we also pray for justice to be served on those who caused us so much harm through death, loss of means of income, smashing up our humble homes, looting all our personal wealth and belongings and setting our abodes in flames. thus causing severe distress and anxiety to our families and our businesses, for no fault of ours, but for simply being Muslim. But wait, the worst is still to follow.

    The marauders further added insult to injury by twisting the story in their favour by claiming that we Muslims (who were the most affected and victims) started the skirmishes and were the instigators of all the violence, which ironically affected 95% of Muslim population, including 4 deaths, of which 3 were Muslims and 1 Tamil. We Muslims know that Allah Almighty knows best what happened and was witness to all the events and machinations, and we have trust that justice will be served by Him.

    To Muslims, God Almighty is the best Judge of all Judges Who will mete out the most appropriate judgment when it comes to serving justice. We have also been taught in our Islamic teachings that God is always on the side of those afflicted by injustice caused to them, and if they turn to Him in all sincerity with repentance and prayer, their prayers will definitely be answered.

    As such, in this instance, all Muslims wherever they are, in SL or overseas have been extremely patient and have been bearing up the immense pain caused through the many insults having religious connotations on what they eat, dress and alleged breeding habits, uttering falsehood and ridiculing Your revelations on what You stated in the Holy Quran. They provoke us Muslims by burning an effigy with your name on it, splash pig blood and flesh into our Masjid, carry placards with your name in bold and a pig atop of that, demolish and set alight Your House of worship along with its contents such as volumes of the Holy Quran and Islamic literature. All this whilst provoking anger and hatred through spreading falsehood and horrendous lies uttered against us, to project us Muslims as being demonic and extremists amongst ordinary good people. They also belittle our strength in numbers as a minority who survive on their goodwill and at their mercy, they refer to us as an alien culture, that we have no place in this country, this the land of our birth and ancestral homeland. They truly have gone mad and lost their mental balance. They even have untethered government blessings to carry out their agenda, since not a word of caution is ever mentioned in their name, leave alone arrest and charge for arousing racial tension.

    They spite us and curse us mercilessly. We don’t even have the luxury of minimum protection of law enforcement, nor any security from a rotten to the core STF (Special Task Force – special skills trained Sinhalese only armed Force) and a biased army, which only serve their own kind in crisis time. They too were active participants in the recent mayhem, since they too were armed and connived with the marauders to persecute us Muslims with intent to cause maximum punishment. All under the cloak of a bogus curfew, meant only to keep the Muslims in, whilst the mobsters freely carried out their looting and arson of Muslim homes, under their watchful eyes. Our Def. Secretary is in charge of all Forces and his legacy is what flows in their veins.

    We don’t even have a proper forum (except in CT as in this case) to pour out our grievances and relieve our burdens. Our hearts cry out for justice. We are being suppressed at every turn. Events are falsified and presented to the local and Int’l media. Most of the local media itself is heavily biased against us Muslims, and report only to satisfy the government agenda by distorting facts. We Muslims are prevented from expressing our grievances, afraid that someone out there will get our message and will ratchet up the pressure on this racist government. What needs to be done is to demand that SL government immediately stop this nonsense and treat all its citizens equally and alike. The Leader is famous for lip service only, calling for inquiry, minorities should not be persecuted and the likes, but no action is ever made on the ground to implement any of those calls.

    We pray for justice O Allah. It hurts us immensely as we are being persecuted for being decent practicing Muslims, in every aspect of our lives. It is your Dheen in all its purity we carry in our hearts, and we will die with it and not cause it to get eroded nor distorted. This is what You wanted and expected of us, and we dutifully answered Your call in accordance with Your commandments as laid out in the Holy Quran and the teachings of Your beloved Prophet Muhammed (May Peace and Your blessings be upon him), sent to us as as an exemplary Leader for us to follow. O Allah please relieve us from this heavy load we carry in our hearts, crying out for justice.

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