17 January, 2025


Fleas Dream Of Buying A New Dog

By Sarath de Alwis

Sarath de Alwis

In the unfolding saga of our ‘Sovereign Default’ three ‘Economists’ who aren’t even faintly associated with power politics have made candid assessments of our debt predicament. In their own inimitable fashion, they have, implored that we abandon ‘reckless fantasy’ and come to grips with real, brutal truth.

Quite early on, Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala of the Australian National University produced a study “Sovereign Debt Crisis of Sri Lanka” – its causes, policy responses and prospects with Swarnim Wagle of the UNDP regional office Asia Pacific.

“Sri Lanka is in the midst of an unfolding economic crisis, the depth of which is yet to be seen,” he prophesied in August 2022.

“Sri Lanka offers a stark cautionary tale of how flawed economic choices invariably originate in a weak polity characterized by pervasive venality, impunity, and incompetence. This, centrally, is a political economy tale of bad governance. In this volatile socio-political setting, economic recovery and structural adjustment cannot proceed without political stability, and popular engagement and legitimacy. There is, therefore, a pressing need for forthcoming reforms to be underpinned by a broad social dialogue aimed at a robust ‘listening campaign’ behind the shared national objective of inclusive economic recovery.”

Up to this day, we are nowhere near a “broad social dialogue” or a ‘listening campaign for an inclusive economic recovery.     

Another professional and frequent commentator on matters economic Ravi Ratnasabapathy writing in the Daily FT in February 2024 poured out a piercingly provocative lament. “Economists tell us that Sri Lanka’s economy has stabilised but what does this mean if so many,  are struggling?” He then proceeds to warn “Populists who promise quick solutions without proper diagnosis or are unable to locate the sources of the problem could easily tip the country back into crisis.”

What prompts me to write this essay is the third and the latest missive authored by Dr. W.A. Wijewardena the regular commentator on matters economic.

With his customary down to earth nonchalance, he marks the contours of the “Poop Pit” of ‘Debt” we are in.

“… out of a total country debt of $ 58 billion, only $ 27 billion owed to bilateral and commercial creditors is being restructured. Hence, even after a proper debt restructuring, the country will not be able to come out of the foreign debt crisis. Even if it is done, it is now too late because it is getting postponed to a future date every time a debt negotiation is made. When the debt is restructured, Sri Lanka will have to commence repayment of past arrears and future debt instalments. It will be a severe drain on the low accumulation of usable foreign reserves by the Central Bank which stands at $ 3,400 million.“  

Dr. Wijewardena’s dénouement of President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s duplicitous claim of economic recovery reminds us of one of Karl Marx’s most memorable observations made in his 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon – “Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.”

We do not know if Economic experts of the SJB and NPP will agree to a debate on the relative merits of their respective ladders out of the ‘poop pit’.

We don’t even know how their respective nostrils – democratic capitalist or democratic socialist will wriggle or wiggle once they descend deep into the poop pit of unsustainable debt.

Our unborn generations are saddled with unsustainable debt. The SJB’s three Economics Experts were serving Ministers of State when their government borrowed in capital markets at high interest rates with short maturities. Now their principal spokesman wouldn’t hear of the word ‘odious debt.’

That is understandable. There is nothing more ‘odious’ ‘than the pretensions of a false prophet.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has not announced his candidacy at the next presidential election. His candidacy will depend entirely on the success of his ill-concealed maneuverings to undermine Sajith Premadasa’s leadership of the SJB.

Ranil Wickremesinghe will not battle Sajith Premadasa for the presidency. To his elitist mind, his best and only option is to be the one and only ‘white knight’ against the ’barbarians at the gate’.

The NPP is not a political party. With the JVP providing a central spine, the NPP is a broad movement propelled by a Gramscian kind of organic intellectuals collective that challenges the “Hegemonic party system” which has reduced the republic to ‘sovereign insolvency’ .

If they have any idea as to how it proposes to extricate us from the ‘poop pit’ they have so far managed to keep it a ‘top secret.’

They are serious about fighting corruption, nepotism, class bias and favoritism. They promise to end unequal access to political power. They galvanize a critical mass to overcome apathy, cynicism, and disengagement.

They are not intimidated by the regime’s ‘autocratic style of governance and even welcomes such as evidence of their doctrinal integrity.

The NPP managed a genuine display of its hold on public imagination by three massive successful rallies in Colombo Matara and Anuradhapura on May Day.

They were convincing demonstrations of social protests dictated by their ‘intuitive notions of justice denied and justice violated’.(I borrow the expression from Axel Honeth) .

I am now in the second year of my eighth decade in life. Political cacophony totally bereft of ideological clarity is maddeningly without precedent.

Swinging back and forth between despair and tentative hope I am reminded of a vignette of dark wisdom by that marvelously lyrical South American (Ecuadorian really) writer Arturo Galiano.

‘Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that, one magical day, good luck will suddenly rain down on them—will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down, yesterday, today, tomorrow or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day on their right foot or start the new year with a change of brooms.’

Latest comments

  • 10

    A hard hitting article that leaves the ending void.

    • 6

      …and gives the honour of writing it to an Ecuadorian instead of the great Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano – whose “Open Veins of Latin America” and “Memory of Fire” trilogy I have (tho the last borrower hasn’t returned the trilogy – damnit!).

      • 3

        A sincere welcome to you, Manel.
        It looks as though you’re in top form!
        I hope you get your books back. I’m sure you will.
        The sort of person who borrows books like that (I haven’t read them!) is usually honorable.
        That’s what we need in this land; more persons of honour.
        Panini Edirisinhe in Bandrawela

      • 5

        My error. You are correct.

    • 4

      Dear Nathan,
      Yes, this is going to been an article of significance. We humbler folk try to give value to it by making comments, but some unfortunately debase it; that can’t be helped.
      I’m not going to make what I think are my most important observations on this article yet. It will come in a little later; one has to calculate one’s own comments in terms of what others have submitted. I’ll make sure, later, that you understand that quixotic statement. Today is the 8th, but none of the comments date-stamped 8/5/2024 has yet appeared. Well, it’s only 02:30.
      Yesterday“, after submitting two comments, I was blessed. I heard this, LIVE:
      A special performance to mark the 200th anniversary of the immortal symphony; I heard it live with about 2,400 others. Whether it was the greatest performance ever, well, who can judge, but see the note below the recording to assess what was special.
      When the first comment dated the 8th appears, I will be able to comment on the comments of the 7th, which will be a closed set.
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

  • 23

    The quotations this 72 year-old writer reproduces, and the mettle he demonstrates in providing context to those quotes is brilliant. One of the starkest truths is that the vermin who brought destruction to our resplendent isle will die of old age in the comfort of their ill-gotten luxury surroundings while the generations to be born are destined to suffer terribly from malnutrition, starvation, stunted growth, intellectual paucity, and a much shorter life-span of abject misery. Those sycophantic acolytes of the vermin who are presently attempting to prevent a paradigm change of the political system should be dispensed with at the earliest opportunity. Any economic solutions must come AFTER the parasitic class is removed from power or influence.

    • 16

      I am 82 ! & thank you!

      • 8

        … the second year of your eighth decade makes you only 72.
        That is what Lasantha read.
        82 would be the second year of my ninth decade.
        Arithmetic plays havoc when you age!

        • 9

          my error

          • 3

            Dear Sarath,
            You, and even Nathan. All over again! And more or less the same mistake!
            If you have already celebrated your 82nd birthday, then you’re in the third year of your ninth decade.
            This sort of banter is all very well, but the issues are serious. I don’t agree with LankaScot. I’ve lived, as a poor man, with poor people in Bandarawela. Also government teachers are poor. I’ve listened so much to AKD by now that I think him genuine. I can’t say that I understand Economics, but it strikes me that AKD does understand Finance.
            As for Philosophy, I have studied neither Marx (nor Engels), nor Trotsky. Immanuel Kant, yes. Of course I have some rough idea of how the history of the Revolution panned out.
            nimal, I have studied Conrad, and Eliot quotes from Heart of Darkness in The Hollow Men. It was just this year that the Internet threw a good deal of light for me on The Waste Land. Valerie Eliot’s death in 2012, and the possibility of quick cross references that are possible on the Internet, meant I discovered how easy making sense of that “impossible” poem became.

            • 1

              Sinhala_Man, You want to be called smart. I have no problem!

              • 3

                Well, yes.
                I was quite adroit there, and my mind made the right connections. However, see the connotations of the
                word that I have used to introduce what I was going to do:
                It savours of unpleasant competitiveness.
                It’s much better to be known to be decent than to be smart! Never mind!

        • 5

          You may remember that they shortchanged the 20th Century by one year when they declared the start of the 21st century on 1. 1. 2000.

        • 3

          It takes some thinking, but you’re right. In the second year of your second decade, you’re 12…and so on.

          • 0

            Thank you, old codger.
            What does the 9 likes of Sarath’s, ‘I am 82 ! & thank you!’, remark tell you!

      • 6

        I wish all of you senior citizens a few years of peace and health. Health is the fortune of all of us. Researchers prove that the more you care, the longer your life is the result.

        Fortunately, none of you caused Sinhala racism to spread like wildfire through ordinary people like the one who died (Dr Nalin De Silva) in the United States last week.


        Unfortunately for him, he breathed his last in a country he hated so much. His venomous critics of “Western Medicine” misled millions, but he secretly relied on them for survival.

        We heartily greet all non-racists there.

        • 3

          Hello Leelagemalli,
          I picked up a prescription for my Sister in Law from the Pharmacy in town. She had attended the Doctor’s earlier who gave her a prescription. I am not a Doctor but I know a Viral Infection when I see one. I also have the same Tools as the Doctor, BP Monitor, Pulse and %O2 and Infared Temperature gun. What was on the prescription? Antibiotics, Paracetemol and some Ayurvedic bollocks. The only thing of any use was the Paracetomol. Funny how the Doctors here apply Pascal’s Wager to the prescription of Medicines. I have gone a couple of times to a Doctor here just for confirmation of my self-diagnosis. Invariably they have agreed that I have a viral Infection and still prescribe Antibiotics. I question them and say that I don’t need Antibiotics and generally they will squirm and mumble something like “just in case”. I still refuse and they comply. Any relation that has been with me in the past, for translation, has said in amazement “You can’t question a Doctor”. We do it all the time back in the UK even if it is mainly to confirm what the Medicines are for and what the side effects are.
          Best regards

          • 1

            I am not sure how much you know about the Sri Lankan social structure. Good to hear that, you have all the medical devices/tools with you. That I have provided to all my relatives if I knew about their medical histories/health problems. I hope you find a good family doctor in the long run. This is very important for your family health.
            It has recently come to my observation that some lanken doctor’s prescriptions (hand written) are completely misleading to pharmacy staff (almost every or many pharmacy heads are not pharmacology graduates or properly trained in pharmacy). This is a fact in terms of lanken drug shops.
            Most of our people are used to sitting in front of the TV for a long time, but they do not spend time thinking and cross questioning.General knowldge is misled by buddhistic jathaka stories (fictions). If you would ask them to read, would act aggressively… this is the stand before us sl today…
            . Especially in many families, housewives often waste their leisure times before TV teledrama series. Many of them have not the least knowledge about computer or phone gadgets that their teenage children are associated with. And those students are not used to google for their knowledge either, but mostly hang on with gossips based local youtube videos. So, how can people ever be educational ? is the biggest question.

    • 9

      Hello Lasantha Pethiyagoda,
      I know I am a newcomer to Sri Lanka politics, however many contributors to CT have begun to give me an insight.
      As a young Adult I read the works of Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Locke, Hegel and many other Philosophical/Political books. Many contributors can quote easily from these Authors.
      The people that advocate a complete System Change seem to have forgotten something fundamental – where is the Leadership capable of such a Transformation?
      I disagree with this assertion – “Any economic solutions must come AFTER the parasitic class is removed from power or influence”.
      You cannot divorce the Economics from the equation. Whatever Party is removing the “parasitic class” will have to address how their Solutions to Sri Lanka’s problems are to be enacted. No-one in their right mind will give such blind support. No Economic Manifesto – don’t vote for them.
      Revolutions are led by Parties with comprehensive Political and Economic Manifestos. Which Parties in Sri Lanka have policies that will remove this parasitic Class? No-one in my area will vote for a Party that says “Vote for us. We will solve all the problems. Don’t worry about the details, trust us”
      Best regards

      • 9

        “As a young Adult I read the works of Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Locke, Hegel and many other Philosophical/Political books.”


        Ah! You haven’t read the most important book of them all …….. that describes your predicament precisely ……. unbeknownst to you, you’re journeying into the depths of Heart of Darkness: a latter-day Kurtz.

        Like I’ve warned ……. killing will come naturally …….. “Exterminate All the Brutes.”

        The horror! The horror! :))))

        • 7

          Hello Nimal,
          I have Joseph Conrad’s Nostromo on my Bookcase upstairs. Heart of Darkness is like an Adult version of Lord of the Flies – how the veneer of Civilisation is easily removed by circumstances. Conrad paints very believable portraits of characters that have been shorn of this veneer
          Having lived in West Africa I have seen the complete disregard for Human Life in sections of the community in Nigeria. I saw bodies floating down the Benin River going unreported because the Police would take money from you if you did. I also heard first hand from one of the older Managers there, how, at the end of the Civil War, a few of the Brits (British expats) would have picnics watching the executions on Bar Beach, Lagos. I landed in Kano in Northern Nigeria on my way back and heard of the massacre of thousands.
          “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain”
          So who was most Human, Roy (Rutger Hauer) or Deckard (Harrison Ford)?
          Best regards

          • 10


            “I saw bodies floating down the Benin River going unreported because the Police would take money from you if you did.”

            Well we are proud to say we are not strangers to such experience, bodies floating in Kelani Ganga, ……. thanks to our state and its repressive forces, burning people live, … roadside tyre pyres, …..

        • 12

          Sadly, I’ve ALSO seen bodies floating down the river — the Mahaweli — well, one, at least, in May 1958. And I suspect many Sri Lankans have seen even more ghastly sights.

          • 7

            Hello Manel,
            My Brother in Law (same age as me) saw one of his friends killed by the JVP. I don’t know the circumstances he is pretty deaf even with hearing aid and its difficult talking to him.
            Best regards

            • 5

              whoever whatever being said to make them saints today, we should not forget those brutal days, beheaded dead bodies were floating almost every corner of the streams.
              This country and nation is more welcome of “disasters” no matter what kind of them would be.
              So WE ARE helpless. i really dont know it is due to lack of empathy or unawarness.

              Lord Buddha preaches this…
              We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.


              • 0

                leelagemalli, We are shaped by our human and fallible thoughts is true. That is the reason why we need to get God thoughts above human thinking. However pure our thinking is, it still contains sin and karma which we need to get rid of. We cannot become nihil nothing

            • 6

              What if the barbarians are so highly regarded as future leaders by Z-genzers, an overwhelmingly large portion of the eligible electorate in this country?
              Below is what statistics say about the population of Sri Lanka


              Majority of them are among voters

              So the outcome of the next election will not depend on the “boomers”.

        • 11

          Do you know Sven Lindqvist’s book “Exterminate All the Brutes” (1992), which takes off & ends with “Heart of Darkness”. Exploring the nature of European imperialism & racism over the past 2 centuries, he concludes that the Holocaust had its roots in that racist policy. “Western expansion in other parts of the world shows many egs of total extermination of whole peoples.”

          I was driven to read it again towards the end of last year after quoting “The horror! The horror!” in an email to someone re the present situation in Gaza. And I have now sidelined so many extracts which mirror that, like, for instance,
          “On July 13 (1898) Voulet had a 150 women and children executed as punishment for the death of 2 of his soldiers during an attack on a nearby village.”
          Another book that comes to mind these days is Adam Hochschild’s “King Leopold’s Ghost”.

          • 6

            Hello Manel,
            Sven Lindqvist documents the historical rise of Racism and the Genocides committed by the Europeans and others in the last few Centuries.
            I think that Anti-Semitism has older roots. Edward 1st of England expelled all the Jews in 1290. William the Conqueror had brought them over following the Conquest in 1066. The Christian bible story of the Jewish responsibility for the Crucifixion of Jesus was always a pretext for persecution. The attempted (failed) genocides of the Crusades in Palestine had similar roots.
            Lindqvist also documents the rise of Fascism in recent times – “But just as recognizably, it is coming, swaggering with its heritage from Nazism”
            Authoritarian leaders like Modi, Orban, Trump, Le Pen and others are slowly (and not so slowly) encroaching their way in Mainstream politics. White Supremacists and Christian Zionists are on the rise in the US. Be warned!
            Best regards

            • 4

              Please note that I specifically referred to the “Holocaust”. Not to anti-semitism — which, as you well know, predated the German pogrom by many centuries.
              Karen Armstrong’s “Holy
              War: The Crusades & their Impact in Today’s World” frequently refers to the generally peaceful co-existence of Islam & Judaism before the state of Israel was imposed.

              • 4

                Manel Fonseka, Inaccurate re Israel which was never imposed but God given to Abraham in Gen.12 and later to Isaac and then to Jacob (Israel) In Gen.32,28, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. In Gen. 35,10 God gave the same land of Abraham and Isaac to Jacob/Israel and his descendants forever. Israel exiled due to sin but always brought back and 1948 was the last time. Reason is Jesus rules here. Islam came after resurrection of Jesus and never coexisted peacefully with Judaism worshipping Creator God Jehovah, as Islam worshipped an idol called Allah. Cannot coexist in peace.

          • 2

            “Do you know Sven Lindqvist’s book “Exterminate All the Brutes” (1992)”


            No, I didn’t know the book. Your comment made me go and look it up. ……. You might find this interesting ….. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/exterminate-all-the-brutes-reviewed-a-vast-agonizing-history-of-white-supremacy

            Man does not cover himself in glory ……. there has been unspeakable massacres all over the world ……. and unfortunately I’ve visited many of the sites.

            As much as the atrocities of outsiders …….. what fascinates me is what people do their own people/kind. Many of the post colonial leaders of the colonized, have committed atrocities on their own people that are equal or even worse than the colonizers’.

        • 0

          nimal fernando, Now I know why your writings are so full of Marxism. But he died in capitalist London as a poor man and buried in Highgate cemetry with controversy

          • 7

            “Now I know why your writings are so full of Marxism.”


            No. My writings are full of bullshit, like yours.

            I’m not a Marxist …… I hate Marx.

            I’m a raving cynic and a nihilist ……. and I don’t even know what they mean.

            I have only one hero: Diogenes.

            “He even rejected traditional ideas about human decency. In addition to eating in the marketplace, Diogenes is said to have urinated on some people who insulted him, defecated in the theatre, masturbated in public, and pointed at people with his middle finger, which was considered insulting.” —- wiki

            Is your God …. as good …… and honest?

      • 9

        Dear LankaScot,
        You failed to notice what is ailing Sri Lanka.
        Bad economics is not the cause of our ills.
        The rot is at the heart of our hearts.

        • 8

          It promoted the false self-esteem of the Sinhalese race by misleading the nation by misusing Sinhala Buddhism and surely not only the economic progress of the successive governments.

          And it is extremely difficult to build a consensus even on minor issues at the national level. So what expectations can we place on them ?

          Small groups cannot move forward if progressive proposals are not allowed in development let alone the elected parliamentarians as law makers ?

          If they fail to get passed any favourable laws and reforms, this backward thinking will never be able to blossom the dreams of the youth.

          Those who could be good at Sinhala, please watch the video below


          If Lalkantha becomes the future Justice Minister, I am not opposed to the appointment of “Juliampitiya Amaraya – the killer and the prisoner” as the Prisons Minister

          God bless srilanka !

          • 4


            The Lal Kantha faux pas is a serious embarrassment to the NPP. I say it as a supporter of the Party.
            I’m not going to launch in to explanations and excuses. I’m going to protest to him. Once before I have telephoned him, and accepted his explanation. This is more serious. Lal Kantha will not be the Justice Minister.
            On a different matter, I’m happy that Diana Gamage has been kicked out of Parliament:


            This is definite mischief by somebody.
            A joke that is going round is an MP4 file which leads to a 20 second video purporting to be Donald Trump endorsing AKD. That is a hoax, for which I wanted to give a link to, but there isn’t one. Please be careful about what you believe.
            Panini Edirisinhe

          • 4

            Now AKD confirms every step taken by RW.

            He also confirms that he should take the child from RW and cross the river.

            here AKD reiterates that he has no “magic stick” to bring dollars. He confirms he has to ask for loans….. that is why we called them as ” political teenagers”

            So what happened to real change ?

            Our NPP promoter Bandarawella Sinhala Man needs to be given saline soon. We warned everyone about the deceit from the beginning.

            AKD led groups are worst than GOTABAYA and his viyathmaga

      • 6

        “I know I am a newcomer to Sri Lanka politics, however many contributors to CT have begun to give me an insight”

        Learning is a living process for everyone of us. How many of our SRILANKEN senior citizens would ever think so ?

        Not just srilanken politics, but it is more or less COMMON to SOUTH ASIAN politics filled with mlechcha thoughts. More to hidden agendas and political games rather than fact-based information.


        Now they are going to create the second BOND-SCAM style fake scandal being based on VFS visa issue. Main stream media mafia would not clear the doubts. They would rather think of their commercial gains.
        If anything progress for the benefit of the masses is obvious, people and culprits get together to stand against it. So the outcome would be similar to permanent ” torment tantalus!.
        Europeans would never be able to comprehend it easily. I heard Dr Subramaniam stressing that MODI should leave his party BJP.

        YOu may be new to srilankan culture/politics, but your balanced thoughts are educational no doubt about that. That will help almost everyone to see it beyond.
        I wonder why SINHALA-MAN criticised it as ” LS’s banter”.
        You sound to have lived with many nationalities in varied geographical locations, that makes who you are.. That is what count most.

  • 4

    S de A, Fleas do not have enough wealth to buy a dog but can go and settle on a new dog.

    • 7

      Does the bible say that the fleas will never be wealthy enough to buy a new dog.

      • 1

        In the West , Fleas can never find shelter on dogs . So , it depends
        where the dog is from . You don’t need a bible for that . In our
        country , Dogs are Nuwara-Eliya for Fleas ! Streets are the Parliament
        for Dogs and Fleas Dogs’ voters !

    • 8

      For heaven sake, it is a powerful line from a hard hitting poem by a highly regarded Latin American anti-imperialist poet.
      I think that you should stick with OT for whatever poetry it has.

      • 4

        Hello SJ,
        Don’t mention the Song of Solomon to DTG. ” I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon”.
        I read this at Primary School but of course didn’t fully understand much of the Allusions. At Secondary School we were only interested in the salacious bits – so that we could embarrass the Teachers. But it was good poetry which we never realised was in the Bible, because it was always avoided by the Holy Willies that taught us RE (Religious Education).
        Best regards

        • 3

          Thanks for that bit of information.
          Wonder what dtg has to say about it.
          kind regards

        • 2

          Permit me for some nostalgic moment.
          We didn’t have RE; We had RK (Religious Knowledge).
          One day, we moved into a classroom, for a subject.
          (In the upper classes, our school had a practice of moving us around to help avoid boredom.)
          Inside the desk I got seated, the subject column of an ex. bk. read: SA.
          Not knowing what the subject was, I quietly peeped.
          It was Essay!

      • 3

        The OT, which is the only thing DTG reads, is not known for its humour, unless unintended.

      • 0

        SJ, Who gave you permission to think what I should stick with.

    • 7

      Hello DTG,
      I don’t like the analogy of Fleas (the Author’s not yours). Fleas are parasites and need the blood of the host, new dog or old. The analogy doesn’t translate well, unless “Fleas” is a reference to the Political Class but I don’t think so.
      Which ones are the Fleas?
      Best regards

  • 5

    “could easily tip the country back into crisis”
    Does it mean that the crisis has gone away, however briefly?

  • 5

    The fleas better remember that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’.

    • 3

      Whatever tricks a dog may know, avoiding fleas is not one of them.

  • 8

    Every one wants to talk about recovery of economy but none of them wants to talk about how we reached the economic crisis. Now all the leaders put the blame on Rajapaksa’s but they always forget that they were also responsible for the crisis at some point. Why can’t they look back their past and what we failed to understand in the past?
    SLPP is a new name for SLFP, SJB is a new name of UNP, NPP is a new name for JVP. Most of these Political party’s were ruled this country under your leadership or you are a part of ministerial posts or members. What contributions you made or you actively involved towards the policies that made this country to this status. If you are really interested in the country, and if you really think that you are going to be genuine to recover the country, you should tell the people what mistakes you or your party did wrong in the past and What will you do for it if you come to power.

    • 2

      Dear Ajith,
      It is true
      that you have made a valid point, but you overlook something. I’ll try to substantiate what I’m saying now with a comment at the very bottom; one that won’t get indented. Others will, obviously, say things below it.
      I know that one can say that there is a definite difference of emphasis between the NPP and the JVP, but they exist as entities that support one another. There isn’t any semblance of the two (plus about another twenty contained within the NPP) breaking up.
      I write as their supporter, of course!
      There seems to be absolute hatred of Ranil on the part of the majority of the SJB. Principle-less Ranil hates none. Therefore, AKD may be proved wrong! If Sajith feels that he ought to hold his fire until 2029, he may pull out of the race.
      I won’t be surprised if all the SLPP, and most of the SLFP, decide to coalesce. What has CBK to lose by keeping out of the fray, after seeing how the nominations have come in?
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) – I’ve clearly said, young Sarath, that I’m in my eighth decade.


      • 8

        Dear Rational Thinkers,
        I am deeply saddened to see the difficulties faced by Honorable MP Dr. Harini Amarasuriya in not being able to secure her constitutional party, Janata Vimukti Peramuna and their dead bodies in their closets.


        I am not against the pure intention of NPP for a real change of this country after coming to power, however, if the JVP is given the rural living Chandis (thugs), the empowerment by the judiciary, new blood baths would not be inevitable.

  • 7

    A powerfully written article by one of a passing generation in utter despair of what has happened to our country. The crisis is not for economists alone to solve. The cleaning of the Augean stables created by the existing crooked politicians of whom RW has to be counted requires a new set of clean politicians. We are offered two sets: the SJB and the JVP. But, it seems that the IMF and ADB and states like Japan are creating the mirage that RW has instituted a course that will result in progress and this should not be undermined. The elite and patronage groups are coalescing around RW. Chandrika, the Bandit Queen, is on the prowl, pretending to be the saviour. Slowly, a newly anointed Mahinda will emerge. It is necessary to make a quick decision between the SJB and the JVP so that a change can be instituted. It is going to be a difficult choice only because the SJB does have good men. But, the JVP offers a more complete change. It would be good if it spells out the nature of the change it offers quickly so that the people can judge.

  • 7

    Whatever faith some people seem to have in the NPP/JVP, it is becoming clearer by the day that the NPP has not only not decided on any economic program, but different factions within the party have different views on various matters. AKD is the reasonable voice who has apologised for what the party did in the past, but Tilvin Silva justifies those acts. Now there seems to be a dispute over how to deal with the IMF. Even AKD is rendered speechless trying to cover up for his talkative lieutenants in this interview. I wonder how long the NPP will last with these internal contradictions:
    However, in this video, AKD does go into plausible details, but again, the question is, do his colleagues agree?

  • 7

    Many decades ago, a professor told me the Nordic countries are successful – by modern-day standards – largely because of the climate. I was skeptical at the time, but having visited S. America, I agree. People in tropical countries are simply lazy by default. Obviously not all of them, but enough of them. In the OECD countries, people cooperate with each other – they have an incentive. They pay taxes and the provides solid welfare without double-dipping. You have corruption, yet there is an upper bound.

    • 3

      Hello Lester,
      I will try to explain the reason for Nordic Success. Many of the Scandinavian People are descended from The Vikings. My Orkney ancestors from Sanday are also of Viking ancestry. If you look at this picture of a Lewis Chessman known as the Berserker https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lewis-Chessmen-BERSERKER-Replica-chess/dp/B007ZZHV4Q
      This is a good likeness of one of my younger brothers. As children we noticed that when he got very annoyed he became single minded and exceptionally strong. He described it as a “red mist that came over him and only subsided after some action”. Apparently this is how the Vikings won so many battles using their Berserkers. Faced with them no wonder that the Nordic peoples were so successful. Don’t mess with the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians.😉
      Best regards

      • 7

        Hello LankaScot,

        It sounds like a case of nature vs nurture. In this case the nature seems to take precedence. That is why I object to the events in Gaza being labelled “genocide.” Jews (specifically, Ashkenazim) have won approximately 22% of all Nobel Prizes, despite representing less than 0.2% of the world’s population. There is obviously some high intellect at play here. When ISIS was at its peak, many of their videos were uploaded to a certain channel. I watched these videos daily for many months. The absolute lowest depths of humanity. Beheading with a kitchen knife, burning a captured Jordanian pilot in a cage, crucifixion etc. But it all made perfect sense given the consistent chant in the background: “Allahu Akbar.” They were just rationalizing their behavior according to the Wahhabi interpretation. There is no such parallel in Zionism. Most of today’s Jews, in fact, are atheist.

        • 2

          Hello Lester,
          “There is no such parallel in Zionism.” You have to be joking?
          Have you watched any of the IDF videos, glorifying their, killings, destruction and theft from Palestinian homes, uploaded to Tiktok?
          I won;t put any links here, first because I can’t watch them and second, look for yourself.
          I don’t have the “Red mist”, except when Eylon Levy is on the Screen😎. By the way being an Atheist doesn’t make you a Saint (ask DTG).
          Best regards

          • 7

            Hello LankaScot,

            Had the Arabs won the Six-Day War, there would be no Israel and no Jews in Palestine. Just like there are no large communities of Jews in any of the Arab countries. There is a large community of Jews in Iran (Persia), however Iran is the sworn enemy of the Sunnis. Also keep in mind, Israel has the power to expel all the Palestinians from Gaza and Israel. It would be against international law, but they have the power to do this. They do not do this because Israel is a democracy and the vast majority of Jews are tolerant. Which proves my earlier assertion that Zionism cannot be compared to radical Islam (Wahhabism). Are you familiar with Anjem Choudhary who recruited people for ISIS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FT-CTA8tpA

            • 3

              “Had the Arabs won the Six-Day War”
              Would they have been allowed to by the West?

              • 0

                SJ, You still don’t understand that Arabs of Allah will never win any war, be it 6 days or 6000 days as there is no creator God to whose family they belong to receive Holy Spirit power to do so. There is a coming Pentecost on March 19th (50 days) once again to be filled with the Spirit to those willing to understand how to benefit from the work of Jesus at the cross.

                • 4

                  “Arabs of Allah”
                  So Allah is another God like your Almighty?
                  Bible as narrated by you can be most amusing.

                  • 0

                    SJ, I have told you many times that your Al… is not another god. Nobody even knows where he came from and hence has to be from the dark side.

                    • 1

                      You don’t even know where Allah came from, but you sermonize negatively about him.
                      Do you have a clue about where your God came from?
                      It looks like Brahma the Supreme God of Creation made him too.

                • 3

                  Hello DTG,
                  You obviously don’t know your history. Even at Primary School we knew that the Crusaders had been defeated by Saladin. We were told all about Richard the Lionheart and his travels to Palestine. If you can find a Film called “The Kingdom of Heaven” by Ridley Scott, it is an excellent retelling of the fall of Jerusalem during the 3rd Crusade with a bit of poetic licence.
                  Saladin as we were told was Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, the Muslim sultan of Egypt and Syria who famously defeated a massive army of Crusaders in the Battle of Hattin and captured the city of Jerusalem in 1187. At the height of his power, he ruled a unified Muslim region stretching from Egypt to Arabia. According to Richard Saladin was an honourable man unlike most of the Christians back then. There are more books than the Bible, see if you can read some.
                  Best regards

                  • 2

                    LankaScot, Thank you for trying to help me. I have no intention of polluting my mind with history as seen by human thinking, specially atheists. Jerusalem fell many times, Nebuchadnezzar, Romans, Crusaders, and even now the antisemitic trying to create what is called Palestine into a UN state. Bible says that eventually all the surrounding nations (Arabs) will come against Israel, but then you will see the glory and power of the God of Israel with the return of Jesus to judge and make war. Rev.19,16 King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Also Zech.12,3 where Jerusalem becomes a heavy stone for all nations gathered against it. Mat.25,40 says only the sheep nations who hear his voice and look after his brethren will finally be with him in the end. Rest will end up in hell. Please rethink.

                    • 1

                      “I have no intention of polluting my mind with history”
                      Do not worry, it is already polluted enough to be further polluted.

                    • 1

                      How come these bible books that you quote, like Rev.19,16 King of Kings, or Mat.25,40 are not in the Jewish Torah? If the Jews are the Chosen people, why aren’t these in their books?

                • 3

                  “as there is no creator God to whose family they belong to”
                  There is only one Allah, but you have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, along with the Mother.
                  Which one of these are you referring to?

                  • 1

                    our creator God Jehovah, our Redeemer God Jesus and the Holy Spirit now guiding us from within our spirit are relationally triune one God. No clash at all in unity. The Mother is not God Acts 1,14 and received the Holy Spirit like the others in Acts 2,4 Believers are expected to enter into the same unity in the kingdom family. When the Creator God is rejected, such don’t belong to that same family. The only other place he created was for the devil and his fallen angels and is called hell. Humans need not go there except after rebelling against God as they are deceived by the devil.

                    • 2

                      “No clash at all in unity. “
                      In practice, you have four Gods, whereas the Jews have only one, like the Muslims. Acts 1,14 or Acts 2,4 are not in the Jewish holy book.
                      The Jews don’t recognise the Son, Holy spirit, or mother. So, why do you keep trying to justify their crimes? For consistency, you must convert to Judaism, which may be a painful process.

                  • 0

                    old codger, The jews had only OT when Jesus was alive. They were trained with it. Torah is only small part of OT. After death and resurrection of Jesus, he taught more to his disciples so they could receive Holy Spirit power at Pentecost and spread his saving, healing and delivering love to the world. If you reject Jesus, he cannot take you to heaven with him. Mat. and Rev. are in the New Testament completing all the revelation needed by humans till the end of time. Truth annoys many who miss it.

            • 3

              Hello Lester,
              “Are you familiar with Anjem Choudhary”. Yes I met him in Luton, he is a dangerous religious fanatic. I worked with some of his relations in IT. One of them ended up in Guantanamo. Choudhary was jailed in the UK. Shortly before 9/11 one of his relations said to us that something big was brewing, I don’t know if it was the same one that ended up in Guantanamo. I was in Milton Keynes working with a group of American Developers when 9/11 took place. We watched the events happening live, they were all visibly shocked.. Although our American colleagues were from Texas (1500 miles from New York) they made the decision to fly back home the next day.
              By the way Bahrain has a majority Shia population, Saudi has a large Shia presence in the Eastern Province and Qatar also has a sizeable Shia presence. Iran is not a sworn enemy of the Sunni although divisions still persist. Iran and Turkey worked together to help Qatar (Sunni) overcome the Blockade by Saudi. Reality is never as Black and White as you make out. If Western Colonialists hadn’t created Israel this Genocide wouldn’t have happened.
              Best regards

              • 4

                Hello LankaScot,

                Most of the political elite & ruling family in Bahrain are Sunni. Do you know why ISIS was created in the first place? After the US removed Saddam, the Sunni felt marginalized by the ruling Shia. Al-Baghdadi mentioned to exploit the divide.

                “Iran is not a sworn enemy of the Sunni.”

                Don’t you know that most ISIS fighters flew into Turkey and crossed the border into Syria? Turkey could have easily prevented this. Meanwhile, groups like FSA were funded and trained by the CIA in Jordan. They were eventually overtaken by ISIS. Saudi Arabia is the leading Sunni nation, it funds jihad all over the place, including in Syria, Europe, and Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, Iran has its Shia proxies, such as the Houthis and Hezbollah. The Sunnis are terrified of Iran, to the extent that they are willing to buy weapons from Israel.

                The only thing the Sunni and Shia agree on is their hostility towards Israel. If not for Iran and Russia, Syria would not exist today. It would be part of the ISIS caliphate. There is a certain well-known apathy towards Jews in Islam. If you have any Muslim friends, you are well aware of this.

              • 6

                “If Western Colonialists hadn’t created Israel this Genocide wouldn’t have happened.”

                It’s like saying, if the Austro-Hungarian Empire hadn’t dissolved, World War II would not have happened. These kind of hypotheticals fail. History is volatile and often unpredictable.

                • 4

                  Hello Lester,
                  You have a short memory. “Had the Arabs won the Six-Day War” is your comment is it not?
                  And then you say “These kind of hypotheticals fail. History is volatile and often unpredictable.”
                  Sorry to laugh, but try to keep a note of what you write, so that you don’t contradict what you have said previously. Which is exactly why I said “If Western Colonialists hadn’t created Israel this Genocide wouldn’t have happened.” – to point out the absurdity.
                  Best regards

                  • 3

                    Hello LankaScot,

                    There is no contradiction.Often does not mean always. When the Jews were either expelled or forced to leave (due to such factors as their property being confiscated and violence) from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Iraq in the 20th century, we can safely infer they would have been expelled from Palestine as well. I’m not sure how many more examples you want. There is no genocide in Israel – this is an absurdity. As I explained months ago, the high casualty rate is due to the population density. There is no “genocide” in the West Bank or in Israel proper, where thousands of Palestinians live. If such a genocide were occurring, Al Jazeera would not regularly feature guests from Ramallah. Sorry to laugh, but those under the direct threat of genocide don’t bother to talk to journalists, they run for their lives.

                    • 6

                      To be clear, there is no genocide in Gaza either. There are simply Palestinians caught in the cross-fire between Israel and Hamas. War crimes have occurred but these do not equate to genocide. The bar is very high for genocide; one has to go quite a bit beyond Al Jazeera and CNN.

                    • 1

                      Hello Lester,
                      No contradiction – “These kind of hypotheticals fail” is what you said, didn’t you? You’ve never been in a Court of Law have you?
                      Best regards

                    • 2

                      Hello again Lester,
                      Even Genocide Joe is having second thoughts about what Israel is doing. He like you is a Christian Zionist and convinced that Israel’s actions are justified, however his advisors may have given him some sound advice about the report that has been delayed. This report will show the extent of Israels Genocidal Crimes that means the US has been complicit in providing the Weapons. Why do you think he has paused the supply of 2000 lb bombs to Israel?
                      Best regards

                    • 4

                      Hello LankaScot,

                      When there is a strong precedent, the hypothetical is no longer purely hypothetical. All of Israel’s neighbors expelled or forced the Jews to leave, yet you claim a Palestine governed by Arabs would be some kind of pluralistic paradise. How is that working out in any Arab country on the planet? Here’s a good one from Roald Dahl: “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”

                    • 5


                      “He like you is a Christian Zionist”

                      I am neither Christian nor Zionist. I believe in nothing except an infinite universe and human stupidity. The latter is actually quite useful; one could use it as an alternative basis to reconstruct capitalism, based on the opportunity for arbitrage. Before you accuse Israel of genocide, you need to define it. I could accuse you of being Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster or a reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels but without evidence, I am trying to prove a false positive, which is a logical fallacy.

                    • 1

                      Lester, How right you are. Palestinians live in Israel without genocide. It’s the terrorists Hamas, Fatah and Hisbullah together with earlier Al Quaeda who always caused war and genocide. Try getting this into the minds of unaccountable atheists.

                    • 4

                      “I am neither Christian nor Zionist.” says Lester.
                      For sure, he isn’t a Buddhist, because he thinks monks cook and dole out food at almsgivings.
                      But, if Lester quacks like a Zionist, swims like a Zionist, and looks like a Zionist, he IS a Zionist.

              • 0

                LankaScot, Israel was created by God and not by Western Colonialsts. Gen.32,28 and Gen.35,10 Today very interesting news as Gilad Erdan, Perm. Representative of Israel to UN, shredded the UN charter in the General Assembly, protesting against their vote to frame a new nation in Israel called Palestine for Islamic arab terrorists led by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. Palestine is not even in the Quran. US vetoed and stopped it.

        • 7

          Lester the liar,
          “There is no such parallel in Zionism.”
          Look a bit harder:

      • 5


        “Don’t mess with the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians.”

        True, the Tamils and LTTE found out about Norwegians at great cost. Erik Solheim did it without a shot being fired, battle axes of Viking was being swung, ….

        Perhaps members of Gota’s goons borrowed one from Vikings and swung it at Velupillai Prabaharan, ……. splitting his forehead, …..

    • 5


      Did you type the following:

      Lester / February 22, 2013
      The main thing is that if this is how the SLA treated children, imagine what they did to adults.

      Warning – Disturbing Images: The Last Hours Of The Son Of Prabhakaran

      • 7


        Remember, those living in LTTE areas had to “donate” at least one child to the organization.


        That is probably why Bala was executed.

        • 5

          Hello Lester,
          Execution of Children – War Crime.
          Best regards

          • 9

            Hello LankaScot,

            Like I said, I am not against MaRa or anyone else being sent to the Hague for trial. On condition that Bush, Blair, Sunak, Boris Johnson, etc. share an adjacent cell, along with the members of the Tamil Diaspora who funded terrorism.

            • 2

              Hello Lester,
              I’ll arrest Blair, he is my age and I knew some of his Close Protection men, if you arrest Boris, but be careful he might bite you and then you have to get a Rabies jab.
              Best regards

              • 4

                Dear LS,

                I’d rather break my head off with a rock than waste time with Lester. Lester doesn’t seem remotely knowledgeable about most things.

                He may be BEng but when it comes to serious discussions, his arguments are futile.
                The elephant is in the room, but I can’t fathom Lester continuing his antics.

                LS, Please don’t waste your valuable time.

                Native Vedda @ please help me providing Lester with some ” grass/THANAKOLA”. I have found quality cattle fodder in Germany.

                • 5

                  Hello Leelagemalli,
                  I thought about it very deeply. There are some who are “beyond the Pale” and abuse others with invective and offensive speech on this Platform. It is the responsibility of the CT Moderator to stop this. However there are some who seem to get away with their abuse. It is up to the rest of us to expose and contradict these views for a couple of reasons. The old saying “if a lie gets repeated enough it becomes the truth” is still relevant. In the US right now Lester’s position is supported/held by many/most Republicans. Some are even more extreme and want the complete expulsion/annihilation of the Palestinians even if it means Genocide. There is a current train of thought in Sri Lanka that Human Rights (and their Organisations) are an imposition from outside the country and should be completely disregarded. The ones to gain from this are the War Criminals in Sri Lanka. These should be counteracted in a logical and persistent manner. Plus there are some readers who may think that Lester and his ilk have valid points, if they are NOT counteracted. The Authoritarians are on the march and have to be stopped.
                  Best regards

                  • 3

                    Dear LS,
                    I completely agree with you, LS. Overall, I have no objections to anything you have added to this forum. You are lucky to be able to gain life experience in many cultures.
                    I have not lived in Africa, but during my stay in Europe I met and worked with some colleagues from Africa (Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa). One of my best friends came from Cameroon, he is a professor of medical pharmacy in southern Germany. During my POST graduate courses in Heidelberg we were like brothers.
                    As for me, We don’t have to be biased towards anyone if we want to respect facts as long as we know them.
                    However, as you already notice it on cyber, some people don’t want to leave their comfort zone. Some may think it would pose a greater threat to their ego. The Germans always say: “We have to overcome our inner dog”: In my opinion, all nations that have been colonized for centuries behave with delusions. srilankens were colonied for about 400 years. I lived in Switzerland a couple of years in the first days of my professional life and noticed that the Swiss suffer from an inferiority complex compared to the Germans and other nations. When I asked why, I was told that they had been colonized several times by many.

          • 5

            Dear LankaScot,
            I’m dumb
            Why on earth is LESTER protecting the Israelites like this?
            But the same person is trying to exaggerate the LTTE by spreading untruths about them. If the Tigers are the real terrorists then the Israelis must be the world champions of terror. They do it today with the support of powerful nations.
            For me, heartless bastards of Lester’s nature should be publicly punished/hanged..

            My colleagues (Arab doctors and researchers) cry everyday because they can’t do enough or because children are being killed daily in Gaza. They share this brutalitities with tears in their eyes.
            However, bastards of the LESTER nature continue to insist that there is nothing like targeted killings in the Gaza Strip.
            Lester may certainly be generated in a test tube and that is probably why he is so heartless about the targeted killings in Gaza.

            • 6


              As someone without loyalty, you cannot comprehend its importance. That is the difference between you and me – you are a “kotiya.” Israel helped Sri Lanka to defeat terrorism, therefore Sri Lanka should remain neutral or even assist Israel to do the same. All terrorists are the same, therefore they deserve the same punishment. I do not distinguish across nationalities.

              • 4

                Lester the joker,
                As everyone knows me closely, I am humanist, not a biased person. I respected Dr AT Ariyaratne and few from SL from the begining on.
                Biased Panini became close to me or vice versa at the begining, because he made genuine efforts to restore peace on CT those days. Some racists constantly made effort to destroy CT. I did not expect anything special from him but I found him genuine at the begining.
                I have helped out VARIED kind of srilankens in my student days in Europe. I did not have much time to hang on with them, but the little time I had I sacrificed for them. It deemed necessary. I have also worked voluntariliy for CDG, WUS and AI.
                I also raised funds for tsunami victims after 2004. Rajapakshes embezzeled them, however, they were crowned by stupid sinhalayas and ended up making the country a Haiti.


              • 4

                Most of srilankens I came across europe were tamil refugees that sought asylum in Germany, Switerzerland and Netherlands. They were real poor people. Most of them were fishers and discriminated as “low caste” by their own commnities. So those peoples were fated by both disicriminations (sinhala and tamils).

                I considered all as srilankens. I continue to do so. I dont have the lable in my head ” minorities”. LTTE fought for the rights of the nothern srilankens, while JVPrs fight/fought for the rights of the villagers (70%) of the island population.
                I dont think it is right, I should be branded as ” kotiya” just because of my empathy to all without any reservations. I also have supported fake asylum seekers (sinhalaya) in their documents, but to some extent only. I dont support anyone for any illegal acts. Basta !

            • 6

              Hello Leelagemalli,
              There are much worse people in the USA and Israel than Lester. Some of the Republican Party (and others) are in favour of cleansing all Palestinians including Gaza and the West Bank from Israel. Lester tries to deflect us away from the horrors of Gaza by using pseudo-legalistic jargon. I don’t know if anyone noticed a softening of his stance recently. Now he admits that the Israelis have committed War Crimes. He cannot bring himself to admit that Genocide is taking place because for him it necessitates proven intent (e.g. Israel has to admit that is destroying the Palestinian People). Everyone should read what the Genocide Convention actually says – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention is objective but the UN has the Original Documents. Lester does not want to brand his Israeli friends as Genocidal. He is a Zionist and hates the Palestinians and Muslims who he sees as Terrorists. Israel has branded the US (and other) Student Protestors as Terrorists. The 1984 Thought Police are active in the US, UK and Germany right now. I wonder what Lester’s stance will be when the ICC issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and the ICJ rules that Israel has committed Genocide.
              Best regards

              • 3

                Dear LS,
                You may be right.
                I know a few of such lankens, Lester is not alone. And there are two American colleagues behave no different. However, I am agast, he calling me ” kotiya”:
                That is called false loyalty to Rajapakshe Hedgemony. Even today Lester is a diehard fan of Gotabaya. He may be living in London or Canada but his behaviour is similar to that of a diehard Rajapakshe supporter.

                He is disagreeng with genocide in Gaza, because Rajapakshe’s genocidal attacks on minorities in the last end of the war phase is still buried and Lester or the like advocate it to put under the carpet forever. It is tasteless him to amuse by mentioning about ” BRUTAL ASSASINATION of BALA” in Lester ‘s comment a few days ago. “Bala” was one of the younger sons of LTTE leader.

              • 3

                Lester finds himself in a tough spot, unable to choose between genocidal Israel and the US, which is backing off from the mess it created.
                Such are the pitfalls of black-and-white politics. Even calculus won’t help.

                • 2

                  Hello OC,
                  I am not so sure about Joe Biden backing off just yet. I think when the US publishes their Report on the Israeli use of US Weapons we may see why they are hesitating. Getting back to Lester, he is very similar to the Republicans in the US that cannot stomach any criticism of Israel. Calling Leelagemalli a Tamil Tiger for having sympathy for the Tamils is reprehensible. I opposed the Vietnam War and the Invasion of Iraq – does that make me Al Qaeda or Vietcong?
                  Best regards

                  • 6


                    “Calling Leelagemalli a Tamil Tiger for having sympathy for the Tamils is reprehensible.”

                    Leela is no different than the Scots who betrayed Wallace to the English. Sir John de Menteith as you likely know. Some of my associates narrowly escaped LTTE suicide bombs. To give you one example, they often took the public transportation. That particular day, they had some extra work at the office. Otherwise they would be dead for sure now.


                    Rajapakse did the right thing by putting an end to this menace. Leela is jealous because the prior president, CBK, was thoroughly useless. I know it because I was in SL at the time. Power cuts, heavy military losses, terrorists roaming freely. She was also very corrupt, doing illegal land deals and other fraud along with her Ratwatte cousins.

                    Israel is in a similar predicament as Sri Lanka in 2004. It’s a do or die moment. Netanyahu needs to take extraordinary measures to finish off Hamas. Regardless of what Joe Biden or the ICJ say.

                    • 2

                      Hello Lester,
                      The Menteiths lived just up the road from me in Aberdeen and the Campbells straight across the road. As a teenager I used to defend them from ignorant people blaming them for what their ancestors did 300 or so years ago (Glencoe) and 700 or so for Wallace. You have definitely joined DTG in making the children pay for the sins of the fathers. I like many others have called what Hamas did, a terrorist operation. I also see this in its Historical context much the same as I see the actions of the LTTE or the JVP. Organisations like these do not arise in a vacuum. You can condemn them and have them tried for their crimes, either by an International Court or Tribunal (like the Nuremberg trials). Having sympathy for a people or explaining their history does not make you a Terrorist. When the ICJ finds Israel guilty of Genocide will that make you a Terrorist? I suggest NO. You should also condemn the unlawful killing of Civilians by the Sri Lankan Government irrespective of whether any other countries have so far not been prosecuted for their crimes.
                      Best regards

                    • 3

                      Dear LS and other rational thinkers,
                      As repeated several times elsewhere, if our best former FM did not do his job to the best, nothing would have worked for getting LTTERs banned world wide. It was not rajapakshe leaderhsip, but collective tri forces and what achieved by Late Kadiragamar were instrumental in defeating the LTTErs millitarily.
                      Who appointed Late Minister Kadirgamar to the position?
                      , it was former President CBK. If LTTERs were not banned, defeating LTTE by lanken millttary would have been a permament dream. This should be clear to the nation at least today.

                      And FM Sarath Fonseka made it very clear as the army commander at the time lanken triforces defeated Ltters, that her govt purchased heavy loads of weapons by 2005, it was not MaRa’s adminstiration but MaRa and highly corurpted bastards in that brutal family looted the every last coin in the name of civil war. –
                      what happened to the KILOS of GOLD LTTErs handed over to then govt ? Shiranthi the B, was doing some gold biscuit business as colombo business circles rumuored those days…… MEDIA mafia covered it not giving any publicity to the truths.

                      MaRa OR anyone would not have ended the war, if CBK s diplomatic ties did not work properly.


                    • 3

                      However, fake NEWs telecasted from their PACHAWAHINIS (media whore houses) made LESTER and the like stupid people eternally fools.

                      The kind of brainwashiing was truly beyond what GOEBELs of Hitler achieved in 40ties. Even today, people at large in our country are like human beasts. Also yestreday I could not believe my eyes, that woman who was once punished by dipping by force in polluted waters in BAIRA lake was standing next to BASIL rajapakshe.
                      Rajapakshes have made people blinder for their political gains. That is beyond all opium levels. Alone this would boomerang on this sooner than later… That is my wish…. wait and see.

                      The price the nation paid was revealed to the nation by July 2022. This si why I wait RAJAPKSHES be hanged for our pain, once the econimic revival is reached in ths country.

                      . In addition, GLP JOKER (oxford educted but a real opportunist) together with CBK made every effort to introduce federalism. However it ended up in vain.

                      Then brutal jvprs and Rajapakse racists stood against federalism. Due to lack of proper knowledge they interpreted it as “land division”. Lanken media dont give a damn to clear the doubts either.
                      No doubt LankaScot, OC, NV or anyone with some unbiased thoughts can easily see that our average mentalitiy is far from the ground realities. People are like made lab mice for the survival of Rajapakshe politics.


                    • 3

                      Even today, I see no alternative but federalism as the only sustainable solution to our ethnic problems.
                      Sri Lankan media are real criminals. Television channels do not have enough talk-shows of awareness nature but it has become an ocean for tele dramas and other entertainment programs. Due to the lack of proper law and order webcasting hours are abusing round the clock.

                  • 5

                    ” Getting back to Lester, he is very similar to the Republicans in the US that cannot stomach any criticism of Israel.”

                    That is not true. I already said Israel should return to the 1967 borders. I have outlined a clear path for this to happen. OPEC uses its leverage to force the UNSC to pass a binding resolution that then causes Israel to pull back from Gaza (permanent ceasefire). If Israel refuses to do so, then international sanctions, similar to those imposed on Russia, are a credible tool. Of course, this should only be done when Hamas has been thoroughly exterminated. The problem with the Arab nations and people like Mr. LankaScot is that they tacitly approve of Hamas and view any attacks against Israel, including Israeli civilians, as legitimate resistance. Every negotiation needs a starting point and after 7th Oct, Hamas can no longer be a part of any negotiation.

                    • 2

                      Hello Lester,
                      ” The problem with the Arab nations and people like Mr. LankaScot is that they tacitly approve of Hamas and view any attacks against Israel, including Israeli civilians, as legitimate resistance”.
                      Where have I said that?
                      That is not my position, I have always condemned the killing of Civilians or Soldiers that are “hors de combat”. I have also always opposed the Death Penalty worldwide and consider the US as barbaric for theirs.
                      Best regards

              • 5

                Hello LankaScot,

                I never denied war crimes were committed in Gaza. War crimes do not amount to genocide.

                – War crimes refer to violations of the laws and customs of war, which include a wide range of prohibited actions during an armed conflict.

                – Genocide, on the other hand, is a specific crime defined by the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.

                Precedent is the key here. One has to compare the events in Gaza to those in the former Yugoslavia and East Timor. In these cases, it is very easy to establish a clear intention for genocide. In Gaza, as I have explained numerous times, the high casualty rate is due to the population density. Most of the dead are the victims of collateral damage. This may amount to war crimes, but not to genocide. Genocide has a clear intention, with orders from the top brass of the military, and the tacit (if not outright) approval of the government. Israeli soldiers looting houses is not genocide.

                • 5

                  “He is a Zionist and hates the Palestinians and Muslims who he sees as Terrorists. “

                  This is childish banter. I dislike Hamas, as they are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and Jews. This is from their charter:

                  “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” (Preamble)

                  The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.” (Article 7)


                  Perhaps you and Leela and Codger here are also waiting for the Day of Judgement, so you can attack Jews, without whose intellect you’d probably be bartering food for gold, assuming you weren’t crippled by polio.

                  • 2

                    Hello Lester,
                    I come from the background of James Clark Maxwell, James Dewar, William Murdoch, Michael Farraday, Robert Hooke, Alexander Graham Bell and many other Scientists and Inventors. My uncle of the same name as me and still alive living in London has a number of Oil Treatment Patents – he was a Chief Engineer on Oil Tankers and ran his own Company in Canada until his retirement. I have no problems with Jews or the Jewish people in Israel. My problem is with their Government and its Historical mistreatment of the Palestinians – not to mention their current killing of thousands of Men, Women and Children
                    You misrepresent Hamas by quoting from their old Charter, try reading their new one.
                    Best regards

                    • 5

                      Hello LankaScot,

                      A leopard doesn’t change its stripes. What happened on 7th Oct. was outlined exactly in the old charter. Even you can’t deny that. What are you going to tell the Judge, that Hamas forgot to take the new charter along when they went paragliding into Jewish land to murder 1,160 people in their sleep?

                    • 4

                      “I come from the background of James Clark Maxwell, James Dewar, William Murdoch, Michael Farraday, Robert Hooke, Alexander Graham Bell and many other Scientists and Inventors.”

                      So do I. That’s why we have to look at terrorism objectively. Identify the terrorists and then eliminate them. What do you call it in linear algebra, row reduction? Gaussian elimination? Regardless, as long as we have better tools, the terrorists will fail. That’s why it’s important to support countries like Israel.

                    • 2

                      Lester the fake genius,
                      “What happened on 7th Oct. was outlined exactly in the old charter. “
                      So, these oh-so-smart high-IQ Jews didn’t read the Charter, while you did? Why didn’t you warn them?
                      In any case, if, as you say, all these Israelis are so smart, how come they were surprised by a bunch or terrorists without a tank or plane to their name?

                  • 2

                    Lester the joker,
                    “so you can attack Jews, without whose intellect ……..”
                    Latest hang-up. Lester thinks he’s a Jew. A Jewish Brahmin, to be precise.🤣🤣🤣🤣

                    • 1


                      “That’s why we have to look at terrorism objectively.”

                      Well while you look at terrorism objectively the rest of the world looks at Israeli state and its leaders differently, as ……..

                      On signing the Book of Commitment, the Prime Minister David Cameron wrote on 24 January 2011:
                      “As well as recalling the dreadful suffering and murder in the ghettos and camps we must also remember the genocide and hatred in our world today. From learning our history we must pledge that it should not be repeated.”


                      Remember he is the current foreign secretary of UK who now shares responsibility of having to justify what is being done in the name of …… security and humanity.

                      Siege is legal
                      Siege works
                      Siege is good
                      Siege is logical

                      Genocide is legal
                      Genocide works
                      Genocide is good
                      Genocide is logical

                      The labour leader and his Opposition front bench are ever ready to support the Foreign Secretary.

                      Perhaps the leaders of the West believe Siege and Genocide are helping Palestinians to liberate themselves from their misery, pain, suffering, …..

      • 0

        Native Vedda, Why harp on about 2013 where all are dead. Hamas Sinwar, wife and 3 children too like VP are living in a deep super luxury tunnel in Khan Younis or Rafah. False peace offered until UN is able to establish Palestine which has never been mentioned in Quran

        • 3


          “False peace offered until UN is able to establish Palestine which has never been mentioned in Quran”

          Black Hole is not mentioned in Quran nor in Bible either.
          However Black Hole exists.

          Here is something educational:
          Piers Morgan gets destroyed by this Professor! Drop mic big time!

          I understand Piers Morgan is one of the 5 star elite journalist in the western world.

          • 3

            davidthegood, Lester and fellow genocide and war crime deniers

            Here is something tha you may chose not to know:

            Grant Shapps sent 200 spy flights over Gaza, hides footage from ICC | Matt Kennard investigates

  • 5


    “Don’t mess with the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians.”

    True, the Tamils and LTTE found out about Norwegians at great cost. Erik Solheim did it without a shot being fired, battle axes of Viking was being swung, ….

    Perhaps members of Gota’s goons borrowed one from Vikings and swung it at Velupillai Prabaharan, ……. splitting his forehead, …..

    • 7

      Dear NV all other rational thinkers,
      did you watch this ?

      Tell us what you think of AKD today.
      AKD is now considered AKD-DEYYO, but he assures that he will continue on the same path Ranil started… …is that the real change that our brute-dominated Sri Lanka is looking for?

      • 7

        I have a feeling that the hardliners will soon get rid of AKD and the NPP or set up a new party.

        • 2

          There’s no way that will happen, dear oc.
          That is what I sincerely believe.
          However, I grant that we’ve got to the point where we don’t know whom to believe.
          Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela

          • 6

            Watch this excerpt, where AKD finds himself speechless when confronted with the indiscretions of his hardline associates:
            It is a moot point whether JVP speakers are being told what they can say in public, or whether they are flouting the rules after being told. It is also reasonable to assume that there is much about the JVP that we don’t know.
            If the JVP comes to power, will it be the reasonable AKD/ Harini, or the likes of Lalkantha who will wield power?

            • 1

              I will have more to say, but hear how Harini handled this:
              That was in a discussion with Harshana Rajakaruna of the SJB on 9/5/2024.
              I’ll be back with a longer comment, oc.
              Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

            • 3

              Hello OC,
              JVP is hated here, no-one trusts them.
              Best regards

              • 1

                “JVP is hated here, no-one trusts them”
                It’s the same in these parts too, though there are some ready to try them out of spite for the rest. It is difficult for people who had relatives murdered to forget that, even if AKD didn’t do it.

          • 1

            Sinhala_Man, You wound up with absolute truth. “We don’t know whom to believe”

            • 4

              DTG ‘Sinhala_Man, You wound up with absolute truth. “We don’t know whom to believe”’
              And yet you are quite happy to be believe the Bible despite all its contradictions. Why is that? In the OT there are endless acts of unimaginable cruelty performed by God. Why do you use convoluted arguments and verbal gymnastics to try and defend the indefensible?

              • 1

                Paul, I am very happy to believe what the bible says as I know that where it will eventually get me is to the presence of my Creator God Jehovah and Redeemer Jesus. They are not cruel when trying to save, heal and deliver us from Lucifer who comes in many deceptive forms and as gods believed in world religions. I do know that those rejecting the true God will have an eternity away from him in hell, originally prepared for the devil and his fallen angels. Mat.25,41 We don’t know whom to believe in politics.

                • 3

                  DTG ‘as I know that where it will eventually get me is to the presence of my Creator God Jehovah and Redeemer Jesus.’
                  This is simply not true. You don’t Know, you Believe. Believing is not knowing. Anyone can believe anything they like according to their upbringing or preferences. When they do, they oscillate between faith and doubt all their lives because faith and doubt are two sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. Think about it… what is required is certainty, not belief. Believe whatever you want but don’t say you Know.

                  • 0

                    Paul, Believing is not the same as experiencing the Holy Spirit working in you. It is then that you can say you know and don’t oscillate between faith and doubt. Those who doubt are those who have never experienced that God of love and cannot understand what it is all about. If you truly want to experience God and be able to say you know him, I advise you to pray to him and ask him to reveal himself to you as you are helpless, and he will definitely reveal himself to you. Then all your intellectual arguments will cease. Paul is an excellent name to live up to for peace of mind.

                    • 2

                      The Russians pray, the Ukrainians pray, the Israelis, the Palestinians….the whole world is praying and where does it get them? Human problems have only ever been solved by human beings. If not for Human effort we would not have vaccinations against dreaded diseases.
                      I have to agree with you to a certain extent. What you are experiencing is not the Holy Spirit but the peace of the silent mind, a mind that has stopped thinking and chattering. I once visited a Catholic nunnery. The nuns were of some strictly reclusive order so I was only able to speak to the elderly Mother Prioress. She described to me the exact experience that monks, swamis etc have when they stop the mind from proliferating. She called it the presence of God but it was just the joy of a silent mind. She had attained it through focussing on the mantra ‘Hail Mary’. I was asked “How do you know that it wasn’t the presence of God?” My reply was “If it was the presence of God, no Buddhist monk would be able to achieve it”
                      This point of stillness and bliss, the axis mundi, the eye of the (mental) storm, is just the beginning, it is not the goal.

          • 6

            Panini Edirisinhe,
            I think you should not worry about me, but about yourself. As is clear to anyone and everyone on this forum, you fall for any convenient trick played on you. You belong to the few who respect Lester and Ruchira (now back in hibernation).

            JVP senior member, Lalkantha says that he agrees with the late Dr. Nalin de Silva.

            See how he interprets it today. From the beginning, late Dr Nalin de Silva was a toxic person for me. I did not like his Sinhala glory. I have never respected men in beastly disguises.

            I respect you even TODAY, you are. not a racist even though I completely differ from your political opinion and your interpretations in today’s context

          • 4

            Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela@

            What triggered the tightrope walk for you?

            Surprisingly, AKD today agrees that they too will have to TAKE the child across the shaky bridge from the center once they grab power soon. There is no other choice, he further said.

            At the same time, he assures that even under his government there will be no other option than to take out more loans to deal with the situation ( see how he changes his SPEECHes today…… bravo… truths succeed… )
            His choice of tones today are similar to those of Ranil Wickramasinghe. How come ?

            Have his recent trips abroad educated him sufficiently?

            So the question that comes to mind is:
            Why the hell was he vehemently against the IMF’s recommendations from the start?
            What is the bigger difference between this “stupid man Vasudewa Nananyakkara” and “AKD”? How would the duo face RANIL WICKRAMASINGHE tomorrow? The reason for the delay in going to IMF was VASIDEWA, as MEDAMULANA mafia boss repeated many a times.

            Anyone who believed that there would be real changes with the AKD is COMPLETELY disappointed in them as of today.

            This is what we have always warned you and everyone else about.

            What do you make of this today ?

          • 3

            “I grant that we’ve got to the point where we don’t know whom to believe.”
            It is never a good idea to use promises as a basis for blind faith.

            • 4

              I am sorry for the kind of NAIVE individuals of Sinhala_Man nature. people like him in srilanka even if they deem genuine, most of them are real stupid people. So what is the point of putting the blame only on “politicians”.
              How many times he attacked me here in CT ? Doubletake costed me nervousness during my short stays in SL.
              I THOUGHT SM hired men to kill me… OC asked me not to be anxious… thanks for that… before long, the rest will come to light. Bravo… truths will succeed.. I believe in true teachings of buddha and my late mother’s wisdom.

              • 0

                leelagemalli, What are true teachings of Buddha? Are there false teachings of Buddha too which we have to guard against

                • 4

                  There are false versions of all teachings.
                  Even you have fallen for a fake version of Christianity I suspect.

                  • 0

                    SJ, suspect what you will. If you pray instead, you will get an answer from your loving creator and will stop all your mental agonies and theories. Try it.

                • 3

                  True Buddhism:
                  Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka focus only on rituals based on Jataka Katha, while true Buddhism is some thing else, and based on “Dharma through Meditation”. Many in Europe, California, and Japan focus on “Dharma.”
                  I studied Buddhism more as I was away from the country than in my first two decades in Sri Lanka.
                  Whether in the Kelaniya Temple or the Anuradhapura Bodhi, the Buddha never said to worship the Bodhiya-tree in the way it is considered today. People are fooled by rituals like dressing a tame elephant and anointing domestic animals etc. Our head shaved bastards have abused their fake monkhood. The entire Buddhist life of an ordinary Sinhala Buddhist is outside of true Buddhism. Unfortunately the truth.

        • 4

          thank you time will show you soon.
          AKD ( he should be aware that people’s staple is not yet thanakola).

          Lal Kantha ( this guy should go to KINDERGARTEN)

          Saman Vidyaratne ( not serious but public joker)

          Tilvin De Silva ( he does not know many things but pretend to be intelligent)

          Nalin Hewage ( this is a dog, who can only provate the audience)

          Wasantha Samarasinghe ( joker who knows nothing but rhetorics)
          All these men listed above Should learn to become mature politicians.

          Many of them today would agree with INCUMBENT PRESIDENT


          .The kind of their public masturbation would not live long. Z-genzeers will have to commit harakiri soon similar to those who painted walls with the dawn of GOTABAYAS, vanished in a thin air.
          Wait and see. I see something drastically changing in the society, but I really dont know what it is. we need more patiences.
          I am sorry for Harini whom we respect more is caught by misdeeds constantly made by Lal Kantha or the like dogs… What kind of educational background has LAL Kantha obtained ?

          Just a BA degree holder cant be wise…
          . I really dont know if he says that villagers would be emopowered by offering the m with judicial powers… that proves us their knowledge…. here HARINI is speechless yesterday in the parliament.

          • 2

            I have already told you that Ranil is totally lacking in principle.
            Why did he accept the support of Diana Gamage?
            Actually, he probably did much more than accept a symbiotic relationship with Diana. More later.

            • 2

              Dear Panini,
              Let me answer your stupid questions with questions because we’re supposed to finally help you open your eyes! Harini is caught by a bunch of rascals.. I am sorry for her.. she is honest but naive.

              1) Why did RW rely on Kanchana Wijesekara? (he still supports Medamulana beasts in public)
              2) Why does/ did RW rely on Prasanna Ranatunga?
              3) Why does/did RW rely on Siyambalapitiya?
              4) Why does7did RW rely on Boralugoda Singhalaya?
              4) Why does/did RW rely on this CHILIE POWDER thrower, Prasanna Ranaweera, a rascal from Kelaniya?

              this list is not limited to above. You live in srilanka and find more… your narrowminded thinking will mislead you and the ilk … in the days to come.
              Btw, If you have an IQ over 40, you would achieve this without our support. PLEASE HAVE IT CHECKED BY SELF-proclaimed INTELLECTUAL FROM LONDON (Deepthi Silva).- according to OC, she is a coconut, to me another REFUGEE who abuse social funds being offered by UK govt.
              Now coming back to the point, RW did not support DIANA GAMAGE but JVPrs (Mlechcha men from Sri Lanka) are making every effort to put the blame on RW. This is typical for inexperienced JVPrs.

        • 2

          old codger,
          Your prediction is something quite controversial. Anyone reading it would wish that you provided a reason behind your thinking.
          You haven’t.
          That gives me courage to offer my thinking, (because you are not going to ask me for one!)
          Anura will be kept ‘the leader’. Others will lead from the shades.

          • 4

            We have seen this before in the JVP. When Wimal Weerawansa was a JVP MP, he was more of a Sinhala racist than the Party liked. He got thrown out, and, eventually, Somawansa too was thrown out too. The Frontline guys were also in the JVP once. Parties which have an ideology tend to split on doctrinal differences. Just like religions..

            • 2

              See. This is what I complained about. Explanation.
              Now that you have narrated some history, I get what you see.
              That doesn’t mean that I see what you see.
              The dynamics is totally different when power is in your hand.

            • 3

              I remember, Somawansa broke the silence some months before he kicked the bucket. I think people that are contantly being fooled by AKD should start rethinking whether or not to allow ” GOTA 2″ or give some time to educate ” AKD led groups”.
              According to Somawansa, AKD would not realize it even if he would remain as the leader ever for JVP. This society is highly corrupted and its representatives cant be saints. If anyone as a leader to pull together, like or not, you have to swallo the bitter pill. Like teenagers AKD cant remain forever if he is genuine enough to give it a try.

        • 2

          what cant go wrong in this hell ?


          As I have said time and again, Sri Lanka is a cesspool full of beasts of various natures. Cheevaradaria are real beasts.

          • 6

            Leelagemalli, Lanka Scott and OC lets see that our beloved Jester Kunju says to this article that is quite accurate published by a Jewish Institute in NEW York most probably Ashkenazim


            • 6

              Hello Pandi Kutti,
              I don’t know enough of the History to determine if the article is accurate, however I am sure many will have opinions. After reading it, what would Lester disagree with? I personally think it ignores the War Crimes committed in the name of Victory.
              Best regards

              • 4

                LS Ammava, it does, ignore the horrific war crimes that were deliberately committed in the name of victory but then again it is a Jewish website and forum, and they do the same to the Palestinian Arabs. However, Prapakaran was also intransigent, did not realize the world had changed after 9/11 and should have played his cards accordingly but did not. This was not helped by fact, that all Chingkalla leaders were treacherous and did not want to give any sort of rights to the Thamizh and India’s treachery. They used the Thamizh to get a foothold into the island and once that purpose was achieved, they discarded them and started to play up to the Chingkallams and aided and abetted them in their war crimes and genocide against the Thamizh. Because the Indian state largely run by Hindian North Indians and others is basically anti Thamizh. Just look at the present Indian High Commissioner and what he does, speaks volumes.

                • 4

                  India still has not learnt its lesson, but I think it will never andwill keep on fawning to the basically anti Indian Chingkallams, try to woo them to its fold and will always protect the Chingkalla state, as it does not want the Eezham Thamizh to come up or have a state of their own, as it is afraid of what they may achieve and with whom they will align. LTTE killing of Rajiv Gandhi, who was the author of the IPKF did not help. it was stupid bad move and a blunder and played right into the hands of the anti Thamizh in India and on the Chingkalla chauvinists, despite the fact that a Chingkalla naval ensign also tried to kill Rajiv but was not successful and is now treated as a hero. Like the article stated the mindset of the Rajapakses and everyone that surrounded them was very different from the previous Chingkalla elite who ruled the island.

                  • 4

                    They were basically rural, with the mindset of a cunning opportunistic Chingkalla peasant and to achieve what they want, did not care what they did, war crimes, structural genocide, looting the island of billions of dollars in the name of Chingkalla Buddhism. They opportunistically used Chingkalla Buddhism very well to fool the largely gullible Chingkallams to get what they wanted and ruin the country. Chingkalla Buddhism indeed, it is obvious looking at them, that there is a southeast Asian origin, just like all the so called Chingkalla leaders before them had a recent South Indian ancestry. However all opportunistically beating the anti Thamizh drum and ruined/bankrupted the country in the name of Chingkalla Buddhism and still are.

                • 2

                  “This was not helped by fact, that all Chingkalla leaders were treacherous”
                  Particularly Premadasa, who armed the LTTE to fight the Indians. The only President whose death was greeted with fireworks.
                  BTW, if you look carefully, the website is Jewish, but the author is Indian.

            • 3

              You can’t straighten a dog’s tail. Lester will produce all sorts of evidence, including calculus, to confuse the issue.

              • 3

                this young girl (PK) should be an iron lady in making for the future. who knows she will become a good politician for the future of this country.
                In my student days, I did not have time to comment on blogs, but she may be more talented than us. I was busy with survival jobs and college work. ….
                Today s students may be multiftalented.

                PK@ please ignore Lester !: Some times he has good thoughts, but mostly he is not consistent. His prevarications mislead almsot everyone except Deepthi Silva and Ruchira Baby.
                He may be a hired lackey by RAJAPAKSHE rascals to balance it for their benefits.

              • 4

                OC Amman, this British film produced in ” In the name of Buddha” more or less depicts what really happened in the north and east in the late 80s and early 90s, especially in the north. It won many international awards but was banned in India and Sri Lanka. Not surprising.

            • 3

              Sorry, what our beloved and which is quite accurate.

        • 2

          old codger

          “I have a feeling that the hardliners will soon get rid of AKD and the NPP or set up a new party.”

          There is another possibility, Sri Lanka will end up like Kampuchea under Tin Pot, Pol Pot.
          Party-men being appointed as Village Judges, ….

  • 1



    I saw this major interview (2:29:32) with AKD, and I followed it live four days ago.
    At 1:49:00 in it, the interviewer suggests that they look at an excerpt from the Colombo NPP May Day rally that AKD had participated in, after arriving from the Matara Rally, which he had left after making an early speech. I had seen both in full.
    To get back the video of the interview, given above, Anura studies it carefully. It looked to me as though he was seeing that bit for the first time. I may be wrong. However, what was impressive about this long interview was how focussed Anura was on what he had to deal with. Going on telephone conversations that I have had, that Lal Kantha excerpt has provided a talking point in many places in the country, including homes./i>

    • 1

      PART TWO
      Now see
      this eleven minute excerpt from Parliament on the 7/5/2024.
      That is the SLPP’s Semasinghe. However, that is incorporated in a longer excerpt from the day’s proceedings in this YouTube lasting 24 minutes.
      None of us can follow all the videoed information being given to us on the Internet; it has become impossible because no human being can digest it all, in our hundred years on this planet.
      All this is because we need to elect a President. Front-runner, AKD. It becomes important to know what sort of person Anura is; his teachers were interviewed (this had been on the 29th of April, before May Day, but some are still discovering this):
      It’s 46 minutes of slow and seemingly boring talk, but the two old ladies who had taught in Thambuttegama testify to Anura, the boy, having been a remarkable guy. Two schoolmarms of almost the exact vintage as me, recalling the terrible times 1988 to 1990, when Anura was a schoolboy.

      • 2

        This is food for your thoughts. Varuna Rajapakse is very clear about the current situation. Inflation has reportedly come down from 70% to 1.3%. Today, the value of the dollar is rising. 0.8 million tourist arrivals ALONE in the 5 months of 2024. This will triple to 2.5 million by the end of the year, which will then be record breaking levels.
        Many more concessions to the public are to be given for daily essentials.. Things are getting better than in Greece and Lebanon. The Greeks waited 13 long years to catch their breath, but only 18 months passed since RW took over the risk and fixed it to some level.
        What happened to AKD today? The Sinhalese diaspora seems to have shown him the way. is not that so ?

        What happened to the SJB leader today? His stupidity sinks him day by day. I think it is a genetic trait of his father. People do not accept his speeches today.
        With this being the ground reality, your little know-it-all blames RW for every failure, but is that fair? How many more days are you allowed to do so?

        • 1

          Thank you, “leelagemalli”.
          So you have given us this interview in which Chamuditha speaks to only one man – Waruna Rajapaksa.
          I wonder if you have listened to the entire 36 minutes, with sufficient attention to understand all of it? I ask because I’m getting ever more conscious of the danger of even having the entire programme being shown, in high resolution, on the screen, augmented by clear stereo sound on speakers with woofers and tweeters, and yet having reveries of our own.
          I wonder if this was the same man, 15 years ago?
          This is the hazard of having too much of technology at our beck and call. Our human minds just cannot cope with all this.
          Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela

          • 3


            “So you have given us this interview in which Chamuditha speaks to only one man – Waruna Rajapaksa.”
            The link I provided above was not the one with CHAMUDITHA.

            I have the feeling that you are sitting on your little head… upside down… why is that ?

        • 3

          LM, SM,
          This Waruna seems to be a JVP PC member who has joined the UNP. However, he has a deep knowledge of economics, which he puts to good use trashing Chaturanga Abeysinghe, the NPP’s current economics guru:

    • 1


      is an NPP news conference on 9/5/2024 relating to a strike by the Ceylon Electricity Board.
      It has been followed, and preceded by other statements by the same young gentlemen. This is Pubudu Niroshan:
      a week ago, and THIS two days ago:
      I have made a YouTube comment there, with every word being true.
      And having submitted all the earlier comments, I have had a 32 minute chat with a 30 year old manning the telephone in the NPP’s Pelawatte Headquarters from whom I got confirmation that Pubudu Niroshan, and Dr Mayura Neththikumarage, whom you can listen to here,

      are associated with the NPP.
      Let me confess that I haven’t listened attentively to the entirety of these videos. I must, of course.

      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela

    • 1

      At some point
      in my exploration of this material, it was suggested that I should read this book:


      Further material here:


      Janice Jiggins leads to many pages of her book.
      I had read the entirety of the book in 1983 in the University of Peradeniya.
      I had been appalled by what was happening around me. Tamil students, and even Staff, were being assaulted and chased away from the University. I have given details elsewhere, and can direct readers to it.
      However, this interview was new, and I listened spell-bound to it:
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZCnVuDpkvg – Janice Jiggins 30 minutes

      https://janicejiggins.muchloved.com/ – the dates of birth and death are there.

      Strangely, no Wikipedia entry.

      https://janicejiggins.muchloved.com/Gallery/FuneralNotice – cremation only in January 2024, in England
      A great woman, and for me such wonderful knowledge unearthed. And it all began with Professor Thiru Kandiah suggesting that I read the book which led to her PhD being awarded by our own University.
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela

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    Dear davidthegood,
    There is a comment by you, above, that goes as follows”
    “Native Vedda, Why harp on about 2013 where all are dead. Hamas Sinwar, wife and 3 children too like VP are living in a deep super luxury tunnel in Khan Younis or Rafah. False peace offered until UN is able to establish Palestine which has never been mentioned in Quran.”
    Great! You are trying to teach us how God works. This used to be said, I think: “God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform.”
    I rather think that it was Cowper who said that in a hymn. I have no time to work that out. I believe that comments on this site will start getting rejected soon. It will make my day if God would enlighten me on how this website works.
    Panini Edirisinhe

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      Sinhala_Man, If you want enlightenment from God, it is so simple to ask him and he will definitely answer you in a loving way that you will accept it. Can I humbly suggest to you that you get back to where you left off as you may not have gone deep enough to experience him in a meaningful way as done in these charismatic churches. Then you can get back to your anglican church which does not openly accept Pentecostals. 19th March is Pentecost once again.

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