13 February, 2025


From Mutur To Geneva

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“Do we really have to pass through every sort of horror before we can open our eyes?” – Tim Parks (Hell and Back: Selected Essays)

The Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) is the successor to the Russell Tribunal which investigated American war crimes in Vietnam. Set up in 1979[i], its aim is to “make up for the moral and political shortcomings of states as instruments for the achievement of justice”[ii].

Last week, at the end of its second session on the Lankan war, the PPT concluded that Colombo is guilty of ‘crimes of genocide’ against the Tamils and that ‘both the United States of America and United Kingdom were complicit in the genocide while the involvement of India warranted further investigation’[iii].

A member of the French aid group Action Contre La Faim places a wreath in front of the photographs of his 17 slain colleagues at their memorial in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka on August 11, 2006

A member of the French aid group Action Contre La Faim places a wreath in front of the photographs of his 17 slain colleagues at their memorial in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka on August 11, 2006

According to the Rajapaksa version, the Fourth Eelam War was fought – and won – as an autarkic enterprise, with some help from a handful of non-Western allies. In reality, the Rajapaksa regime defeated the LTTE thanks partly to an enabling international environment created by the LTTE.

In the early, heady months of the Third Peace Process, most of the world was the Tiger’s oyster. The LTTE was welcomed and treated as an unofficial government in many of the world’s capitals. Had Vellupillai Pirapaharan been a little less maximalist, and a little more intelligent, he could have won a federal or even a confederal deal for the Tamils.

But moderation was viscerally alien to Mr. Pirapaharan. He wanted his own state and he wanted to win it on the battlefield. Consequently, the Tiger did not really change its ways and act in accordance with internationally accepted norms during the peace process; it only pretended to do so. Behind a façade of moderation, the LTTE continued to prepare for the next war, conscripting children, murdering political opponents and extorting money (even in Western capitals).

For a long time, despite concerted efforts by national and international human rights organisations (the UTHR, the Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch) to expose Tiger crimes, the West opted to give the LTTE the benefit of the doubt[iv]. And the Tigers believed – wrongly – that denials, promises and pretences would suffice to satisfy the world.

In the end, despite obvious reservations about the Rajapaksas, not a single country was willing to do what India did in 1987 to save the Tigers. No major international actor was wholly unhappy about the intransigent LTTE being removed from the political scene. So instead of giving ultimatums, as they could have done, they made polite requests – and when the Rajapaksas refused, shrugged their collective shoulders and looked away.

The Tigers learnt, too late, that international public opinion cannot be flouted with impunity forever.

International repercussions do not come with the suddenness of a tsunami. They happen like a slow process of erosion; each crime, each lie, each unfulfilled promise eats away a few more inches of one’s standing ground. By the time quantity becomes transformed into quality and the realisation that one has really become an indefensible islet in a hostile sea sinks in, it is too late.

That was what happened to the LTTE. It might well be the fate of the Rajapaksas.

Losing Battles

According to Minister GL Peiris the regime spent Rs. 59million in 2013 on its unsuccessful battle in Geneva.

Not learning from mistakes is truly a Rajapaksa forte. In 2014, Sri Lanka is set to follow the same failed modus operandi. Minister Peiris will travel the world; many will go to Geneva; the same unctuous mix of denials, assertions and promises will be proffered to the UNHRC.

The Rajapaksas do not understand that the credibility gap widened and the world became a little more unfriendlier place in 2013, thanks to their own actions. From the impeachment and the Weliweriya killing to the attacks on ethnic/religious minorities and the militarization of civil spaces, the Rajapaksas have exposed their mala fides to the world. (The latest act of anti-minority violence is the damaging of a 150 year old statue in a kovil in Badulla[v].)

The Bremen Tribunal’s is likely to forward its conclusions to the UNHRC for its next session. So will the ACF, which compiled its own report about the murder of its aid workers in Mutur, after waiting in vain for seven long years for Rajapaksa justice.

The killing of the 17 aid workers was one of the worst attacks against humanitarian workers in the world. The killing happened at the onset of the Fourth Eelam War, in the midst of an uncouth politico-propaganda campaign by Sinhala-supremacist acolytes of the Rajapaksas against all INGOs.

As the UTHR pointed out, “One thing is certain about the ACF killings. They would not have happened if minimally, timely disciplinary action had been taken against SP Kapila Jayasekere once his role in the Five Students outrage (Jan 2006 killing in Trincomalee) became widely known. Instead he was promoted to SSP in July 2006”[vi]. Indeed; had the government carried out an impartial investigation into the Trincomalee killing, the Mutur tragedy, with all its adverse consequences, could have been avoided. By enabling the covering up of the first crime, the road was cleared for a second and a far more devastating crime. By not taking action against the Trincomalee killers a message was sent down the line that targeting any Tamil is ‘kosher’ since most Tamils are somehow, in someway akin to the Tigers.

The Muttur massacre was a clear case of extra-judicial murder. The victims were not armed Tigers but unarmed and peaceful citizens of Sri Lanka. The government had plenty of time and opportunity to carry out its own internal investigation. It failed to do so, not comprehending that the resultant denial of justice to the victims and their families was far more damaging than the initial crime itself.

If, as the regime claims, the Mutur-culprit was the LTTE, then it should not fear an investigation, national or international. But if the culprits are Lankan soldiers then they must be brought before the law. Not doing so damages the reputation of the country and the armed forces. Sri Lanka and her military deserve better.

The Rajapaksas, by their crimes and misdeeds, are turning the world public opinion against them. In the West they have no allies either among right-wingers or left-wingers, reactionaries or progressives. From Washington and Ottawa to London and Paris, their fortunes will not improve irrespective of which party is in office. Their prospects seem similarly dismal in India. Recently, the BJP accused the Congress of being soft on Colombo[vii]; obviously the Rajapaksas cannot expect a major thawing in Delhi, irrespective of who wins national elections. Tony Abbot is the exception, and he is being ridiculed for being “showered with gifts from President of Sri Lanka during the Commonwealth”[viii].

Rajapaksa-Sri Lanka is no Vietnam or Cuba. The Siblings look more like village thugs/bullies rather than some modern day David. While the Tiger was around, they looked a bit better, by comparison. As the memory of the Tiger fades with time, the unsightly deeds and the unseemly attributes of the Siblings are thrown into sharp relief.

Not a sight to win hearts and minds.

[i] by the progressive Italian politician-cum-intellectual Lelio Basso

[iv] If the LTTE had ceased at least some of its more execrable practices, such as child conscription, the EU and the Canadian bans may not have happened.

[vi] Special Report No. 30: Unfinished Business of the Five Students and the ACF Cases – 1.4.2008

[viii] These reportedly include “a woman’s pendant, an ‘ornate’ silver box, and two pairs of sapphire set cuff links, one incorporated with diamonds” http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/bill-shorten-lists-holiday-flight-upgrades-on-parliamentary-register-20131211-2z6bt.html

Latest comments

  • 17

    What goes around must come around. A good analysis as usual TG.

    • 12

      Great Stuff Madam! Keep it coming!

      • 3

        “….Russell Tribunal which investigated American war crimes in Vietnam….” By the way , how many US soldiers were court martialled ??? Can Tisaranee give numbers pl.

        • 3

          Added.. for killing 05 million innocent people in Vietnam by US forces.

          • 4

            From Muthur, to Mulivaaikkaal, to Geneva, to the Hague is the logical order of things to come for the Sri Lankan rulers.

          • 4

            John You F…. USA is Super Power, we are Pus Power, when we know that we are PUS POWER we should guard our toung. but Mahinda is talking like a Thug, now get caughts.

        • 2

          Double madam Thisaranee,
          We are with you.I know that you are wasting your time not to make $$$.But Human rights.Though i don’t have the time to go through your crap,still i am with you.Lets get this war criminal to the gallows.What a crime!,bumping off that wonderful human being Prabakaran!Double madam Thisaranee,i have switched sides.Lots of $$$$ coming my way by courtesy of the defeated Tamil terrorists.Oh!by the way you are a very lucky lady.Know why? Your hubby does the cooking.In case you need a good massage,just let me know.I just got that born talent in massaging old ladies in heat!Ha ha hore danuna oba nawe moko kiyala!Hope that CT will not edit that “heat” part.I was only referring to the terrible heat that we are experiencing in Genava. Double madam Thissaranee,Lady Nimalka,Lady Dharshika,i know that the heat is terrible.You can always count on Max Silva.I got this born talent in pampering ladies who are going through a bad period due to terrible heat.But whatever it is lets get this war criminal fixed up!Lucky ladies having hubbies who are so good at cooking and washing.When i say washing i am not saying the dirty smelly undies but dishes!

      • 3

        Double Madam Thisaranee,
        Whats this PARKS?Some sort of park like the Victoria Park?Double Madam Thisaranee any chance that we could bump off this Jarapakse for killing that wonderful human being Prabakaran?I am with you double madam,we did the needful to Premadasa,Gamini,Rajiv etc for the sake of human rights.Lets bump off Jarapakse!I am with you DOUBLE MADAM!

      • 1

        Great stuff Madam.10 likes are not enough.Bang the bloody computer to make it billion likes.A damn set of day dreaming clowns!

        • 1

          The defeated Tamil terrorists dislike me,eh!A bloody set of dirty farts!

    • 11

      What happened to the LTTE, might well be the fate of the Rajapaksas. Indeed this is correct. Set a thief to catch a thief! Rajapakse defeated the LTTE using the latter’s barbaric methods of the killing of innocents.. so it will indeed have to pay. The CURSE OF KUVENI is on the Rajapakse Family just as it was on the Prabakaran family and it is only once both these CURSED FAMILIES are wiped out that Lanka will be free.. Mahinda Rajapakse and his corrupt and criminal family who are looting Lanka and destroying democratic institutions are the greatest THREAT to the SOVEREIGNTY and FREEDOM of the Sri Lanka. The International Community has realized this and is hence pushing the war crimes issue.

      • 6

        Mahinda Rajapakse and Gotabaya Rajapakse have COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY for the killings of the Action Contre le Faime French NGO workers in Muttur. Hence will not hold any inquiry into the killings. To do so would be to COOK THEIR OWN GOOSE and serve it up with lots of sauce on a platter to a war crimes trial for the Rajapakse mafia at the Hague!

        • 3

          Kalupahana ,

          Pl explain how and when any such war crime tribunal succeeded without the consent of the Accused country ? classic example is Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir, Al Bashir has been convicted by the ICC but nothing beyond conviction , he is still the president of Sudan. another recent example is Kenyan president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta , of-course we will have to wait & see for the developments of that case in the coming months.

          • 1

            It is with this logic that the Regime intends to keep the Sinhala
            Voters with them,at least for a decade. A common uprising is not
            in the mentality of the Sinhala race is another factor?

        • 1

          Make sure that you give me a bit of portion of your cooked goose.By the way who is the cook?

      • 0

        Well Said man…

    • 1

      Yes, very good article. Also, it gives us hope, so much hope that we see a light at the end of the tunnel of Rajapakse/JHU combined black hole. It also assures us the faith we have kept in the belief of natural reaction of the effects and after effects of actions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The MR Goon is employing his last trick in BBS/JHU combination to keep on attacking the religions of the minorities with a calculation that the Majority Sinhalese can be kept happy by these entertainments to make their mind busy with their crooked wish of implementing Evil Anagarika design in destroying the minority. Anagarika was Catholic who became a Buddhist and resorted fame by cheap means of Racism. His Racism is now part of their Philosophy & religion by which Sri Lanka suffered enormous blood letting. His ghost is still influencing the Dark Spooky Faced Chump-puka Rana-whore-ker and the likes who are lending an immense service in creating Mass Murder groups and Terror groups JHU/BBS/Ravaya etc. It was this person’s single handed efforts to transform the one-eye blind Chandrika to seek their advice which paved the way for the all time Thug to become the future President, who has become the ruthless joker amongst the World’s Most Cruelest Dictators in the 21st century. All those who changed their Catholicism/Christianity to Buddhism to capture power came with a surprise bag of some assorted Racistic Ideas to slave the majority sick minded people in their evil spell to further their career without any hindrance. Banda/JR/ANAGARIKA and now MR were all belonged to the Catholic/Christian lot. And its amazing how all these guys unanimously chose Racism as their trump card to gain power. They all came conquered the minds of the innocent Sinhala Buddhist and then turned into the 20th & 21st Century’s un-apologetic barbarians in killing, looting and raping in front of the eyes of the entire world which is scientifically at an advanced stage and have caught these Mass murderers red handed and now waiting for their pay back time. Let’s enjoy the show. Once, MR is gone, so will be the BBS/JHU and the entire Evil project these poisonous frogs will be dismantled. Let’s Enjoy watching their end-game.

  • 0

    Thisranane Gunasekara [Edited out]!

  • 7

    What you have missed here is the action of intellectuals that LTTE built around them. They justified their violent and fascist ways – all int he name of the Tamil cause. They helped silence and blind the rest of the Tamil Community. We see the same with MRs Dumb assed quasi intellectuals and advisers who pump out what they are paid to do – building the kind of false confidence that LTTE had of its moral stature till they got to a point of zero external support. MR too has got there now. We have to thank his advisers. The hangers on are doing a terrific Job.

    • 2

      LTTE is very smart. they new MR will copy them and destroy L. That is exactly they wanted. Now they are getting it done. VP genius.

      • 1

        Lankan Lier, what you said is the 100% truth, now VP us doing the rest of the professional work and I wish him the best. This land should be seperated then only Sinhala hardliners mouth will shut

      • 0

        you can prolong the misery further for all and sundry by being Anti-Brahmin the power that LTTE could never be. For centenaries Baharat has seen external war and religious persecution which Ceylonese/Lankan’s have never experienced because all governance has always come from Baharat.

  • 3

    Sri Lanka had a brutal enemy and the response also had to be brutal. Else we would have been ended like Iraq with a ponzi democratic system but with bombs going off in every week.

    Don’t these ungrateful dollar suckers see that we are finally at peace and the economy is poised to take off as a result? that someone had to do the dirty job of eliminating the tigers and do as quickly as possible because we already had lost 3 decades? that every Sri Lankan including Tamils can look forward for a more prosperous future?

  • 4

    ———————” In the West they have no allies either among right-wingers or left-wingers, reactionaries or progressives.”————- 2014 UN general Assembly members for the western Block comprises of 7 countries , they are 1)Austria 2)Germany 3)Ireland 4)Italy 5) France 6) UK 7) USA , Regime has absolutely no chance of having even a single vote from this block .
    —————- Latin American Continent comprises of 8 countries and they are 1)Argentina 2)Brazil 3)chile 4)Costa Rica 5) Cuba 6)Mexico 7)Peru 8)Venezuela , only Cuba & Venezuela will vote against any resolution .——————————Eastern Block has 6 countries and they are 1) Chech republic 2) Estonia 3) Montenegro 4) Russia 5)Macedonia 6) Romania , only Russia will vote against any resolution , so out of 21 countries only 3 countries would vote in favor for the regime !

    • 0

      How many of those countries have paid in their annual donation? M/s May has cut the subscription and chances are that UK may have to sit alongside S.L. and be unable to vote. That was a threat made by M/s Pillai quite some time ago – check it out?

      • 2

        i doubt UK would put herself in to a such awkward position , any way we can see the drama just in 3 months.

  • 4

    Quote: Had Vellupillai Pirapaharan been a little less maximalist, and a little more intelligent and those Diasspora & Balasinghan were NOT moronic……………………….

  • 3

    Once again TG performs a welcome duty by educating the citizens of the country by a fine study of the many foibles of the tottering Rajapakse regime – courtesy the liberal columns of Colombo Telegraph. I wish to comment on her observation “the Rajapaksa regime defeated the LTTE thanks partly to an enabling international environment created by the LTTE.”
    The intransigent LTTE only enabled the global community getting together to arm the Sri Lankan army – Pakistan, Israel and even India included – playing a role to bring the 3 decade-old blood-bath to a conditional end. VP should have agreed to a conditional ceasefire before he erred in the Mavil Aru project – the beginning of his end.
    The Tamil Nation had enough of his adventure by then.

    The Muttur ACF massacre is a further manifestation of the beastly nature of the SL armed forces – the army in particular – operating in predominant Tamil territory. The Tamils to the Sinhala army were
    “enemies” and therefore anything goes. They acted on the assumption there will be nothing to answer for. And so we now have the Muttur incident. There were a dozen more My Lai massacres in Tamil soil waiting to be uncovered. Some in the South too – Matale being one of the first to capture the attention of the public – thanks to what is left of the free media.


  • 3

    Tissaranee always gives a good objective view and analysis of Sri Lankan situation. What happened to Prabaharan can happen to Rajapakses. Gothabaya is a power hungry megalomaniac who will destroy the country.

  • 1

    As usual a great and thought provoking piece by TG. This is the sharpest and strongest critique of Rajapaksha regime I have read in English besides Enews.

  • 2

    T.G. seems to be very confident about who is responsible for the killing of 17 ACF humanitarian workers. Assuming that she is correct, she then should also ‘walk the extra mile’ and provide us with ‘motive’. Establishing ‘motive’ is critical in cementing and strengthening her theory.I hope she will do that in her next commentary.
    On the subject of ‘motive’, I’m a little puzzled as to why the armed forces would embark on a killing orgy of 17 unarmed, innocent, humanitarian workers ( as implied by T.G.), when they spared the lives of 12,000 professed, armed LTTE cadres? It is also in the public domain that close to 300,000 tamil civilians were spared certain death in the final stages of the war. If the armed forces were actually on a ‘ tamil genocidal’ campaign as T.G. certainly believes, then she should provide us an explanation for the two contradictory actions. If it was govt. policy to wipe out tamils, then why would they take the trouble of rehabilitating 12,000 LTTE killers and reintegrating them into society?

    • 1

      Jazz ,

      pl read this report .


    • 2


      On seeing the trail (special Report by UTHR given by srilal below)

      Your statement is a very crude `No Not I` a past convenient political ploy.

      Yours is outdated free education- puhul hora karen daney, nead??。◕‿◕。

      • 1

        Srilal & Javi,
        Thanks for the UTHR report. But, the point I’m making is that T.G. needs to establish ‘motive’ if she is going to make such accusations as to who is responsible. What motivated the forces to kill 17 unarmed, innocent, humanitarian workers and what motivated them to not kill 12000 LTTE fighters? Unfortunately, the UTHR ‘special’ report does not establish ‘motive’ and that happens to be a critical component of investigation. But, I must say that this report is ‘delicious’ reading for the fans of conspiracy theories :)

        • 0

          PLAYWRIGHT:In 1989, as the curtain was coming down on communism in the Kremlin, the dissident playwright Vaclav Havel emerged as the figurehead of the country’s “velvet revolution” and became the first president of post-communist Czechoslovakia.
          Mr Havel saw the ghost of former Soviet military influence exorcised in 1999 when the country was granted full membership of Nato. An era ended in February 2003 when he stepped down as president. He left office having led it to the threshold of the EU. The country underwent its longest-ever recession from the end of 2011 to the spring of 2013. In addition to its developed industrial economy,

        • 1

          Jazz ,

          Let’s not waste our time on hypothesis ,enough facts & eye witnesses are there to come to reasonably accurate conclusion , no matter how hard one tries to deny all these charges , no one can change the history. by the way , jazz do you know what has happened to ” infamous Trinco 5″ case in the end ???

          • 0

            “|”what has happened to ” infamous Trinco 5″ case in “|”

            singlish yaman- “Head of State” criteria amazing!

            but times are changing 5/6 are women at state dept, if Nisha gives RM stick when NaMo is in power familial are doomed.

  • 1

    If you think a vote in Geneva can change the Rajapaksa tide in Sri Lanka, you are a bloody fool, Thisaranee.

    • 0

      If the stupid JT Tamil diaspora keep out getting rajaporkistan is a cake walk.
      The same way Cameron went over to the northern newspaper office isn’t that enough history.At the end both will go for peace to prevail.

  • 1

    The 1st phase of the Rajapakse Geneva nightmare has begun. So now we know why Yashushi Akashi-san stopped by. A deal is on the cards to make an attempt to lighten the load in Geneva. But Navi Pillay and friends are not in the game that Sharma gladly plays and is now notorious for. Lalith Weeratunga, of all people, is due in the salubrious city soon. So this old hack of “we didn’t sign the Rome Treaty and so let the UNHRC go to hell” talk is only one more exhibition of brouhaha.
    The ubiquitous Professori appears to have lost his credibility in UN
    circles. He does not carry much punch locally now either. Not his fault entirely. When our semi-jumbo delegations went there multiple times few in the UNHCR was certain who was leading our show – the Professori, Mahinda S or the inexperienced and shallow Ravinath A.
    The common denominator is all three failed the Rajapakse family and yesterday a decision was made in Geneva to force the Rajapakse regime to implement every single one of its own LLRC recommendations.

    Good news for Justice Wiggy and colleagues. There will be more good news for him soon. As the old saying goes a good and honest man eventually wins.


  • 1


    I agree with you on your analysis of Prabakaran to the extent that he could have played his cards differently. But he had his personal reasnons for doing what he did. He did not trust the Sinhalses to deliver peace and Security to the Tamils so therefore he was never going to agree to a Federal form of Governance. As far as Rajiv Gandhi”s killing was concerned it was a Monumental error and this is where his political judgement came a cropper.
    Iam not quite sure that I agree with you that the Western Countries had an agenda against the Tamils in Sri Lanka on their own as the LTTE never waged the War outside Sri Lanka. It was simply a question of Revenge by Sonia for the killing of her Dearest and India was driving the Western Countries.
    Just to give one example the reason why LTTE was banned by Western Countries especially USA was not beacsuse they perceived LTTE to be threat along the lines of Alqaeda but because they dindnt want to be accused of being selective if they let LTTE free. The War against LTTE was won only with the help of India which supplied Men and Material including Chemical Weapons. Indian role needs to be investigated and that is why India has shileded Sri Lanka up to now.

    • 0

      “Just to give one example the reason why LTTE was banned by Western Countries especially USA was not beacsuse they perceived LTTE to be threat along the lines of Alqaeda but because they dindnt want to be accused of being selective if they let LTTE free.”

      It was a bit more personal by international war criminal the mouth piece for EU and Boston Brahmin Bush, Crony Blair.

      At his old uni he had just installed LKadir’s bust had a cool chat with the man and it happened so he moved the EU which was simply under his thumb alone because of the tense situation created by the Boston Brahmin’s. (^‿◕)

      • 0

        Javi: You ignorant. What are you saying man when you say Tony Blair had EU under his thumb. If that was the case why did he fail to get the second motion passed at the UN. Read the following before you open your mouth. It was the UN which had the authority not EU

        “16 Sep 2004 – Iraq War was Illegal and Breached UN Charter, Says Annan … Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN … Iraq in resolution 1441 there would be “consequences” if it did not comply with its demands.

        • 0

          Wise old owl, i am speaking of the EU not of UN. When did the EU frame the LTTE as a organisation?? you know that pretty well. Its the same as murdering Rajive who opened the external doors for the first time for India. They had 2 TV stations before now over 20. Previously banks would only lend to the very rich but after that the suicide rate of interlectuals/brillant dropped drastically- so you are paying not just to Sonia who can afford to keep silent. I was right there. Hope you get it

        • 0

          Oops “especially USA ” should not have been there just EU.
          Jose Maria (president EU) was another story of a stupid academic being promised Marshall-ship of Texas (its a Spanish name with nostalgia) and the Monkey Rock Gibraltar- poor Spaniards instead received the renfe bomb killing over 200.

  • 2

    TO gentleman Max
    You can criticize the author of this article. But for sake of other decent viewers of news papers please use polite language. Honestly I have to stop halfway through what you write as it is filth.

  • 0

    US & EU has many joker as UNHRC,AI,HRW,CG,IRC,PPT est

  • 0

    If this stupid writer say killing of these aid works as the world’s worst thing to happen, then what do call the killing of aid workers by Israel navy in May 31 2010?????? Israeli navy killed 9 aid workers and the whole world watched it while it happened. You better come up with a sentence to describe that horrendous crime. No one demand an investigation for that crime, not even the so called god fathers of HR protectors likes of UK, EU, USA, Canada or UN, UNHRC therefore no body has the right to demand an investigation from Sri Lanka, they should mind their bloody damn business.

    You seems to be so concerned about aid workers, if so tell the world how many similar articles did you wrote highlighting the killing of aid workers by Israeli Navy.

  • 0

    “In the early, heady months of the Third Peace Process, most of the world was the Tiger’s oyster. The LTTE was welcomed and treated as an unofficial government in many of the world’s capitals. Had Vellupillai Pirapaharan been a little less maximalist, and a little more intelligent, he could have won a federal or even a confederal deal for the Tamils.”

    Thisaranee! You better read what you were writing during the so called “Third Peace Process” You have no principle other than just opposing what ever the government of the day is doing.

  • 0

    Out of all what Prabhakaran said, there is one truth that still stands today. That is about the pathetic memory capacity of Sri Lankans. According to him it is two weeks, and it is pretty clearly on display here. TG [Edited out] is on over drive tying 24/7 to [Edited out]. There is no need to mention that she is anti Singhalese and anti Buddhist. So the crap keeps on flowing unhindered thanks to CT. Isn’t this an excellent display of democracy in Sri Lanka? Do you think that TG would have been able to do the same thing during JRJ or Premadasa’s time. I am sure that she would have already received a tyre cremation on the street. More than anything else, TG is trying her best to create a climate dispense Justice by Media. Whatever you conspire with the west will not see its fruition because the majority of the country will stand against any such move and they will get more closer to the president you hate most.

    • 0

      Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.-George Orwell
      Mahawamse the Poppycock foundation – .
      Whose foot is to be the measure to which ours are all to be cut or stretched? Is a priest to be our inquisitor, or shall a layman, simple as ourselves, set up his reason as the rule for what we are to read, and what we must believe?

      It is an insult to our citizens to question whether they are rational beings or not, and “blasphemy against religion to suppose it cannot stand the test of truth and reason”.-TJ
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWf5BLUOhNM -it’s a kind of magic

  • 1

    Javi: Read the following

    The European Union (EU) in a strongly-worded declaration on 26 September 2005 condemned the violent and terrorist activities of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The EU announced its active consideration to formally enlist LTTE as a terrorist organisation. As an immediate measure the EU also urged its member countries to no longer receive any LTTE delegation. The statement is also significant that the EU indirectly indicts LTTE for the assassination of the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, Laxman Kadirgamar, on August 12. It may be mentioned here that just after the assassination of Kadirgamar, three major EU nations, France, Germany and Britain, the incumbent EU presidency, in their condolence messages did not accuse the LTTE for the assassination. Same was the statement of the EU presidency on August 14 in which the LTTE was not mentioned however the underpinning was to support the peace process in Sri Lanka.

    Against this backdrop the latest EU declaration is important. While it agreed that fundraising and publicity activities of the LTTE and its frontal organisations in Europe would be curbed, on the other hand member governments are at liberty to take additional national measures. As far as LTTE activities in Europe are concerned, London has been hosting for years the International Secretariat of the organisation. Through its various social, cultural and human rights organisations, LTTE kept on raising funds, recruiting cadres and providing sanctuaries to its top leaders in Europe. Intra-organisation rivalry, gang warfare, forcible collection of funds and recruitment of cadres from the Tamil diaspora and refugee communities settled in Europe have been the distinctive features of LTTE’s European activities. European governments were time and again urged by the visiting Sri Lankan leadership to monitor and arrest the activities of LTTE in Europe. Laxman Kadirgamar has also actively persuaded the western governments to check the LTTE activities on their own territory. European governments have often acted upon the Sri Lankan request. For instance, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Germany (BfV), the German domestic intelligence agency, keeps on monitoring LTTE activities on German soil and mentions these in their annual reports. A look at these reports for 1999-2004, would make the trend clear that LTTE with its present strength of 750 in Germany is facing stagnation, which has a total 50,000-strong Tamil community. The British experience is that even before 9/11, the British Home office under the Terrorism Act 2000 prohibited the LTTE. Facing the prohibition it had to shift its International Secretariat from London to its strong-holds in Sri Lanka. However, LTTE did not figure in the list of 12 organisations prohibited by EU in December 2001. LTTE was equally active in France through a close network of Tamil restaurant owners and entrepreneurs.

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      The majority of Tsunami funds went from UK thanks to many school kids who broke piggy banks and gave that kick start. Just before LK’s departure he came on TV BBC and when the question of how things are Tsunami aftermath he said `we have not received a red cent” there was shock at that and he repeated it.
      Therefore, the 3 EU members weren’t even a bit stupid but they do have immense humour not to point a finger when it is high security provided by SF and `Gooo`ta at Torrington Avenue and the political dynamics prevailing at that time with Chandrika’s moves for LK, Rajaporkistan etc. On top of it remember SL is very quick to refuse assistance in carrying out investigation but come on all fours with begging bowl. Look at the Case of China’s Bo and wife with an unknown British Subject it moves swiftly while the case at Tissamarama with the Russian lass and her Muslim British partner is an audacity by village jackals. Something like JR initially tried to keep Sepala the high-jacker as a national hero till the sky fell on him.
      Freedom does not come on a featherbed but carries responsibility. Alas Lankans/Ceylonese never fought for it to understand this concept. It’s taken the Scots 230 years to get a referendum.
      Sovereignty is never even with elected governments but lay in the people- in short the Sinhala administration for 64 years has been telling us how to think and telling the world too quoting national pride which comes before a fall like humpty dumpty.
      America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.- Abraham Lincoln

      kali ban,

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