22 January, 2025


Fonseka Interfering In Army Affairs, Commander Complains To President

Army Commander Lt Gen Mahesh Senanayake has complained to President Maithripala Sirisena that former Army Commander Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka is interfering in the affairs of the Army.


Senanayake has said that Fonseka ‘is giving instructions to officer cadres without his (Senanayake’s) knowledge and had also spoken to him about transfers and promotions.

Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that Senanayake had in fact mentioned Fonseka by name when he spoke with the President.

Fonseka, who was hopeful that he would be given the ‘Law and Order’ portfolio finally had to be content with the Sustainable Development, Wildlife and Regional Development Ministry. Affairs related to the security forces are outside his jurisdiction.

Latest comments

  • 6

    Dr Ranil put Ponny to destabilize the Army….
    Elementary Political Science .
    Dr Ranil wants Ponny to be a Multi Task Utility, for Dr Ranil to fulfill his undertakings in those several MOUs .before the Yahapalanaya ends in 2020..
    Current Army Commander doesn’t look like an easy push over…
    No wonder he got an Extension…

    • 12

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Dr Ranil put Ponny to destabilize the Army….”

      Seriously, when did this island have army?
      Until early 1970s it was a ceremonial group with a fine band of musicians.
      Then it was transformed into a uniformed mass killers, professional torturers, rapists, …. ……… an armed wing of the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists who never fought invading aliens. Between 1987 and 1990 they were hiding behind either VP’s bum or their women folks or hunting down poor inhabitants in the South .

      Please don’t insult the war criminals and their heroic acts.

      • 6

        Native you have turned from a fair minded liberal into one of those generalizing extremists like Taraki that you used to despise.

      • 4

        During the invasion of IPKF not only Sinhalese but also these carboard army men all were hiding under bed huugging their nonanas.

        The whole world know who taught an unforgetable lesson to IPKF of poverty India.


      • 0

        Dear Native,
        Ponny’s posture, I thought was training the Sharp Shooters how to handle Telescopic Rifles for the brave LRPP Blokes….
        My Elders said Bull…
        And most probably it was handling Bazookas while training our brave Girl Soldier Brigade.

        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “Ponny’s posture, I thought was training the Sharp Shooters how to handle Telescopic Rifles for the brave LRPP Blokes….”

          Perhaps he was showing Dr Mahinda how best to target Lakshman Kadirgamar.

      • 0

        Dear Native,
        My Elders tell me it was Dr Ranil and his Cousin were calling the shots, with Keselwatta Kid’s. old Man…..
        What did you expect?

        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          Premadasa was very close to VP because both didn’t threaten each other with their educational paper qualification nor with their social status.
          The real challenge for Premadasa came from within his own party and self-serving racists, arsonists, crooks, caste conscious Sinhala-Vellalas, …………….

          • 0

            Dear Native,
            What do you reckon?.
            Is Ponny a SinhalaVellala?.
            What about Keselwatta Kid?.
            Has he been ordained as a Sinhala Vellaala, after Mom sent him to London ?.
            And Mom joined the Kurunduwatta Tennis Club…
            Wonder whether she adopted a Poodle too, like the current young generation of Sinhala Vellalas who are protecting Dr Ranil.
            And hoping Dr Ranil will will carve out a Sinhala Vellala Homeland in and around Colombothurai.using his New Constitution
            I saw Ponny on TV the other day bagging our Sanga and saying this Prez gig is serious Business .
            And it is not for the novices.
            Ponny also mentioned that Dr Ranil and his SinhalaVellalas in Srikotha must select a UNP Candidate.
            And Ponny is all ready, available.and able too.
            How cool is that.
            Just imagine what will happen to General Senanayaka and IGP Pujitha if the Sinhala Vellalas in the UNP make Ponny the Next President..
            BTW When the reporter quizzed him about Keselwatta Kid who thinks he is the heir apparent , Ponny said he is also there..
            And that is it…..
            May be Sinhala Vellalas may put Ponny and the Kid on a Joint Ticket, as the next Prez and his PM..

  • 17

    What’s so hilarious about this is Gen. Senanayake was SF’s guy. He pretty much had to leave Sri Lanka when SF lost in 2010 and was out of the army until 2015. in 2015 he was bought back, reinstated and offered commandership eventually.

    What does it say about a person when your comrades, the ones who took bullets for you, are deserting you.

    and all these comments about SF being a straight shooter and how he would have been brilliant etc is nonsense. SF has demonstrably failed as a minister, and miserably so. I mean how on earth can you make all these grandiose claims about singlehandedly winning the war when you can’t relocate two elephants on your own.

    The man is an utter failure, who has less votes island wide than some of the people in local government.

    • 3

      Buwa ~ “…..Gen. Senanayake………had to leave Sri Lanka when SF lost in 2010……in 2015 he was bought back, reinstated and offered commandership eventually”. Yes Mahesh and Gotabaya were born again overseas. Sarath was born-again here.
      Having to choose between Sarath and Mahesh is a sick joke.

      As sick as the coming task of “Us, the beggars having to choose between two baddies”

    • 3

      how on earth can you make all these grandiose claims about singlehandedly winning the war
      That is because the war was won with the involvement of many international players.

      • 5


        “how on earth can you make all these grandiose claims about singlehandedly winning the war”

        The little dictator VP claimed to have won several wars in his time singlehandedly.
        VP also won the war for Mahinda singlehandedly, as you would have known him as the paramount, leader, commander, revolutionary, he was the only thinker among his men, …………………………………..

        Why not others?

        Champika Ranawake claimed he singlehandedly won the war.
        Kamal the liar claimed to have single handedly won the war.
        So did Fonseka, Karuna, ……………………….
        Wimal Weerawansa is not sure whether state is still at war, he wants to bomb the pariament.

  • 11

    Sf is is retired you are can not have any interference now. war was finished not because of SF. He is one part of that. It is the country’s leader who gets the credit. Because he is the one makes final decision

  • 7

    Foul paly with Amy affairs by Sarath Fonseka we cannot tolerated by democratic nation. This high time intervened by People who are loving country , could not allows SF to mishandle security Forces . Stop SF political mischiefs in democracy .!!!@

  • 9

    Sarath had only one man in the whole army who would not despise him, Mahesh Senanayake. Look’s like even he is tired of Fonseka’s high handed moves.

  • 4

    This is why I was sad when they refused to give this man any portofolio related to national security. He would have single handedly brought down this jadapalane.

  • 10

    Mahinda, the only president that took forward this country made some mistakes too. Sarath was the biggest of them all.

    • 6

      From Buwa to Charles to Milton Jiff Yeti Lara the same person under different pseudonyms. All anti UNP rascals.

  • 12

    MR is a corrupt leader, sort of corrupt to the core. RW, MY3 and SF are all good guys, as many people say it. Okay, every corner of SL, if there is a little WOW be it quality roads, bridges or buildings they immediately remind me MR. Likewise, wherever I see dirt on public roads or untidy public places, they too remind me MR. No matter he was corrupt or not, the fact is fact, he did much more to the country!!!

    • 7


      Medamulana Thug is a master in Spin.

    • 6

      “No matter he was corrupt or not, the fact is fact, he did much more to the country!!!
      I agree totally with you there, if you REALLY mean whwt you typed.

      • 0

        “old codger” is intelligent and makes clear statements. Now even he is reduced to making SEEMINGLY ambiguous statements.
        To me, that indicates that none of us knows whom to trust.
        It is time that we started looking for guys who are under 60 years old, who have relatively clean records. All the better if they are under 50.
        Nagananda Kodituwakku appears to be 63, but I’d still go for him.

        I myself am old. What I ask myself is: “What sort of country will I leave behind for my grand-children, and my yet-to-be-thought-of great grand children.

        • 2

          Dear S.M,
          If you are talking about my reply to Isharath, there is nothing ambiguous about it.
          “What Mahinda did TO the country ” is quite different from “What Mahinda did FOR the country”.
          I agree with Isharath that MR did a lot TO the country, for instance landing it in a sea of debt. Perhaps that is not what Isharath had in mind, but who are we to tutor him in the nuances of this bloody foreign language?

          • 4

            MR did not land the country in debt and flew. He contested and was defeated by the people. Why didn’t we think that he landed us in debt and let him clear his own mess? Instead we went for a change at the wrong time when we had not even realized the depth of debts that sometimes is exaggerated and used as pretext by present team for their idleness and developments coming to standstill of this country.

            Present team says he stole, put us in debt and what have they done to rectify or bring those onto books? OK, if we are dangerously in debt, what strategies have they got to get us out of it except selling the lands, airport, harbor and introducing new taxes to put people on more burdens? Above all, I feel that after 3 years the new team is not settled in their posts and work as team respecting common policy. One day Mangala says women can buy alcohol and next day president says no. One day fuel prices are increased and next day president stops it, and then in week the prices increase – These are few samples I can think of right now, but how many such things we have seen so far during this Govt?

            In a nutshell, this Govt, after 3 years did not earn the people’s confidence that is something MR did well during his 1st term.

  • 13


    “Mahinda, the only president that took forward this country”

    You are right, he took the country too much forward and invested in foreign countries after presiding over mass killing.

  • 1

    Assume the main thrust of the article is credible.

    The spectacle is no more than a lover’s quarrel.
    Sarath was the architect of the mono-ethnic Lankan Armed Services. Mahesh has maintained this with gusto! The Armed Services entry into business is a success!

  • 8

    Sarath Fonseka has done yeoman service to this country.

    If not for Sarath Fonseka we are still fighting the war and uncle Prabhakaran is still alive.

    That’s why people like Malayuren are against him and hate him.

    Full stop.

    • 7

      I agree that it is a good thing that the War is over. I think it only proper to give ear to those who want certain aspects of it investigated.
      We, Sinhalese, have had our own way. We have killed the Tiger leaders whom we wanted dead, but other ex-leaders were not only let off, but also lead pampered lives.
      Reconcilliation can come about only if we have Justice and Fairplay. The dignity of all Tamil speaking Sri Lankans has to be restored.

  • 5

    SF has lost lot of friends, including his erstwhile best buddy GR then follows a long list Arjuna, JVP, and Senanayake was one of his closest. Needless to say he is too high handed. My whole family regrets voting these in. MR and gang had major issues but it wasn’t this messy. So many leaders following their agendas. We are to blame.

  • 0

    Dr Ranil’s own UNP IGP Pujitha told Ponny to piss off when Ponny wanted to get hold of the Police and the Justice Ministries.
    Ponny then accused Pujitha’s Cops of Bribe Taking ,Murdering and even Chiill i Powedering, poor Drug Dealers in Kelaniya.
    And even came out full bore to say it wasn’t fair, that the STF killed Kosgoda Sujiya’s mate who pulled off the heist in Matara , and killing a Cop …
    With all this Publicity and support Ponny seems to be getting among the Yahapalana Supporters, he may even now have a better than even odds of scoring the ” Ticket” yet again for the Big One…

  • 5

    Those who are in the know are aware that SF is one man who could not really leave the Army. He was enjoying his authority to the hilt. That is why the man felt so huffed when he was appointed as valueless Chief of Defense and also got motivated to contest the Presidential election. True! LG Mahesh is his man. But SF taking that for granted is a big mistake. In fact SF is showing his true colors in giving “instructions” that can be detrimental so many interests. LG Mahesh has the capacity to be a peace time Army Chief. But SF cannot. He must enjoy the plums, legitimacy of some of his actions was whispered then and he wants to continue to do that now. Obviously that involves crossing the red line and the best course of action for LG Mahesh is to complain to MY3 but as usual there would be no effect in having immediate relief. The result could be that MY3 would never consider SF for a position that involves the use of fire-power (that is either defense or law & order).

  • 3

    Kick this bugger out from the government and wel vidane post.How many votes he can collect in an election. 2000 Votes the most

    • 3

      The number of votes that Fonseka got when contesting on his own is misleading.
      Sri Lankans usually ignore all but the two front-runners in an election. Had Fonseka been on a UNP list, or even had aligned himself with My3’s faction of the SLFP, the result may have been different.
      On the other hand, there were two factions of the SLFP at the last general elections. Those who wanted to show approval of “Yahapalanaya” voted for the UNP list. “Only those who supported Mahinda R” voted for the SLFP. That is how so many “big names” lost. Some of them, like S.B. Dissanayake, are respected by none, and should never have been nominated to Parliament. Voters just don’t know how they can get rid of the unwanted. But you cannot equate the public standing of Fonseka with that of S.B.D. or of Vijithamuni Soysa of Moneragala.
      I have never had personal contact withMy3. I liked him, and am now very disappointed with him. However, I have met some of his key staff. I was stunned when one of them, an intelligent and sophisticated guy, didn’t know that at a Presidential Election one can indicate THREE Preferences. Strategic voting would be to vote for two honest guys, and then put down one of the likely winners as third choice. In a close election, it will acquire full value. So far, we have not had such an election.
      Most of us are fed up with all these politicians. I think that Nagananda Kodituwakku will be my first choice at the next elections.
      We’ve got to get rid of the corrupt, and we need an end to racism. All of us are fallible humans; so are all the candidates. But we must get rid of those who have decades of dishonesty behind them.

      • 0

        May be you me and some others may vote for Nagananda Kodithuwakku, if he really contests.
        But is there a possibility that he will indeed win?
        As I see it, the average majority community voter’s brainwashed mind sadly to be more persuaded and comfortable with the loud empty rethorics of the SLPP and yellow robes rather than issues about rising living costs or the country’s current social and economic degeneration.
        So what is the point in voting at all for the said candidate?

  • 0

    One has to be a bit cautious. This news item has not been out in any other newspapers. Are we all steam
    cleaning the wrong spot?
    SLPP will take the language/religion-divide path at the Presidential election. This stain is seventy years old, spreading and still spreading.

  • 4

    Sinhala_Man, I used to like your comments; not anymore. After you insulted me as a ‘man in a saree’.

    How dare you call me a man?

  • 1

    As I said a long time ago, the ageing General should have ridden off gracefully into the sunset to spend time with his family not meddling in government. Instead he was mischievously promoted to Ef Em and given a ministry. Are we that short of younger talent?

    Looks like a case of ‘old soldiers never die, they just keep on giving orders’……

  • 2

    Afterall, MR was the only person who kept SF where he belonged; behind bars

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