By Ameer Ali –
After two years of (a) mismanaging the economy with unstructured and whimsical policies, arising mostly from thought bubbles, and blaming Covid-19 for the disaster resulting from them, (b) handling the pandemic itself with limited success, because of callous and arrogant disregard for expert advice, (c) bungling the country’s foreign policy with an ultra-Chinese bent, (d) destroying the nation’s parliamentary democratic heritage and freedom, (e) trampling human rights, and (f) militarizing civilian administration, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, during the 72nd Army Day celebrations on Sunday 10th October, said, “the people may have a sense of displeasure towards me and the government for not delivering as they expected. I accept that. Not only me, but all ministers and MPs should accept it. However, I promise on behalf of the people that we will move the country forward with vigour … Everyone needs to work together for this purpose”. In whatever manner his henchmen may interpret this message, it was, in short, GR’s declaration of Mia Culpa.
More than the admission, the occasion he chose to confess that failure is significant. He did that after the annual promotion of 567 officers and 10,678 others in the army, which will surely keep the military happy and ready to respond to GR’s calls, while costing a substantial amount of budgetary allocation at a time when every other department or sector would be facing cuts. Earlier and on another occasion, he said that the military would involve in the development efforts of the government, which means even more militarization of civilian sectors. In comparison to the military, which is generously funded and pampered, education and health for example are neglected and underfunded. The ongoing agitation of the teaching community is chiefly the result of disparity in allocation of resources, besides other issues. As a result, standard of education, from kindergarten to the university, and quality of medical services in public hospitals are appallingly poor. Once upon a time Sri Lanka’s educational standards and health service were the envy of many Asian neighbours. The current neglect seems to be a deliberate policy to privatize these two sectors. With deteriorating conditions in public education and health, a thriving tuition industry with mushrooming private schools, and profit driven private medical practices symbolize “private opulence and public squalor”, as described by Galbraith. How will the President who wants to “move the country forward with vigour” reverse this trend and correct his other mistakes with a treasury on the verge of facing bankruptcy?
There are too many other failures which could be catalogued under each of the areas pointed out at the beginning. At the rock bottom of all is the grand failure in economic management. It is that failure, which is now causing public outrage against the regime. When the economy started contracting immediately after the pandemic and global depression it produced, a number of independent observers and experienced economists had been constantly reminding the managers that policy coordination and structural changes were vital to minimize the damage and be ready for a turn around when the pandemic threat eases. But economic policies became ad hoc and a matter of power play for the President and his Viyathmaga cabal. To implement their decisions GR even dictated to CBSL chief, Professor WD Lakshman to keep on printing money in the name of providing liquidity to counteract the contraction. The Modern Monetary Theory, which was devised for economies with hard currencies, seems to have provided the theoretical backdrop to this insane exercise. Professor Lakshman must have felt guilty for succumbing to political pressure and made the decision to resign before the end of his term. His successor, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, continues the same policy and downplaying its inflationary effects by resorting to statistical manipulation. The truth about inflation is told clearly by rising prices and empty shelves in retail stores. The full brunt of the economic cost of reckless money printing and whimsical economic policies is ultimately borne by millions of ordinary families whose household economies have been devastated and reduced to penury. Does the President genuinely think that these people would pardon him and his regime for this gross mismanagement? This is why he desperately needs the military on his side, and that explains the promotions. That was also made clear by Minister Sarath Weerasekara, who is reported to have warned teachers that the regime would not tolerate their agitation and he reminded them that it was this regime that defeated terrorism. What is the connection between the two Mr. Minister?
There is also another aspect in GR’s Mia Culpa. He promised the “people”. Which people did he mean? It is a fact that he and his regime were brought to power solely on the voting strength of a majority of Sinhala Buddhists. There was however, one section of Buddhists and the two minorities that did not support them. Although GR said that he would be governing on behalf of all communities his two-year record shows otherwise. He and his regime had totally ignored the interests of minorities and trampled on their human rights. That was one of the reasons that made Michelle Bachelet to present that hard hitting report on Sri Lanka, which became the subject of intense debate, criticisms and resolution at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva last year. There was also criticisms and a resolution passed at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. ECU has threatened to withdraw its GSP+ for imports from Sri Lanka. All this happened because of the regime’s domestic policies that affected the minorities negatively. Does GR really expect these communities to pardon him and believe in his promises? Even the voters who elected him and his government are now fed up with the status quo. Some sections of the Sangha have turned highly critical of the regime. Corruption, nepotism, patrimonialism and mafia rule have become the hall marks of this regime. Hence, asking for pardon and a new mandate from the people even through Provincial Councils Elections would be suicidal to Rajapaksas.
It is in this context that Army Day celebrations and President’s admission of mistake receive added significance. ‘Either you pardon the regime and allow it to continue for the rest of its term or I know how to continue with my military’, seems to be the real message by GR to the people. It was Mia Culpa with an iron-fist.
*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business & Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia
Karikalan S. Navaratnam / October 16, 2021
Mia Culpa? . I believe, should be MEA Culpa.
old codger / October 16, 2021
I don’t think it’s an iron-fisted Mea Culpa. More like a ham-fisted Mea Culpa.
This man has arrogated to himself more powers than any previous president, appointed dozens of his own relatives to office, and depends for advice on a cabal of his semi-educated Viyathmaga. His entire record so far, from East Terminal to rice prices, has been one of saying one thing today and reversing tomorrow.
These idiots promote organic agriculture, presumably based on wisdom acquired by watching YouTube, but don’t know that Potassium Chloride is not organic. Not unexpected, since the Family don’t have a any pertinent qualifications to show. The decision to ban palm oil and even uproot plantations was the height of stupidity, sending cooking oil prices through the roof. Now, Milco, the state-owned milk supplier, has raised its prices to be on par with imports! So where is the rationale in promoting local production?? Is this not the result of printing money?
nimal fernando / October 17, 2021
When would the real Sinhala-Buddhists realise ………that the minorities in the guise of “Sinhala-Buddhists” – Tamil Bandaranayakes and Muslim Rajapakses – are making it impossible for the Sinhala-Buddhists to live in their own country!
Oh, The Irony!
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer lot!
I’m beginning to enjoy this!!
Mahila / October 17, 2021
There is new revelation, by Ape Janabala Pakshaya (AJP) National Organizer Dr. Susantha Kodithuwakku, that “Athana, Methana, Hithana”, science fiction writer and author, had a very big hand in the Organic Saga and misleading HE the President with ulterior motives! This view was mirrored in todays edition and if true, that explains why the President has diminished in stature, and the fertiliser fiasco!!
Nathan / October 17, 2021
old codger,
I was drawn to, ‘the Family don’t have a any pertinent qualifications to show.’
That is nothing minor; that is a serious impediment.
I am reluctant but not hesitant to draw a parallel: LTTE.
leelagemalli / October 18, 2021
In the days to come GOTA AND HIS THIEVES will have to publicly give their mea maxima culpa, which is usually translated as “ through my most grievous fault.” What have they achieved so far … nothing … nothing … effectum nihil
In the days to come, our eyes would not believe, but will be inevitable, that RAJAAPKSHES will be torn off to pieces by the very ssame voters. ::::
Let s hope not another blood bath to the style of 83.
God bless srilanka.
nimal fernando / October 17, 2021
“Mia Culpa”
That’s how Gota read out mea culpa ….. from the script written for him ………
Where did Gota get all those medals? Portobello Market?
Victoria Cross for running away?
Ah, Lankans!
old codger / October 17, 2021
“Where did Gota get all those medals? Portobello Market?”
He signed the citations himself.
Native Vedda / October 17, 2021
nimal fernando
“Where did Gota get all those medals? Portobello Market?”
old codger
“He signed the citations himself.”
Idi Amin conferred himself many titles:
His Excellency,
President for Life,
Field Marshal
Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada,
Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas,
Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular”,
CBE (Conqueror of the British Empire),
Uncrowned king of Scotland,
Why can’t Gota.
The university of Colombo has already bestowed a DSc on Gota.
Immediately after the end of the war Sangha Nayakkas awarded him a
“Sthuthi Sthroththa Pathra” (Scroll of facilitation) on 23 May 2009.
nimal fernando / October 17, 2021
Now, people are turning my way ………. I’m not the only one who sees Prabakaran as the only true patriot Lanka ever produced!
leelagemalli / October 18, 2021
KSN, that was a typo…
ramona therese fernando / October 16, 2021
Great cruelty, is what GR is doing to the country.
nimal fernando / October 17, 2021
Good ol’ Prabakaran’s revenge from beyond the grave!
If not for VP, Gota wouldn’t be president ………. to unleash his dim-witted cruelty.
Even his cruelty is couched in incompetence. …….. Is he good at anything?
Prabakaran you beauty! You magnificent bastard!!
Native Vedda / October 17, 2021
nimal fernando
“Prabakaran you beauty! You magnificent bastard!!”
He was Mahinda’s bastard, Premadasa’s Bastard too, then of course he was Hindia’s Bastard, later West’s bastard too.
For a psychopath VP knew what he was doing, killing innocent people irrespective of their race, religion, region, …… gender, ….. delivering services with professional care and accuracy, ….
If not for him Mahinda clan would not be in this position where they are now.
Nimal you are loser. Rajapaksa clan owed everything to VP.
You should have hired him (once he delivered what you wanted your life would not be guaranteed).
Simon / October 17, 2021
NV: That “VP” is the “Vampire Bastard” of the entire country and deserves to be “Commemorated” with the installation of a “Memorial” next to “D.A.Rajapakse Mosoluem” in Weeraketiya (in the South) for having installed a “Rajakase Dynasty”.The “Dynastic Demons” will issue a “Gazette” notice prohibiting “Tom Tom Beatings” by all “Peraheras” while passing their parades near both the “Memorials”.
That “Memorial” construction will be financed by the “Peoples Treasury” and labor will be provided by the “Gajaba Regiment”.
leelagemalli / October 18, 2021
I am in full agreement with you Bro.
At least VP and their men have not abused statefunds for building so called Mosoleum for his parents.
My QUESTION, your Kadamandiya people would not take it serious, that over 90 millions of state funds were reported to have grabed by Rajapakshes for that construction. Nor would Kadamandiya people ever think abou tthe size of the danger of PANDORA funds etc….
Sannsgala made it clear very clear, not even 99% of srilanken population know the meaning of ” baendumkaraya- central bank bonds”.
Saadhu kiyanna pinwathuni….. works with the domino effect in our motherland… without any reservations.
Nathan / October 17, 2021
ramona therese fernando,
Don’t single out GR. GR is a spitting image of MR!
Eagle Eye / October 16, 2021
“…while costing a substantial amount of budgetary allocation at a time when every other department or sector would be facing cuts.”
Sri Lanka has to look after ‘Ranaviruvo’ who liberated the country from separatist Tamils and maintain the Armed Forces because Tamils have not given up separatism and Wahhabi Muslim extremists have not given up their plan to convert Sri Lanka to an ‘Islamic Caliphate’.
Oma Yang / October 17, 2021
Probably the only greatest this government has to show. But hey wasn’t the army led by SF. Everything else is only all fart.
nimal fernando / October 17, 2021
Oh! just get lost EE ……. you’re spoiling all the fun.
Dan sapeda? :)))))))
Eagle Eye / October 17, 2021
nimal fernando
“Oh! just get lost EE…”
Shows the true color of hypocrites who make hue and cry about deterioration of democracy and freedom of expression.
nimal fernando / October 18, 2021
“democracy and freedom of expression.”
Oh, C’mon EE! ……….Where did I ever speak of any of that? …….You give me more credit than I deserve!
I’m the greatest admirer of Gota and the Rajapakse clan ……… second only to you!
To hell with democracy and free-speech, Like Gota and the rest of the Rajapakses …….. I believe all critics/opponents’ lips should be stitched up with needle and thread ……… if not killed or made to disappear like Lasantha and Eknalligoda …….
old codger / October 17, 2021
EE already has got lost to Canada. He can’t get any further from SL. You think he knows something we don’t?
nimal fernando / October 18, 2021
Don’t know who abandoned ship first, Gota/Basil or EE. :))
They certainly know something we don’t! ……. “Sinhala-Buddhism” is terrible ……. should get as far away from it as possible: even to hellishly frozen Toronto. :))
hellishly frozen – People always imagine hell/Apaya as a place of fire …….. but ice/cold can be even worse! ……….. Just ask EE.
We are the true believers who still want to live in Lanka; the “Sinhala-Buddhist” paradise!
ramona therese fernando / October 17, 2021
The armed forces have been quite substantial for a long time to deal with separatists. Why the extra excesses at this time?
Eagle Eye / October 17, 2021
ramona therese Fernando,
“The armed forces have been quite substantial for a long time to deal with separatists. Why the extra excesses at this time?”
Separatism has not disappeared completely. There are Sri Lankan Tamil politicians who say ‘Our objective remains the same’. What is their objective; establishing ‘Tamil Eelam’. LTTE diaspora has not given up separatism. They are brainwashing Tamil children who live in foreign countries. There are Sri Lankan Tamils who say India should annex NE to the Union of India. There are others who say India is planning to annex NE to face the threat from China. Tamil Nadu plans to annex NE to Tamil Nadu to create ‘Greater Tamil Nadu’ so that they can have Tirikunamale harbour. If any of these scenarios come true, who is going to fight to save the country?
ramona therese fernando / October 17, 2021
Agree in part, but at this time it is more for the brutal suppression of Lankans as the economy goes down, down, down.
Native Vedda / October 18, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
“Tamil Nadu plans to annex NE to Tamil Nadu to create ‘Greater Tamil Nadu’ so that they can have Tirikunamale harbour.”
You are indeed a very stupid Sinhala/Buddhist.
Unlike you the stupid Sinhala/Buddhist Tamil Nadu people are foresighted. By dividing Tamil Nadu from Hindia they will immediately denied a wider market, labour supply, ……… and broader security.
Even your distant cousin Kaleinger Karunanithy some years ago wrote a long list of reasons as to why it is in Tamils interest to remain part of greater India.
As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is a Sinhala state of Greater Hindia.
Hindians always believed North and East is naturally part of Tamil speaking nation (without borders).
Therefore you dumb asses learn to treat your own people well else neighbours and strangers will continue to grope you and your women folks.
Please explain to us why Tirikunamale harbour is important to Hindia or Tamils.
old codger / October 18, 2021
“There are others who say India is planning to annex NE “
Really? If that happens, I will move to NE immediately. I am fed up with the shortage of parippu, milk powder, gas, cooking oil, sugar, rice, cars……
I hope it happens soon.
soma / October 18, 2021
Old codger
I will be there to wave you goodbye.
Native Vedda / October 18, 2021
old codger
“I am fed up with the shortage of parippu, milk powder, gas, cooking oil, sugar, rice, cars……”
Would air drop help you to meet your urgent needs?
Ravi Perera the Sinhala speaking Demela could arrange it through Hindian High Commission as he claims to have good relation with them.
soman seems to ready himself to grab most of it by simply being there.
Simon / October 17, 2021
Eagle Eye: So said Ven. Galabodaaththe Gnanasara Thero of the BBS. I heard it before you. Thank you for the “Reminder”.
leelagemalli / October 18, 2021
Please be careful – I thought he is not ven, but veneral… dadoria would not earn respect from us in this life. Btw, the bugger monk is said to be coming from Galle right ?
Our good Ranjan revealed it, over 80% of temple living MONKS are child molesters. I knew that from my DAHAM pasala days on. Even we as little kids were touched by some pinguththarayas in Galle suburbs. To that age, we were real kids – we not compareable to the kids of the day… even at my late Teenage I did not know much about any kind of molestations. We were real surathal kolupatiyas to the eyes of our parents and teachers.
Ajith / October 16, 2021
Who won the war on Terrorism in Sri Lanka? Is it Gotabaya or Is it Sarath Fonseka? Is it Mahinda Rajapaksa or Is it Ranil? Is it JRJ or Chandrika? Is it India or Is it China or is it USA?
All these players played a “Terrorism” game to bring this country to this level.
How can Gota and military over throw other Rajapaksas out of this game? Rajapaksa family is attached with each other and they helped each other in many ways. In their game they needed a large size of military not only to fight Prabhaharan but also fight Sinhalese and Muslims and at last Sri Lanka lost everything. The game is not over. Even they called “Corona” as a “terrorist”.
leelagemalli / October 18, 2021
Sarath fonseka would not say that he alone won it. I know him in person. I respect him yet today for as one who shed lots of blood for the sake of nation.
But power greedy liars and monsters from Medamulana Den painted it as they themselves did it. In a country any lies could become “headline news” – with that floor kissing/licking drama of BP Mahinda was based on a script.
Further to this, the truths as it is – Gotabaya left the country at the begining of 90ties and reuturned to the island after his enlightenment into ” revitalized PATRIOTISM” in 2005. That was after long 15 years. Meaning if he had been in the country, he would have done lot more together with forces.
Hoswever, magic balls passed by his brother as PRESIDENT to him made hims WEERAYA…. WEDABAERI tarzon became – ” my gosh… all powerful defence secretary”.
To me, as one living in Europe for such a long time, I truly know I cant feel the way as average would do, because my life has changed a lot…. .. the very same should be the case with GOTABAYA; even if he is not even a basic graduate but was then a soldier…
However, SRILANKAN media to PUT him ” post turtle” position, went viral withthe all various tactics being practised by his TOMPACHAYA brother Mahinda:
Buddhist1 / October 16, 2021
Looking at Gota’s rule I feel that most of the issues he has to face today are due to the following reasons:
1. Mahinda pulling the rug under Gota as Gota left Mahinda on the sidelines when making decisions. Mahinda is today more interested in crowning his son “Crown Prince (Prince of Wales)” than supporting Gota’s rule.
2. Mahinda’s side supporters Cardinal and the Buddhist Priests are stirring dirt day after day at the instigation of Mahinda.
3. Most of the Ministers and State Ministers who are in position today are Mahinda’s crooks who are now either pardoned or being pardoned by the courts or cases withdrawn by the same AG who investigated and took active part in filing those corruption cases when he as a junior to previous AGs.
4. Even kicking out Rathana Thero is Mahinda’s underhand work in order to bring Gnanasara into the Parliament – the foul mouthed thug of a monk. If Rathana Thero is kicked out of the Parliament then Dayana Gamage will also be kicked out automatically.
5. GL Pieris contradicting President Gota’s speech at UN is another act of pulling the rug under Gota at the instigation of Mahinda.
Mahila / October 17, 2021
Buddhist 1,
Very enlightening happenings in the SL Political background indeed.
SL at the cross roads!
Imagine, Roman empire at the tail end of its glorious empire and Julius Caesar at the helm.
Ides of March are still few months away!!
Et tu Brute.
Diana, (not the Princess) may have an explanation to contribute to make it hilarious, with her understanding of Shakespeare!!!
Mallaiyuran / October 16, 2021
It is not Mea Calpa, without exception, it is always Oya Culpa.
ramona therese fernando / October 17, 2021
The idea could have been, Meeya Culpa.
old codger / October 17, 2021
Nandasena, the Mouse that roared!
Native Vedda / October 17, 2021
old codger
“Nandasena, the Mouse that roared!”
Was that the same mouse that earlier wanted to sc**w not just one elephant but many all at the same time?
Many little islanders believed whatever the mouse screeched.
ramona therese fernando / October 17, 2021
Yes indeed. The mouse that mouse that wants to roar.
Plenty of solutions out of the mess…..but Prez sees himself at the helm of overturning the Global Order, come what may to the Motherland.
SJ / October 17, 2021
Is not the tradition ‘meya culpa’ (mama neve)
KP / October 17, 2021
Dr Ameer Ali , you say:
“Although GR said that he would be governing on behalf of all communities his two-year record shows otherwise.”
You are spot on! I would go even further and say GR’s record is appalling. I really don’t think he has in his DNA the capacity to be able to think and act in a way to guide and lead the country so that it becomes a truly multi-racial and inclusive nation. His failure to allow the national anthem to be sung in Tamil at the last Independence Day celebration was an unforgivable act and is just one example of his misdeed and a sign of his unfitness for the job.
Sri Lanka will not progress unless it accepts and embraces the country’s racial/religious diversity and treat all its citizens as equals in all walks of life. As it happens, the game of cricket is very much the current hot topic with the IPL 2021 cricket tournament having just been concluded and the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup cricket tournament about to begin. The countries participating in the tournament have announced their squads (link below). India’s squad is multi-racial and inclusive and even has a Tamil player, Ravichandran Ashwin from Tamil Nadu.
Eagle Eye / October 17, 2021
“…so that it becomes a truly multi-racial and inclusive nation.”
Sri Lanka is truly a multi-racial and inclusive nation.
Look at the situation in Colombo where Tamils (from North and plantations), Muslims, Sinhalayo and other ethnic groups live together. Tamil and Muslim population increase in Colombo while Sinhala population is decreasing. Even the Tamil and Muslim politicians and others who say that majority Sinhala Buddhists are marginalizing minorities live in Colombo with their families. Tamils, Muslims and others can buy land, property and live in any part of the country. Build ‘Kovils’, Mosques and Churches in any part of the country.
But there are few rogue elements in minority communities who do not want Sri Lanka becoming an inclusive nation. Few racist separatist Tamil politicians and Wahhabi Muslim politicians are trying to keep the communities apart for their political survival. There are Tamil politicians who say ‘Sinhalayo are not welcome in the North’, ‘No Buddhist temples and Buddha statues in the North’. It is practically impossible for indigenous Sinhalayo to buy land in Yapanaya which is a part of their country. Same thing is happening in Muslim majority areas in the East.
KP / October 17, 2021
Eagle Eye: “Sri Lanka is truly a multi-racial and inclusive nation.”
4th February 1948 – Ceylon gains independence and state-sponsored settlement of Sinhalese in Tamil areas of north and east begins.
1950 – Over one million plantation Tamils, who had enjoyed the vote since 1931, were disenfranchised.
1956 – English removed from its status as the official language and Sinhala made the sole official language.
1964 – Srimavo-Shastri Pact provided for the repatriation to India of some 975,000 stateless Tamils of Indian origin.
1970 – A system called of ‘standardization’ introduced to favour Sinhala students’ admission university places.
1972 – A republic constitution introduced which proclaimed Sinhala as the official language, declared Buddhism as the state religion thus almost affirming a Sinhala-Buddhist state.
1978 – A new constitution provided for the Presidential form of government. Even under the new constitution Sinhala remained the sole official language of the country.
1983 – The Pogrom of 24 July 1983, not to mention the numerous previous racial riots.
I can go on. The record above doesn’t match your claim.
How about changing your name from Eagle to Ostrich?
Eagle Eye / October 18, 2021
Indigenous Sinhalayo did not bring or invite Tamils to Sinhale/Sri Lanka but Sinhalayo accommodated them after they were abandoned by colonial rulers. If Tamils have problems living in this country accepting that Sinhale/Sri Lanka is a Unitary State and it is a Buddhist country, they should sort them out with Portuguese, Dutch and British who are responsible for bringing them to Sinhale.
KP / October 18, 2021
Eagle Eye you say:
“Sri Lanka is truly a multi-racial and inclusive nation.”
You then go on to say:
“If Tamils have problems living in this country accepting that Sinhale/Sri Lanka is a Unitary State and it is a Buddhist country..”
So, the country belongs to the Buddhists but it is inclusive. Are you not being blind to your own contractions? And you call yourself Eagle Eye!
Eagle Eye / October 18, 2021
Minorities have following public holidays:
For Tamils:
Tamil Thai Pongal Day
Maha Shivratri
For Muslims:
Eid al-Fitr
Prophet’s Birthday
For Catholics/Christians:
Good Friday
Christmas Day
Sri Lanka has 24 public holidays; 13 for Buddhists, 7 for Tamils, Muslims and Catholics/Christians, 2 common to Sinhalayo and Tamils, 2 common to all.
Yet, you guys say Sri Lanka is not inclusive.
KP / October 19, 2021
That was a great post Eagle Eye.
You have found a panacea for the deep-rooted problem that has bedevilled Sri Lanka since gaining Independence. Just give the minorities all the holidays they want and Sri Lanka will then become a truly multi-racial and inclusive nation.
You are certainly a bright spark!
Eagle Eye / October 19, 2021
“So, the country belongs to the Buddhists but it is inclusive.”
Of course Sinhale belong to indigenous Sinhalayo who evolved in this island, developed the economy from scratch and fought to save the country from Dravida and European invaders. However, when indigenous Sinhalayo accommodated Tamils and Muslims who came from Hindusthan they were given the same rights that Sinhalayo enjoyed, allowed them to practice their religions, allowed to build ‘Kovils’, Mosques and Churches anywhere in the country, allowed to buy land and property and live in any place in the country.
In addition to the rights enjoyed by indigenous Sinhalayo, Tamils were allowed to retain ‘Thesawalamei’, a customary law that they brought from Malabar and Muslims were given the right to retain Muslim customary laws. That is inclusiveness.
KP / October 20, 2021
Eagle Eye: “Of course Sinhale belong to indigenous Sinhalayo who evolved in this island.”
I get it now. According to you the country belongs to only one section of the population. This means not every citizen of Sri Lanka is equal in this regard.
Sad to see you hold such a myopic attitude. May your God go with you.
soma / October 18, 2021
Excepting 1983 non of the above situations has motivated a single Tamil family to move out of Sinhala majority provinces.
Native Vedda / October 18, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
“Sri Lanka is truly a multi-racial and inclusive nation.”
It depends on how you look at the people of this island.
KP / October 17, 2021
Part II
India’s squad is multi-racial and inclusive and even has a Tamil player, Ravichandran Ashwin from Tamil Nadu. On the other hand, Sri Lanka’s squad is all Sinhalese (link below). Can this be right for a country with a multi-racial composition where cricket is cherished and played by youngsters from all the communities?
Listen to this Colin Cowdrey lecture by Sri Lanka’s legendary cricketer Kumar Sangakkara (link below). It is an hour-long clip, so if you have not got the time to watch the whole lecture, please at least watch the last 7 minutes. He talks about reconciliation, peace, prosperity and one-nation.
What Sri Lanka needs badly is people with Kumar’s mindset in the seats of power to guide and lead the people in such a way that the country can be a truly multi-racial one-nation. The big question is are there such people?
RohanaW / October 17, 2021
Dr AA says “Although GR said that he would be governing on behalf of all communities his two-year record shows otherwise. He and his regime had totally ignored the interests of minorities and trampled on their human rights” Absolutely Wrong! He ignored the whole country except his family and stooges.
Black Lankan / October 17, 2021
Pathetic SL and its gang exists only because of the pathetic existence of fellows like Blind Eagle alias HLD. These pimps survive on Aussie tax payers money and talk of SL security. This blind fellow still dont understand how the country has hit the rock bottom except printing kadathasy salli for the 6.9 million morons to buy arrakku and paang and pol gedy. Many of the 6.9 I hear are now flooding the foreign embassies to get out quickly before they die of starvation. Soon even this Gotta army may have to seel their uniforms to buy rive and parippu. And the Sinhala Buddhsit Grand leaders who came to create a new world of course already ready to leave with off shore banks over flowing with stolen money while Cabaal keeps printing toy money for the godays. Soon lake house will start printing money on normal papres to save cost. Jaya Weva. As Gotta and his Land Army goes marching along.
Plato / October 17, 2021
The mismanagement of everything from Covid-19 to the Economy should not be a case of just Mea Culpa but it should be Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa………………..
Eagle Eye / October 17, 2021
“He and his regime had totally ignored the interests of minorities and trampled on their human rights.
What are the interests of minorities that President Rajapakse and his regime have totally ignored?
What are the human rights of minorities that President Rajapakse and his regime have trampled on?
What do you expect President Rajapakshe to do? Keep minorities on his lap and say ‘Doi doi doi doiya baba, I will give anything that you want, please go to sleep’.
Native Vedda / October 17, 2021
nimal fernando
“Prabakaran you beauty! You magnificent bastard!!”
He was Mahinda’s bastard, Premadasa’s Bastard too, then of course he was Hindia’s Bastard, later West’s bastard too.
For a psychopath VP knew what he was doing, killing innocent people irrespective of their race, religion, region, …… gender, ….. delivering services with professional care and accuracy, ….
If not for him Mahinda clan would not be in this position where they are now.
Nimal you are loser. Rajapaksa clan owed everything to VP.
You should have hired him (once he delivered what you wanted your life would not be guaranteed).
Thanga / October 17, 2021
After 73 years of independence, Sri Lanka remains the sick man of South Asia if not Asia. The reason is not hard to find. Right from the day of independence or even before Sri Lanka has been turned into a country of Sinhalese-Buddhists, ruled by Sinhalese Buddhists for the benefit of Sinhalese Buddhists.
Sri Lanka failed to produce a visionary like Lia Quan Yew of Singapore. Today, Singapore is a mini-super-power staging naval exercise with a regional super like India! Singapore has official foreign reserves (OFR) of almost US$300 billion compared to about US$ 2.5 billion by Sri Lanka!
In absolute terms, this is the eleventh highest stock of OFR in the world.
As a percentage of GDP and on a per capita basis, it is the third highest in the world.
Singapore’s OFR sits on the balance sheet of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the central bank and integrated financial regulator.
The GDP per capita income of Singapore is $64,217 (nominal, 2021 est.) $104,691 (PPP, 2021 est.). This is equivalent to 446 per cent of the world’s average. citizens! For all these Singapore is a city-state. It is about 275 square miles, smaller than the State of Rhode Island and inhabited by five million people from four major communities; Chinese (majority), Malay, Indian and Eurasian.
tigers of Asia besides Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea?
Eagle Eye / October 18, 2021
Why don’t you compare India and Singapore or Tamil Nadu (your Homeland) and Singapore? Both India and Tamil Nadu are at least 30 years behind Singapore and 50 years behind China.
Sri Lanka had the opportunity to be like Singapore or even better if not for the problems created by racist separatist Tamils from the time Sinhalayo gained Independence by misusing the freedom given to them under democracy. There was no democracy under Lee Kuan Yew. It was ‘Iron Rule’. It is a pity that Sri Lankan leaders did not follow him.
SJ / October 18, 2021
“Once upon a time Sri Lanka’s educational standards and health service were the envy of many Asian neighbours. The current neglect seems to be a deliberate policy to privatize these two sectors. With deteriorating conditions in public education and health, a thriving tuition industry with mushrooming private schools, and profit driven private medical practices symbolize “private opulence and public squalor”, as described by Galbraith. How will the President who wants to “move the country forward with vigour” reverse this trend and correct his other mistakes with a treasury on the verge of facing bankruptcy?”
“The current neglect seems to be a deliberate policy to privatize these two sectors”— Seriously? Is the neglect new, or got any worse that its has been for decades? It was JRJ who got the ball rolling that way.
When did private tutories start and get to dominate school education?
Who started profit driven private medical practices?
Did any of the governments that served since the 1990s do anything to rectify the problems?
What ideas did our current critics of private health and education offer then or even now?
These problems are now deep rooted and issues require more than government policy to disentangle.
Serious analysis calls for more than cheap rhetoric.
Thanga / October 18, 2021
As told above kicked out by Malaysia, Lia Quan Yew laid the foundation for a prosperous Singapore from day one. Although Chinese constituted 75% of the population he made Malay (15%) Tamil (5%) and English as official languages.
In 1987, Singapore became one of the first countries in the world to adopt English as the language of instruction for most school subjects, including math, science, and history.
In Singapore, not politicians but technocrats run the country. The best person is appointed to ministerial, government and administrative posts.
We now know why is Sri Lanka the sick man of Asia? It is because of Sinhala Only and Buddhist. Only. There is no national army in Sri Lanka. The army top brasses openly proclaim that the army is 98% Sinhalese Buddhists.
The Senanayake, Bandaranaike and now the Rajapaksa dynasties have jointly and severally ruined the repellant island.
Every citizen of a country irrespective of his ethnicity must feel proud of his country, proud of the flag and above all feel equal before the law.
In Sri Lanka, President Gotabaya himself brags that he has won the presidency because of Sinhalese- Buddhist votes alone. Is there any other head of state who speak in such terms of another country? His dimwittedness pales beside that of D.B. Wijetunga!
Black Lankan / October 18, 2021
Had we got rid of morons like Blind Eagle the country would have just prospered. These racist goons have messed up the country and now trying to find an excuse as usual. Barking from abroad living on tax payers charity.
old codger / October 18, 2021
EE ran away to Canada long ago. No need to get rid of him.
ReginaldShamalPerera / October 19, 2021
Yes, you are right, Mia Kulifa is Muslim.