18 February, 2025


Harin Demands Action Against Chathura

President Maithripala Sirisena has promised tough disciplinary action against MP Chathura Senaratne if the latter had entered the office of Minister Harin Fernando by force and perused his documents.

Harin And RajithaDuring the weekly cabinet meeting yesterday night, Fernando had told his cabinet colleagues, that the son of Cabinet Minister Rajitha Senaratne had entered his office while he was away and had gone through some of his documents without permission.

A cabinet minister said that Fernando had spoken in a highly agitated manner, while threatening to step down from the ministerial post if action is not taken against Chathura.

Several UNP ministers had spoken in support of Fernando noting that both Dr. Senaratne and his son was acting in a high handed manner.

The minister said that both the President and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had to intervene to diffuse rising tempers.

Afterwards the President had promised an inquiry and disciplinary action if Fernando’s charge was correct.

Rajitha Senaratne had not attended the meeting yesterday as he is away on an official visit to Brussels.

Meanwhile Chathura Senratne speaking to Colombo Telegraph denied the charge leveled against him by Fernando..

When questioned, Chathura said that Fernando may be referring to someone else. He strongly denied that he was involved in any sort of spying on Fernando.

Fernando has said that this was related to the Avant Garde fiasco.

Fernando’s name too is mentioned along with several other powerful politicians as those trying to defend the Avant Garde as they are in the company’s payroll.

However Fernando has said that he has no connection with Avant Garde. The Minister has made an open challenge to those hurling accusations against him, to prove otherwise if possible.

Latest comments

  • 23

    Nip it from the bud and don’t let it grow…. !

    • 12

      “Fernando has said that this was related to the Avant Garde fiasco.”

      Clean it up and dump the Garbage. More Garbage left from Avent Garde.

    • 5

      If This young blood who though worked diehard to chase away nation s looter, Rajapakshe, if he has dealt with Avan Grade, he should be sacked from his minister position. Basta.

      This is the reason why RW never allowed young unexperienced men to become ministers easily. Fernando s position was connected with hier hard work done in UWA. But now he seems to have been doing not WELL to the ruling party.

      • 4

        You are living in an effing cloud. Sagala Ratnayake, is the new Minister of Low and Odour. Why is that ?SAGALA and RANIL are very tight, up close and personal. So get off this crap praising RW

        • 2

          How old was Ranil himself, when he was made a cabinet Minister. I think that the portfolio was education, and that he was well under 30 years.

          Never mind such generalisations; the fact is that far too many members of the present government have been obstructing the bringing to justice of gun-runners.

  • 12

    Avant Garde Lokka has managed to drive a wedge in the Good Governance Cabinet. I am starting to admire that guy. He would be a super Intelligence Chief for the Sri Lankan state.

    Sri Lankan Cabinet meetings are a total waste of public funds. Nearly 100 monkeys gather on a regular basis to feast. In the heart of Colombo. Talk about their personal issues, bicker and whine. Like little girls.

    Then vanish into congested Colombo traffic in their massive 4WD SUVs with security details. All paid using public funds. What a waste!


    Has Harin F reported Chathura S to Sri Lanka Police? The correct place for such complains.

    Have not seen Harin being so agitated about Avant Garde scam yet. He should agitate in the Cabinet to have Avant Garde Lokka arrested at once.

  • 12

    Father is in Brussels and the son is eating Brussels Sprouts here. And you know what happens when you eat Brussels Sprouts. The stench is heaven high.

    The parents are setting up a good example for other parents by allowing him to abduct a girl. Now this!

    You can expect better and more when the father returns with a plane load of Brussels Sprouts.

  • 11

    This brat wants to be thug in parliament.
    Whom is he trying to emulate??
    He has rubbed shoulders against a mariyakade Josephian.

    Looks like Rajith V.A.Chalaya’s son Chathura V.A.Charlie has met his waterloo.

  • 1

    Rajitha is a different lower caste and Harin is Karawe I think. Must have something to do with lack of class.

    • 2


      Coincidently you have chosen the right pseudonym for you , may i ask you to slightly change your pseudonym to pattagona by replacing a instead of i !

  • 1

    Rajitha and son working hard to close their nudity.His [Edited out]

  • 2

    Rajitha and son working hard to close their nudity.His making money by drug importing mafia makes a lot of money and once he was punished and banished from parliament.On the other hand Avanguard is a red Herring as to cover budget increases as well as Billion rupee Central Bank heist by Arjun and Ranil.

  • 0

    This is drama just for our consumption. Behind the scenes they are all sharing the bribes and have a good laugh at our expense.

    Does anyone seriously think only Rajitha got a bribe from Avante Garde?

  • 0

    My3 has promised action in this matter??? Don’t hold your breath. There are many promises that My3 made that has gone the other way. Under Yahapalanaya he promised to punish criminal politicians. Contrary to his promises he gave cabinet positions to highly corrupt and criminal politicians. Now they are fighting over the Avant Garde largesse. Yamapalanaya it is – nothing more nothing less.

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