23 April, 2024


Hamaduru Ethics Or Deontology? The Challenge Before Modern Sri Lankans

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

The Two Major Foundations of Ethics: Hamaduruism and Deontology

In ethics there are two major branches. This article argues that Sri Lanka is overwhelmed by just one of these, Hamaduru Ethics – with apologies to the few upright Hamadurus who do not fit this generalization. Most of us practise this. It is formally known as Utilitarian Ethics. It is the norm for people in authority such as Hamadurus, village headmen, and other religious leaders (especially in free churches where the pastor is god). Their authority carries their decisions, and its basis is utility – which often in Sri Lanka is the majority group’s utility. It is used to suppress dissent of any kind, and aggrandize privileges for themselves, going so far as murdering minorities.

In Hamaduru Ethics we examine how many people are benefitted by an ethics decision and how many adversely. On these considerations, we decide on what is good for the majority and that becomes the right thing for us to do. The Sinhala-only Act, the non-implementation of the 13th Amendment, the impunity as well as the pardoning of those who murdered Tamils, the multi-billion thefts in government, and the self-rewarding by politicians like giving themselves cars, huge salaries and their wives jobs as their Personal Assistants, are all signs of the dominant hold that Hamaduru Ethics has on Sri Lanka – there is no formal ethics in these Hamaduru-like decisions bereft of morality. Hamadurus plant temples in Tamil areas and supervise the beating up of minorities in the name of religion. It allows us to go by the will of the majority. Hamaduru ethics therefore tends to be arbitrary and unfair and ignores all human rights considerations. Even our Supreme Court of political appointees protects the system. Good Sinhalese rooted in the law are sidelined. An example is the late Elmore Perera. Others (the good cowards) are cowed into silence.

Negation of Hamaduruism

A real incident from the Chino Police Station in California is used as an argument against Utilitarianism or Hamaduruism (Taken from Hoole, Hoole and Hoole, Ethics for Professionals: An Internationalist, Human Rights Perspective, Cognella Press, San Diego, 2018). A woman who had been assaulted complained to the Chino police who insisted she should undress and allow photos to be taken in various postures of her injuries. These photographs were then reproduced and circulated among other policemen who derived much pleasure from them. The complainant went to the US Court of Appeals and prevailed over the police. However, the utilitarian absurdly argues that the complainant’s violation of rights was far outweighed by the pleasure derived by the many policemen who had viewed her nude photographs. Reductio ad absurdum; quod erat demonstrandum. [The thesis of Hamaduruism has been reduced to the absurd; its error demonstrated]. But that was in America with a strong judiciary, and this is Sri Lanka without dispassionate thinking among the people. Indeed, a Supreme Court Justice defended in open court the murder of a 12-year old in the Bindunuwewa Massacre. Who in Sri Lanka protested?

Justice Shirani Bandaranayake


In contrast to Hamaduruism stands deontology – the ethics basis where we look at an authoritative book to decide what is right – the Bible, the Koran, law books, the constitution, ethics codes (yes there are such things), etc. It is the way of the modernist, repeatable decisions stripped of personal prejudice. This is why deontologists are called “The People of the Book.”

The diminution and destruction of Sri Lanka are owed to Hamaduruism – violation of the judicial process by the massacres and necrophilia on the beaches of Mullivaikal by Sri Lanka’s “heroic soldiers” who were subsequently promoted to the highest offices of our land, promotions of politically pliant judges, the sacking of Supreme Court Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, finding, the late irrepressible lawyer Elmore Perera in contempt of court based on the vague and flimsy “rude body language,” the pardoning of convicted murderers, the looting of the treasury through the bond scam and bribery, etc.

These outrages including the numerous anti-Tamil riots accompanied by murders and looting had the support of the 6.9 million people who voted for Gotabaya Rajapaksa. These events reeking of barbarism and savagery made the primitive majority of Sri Lankans (6.9 million in numbers!) happy. They were therefore sound ethical decisions by the yardstick of Hamaduruism.

Deontology protects us and the truth. For example, after I wrote about how the Church had approved Rs. 10 million each in cars for church officials, Bishop Dhilo Canagasabey ruled under Hamaduruism at the Standing Committee on which I was a member, that information from the committee must never go out. I asked him “By what rule?” The matter ended there in a triumph for deontology. Unfortunately, the new Bishop, Dushantha Rodrigo, also is going by the same secrecy rule imposed through fear. If a committee is honest in its work, it must not fear public scrutiny. Good sense tells us what is not to be talked about. It should never be a cover for misgovernance. Suppression of information is usually to hide unethical practices, even by Bishops.

Hamaduru Appointment of Incompetent Archdeacon

Right now, a Marxist who prefaces everything he says with “God’s Kingdom Greetings” has been appointed Archdeacon of Jaffna in the Anglican Church. He is big on talk but lacks common sense and Christian knowledge. He says in his assorted messages that

a) “Until the advent of colonialism there was peace between religions in our land,”

b) “the church is a cult” (A cult by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a ‘religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious.’) His diocesan council resolution declaring the Anglican Church a cult received Bishop Rodrigo’s assent and thereby became official policy,

c) “We must replace Jesus with God,” – that is, move from a Christocentric Faith to a Theocentric Faith,

d) “You are saying ‘Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming,’ but he has come and gone,”

e) “Your going to heaven depends on whether you did more good than bad,” and

f) Jesus was born into the ordinary family of Mary and Joseph and did not come from the skies.”

The Ven. Fr. S.D. Parimalachelvan, Archdeacon of Jaffna, 31.12.2021

He has denied saying some of these things but my wife has or I have heard him.

We can argue. For no one has a faith thrust upon him. However, a church is a community of believers of shared faith voluntarily coming together and is governed by a constitution. These 6 statements are all a violation of deontology, against the Constitution of the Church. Anglican Deontology rests on it. Therefore, the Archdeacon is totally unfit as an Anglican leader and was dumped on Jaffna because of personal friendship with the Bishop. It was a Hamaduru decision to make an unfit person our Archdeacon – a person who probably is amply qualified to be a Hindu priest if Hindus want him. The Bishop’s decision follows the pattern of the Rajapaksas using Tamils to reward Douglas Devananda by making him a Tamil Minister.

K.T. Ganeshalingam

The worst example of Hamaduru management was 19th June, 2022. As President of the Jaffna Christian Union, this Archdeacon invited Prof. K.T. Ganeshalingam who was elected Dean of Arts in Jaffna. That same faculty had successfully campaigned to defeat The Rev. Fr. Dr. G. Pilendran asking how a Christian can head a Jaffna University faculty. The same people have now elected as Dean this man Ganeshalingam. Something surely is wrong with Jaffna because of who Ganeshalingam is. Who is he?

Ganeshalingam’s wife (about 20 years ago) went on a pilgrimage to India arranging for a minor girl from the hill country to see to “his needs.” She became pregnant. He took her for an abortion but the period for a legal abortion was passed. The police took him into custody. He was a big shot in the Tigers’ Pongu Thamil extravaganzas. The Tigers had no sense of deontology. When their own man in Valvettithurai made his daughter’s friend pregnant, they put him in a bunker for three months and then chased him off to India.

But when some three workmen unrelated to the Tigers going to a Tiger camp made some girls there pregnant, the workmen were asked to lie on the street and shot in the back a la the army’s Mullivaikal style massacres. The women were Kadal Purakkal (the Tigers’ female naval force of Sea Pigeons). They lived in their Valvettithurai camp that was a former army camp the Tigers had taken over. The matter incensed the Tigers who were pretending to sexual purity. The women were also presumably killed. However, I am unable to verify this.

Now the Tigers had their man behind bars for the statutory rape of minor. His conviction would have deflated Pongu Thamil. They successfully persuaded the legal system in which they had a hand to release Ganeshalingam. Women’s groups tried hard to make Ganeshalingam pay. They failed. They regret to this day that they could not stand up against the Tigers.

Ganeshalingam is a big man in Jaffna now, invited everywhere for everything. He was invited to St. James’ Church Nallur today (19 June) to speak on “The Role of Religious Bodies in the Present Politico-Economic Circumstances – A viewpoint.” What a guy to preach to Religious Bodies – especially a Christian Church. Fortunately, the event attracted only about 10 persons as many in Church had come to know of the man and his exploits.

Thus it was that Ganeshalingam stood before the St. James’ Church altar and held forth about the Tiger days when we managed despite the embargo, how we bicycled when there was no fuel, and talked a lot about himself and became a hero to the few young Christians present who knew nothing of his jailbird days, or of the time of the Tigers’ rule, all subject to manipulated heritage histories. He said it is time for a revolution. Our Archdeacon seems to realize his vision for “Liberation Theology” through a return to the days of Tiger misrule and oppression using Ganeshalingam as his cat’s paw.

In fact, the church is truly ruled by Hamaduruism because our Church Constitution’s Chapter 25, Canons 1 and 2, separate church property “from the common uses of mankind” (like a public seminar by a Hindu child-abuser in front of the altar). It also separates by Canon 9 the use of church buildings and furniture which are granted for “the celebration of services.”

At the Cathedral, the Bishop’s seat in Colombo, food is served, and concerts held in Hamaduru style violating the awe and reverence for God that private worshippers in church come for. The Sri Lankan nation is intrinsically lawless, going just by the unprosecuted murders of Tamils. So the Sinhalese Church goes Hamaduru style, lawlessly ignoring our constitution with parties and Ganeshalingams inside church. Being yoked to the Sinhalese hurts the Tamil people’s sense of good governance and commitment to deontology. What our Hamaduru Bishops started has now spread to Jaffna churches after this Archdeacon was appointed. The Sinhalese style is not welcome here by Christians used to reverence in Church, and have a tradition of deontology – we read the Constitution for decisions. Our churches are not canteens or dining halls as the Bishop’s Cathedral is.

The Sacking of the Jaffna Archdeacon and Resignation of Bishop Rodrigo

Deontologically this Archdeacon of Jaffna needs to be disciplined. He is the Bishop’s representative in Jaffna. As such he ensures that other priests are going by deontological administration. Yet he cannot do simple things under him right. He had a parish AGM that lacked the constitutionally required notice. The Accounts were sneaked in at the last minute; with what mistakes and camouflaged frauds I do not know. He had an anonymous resolution for a new diocese and Anglican Province that the Church Secretary in Colombo, Arun Gamalatge, wanted. He had no proposer or seconder.

How can Bishop Rodrigo whose best appointee cannot correctly administer a small parish, administer a Province? I believe the Bishop stopped the AGM after I protested but few know that. He really had no choice, given the deontologically justified illegalities. Now the Bishop has true choice in sacking the man and rectifying his error in making that terrible appointment.

For all these lapses Bishop Rodrigo should also resign, including for not revising the Tamil prayerbook. He has ignored a diocesan resolution from some 4 years ago for immediate revision. That prayerbook forces us Tamils to address God as “him without purity.” Would the Sinhalese have tolerated such an uncorrected mistake in their prayerbook? He could have, but failed to order the parishes to cross-out that blasphemous line by hand.

I state that Bishop Rodrigo is insensitive to Tamils and our needs, and has acted illegally in not “immediately” revising the prayerbook. These make a strong case for a separate Anglican Church for Tamils. Retired Bishop Kenneth Fernando, like the Sinhalese communalists who tell Tamils “Go to India if you do not like it here,” suggested that Tamils should join the Church of South India. That CSI is unable to pay pensions to its retired clergy. Is it a case of getting rid of us from the Church so as to keep all of the Rs. 20 billion wealth of the Church in investments alone for the Sinhalese?

Contempt: Are our Courts Administered by Hamadurus or Deontologists:


Sri Lankan institutions suffer from Hamaduruism. No one dares to question a chairman. Committees instead of advising and correcting a chairman, affirm all decisions by the chair, thereby giving democratic cover to illegal operations. Even auditors and the Supreme Court fulfil the same function. An ongoing example is the experience of Naganada Kodituwakku. Rightly or wrongly he has accused 10 justices including the Chief Justice of Bribery. In a separate case he asked that one of the other judges handle the case since her sitting in judgement would violate the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which we have acceded to. It guarantees a free and fair access to justice. The CJ has been refused so far, but Kodituwakku being Kodituwakku keeps hammering the justices on this. Our Supreme Court according to the Constitution in the highest court. Its decisions on contempt matters are final. However, questioning the Supreme Court is not a misapplication of deontology. For, ICCPR runs counter to the Constitution of Sri Lanka which guarantees us a fair trial. To argue “I am the Chief Justice. I can decide if you are in contempt” is Hamaduruism. Nothing is lost by the Chief Justice’s recusal. A lot is lost in the appearance of fairness and by our democracy when recusal is refused. Good sense must prevail.

The right to appeal to a higher body is badly abused using Hamaduruism. So much so it is common knowledge that a judge in Trincomalee harshly keeps insulting in open court a litigant and his lawyer who successfully appealed to the High Court. The two judges who heard the appeal impugned the judge’s decision as “rubbish” and ordered the judge to conduct an inquiry before taking a decision again. According to an affidavit filed before the Bar Council by young lawyer Prashandini Uthayakumar, this judge gave a decision in her favour in open court, and then rewrote it in his chambers because he is partial to a lawyer on the other side. Two other lawyers, R. Thirukumaranathan and Mohan Nagarajah, have also given separate affidavits on this judge’s partiality.

Will the Bar Council go with Deontology or Hamaduruism? If it goes for Hamaduruism and does nothing to the judge such as debarment, will the judge now begin ruling against the three lawyers in all their cases? That is the fear that lawyers have in crossing this judge. Judicial bullying from the bench attacking those who appeal against a decision is really what brings contempt upon the judiciary and all its judgements.

The Future

Unfortunately, the Christian church, the source of deontology has sunk into Hamaduruism. The Bishops and church elders had better straighten out this mess we have instead of creating and administering a province through their home-grown incompetent leadership we have. They must stop refusing to appoint anyone good to church office who points out the leadership’s faulty decisions.

The Sri Lankan nation should begin educating at the school level our children so that they are passionately for deontology and the rule of law, and totally against Hamaduruism. This means children must be avid readers to implement deontology. Or we will have political suck-ups and sycophants as our justices, attorneys-general who will file selective charges rather than by the book, administrators who do what they like for their friends and suck-ups rather than what is best for institution they administer, ministers who steal, and churches and universities full of sexual predators.

Till then we will have leaders wearing shallow insignias of western sophistication. They will know only the bailas in Los Angeles, own mansions in the West (from our stolen money of course), swig whiskey, toast with wine, chant in Latin and throw about Latin phrases in court, and speak English. But they will be glorified Hamadurus in fact.

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Latest comments

  • 9

    I only glanced thru.
    There are a few contributors on CT who write on topics that only interest them; there are a only few who write interestingly.
    Ratnajeevan H. Hoole fits the former.

    • 0

      May I ask you to elaborate as to why you said so ?

      I thought you always make your comments after studying the contents properly.

      To me, the current article of Dr Hoole is unarguably timeworthy.
      Please read below as to why I am compelled to think so.
      Even school going little kids would easily get it that we should not follow incomprehensible preachings of yellow pets. As is the case in any other places where religions mislead their societies, ours is also caught by sinhala buddhism for no good reasons. To me this is comparable to hindu practises being seen for example in ” Bali”.

      • 0

        Dear leelagemalli,
        My general tendency is to discount such queries. But, I wish to respond this time, because it is coming from someone who respects my input.
        Topic: Preaching ethics is another sermon.
        Need: Political, social, economic state of the country requires our full

        • 1

          Anyways, thank you. I appreciate your input.
          Unfortunately, tail end of my full comment is not made visible for some reasons.
          To my understanding, me being out of the country, as one who looks at the motherland without being biased to anyone, I think it is the sinhala-buddhism (aka Buddhagama based on various myths) ruined our society

          . I have been observing sinhala buddhist monks for a such a long time now.

          I am also known to high priests in SL- but I doubt today about their general knowledge on srilanken politics and true teachings of buddhism (as said somewhere else, what is being practised in SL is not buddhism).

          • 0

            It is the politicians who promote the Sangha. The Sangha have adopted to it like a fish taking to water!
            During the early days, there was no communication tools of today. Children were indoctrinated thru school texts; the ‘pansalas’ took over, subsequently.
            There was no turning back.

    • 3

      I agree with you. dear nathan.
      Professor Hoole sometimes, perhaps unwittingly, attacks a problem (he refers here to the caste of this good man) which seems to have little relevance to us.
      I will continue this discussion tomorrow morning. We cannot allow the exploitation of children, and also their marriage at tender ages, just because only a few cases occur, and it’s not “our” children.
      Similarly, education. It may be that the kids are relatively well off; and some of the staff may have opted to work in those schools because they want to “rub shoulders”. But that cannot be used as excuses for cheating.
      I’m too tired to go into this now – in the morning!

  • 19

    I completely agree with the author’s points of view:

    He says; “The Sri Lankan nation should begin educating at the school level our children so that they are passionately for deontology and the rule of law, and totally against Hamaduruism.”

    The 6.9 million rupee question is this: Where are you going to find the teachers?
    Teachers in Sri Lanka, I understand teach better in their private tuition classes than in the schools. Teachers must be first taught to practice deontology before they teach the students in schools.

  • 13

    “ we will have political suck-ups and sycophants as our justices, attorneys-general who will file selective charges rather than by the book, administrators who do what they like for their friends and suck-ups rather than what is best for institution they administer, ministers who steal, and churches and universities full of sexual predators.”
    The above sums up why we are in the current predicament
    We need to take up meritocracy in ALL the Public appointments

    • 1

      “…churches and universities full of sexual predators”
      Are they really?

  • 4

    “Hamadurus plant temples in Tamil areas…”
    Areas that Tamils now claim as ‘TAMIL AREAS’ were inhabited by Sinhala Buddhists and had their first Kingdoms Anuradhapura (377 BC to 1017 AD) and Polonnaruwa (1056 AD–1232 AD) in those areas. Tamil (Demala) invaders who came from Hindusthan from 3rd Century BC massacred Sinhala Buddhists, destroyed their settlements in North and East and colonized Sinhala land. But most of them were chased away by Sinhalayo.
    [edited out]

    • 18

      Eagle Dumbo Eye

      The entire country is starving.
      Schools are being shut.
      Lazy functionaries are being sent home.
      Innocent people are being killed in the Fuel queue.
      Medicine is not available.
      Armed forces and police are trigger happy. Itching for fight.

      Amid all these chaos did Buddha ask the land grabbing saffron thugs to build Vihares?

      We were told Mahinda, Gota, …….. Banda, SiriMao, Chambika, Weerawansa are god sent to this island, and a huge blessing to this country.
      If true why the hell do you need more Vihres.
      There will be no land left for cultivation.

      Hence keep begging from Hindia, Bangladesh, Japan, Australia, IMF, Middle East, …… USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, UK, ………….

      Will you stop digging?

    • 9

      I think it’s the other way around, East Indian’s invaded what was originally a Tamil land and converted the Tamils to Buddhism.

      • 3

        I know West Indians. They were great cricketers when cricket was cricket and not a business venture..
        Who are “East Indians”?

      • 1

        There are no historical or archeological evidences to prove that Sinhale has been a Tamil land. The archeological evidences have proved that Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo evolved in this island from Homo sapiens lived in southern part of Sri Lanka about 125,000 years ago. Now, historians have discarded Vijaya story and has been removed from History text books. Tamils (Demalu) invaded Sinhale from 3rd Century BC but Tamil settlements in Yapanaya started after 13th Century.

        • 5

          But the Sinhala language itself is a mix of Pali an Tamil, it’s interesting!

          • 5

            Also a recent DNA study by University of Colombo suggests that the Tamil’s in Sri Lanka have nothing in common with their fellow Tamil speaking population in Tamil Nadu, however they are a close match to the Sinhalese and Muslims in Srilanka! Ha Ha I love science!

            • 1

              You are raising same old arguments several people have raised in this forum many times for which I have given answers.
              About 98% of Demalu in Sinhale are descendants of laborers brought to Sinhale by Portuguese, Dutch and British. If a DNA study of Colombo University says Tamils in Sri Lanka have nothing in common with their fellow Tamil speaking population in Tamil Nadu there is something wrong with selecting the sample. Without reading the research report I do not want to say anything else. Give me the source.

              • 5

                99.9% of the Thamizh largely low caste labour imported into the island by the Portuguese, the Dutch and lastly the British were all settled in the Chingkalla areas and not in the Thamizh north and east. Only the ones imported by the British to work on the tea and rubber estates and settled in the central parts of the island from the mid-1800s onwards retained their Thamizh identity due to being isolated and the Indian origin estate Thamizh. The hundreds of thousands who were imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch from the Coromandel and then Thamizh Malabar coasts from South India, and settled along the western and southern littorals to do menial service work and to work as slave/Indentured labour in the huge southern spice estates all converted to the Chinggkalla identity and now their Chingkalized descendants make up approximately half the present-day Chingkallams.

                • 3

                  Please google and read the origin of the Chingkalla Karawa, Durawa, Salagame, Hunu, Berewa and many other service castes. Please also read the recent South Indian origin of most so-called Chingkalla aristocratic and upper-caste families. Kandyan and low country. Largely descended from South Indian Thamizh or Telugu origin Thamizh Naickers from Madurai and Thanjavur. DNA studies have also stated the closest relatives to the Sri Lankan Thamizh are the Chingkallams, especially the Kandyan Chingkallams and not the South Indian Thamizh. It also states the Chingkallams, the Sri Lankan Thamizh and the Sri Lanka Muslims are very closely related to each other and that all of them are very close to the Dravidian population in South India including the South Indian Muslims, proving historically our ancestors from prehistoric, ancient, medieval and recent times have more or less arrived from South India.

                • 0

                  Not a Sinhala person speaks Tamil, other than a few borrowed words. Eelamists are also giving fake data on DNA. 2007.

                  “[…] Many researchers have attempted to untangle the mystery of the Sinhalese origins as they seem to have genomic contributions from many areas of India […] but results with conventional systems are contradictory and partial. New genetic markers may be able to provide a perspective on the origin of the Sinhalese. In order to address these, we analysed the above mentioned 30 Alu polymorphisms in a sample of 121 Sinhalese collected from Colombo, Sri Lanka (Papiha et al., 1996b; Papiha and Mastana, 1999). In addition, Alu frequency data from Bengali (89) and Tamil (101), North and Western Indian populations (from the above study) were used for evaluation of genetic variation, affinities and genetic admixture. […] Overall pattern of genetic relationships points towards substantial Bengali contribution as shown in DA distance derived dendrogram (Fig. 6) and admixture analyses. […] When three parental populations were used Bengali contribution remained strong (50-66%) followed by North Western (20-23%) and rest contributed by Tamil.”

                  Bengali admixture is greater than Tamil admixture, depending on sample. size. Terror supporters only look at select samples.

              • 1

                I’m sure you are familiar with the Google search engine! You just have to search dna study university of Colombo!

                • 1

                  You may be referring to the paper ‘Ethnic Reality of Sri Lankans: A Hidden Story Unravelled’ by Dr. Gayani Galhena, Nandika Perera and Gaya Ranawaka.
                  These people have made a mistake by saying “Being located in the middle of the maritime silk route, Sri Lanka had been a shelter for many trespassers throughout historical times. Interestingly, these foreign settlers make up the majority of the population today of which 99.5% consist of four ethnic groups; Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils, Moors, and Indian Tamils.’
                  Sinhalayo are not foreign people settled in Sinhale/Sri Lanka. This is linked to Vijaya myth that has been discarded by historians and archeologist based on latest archeological research findings. The latest archeological research have confirmed scientifically that Sinhala race evolved in this country from Homo sapiens lived in the Southern part of the country about 125,000 years ago.
                  About Tamils they say “Tamils on the other hand are believed to have descended from the indigenous people of the Indian subcontinent. However, Sri Lankan Tamils have mixed with Sinhalese over nearly two millennia, unlike the Indian Tamils, which might explain their relative genetic positions observed in the study.” This statement is correct.
                  There was no ethnic group called Tamils in Sinhale before 1911. The Dravidians who lived in Yapanaya were called ‘Malabars’ by colonial rulers and Sinhalayo called them ‘Demalu’.

      • 4

        Correct, now all these converted Buddhist Thamizh, some even to Christianity, many indigenous to the island, but lots more immigrants from ancient Thamilakam, in India, from ancient to recent times now calling themselves Chingkallams, are spitting out hatred and venom at the indigenous Thamizh, both Hindu and Christian, who retained their ancient Thamizh identity. Funny how many of these Chingkallams are asking Thamizh to return to India if they do not like it here when it is most of their ancestors who arrived from India, and that too from ancient Thamizh India. It is a well-known fact that over 90% of the so-called Chingkalla Catholics, largely from the Southern and western littorals, as well as the vast majority of the Chingkalla Protestant Christians too, many even from so-called aristocratic families, have a very recent South Indian origin Thamizh immigrant ancestry. Yet all this hatred for their own ancestry and origin.

    • 4

      Eagle Eye
      If you can answer me this question honestly as a so called true Buddhist sinhala champion I will give you kudos.
      Question: a crow brings a bo tree seedling and drops it in your garden, it starts to grow in your garden, what will you do?
      99.9% of the sinhala Buddhists will immediately uproot it and dispose of it quietly. Because if it grows you and everyone knows what will happen to your garden. The bo tree will be the passport for idiots to gain free access to your garden, in the name of Buddhism.
      In this whole occupancy equation, we the sinhala people are the bad guys, just realise it.
      We came to SL 2,000 years ago and look what we have done. People like you have turned history upside down. We have to look for emancipation from our ways, not the other way around.

      • 1

        Human Touch,
        “Question: a crow brings a bo tree seedling and drops it in your garden, it starts to grow in your garden, what will you do?”

        I will pull it out and throw away not because I am worried that other people will gain free access to my garden but because I do not have space for a Bo tree. If there is enough space, I do not mind having a Bo tree in my garden.

        • 4

          At least you said that truth, you will throw it away in spite of the essence of a bo tree to Buddhism.
          You want to build temples in the north, why not accommodate the Bo tree despite having a small garden, do it for your faith…perhaps you can attain nirvana one day!
          No you will not, you know the truth.
          Are you not a big hypocrite? You want to plant Bo trees in the north where there are no buddhist, but you will not let it grow in your back yard…
          This is the extent of your faith. Buddhism has been weaponized by a bunch of scum.
          Stop using Buddhism and the yellow robe to impose racism on others.
          See what racist voting has done to Sri Lanka by the 6.9million. Is this not enough of an example to desist from this barbaric system?

          • 0

            Human Touch,
            “At least you said that truth, you will throw it away in spite of the essence of a bo tree to Buddhism.”

            Bo tree has nothing to do with Buddha’s teachings.

      • 1

        Human Touch,
        “We came to SL 2,000 years ago…”

        Who came to Sri Lanka 2000 years ago?

        • 5

          Read your history and find out…for heavens sake.
          Or do you want me to lecture you on anthropology?
          Maybe I should. It will do you and everyone a world of good.
          It looks like you have been reading some crap written by a drug addict.
          By the way are you on drugs yourself?
          Just asking, since most times you seem to speak through your arse.

          • 1

            Human Touch,
            “Or do you want me to lecture you on anthropology?”
            I asked a simple question. Instead of giving the answer you are talking about anthropology. I am not sure whether anthropology can provide the answer to that question.

        • 1

          Eagle Dumbo Eye

          “Who came to Sri Lanka 2000 years ago?”

          Dumbo we never operated a border agency therefore we never kept a record of all kallthonies coming into the island. It was a mistake.

          I doubt your ancestors came here 2000 year ago.

          I love to call you TUCO even if you ……

  • 3

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  • 12

    Dear Prof Hoole
    I am a Buddhist, therefore I think I have the right to tell the truth from within.
    Let us dabble into the Dharma as spoken by the Buddha. According to the Buddha, one must posses enough merits (pin) to be able to understand the Dharma and make use of it effectively to escape samsara.
    In our case, the people of cloth popularly know as yellow pets are people who became yellow pets due to very unfortunate circumstances, in most cases.
    They do not have the Pin that most ordinary people have, so how do you expect them to somehow understand the Dharma quite magically? Or by wearing the yellow robe their demerits or Pau will simply wash away? No never that is not the Dharma says.
    They just wear the yellow cloth and enjoy all the privileges attached it the yellow cloth without being worthy of it.
    For starters Yellow petism is a way of life or a means of survival in 99% of the cases. They use the yellow cloth to fulfil their primal survival instincts.
    The Buddha did the opposite if you get my point. He went from affluence to monkhood. He gave up everything he had in search of the truth and he found it.

    • 6

      “……For starters Yellow petism is a way of life or a means of survival in 99% of the cases…..”

      Absolutely HT! I’d say 99.9% of them were ordained because their parents could not feed them. How come then we are to expect anything other than survival tactics from those yellow robies??

      The main problem with majority of naive Buddhists is that they do not want to prioritize Buddhist principles [ප්‍රතිපත්ති පූජා] over Buddhist rituals [ආමිස පූජා]. They have been cleverly hypnotized for centuries by rogue priests for their own survival. They preach whatever good for their survival- not what Buddha preached. A fine example is that rogue Pitiduwe Siridhamma.

      I honestly don’t know much about the way priests in other religions behave so I wish not to comment.

      • 4

        Jit and HT,

        “Absolutely HT! I’d say 99.9% of them were ordained because their parents could not feed them. How come then we are to expect anything other than survival tactics from those yellow robies??”
        I think you might have heard… there was a saying among SinhalayaS, if you would offer a child to Sanga community.., their generations would be able to cross the ” sansara gamana- what they called journey through sansara”. This is another like similar to ” le kirikara bonna dhena amma”… ” mothers turn their own blood into milk” which is one of the biggest lie being often used by ” buddhagama bana preachings”:
        Srilanka is a country – any lie would be wrapped by ” sinhala buddhagama”, it can easily be sold out to our people like ” unu kaewum” aka ” මේ දැන් හදපු උනු කැවුම් wage… like freshly prepared oil cake.

        To the eyes of the westerners, it is a real example of child abuse. I don t think that there are small kids that would not like to enjoy their childhood.

        The very same kind of child abuse is currently being promoted by their parents for a new form of lucrative business…. for making YOUTUBE videos….. in such videos, they train ” little ones” like parrots.

        Ranjan Ramanayaka proved it fearlessly- how so called buddhagama monks live their hidden propensities – within ” buddhagama temples”. Unfortunately, that is still a taboo topic in the country.


        Champa or the like SINHALA BUDDHISTs will interpret it according to them.

      • 3

        You are very correct on the confusion people have between buddha dharma and rituals.
        As you know, Buddha does not encourage rituals. But yellow pets do not know this.
        I asked a question from this forum before: what is the connection between Dharma and the Dagabas?
        None of the in house Sinhala
        buddagama disciples/fanatics/extremists like Champa said a word.
        The problem with the likes of EE, Champa, Soma and Lester is that their brains are full of regret, jealousy, hatred, racism, fascism and all the negatives, there is no space left for positive rational thoughts.
        They are all “oxygen thieves” you know what I mean 😏. Waste of space. When the time comes to lynch the politicians and greedy business people, we should include the lot from CT as well…

    • 6

      Thank you Human Touch for that.

    • 2

      Human Touch,
      “He went from affluence to monkhood. He gave up everything he had in search of the truth and he found it.”

      Do you know that professors from famous universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, engineers, doctors and other professionals have become Buddhist monks giving up their affluent lives.

      • 7

        You bloody idiot EE, people are NOT against TRUE Buddhism!! They are against rogue yellow robies in Sri Lanka who destroy the social fabric of our country because of idiots like you who support them unconditionally!! Professors who become Buddhist monks are light years ahead of utterly stupid s**t bags like you, so STOP talking about them!!!

        • 4

          Can you please elaborate on “TRUE Buddhism”.
          I am aware of dozen kinds of Buddhism in practice, that is excluding Sinhala Buddhism.

      • 8

        Eagle Eye
        For once you are agreeing with me. I did not say there was anything wrong with the Buddha Dharma.
        All I said was that one has to be at a certain high level of intellect to understand Dharma.
        Yes Cambridge and oxford scholars are perfectly suited to the task.
        That is why they appreciate Buddhism and practice it accordingly. While we are here making a mess of the whole thing.
        Buddha’s strategy is to use the power of the advanced human brain to escape from the cycle of samsara.
        The concept of impermanence, the illusion of “self” and the concept of samsara are simple yet for the simple mind impossible to understand.

      • 7

        Is an Oxbridge don joining something is a criterion for the greatness of anything?
        Quite a few great scholars had joined the ‘Hare Krishna’ group too.

  • 4

    I am touched by what you say too. I am a Christian but grew up with Budhists so I know something of what you say.Ping and Pau yes but above that I know the goodness of the heart of my friends(at least) . On the day of the Easter bombing we were in church and had 17 missed calls mostly from Buddhist friends concerned for our safety,they went much further to protect. But , In my view neither the Buddhist people or Muslim people were attacking christians in SL. Who was ??????
    My objection is to political Budhism. I object to political Christianity too.
    In the colonial game Jesus was not western ! he is more Asian (Mid East) !!
    Its to do with power,power ,power !

  • 3

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  • 2

    “The Sri Lankan nation should begin educating at the school level our children so that they are passionately for deontology and the rule of law, and totally against Hamaduruism.”
    According to Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of ‘deontology’ is “the theory or study of moral obligation”.
    Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deontology
    Buddhist monks teach ‘Pancha Seela’ which are moral obligations to lay persons. Therefore:
    Hamaduru Ethics = Deontology

    • 8

      Eagle Eye.

      First and foremost, you do not represent us. Your form of sinhala Buddhist campaign is based on a fallacy.
      Let me illustrate. You say “Tamil (Demala) invaders who came from Hindusthan from 3rd Century BC massacred Sinhala Buddhists, destroyed their settlements in North and East and colonized Sinhala land. But most of them were chased away by Sinhalayo.”.
      It is established that the Tamil civilization is at least 5,000 years old. The Tamil people in the south are just a few miles from the north of SL, the two countries were connected by a land bridge, Tamils generally are found all over asia through migration. Do you seriously believe that they did not set foot in SL until the 3rd century?
      Meanwhile you want the readers to believe that we the sinhala people who came to SP 2,000 + years ago from east of india beat the tamils for occupancy.
      Just look how stupid you sound.
      The truth is that Vijay was kicked out if india and he came and deceived a local vedda queen and later disappointed her and established a presence here in SL. I would say that we displaced the veddas and pushed back the tamils north of Anuradapura and grabbed everything.

      • 2

        Human Touch,
        “Do you seriously believe that they did not set foot in SL until the 3rd century?”

        They might have wandered to this country before 3rd Century BC but they are different from Sinhalayo who evolved in this country over a period of about 125,000 years and developed the country from scratch.
        The record of Demalu (Tamils) in Sinhale is as invaders who destroyed Sinhala Kingdoms Anuradhapura (377 BC to 1017 AD) and Polonnaruwa (1056 AD–1232 AD) and Sinhala settlements in the North and East of the country.

        • 0

          “They might have wandered to this country before 3rd Century BC but they are different from Sinhalayo who evolved in this country over a period of about 125,000 years and developed the country from scratch.”
          Now this is a very interesting statement from you with diverse implications.
          For starters according to this we cannot be indo aryans since indo aryans began to exist about 5,000 years ago only.
          We must be direct descendants of Africans therefore. The only race that existed at that time were the Africans.
          I think you are confusing the Sinhala people with the Veddah people. The same Veddahs that the Sinhala people nearly made extinct.
          I think if you want to argue, you have to get your facts right. Nowadays DNA analysis is able to uncover the truth about one’s ancestry.
          I suggest you order a DNA test kit and try to understand your self first. You may be surprised to find the truth.

  • 4

    Prof. Hoole,
    We have heard terms such as Buddhism, Hinduism but never heard a thing called ‘Hamaduruism’. Can you please explain what is ‘Hamaduruism’.

    • 2

      It is a Ratnajeevanism– I will not say Hoolism for I know other Hooles.

  • 5

    ‘Hamaduruism’ is clearly a hate speech.
    There are plenty of words in English that mean that. No new words needed.

    Of course, the facts in Hoole’s letter are out of order. The reason is that he wrote the article out of hatred for the Sinhala man.

    If Hoole is honest, he should only stand for building a 100% liberal society. There is a solution to all the problems he says.

    Christian Tamils like Hoole are the fathers of Tamil racism. Because Hindu Tamils can display Hindu symbols and show that they are different from Sinhalese. But Christian Tamils ​​are the same as Sinhalese.That is why racism is essential for them to keep their ‘Tamil’ identity.

    • 2

      “Christian Tamils like Hoole are the fathers of Tamil racism.”

      I don’t think Hoole himself is a racist. He was chased out of Jaffna by LTTE terror thugs. He is too educated to support suicide terrorism. I think Hoole is caught in “no-man’s land.” He thinks the country can be saved if people convert to Christianity in large numbers. It is a different idea from the usual Jaffna racism and Thesawalamai. On the other hand, Hoole does not support GOSL as it largely operates in an intellectual vacuum.

    • 6

      There are 3 ways we can judge someone.
      1. Words
      2. Actions
      3. Intentions.
      Anyone can play with words, and disguise actions but intentions are not easy to falsify.
      The problem with majority of Sri Lankans is that we use the first 2 qualities to ascertain peoples worth while forgetting the most important quality on which we must rely for our assessments.
      Prof hooles words should not be taken out of context. He is trying to express an idea. The intention is not bad. Let us look for answers to our problems rather than trading blame and pointing fingers.
      I have always asked people to put on their thinking caps rather than using emotion to decide on every issue.
      Just look at prosperous countries and see how they operate. We better wise up before things get even worse. Sentiments are a luxury we cannot afford.

      • 0

        “Let us look for answers to our problems rather than trading blame and pointing fingers.”
        It does not seem the aim of the article.
        Fingers keep pointing all over.

    • 4

      I accept your first point about the offensive nature of the coined term, but you cannot generalize about Tamil Christians.
      I think such stereotyping also contributes to racism.

    • 3

      I know the truth hurts, therefore posted this comment with hatred towards all Thamizh, Hindu and Christian.

  • 2

    Dear Professor Jeevan Hoole,
    What you have highlighted, and what has been commented on (59 comments displayed so far), have been on Morality as it impinges on National affairs and on Anglican Church affairs, mainly in relation to ethnic balances.
    Yet it is important at all levels. When it becomes clear that the actions of people are at levels below what is expected, I think that it is necessary for all those who get to know the position to decide in their own minds about what they think. Unfortunately, people uncritically lap up the news as it comes in. Whether each of us expresses at the very least a formal protest would depend on our evaluation of the importance of the action.
    How boring this abstract talk is: let me tell you somenting more directly in a fresh comment.
    Panini Edirisinhe

  • 1

    Let me tell you, in the most direct possible mode, what Anglican Bishop of Colombo, Dushantha Rodrigo, is now saying and leave it to you to work out what sort of Ethics now prevails.
    Part 1 of 4
    What Colombo’s Anglican Bishop, Dushantha Rodrigo told me on the 26th of May 2020 during a phone conversation lasting 9 minutes 39 seconds, starting 12.15 p.m., was startling, given the context. He told me that he couldn’t assure me that the election of the Staff Representative for the three Branch Schools on the Board of Governors of S. Thomas’ Colleges, would be be without cheating in March 2024.

    Two years to go, and he wasn’t even going to make an effort.
    The issue is this: It is clearly laid down that the “staffs” (mainly teachers) of the S. Thomas’ schools in Colpetty, Bandarawela and Gurutalawa,
    are entitled to representation on the fifteen-member Board of Governors of which he is the Chairman. If you really want to know what sort of people have been cheated on to the Board, look at the many comments at the bottom of this page:

  • 1

    Part 2/4
    And I have explained all that in articles written by me, with this being the last:
    I’m giving you the option of finding out for yourselves how clearly Bishop Dushantha has been apprised of all relevant details. However, I suggest that you skip all that and focus on the dilemma that Dushantha claims to be faced with.
    However, what Bishop Dushantha told me on the 26th of May 2022 during a phone conversation lasting 9 minutes 39 seconds, starting 12.15 p.m.,  was that there would be cheating in the selection of a Staff Representative for the three Branch Schools in March 2024, and that he would not attempt to prevent it.
    His business was to ask the Headmasters (translate that to “Principals” understand that in Lankan English) to attend to the elections, but if they cheated there was nothing that he could do to rectify the cheating. That, I told him, was precisely why I was telling him so early.

  • 1

    Part 3/4
    The Rules specify a secret ballot, with the Heads of Schools having no say in what was being done. These are the Rules:
    I have drawn attention to this many times:
    Bishop Dushantha admits that there is regular cheating, but says, as early as this, that he cannot do anything to stop it. Isn’t this a manifestation of “Utilitarian Ethics” or “Hamaduruism” as Jeevan has called it here?
    Bishop Dushantha isn’t any sort of monster; he is merely doing what the majority of Lankans are satisfied with. It is good that he has written all this, because most of you readers also have tended to be satisfied with this level of morality. Now you can see for yourselves what this has led to in the life of this country.
    Why all this cheating? It is popularly held that these schools maintain higher standards than those run by the State, and particularly in English. All of that is false. I have just asserted all this here. If you want all that discussed all over again, ask, and it shall be done.
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444) of Bandarawela

  • 1

    The quality of teachers who are attracted to the schools’ system depends greatly on how they are treated. If you treat them with this amount of contempt, they will certainly work only for the salary they are given. Perks? Usually doled out to keep the recipient in control.
    And what happens next? Favouritism. Bishop Jabez Gnanpragasam told me, thirty years ago, that he knew about the “empire building” by Heads of schools. And the teachers have their favourites. So cynicism grows. This is happening in all schools, but the idea in allowing private schools was to enable the growth of better values.
    The Old Boys who take on membership are not a cross-section of those who studied in the school. This is especially true now of the two Uva schools. Those in authority pretend that everybody knows English; no, they don’t. The school has failed them; now it is pretended that they don’t exist. Who is able to make the BoG aware of all this?
    What is being talked here is not Trade Unionism. But to start it all off, it is not any aged Old Boy who should make this particular choice. It is the teachers.
    There’s another group, euphemistically referred to now as “support staff”; they’ll have to wait!

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