19 February, 2025


Gota, Ali Sabry, Where Are The Defamation Cases? Very Unlike “Who Is Lasantha”?

By Suranimala

I recall a youtube clip where Ali Sabry, Gota‘s personal lawyer making an impassioned speech before TV cameras at Mt Lavinia court premises after filing a defamation action against the World Press Freedom Hero and UN award winner for Integrity the murdered Editor Lasantha Wickrematunge and The Sunday Leader.

Full of fire and brimstone it was, with Gota by his side. He even obtained an enjoining order against the newspaper to desist from defaming Gota in the future. Huh? Methinks, defamation must be proved in the first instance. Never mind. That is how it was then.

Be that as it may, the then Rambo, the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence settled the case after giving evidence in chief. Remember he said under oath that the MiG deal was government to government? Now we know it was anything but.

Lawyer M.A. Sumanthiran who appeared for The Sunday Leader had been instructed by Lasantha who had the evidence that the purchase price of the MiGs from the Ukraine Government and the price paid by the Sri Lankan Government was different. The inflated sum of money for the MiGs was paid to a shell Company Bellimissa Holdings registered in England. Nearly twice the sum was paid by the Sri Lankan Government but the Ukrain Government denied supplying the said MiGs to the Sri Lankan Government. Naturally. It was to Bellimissa Holdings.

Perhaps, unknown to the newspaper, Lasantha and the rest of Sri Lankans, Bellimissa Holdings belonged to the Government of Sri Lanka. This is not difficult to surmise. We have since heard someone say, “I am the Government. My words are the rule”. By the time Gota was to be cross-examined Lasantha had been murdered.

Gota’s rant about “Who is Lasantha?” has gone viral. His follow-up during that famous rant with the BBC no less had an interesting addition. “I went to court. Isn’t that the right thing to do?”

Ok, Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Ok, Ali Sabry. Here is an interesting thought. Just listen to the thousands, nay tens of thousands on every street corner and the thronging mass at Galleface green now named as GotaGoGama. What are they saying?

GOTA PISSEK (Gota is a lunatic)
GOTA HOREK (Gota is a thief)

Gotabaya was only the Secretary to the Minsitry of Defence when he was highly inflamed that murdered Lasantha and his newspaper The Sunday Leader had (according to him) defamed his pristine Lillywhite character. Go to court he did. Publicized such fact on TV. Got no less than Ali Sabry (who is Ali Sabry?) at the time to appear for him. Dominated the court at Mt Lavinia by even preventing the lawyers from parking their cars within the court premises. Got all heads of Police, Army, Navy and Airforce to be present in court. Oh, what a show it was.

He was angry, insulted and defamed. So he pleaded in his petition filed by Sabry.

Come, come Gota. You are President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka now. You are no longer the lowly Secretary of Defence anymore. Come, come Ali Sabry. You are no longer the lowly personal Lawyer of the former Secretary to the Ministry of Defence. You are now The Minister of Finance of the Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka. You were also (are you still? Confused with you taking oaths one day and resigning the next day and taking oaths again the very next day) the Minister of Justice?

Again, be that as it may, listen to the very people who voted for you returning your rants but with much more venom at every street corner and Galleface green.

HORA KAPU SALLI GENENG (Bring back the money you robbed )

This is published worldwide.

So, President Gotabaya and Minister Ali Sabry, where are the cases against these people who are shouting loud and clear? Go Home, Pissa, Hora, and Return the stolen money!! Not defamatory? Maybe Gota thinks that these people who are shouting themselves hoarse voted for him to be President of The Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka. Maybe they also wished that Gota makes his personal lawyer Ali Sabry, a Minister. If that is so, Gota and Ali Sabry can be excused for not filing defamation cases. Why?

That is Gota logic. Isn’t that the right thing to do?

Latest comments

  • 62

    Ali Sabry is no different from any other Muslim we have seen in Sri Lanka. No morals only objective is making as much money as possible. He became a very rich man from a accused war criminal. He knows how much he owes Gota for his wealth now he is Gota’s boy servant. Does what Gota asks him to do even outside the field of law.

    • 84

      Don’t be a piece of shit men. Are the sinhala politicians any different?
      The whole country has been robbed by our people, and you have the audacity to the Muslims out.
      Have you have not learnt anything yet?

      • 38

        Gota wants to rectify his mistakes ……….. put Duminda Silva back in jail …….. that will show your commitment!

        If not, it’s all a load of bullshit …. just Rajapakse promises even you and your brother won’t believe.

        Can you resurrect Lasantha: raise him from the dead? …….. What a mistake that was!

        Take it like a man …….. you were supposed to be a fearless hero ……. now you are shrivelling like frigging coward.

        Go down like Saddam; defiant to the end …… or like Gadaffi until the shot went up his gaboozel ……. that’s your fate buddy ….. if you find it difficult to sleep at night watch clips of Najibullah and Ceaușescu …….. that’ll put you to sleep ………

        • 10

          Let’s face it ………

          Many Muslim MPs who get elected from the Muslim Congress (can I call them Muslims if they get elected from the Muslim Congress?) cross over to support the other side. This has happened so many times now it has become a tradition.

          After ol’ Ganasara carried out Gota’s brief ……. and burned down Muslims’ shops and houses and caused them so much pain and misery, the Muslims did not elect their representatives to go and sit with the Rajapakses and support them, soon after they were elected. ……. But that’s exactly what the Muslim MPs did!

          Now it has become a tradition, Thondaman who gets elected to represent the upcountry Tamils working in the Tea-plantations, cross over to the ruling side every time and becomes a minister to feather his own nest……… while the tea plantation workers’ conditions haven’t improved from the colonial times: they still live in abject poverty …….

          Sinhala parliamentarians/representatives have been nothing but exemplary. An example to the entire world!

          Do I get the cross to the left or right of Bert?

      • 1

        Are Tamil politicians any cleaner?

        • 2

          You are right.
          All politicians are the same.
          That is exactly my point.
          So why single out Sabri and Muslims?
          They have all let us down, quietly lining their pockets while deceiving the public to the hilt.
          Time to face the truth.

          • 4

            Human Touch

            “All politicians are the same.”

            No Mao and Siri Mao were different.

          • 3

            Dear Human Touch,
            You were keen on persuading CBK to make a come back. Here she is speaking just yesterday:
            It is 75 minutes in Sinhalese. It seems, after 20 minutes, to be a long relaxing listen. Many will possibly come back to it some months further on.
            I have always liked her – and she comes through here as a decent human being. If you were to listen to this, you will begin to appreciate that you can’t just allow your wishes to run riot. Ultimately, you don’t seem to realse that others can be different from you in outlook.

    • 43

      Minister of justice was given to a man / a traitor who defended all along. All these became reality amidst people
      s silence. The curse is now chasing on Gota today/ astrologers make it clear Gota will have to relinquish his power latest by 29th April/ wait and see / looking back I feel his election by 69 lacks of stupid people tightened the rope around his neck. These men not forgetting Mafia boss deserve imprisonment for their rest of life. Karmic retribution is behind them each like their own shadows.period 🐃🐕🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

      • 20

        Why cannot we have the following signs which are more appropriate :
        ARMY GO HOME

        • 1

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

          • 3

            N. Pererass

            When are you going home?
            Your distant cousin Tamilnadu chief minister Stalin is happy to receive you.
            I have been telling you lot (Kallathonie converts) many many decadesto catch the next boat and get back to south India. Now it appears you are turning into an illiterate. Leave before you become a complete illiterate moron.

            It would too late for you to get an admission to IIT, your grandchildren may have good chance, if he/she focus on education and knowledge gathering.

            Forget Gota’s b***s. Let him find some other persons.

    • 44

      Ali Sabry is different from most of the Muslim community and different from many Muslim politicians. Buying and selling politicians is a common feature in Sri Lanka but Rajapaksas may be experts in that field. However, it looks like Rajapaksas are now controlled by Ali-Sabry because he knows more about Rajapaksas crime including Lasantha murder. They can’t get rid of Ali Sabry even if they wish now. Rajapaksas can cheat most of the Muslim and Sinhalese politicians but they can’t cheat Al Sabry. He is the master mind.

    • 45

      I am utterly shocked by your accusation! “Any other Muslim.”!
      And, if possible, even more so by the 14, so far, thumbs up agreeing with you.

      I can only hope the owners of those fingers are all cross-eyed or something.
      Certainly, neither your attitude nor your supporters’ would merit you a place on Galle Face Green these days.

      The non-communal, all-inclusive spirit emanating from Gotagogama puts to shame the Berts and co. still mouthing hate speech of this nature.

      • 3

        Don’t be dismissive of the deep-seated racism of the literate lot here.
        Some cannot camouflage their bigotry even if they try.
        Keep your fingers crossed about the “all-inclusive spirit” emanating from Gotagogama.
        Tamils have seen it all before when they fled Jaffna as the Army move in under Chandrika. (The LTTE encouraged them to leave.)
        When they had nowhere else to go other than designated camps, all caste differences were cast to the winds.
        The moment they settled it was back to normal with separate wells to drink water.

      • 2

        They are all champions at hate speaking. They would never learn it. You tube comment sections (sinhala) of social media prove this as no times in the past. These people are more racial than appeared to be. That is what I feel.

        Saddest reality is nothing seems to have changed even after 30 – year long brutal war.
        For what purpose these men went on eating milk rice ?

    • 44

      Every despotic ruler has their own dogs ! We have Ali Sabry and more, not to forget Weerawansa and Gammanpila too who have now shed the dog coat after they smelled that the master is going down !

      • 24

        Asoka, unfortunately a dog is a loyal and noble animal. These fellows and Gota are simply killers and thieves and Hyena is a fitting name.

        • 1

          Have you come across special breeds, their loyalty is terrifying.
          What about rabid dogs?
          What makes you speak ill of a hyena? The animal does not obey humans, that is no crime.
          Hyenas lives as communities or clans. They even laugh, and fight among themselves like humans.

    • 32

      Thought I saw correction/ clarification from Bert . any other Muslim POLITICIAN and NOT any Muslim. I am sure I am not imagining

      • 9

        My good friend, chiv,
        You are too accommodating. I’ve seen it, and said what I feel about his correction/ clarification.
        One thing that I’m glad about: that it has come out at this point. I’m hoping that this Bert either comes to his senses, or that some other reader who knows Bert’s real identity drills it into him that he must apologise right now for what he has done.
        In this fellow’s case, it seems to have burst forth spontaneously; The Rajapaksas have been consciously doing what they know is wrong, to achieve their despicable ends.
        My concern is not only with the damage this may do – and that may be considerable – but is human nature so depraved that this is possible?
        I cannot fathom which is worse.

      • 23


        Please listen to Amir and see if you can teach SJ anything from his talk.
        Here in this talk Amir says in 1958 the sathyagrahies were attacked by the army.

        Mr. A Amirthalingam | 1987 Mylapore Academy Speech about Indo Sri Lankan Accord.

        • 16

          There was no Satyagraha in 1958, but in 1956 and 1961.
          1956 June – At this same spot in front of old parliament. It was attacked by government sponsored goon squads, with police watching it. When MPs came to parliament after the protest with wounds bandaged, SWRD sarcastically said “Wounds of war”.
          1961 April – It was carried out in front of all Kacheries in north and east, which successfully paralysed government. After few days, government let loose the army. They arrested and placed under house arrest all prominent people, and broke up the protest.

    • 21

      When making comments on Ali Sabry
      please keep in mind to focus on the man, and not on his religion, community (or even family).
      There is a real danger of this being used by the very Rajapaksas whom we want to be thrown out, to deflect attention from real issues by rousing communalism and religious hatred.
      Even amongst Muslim politicians who have held office in government, there are people like Imtiaz Bakeer Markar and Kabeer Hashim who have been as near exemplary as any human being can be.
      This is a constant fear that I have; that even if we get rid of the Rajapaksas, there will once more be turmoil in this country because there will be people like anonymous Bert who will bring back religious and other sectarian strife. Why couldn’t you have said the other things that you have stated without bringing religion into it?
      I identify myself not only with my name, and location, but also with my National Identity Card Number.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

      • 3

        There have been many posts in response to my post. You seem to be the one most agitated so let me respond to you.
        First, I acknowledge that I skipped the word “politician” no sooner I realized I corrected it.
        Based on your post your looking for an apology. You’re not getting one. To apologize one should regret and I don’t.
        To you and many that have been offended by my post I can only say this “Get off your high horse”.
        You say or pretend that you have a bleeding heart for the Muslim or all communities, isn’t that hollow?
        What is one of the most important thing for the Muslims? Giving a proper burial with religious rights. This basic right was denied. Where were you? Have you sounded your opinion?
        What is the most important thing for a parent? Their children. Mothers have been crying pictures and boards for over 12 years crying to know what happened to their children. Have you or any of the bleeding hearts sounded their opinion.

      • 4

        well said, BRAVO

    • 25

      I agree. Yes Ali Sabry is a boy servant. We should not accuse all Muslims but most of Muslim politicians. Muslim community should oppose these opportunist from their own community prevent them from getting elected

      • 3

        Unfortunately, the mere truth.
        I wonder why a man ever studied a basic degree to fall on the level of Miriskudu /Urine throwers/ or the like low lives.
        2005-2015 regime had lot more Ali Sabry-like so called lawyers.

        Ironically, Ali Sabry is a lawyer – all these lawyers break the fundementals of the law. This is beyond bearing. There were days, I really thought Ali Sabry would have been a good guy.

    • 18


      Did Ali Sabri and his Finance team actually go to USA for meeting the functionaries of IMF or did he go to Sultanate of New Delhi to beg for more loans or guarantees of future bailouts? An authentic photograph of Nirmala Seetaraman Finance Minister of Hindia (born in Madurai) seated with her team opposite Ali Sabri’s team (from the Ministry of Finance).

      Any self respecting Sri Lankan (from Sinhala/Buddhist island) wouldn’t beg from Hindia. Gota should have sent SJ to China.

      • 1

        Ali Sabry is a man without any basic financial management or any related experience who had gone to I.M.F to negotiate for financial help. However, he pre-planned his trip to meet with Indian Finance Minister Mrs. Nirmala Seetharaman at the I.M.F office, who has spoken in support of Sri Lankan requests for funds to ease the prevailing situation in Sri lanka.

        • 0

          We are too much into personalising everything.
          One needs not be an expert financial manager or economist to be in team to negotiate with the IMF.
          As minister he has a duty to be present. There is a team to assist. As long as he takes advice from informed people and knows what the government wants, that will be fine.
          Name any finance minister of SL who was qualified in financial affairs that was a finance minister here, exception being Wanninayake.
          Nirmala S had a first degree and a master’s degree in economics, but her first posting was as minister of defence. Was she qualified in defence matters? She did a good job I think.
          Her predecessor was Arun Jaitley who was a lawyer and had a commerce degree, which is not quite finance. NS succeeded him because he stepped down foer health reasons.
          Blame Sabri if he screws up. Till then have an open mind.

    • 14

      Thanks for clearing a doubt that he was circumcised. Now can said he is no different from other muslims. I think muslims are very grateful to you.
      Fortunately Gota is a Buddhist.
      Bert is working hard to eradicate racism in Srilanka.

    • 1


      Very good post.

      Yes, we all agree Rajapakses need to chased out and better yet hung in public.

      But never forget, the Easter Genocide against the Christian community perpetrated by the Muslims.

      Never forget the vandalizing of the Buddhist statues by Muslim radicals.

      • 3

        Ex army / fund manager, Easter genocide is perpetrated by Gotha. Ask your own cardinal. Vandalizing is a trailer before the real show. How long are you planning to go with these stories. Did your boss Sarath W steal , borrow or lend defender vehicles / SUV to Zaharan. When are you returning to fight the 6.9 million retards. You can be the undercover seemingly looking at those attractive women but gather information for Army .

      • 3

        Thanks I don’t need your recognition one way or other. But only a part of the post is there so here is the rest.

        “You will now find fault that I have not mentioned the Sinhalese but compared to the minority community they suffered no grievances
        So why all of a sudden, the concern for minorities? You want the whole community to be united to meet your objective. True enough its also the objective of the majority but its still hypocritic when one hides the objective and cries for the minority.
        I am not perfect and don’t believe any one is but I at least try not to be an hypocrite.
        Last let me come to what I said and why. Take the Muslim political parties, they have more often than not been with the ruling party whether it be UNP or SLFP. Not based on policy here too they would have been with MR but this time MR had enough seats that he did not need them.”

    • 3

      Very same man who to have ordered the day light murder of Lasantha Wickramathunga gave the order to kill Rambukkana protesters yesterday.
      So, people should now learn to realize the true face of the murderers´. Elephant is in the room, but main media institutions stay further mum.

      Pig of Ranathuga family will have to face it soon – he is a shame for Arjuna Ranathunga.

    • 2

      Mr Imthiaz Bakeer Markar is my choice. He is a good example.

  • 49

    Should read “Muslim Politician”

    • 31

      How different are Sinhala or Tamil politicians?

      • 14

        What a change Sinhala and Tamil, not Tamil only?

        • 0

          The context.

      • 0


        “How different are Sinhala or Tamil politicians?”

        The Sinhala politicians rooted out the terrorists (JVP) in their community whereas the Tamil politicians spent 30 years propping up a banned terror outfit.

        • 0

          The killing of 60,000 youth is not a commendable act under the UNP.
          The killing of 15,000 + or – under the SLFP-CP-LSSP is no more commendable.
          There is blood on all Sinhala political parties’ hands.
          Shame on those who endorse the killings.
          The JVP intimidated most political parties or a majority of the membership in 1988-89.
          Would any have dared to speak up when the JVP made the rules?
          Draw your own conclusions.

          • 1


            Don’t get distracted by what you perceive as big numbers. Perception is relative. For example, 135K died from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and 65K died from the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. 99% of these people were civilians. When it comes to mass murder, the Sinhala Buddhists lag their Western counterparts. As I told you, war is a zero sum game. Casualties are irrelevant. Terrorism is also a zero sum game. Either the terrorist or his opponent have to be vanquished at the end of the day.

        • 3


          If you would please check it again- our sinhala politicians are the worst not just wihtin our bounderies but looking at entire south asian region. Pakistan has convicted Priyatha s day light murder within 4 months. The thing Pakistan is said to be a land of 220 millions. Most of them cant read and right. but their law enforcement is 100000 times powerful than that of ours. If ours would have been that powerful – not a single Rajapakshe be able to become clowns before us.


          Sadly, our sons of bitches in all various fields dont give a damn about serving justice to the vicitimized families of those EASTER bomb blast.

          Lester the pester, just have a chat with today s youth if your senses are permanently impaired.

          That can help you and Eagle eye to clear your doubts. Believe or not, like or not, our sinhalayas ruined the lives of sinhalayas and the minorities in this country.

          If they did their job as promised on the political stages, this counntry would have become another SOUTH KOREAo of the day.

          Even after 30 years long- brutal CIVIL War, you the kind of idiots to praise OUR SINHALA hapankam ? my foot !

          • 1


            Pakistan is 96.4% Muslim. You can’t compare it to Sri Lanka. If Sri Lanka was 96.4% Buddhist, the (Sinhalese) would be allowed to live in places like Jaffna, Kilinochi, and Mannar. I recall in 2001, when I went to Trincomalee, much of the area was controlled by the LTTE. At night, no one was allowed to go outside because LTTE operated at that time. People are blaming Gotha for the present crisis. Actually, it’s because the resources of the country are underutilized. The government needs to put these protestors on buses and send them to the North and East. Give them a small house, land, farming tools, and some small subsidy. Do you know that Germany in the 1930’s became the most developed nation, even ahead of the USA, through hard work and effort, despite international sanctions? Self-sufficiency is the path to liberation.

    • 10

      Insufficient atonement, Bert.
      Even here you have not incorporated an apology.
      Bert uses English.
      This illustrates perfectly why I’m critical of some naive (but non-racist) people who equate the evil which so often manifests itself in our society with these phenomena: (a) 1956, (b) Bandaranake’s victory in 1956, (c) Swabasha Education (d) dethronement of English.
      I have given a Red Thumbs Down even to this supposed correction of yours because you don’t understand the gravity of your dirty deed. That comment of yours is so shocking that I don’t know how to continue.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

    • 22

      Ok, Bert, you slipped up there — or yr mobile did — but I’m still not happy about that communal round-up. What about someone like Imthiaz Bakeer Markar, for instance? Does he, too, fall into your stereotype?

      • 19

        Two Muslim MPs against whom there is no charge : Bakeer Markar and Kabir Hashim. Rest are involved in some crime : Tax fraud, smuggling, bribery, swindling, terrorism, thuggery and misappropriation of land. If proper investigation is done about the wealth they had amassed out of proportion to their declared income, truth will come out.

        • 1

          Much younger are Mujibur Rahman & S.M. Marikkar – so far much respected for their integrity.

          • 0

            Mujibur Rahman was a left-inclined Muslim nationalist who was in the New Left Front with 5 other leftist outfits including the NSSP, NDMLP and USP.
            What transformed him?
            SM Marikkar is a self-promoting politician.
            The UNP had had a long tradition of politically consistent and honourable Muslim MPs.
            SLFP had fewer Muslim leaders, but the did not switch sides.
            Eastern Muslims often, not always, joined the government as that was how they could do things for their electorates and secure their constituencies.
            Their relationship with the FP was opportunistic on both sides.
            It was after the SLMC joined Chandrika K’s government in the 1990s that horse trading became part of Muslim party politics.

      • 3

        Manel Akka,
        Your thoughts relieve us. At least to some extent.

        No I dont think it was his mobile, but the kind SLankens are the majrority in lanken population.
        My wish is to see a candidate like honourable Imthiaz Bakeer Markar becoming our future premier.
        I wished it for late Mr KADIRGAMAR. Unfortunately, he was gunned down.

        Just imagine what Brother charles added to the press today – he was purposefully
        attacked by a group of sinhala racists at the time, he went to support Galle face ARAGALAYA.

    • 19

      Suren Raghavan, so called educated A.Hole yesterday on his social media requested “Gotha to leave” and today was sworn in by same Gotha as some good for nothing state minister. This unethical guy is in charge of education. Is he going to tell ,school going kids “how to cheat people/ country”. This SOB within 24 hours cheats his party, the people of Lanka, the people out their protesting , his family (not sure whether his wife trust him anymore like Limini ), his friends and his own conscience (if he had one). This devious and untrustworthy guy was onetime governor. This is Silly Lanka politics. Then we have Bandara who was whining today in parliament that angry public is protesting in front of his house. And if Burt said Muslims politicians , he is absolutely right in that many of them have back stabbed time and again.

      • 21

        OMG, this is really exciting. After thoughts PILLAYAN was appointed as state minister. Now somehow Duminda and Lohan needs to be brought in to tackle protesters. (experience in wielding and using firearms) The front benchers were told to move back making way to back bench trouble makers so that disgruntled party members don’t stray away jeopardizing the count. Gotha calls it young faces replacing the old”, his answer to change the age old system. Indeed funny.

        • 3

          Three who pole -vaulted from SJB to SLPP after receiving bribes to support 20 A, Faizal Cassim, Thowfeek and Rahuman are now ready to crawl back in all fours,after being denied of Minister post. But like Sabry, we will have to check their daily status. (Social media should provide such option) .It may even turn out a scar tactic to get more bribe /post. No wonder Mara calls parliament a Saloon with revolving doors. Mean time Yapa told opposition Gotha will resign if requested by all leaders, but today in parliament he denied saying so. SP is addressing speaker Yapa as Mr. Tom Pachaya. This is Silly Lanka parliamentarians in action, while people are protesting outside, getting shot and killed and pleading for food, fuel, medicines ….

      • 3

        What right do I have to be critical of your right to say what you want to say. That should not stop me from making an observation.
        Is Suren Raghavan worth your time. Even Maithri found the specimen disgusting!

      • 1

        Similarly, Sumanthiran so called educated A-Hole, after meeting with the government praised it saying that they are willing to address all grievances of Tamils. Next week to please Sinhala elites said Gotha go home. Then to please India met Mahinda on the sly saying it was private visit for advice how to get over no confidence motion.This unethical guy is in charge of speaking on behalf of TNA. Is he going to tell school kids “How to cheat Tamils”. This SOB within few days cheats his party, Tamil people worldwide, his family (not sure whether his wife trusts him any more), his friends and his conscience (if he had one).
        By the way, it was Sumanthiran who recommended Suren Raghavan to Sirisena and Ranil for the post of NP governor, saying that he was a Buddhist and only half Tamil. I will not be surprised that it is Sumanthiran who engineered the cross over of Raghavan, which may have been discussed during the secret talk with Mahinda. Sumanthiran is a curse to Tamil people who will teach him a lesson very soon like what Sinhala youths are doing.

        • 2

          GS I thougjt it was CIA running largest operation in a bankrupt failed nation. Guess Douglas and Pillayan too are part of the network?? I will not be surprised?? May have been discussed?? Are you sure it’s CIA alone ?? Is there any politician in Lanka who is not working for CIA ??

          • 0

            GS meeting people, politicians, opposing parties, diplomats and foreign leaders, are responsibilities, expected from a skilled politician.This is not a disagreement between family members or neighbors to ignore, refuse to acknowledge or show animosity in public or in person. After private meetings leaders from different countries usually have joint conference with the press to keep public informed, is what called transparency. Sumanthiran is elected by his constituents and nominated as spokes person by party, to whom he is answerable and not the diaspora. (like how the nation is protesting against Rajapaksas). Do not try undermining the intelligence and responsibilities of constituents / community, to whom he is answerable. Rest, “I will not be surprised”, “may have been discussed” are mere speculations and personal opinion, of yours. Last but not least, Harsha , Sumanthiran and few others are familiar to me from my school days, but are well known to many of my friends as men (professionals not politician) of integrity and character.

    • 3

      It is no fair to generalize it that way. Just because Medamulana CRIMINALS are born criminals, we should not point the finger at all southerners. That has lot do with Rajapakshe genetics. Likewise, we also see good muslim politicians in this country. The worst politicians however are produced by majoratarian sinhalayas.

    • 2

      Now that you’ve made this your great defence, I note that your correction was indeed made on the same day as your original comment.
      Admittedly, it partly exculpates you.
      Even then it’s not totally accurate.
      Going back to this man, is harking back to when issues such as this were unthinkable:
      He represented the Balangoda electorate, which has very few Muslims, in Parliament for about twenty years. admittedly this is not the norm.
      However, I’d also like to add this “Bert”: I hadn’t really assigned any “personality’

      • 2

        Sorry, that slipped:
        “. . . any “personality to you, until this became an issue. I now find that some of your other comments have not been so reprehensible.
        I find that among other commenters, I have begun to notice how good “Mahila” is only recently, but I’m not sure what community he belongs to. “chiv” is a dear man, whom I have identified as a Tamil, but I try not to attach such “ethnic” labels to people.
        I have kept pointing out the danger of using pseudonyms. Sometimes it causes problems, but not with “old codger” or leelagemalli”, or with Raj-UK.
        Enough time spent on a non-issue.
        Bert, I hope that you and I come to understand each other better.

  • 32

    Suranimala, what can be worse after Gotha committing first degree murder, 6.9 million of our retards committing second degree murder of Democrazy. Even Saudi Prince didn’t dare asking who is Khashoggi ??? Only in our Sorry Lanka.

  • 28

    Dear Suranimala
    These thugs and cheats would not stop at anything where money and is concerned. They are blood sucking vampires no less
    How long are they going to prolong the sufferings of the masses?.

  • 18

    The irony of wearing a zombie mask, to protest against government tyranny.
    The thumbnail for this article speaks a thousand words.

    Do these people think that covering their mouth and nose with a porous cloth, is going to prevent the spread of a ‘deadly disease’ ?
    Go and look up hazmat suits. That is what you are meant to wear if you are really that scared.
    Mask wearing is virtue signalling and also an occult ritual, which freemasons often do in their masonic lodges, to show subservience to satan. They tried to be slick and force it on the public in 2020.

  • 28

    Dear Suranimala, Along with the shenanigans you mention, you might add the rackets at the time of nomination for president when Sabry produced false affidavits with various lawyers attesting while the affirmant signs later.

  • 25

    Yet another Easter has come and gone. Apparently Gota Go Home continues unabated. And Gotha found the answer to solve all the miseries by creating a new cabinet, so that new SH*IT is added to what was there before.

    • 21

      Rajapaksas are bact to businesses. 1) apparently new cabinet, but most are relatives of the old.2) for 113, Bandara , Suren, Diana and Seetha are included 3) Gotha says organic and IMF are mistakes but not his verbal orders, so he got rid of those at fault 4) none of this Rajapaksa stunt will dent the coming misery. What people seeing is just the beginning. 5) expected Growth is zero which may actually turn out negative. 6 ) inflation never seen before is expected to hit the ceiling 7) the economic situation in general is expected to get difficult in subsidized politics of SARC .8) recovery from bankruptcy is a very long process provided everything is done right 9 ) decades of dysfunction cannot be changed overnight. In short as long Rajapaksas are around the chance of recovery is near impossible 10 ) the alternate option of peaceful protest will be a bloody violence due to starvation.

      • 21

        Not even a day passed fuel priced got hiked following which prices of many essential and consumer items too went up. Protest in many places have begun. Roads and trains are barricaded with burning tires and stalled vehicles. This is just the beginning.

  • 21

    Sabry is the man who knows in and out of all GR crimes. Appearing for GR as a lawyer is ok. He with that knowledge accepted to do a job under the criminal. SHAME!

    • 2

      Means nothing to GR as he known what Sabry knows is privileged..

  • 13

    If the people in Galle face people voice did the same thing one year before there would have been many correction and learn the lesson and the country would have been in good direction
    the social media was gave there comments was one sided did not encourage how to give a voice to voiceless people now all are drowned. Protesting is not a disturbance of peace intimidation to a peaceful protest is a disturbance.

    • 9

      Dear RBH59,
      Why didn’t you do it, a year ago?
      There’s nothing reprehensible in what you’ve said. You display poor judgement, and you also over-estimate the nobility of the protest.
      Had the Rajapaksas not made this country unlivable, none of these protests would have been possible. Getting the Rajapaksas out of office is not going to return our island to being a paradise again. A dangerously large number of protesters expect the world to provide us with free lunches. No, hunger and poverty will stalk this land, however favourable the outcome of these gallant efforts.
      During their election campaign, the Rajapaksas made the “correct promises” to persuade our literate-uneducated voters to cast a majority of votes for them. Remember that there were lots of us who didn’t fall for it.
      During these last few days, I’ve seen it said many times that it is precisely those voters who streamed unthinking to the ballot boxes who are now so intrepid.
      You must, yourself, learn how to be more fastidious and sagacious. Your careless proofreading betrays you!
      Panini Edirisinhe, the village schoolmaster. (NIC 483111444V)

      • 21

        Sinhala Man, the killer (Gota) while wounded, he still has some rabid dogs that can bite. So don’t expose yourself like this, it is not safe for you and your entire family. You are a decent and good man, a rare breed these days. We want you to live on.

        • 4

          Thanks, TFTN,
          No, I’m not a member of a rare breed. There are many others, including you. Not enough, perhaps.
          Why have you singled me out? Because I reveal well nigh everything about myself. I do have faults; some point them out. For instance, Bert has challenged me above, whilst acknowledging a mistake made by him, but refusing to apologise. I think that I must respond. Too much of nit-picking becomes sickening.
          An accolade such as yours makes my day!
          Well why I reveal myself so clearly is because while being a bundle of contradictions, ever since I began commenting on CT in early 2015, I have wanted to get one central message across to all Lankans. “Let’s work towards peace”.
          I have lived long enough; some know how to calculate my date of birth from my NIC. All know that “48” indicates that I was born in the year we obtained independence. My credibility is enhanced if all readers see me as a rounded figure, not a caricature.
          Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

        • 3

          Tamil from the north

          Is it possible for you to persuade Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam to come back to Sri Lanka with the view to replacing Sumanthiran?
          I am sure SJ will be ready to give him a helping hand and brief him on taking ideological positions.

  • 8

    “A prolonged thief will be in prison one day.”
    If not this year, at least by next year, people revolution will take care of this legal authorities’ never ending murders, rapes, looting, tortures, trains to provide impunities and other forms of tyrannies. They are not standing in queue for sugar, tea, rice parippu, LPG…… they want the end of this madness called Lankawe political cultures’ tyranny in the name of The Grate One, Buddha.

  • 28

    It is pay back time for Gota for the murder of Lasantha. There is another queue of those who lost their sons and kith and kin in those murderous days of the Rajapaksa rule.
    Ali Sabry does not mind associating with Gota. At the end of the day like most Muslim Politicians he will go laughing to his grave with the money he milked throwing honour to the winds……….
    Commerce and Honour is an unholy alliance………..

    • 10

      Et Tu, Plato?
      I wouldn’t have thought such a crude caricature of politicians on communal lines possible for a man of your liberal and multi-cultural background.
      I note, however, that you have said “some“, and it is true that if a count is made, the Muslim community has had more than its share of opportunistic politicians. Is yours a comment that will encourage the better Muslims to volunteer their services?
      Many have commented on the spontaneity of this uprising. The only hope of the Rajapaksas (and I’m sure that they are working at it) is to cause fissures in our ranks

      • 3

        Sinhala Man.

        Bert was the first to comment on this essay..
        Immediately,he did correct his line by saying…..Ali Sabry is no different from other Muslim POLITICIANS.
        Why should this be a pettyfogging issue.? Are you not taking a high moral ground?
        I agree with Bert.

        I would not have thought such a CRUDE CARICATURE of politicians on COMMUNAL lines………..you type
        Fiddle sticks.
        You sound holier-than thou…………..

        • 4

          Dear Plato,
          The time is 1.21 am on Thursday, the 21st.
          I’m too tired and sleepy to respond now. Can’t focus.
          I’ll try to get back after the sun rises.

          • 2

            I think that we can put this behind us. If you find me sounding “holier than thou” sometimes, it can’t be helped. Isn’t it only on “some” issues?
            But I notice that Charles Cooray alias “hanchopancha” has jumped on board. Now he is a nasty piece of work. Not worth bothering with, and I’m tired. You may notice that I’m not highlighting with bold or italics.
            But remember that this N.C.U. Cooray is all the more dangerous because he is intelligent, and has an enviable command of English.

        • 1

          Plato. It is high time that people here by now recognized him as a mental case.

  • 26

    Gota is the kinf of mega thief who go for mega kills in millions of dollars rather than a ton of small loots.

    I compare the 6.9 million mega victoy of Gota to that of Trump in 2016. They both pulled the biggest ever Con job. The diference is that Trump did not steal people’s money thanks to the smart US constitution!

    • 21

      Asoka ,Trump thought he will have presidential immunity for his past corruption and now he is facing the judiciary.. The riots he sponsored may end up in criminal courts. In Lanka criminal and corruption offenses takes a person to presidential and PM residence so that they can continue with more, with the approval of 6.9 million.

  • 19

    Gota is a scumbag. No point going on about it. The family are robber barons. But they did things more outrageous than just robbing. That is where we have to grasp the truth. Getting rid of them relies on understanding the nature of the Hydra they created around themselves as a shield of protection. Mahinda appointed imbeciles and crooks who pledged loyalty to him into Government jobs. The level to which he did this has crippled the very functioning of the government. He then encouraged his appointees to help them selves get rich thru corruption and looked the other was. He has admitted he did this. While the appointees were busy looting he went big on useless mega projects and also acquired a printing press. Initially it printed local currency (Rs 5,000 notes) Then a set of plates for the old $100 dollar note fell into his hands. So, he began printing Dollars as well. Thus he became invincible. Throwing more money at his bum suckers who also became insanely rich. None of these people will go voluntarily. They will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming if the rallying protestors are to succeed. This is the challenge before us.

  • 25

    At this point in time it is very clear to what extent the Rajapaksa family have destroyed Sri Lanka by treating Sri Lanka like it is their private property.
    They institutionalised corruption, cronyism, stealing, nepotism, bribery, name it, the are guilty of it and they surrounded themselves with the most worthless set of people.
    Everyone around the Rajapaksa family are conmen, crooks and thieves. They have no morals or scruples not to mention shame. The trash of the society.
    This has actually made most people realise the bitter truth about rajapaksa bastards.
    The situation in Sri Lanka says it all, but there are some people, particularly amongst the CT readers, who are stuck in the oblivious ignorant past. I know most of these types will enter their graves with this mindsets. We cannot help them, they cannot help themselves…
    The only way this thinking will cease is when these cussed old braindead bastards are safely 6ft underground. Good riddance to bad rubbish sooner than later.
    Mother Lanka needs to heal.

  • 24

    Ali sabri is another opportunistic crook. He should be treated in the same way other crooks are treated. Some how this fellow crept in as finance minister. He is not even an elected MP but a bum sucker of the royal family. Hopw people will teach him too a good lesson. I hear in puttalam he had to escape through back gate from violent people. We have also another dhemalu cooli Douglas who is really a cooli to rajapakshe. A disgrace to tamil community. This goon got a place for killing tamils on behalf of the family. We are always blessed with such crooks and thus to destroy SL. That is why the youth screams enogh is enough and get rid of all these total parasites. Hope Muslims ignore this fellow to save their credibility if they have one.

    • 2

      Black Lankan.
      You are a good guy and all. Brother, please stop referring to these worthless band of criminals as the “royal family”. There is nothing “Royal” about them.
      They are “sataka sakkili” as far as Sri Lankans are concerned.
      The entire family and their friends, butt lickers and blind supporters don’t deserve any respect.
      They all deserve to be planted upside down in a toilet pit.

  • 2

    Very attractive girls at these rallies. I sure would have gone to the rally if I was in Sri Lanka.

    • 9

      Shame on you, retired Lieutenant Army Pig.
      Is that all what you think at your age, how many girls did you rape while you were a soldier?
      Old habits die hard.
      You are in Sri Lanka, gather courage and go to the centre of action like a man and fight for your country.
      A right thinking soldier must think about the country, and not about the leaders.
      Learn you low life army reject.

    • 6

      “Very attractive girls at these rallies.”
      Just don’t try to bed one. At your age, you might be charged for assault with a blunt weapon.

      • 1

        Old codger,

        Now that’s good one. LOL.

        On a related note, tell me how wouldn’t find these lovely girls unattractive? Only members of the Gay Community. There are 18 of them and counting.

        • 4

          Shemale Perera
          Sure you would know, how many seniors sodomised you on a daily basis when you were a soldier?
          And how many did you return the favour to?
          As far as I am concerned there is no difference between you and gays.

        • 5

          Regi Shemale bugger, this is what you were doing while in the low class 3rd world army. You were too busy messing with the girls instead of fighting. Then again I highly doubt this 3rd world low class army even let you fight the LTTE, you were probably a toilet cleaner in the army. Bloody loser.

    • 9

      RSHEMALE and the like perverts@

      I have no doubt, you the kind of sex criminals, would surely behave so also in your parents’ funeral.
      what else can we expect from you the kind of the perverts? True nature the kind rapists how they did it with nothern srilankens are not just fictions.
      If not for SL civil war, I had never respected forces. Be them US, British, French or SL, most of them in forces are real bastards.

    • 7

      I wonder how the kind of former army barbarians behave within their families.

      Toronto folks, over to you – beware of dogs !

    • 1

      18 dislikes from members of the Gay community.

      • 5

        “18 dislikes from members of the Gay community.”
        Including one Donkey Silva.

      • 4

        Regie if you are typing just for shock and awe effect, give us a sign so that we know how or if at all, to react

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