24 January, 2025


Has Anti-Muslim Hate Gone Mainstream As Mahinda Deshapriya Says?

By Mohamed Harees –

Lukman Harees

The Daily Mirror of 20th March 2018 carried a rather alarming and distressing news-item on its’ front page. The headline of this news-item read ‘The claim that a majority of Sinhalese were against the recent attacks on Muslims is wrong‘Most Sinhalese happy about recent attacks’, reporting a speech delivered by a prominent civil servant Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya (MD),  interestingly at a workshop on ethnic harmony on the theme’ building bridges’ at SLIDA.  Strangely the e-version of this new-item has apparently been withdrawn and is no longer available for on-line access.

After reading his rather alarming speech, the Muslims would have felt like ‘a man being gored by a bull, after falling from the tree’ as a Sinhala idiom goes, only weeks after scores of Anti-Muslim hate mobs swept through Muslim villages, both in the Eastern and Central Provinces engaging in a well-orchestrated campaign of vandalism and arson attacks. MD also reportedly added that a majority of Sinhalese were happy to see the Tamils too being attacked in 1983, only to regret it a few years later, thus demonising the Sinhala people. His speech continued to challenge the Muslims to adopt an indigenous lifestyle and assimilate themselves into a Sri Lanka nation. In the overall context, it raises an all-important question in the minds of all Sri Lankans; not just the Muslims: Has anti-Muslim hate gone mainstream in this Dharma Dweepa?      

It is not clear in what context that such sweeping statements were made by a person in the stature of MD who chairs an important public commission such as the Elections Commission. Few possibilities exist: Did the Daily Mirror merely engage in sensationalizing this new-item; the types of sensationalism as the mainstream newspapers do for petty gains, in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are overhyped to present biased impressions on events, which may cause a manipulation to the truth of a story. They knew very well the bad timing of this news and the negative emotional impact and uneasy feelings it may cause in the minds of both  Sinhalese and the Muslims specially, upon the heels of  a spate of communal violence carried out by hate groups on Muslim areas which caused much damage to the harmony between the two communities. Still they did it and later withdrew the online access. Or did the newspaper quote him out of context(in which case DM would have demanded a correction?( which he did not ); OR Did he say base it on some reliable and valid study/ survey (which is still not known in the public domain)?. It therefore appears that his speech may have been based on his own experiences, hush talks and dog whistles he may have come across during the interactions with his fellow religionists (being a Sinhala Buddhist himself); his gut feelings. However I beg to differ, having lived with Sinhalese  and moved with them closely for the most part of my life in Sri Lanka. Besides, feeling happy about the misery of another is very un-Buddhistic to say the least and his remarks will be an insult to the Buddhists too! Only positive aspect will be that it will open up a dialogue on an area of study long hushed up; perhaps an elaborate academic or social study will help to capture public perceptions in this sensitive area. 

It has been a fact that Sinhala  people at the grass-root/village levels has always been tolerant and lived  amicably with the other communities in the South. I can personally vouch for strong bonds of friendship and amity between the Sinhala and Muslim communities, as a social activist hailing from the South. Therefore, MD’s observations that ‘Most Sinhala people are happy about the recent anti-Muslim attacks’ seems not only incorrect but also an outright insult to the tolerant track records of the Sinhala Buddhist people at the grass-root levels, as things stand at present. However, the fact that there had not been any visible objections from the Sinhala Buddhist intellectuals, politicians, or social activists to MD’s  offensive and controversial statement about their community appears intriguing.

It has been a historic fact that Ceylon got its’ Independence in 1948 with the support of all communities. It was in 1956 when SWRD become PM on a Sinhala Buddhist platform heavily initiated by some influential sections of the Maha Sangha and then troubles began to brew. Two years later in 1958, the first ever Anti Tamil violence started in Post independence Ceylon. In 1959, SWRD was assassinated by one of the Buddhist monks. Thereafter, the  narrow minded political leadership in the years which followed sowed misunderstandings between the two communities, which culminated in the Anti-Tamil pogrom in 1983, leading to 30 years of bloody war fought by a ruthless LTTE terror outfit. Despite Post war hopes of Sri Lankans for peace and amity, MR did not play the historic role of a leader of Post war peace times, which led to another war – a religious war; this time against the other minority-the Muslims. The well-orchestrated hate campaign initiated at the behest of political masters against the Muslims led to creating a climate of fear and insecurity which continues upto this day under various pretexts from 2012. It was these political elements and their cat-paws which should bear the blame and not the Sinhala community at the grass-root levels. However if only the majority community had been more vocal in their opposition; the outcomes would have been much different!  As a matter of fact, even the Sinhala community too has not had a good deal to improve their lot from any Post independence governments; on the contrary they too have many grievances to complain of. Tamils have been marginalized too. Thus, all communities are equal on that count!

In fact, in 1983, then President JRJ attempted to indirectly blame  the Sinhala people by saying the 1983 attacks was a natural reaction. However, it was no means a mass uprising of the entire Sinhala race against Tamils. As a matter of fact, the majority of the Sinhala people were against what happened then, and also protected and saved Tamils often at great personal risk, as accepted even by many Tamil authors. Otherwise the consequences would have been much grave. Even in the face of provocation from the Tigers who attacked the Dalada Maligawa and also killed many monks in Arantalawa and many other places, the Sinhalese kept their cool.  Further, in the case of  Post-war anti-Muslim hate campaign during the MR  era carried out by the BBS, despite it being well –orchestrated and well-oiled through well – known State patronage, the BJP (BBS Political wing) candidates were not even able to retain their deposits and were rejected in toto by the Sinhala electorate. This was again another good yardstick to measure the stand taken by the Sinhala people about the extremist lines of thinking advanced by the hate groups among them

Even in the aftermath of Aluthgama violence, despite Ven. Gnanasara’s hate speech exhorting Sinhalese to raise up against the Muslims and the MR government attempting to unjustly portray the Muslim as perpetrators, the violence did not spread to other areas. They certainly rejected these hate groups as representing their way of thinking. Some may argue that the blossoming of the Pohottuwa in recent elections was a sign that Sinhala People as a whole are leaning towards extreme Sinhala nationalist ideology. This again may be another false generalization as the anti-govt trend will well be due to the extreme levels of dissatisfaction and disillusionment of the electorate with the dismal track record of the Yahapalana government.

Let us take the recent Anti-Muslim violence in Ampara and Digana (and other areas) as another  example. It was true that the government and its’s law enforcement arm and STF woefully failed to protect the Muslim villages, people, mosques and their business environment. However, the local villages did all they could to protect their Muslim neighbours and families. There are many positive stories where Sinhala people in the affected areas led by exemplary Buddhist monks  stood up to face these hate mobs and protected Muslims and their properties. Of course they were outnumbered  and the mobs had their final say as they were reportedly given a free hand by the belated response of the government as well as the apathy and also connivance of the Police/STF. What happened in Anamaduwa was really heart-warming and emotional, which I think truly represent the great people the Sinhalese generally are. The Sinhalese business community there proved that they want peace and harmony with all communities when they built the Muslim Hotel set on fire by mobs within one day.

There are thus numerous stories untold about the level of amicable relationship between the Sinhalese and Muslims. Judging by statements given by leading monks, many speeches in Parliament from both sides of the divide, writings of many Sinhala intellectuals, many press conferences convened by mainly Sinhala activists show that the this hate campaign did not have the support of the mainstream Sinhala community. So, the Muslims quite  rightly blamed not the Sinhala community for the anti-Muslim attacks seen in Aluthgama, Gintota or Digana; instead they pointed their blaming finger towards the fence which ate the crops( Govt+ law enforcement arm which failed to protect them against the mobs led by hate mongers and gangs ‘blessed’ by rogue monks) for their tragedy. These hate groups are an insult to the peaceful Sinhala community. The Sinhalese and/or Sinhala Buddhists as a community/ mainstream or at the grass-root levels have thus not shown any visible signs where they appear to have ever condoned violence against either Tamils or Muslims. They have, in contrast being protecting and supporting brethren from other communities living among them.

Having said that, it is also not a secret that there is a growing sense of  aloofness, indifference  among them to speak out publicly against these destructive hate elements  which claim to speak in their name. This trend will be dangerous specially when there are political conspiracies in place to divide the nation into separate compartmentalized communities and to instil unsubstantiated and unfounded fear among the Sinhala Buddhist people that the minorities in general and Muslims in particular are all-out to destroy their culture, race and heritage. These anti-Muslim hate campaigns are all well- planned borrowing from global Islamophobia  hell-bent on making Sri Lanka a hell-hole for the Muslims  for various socio-political reasons. Indi Samarajiva wrote in ‘Medium’ blog that as long as the core ingredients  of (some) excuses (or ruses) +racists+ people standing by, are there, another race riot (against the Muslims in this instance) cannot be prevented. Further, as seen in Anamaduwa, the arsonists who set fire to the Muslim hotel were  young GCE AL students  and many of those who engaged in such atrocities were all young. All these offenders were victims of  a systematic process of radicalization and brain washing  initiated by hate groups through social media ( specially FB) by demonizing the Muslims and introducing hate into their young minds. Many rogue monks too feed this hate rhetoric into these young minds misusing the peaceful Buddhist religion too.   

On the other hand, the Muslims should also look inwards and rectify areas which are reported to be causing annoyance or raising fears among the Sinhalese community as they feel that present day Muslims are alienating themselves from the mainstream society due to their changed lifestyles being more Arab rather than indigenous. Therefore fighting hate in society should be the joint responsibility of all communities to prevent  hate going mainstream. Let the hate mongers be assigned to the fringes.

However, as the Joint submission by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, and the Special Rapporteur on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, argued, ‘Hate speech is but a symptom, the external manifestation of something much more profound which is intolerance and bigotry. Therefore, legal responses, such as restrictions on freedom of expression alone, are far from sufficient to bring about real changes in mind-sets, perceptions and discourse. To tackle the root causes of intolerance, a much broader set of policy measures are necessary, for example in the areas of intercultural dialogue or education for tolerance and diversity. In addition, this set of policy measures should include strengthening freedom of expression…..’.  This should attract the attention of our policy makers, religious leaders, intellectuals to work out a comprehensive program of action to make Sri Lanka a country where all communities can live in peace and harmony.

Latest comments

  • 8

    Mahinda Deshapriya , Victor Ivan and just a handful of others went public
    that it is already mainstream .Comments from people like me maintain
    this position since very long out of experience and that is why I keep
    asking Sinhala Buddhists to STAND UP AND SAY ” NOT IN OUR NAME.”
    Until then Rogues are working with free licence from ALL SINHALA
    BUDDHISTS . Majority of Sinhala Buddhists , if they do not condone with
    this crime against humanity , FREE YOURSELF from this menace . And
    we Muslims are not safe until we see that the majority of Sinhala Buddhists
    do not want rogues to represent them in this manner !

    • 10

      “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

      Edmund Burke

      • 8

        “We Muslims are not safe until we see the majority of Sinhala Buddhists do not want rogues to represent them in this manner”. This is exactly what the Sinhalese are saying, “We Sinhalese are not safe until we see the majority of Arab Muslims do not want rogues to represent them in this manner”. This is why government has taken action to keep rogues who are representing Muslims under surveillance regarding their contact with extremist countries and organisations and funds received from them for anti-Sinhala activities such as building mosques, settling Muslims in lands reserved and supporting Muslims financially to take control of the economy.

        • 10

          OK, Al-faqurlah – Now this is enough for a week. Please go and concentrate on what you know better, let matured handle this.

        • 1


          Nice handle man! Love it.

        • 0

          Al-fukka, why don’t you keep your stinking mouth and barbaric mind tied? Point out which rogue Muslims representing you. 90% of the ministers who represent you are real rogues, the result Sri Lanka indebted up to the nose. Your rogue ministers and racist clique spoiling the image of Sri Lanka internationally. According to International Law if Sri Lanka fail to settle the debts in time, the administration of Sri Lanka can be taken over by the country to whom you owe the largest amount. So one day China going to take over Sri Lanka and it will become 100% certain if MARA take over the country. Find the real rogues first.

      • 4


        The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

        Albert Einstein

    • 4

      Yesterday BBS launched a terror attack in France killing 4.

      Who are we fooling!

      What Kandy experienced is what France is experiencing. Same dirt everywhere.

      • 0

        Another LTTE propagandist idirectly hitting at SL Muslim. Sri Lanka is not France you stupid low class dog. Point out the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka. Before the end of war by LTTE Tamil terrorist and now by racist BBS and his cohorts.

        • 2

          Ralli Ameen

          Why don’t you fuck off to Saudi Arabia or Paki Land ??

          • 0

            Pirabakaran velupillai

            I will fuck off to any country when I want but I will not lend off the back to every country by going in Kallathonis.

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 3

    I will not have any reconciliation with even muslims as long as they say sinhala mobs attacked Tamils.but do not mention what the instigating cause was. IT is the same with Muslims. they do not mention any of the things they did. Instead just advice muslims “reflect what you did.” I don’t think you can talk for all the muslims. the reason they do not obey you. As long as you do not acknowledge that there are trouble causing muslims no opne goes with you. Muslim problems and counter attacks are not restricted to one country. So, be honest and open. We know what muslims had done and are doing in India. So, we expect the same. Therefore Sinhala people have to be alert.

    • 13


      Can’t you for once talk sense or begin to write your comments in a sober mood. You always go on tangents with the subject of the article and return to your favourite pastime- Muslim bashing . When the writer is saying that hate is still a fringe activity and Sinhala people should not be blamed as a whole. you seem to talk nonsense.You have some negative thing to say on any subject. .

      Hate is a disease and you need treatment my friend! Sooner you do that, earlier you recover and talk sanity. You are an insult

      • 6


        You cannot stop this kind of anti-Muslim posting until CT stop publishing if the real name is not given. Since you have to give the email address this won’t be difficult for CT to do it. The other big problem here is Tamil posting as Sinhalese and Sinhalese posting as Tamils.

        • 0

          Ralli Ameen,

          Good Idea. It may make sense to put the name in the e-mail;, within parentheses next to the pseudo name. However, still there are too many Para-Idiots with low IQ in the Land,.

          Example: Amarasiri (amarasiri) @ xxxx.xxx
          Ralli Ameen (ralli.ameen) @ xxxx.xxx

          Then the Para-Wahhabi-Salafies, can issue fatwas and hunt for the person.
          Then the Para-LTTE GTF, can issue communications and hunt for the person.
          Then the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” , can issue fake news and start a riot, like the “Wanda Pethi”. and many other excuses.

          The low average IQ if 79, of the Paras certainly helps. May be this is the Reason why CT is doing this way. Too many low IQ Para Idiots.

    • 0

      Jim Softy, what Muslims have done to India. Before Muslim came to India it was not a civilized country. After Muslims it became civilized and much later by colonialist. Same here, can you disprove it instead of writing blah, blah, blah here.

  • 4

    Many use the word ‘buffoon’ to describe our Election Commissioner and he has proved once again that he truly is one. He has attributed his own mindset to others. It is this idiot’s way of showing off that he is an intellectual. I hope he is misquoted or quoted out of context – I hope.

    • 3


      “Many use the word ‘buffoon’ to describe our Election Commissioner”

      Most people don’t mean it.
      However what they meant were Jimsofty, sach, Shenali, …………….

  • 10

    So Muslims should look inward and rectify things that annoy the Sinhalese community? Only the Sinhalese community and not what they do the Tamils, as they are powerful and ruling , therefore as usual the Muslims should not annoy them? Is that what you are stating? However they can keep on annoying and damaging their fellow non Muslim Tamils, like constantly denying their actual Tamil origin and denigrating it like some low class Muslim idiots do on this forum. Claiming some imagined fake Arab origin , that even Arabs have clearly stated they do not have. Kill and chase away Tamils in the Tamil areas and steal their lands , with the help of their crooked politicians in the government. Settle thousands of out of area Muslims with the help of Gulf Arab money along the Wilpattu corridor and in the east on the pretext of settling Muslim IDP. Not allow displaced Tamils to return to their lands in the east. Destroy Hindu temples and build mosques and beef stalls on these destroyed premises . Try to claim large chunks of ancient Tamil lands , where you arrived only a few centuries ago , as refugees and were given refuge thanks to Tamil generosity, with the help of the very same Sinhalese army, police and politicians , that you accuse of attacking you in the Sinhalese south All that is fine, as you and most Muslims, as Tamils do not matter and they are powerless after the defeat of the LTTE. You are cunningly trying to downplay what the happened to the Tamils in 1983 and before by stating most Sinhalese did not support this. Nonsense most Sinhalese supported it and even if they did not actively participated , were watching the fun on the sidelines. They may have helped their Tamil friends and relatives but were happy to see it happening to other Tamils. The LTTE only became brutal as they were dealing with a brutal Sinhalese governments armed forces , police and establishment and Muslim Home guards in the east.

    • 8

      While I am for peaceful coexistence with Muslims in all parts of the country Muslim must give up (1) being part of that global Wahabi project
      to Islamise the whole world by subversion in this country (2) stop this clear lie of large number of Muslims having lived in this country over a thousand years – which is a well engineered falsehood. This false claim is made for future use in case Sri Lanka gets into political disorder – not excluding armed hostilities – where Pakistan and Islamic countries may take action inimical to Sri Lanka’s security interests and the integrity of its geographical reality. Lorna Dewaraja is often put forward to support this claim. The fact is this Sinhala lady is an anti-Tamil and works to a pro-Muslim agenda to the detriment of local Tamils in the Eastern Province.


      • 8

        Islam it self is only 1400 years and Muslims living in the country for over 1000 years is a joke. A few stray Arabs and other western Asian emissaries coming to the court of kings of Sri Lanka does not represent the local Muslims. These people are completely different to local Dravidian Tamil Muslims from India, who migrated to the island only a few centuries ago , from what is southern Tamil Nadu and southern Kerala. Even the so called population with a distant male Arab or other wester Asian or North India ancestor is only a very small percentage of their population. They are pathetically latching on to this 1%-5% the most of this non Tamil Dravidian origin and completely ignoring their 95%=99% Dravidian Tamil origin , for perceived economic and political benefits. They are a very inward looking selfish self centered opportunistic people, a people who will even deny who they actually are for some advantage they can get. Sad to say but this is the truth. Can never be trusted. As for Lorna Dewaraja she is a well known anti Tamil who like you state is working for a pro-Muslim agenda that is detrimental to the eastern Tamils who are the real owners of the east. I have lived and worked with Arabs and most of them are very honourable nice people. Very different from these pretend Arab Sri Lankan Muslims from South India.

        • 6

          Real Siva Sankaran Sharma:

          Please do not forget that you too are brought in a few centuries before by Portuguese for tobacco plantation. If you show merely, 10 percent population, faking history to support separatism ideology, no identity and borrowed culture, language, literature, arts etc..etc.. from Tamil Nadu and say you have 2500 years of history – Not a joke?

          • 5

            Truth ( my arse) hurts

            If you can read and write you would have heard of Ellalan ( Elara in Sinhala) who ruled Anurathapura 2400 years ago and he was Tamil. Island Of Eelam ( Ceylon) is a Dravidian/ Tami island, every one else here are immigrants from other parts of the world.

            If Sinhalese are Bhumiputras then they are essentially Tamil blooded , If Muslims claim 1000 years of antiquity here then they are also essentially Tamils. The origins of all the races in Srilanka are essentially Dravidian.

          • 3

            My be your ancestors and the ancestors of 50% of the present day so called Sinhalese and but definitely not mine or the ancestors of 99% of the Sri Lankan Tamils. The Truth is hurting that is why you are howling here.

            • 2

              Real Siva Sankaran Sharma: Please give justification for 2500 claim…don’t get away…

        • 2


          If Islam is 1400 old, 1000 years is quite possible I guess? What made you think 400 years were not enough to land in Sri Lanka even without the flight or the technology?

          • 3

            Anything is possible but they did not. Many of the original Arabs or other people from western Asia who came to the shores of South India and the island were Christians. Even if some Muslim had come by chance to the island 1000 years ago. They definitely are not the ancestors of the present day Sri Lankan Muslims. They were a different people. An Arab Muslim is different from a Kurdish Muslim or a Malay Muslim or an Indian Muslim. Immigrant South Indian origin Dravidian Tamil Sri Lankan Muslims are trying to latch on the history and achievements of the ancient Arabs, Moors and other western Asian Muslim people who really do not have anything in common with them in the name of their common religion Islam and claim their achievements as theirs. You do not find Malay Muslims or Indian/Pakistani Muslims claiming the achievements of Arabs/Moors as theirs or Sinhalese and Tamil Christians in the island latching on the achievements of European Christians or Jews and claiming it as theirs or their heritage. These immigrant South Indian origin Sri Lankan Muslims are suffering from some form of complex and identity crisis. Even their parent population.,the 5 million Tamil Muslims in Tamil Nadu do not behave in this manner. The Tamil language is the oldest spoken language and the oldest classical language that is still existing. Even older than Sanskrit , that even the hardliner pro Sanskrit Hinduvatta Indian Prime Minister Mohdi openly admitted. The Tamil Muslim Sufi culture is very rich. The Tamil Muslim classic Seerapuranam written by Umaru Pulavar is one of the greatest Tamil classics and also considered one of the best Indian Muslim classics. Yet these people now spurn all this and run behind the brutal Wahhabi Arab culture and worship everything Arab and in the name of Islam want to destroy their own ancient rich Tamil heritage

            • 2

              Real Siva Sankaran Sharma: “These immigrant South Indian origin Sri Lankan Muslims are suffering from some form of complex and identity crisis”

              The the Muslims and some sections of Sinhalese like Mahindapala show more evidence to support you were brought in for Tobacco forming from Tamil Nadu and now trying to change the history or “manufacturing history” as put in their original words. You are getting hyper on these things… How old are you?

              • 0

                Poor woman getting so desperate that she is quoting Mahindapala. I am A Brahmin not descended from dalits like your converted ancestors from South India, to be imported into the island for Tobacco farming.

                • 0

                  Real Siva Sankaran Sharma: So you’re a Brahmin .. came out of mouth of Siva, right? Isn’t better to farm tobacco in Sri Lanka than roaming around with your refugee card, shivering seeing a cop in a European country?

                  Crazy bra-man, still thinks there really are different castes among people :-)

            • 0

              RSSS ,

              Some are hired for a job and they are expected to that to perfection.
              The topic here can accept a few touches of examples from history
              and so on but not the whole topic to be diverted to satisfy one’s long
              time hatred purely based on communal feelings . Ok now , to some of
              your continuous nagging about Muslims , their origins , their internal
              quarrels etc , etc . You keep harassing Muslims about their issues in
              the Mideast in the name of Sunni , Shia and other stuff ! I want to tell
              you one thing , Islam doesn’t have Sunni or Shiaism in it . And now
              would you explain this to me ? ” The saivites are following their rituals
              and vaishnavas going their way but all are Hindus.”

      • 4

        A.D.J. Perera

        According many Tamils who attack Muslim here, attack Sinhalese too saying they are not Aryans but low caste Dravidians. Who are you, a Christian? So you say Muslim did not come here 1000 of years ago. Tell what Muslims can gain by such falsehood? Whatever “ism” Muslims follow is within their community, they don’t tell non-Muslims to follow that.Second largest foreign exchange for you all come from Wahabi countries. Why don’t you stop that first if that can bring inimical actions to Sri Lanka’s security interests? IDIOTS.

        • 2

          “Tell what Muslims can gain by such falsehood?” The fact is many here believe the way the Buddhist Sinhala majority – lead by
          the politically extreme priesthood – that Sri Lanka, due to political infighting and bad governance, will soon suffer
          long and protracted racial and religious turmoil. This can lead to the global community insisting on the Tamils re-gaining their historical pre-1515 position. Scheming Muslims, mislead by Pakistani and other Islamists – are already working on the Agenda in such an eventuality the Muslims will lay a false claim to selected areas in the Eastern Province from which attacks could be launched against South Indian military installations.
          Already they have stolen much Tamil land in the East. The late Ashraff was bought into this programme by Wahabi interests abroad. That is why, reportedly, the Tigers came out with the Kattankudy massacre on evidence that global Islam was moving shipments of arms to EP Muslim activists. While this seems dangerous it must be mentioned most local Muslims are unaware and may be against such a ploy for the sake of living in peace with others. But the politically minded are willing and able to be part of the global Muslim conquest agenda.

          As to earnings from the Arab countries, please remember the homes and other utilities of these countries are kept going because of very cheap labour from India, the Phillipines, Bangladesh, India and other countries all with a large unemployed labour pool. If not for their services homes, hospitals, schools and other essential services in the now rich Arab lands will simply collapse.


          • 3


            I am not an intellectual like you however I know one thing for certain, if you don’t treat your family well neighbours and strangers will grope your women folks including your wife, daughters, mother grand daughters, grandmas, nieces, sisters, aunts, ………………. mistress (if you have one) ………………..

          • 3

            So why can’t these governments do this, don’t blame Whabbies or Zionists for your poor economic management? Why racists cannot put pressure on the corrupt ruling elite of Sri Lanka. STOP blaming Muslims for your poor economic management. FIRST get the house in order before criticising other countries. WHAT positive steps are done after the independence??? WHAT GOOD SL politicians have done for SINGHALESE BUDDHISTS??? other than spreading RACISM for their political LEVERAGE, what they have done is to export them to Mid East and use their hard-earned REMITTANCES as the vital source of FOREIGN CURRENCY RESERVE…

          • 0


            Out of context. Don’t write bullshit, answer intelligently to the question. Scheming Muslim mislead by Pakistani and Islamist, attacking South India from eastern Province, Tigers attacked because of arm shipment to EP Muslims, only a donkey like you will write like these. Tigers attacked praying people to stop Muslims receiving arms but why didn’t they attack the Muslim’s arms depot? Global Muslim conquest agenda, how? Do you have any donkey methods to do this? If you can Muslims will take you as their leader. Everybody have to earn by doing work but if they think only for Muslims, Indonesia alone will be enough for them to get their manpower, but they want to share with everybody. Saudi donated millions to Sri Lanka government, Saudi had built a multi-million dollar hospital free. What a ungrateful rascal you are.

            • 0

              The vitriolic response of Mohomod is only but part of the disgusting Muslim cultural baggage we are used to seeing for the past 2-3 centuries. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? I will just comment on just one of your angry questions. The others are so provocative they do not merit a dignified response. As to the Global Muslim conquest you deny lying through your teeth, please read the good essay of that respected Muslim intellectual Dr. Ameer Ali in these threads where he trashes this lunacy. That mad Halal Certificate adventure and provoking the Israelis with regular carnival like demos after Jumma at Kollupitiya weekly resulted in the Israelis probably setting the BBS against you. Now you have nowhere to hide. Sinhalese, Tamils and others don’t want you here. Muslims are also hounded out in the Rakhine State, Thailand and the Phillipines. In Europe and the Americas, they are anathema. Why? Because of the characteristic attitude you show. Take an example from those Dawoodi Borahs – good Muslims themselves – both here and in many parts of India. They don’t misbehave like you in the areas and countries where they live. They are the example of how good Muslims should live with those of other religions – peacefully and without trouble.


      • 2

        “where Pakistan and Islamic countries may take action inimical to Sri Lanka’s security interests and the integrity of its geographical reality”

        When Real Siva Sankaran Sharma like people have made immense investment in faking SL history and claimed 2500 years of history – What does India do? Strike Sinhalese, grab the land and give it in the hands of custodians of casteism? Anyway, there is no effective treatment for phobia.

        Can you be sure that SL history is in its pure version? Every community has injected its own lies and myths into it for own advantage, including yours.

      • 3

        A.D.J. Perera

        “While I am for peaceful coexistence with Muslims in all parts of the country Muslim must give up (1) being part of that global Wahabi project”

        They are not members of global Wahabi project yet. Don’t push them to do so in the next few years as you did with Tamils since 1956.

        Surely your paranoia knows no bound.

        “The fact is this Sinhala lady is an anti-Tamil and works to a pro-Muslim agenda to the detriment of local Tamils in the Eastern Province.”

        Even if Lorna is anti Tamil it is for the Tamils and Muslims to deal with the issue. It is not your problem and why cannot you keep away from a Tamil or Muslim agenda.

        You should be keeping an eye on the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto dwellers.

        By the way Lorna and Perera sounds like foreign names, Scottish and Portuguese respectively.

    • 5

      R S S S

      What a Load of RUBBISH and LIES. Since you have an Indian name, you must be a servile minion of the Indian RSS.

      • 4

        We all have Indian names not just me. Even the name Muhandiram is of Indian origin.

    • 9

      Real Siva Sankaran Sharma:

      The Moor isn’t just a religious identity, but an ethnic identity. Lankan Moors take their identity from the religion they follow rather than the language they speak.

      Mr. Ponnambalam Ramanathan started the myth that Muslims are descendants of Tamils for political advantages and ever since the other Tamils carrying the same placard. You can come up with fabricated history, then the world knows you’re good at fabricating history for political gains.

      It is like saying, “Hey bloody Muslims, you speak our language and politically support Sinhalese..” – Yes majority speaks your language, but it does not mean we need to support your ideology, and the terror group that you created, funded & supported.

      Do I have to say again, that Muslims never were with Chelvanayagam, Ponnambalam or Pirabakaran or the similar – the great leaders who illegally landed you where you are now.

      • 2

        M. Sajjad

        “The Moor isn’t just a religious identity, but an ethnic identity. Lankan Moors take their identity from the religion they follow rather than the language they speak.”

        As far as your identity is concerned aren’t you another confused lot like your Tamil and Sinhala brethren?

        Are you saying that just because you share a common religion with disparate people in many other countries your’s and others’ identity is determined by your religion, and your religion alone?

        Please tell us as to how divided is Islam and do you consider all those who follow different sects are part of this religious identity? Is yours a “Naji” the ‘saved one’?

        Through out the world there are people with different history, culture, heritage, genetics, ……………………. different experience, different memories, …………….different habitat, experiencing different mode of production and used to different kind of dress code, food, work ethics, facial features, complexion, physique …………………… yet you think only the religion matters, …. and forge them a sham common identity?

        A person has multiple identity. You should stop packaging them into a Nazi commodity as Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer (‘One People, One Nation, One Leader’).

        • 3


          You seem to have confused with identity and culture. Muslim identity derives from Islam, no matter which part of the world it is from. Then Islam does have different sects but all of these sects follow only single Islam. Do you see any single similar thing between Sri Lankan Muslims and Indonesian Muslims? Of course there are many. Do you still see many differences between Sri Lankan Muslims and Indonesian Muslims? Of course yes, WHY?

          What differentiates Muslims of Sri Lanka and Muslims of Indonesia is collectivist cultural dimension of the land we live in.

          Further my point is, Religions create identity, not the language we speak (well, the language can only be a part of the culture). Malays and Moors have the same religious identity, but Malays don’t even know know few Tamil words, and their mother-tongue is Sinhala, and most of Moor speak Tamil.

          Muslims with Islamic identity, still few are following Tamil culture mistakenly, are Muslims, not Tamils.Then, the Tamils with Hindu identity with Tamil culture are the Tamils. Present day Muslims have understood this and trying to change their Tamil derived cultural habits such as wearing Pattu Sarees, having flower garland in the hair, respecting Thalis (necklace) in the weddings and other many superstitions etc..etc – So the change what you see is not about a threat to national security, but it is about a cultural change is in progress.

          • 2

            M. Sajjad

            “Muslim identity derives from Islam, no matter which part of the world it is from.”

            What on earth are you talking about.
            There are hundreds of sources of identity, religion is just one of it. No one in their right mine would define oneself by religion.

            English, Welsh, Scots, Irish, Eurpeans, Ameriacns , Indians do not define themselves by their respective religions nor do the Arabs, Iranians, Malaysians, Indonesians, Japanese, …………………………………..Russians, Palestinians, Egyptians.

            Why do the Muslims of this island another little islanders believe they ought to be known by their religion and not by anything else. The other group of little islanders who proud of themselves by a relatively new identity, quasi religion, Sinhala/Buddhists.

            In the case of most of the Indonesian people of course they are progressive, upwardly mobile and think outside the medieval middle east mindset. Here in Sri Lanka I see a reverse trend among the “Muslims”, going back to medieval middle east mindset. In the Republic of Kattankudy women are banned from travelling by bicycles.

            “Malays and Moors have the same religious identity, but Malays don’t even know know few Tamil words, and their mother-tongue is Sinhala, and most of Moor speak Tamil.”

            Malays are known as Malays, not as Muslims.

            Could you define culture as you knew it.
            Could you also define Muslim culture which you think is something universal.

            “.Then, the Tamils with Hindu identity with Tamil culture are the Tamils.”

            The Tamils don’t call themselves as Hindus.


            • 2


              “There are hundreds of sources of identity, religion is just one of it”

              Of course a human-being can have many identities. It is the religious identity that differentiated/identified Muslims from Tamils in the past. You youself, agree that Muslims followed Tamils’ culture in the past, how did you differentiated/identified them?

              As you said there are many identities for a human-being. What takes precedence depends on part of the world we live in. In US/EU and few other countries precedence is taken ethnicity as their main identity, blond hair, blue eyes, very pale skin etc.

              But I know, for sure, Indians, Egyptians, Iranians have religious identity. For example, Look at a Christian Egyptian and a Muslim Egyptian you would know it without asking for their names.

              “Why do the Muslims of this island another little islanders believe they ought to be known by their religion and not by anything else?” Good question, I am with you, maybe we are one of the most religious countries in the world? LOL

              Sorry, I am talking about Indonesian Muslims are better than Sri Lankans or other way, I am talking about the fact. You’re fully free to judge.

              All Sri Lankan Malays are Muslims with Malay as their ethnicity, like Sri Lankan Moors and Indian Moors as stated in our birth certificates.

              “Could you define culture as you knew it”, Please google it, so we both would know the same.

              “The Tamils don’t call themselves as Hindus” – Tamils not feeling they are Hindus is funny when their main god Siva is deeply integrated in Hinduism. Probably because of the Dravidian movement.

          • 3

            M. Sajjad


            “So the change what you see is not about a threat to national security, but it is about a cultural change is in progress.”

            How come men who work in offices do not seem to care about their dress code nor the others. Is sarong a Muslim dress? If you believe anything and everything of Arabic origin is Muslim culture why aren’t the men wearing Thobe?

            “wearing Pattu Sarees”

            Please tell us which one is prohibited under Islam/Muslim the Silk dresses or the sarees?

            “So the change what you see is not about a threat to national security, but it is about a cultural change is in progress.”

            Actually I see the changes as Arabisation of the entire world through back door, standardization of culture, ……. through religion, providing central control to the tyrants of Arabia over people who are happen to follow Islam.

            You can still be a follower of Islam and remain a normal human, need not to mimic everything that belonged to Medieval Arab period, which also included slavery.

            As an Arab man with inclination towards medieval Islamic ethics are you in support of beheading, hand and finger amputating, …. stoning to death in this island and elsewhere?

            • 0

              “How come men who work in offices do not seem to care about their dress code nor the others. Is sarong a Muslim dress? If you believe anything and everything of Arabic origin is Muslim culture why aren’t the men wearing Thobe?”

              Shouldn’t they respect the organizational culture?

              “Please tell us which one is prohibited under Islam/Muslim the Silk dresses or the sarees?”
              Islam does not prohibit wearing any dress. All it says is to cover certain areas for women. If you wear saree or Abaya or what color, it does not care.

              “Actually I see the changes as Arabisation of the entire world through back door”
              Of course, you have the right to feel, doubt, suspect and even attack in SL :-) Same time Muslims have the right to wear what they wanted to, be it look Saudi or European.

              “You can still be a follower of Islam and remain a normal human, need not to mimic everything that belonged to Medieval Arab period, which also included slavery” –

              Of course. Some idiots think dressing like them is to follow Islam. If you’re going to hate that dress becuse of slavery in the medieval period, be reminded that we are not completely out of slavery, we just don’t yet realize yet the darker sides of modern-day slavery, and we too are slaves of it sometimes. Perhaps, our future generation would write books about it.

      • 5

        M. Sajjid

        Yours is a totally unprincipled race ” Thoppy Piraddy”, go look at your face in the mirror and tell me do you look Arabic ? Don’t hallucinate you are neither Arab nor Turkic nor Afghan. Then what are you ? you are just another Dravidian who is a wannaby something else.

        By claiming relationship with you mongrels we Tamils are not proud but we are simply exposing your fucking ugly double standards otherwise known as Thoppy piraddal.

        • 3

          Oh..my dear Pirabakara…..your ghost is still haunting the poor Tamils, even after you landed them in Papua New Guinea by rusty fishing boats. Oh..my dear Pirabakara..you should have come out saying…”Kill Me, and leave my people alone like a real Hero”…….But you hid yourself among the innocents and got shield of those innocent women and children…..Oh..Pirabakara were your heroism, guts and big..big talks on leave then?
          Oh..Pirabakara,, when Chelvanayagam and Ponnambalam ayyas left, you were the only trust Tamils had for Eelam, disregarding your low caste… invested…heavily…invested….Tamils worked very hard, did even menial jobs that they never thought would do in their lives while some like RSSS robed and still rob the Europe and AU and invested, still invest in dream land called Eelam…and finally you left them in the middle and ran away for your life. — Shame..shame…. you talk about principle? Mahinda bribed you to win the elections making you just an henchman from Jaffna…you talk about principle? Your people funding to make sure that SL is unsafe for you to maintain refugee cards with European governments for economical gains…you talk about principle?

      • 4

        OH really do not make me laugh. You are definitely not Moor , as the ancestors the Sri Lankan Muslims never came from Morocco oran part of North African Even the Arab element is negligible. DNA has also proved this , that the Sri Lankan Muslims are basically South Indians . When challenged to provide proof of Arab ancestry for the so called Sri Lankan Moors, the Moors Islamic council, were not able to provide anything, other than a distant male Arab ancestor for a few hundred families. Let me say now around 40000 Sri Lankan Muslims from a population of 2 million and even this only a distant male Arab ancestor , all the rest are Tamil. What sort of Islamic identity are you going to base it on Sunni? Shia? Sunnis and Shia killing each other in Wester Asia Pakistan everywhere. Arab Sunnis kill Arab Shias? Turkish Muslims kill Kurdish and Arab Muslims. The list goes on. There is nothing common ethnically or sect wise in Islam but a disparate people , Just like the Christians Hindus Buddhist. Unlike in other Muslims countries like Pakistan Iraq Syria Turkey Malaysia , India Indonesia, where local Muslim populations speak different languages , belong to different ethnicities and Islamic sects, 99% of the Sri Lankan Muslims speak on language Tamil, are of the same Dravidian Tamil origin with a few a dash of Arab, and belonged to the same Sufi sect that they brought from their South Indian homeland. Therefore it was easy to use the common identity Muslim to them as there was no sizeable, other Muslim ethnic/linguistic group in large numbers or Muslims belonging to another sect ( other than the newly emerging Wahhabi) living in the island. The small amount Malay and Gujrathi Shia Borah Muslims are already identified not by their religion but correctly by their ethnicity. Your argument is d flawed. Please do not argue desperately for the sake of arguing and make a fool of yourself.

        • 3

          Real Siva Sankaran Sharma:

          I really do not care who my ancestors were, be them Arabs or Dravidian. What I am proud of is who I am and whose the father of my kid is. Talking about caste, ancestry and doing research on them are useless and does not fit in today’s lifestyle.

          You better look into your past mistakes and correct them instead of wasting your time boasting on your caste and myths. Your leaders created the desire for Eelam myth, you became a pawn, invested blindly, ended up living a second-class life in a foreign land, mostly as refugees – You need to think..

          What is bad in you is that you never accept your mistakes or your past / present leaders’ mistakes. You are more interested in finding a reason for your present sorry status from outside your community – Muslims in this case, as if just because Muslims did not join hands with Tamils, you were defeated, politically or by other means.

          • 0

            “I really do not care who my ancestors were, be them Arabs or Dravidian. What I am proud of is who I am and whose the father of my kid is” Agree entirely with you M. Sajjad. However, historical realities cannot be arbitrarily changed.
            As to “Your leaders created the desire for Eelam myth, you became a pawn, invested blindly…” It was only a small portion of impatient youth who were forced into the Eelam Project. Not the larger population of civilian Tamils. Their greater gain is they have captured the sympathy and imagination now of many Sinhalese and the world – notably the UN. This is now accepted by the Sinhala side itself. BTW, there were many Muslims from the East who were with the Tigers. Ashraff was an open admirer of the much respected Thamil Thanthai. As to the present, the leaders of the present Govt- including the Rajapakses – accept the fact these Tamil youth, like Wijeweera’s followers, were pushed into their extreme steps. Now the Govt/polity and the influential Buddhists priests are beginning to address the issue in perspective.
            When you indignantly say “ended up living a second-class life in a foreign land, mostly as refugees…” your jealousy and prejudice is exposed. Take it from me almost all of the million of Lankan Tamils in the diaspora are doing far better than what they would be if they were in the disorder here. Some of them hugely successful.The highest political leaders in Canada, Britain, Australia, EU speak glowingly of the usefulness and sense of integration of Lankan Tamis among them.
            A group of Tamil technically-proficient young men are millionaire IT investors and property developers in Britain. Canada boasts of several successful businessmen and industrialists from this group. The Tamil diaspora has produced members of parliament, local councillors in many countries.

            • 0

              ” It was only a small portion of impatient youth who were forced into the Eelam Project. Not the larger population of civilian Tamils.”

              It is like saying “11 fools playing 11000 fools watching” – After all, all of them are interested in the game, played by 11 fools :-)

              “Their greater gain is they have captured the sympathy and imagination now of many Sinhalese and the world – notably the UN”

              Damn, you screwed a country’s future, killed thousands of innocents, soldiers, president, prime minister of India etc..etc for just winning the sympathy of UN and the world??? Huh???

              “million of Lankan Tamils in the diaspora are doing far better than what they would be if they were in the disorder here”

              This is nothing to be proud, but shows your weakness. When you had a history of over 2500 years in a land, you could not even create your own identity and had to bring in an artist from TN for singing at a celebration. You need to have the Europeans created the foundation, then you will use that ladder to reach you success. Otherwise, for 2500 years, you’re not capable of creating an artist., let alone IT entrepreneurs :-)

              • 0

                M. Sajjad,

                “You killed a PM of India” ???? Learn history accurately, man, before you embark on public debating. This comment is as imbecilic as your other ones.

                Incidentally, while you say “you had a history of over 2,500 years (in the Island)” Fathima in this page seems to have a different history teacher. This is what happens when people engage as a rule in congenital lying. You eventually get caught.


            • 0


              “However, historical realities cannot be arbitrarily changed” – Who said so? It can be changed and easy, ask the Tamils the tricks. Remember, 2500 history claim with 10% population? He,,he,,

              • 0


                “2500 history claim with 10% population? He,,he,…!!! What are you blabbering about? Go visit Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa and see the Tamil stone carvings. Only a few of them are still there. Champika’s goons are under orders to erase all evidence of early Tamil presence in the area.

                Lying through their teeth is a well known trait of some communities. This is known by all. But these born liars are known as such for a long time – even prior to British times. Even their own people admit their double-tongued nature. This will not vanish overnight. It is in the blood.


    • 0


      Come on I had written number of times not to write your same fabrications all the time. Invent something new, how about an anthropology book you are writing giving the genealogy of Moors. The inferiority attacks you had got by always thinking that you belongs to Australoid crow class hurting you too much. I am thinking how to make you relax because your pimp generation only made the Moors increase their population by supplying women. government armed forces, police and Muslim home guards became brutal after facing your LTTE terrorist brutality. Tit for tat.

  • 7

    Mr Harrees, your statement “It has been a historic fact that Ceylon got its’ Independence in 1948 with the support of all communities.” is a patent lie. Muslims were not part of the struggle against British colonisers. It is a well known fact that after the 1815 events, the Muslims abandoned the kings and changed sides to the British. The British paid back by favouring Muslims by giving them trading opportunities and political recognition. Muslims became even more loyal to the British at the turn of the 20th century due to Churchill’s promise of a Muslim state in any independence deal with Indian nationalists. The Muslims refused to join the independent struggle (Sinhala-Tamil) launched by people like F. R. Senanayake and Ponnambalam Ramanathan. The Muslims had their own demands similar to Indian Muslims. You are trying to revise this history.and you will never succeed because truth can’t be buried!

    • 6


      There were no independent struggle here like it was in India. Here in Sri Lanka Sinhalese said the British that Sri Lankans have high literacy rate and govern by themselves. So when they gave independent to India, they gave Sri Lanka too. All the Sri Lankan Sinhalese politicians, Tamil politicians and Muslim politicians were in the negotiating table only, nothing more.

      • 1


        There were two independent struggles in Sri Lanka after the British takeover. One was in 1817 which was shamelessly betrayed by Muslims. The next one was in 1848. Both of these were spearheaded by the “Bhoomi Puthra” Sinhalese. After that there was no independent struggle. Rather a rat race to take the patronage of the British overlords so that they could govern themselves under the British.

        Sinhalese politicians of the Colonial era were interested only in who should take over after British left the island and Tamil politicians were busy in imposing their authority over the Sinhalese majority while the Muslims politicians were looking for the biggest slice they could gain from that power struggle.

        So don’t come here to lecture us on how Muslims took part in Sri Lankan independent struggle. Because there was no such thing.

        • 2


          You are gone Irrecoverably mad.
          Muslims had always fought against the European invaders.

          “Bhoomi Puthra” Sinhalese, my foot they switched sides on every opportunity presented to them.

          What were the 3,000 Lascarian Sinhalese “Bhoomi Puthra” mercenaries doing in Jaffna along with Portuguese?

          • 0

            Native Veddha,

            Where did the fight? It was Muslims who were instrumental in betraying Sinhalese leadership. Furthermore, who ever changed sides there were always some Sinhalese patriots who would fought for the motherland unlike Muslims and Tamils and Veddhas even. What did Veddha’s do when foreign invaders landed in the island? Nothing right. Yet you hypocrites claim this island is yours.

  • 3

    Don’t shoot the messenger who has the courage to deliver the message.Look at the message and see whether it is right or wrong by conducting your own secret survey.Try to eradicate any reasons for the tensions between the two communities for your own good.Don’t make the mistake of going on the confrontational path that the tamil leaders did for the votes.Be cool and calm my dear muslims.

  • 2

    Dear Lukman Harees,

    What you’ve said is true:
    “It has been a fact that Sinhala people at the grass-root/village levels has always been tolerant and lived amicably with the other communities in the South.”
    However, the World is becoming more and more full of people who don’t pause to think, and are actually incapable of logical thinking. So, it is very easy to inflame the Sinhalese.
    Soma, above, has referred to Deshapriya as a buffoon; I think that he finds it a useful persona. Those comments are a very necessary warning to Muslims.
    Please see the entirety of the comment by Salma Junaideen, below this article:
    “Muslim parties and Muslim men do not want to see Muslim women in politics. They quote archaic traditions to discourage women from public space. They do not see the reality in that Muslim women are gradually occupying spaces which were reserved for men.”
    YOU’ve got to do something to combat Islamophobia world-wide. You will do well to look at certain other comments of mine before you write me off as a bigot. I’m a male Cassandra.

  • 3

    “Therefore, MD’s observations that ‘Most Sinhala people are happy about the recent anti-Muslim attacks’ seems not only incorrect but also an outright insult to the tolerant track records of the Sinhala Buddhist people at the grass-root levels, as things stand at present”

    A common mistake made by many Muslims is misconstruing the tolerance of the Buddhists as acquiescence on their part.

    “However, the fact that there had not been any visible objections from the Sinhala Buddhist intellectuals, politicians, or social activists to MD’s offensive and controversial statement about their community appears intriguing”


    The lack of any response by Sinhala Buddhist opinion leaders to the statement ‘appears intriguing’ only because it fails to meet the expectations of the Writer. As my independent research at the grass-root levels have revealed, although most Buddhists comprehensively reject the actions of the anti-Muslim groups, they hesitantly admit that there is an element of truth in what is being said (“Kiyana eke aththakuth thiyanawa, ne?). It would seem to be the case that the ‘charges’ levelled against the Muslims by the anti-Muslim groups resonates at some deep level with most Buddhists. This may explain their studied silence on MD’s statement.

  • 2

    Dear Fake Siva,
    If you want to grasp little bit REAL history of Moors of Sri Lanka, ethnically go to Sonakar.com in Tamil and go to Sri Lanaka Musume in Colombo and get educated. Religious identity “Muslim” has not got anything to do with our ethnic identity. We “Sonakar”(Moors) have many roots. One of them is “Tamil.We also have “Sinhalese” root and “Arab” one as well. We are a mixed breed. Therefore taking “Tamil””Sinhales” or “Arab”root is problematic. Fake Siva leave us alone we will sort it out.

    • 2

      Ahmad Nadvi

      “Therefore taking “Tamil””Sinhales” or “Arab”root is problematic.”

      Therefore you stitched up a bogus political identity in order to demand more than your share of political power, rights and protection in the long run.

      I have no problem if you had your Arabic root or faith in Islam however what makes me uncomfortable is the fact that Islam is being used as a tool in the process of Arbitration of people into a mono ethnic people from diverse background.

      Isn’t it Saudi imperialism through backdoor?
      Can’t you see the process is being played out in the Islamic Republic of Kattankudy (காத்தான்குடி කාත්තාන්කුඩි)?

    • 2

      The only thing fake is you and your Moor?Arab identity. The opportunistic cunning selfish backstabbing Sri Lankan Muslim, will claim every origin under sun however miniscule as their origin but completely ignore their 95% or more Dravidian Tamil origin from South India , as they feel it not to their advantage. They are descended from everyone else but speak Tamil , had Muslim Tamil caste names from their South Indian homeland like Marrikar ( Chinna Marrikar/Periya Marrikar) Lebbai, Rawther, Pitchai( now many of them have changed it to Baig to sound Islamic as they cannot use Beg the litteral translation from Tamil) Kayalar, Kutti, Thambi. Were following Tamil customs, dress until a generation ago, even until they late 1980s , when they decided, it will be even better to discard everything Tamil about them . The form of Islam , names, culture, dress and become some pathetic carbon copies of Gulf Arabs, and also follow Wahhabism. Even the Arabs have stated the Sri Lankan Muslims are not of Arab descent but South Asian converts to Islam. This means Tamils , largely low caste who converted to Islam. A little bit of Arab Afghan, Iranian, Sinhalese or any other origin does not make you one of them. You are still a Tamil by ethnicity. We all have a little bit of something in us. Pathetic. This is like denying and disowning your own parents and shamelessly running around claiming some else as your parents , as you thing they are more influential and rich. Only people with very low moral standards and mindset behave in this manner. The Muslim elite politicians and clergy for their own selfish political and economic benefits , have brain washed the Dravidian Tamil Muslim masses to hate their own Tamil heritage and worship anything Arab and even consider themselves as one. This is a form of genocide , as you are denying a people to acknowledge their own actual origin and heritage and from where they came from but feeding them myths and lies. The Australian government was doing this to the Aboriginal population and have now apologised.

      • 0

        Reuter has reported that Srilankan Sinhala Buddhist Extremists have
        drawn inspirations from HINDUS in India and Buddhists from Myanmar
        against Muslims . So , no wonder a Sharma labouring to appease his
        THIRST while his beverage is being served here .

    • 2

      Ahamad Nutvi

      You are a typical thoppy piraddy, your answer shows your mentality by claiming relationship to both Tamil & Sinhala and also to Arabs you want to eat from both/ all sides which will help you to do more thoppy pirraddal.

      Hey, You are neither an Arab nor a Sinhalese you neither speak Arabic nor Sinhalese as your mother tongue. If you say you are a product of Arab man + Sinhala woman then by your logic Arabic + Sinhala = Tamil.
      You are nothing but a Tamil Hindu convert from south India. Stop giving opportunistic answers devoid of any intellectual in put.

  • 1

    Ahmad Nadvi

    “Therefore taking “Tamil””Sinhales” or “Arab”root is problematic.”

    Therefore you stitched up a bogus political identity in order to demand more than your share of political power, rights and protection in the long run.

    I have no problem if you had your Arabic root or faith in Islam however what makes me uncomfortable is the fact that Islam is being used as a tool in the process of Arbitration of people into a mono ethnic people from diverse background.

    Isn’t it Saudi imperialism through backdoor?
    Can’t you see the process is being played out in the Islamic Republic of Kattankudy (காத்தான்குடி කාත්තාන්කුඩි)?

  • 0

    The prominent civil servant Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya (MD), must confirm or deny the statement attributed to him at a workshop on ethnic harmony on the theme’ building bridges’ at SLIDA ~ “……..the claim that a majority of Sinhalese were against the recent attacks on Muslims is wrong…‘Most Sinhalese happy about recent attacks’ ……”.
    Mahinda Deshapriya: Do you have political ambitions?
    Dayan Jayatillaka: Eat your heart out.

  • 0

    Now that we have the story from Sudath, PM’s secretary, I think that ranil’s Kurundu Polu brigade may have something to do with Kandy Riots and also at Aluthgama violence.

  • 3

    Islam is a threat to human dignity and decency. It has no place in any society. It advocates violence against all kuffar, and has appalling views on women and openly supports pedophilia.
    Aisha was only 6 when the prophet “married” her and 9 when he had sex with her. This is the perfect man everyone, we should all strive to be as noble as him!

    • 0

      But the fact is today Muslims are not the ones who have to be extra cautious about their kids with grandpas as we see daily one the news.

  • 1

    Hi Native veddah, Fake Siva and reborn Prabha

    “Therefore you stitched up a bogus political, …” you’re totally wrong man. Native tell me what is my ethnicity, Am I a Tamil, Sinhalese, Arab or Veddah? why you all want to define my identity?is it my birth right or yours?

    Fake Siva, you accept that we have many roots, aren’t you? through that many roots we have all right to select whichever root more suit to us. Your Sir. Ramanathan tried to convince British that we are part of Tamils, thus no separate representation needed in the legislative chamber, but the British, they are more knowledgeable than Tamils and Sinhalese, said no to poor Ramanathan and recognized us as ” Sri Lankan Moors” as Portuguese and Dutch did. If you want Tamil name for our ethnic Identity then call us “Sonakar”. Go to your vedaas and you will find many reference to “Sonakar”. You know fake Siva we had a territory called “Sonakam”.

    Native if you want you can call us ” Yonaka”, you also find reference in “Mahavamsa”

    (real ) Prabah called us as ” Tamil speaking Muslims”, why ? even though his level of education is just 8th grade, he knew that there are Sinhalese speaking Muslims with Sinhalese surnames. So reborn Prabah do some research on this topic and come up with convincing argument.

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