Recently the Colombo Telegraph exposed how a Rs 700,000 personal air ticket bonanza was given to Sri Lanka’s current High Commissioner in London, courtesy tax payers by Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha.
Colombo Telegraph can now reveal that the actual financial ‘gifts’ to Saroja Sirisena from Aryasinha is in the range of at least 13 million rupees and were billed to the Lankan tax-payer in 2019.
Colombo Telegraph previously exposed that On 23 August 2019 Foreign Secretary Aryasinha approved a sum of Euro 3150 (Rs 637,680 at the current exchange rate) for then Ambassador to Austria Saroja Sirisena’s alleged “economy class” air travel to the United States for medical treatment.
The Colombo Telegraph now possesses irrefutable evidence that the actual cost of this very medical procedure was USD 66,284.65 which is Rs 12,365,137 (Rs. 12.37 million) and that the money was fronted before the surgery by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka. Together the sums amount to more than Rs 13 million of Government funds.
The details of the obscene expenditure billed to ordinary Sri Lankan citizens follows.
By a fax dated 16th August 2019 Ariyasinha has approved the Sri Lanka Embassy in Vienna to make an advance payment for a medical procedure for Sirisena to the University Hospital at Utah in Salt Lake City in the United States.
Public administration officials informed Colombo Telegraph that the approval and the monies approved were irregular for multiple reasons.
First it is baffling why Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Vienna who had arrived in Austria only a few weeks before had to do this ‘medical procedure’ at a Hospital in the United States. Austria is a first world country with advanced medical technology which is either free of charge or at very low cost due to the universal healthcare system. It is especially the case for vital medical procedures.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs covers the medical costs of its personnel. However accepted procedure is that if the medical requirement is not an emergency the officer must send quotations of the costs from the country where he or she is stationed. The Ministry will then either approve the costs or request the officer to return to Sri Lanka for the medical needs, if it is not an emergency.
Sources at the Foreign Ministry informed Colombo Telegraph that it is widely speculated that Saroja Sirisena’s 13 million rupee medical procedure was elective to fix an irregularity in her eye rather than an emergency medical treatment. Sources also said Sirisena’s husband is a British citizen who has access to free healthcare at the UK NHS.
It’s further baffling that she had left to take up her Vienna post only a matter of weeks before this approval was granted to her to travel to the United States. If this was done in Sri Lanka or even in her home post in Austria, a country with an advanced free healthcare system, the costs to the tax payers would have been much lower.
In the fax from Aryasinha on 16th August 2019 approval is given for an economy class air ticket. The cost of the ticket is not mentioned. However through a fax on 23rd August 2019 Aryasinha approved the cost of Euro 3150 for an ‘economy class’ ticket. This is probably the most expensive economy class ticket available from Vienna to Salt Lake City, since a normal full fare economy class ticket during July-August from Europe to the US costs less than USD 1000. The more probable explanation is that Aryasinha has approved a business class ticket for Sirisena for what is a personal trip in addition to the massive expenditure on her elective surgery while concealing the fact to prevent audit questions.
Another irregularity in this approval is that Aryasinha has approved the payment of US $ 66,000 to be made in advance of Sirisena’s procedure.
Usual procedure is for Sri Lankan diplomats to claim their medical costs as reimbursements. In doing so they produce the actual medical bills proving the actual costs incurred. Usually the Government only reimburses a portion of the medical cost after considering certain deductibles etc. Cosmetic and elective procedures are not entailed for medical coverage by the government.
It is further interesting why the Sri Lanka Embassy in Vienna where Sirisena was the Ambassador was instructed to make this payment to a hospital in the United States. The regular method of such a payment even if all other relevant matters were in order would have been for either the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington DC to make the payment in that country. This irregular transaction would involve two international wire transfers instead of one. The first from Colombo to Vienna and then from Vienna to the Hospital in the United States. The circuitous routing of the monies indicates Aryasinha and Sirisena did not wish for the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington DC to get wind of the highly odd transaction.
In an unrelated but yet another astonishing revelation Colombo Telegraph can exclusively reveal that Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha had approved a massive expenditure of Euro 11,000 per month as temporary accommodation for Sirisena when she arrived in Vienna in July 2019.
By a fax dated 26 June 2019, a few days before Sirisena’s arrival in Vienna, Aryasinha has instructed the Embassy in Vienna to pay a sum of 33,000 Euros to lease an apartment for three months. Another Euro 1000 has been approved for payment as deposit on this apartment. The total costs of Sirisena’s accommodation for three months therefore is Euro 34,000 or Rs. 6,339, 715 (6.34 million).
Saroja Sirisena’s conduct is contrary to all other previous Sri Lankan Ambassadors to Austria who have resided at the house rented by the Embassy at a cost of approximately 6000 euros. That 6000 euro apartment was still available but the new Ambassador wanted more spacious and modern quarters Colombo Telegraph is reliably informed. Disregarding all procedures such as Government limits for ambassadorial rent for Sirisena once again Secretary Aryasinha approved the extravagant cost for the new ambassador’s quarters.
Saroja Sirisena was nominated by President Maithripala Sirisena as Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Vienna after the October 2018 crisis on the recommendation of Ravinatha Aryasinha. He too was appointed as secretary Foreign Affairs by President Sirisena during the coup. Saroja Sirisena was earlier married to Minister Dilan Perera. She was appointed as Sri Lanka’s high commissioner to London after the recent presidential election after being in Vienna for less than 6 months.
Manisha Gunasekera who was serving as High Commissioner in London was summarily recalled by Foreign Secretary Aryasinha to make way for Sirisena’s appointment. No reasons have been given for the recall of Ambassador Gunasekara.
On 29th May the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rushed to Sirisena’s defense issuing an unprecedented media release about so called allegations on websites and newspapers.
According to the Ministry the payment for Sirisena’s procedure and related expenses was “in accordance with Ministry Circulars, established procedures and based on precedents, including with respect to such treatment received in third countries”. The Ministry response claimed that “all Government officials contribute to a medical scheme ‘Agrahara’ which they can avail of in Sri Lanka. Similarly, a medical scheme is extended to all home-based officers appointed by the Government of Sri Lanka to Missions abroad, within which the case under reference was granted approval to proceed with an essential medical procedure.”
It is learnt that there is no proof of the ministry paid advances for medical procedures for any other officers at this value. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there are serious questions are being asked about whether the conduct of these senior officials amounted to misappropriation of the public money. Other officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also questioning the reasons for the special treatment for this one ambassador.
According to the Ministry it was regrettable that public officials who cannot engage with media on personal matters, are maligned and subject to violations of their privacy, including attacks on critical medical issues, as in this case.
The Ministry press release on behalf of Sirisena was “unprecedented” sources informed. When most officers are maligned in the media with no basis they are not usually defended by the institution the sources said. Colombo Telegraph believes the response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Saroja Sirisena Affair was a transparent attempt by the Aryasinha-Sirisena pair to prevent the second expose on this website about their irregular transactions.
For the benefit of Colombo Telegraph readers we publish questions emailed to both officials regarding this article seven days ago. At the time this report was published no reply was received from them.
In recent times Ambassador Sirisena loudly declared her patriotic credentials with a angry reply to a UK newspaper over publishing of the Tamil word “eelam” in a travel quiz. But senior public officers are privately asking where Sirisena’s patriotism was when it came to fleecing the Lankan tax payer money for personal gain.
On May 9th the Colombo Telegraph published the expose about the air ticket purchased for Sirisena at a cost of nearly 700,000 to the Government of Sri Lanka. The expose was published and substantiated with documentation yet to be contested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Up to date no news organization in Sri Lanka has reported about this extravagance by public officials despite the proof and documents being public.
On 23rd May the Colombo Telegraph emailed both Aryasinha and Sirisena with a fresh set of questions after accessing more documentary evidence about their transactions. Neither the Foreign Secretary nor Sirisena have seen fit to respond to the allegations or the questions from Colombo Telegraph.
Questions emailed from Colombo Telegraph to Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ravinatha Aryasinha on May 23rd:
We emailed you previously about the reimbursement of an air-ticket for Ms Saroja Sirisena at cost of 3150 euros. To which communication we received no response. The report was published on Colombo Telegraph and you are yet to deny or clarify contents therein.
We now have the following follow-up clarifications and would be grateful for response.
1) On what grounds did you approve the medical expenses for Ms. Saroja Sirisena in August 2019?
2) Why was this medical procedure done in the US and not Austria or Sri Lanka?
3) Did you receive quotations for the estimates for this procedure from different hospitals before approval?
4) Why did you approve an advance payment rather than a reimbursement?
5) Why did you instruct the Sri Lanka Embassy in Vienna to make the payment for an expense in the US. Why was the money not transferred to the Mission in DC?
6) Why did you approve a cost of govt money over 3000 euros for an economy class ticket at the rate for a first or business class airfare?
7) Are there any other instances where you have approved such personal medical expenses for other officers or their families, outside of their capital of posting. if so give details?
8) What were the reasons for the recall of Ms. Manisha Gunasekara from London?
9) Has she been informed of the reasons why she had been recalled?
10) Are you aware that the husband of High commissioner Sirisena is a British citizen?
Questions emailed from Colombo Telegraph to Saroja Sirisena on May 23rd:
Dear Ms Sirisena,
We write to clarify a few matters with you regarding your personal visit to the United States in 2019.
Documents we have seen indicate that you undertook a visit to Salt Lake City, Oregon in 2019 for medical treatment. With regard to that procedure and the costs incurred by the Sri Lankan taxpayer we have the following questions:-
1) Was this procedure unavailable at hospitals in Austria or Sri Lanka?
2) Were three quotations for the procedure submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to Government regulations for approval?
3) Do you feel your medical treatment of more than US dollars 66,000 was justifiably expensed to the Sri Lankan tax payer?
4) On what basis did you expense your air ticket to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for reimbursement when you were travelling for personal medical reasons?
5) Are you aware of the government regulations and circulars regarding the reimbursement of medical expenses? Could you point us to the circular that permits the public officials to claim reimbursements on medical expenses to the tune of Rs 12-13 million?
6) Could you clarify on which airline and which class of travel you used on your visit to the US for which the cost incurred by the Government was nearly 700,000 rupees?
7) Do you wish to make any further comments on the matter?
(By Chinthika de Silva)
S. C. Pasqual / May 30, 2020
Just to clear the air…..
09/01/2015 to 26/10/2018 – Yahapalana setup.
26/10/2018 to 15/12/2018 – Attempted take over.
15/10/2018 to 21/11/2019 – Yahapalana setup.
21/11/2019 on wards GR’s government.
leelagemalli / May 30, 2020
These are just pea nuts when considering the few millions of dollars Rajakashe men may have wasted for such a long time. Even today, the maintenance of that family is unbearable but people are made to believe that bps should be protected by the tax payers funds even if over 40% of the population live under poverty. Thanks to CORONA crisis all these came up. Get more from the links attached below.
If all these are correct, this woman regardless of her status should pay all these back. Basta. Nothing to discuss on this issue on and on.
S. C. Pasqual / May 30, 2020
Mr. leela ge …..,
I understand that you don’t get paid until you comment something against GR/MR.
But I appreciate the words you use “””MAY have wasted””” “””IF all these are correct””” for things you don’t know.
THE PEOPLE of this country…..
believe that leaders like GR/MR have to be protected.
Lowlife like you can’t understand that kind of gratitude.
Stop using my comments to promote your political videos.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
Ms Pasqual,
For your own reason, you may think so, but not people anymore.
The slaves of your nature would never see it right. You have proved it sofar. Just imagine that BPs act in THondaman s funeral. If you are honest to you, coming from a good background, would you ever consider it right ?
No matter anything could turn out to be frying pan to fire, ballige puthas to go with their doctrines cheating the gullible further is no welcome by anyone with a brain but you guys.
kali / June 1, 2020
Sinkala Pasquali,
I understand that you don’t get paid until you comment something against GR/MR.
You are right man not only you dont get paid until you comment againgst the CROOKES , and CRIMINALS GR/MR but when you do in addition you also get what is called PERFORMANCE BONUS .
S. C. Pasqual / June 1, 2020
Maggot kali,
I quote
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam.
On June 1, 2020.
Kali you are displaying your unbalanced mental status by disjointed output, and your inability to comprehend English.
End of quote.
No need explaining.
Words speak for themselves.
kali / June 1, 2020
Sinkala Pasquali,
What a man to rely on for a reference. He is your type. SENILE and all faculties have failed just like yours. He claimed ( remebering thisngs) that he was a Cardio-thoracic Surgeon but got caught to Kali. Then admitted that he was working as a Reserach Officer in Pancreatic Cancer ( with your tiny Brain you wont understand) but the million dollar question is what would he be doing in a Cardio-thoracic Unit wearing Mask. and never had any breathing problems . LIAR just like you and Gotha
Native Vedda / May 30, 2020
S. C. Passqual
Where does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recruit its diplomats and Sri Lanka’s High Commissioners in London from?
General Sepala Attygalle High Commissioner to the UK from 1990 to August 1993 managed to smuggle VP’s family (wife and children) perhaps on forged passports from one of those Scandinavian countries to Vanni via Singapore transit at Katunayake which was VP’s first demand to Premadasa. General Sepala Attygalle smuggled them into this island while being Chairman of Air Lanka Ltd.
Chris Nonis High Commissioner to the UK between 1 September 2011 to 20 October 2014 managed to get smacked by one of Rjapaksa’s monitoring thugs.
The present High Commissioner Saroja Sirisena believes EELAM (the ancient Tamil name of this island ) was coined by LTTE for the purpose of terrorising the island. I wonder as to why Sri Lankan state and JVP didn’t use “EELAM” when they terrorised this island. – http://telo.org/?p=232215.
S. C. Pasqual / May 30, 2020
Mr. Native Vedda,
So what……….?
Native Vedda / May 30, 2020
S. C. Passqual
“So what……….?”
You are an a******e with an attitude, just like MR, GR ………….
What else?
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
Ms Pasqual, you should be born polburuwa…
My gosh, dont you have a brain the size of a mustard seed ?.
Why you the kind guys are so indifferent ?
RAVI PERERA / May 31, 2020
“Pasqual, you should be born polburuwa”
Mr Pasqual played for the national team in the 1979 world cup and played an important part in SL beating India. Had he been born a few years later he would have been a brilliant all rounder specially for the 50 overs format. I think Mr Pasqual has a masters from USA as well. There aren’t many who can balance sports and studies like the way Mr Pasqual has done. His elder brother was also a great cricketer and a rugby player and went on to become a top banker.
Don’t attack people just for the sake of attacking. There are many in this forum whom you can pick to attack. Pls pick that pissu doctor Sankaralingam or Sankara no lingam for this purpose.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
Mr Ravi Perera with all respect to you, but
Ms Pasqual has no qualities and I am not the one who started attacking him, but he has been upto it from the day one. From what he has been uttering on this forum, does not show that he has the slightest knowledge about srilanken politics. Alone attacking us with silly comments are more than enough. If you and he to mislead the commenters further, there we wont be able to silent and respect him as a human being.
Ravi P, you guys have proved today, there is no such GOTA s doctrine, it is the same old Mahinda Rajakshe abusive doctrine which made this nation eternal debtors to CHINA. Gone were the days, that srilanken were known as winners, but today, we are called CHINSE DEBT TRAP NUMBER ONE COUNTRY-Srilanka. Thanks to rascals and their tribal politics. Just imagine how these bitch s sons behave in Thondaman’s funerla. No social distancing, no police to command them.. nothing.. if infected number would become several thousands in that community and then across the country, would you think srilanka can ever rise up not becoming an another SUDAN or MALWI ?
Native Vedda / May 31, 2020
RAVI PERERA the Sinhala Speaking Demela has been suffering from misplaced colonial anger and Anagarika’s Aryan Sinhala/Buddhism.
Please forgive him.
He says he has good access to Hindian diplomats as if they regularly confess to him as to what their design are going to be in the Indian ocean.
Poor fellow he thinks too much of himself.
RAVI PERERA / June 1, 2020
Thala Veddo,
I was told by the Indian embassy that people in Jaffna peninsula will be taught Hindi. Your brothers in Tamil Nadu opposed it but I think they will force it on your Yalpanam thalayas
Native Vedda / June 1, 2020
the Sinhala Speaking Damela
Did you see somass at the Jaffna Library on 31 May 1981?
” Your brothers in Tamil Nadu opposed it but I think they will force it on your Yalpanam thalayas”
You must be an *******e, you are so deranged you are willing to abandon/forgo your pride claim to sovereignty (whatever that is) of island in order to see some section of the people are subdued, converted into some moron like you.
Being an *******e you cannot or will not see beyond your nose or prepared to cut off the nose to spite the face.
Saffron Sinhala/Buddhist fascism will be replaced by Saffron Hindutva Fascism. By the time you stupid lot wake up Hindutva would have completely taken over this island.
Now it’s a pity you don’t have your “Thamby” to fight a war against Hindians, Hindutva, and (K B Hedgewar, M S Golwalkar, … Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala) brand of ancient fascism.
RAVI PERERA / June 3, 2020
Thala veddo,
“Now it’s a pity you don’t have your “Thamby” to fight a war against Hindians, Hindutva, “
Thamby was made to fight by Katta JR. Finally created the ghost of Rajiv.
We will pick another thalaya to fight the Hindians to create another ghost.
(Later on Ok)
RAVI PERERA / June 1, 2020
Ok, I have told what I had to say about Pasqual and you have said what you want to.
I am personally no great fan of MR. He could have been a great politician if not for his corruption. But all of us are greatful for him for standing upto International pressure where they wanted us to stop fighting to give the LTTE breathing space. We could have knocked these bastards off in 1987 under great Kobbekaduwe, but JR could not withstand the Indian pressure then. But MR withstood (Also must say Rajives Ghost helped him)
Gota can certainly be a great sinhala leader like Mrs Sirimavo Banadaranaike. He has a long way to go though.
Don’t worry man this country will not be a Sudan or Malawi.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
Ms Pasqual,
prove us you are an educated person ?
The repsonse such as ” SO WHAT ” can please your MAFIA BOSSES that are born to ruin this nation, but not CT reaeders of our nature.
Ms Pasqual get well by going to a THERAPIST, that could heal your soul for better. That can also give a life to your family for sure.
Jurassic100 / May 31, 2020
Get your facts right. Gen. Attygalle was never Air Lanka Chairman under Premadasa regime. He was recalled by Prez DB Wijetunga to make way for Gen. Cyril Ranatunga who was HC in Australia. On Attygalle’s return, he was pacified with appointment of Chairman of Air Lanka. Getting rusty are we?
Native Vedda / May 31, 2020
“Get your facts right. Gen. Attygalle was never Air Lanka Chairman under Premadasa regime.”
So let us know when Sepala served as Chairman, I may be wrong however he was chairman of Airport and Aviation Services Ltd or Air Lanka Ltd at one time or another?
Here is an excerpt of a news item FYI:
After his retirement from active duty, he further distinguished himself by holding a number of top-level appointments such as Additional Secretary and then Secretary Ministry of Defence. Then as High Commissioner at the Court of St. James in the United Kingdom, after which he served as Chairman of Air Lanka Ltd, and finally, as Chairman, Airport and Aviation Services Ltd.
Native Vedda / June 1, 2020
S. C. Pasqual
The one who has been sitting on his head
Could you let Saroja Sirisena know that the name Lanka is not unique to this island but various other Indian islands were/are known by it, for example
Bobbar-Lanka (Guntur District)
Agadala – Lanka (West Godavari District)
Gudivaka – Lanka (West Godavari District)
Nagaya – Lanka (Krishna District)
Lanka is a place name in Assam
Kallthoni descendants plagiarised this name from India, and stupidly claiming it being their own unique identity.
What a pathetic lot.
Ajay / May 30, 2020
Huge risk. Huge amount of money, and that too poor tax payers’ money. And the desired object is … … You must be really desperate. Both need therapeutic intervention in the form of legal action.
hanchopancha / May 30, 2020
In the Sinhala Penal Code these crimes like pillage and plundering are not considered as offenses. Instead it is an additional Jewel indeed on the wear’s crown to much enhancement of his glory and fame. Hallelujah.
chiv / May 30, 2020
Last time there were non medical experts (including DJ) who rushed in to defend and I am sure they will be back for another round. People can work out their own logic. 1) Here is a person who decided to spend almost double the rent, just to put up temporarily in Austria. 2) If it was such an emergency will anyone ignore and wait until they start their employment. 3) What are the Ophthalmic/eye emergencies where treatment is not available in Europe that a person has to travel (rushed ???) to USA to get fixed. 3) Why on earth, Univ of Utah, .Most Uni hospitals are very good, and among , some are known for certain speciality. (example , Sloan for cancer). I do not remember Univ Utah being special for Ophthalmology, other than its picturesque location , which closely resemble Europe during Winter.(preferred by wealthy, rich, retired public). If this was a dual purpose visit then it makes sense. That is to travel, relax, enjoy scenic beauty and in between squeeze a medical procedure for a long standing eye problem which is not an emergency. Thanks to Lankan public for such generous offer, which only few are privileged.Lets wait for those experts to give their verdict.
Agnos / May 31, 2020
Have you heard the name Balamurali Ambati ? A child prodigy, the youngest ever to become a doctor in the US–not sure if his record has been broken recently–, he specialized in Ophthalmology and was doing cutting edge research at Duke for a few years before moving to the Univ of Utah. It seems he has moved again and settled down in Oregon, but Utah must have had some reputed programs for someone of his caliber to move from Duke.
Sinhala_Man / May 30, 2020
I have made many comments on the previous report on this story:
That link has already been provided by this article. I made many comments on the earlier article; there I stated that I had known Ravinatha Aryasinha about 37 years ago, but I have had no contact since then. All that I did was to make clear who Ravinatha is, since there was confusion about that.
Thanks, CT for highlighting irregularities in this payment. Displaying the full picture makes it look less odd than what we had earlier. The facts as recorded here need explanation.
Over to other readers. I don’t intend saying anything more for two reasons. I don’t know anything more than I stated in response to the previous article, and I will not dig into it any more. One reason is that I used to know him, so I leave it to others. I will follow the comments but don’t intend adding any more.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / May 30, 2020
In poor third world countries, anyone who becomes king gets to do as he wishes. The fact that the British gave these countries “democracy” and modern governments around the world include accountability, legality and ethics are of no concern to these fellows who ride to power via what people believe to be their franchise. That is nonsense as far as kings and their kids are concerned. You will find that other royal brats have conducted themselves with total impunity and desecrated aspects of legality, justice or fairness let alone transparency or morality and ethics. None of these offenders who ravage their countries’ economies will ever be brought to justice, unless there is some form of divine justice, maybe in the form of covid-19.
rj1952 / May 30, 2020
Did she a swabasha case undergo a full-body transformation for that price from the hip pockets of the sad sorry Lankan taxpayers.?
When she’s standing next to her namesake the totally ignorant clueless grams niladari she does not look alluring and even the globe’s best plastic surgery will not set her right.
As a well-travelled retired businessman, I used to travel in business cum first-class whilst living in New Zealand but was given tax exemptions for my indulging in promoting NZ products in the Asian region.
A high commissioner even for personal reasons should not be made on Gandhi – economy class but I have serious qualms about the amount of unnecessary much needed foreign exchange incurred in the attempt of dolling herself to entice an able and willing suitor which I am now told that she has successfully managed to get hold of.
This Ariyasingha dude a rajapuka loyalist if found guilty ar an impartial enquiry should be booted out of any duties in the government sectors.
He is a by-product of a Dutch Burgher mother and a well standing till even today DIG of the much sullied about sad sorry Lanka Police office who if given his due place would have brought pomp and glory to a maligned criminal’s notice civilian force as the IGP.
Rest Harrow / May 30, 2020
Hay everybody, my sister’s name is Saroja. So please do not ridicule her. HC Saroja is doing bloody good job here in London and she has only made accessible what is lawfully attributed to her and her position. Leave her alone because we can afford to treat our Hon Ambassadors this way.
hanchopancha / May 30, 2020
It is most disgusting to notice these so called public servants splashing, squandering the poor taxpayers money without a slightest trace of shame, pampering themselves in luxury while there are thousands of poverty driven souls with nothing to fill there stomachs with. One time a first lady celebrated Wesak in a luxury hotel in Paris where Queen Elizabeth II takes residence when she visits Paris getting imbued in expensive wines along with her mother and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs picking up the tab. When can Srilanka evolve from being a tenth world country?
DharshanaW / May 30, 2020
The blunt truth: (a) either Ravinath A is fantasizing the moment he gets her to bed OR ( b) he is already @ it and all these actions of his are subsequent.
I guess it is (b) since women lead the way here in Sri Lanka.
No offense Ravinath, knowing you from your school days, you’d never be much a proactive person.
Ashan / May 30, 2020
We will always remain a third world country. We keep looking like a banana republic where corruption is always high, people are dishonest, and there are no checks and balances. The disrespect for the laws of our country, the disregard for it’s people, and the abuse of power, prevails from one regime to another. The last bunch of crooks ripped us off, and so will this lot, you can be sure, and it will be worse. They don’t care about the people and their concerns, they only care about taking advantage of their positions, enriching their own personal wealth, using tax payer money for personal gain, and making their mistresses happy.
Every time we get aid from countries we despise, and blame for our ills, our politicians
get richer, and their lifestyles more lavish. How many more of this outrageous behavior by those who are supposed to look after the concerns of our country and people, and not their own personal projects, we will never know.
Buddhist1 / May 30, 2020
Prior to 2015 it was Aryasinghe who facilitated Central Bank funds to be transferred by Cabraal to Sajin Vass to the High Commission of Sri Lanka in the US for all baila Namal and Cabraal had in USA. Its a well known secret among foreign ministry that Aryasinghe’s favorite is Saroja and as usual Aryasinghe is using tax payers money illegally. As Gotabaya, Mahinda and Pohottuwa members are boasting about the Sri Lankan medical treatment as one of the best in the world, better than developed countries, its time all foreign trips for medical treatment by any Sri Lankan, including President, PM, Ministers or any other person should be stopped from tax payers or govt funds. Will Gotabaya have the honesty and guts to do this? If anyone wants to go abroad then it should be from their own pocket. Alternatively Govt should fund anyone who wants to go for medical treatment irrespective of their position, class or standing in the society since the funds belong to the tax payers. This can never be a realistic solution.
justice / May 30, 2020
Meanwhile, pensioners who served with efficiency, diligence and fidelity for up to forty years, are being denied their pensions.
“If you have the spoon, serve yourself first and well” – a popular saying.
Kuviyam / May 30, 2020
Privileged VIP’s in the country that is going bankrupt. The main requirement to swindle the country is to be a supporter of the ruling poling political party. Chinese are there to give any amount of Money A percentage goes into the pockets and supporters of politicians in power
Easton Scott / May 30, 2020
This is a callous manifestation of political patronage at best, criminal financial irregularity at worst and a sexual thriller story somewhere in the middle. There is certainly evidence for the worst of the above, with the middle option being the straw that broke the chain of concealment exposed possibly by exposure of the “file” held no doubt by the Brothers Inc. to keep public officials compliant with the skulduggery that is rampant.
However, it would surprise everyone if S/FA is taken to task and prosecuted for this.
I hear Ariyasinghe was/is an efficient administrator and used to have a reputation for efficiency and ethical conduct. However his recent antics in interfering with career diplomats may be the payback that was demanded of him for prior concealment of evidence such as is revealed by CT. That this was outed may be because he has baulked at being upstaged by the honourable Admiral Professor Jayanath Colombage RSP, VSV, USP, rcds, psc MSc (DS), MA (IS), Dip in IR, Dip in CR, FNI (Lond) in the Foreign Ministry? Sha, what intrigue, what comeuppance…..
Anyway, just to say, there are international emergency medical insurance schemes offered by BUPA, CIGNA et al which GovLK should consider taking as group policy for its foreign services officers who may need emergency treatment while travelling anywhere globally, or while being posted to third world countries such as Austria or the UK, where treatment for such delicate matters that the comely Sirisena lass couldn’t get when in Vienna or via the NHS in the UK.
Just saying.
Mallaiyuran / May 31, 2020
Strabismus or cross eye surgery costs from 2 to 6 thousand based on complication. This is not considered risky operation, rather simply fixing the strained muscle. Badly failed first operation can cost up to ten thousand to correct. She appears to be having on good and one crossed eye. Properly her economic class air ticket could have been enough to have it fixed in Vienna.
Doctors normally do not give price even for standard procedure without examining and confirming the disease. So there are additional expenses to stay at an expensive hotel to meet the Surgeon, arrange for the operation.
With all the travel and accommodation and everything, 65K is enough to do five first class surgeries.
Last time when CT said “there is possible payment to operation too”, I expected this episode to come sooner or later.
Mallaiyuran / May 30, 2020
This is more shameful than the theft of $18B the poor people’s money. If she had a life threatening disease, she do this theft and go prison, then we may say, still she had saved her life. But how do you categorize a person, steal poor people money, do beautification surgery, then go in front the people and show their new beauty. In Tamil they say “Irval Pudaviyilum, ithu Nalla Koyakam”. (A simple, similar to Reda Heta like cloths are more beautiful than a borrowed high cost sari.)
Simon / May 31, 2020
Why the Government of Sri Lanka has not provided “Comprehensive Insurance ” (Medical, Accidental e.tc.) to all those posted to Foreign Missions? I don’t know whether there is a “Policy” like that. If such a “Policy” exists, then these types of expenses would be taken care of by such Insurance Coverage. If not it is even not too late to introduce it, so that these “Irregularities” could well be avoided. The only expense to the Government coffers would only be the “Annual Premium”. Anyone out there to tell me the exact situation of “Insurance Coverage” to personnel posted to our Missions abroad? Thank you.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
That is called liability insurance. There are such insurances but rulers would not focus on the kind of such insurances.
I think we should hear from this lady as to why she let govt to cover he medical bills. She should break the silence and come with the facts as AM now started with what he has to say.
Champa / May 31, 2020
Ohhh, earlier I thought the reason for personal attacks on Ravinatha and Saroja could be an attempt to pave the way for a Major General to take over the Foreign Ministry.
I guess the cat is out of the bag now.
Exposé: It is the LTTE rump in London which is behind this personal attack.
Now that the LTTE diaspora in London and elsewhere have recommenced collecting money under the guise of Coronavirus, it is no secret that they want their path to be cleared.
Why Ravinatha?
Ravinatha Aryasinha is a well known diplomat/Ambassador who aggressively defended our motherland. Even when LTTE was at their strongest and ferocious, Ravinatha counterattacked LTTE’s false propaganda ruthlessly. He is one of the many brave Foreign Service officials who played a key role in designating LTTE as a terrorist group overseas.
Although I suspect a political hand behind the transfer of Manisha Goonesekera, who boldly corrected her predecessor’s blunder in MajorGeneral Priyankara Fernando’s case, with Saroja’s prompt action against UK Guardian’s attempt to validate the name “Eelam” as another name for Sri Lanka, same as Manisha, she has proved that, she has no fear in handling LTTE diaspora in London.
Champa / May 31, 2020
About the payment:
I still don’t see any foul play here.
Media organizations and websites are not medical service providers who are eligible to assess medical requirements of government officials.
What is written in this article is fluent rubbish.
The principles and directives that need to be followed by the SLFS officers are stipulated in the Overseas Service Minute which has provisions to bear medical costs by the State, including advance payments and travel expenses, which are deemed necessary for the fitness of the SLFS officers to perform their duties.
The Foreign Secretary has the authority to approve such payments in compliance with Foreign Service Directives.
Sri Lanka Foreign Service is the “Voice of our motherland.”
Starting from Manel Abeysekera, it has gifted highly capable female career diplomats to the country.
It is the duty of the government to protect experienced SLFS officers who have dedicated their lives to serving our motherland.
Mallaiyuran / May 31, 2020
“Monthly rent for a 45 m2 (480 sqft) furnished studio (one person) in expensive area €883 – google.
“The average rent for an apartment in Vienna is $1,978, a 2% increase compared to the previous year, when the average rent was $1,941. “ -google
second one is not telling the size of the apartment, so that means for average family, two parents, two children.
Can you explain how is it costing E11,000 monthly for single woman, needs for temporally three months. If you take a five star hotel suite for $200, it is only $,6,000 for monthly. Then please for the reaming $9,000.
I tell you this particular apartment, if it were really rented, it is owned by Ariya or Saroja and billed E11,000. The advance In North America is minimum two months. The $1,000 means the landlord has 100% confident in a foreigner, Saroja paying the all three months with out any defaulting. The Hospital bill is not eye surgery. There is no known eye surgery for $65,000.
Champa / May 31, 2020
There is a government approved rent ceiling for each and every diplomatic officer.
The probability of anyone exceeding this amount is near zero, as the difference has to be borne by themself.
RAVI PERERA / June 1, 2020
Spot on Champa
Gamage / May 31, 2020
This is an outright highway robbery. Mr. President where are you? You came to power promising you will not let this kind of crimes happen. Why don’t you order a full investigation to Auditor General’s department? Are you ok with this because this man is from your alma mater? Check this lady’s history. As a junior diplomat in Paris also she was pinching public money by submitting false claims. Old habits die hard. In 2016 she was posed in a Magazine with a glass of alcohol while representing Sri Lanka. There is nothing wrong in women imbibing, but while representing a country, majority are Buddhists, it was a disgrace. You can check the article published on August 31, 2016 with the heading “Degraded and disgraced foreign envoy going to be appointed as the ambassador to Germany”. Even though the reason is unknown to us why she was transferred, Ambassador Manisha Gunasekara upheld the dignity of her post to represent Sri Lanka, with an unblemished track record. Maybe you are not aware of these facts, but if you want to take this country forward, set an example by inquiring these allegations and if proven true punish them severely.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
dont you know that GOTABAYA as the incumbent president is put in a mental asylum ?
Just give us one single step taken by him to be praised with ” wow effect” .. going by their self glorifications/self congradualations the gullible could stay some more time being hallozinated but do you ever think that the people would would eternally `stay stupid ?
Even if he is aware of the facts, he has to respect his brother maif boss – god father of all various crimes deliberately perpetrated by ABUSING millions of tax payers funds if not billions.
a14455 / May 31, 2020
Whatever the issue is these monkeys like lieelagaballa native ajith buddhist and the majority of the cooks on CT have no right to comment. They are not Sri Lankan Taxpayers they pay taxes to Germany or some other place in the western world.
I haven’t paid Taxes in SL since the 1990s so I will keep my trap shut.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
a14455 / May 31, 2020 @
we will have to save our people from the clutches of Rajaakshe rascals.
That is why we have been working on opening your eyes. Leelagemalli et al made it in 2015 together with Late Sobitha THero and continue his doctrine to the end until the nation be blessed with a country free from Rajakashe rascals.
As we warned the nation – as of today, nothing is achieved by BP led govt. If Dr Senaratne led health ministry, no doubt, this nation would have been recognized in the world as one of the great countries that took all the bold actions in the containment of the COVID-19 virus. But sadly, no words to express ballige puthas led srilanka has ruined the safety and security of the very same people today.
Current situation can any time be changed to the manner wild fire would have destroyed unetimable acres, the entire community, starting from UVA PROVINCE, but ballige puthas to neglect SOCIAL DISTANING IN THAT funeral where they thought to grab more attention and self adulation making use of the chance, showed the world, how irresponsible they have been.
Over the dead bodies, BITCH s sons would achieve .. but PEOPLE are not stupid forever, They will rise up sooner than later. Wait and see, The days ahead you the dogs will have to grasp it. No choice. but that is crystal clear. Bp s are lost by every means as of today. BASTA:
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
a14455 / May 31, 2020
TO CORRECT you I am directly involved in Sl issues so it is no right to acsuse me of being non-tax payer to lanka. Last year alone I spent over 5 millions rps. So, idiots of your nature are only a curse to our motherland. We helped the tsunami vitims, and enriched Rajakshe rascals their hands, because he looted even over 5 000 millions of rupes out of our hard collected sums. So, going by all these, no anybody but MR should long have been punished by god. But I dont believe in god any more.
Native Vedda / May 31, 2020
Whats your problem?
leelagemalli / June 1, 2020
Dear Native,
I can help him through our pathologist.. may I ?
His problem is very pathological as I got to feel.
Native Vedda / June 1, 2020
I am not sure if we need to help him.
Let me come back to you.
chiv / May 31, 2020
Agnos, THANK YOU . I have heard about the child prodigy but was not aware he was in Utah. It has been some time since I left USA. What do you think about the quoted cost ???? I remember my carpal tunnel hand surgery, which was a simple outpatient procedure , cost me more than $ 10,000 (almost ten years ago),out of insurance.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
Sorry to hear that Mr Chiv… Take good care of you.
For everyone’s knowledge, i have added the link.
One of my colleagues suffered from that over the years and got operated too. Now she is feeling better, German health insurance covered it as usual. As you know we have the best ever health insurance that armies would be dreamt of.
Agnos / May 31, 2020
The cost seems very excessive to me. It might have included ‘add-on’s for quick scheduling, consultation, accommodation, etc. Even with those it would be excessive.
But free market capitalism has made the health care system in the US very expensive and unsustainable. That is one of the reasons that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have gained a lot of support.
There are excellent physicians in India who can do such surgeries at a fraction of the cost here.
Sinhala_Man / June 1, 2020
Not to worry, leelagemalli,
I saw somewhere that “chiv” himself is a doctor. He is also one of our best commenters. Making too many comments may be the reason for this carpal tunnel surgery. I, too, had this problem about six years ago. If neglected, it could lead to problems with the central nervous system, etc.
I saw this man:
Why I put this here is to say that we Sri Lankans have all sorts of strange names and ancestries. The man turned out to be a perfectly normal and decent Sri Lankan – brilliant in his field. He had been educated at D.S. Sennanyake College. I heard him speak perfect Sinhalese to others and spoke to me in good English. chiv, no doubt speaks good Tamil as well.
We fare all right in our different fields. Our problems arise mainly from a lack of compassion for others. Now, that is something that “leelagemalli” displays in ample measure!
As for the contents of this article, I’m just reading what others say, and musing that our biggest problems remain untouched.
Guruge / May 31, 2020
What goes around comes around. After this pair plotted together and got Ms. Manisha Gunasekara, who is an honest, capable, straight forward officer out, to get London Ambassadorial position, there were no press releases. After this pair worked together and got Mr. Azeez, who is a very competent officer out, no press releases. After this pair got together plotted and maligned former Secretary Mr. Kariyawasam to get his position, no press releases. When Ariyasinghe gave legally signed ACSA, SOFA confidential documents to media, no press releases. When this woman gave false information to Wimal the Jackass to hee-haw about ACSA, SOFA and MCC, no explanations were given. After these two got together to destroy Mr. Gihan Indragupta’s career, because he is the husband of a reputable and decent journalist, no press releases. Above mention persons are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who were subjected to unfair treatment. Why this secretary failed to issue press releases on behalf of them? This pair is not only unscrupulous, but evil to the core. If they don’t get a punishment from this corrupt system, without any doubt they will have to face the consequences of their malevolent acts from nature. Karma is unavoidable.
Plato / May 31, 2020
On what grounds did you approve the Medical expenses for Ms. Saroja Sirisena in Aug;2019?
This is Question 1 to Hybrid Foreign Sec: Ravinatha Ariyasinghe from the CT.
He is still pondering and wandering how to respond to this loaded question.
Simple, young Ravinatha. Reply as follows………..
a] The period under which all this took place was Aug: 2019 when there was Good Governance [ G G ] Yahapalanya [ in the vernacular ] in the country.
b] The Opthalmic condition of Ms Saroja Sirisena, as reported to me was that she could not SEE what is right and what is [ w ] rong – A serious condition which needs treatment for high profile jobs.
c] Consequently, I was prepared to approve monies even to travel to the Moon.
Native Vedda / May 31, 2020
Why do you expect crooks, cronies and politicians to respond to any queries and questions that public wants them answered?
Today is the 39th anniversary of “Burning of Jaffna Public Library 31 May 1981 – 2 Jun 1981”.
I have been asking questions regarding this saddest state sponsored terror incident for donkeys years, no answer forth coming.
Many good people and I have been demanding a list of those Tamils who surrendered to the armed forces in 2009, Ranil dismissed it by saying they were dead. Gota said they had been killed in the war.
Please find me the answers to my questions I will find the answers CT’s queries.
Ajith / May 31, 2020
On the whole Srilanka is a corrupted Nation in the name of Lord Buddha!
Mahawamse Mahanayake’s not bothered about it.
Mahinda Family is not bothered about it.
Ranil family not bothered about it.
Majority Buddhist Sinhala is not bothered about it.
leelagemalli / May 31, 2020
Mahanawanse is just the beautiful outer cover of the novel, but what is written in the book is utterly disgustting. Like wise, srilanken politics run by RASCALS such as Rajakshes would only focus on their POWER INTOXICATION and selfish gains to his bastard sons.
I thought, GOTABAYA really wanted to lead the nation, If he neverthless thought so, he should and could have stopped his brother violating – SOCIAL DISTANCING laws….. but there could again fail to do the due.
What happened to PEOPLE’s fantasy made SO CALLED leader with LEADERSHIP skills, to fall on the knees of ratakapu ballige puthas again ? (Looted as no other leaders all together in entire SOUTH ASIAN HEMISPHERE – and making our motherland as the NUMBER ONE COUNTRY to be caught by CHINESE DEBT TRAP).
To me MAHINDA RAJAPASKHE should be away from local politics… leaving his brother or any others to continue. Mahinda Rajakshes proved not once but several times sofar, he is mlechcha by every means, and he can only worsen the situation. The size of corruption his adminstration has deliberately made due to lack of proper advisers or being power intoxicated as tribal leaders in Africa, is not repairable in this life.
Plato / May 31, 2020
Thanks for reminding me that terrible day, today, 39 years ago.
The country knows who was responsible.
But, interestingly the story doing the rounds then went something like this……..
One highly mischievous version that circulated among a section of the Educated Sinhala folks was inspired by some imaginative but irresponsible academic went thus……
The Jaffna Public Library had among its volumes the Paranavithana collection, so the story went,alluding to the valuable private collection of the well-known Sinhala epigraphist-scholar that was earlier put up for sale.
Paranavithana had in his writings disputed the existence of a separate Jaffna Kingdom and this the Tamil Tigers knew; So they burned down the whole Library!!!!!!
Bizzare as it sounds,what was more unbelievable was that this strong won credence among some sinhala academics including a senior functionary in a high-profile research organisation! such was the Power of the Press black-out.
As a result the mental state of the educated classes in the south of the country found it difficult to accept the shame of the perfidy of the JR govt:
Even the late Carlo Fonseka believed this rubbish!
Native Vedda / May 31, 2020
One fuctionary DIG Mr Edward Gunawardena wrote the version that you mentioned above and sold quite a number of books. Carlos apologised to Dutta Gamani for holding him responsible for the arson and destruction. Carlos bought the story lock stock and barrel. Premadasa mentioned the attack during a parliamentary debate accusing his fellow UNPers. Ranil cleverly apologised for the destruction during an unrelated debate in a few words. I am sure no one would have noticed it.
There are reports about the arson attack that some of the old manuscripts and books had been taken away and stored somewhere in Kurunegala. One of the arsonist taken from Kurunegala confessed to his doctor Ruwan M Jayatunge.
chiv / May 31, 2020
Ravi Perera, cricketer may be great but what if he turns a FIXER ??????? Just because someone is a cricketer dosent give anyone permission to treat others as though they do not belong to this country. When coach says play your natural game, do not take literally ,because the rules still apply.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 31, 2020
There were two Pasqual brothers who captained Royal, Ajith in 1973 and Sudath in 1980.
His full name is Sudath Prajiv Pasqual. He played in two world cup ODIs in 1979 as a schoolboy, but sadly they were the only two games he represented Sri Lanka.
kali / June 1, 2020
You have already spotted the ball and there is no need to repeat it.
RAVI PERERA / June 1, 2020
He is not a Fixer. Agree with the rest
kali / June 1, 2020
Saroja Sirisena
What a picture . Not you but MS signing the cheque to be floated down river Kelani
Sinhala_Man / June 1, 2020
In connection with all these stories about medical treatment, it was stated that Saroja Sirisena was earlier married to Dilan Perera, a still-active politician in Badulla.
Last week Dilan’s father passed away, aged 89.
Marshall Perera was a brilliant criminal lawyer and an LSSP politician with the highest principles. Perhaps the last of them. He really helped the poor; fought for justice. Fees were a secondary matter. Many readers may have seen reports of the passing away in the newspapers. But who takes those seriously? The focus was on Arumugam Thondaman – just one of those politicians.
May I state here that Marshall was a truly great man? That was a man to honour!
leelagemalli / June 1, 2020
Mr Sinhala Man,
Thanks for the info. But I really dont like DIlan Perera or the like politicians that behave so uncivilized manipulating the easy targetes of the country. These men have no shame at all.
We have heard about his sister but I think she should be an academic.
Even if fathers may have been civilized but their sons not to have achieved the least in their life time is no good news for the nation right ?
Alone having studied that RHEZANA young girl got beheaded in SAUDI/ME few years ago, that the responsible minister being Dilan P, could not do much instead had abused funds by travelling and having enjoyed in DUBAI on the cost of state, but not having done the due regarding saving that young life. Mr Ranjan Ramanayaka did a great job in that regard though he too was unable to convince them. However, that was a young life, that could have been saved.
Not boasting about previous govt, but young politicians in that govt, did lot more good on behalf of saving their lives in ME countries.
Plato / June 1, 2020
Sinhala Man.
Dilan Perera, Wimal Weerawansa, Anura Priyadharshana Yapa were the JUDGES[ ?! ] at the Parliamentary select process for the Impeachment of EX; CJ: Shirani Bandaranayake. The TRIAL[ ?! ] took place in Parliament and she was represented by Romesh De Silva P.C.
From what I heard, Dilan Perera was extremely abusive with uncouth language and unable to withstand it she walked out along with her Counsel.
Later on she was impeached by Parliament after a debate and even GL.PIERIS justified same with a stupid speech.
Both Dilan and GL carrying out orders from their benefactor MaRa.
Both were sons of illustrious men and products of a school with a great tradition.
The impeachment was bad enough but the gutter language?
Sinhala_Man / June 1, 2020
Dear Plato,
I have met father, mother (an English teacher) and son (maybe only once). I think that there was a sister also, who had qualifications..
I have heard it said that Dilan was the mother’s pet, and I think that for some time, at least, she, too, taught at Royal College.
If you understand that the father was both illustrious and good, I think that we have got the message across to some people. What more can we do?
Just to add a little more: Marshall was noted for eccentricities of sorts. He used to talk to himself while walking on the road. Also, a great reader. I can’t properly remember whether it was he himself who told me this: he used to read three books “simultaneously”. No, no, it was like this: he used to read something heavy when his mind was quite fresh in the morning. Marx? In the evening, he used to read first a chapter or two from a novel; to finish off in the night, it was a lighter bit of reading.
In 1971, he was taken in by the Police and beaten mercilessly. I don’t think that he was ever a member of the JVP, but the Police hated him because even as a relatively young man he used to cross-examine sharply.