19 February, 2025


Hate Talk Continues: Those From Whom We Expect The Least Outdo Those We Expect More From

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof. S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

A Liberal Civic-Minded Army Commander

The argument from the top of the Sri Lankan government that war crimes against Tamil civilians need not be prosecuted puts our government’s pronouncements in the same category as Gnanasara Thero’s. While Gnanasara’s rowdy tirades are against Muslims, the Prime Minister’s and President’s dehumanize Tamil civilians murdered in Mullivaikal.

In this backdrop, it is refreshing that our new Army Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake (Colombo page, 5 July, 2017), says that he rejects the war crime allegations against the Sri Lanka Army but supports the investigations. He said he will not protect the guilty parties: “No one can commit a crime, especially a soldier. […] If anyone has committed any crime, he should be brought before law.”

Our PM and President should understudy him on the rule of law. It is rarely that the military does better than civilians. Thank you, Lieutenant General Senanayake.

Liberal, Trotskyite Tissa Vitarana

In Jaffna on Saturday 8 July 2017, former Minister and Joint opposition big-gun Mr. Tissa Vitarana, at a discussion at the Jaffna Managers’ Forum, practically admitted that war crimes had occurred. He argued that even the West never prosecutes its criminal soldiers at war and Sri Lanka should never be held to a higher standard.

How absolutely wrong he is! Western powers may cover up when they are wrong but will never make the right-wing argument that soldiers who kill civilians in war are heroes who must never be charged as our PM  and President have done. Once evidence of crime is presented, however reluctantly, soldiers are prosecuted in western democracies. For example, US troops were arrested in Afghanistan in 2010 in what prosecutors described as a conspiracy to kill civilians for fun. Andrew Holmes was among those convicted. He just finished his reduced term for turning state witness. Corporal Jeremy Morlock, of Wasilla, Alaska, was sentenced to 24 years in prison. Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs was sentenced to life in prison.

We have several other examples. Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who pleaded guilty to slaughtering 16 Afghan civilians inside their homes, was sentenced by a military jury in August 2013 to spend the rest of his life in prison.

In the 2007 massacre of civilians, Blackwater security contractors in Iraq were convicted of killing 14 unarmed Iraqis in what prosecutors called a wartime atrocity. Another convicted war criminal, former Pfc. Steven Dale Green, received a life sentence without parole for raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, and then leading a group of soldiers in killing her family in 2006.

This is all stuff I teach my engineering ethics class in a US classroom to US students for lessons on managing disasters. That I can do so, is evidence of how mistaken Mr. Vitharana is about the West, despite all its faults. We must learn that testimony from lower level offenders is the way to nail the big chaps.

One American fault is mentioned by a US Death Penalty Information Centre information brief. Quoting Gary D. Solis who teaches military law at Georgetown University, it says 

“History and experience would seem to indicate that (court-martial) convening authorities will more readily send a case to trial as a death-penalty case if the victims are Americans than they would if the victims are [foreign] civilian noncombatants.”

If our President and PM are true Sri Lankans, they should be offended that Sri Lankan citizens were massacred in Mullivaikal. All we are asking for is a credible investigation. Why fear one if there was no crime? When American soldier-jurors can send their colleagues to prison for life, I expect better from our civilian leaders.

Vitarana’s About Turn

After arguing at the Managers’ Forum that soldiers killing civilians in battle must be accepted as it is everywhere, on Sunday 9 July, Tissa Vitarana did a volte face. Facing Jaffna journalists at a press conference, he denied the truthfulness of the Report of the UN Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka (the Darusman Report). He argued that for 40,000 civilians to die as alleged in the report, 2 lacs must have been injured. He was fudging casualty figures for collateral killings during war with deliberate carpet-bombing of civilians in Mullivaikal.

We have in Lieutenant General Senanayaka, a rare instance where the military has a kindlier, more rational, civilised face that our civilian leaders lack. It is good to note that in the American murders, the convictions were by military juries. We have a lot to learn.

Layman Versus Clergyman

As the military showed itself to be capable of higher thought than civilians, in Jaffna a layman showed he can do better than clergymen.

The truce between Mr. R. Sampanthan and C.V. Wigneswaran is coming unglued. The Rev. Fr. SVB Mangalarajah (Chairman, Jaffna Diocese’s Peace and Justice Commission) had distributed an anti-FP letter dated 16 June, 2017 at various parishes saying the action to remove CVW was anti-democratic because CVW had the people’s mandate. Mangalarajah argued that after the presence of corruption in the Northern Provincial Council had been demonstrated, de-weeding was necessary. He called on the people to support CVW’s efforts at cleaning up. He ignored CVW’s attempt to be rid of those cleared by the inquiry.

Responding to Mangalarajah was a letter from the Administrative Secretary of the FP, S. Xavier Kulanayagam, who was once the Secretary of the Commission. His letter of 5 July 2017, was to the Rt. Rev. Justin Gnanpragasam, Bishop of Jaffna, who had negotiated the truce between Sampanthan and CVW (although others had their names added to give religious balance and make the truce less Christian-influenced).

Kulanayagam argued that any standing CVW has is because of the FP and CVW’s votes were because the FP and the TNA backed him. He argued that it is wrong for CVW to go on a path of vengeance against the FP taking action beyond the recommendations of CVW’s own inquiry. He said that Wigneswaran’s mandate is to work with the TNA. He regretted that neither Mangalarajah nor the Church’s Paathukaavalan newspaper had given any attention to CVW’s anti-Christian positions and that it is the need to keep civilized discourse that prevents his elaborating on CVW’s anti-Christian attitudes. Kulanayagam condemned the Paathukaavalan newspaper for its articles, as he put it, for hiding the truth in the Sampanthan-CVW dispute. He called on the Church to be politically neutral and for the Peace and Justice Commission to be “truly for the truth.”

Supreme Court Judge’s Followers

That same Sunday 9 July, Mannar Ondriyam organized its Jaffna seminar at a Roman Catholic Church’s Kalaikoothu Mandapam (Jaffna) calling for over-turning the Tamil leadership. Mr. Sampanthan came under severe attack for, in their words, giving up on Theseeyam (nationhood) and pursuing cooperation with the Sinhalese. Father Ravichandran opened the meeting with his blessings. Speaker after speaker lambasted Sampanthan even for not thanking UNHRC for its resolution, although there is no evidence he has not. As always at meetings for CVW, one of the keynotes was by a Jaffna academic who was detained by the police for using a child servant for his sexual pleasure. He was, at the time, saved by the LTTE because its own reputation was being tarnished because he was one of the main movers of its Pongu Thamil Meetings.

The only two soft-spoken, balanced speakers were Prof. R. Sivachandran and Prof. VP Sivanathan. Sivachandran was physically threatened by a member of the audience who went up to him shouting and shaking his fist asking why he had not come out of the FP. The day was saved only by Sivachandran’s calm response that he only wanted more democracy in the FP. The seemingly violent man who was seated next to sacked Minister Ainkaranesan, returned to his seat to be congratulated through a massage on his upper back and a hand shake from Ainkaranesan.

Sivanathan quietly wanted the FP to move away from “stage-speeches” to economic policies. At comment time, a speaker emotionally declared that Tamils worldwide earn billions more and can easily put the Sinhalese down.

One speaker invited from Batticaloa said Tamils vote for an alliance so they must all get together against the FP as a new alliance. An elderly gentleman next to me whispered in support of the FP,

“They are united against Sampanthan. But if they stand for elections, they will have no policy. They can only make noise. They cannot command support. Next time, we must all contest separately. Then after elections, we should talk about an alliance. Remember – GG Ponnambalam wanted a no-contest pact with Chelvanayakam. Thanthai Cheva wisely replied, ‘Let’s do a pact after the elections.’ The need never arose because GG was wiped out. Today’s Bicycle fellow [i.e., Gajendrakumar] knows all this. They will never leave the TNA. The TNA must be rid of this unholy lot. Wigneswaran should have been sacked the moment he refused to campaign for the TNA in Aug 2015.”

If we Tamils are serious about more devolution, we need to get our act together and show that we can run what we have, the NPC and the university, free of their rampant corruption. Not that the Sri Lankan state is any better!

Latest comments

  • 8

    An otherwise acceptable contribution is tarnished by your habitual christian slant.

    • 3

      When are these Yellow Robed Theronistas are accused and charged for Hate speech and Hate of other Relgions?? In Apeh Aanduwe??
      Is it high time??
      The warmongering ppoliticians of the past and present having a habit of running to their so called Mahanayakas and having a tete a tete when ever they’re bored!!
      There goes the lavish Danas to these old unwise bored Prelates , in the process of giving Dana these Theronistas mafias are whipped up with the sentiments of Theravadas and Lord Buddhas Buddhism.
      Nonsense !! This is the after effects of consumption of luxurious food by the likes of Mara ballas and the side kicks, political Danas are offered to these fat people. Sometimes using the state funds !! to feed these fat people.
      There we go!!
      Srilankan political Mafias whipping up the high echelon ( senile) of yellow Robed men.
      Hate Hate Hate by the Buddha Sanghas?? The Prelates??
      Should never be allowed.

      • 1

        I think you have made a mistake choosing the wrong article to vent your anger. Ironically your comment fits if we replace Mahanayaka with the catholic priests in north

    • 4

      Its time this arrogant christian CASTE crusader shut his trap.

      legacies are determined by the living, not the dead.

      “”How absolutely wrong he is! Western powers may cover up when they are wrong but will never make the right-wing argument that soldiers who kill civilians in war are heroes who must never was sentenced to life in prison.””


      The most obvious transgression happened with Ho Chi Minh, who had written in his will that, after Vietnam was unified, his cremated ashes should be scattered across North and South Vietnam. Vietnam has been unified for decades, but it does not look like his body will be cremated any time soon.

      When nation’s feel the employment opportunities people do not behave like bored monkeys kicking dirt but as imaginative humans taking the bull by its horns and improving their quality of life.

    • 2

      I am not cooking up anything here. Kindly refer to, Mano Ratwatte / July 13, 2017 19:20 under this article. He asks, ‘Sir, again I liked your article. Is there an anti Hindu bias in you because you are Christian? curious’. This cannot be a coincidence.

      PS: For the two imbeciles who had ticked ‘thumbs down’ don’t display your vacuous cranium!

    • 2

      Without a Christian slant, we would be polygamous — even polyandrous like the 5 brothers — and instead of hiding like now, be reading and celebrating as we did 200 years ago, the story from Linga Puranam of Siva successfully seducing the wife of an ascetic in meditation, the ascetic waking up and cursing Siva’s overactive sexual organs, the Siva lingam rotting and falling down, and Siva’s wife catching it before it hit the ground and placing it in a receptacle to be worshipped.

      Be thankful that we have a Christian slant that allows the low caste to be in school and vote despite Navalar and Ramanathan, women can be doctors, our slavery was abolished in the 1830s, low caste women can wear blouses, land can be owned by all, etc., etc., Etc.

      • 3

        Hurrah, hurrah! Your knowledge is astounding!! Hurry. Insure your cranium, if you haven’t got it done yet.

  • 4

    Vellala Sampathar, Dr Ranil, and Abraham are from the Elite , Anglican and Vellala Faction , if not the Faction itself…. They have several Irons in the Fire……Please Surendran…… Punish the Srilankan Armed Forces…… Jail Rajapaksas …… Put a new Constitution and make the Elite Anglican and Vellala Faction live happily ever after………..Now the situation has become more complicated with Dr Ranil sending his LGBTQ Faction to attack the Front Lines of not only the Sinhala Buddhists but also the Sinhala Catholics …………..Dr Ranil knows his enemies ………But attacking them first is a silly strategy …… Especially if he wants to give Vellalala their Eelaam, …….Unlike the Elite , the great majority of the inhabitant population are the Sinhala poor rural and city dwellers ….They will l oppose it regardless of their Religion…….It is understandable, because they the great majority …..They can’t send their Children to Scarborough, South Of France, Hamburg, Melbourne or New Jersey……..Probably the poor Dalits in the North feel the same……….. That is why they oppose Sampathar and an Eelaam for the Elite Vellala clan….

  • 6

    WTF? Mahesh dare not betray our Army by being a duplicate to Sarath Fonseka who betrayed his own Army with a bogus White Flag story.

    Sri Lanka is the only example of the world Army Commanders betraying their own soldiers who fought against bloodthirsty terrorists without even thinking of their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Downright disgusting!

    • 4

      Totally agree…..This new Dude looks a bit dodgy…..Probably that is the reason why dodgy Sira picked him with the okay from his buddy Dr Ranil…..Wonder what was his input into Nanthikadal…..

      • 1

        KASmaalam—– The previous guy warned the naughty boys that he would not hesitate to plug their head if he found them being very naughty or eat them for breakfast. I think you ought to keep him for another 150 years. Where is Bandula?

      • 1

        Sri Lanka was the only country in the world where an Army Commander betrayed his own Army after winning a war.

        Sri Lanka was the only country in the world where a government headed by Prime Minister betrayed its own country and the Army with a UNHRC Resolution.

        Where are we heading now, with the second Army Commander is also trying to make a world record with another betrayal?

        Treachery is a punishable crime even in a Democratic Buddhist Country.

        Sri Lanka needs a Dhamma autocrat to teach all traitors the meaning of patriotism.

        • 0

          . If Gota switch sides and fought for ILLAM he would be a Rock Star for the Tamils allover the world. Our young men put their own life on the line to save the country for a bunch of Sinhalese dogs. These mentally twisted childless, family less political low-lives are buried to the eye balls in greed and intoxicated with absolute power and they would sell their own mother to remain this way.

        • 6

          Man, you twist it in favour of your pay masters.
          Srilanka is the only country, where war fought Army commander was treated with all ill, just to take a revenge on him.
          Had Mr Sarath Fonseka been out of Army no men would have ever been able to fight the war.
          Nor would so called cardboard made powerful defence secretary be easy to fight the war to the end. Their cesspits louded SF to be the best to tha time. Besides, Balligeputha Goat had been away from Srilanka for a period of 15 years, but Champas made him a hero, since they have been eating punnaku from the day one.
          Anywayb biased media painted the picture in favours of themso that they can live up their dreams but deteriorating even basic human rights in this country.
          People have been suffering from a rare kind of amnesia, that is why they behave so today.
          Gota and MR should long have been jailed for all the high crimes they deliberately perpectrated specially in post war era.

        • 3

          This man Champa is made a fool as many other rural folks by today.

          Today even Prez and PM are attacked by abusive filth loads since the freedom of expression is overflown.
          But Thakkadiyas governed this nation, they purchased loads of vehicles, nothing was clear tothe people. They made entourages filling over 200 of their kith and kin, but bankrupting the nation carrier. Even to the end fo 2014, they had been touring that way,…. it is reported, by mid 2014, former state was very clear the huges losses made by srilanken airlines. but bitches son never thought or considered them as real numbers. That was their stand with the knowledge.
          Better to allow Prisoner to govern this country than to Rajapakshe thugs who have no whatsoever knowledge on anything. That is why Uma oya ended that way.
          Garbage dumping ended that way.
          And almost everything other projects ended up with all white elephants levels.

          Champas are the majority as someone else added above.
          They would consume all the heaps of extre,ments left by Rajapakshe for their own reasons… that are just perks…
          These men calling themselves buddhists but to behave this servile would lead this country to a mess… no doubt about that.

          • 0


            Quote: “This man Champa is made a fool as many other rural folks by today.” Unquote:

            What made you to come that conclusion – rural folks?

            In your own assumption, the words you use to describe others which belonging to city shanties , show your origin, right?

            At least rural folks write comments with substance, something you should learn.

            What are you trying to imply, that rural folks have no say? If I am a farmer, don’t I have a right to talk?

            Al-Hussein also thinks only lawyers can understand HR laws. Anybody who can understand English can understand HR laws and not only that they can even detect the duplicity and its selective application to certain countries.

            The difference is, a lawyer may not have guts to point out its flaws and confront Al-Hussein/OHCHR, whereas a farmer or an Admiral might come forward to challenge Al-Hussein on HR (f)laws.

        • 0

          Oh, I want to “re-write” the first part of this comment.

          Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka was the first Army Commander in the world to betray his own Army after winning a war.

          Ranil Wickremasinghe, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka was the first Prime Minister and first government in the world to betray their own country and the Army with a UNHRC Resolution.

          Those are the firsts and lasts. Sinhalese will never let anybody to betray the country again.

    • 1

      Why don’t you Google white_flag and check out the conversations that are recorded there?

    • 1

      This is serious. If Mahesh has made such a statement, he should withdraw it. This is a political statement and most importantly it is not his decision. —

      War crimes allegations are investigated by those who are already prejudiced against our Army. Subjecting our Army to one sided-prejudiced investigations is a sheer despicable betrayal.

      On the other hand, it is not his decision, it is the decision of the President. President should warn the Army Commander to refrain from making political statements which could otherwise create unnecessary tension in the Army. My previous views on him saw a total change.

      I get the picture. Before presenting the treacherous ICPPED Bill in the Parliament, Ranil has nicely placed his loyals in all key positions. — 1. Austin as President’s Secretary. 2. Mahesh as Army Commander 3. Waidyaratne as Defence Secretary 4. Bogollagama, though the motive is not very clear, going by media reports, he has been accused for colossal waste of public funds during his tenure as FM, “another corrupt elite”.

      Fortunately, President intervened at the right time to halt the treacherous ICPPED Bill. My country is blessed by Sacred Tooth Relics.

      President made a blunder with all those appointments. First he compromised his inner circle with Austin. I mentioned somebody else’s name who was in LLRC, which is also not advisable as there will be loyalty issues again. I think, President should pay extra attention to his security.

      People will even grudgingly agree with me, if I say, President is protecting the country single-handedly right now.

      Since he took control of the country, not long before, I didn’t see any decision taken by him detrimental to our Army or the country, but for their best interest.

      I have serious concerns about OMP. I hope President will block that too.

      • 3

        Why should he withraw it ? It should be the real boldness to serve the justice or not ?

        You guys cover the culprits in ARMY ?

        Would you also cover that bugger/former army man/Captain Tisssa who on the contract of Rajapakshe family, is highly believed to have killed that innocient Rugby player Thadjudeen ?

        Would you have hearts to stand against the army men to have killed Lasantha ?

        Would you be also against to call investigations for the Ekanligoda case.. there too, Army on the command of your Gurus to have killed or abducted him before being sent to missing ?

        Why CHAMPA.. while you have audacity to say Buddha has visited your place.. beahve this low ?

        • 0


          I standby our Army!!! Period.

          Show me proof Lasantha, Thajudeen and bodiless-Eknelogoda were killed by the Army.

          As you have proof and I don’t, why don’t you produce your proof to the Courts?

          99 per cent of people who claimed to be missing are actually living in other countries with bogus names. Eventhough dead bodies of terrorists were not claimed by their kith and kin, their names have been conveniently added to the disappearance list.

      • 0

        Too many things coming at once. Not exactly relevant here, but some concerns.

        1. I am totally against Government renewing ACSA with USA for “10 years”. Who would renew agreements for 10 years but only for one year with an option to renew or terminate at the end of the year, if they don’t have a backbone to terminate? What does this government think, that they are allowed to take decisions that are detrimental to the country in the long run?

        This government will never go further than two years. They have no right to sign pacts which will compromise the security and sovereignty of the country. — ACSA is for USA, not for us, allowing them to interfere in our land. Under this they can even make unjustified requests where permission is not required. (A is for Acquisition). This is totally wrong. This should have been terminated given US’s alarmingly increased interest in North East Asia. WW has been warning the country since 2015 of the possibility of Sri Lanka being US’s next Diego Garcia. The government should remember that citizenry has not granted the ownership of the country to this government, but the”shared custody” with the public which will last just in 2 1/2 years!.

        2. Cabinet decision to pay arrears to Chair/HRC since 2015 for her previous employment as a full time University Lecture, personal to her, is totally unacceptable. Government has no right to waste public money like this. A monthly allowance for telephone and fuel is also included in the arrears which she had never used as she worked fulltime as the Chair HRC. This is a gross abuse of public money.

      • 0

        President is tooo busy trying to put Gota behind bars., together with his successor , Kalu Aiiya whom Dr Ranil picked……….Wonder why the latter….

        • 0

          But his issue is Fonny is not recognised by India and will never be.
          Today, Will Sira win in a triangle contest by giving the tamils and muslims a batth parcel and adiyak??

    • 4

      “Sri Lanka is the only example of the world Army Commanders betraying their own soldiers who fought against bloodthirsty terrorists without even thinking of their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Downright disgusting!”
      Yes, yes, and the only country where the President sacrificed his son to fight the deadly terrorists from Naval college in UK. Not forgetting the great patriot who sacrificed an entire packet of Lemon Puff while defending the country from that evil Navi Pillay.

  • 7

    I think the author is too quick to praise the new Army Commander based on mere words; you have to look into what role he played in the Army during the war and if any war crimes were committed under his command.

    • 2

      My American prof used to hang the fellow on his own nail. I think Ratnajeevan is doing just that, knowing that the new commander is also accused of war crimes.

  • 3

    Our military prosecuted its own commander Sarath Fonseka for contesting the presidency, and little else which was proved, and sent him to prison for three years after which, he has been promoted to Field Marshal and has been made a minister twice.
    Hence our military will allow examination, prosecution and punishment if necessary, of any of the ‘heroes’.
    This is what General Mahesh Senanayake said (I hope).
    The spanner in the works is “foreign prosecutors/judges”.

    The army is confident that no Lankan prosecutors/judges will fault the armed forces – after all they fought the war with gun in one hand, & Geneva Conventions in the other.

    As for the political bunch in the north, they all, having tasted the plums of political office, wish to continue – but other avaricious men wont allow. No one is indispensable in politics – what one can do/does, another too can, even better. No brains are needed.
    This is why, people have knowingly elected 94 O Level failures to parliament.

  • 8

    It is true what prof. Hoole described about the ground situation. His argument for those who committed war crime should be inquired and punished is quite right. We need soldiers who are disciplined. It is also important that the crimes of LTTE should be inquired. A good piece of writing

    Dr. A.M.Jazeel

  • 5

    Sir, USA definitely improved its record on the war crimes issue in recent times. I think they learnt their lesson in Vietnam where so many atrocities were covered up. So Dr. Vitharana may have been talking about that era. In recent years, many excesses have been persecuted. Some have not. But this is very diffeerent from the Vietnam war era. I am sure you know MyLai and the Green Beret massacre of over 500 innocent Vietnamese in the heat of war. It was only exposed in the pre-social media era because of a courageous journalist: Seymour Hersh. In the US, former D Senator Bob Kerrey confessed to massacring 20 to 25 civilians in a hamlet in a place called Thanh Phong. He was considered a real hero because the story did not come out until he had quit the Senate. He was a hero because he was a Navy SEAL and lost a leg in Vietnam. So we can say from the draft army to the all volunteer more professional army and other armed services, US has improved a lot. I am sure you are aware of Senator John Kerry’s testimony to the Senate after he came back from Nam and where he accused a lot of soldiers of rape and other war crimes. As you know, in MyLai no one was ever tried for war crimes. Lt Calley and Capt. Medina were the only ones to even have a trial. Medina was acquitted and Calley was found guilty but his brief sentence was commuted when President Nixon gave him a pardon. It took Calley over 40 years to even apologize. Again Sir, I am only focussing on your comment about the US. I am sure you know that if Pvt Manning did not leak the video of the US Helicopter having fun shooting civilians in Iraq, we would never have come to know about it. If there is real evidence/proof I think people need to know facts and those people need to be held accountable. I can only say as an American, that US has indeed come a long way from the days it was killing “gooks” “charlie” “vc” as they used to refer to them. Having students who have served in Falluja and also having 2 who received Purple Hearts like Kerry did, and one of whom has PTSD, I try to talk to them about their views on Iraq. Fascinating to learn a lot from them. A lot of them are still very much in touch with me via social media. I am truly blessed to have some of the best students amongst those who serve in the US military. One lad is still an active duty Marine.

    I am sure the insults and ad hominems will follow now Sir. I will chuckle.

    • 6

      “USA definitely improved its record on the war crimes issue in recent times.”
      Could this endorsement of the writer’s apology for war crimes of the West by Mano R be in line for something like “Mark Twain Prize for American Humor”?
      The US certainly has refined its methods.
      Now it gets its proxies to do most of its dirty work.
      It also uses the theatre of punishing one or two of the scores of offenders so that the rest (including some of the worst offenders) go Scot free.
      That, however, is no excuse for our misconduct.

  • 2

    Sir, USA definitely improved its record on the war crimes issue in recent times. I think they learnt their lesson in Vietnam where so many atrocities were covered up. So Dr. Vitharana may have been talking about that era. In recent years, many excesses have been persecuted. Some have not. But this is very diffeerent from the Vietnam war era. I am sure you know MyLai and the Green Beret massacre of over 500 innocent Vietnamese in the heat of war. It was only exposed in the pre-social media era because of a courageous journalist: Seymour Hersh. In the US, former D Senator Bob Kerrey confessed to massacring 20 to 25 civilians in a hamlet in a place called Thanh Phong. He was considered a real hero because the story did not come out until he had quit the Senate. He was a hero because he was a Navy SEAL and lost a leg in Vietnam. So we can say from the draft army to the all volunteer more professional army and other armed services, US has improved a lot. I am sure you are aware of Senator John Kerry’s testimony to the Senate after he came back from Nam and where he accused a lot of soldiers of rape and other war crimes. As you know, in MyLai no one was ever tried for war crimes. Lt Calley and Capt. Medina were the only ones to even have a trial. Medina was acquitted and Calley was found guilty but his brief sentence was commuted when President Nixon gave him a pardon. It took Calley over 40 years to even apologize.

  • 2

    Again Sir, I am only focusing on your comment about the US. I am sure you know that if Pvt Manning did not leak the video of the US Helicopter having fun shooting civilians in Iraq, we would never have come to know about it.

    If there is real evidence/proof I think people need to know facts and those people need to be held accountable. I can only say as an American, that US has indeed come a long way from the days it was killing “gooks” “charlie” “vc” as they used to refer to them.

    Having students who have served in Falluja and also having 2 who received Purple Hearts like Kerry did, and one of whom has PTSD, I try to talk to them about their views on Iraq. Fascinating to learn a lot from them. A lot of them are still very much in touch with me via social media. I am truly blessed to have some of the best students amongst those who serve in the US military. One lad is still an active duty Marine officer; I am very proud of him and I am one of the few he asked for a letter of recommendation when he went to Grad school!.

    I am sure the insults and ad hominems will follow now Sir.
    I will chuckle.

    The USA is still divided on the Vietnam war Sir. Many old white fellow older faculty I argue and debate with will never admit to war crimes in Vietnam and definitely not about MyLai.

  • 2

    ‘Tamil Lies’ continue. Terrorist invaders are never a victim of ‘war crimes’. But native Sinhalese were killed in their very own mother land by invaliding Eelamist Tamils- where are the investigations for those ???????????????????????????

  • 5

    Good commentary, thank you. Tamil leadership should not pick up bad habits from the South, corruption in all forms, financial or abuse of power should not be tolerated.

  • 12

    A welcome article, based upon an even more welcome statement from Army Commander, General Mahesh Senanayake.

    We’ve got to face the fact that we are now a bitterly divided country. Whatever our individual thoughts are, and whatever we may have said and done in the past, we get identified today as either Sinhalese, Tamil, or Muslim persons, and not as being human beings first and foremost.

    General Senanayake has to stand by his men, and start by asserting that they were always asked to do what was correct, and in fact did so. This is necessary for the maintenance of morale. However, it is very necessary that he fully co-operates with investigations in to all allegations that there were atrocities, and that he should keep an open mind with regard to what may emerge from such investigation.

    However, as a thinking human being, his mind must be already be made up on one thing: to act objectively once the findings of the investigation are available. Although the General says that it is especially soldiers who should not commit crimes, we all know that when it comes to punishment, there is a political aspect to it, and the soldiers will rarely receive as stiff a sentence as some other criminals would.

    If we are to re-construct a civilized way of life in this land, we must support the stand made by Prof. Hoole and the General. There is a great deal said about Northern Politics that I don’t understand; it is for the people there to resolve all of that. As I started by saying, we now have three communities on this island who hardly ever rise above those identities. Two people here have tried to do so. I’d like to be considered to be a third.

    • 6

      “As I started by saying, we now have three communities on this island who hardly ever rise above those identities. Two people here have tried to do so. I’d like to be considered to be a third.”
      Rising above ethic identity is one thing. The problem also exists of rising above religious identity.

      • 1


    • 2

      we get identified today as either Sinhalese, Tamil, or Muslim persons, and not as being human beings first and foremost.”2

      Don’t the three of you in this very newsroom realise that you are bored monkeys Rilaw
      and have no imagination that makes you human?
      imagine if you had no imagination what would things be like?
      just like what 99.99% of the posts are like kicking dirt like monkey and can’t bite like the tiger/lion.

    • 5

      Dear Sinhala Man, I worked as medico-legal officer in Jaffna in the early part of the war, and therefore a medical witness to the atrocities committed by security forces on non-combatant Tamils. War was officially declared in April 1984 with the appointment of late Mr. Athulathmudali as minister of national security. Since then revenge killing of Tamils took place. After every combat where soldiers were killed, Army ran riot killing people around, going into houses and shooting people dead, arresting people, lining them up and executing them, indiscriminately firing into crowds etc. From 1985 army started firing artillery shells from camps into civilian areas. Navy fired mortars from ships into coastal villages, killed fishermen while at sea, Air Force at first rolled Palmyrah tree trunks at the beginning followed by barrel bombs later from helicopters on houses. These barrel bombs were made in Colombo and transported by air. Remember the explosion in a plane carrying barrel bombs over elephant pass. Subsequently aerial bombardment of civilian targets such as Navali church housing refugees were done. Navy was guilty of Kumudini boat murder of 36 people including a six month old child. In Valvettiturai community centre people were locked up and bombs exploded by army killing over 30 people.
      Chemmani massacre where 3000 people were arrested and killed in mass grave. If you investigate properly several mass graves will surface. Government never took action on any one of these atrocities and to expect it to do so is far fetched.

      • 1

        There is no doubt SL army did crimes especially during the initial period of the war. And whenever SLA was attacked, civilians too had to face difficulties. But SLA did learn and change their ways from converting itself to a professional army respecting civilians from a ceremonial unprofessional army.

        And again the UN inquiry do not talk about such crimes.

      • 2

        Dear Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

        I accept what you say. You have had first-hand experience of some of these happenings, and some of the others have been widely reported and are accepted by all except the bigoted. Yes, these events ought to be properly investigated and the truth has to be established.

        However, does it serve any constructive purpose to having you, as Tamil, giving us this litany? I’m not necessarily asking you to give us a list of LTTE outrages – that too, has been done, and there is almost nobody who denies it. Prof. Jeevan Hoole has praised a statement made by the Sinhalese Army Commander, and thereby somewhat increased the chances of not only General Mahesh Senanayake, but also the rest of the Armed Forces, realising that at least their future actions will be more principled and ethical.

        What I was in a position to testify to, I have done, in comments here:


        It achieved something, I feel. It has resulted in Manel Fonseka ensuring that what she had of that Lanerolle Report being circulated: I have not yet met the good lady, but we have corresponded by e-mail. Unfortunately, she is deaf, and cannot use a phone. I have that part of the report with me, and I’m hoping it’ll get put on the Internet – that will be attempted by others.

        As you say expecting “action” against the perpetrators “is far fetched”. Let us form a team as human beings, establish the truth of what happened, and ensure that such things don’t happen IN THE FUTURE.

        You and I are old; let us strive to create a better world for our children.

  • 1

    I still cannot understand why a person from engineering profession lacks the rational mind to understand the point here.
    No Sri Lankan government including the former MR government ever said they will not be accountable. If any soldier had committed a crime it will be punished under the Sri Lankan law in court and such wrong doers have been punished.
    Sri Lanka does not give slap on the wrist type punishements to any of its wrong doers in the army like US or any western country does.

    The so called UN investigation does not talk about crimes committed by individual soldiers but rather target the Sri Lankan state. And contrary to what the author says none of the UN investigation team has provided EVIDENCE to substantiate the so called charges in UN report. In fact the UN report is hilariously unprofessional which has violated the UN charter itself.

    The charges against SL
    1. Deliberately killing civilians ( where is the proof? )
    2. Extrajudicial killing of surrendered ( Again where is the proof? and even in cases which has substantial evidence, it is impossible to establish a chain of command)
    3. Not supplying food on purpose ( Again can be easlily debunked)

    The crimes committed by few soldiers and the crimes UN is accusing us are poles apart.

    • 2


      There are enough evidence to proof that Srilankan military involved in war crimes including killing civilians delibrately, extrajudicial killing of surrendered, using medicine & food as weapons etcc. It is very obvious that these facts cannot be proven in Srilankan courts because the courts are not independent and there is a history of evidence that even chief justices were admitted they made decisions wrongly. An international court only the answer if you want to find the truth. Why you all are afraid to face the international investigation?

      • 0

        If you dont have any trust in sri lankan courts it is your problem, not ours. We are not ready to sacrifice sovereignty to satisfy a bunch of terrorist supporters.

        1. If there are any evidence to say SLA killed civilians deliberately, please provide that evidence. Because even UN cannot prove that.
        –UN has not been able to confirm how many killed, and who killed let alone build a case against SL.
        –Extrajudicial killing of which ones? If you are refering to white flag that is hilariously without any evidence.
        3. Regarding food and medicine, – This can be very very easily proven wrong using the minutes of the meeting SL had with UN.

        On the other hand there are ICRC reports to prove
        1. SLA listened to ICRC when protecting civilians and stopped shelling when asked to.
        2. SLA dropped far easier and less costly military strategies in order to save civilians

        The above is backed by ICRC reports and even wikileaks.

        So before talking about topics you have no knowledge of better to study it

    • 3

      Too many civilians have been killed.
      In the later stages of the war it is the armed forces of the state that are most answerable. Had the government taken a conciliatory approach at the end of the war and offered (1) compensation for ALL victims of war; and (2) investigate violations of human rights, it would have won friends among the Tamils.
      Intoxication by war victory got the better of good sense.
      If as you say the charges against the government can be easily debunked, why is the government reluctant to conduct credible inquiries?
      We have got our priorities mixed.
      The interests of the victims should have been a top priority. sadly the Tamil political leaders have it much lower than their demand for ‘International Inquiry’.
      Inquiries should not be confined to one group of offenders.
      The purpose of inquiry should not be mere punishment. It should be for the country to come to terms with what happened and sincerely learn from its mistakes.

      • 1

        Definitely too many civilians have been killed and the question is HOW MANY and WHO IS responsible. From UN to PRO LTTE orgs to TN politicians, they give different number of deaths. Is it 7000? 40000, 140000 or 5 million like some TN politicians say? None of the people who throw charges at us have been able to even agree with a figure.

        Secondly if many people died ( which definitely happened unfortunately) who is responsible? All the EVIDENCES point at LTTE. The LTTE crept inside the NFZ and targeted the army putting the lives of the civilians in danger, held the people by force without letting them leave the battle ground when SL declared ceasefire twice, killed the people who crossed the defence lines by shooting at them, suicide bombing within the civilians. All the evidence point at how LTTE is responsible for the deaths of the civilians. At the same time evidence is more than available to prove SLA did try to minimize civilian casualty.

        I think MR government did take a conciliatory approach towards Tamils but he had to face the barrage of so called war crimes and UN actions initiated by disgruntled sections who were disappointed with the defeat of LTTE. So Mahinda may have been pushed to take a tough stand.

        In sri lanka the norm is to have failed governments which has no idea on what is going on. So SL government did fail to understand the media battle and the diplomatic battle waged by the Norwegians. Credible inquiry is not to debunk any false accusations but a ploy. Debunking is done in a different manner.

        • 4

          Why are people running scared of a comprehensive inquiry that is fair, and covers all war crimes, and concentrates on knowing the truth and not to punishing every offender.
          There are lessons to learn for the future. The arithmetic is far less important than a good understanding of the events.
          The Sinhalese more than Tamils should know what the armed forced did; and the Tamils more than Sinhalese should know what the LTTE did.
          If we can be honest and seriously want lasting peace, we will together do a good job without foreign involvement.

          • 1

            “The Sinhalese more than Tamils should know what the armed forced [sic] did; and the Tamils more than Sinhalese should know what the LTTE did.”

            Hear, hear!

            • 0

              Why, Thevaram, you say “hear, hear”; to rhyme with “Arohara”?

          • 1

            Even today Germany and Japan are under the thumb of the allied forces and pay through their noses if they talk out of turn and more so are asked to pay up for any war that the IC deems fit. How much have the Germans and Japanese to the American /British white POW’s to date. Why do you think Japan will not apologise for the war.? Why do you think Theresa May refused to apologise to India for an era of darkness this january ??- to protect British strategic interests.

          • 0

            1. There is NO case against Sri Lanka. The UN report, and hence the resolution is illegal without a proper case against SL. It is unprofessional. Would anybody subject oneself under any query that is illegal and wrong?

            2. Comprehensive inquiry that is fair …LOL again ..there is NO comprehensive inquiry or even any fairness to it.

            3. The events are very much in the public domain. May be you are reading on this much later but what happened and what wrong was done by whom has been discussed in great detail.

            4. I hardly think Sinhalese need anything to know about it. Even if they did as i said it is in public domain.
            5. Tamil issue is a foreign relations issue , it has ceased to become any internal issue to us since India involved in 1987.

          • 1

            Good to hear a Tamil saying that. I wouldn’t myself have wanted to say that since it would merely seem to be a variation of the impunity-protection that many desire for soldiers.

            What we need is apologies from both sides to the other; not justifications for what “our” side did.

        • 0

          [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.

        • 2

          CVW’s anti-Christian positions:
          CVW said nothing anti-Christian. He was insensitive and silly to draw a parallel between his late ‘guru’ and Jesus– that is devotion. He may have even thought that he was endearing Christians by that. (Anti-Muslim sentiment among Tamils of the North is a more serious problem. Again CVW has not mouthed anti-Muslim slogans.)
          “Kulanayagam argued that any standing CVW has is because of the FP and CVW’s votes were because the FP….”
          CVW did not crave for the post. It was thrust on him by the FP leadership because it could not think of a way to end the infighting following announcement of NPC elections.
          Among his failings “disloyalty” to the FP is the least. That was an opportunist deal by the FP, and came with its risks.
          Portraying the issue as a CVV v. Sampanthan issue distracts attention from the real battle, namely the revived FP v. ACTC battl (best seen in the Sumanthiran v. Gajendrakumar episodes).
          Sumanthiran is playing into CVW’s hands by asking for his resignation as CM. That is NPC business and adds a dangerous Christian dimension. (Sumanthiran can legitimately propose disciplinary action against CVW within the FP.)
          “GG Ponnambalam wanted a no-contest pact with Chelvanayakam etc.”
          I wonder when it was sought. GGP would not have in 1952, 56 or 60. He won in 1965. The FP never won all seats in Jaffna to claim that GGP was wiped out.
          Even so, why did the FP go crawling to GGP asking him to appear for AA and others in the now less spoken of trial-at-bar.
          One can tickle oneself with silly name calling like “bicycle fellow”.
          The TNA is in trouble, not from the “bicycle fellow” or the ex-SC Judge but the public, now fed up with its incompetence.

          • 1

            Sivasegaram, claiming connection to Maviddapuram, is at his best. Chief Minister Vigneswaran has said a lot more against Christians than Sivasegaram admits. I know that in his Hindu Convention speech at Veerasingam Hall Wigneswaran said Arumuga Navalar knew the Bible better than the Christian Missionaries and taught them the Bible. The theme is always the same. Christians do not know Tamil and needed Navalar to translate the Bible. They did not know the Bible and needed Navalar to teach them the Bible.

            Sivasegaram I remember from Hoole’s interventions, was on a Selection Committee that did not select Hoole because he is a Christian. Hoole says Carlo Fonseka’s affidavit is with the Editor.

            Editor, please produce that.

    • 1

      Mr. Sach,
      1. “There is no doubt SL army did crimes especially during the initial period of the war.”
      2.”. Deliberately killing civilians ( where is the proof? )”
      Make up your mind please. Only one of your statements can be true.

    • 0

      Re “No Sri Lankan government including the former MR government ever said they will not be accountable. If any soldier had committed a crime it will be punished under the Sri Lankan law”

      See Hoole’s previous article on charging the PM and President for hate speech. There he quotes the PM getting cabinet approval not to charge any soldier.

  • 2

    And it seems the catholic priests in North is more involved with running affairs in the PC than any Mahanayakas are involved in SL government. Is ‘removing religion out’ debate applicable here too?

    • 0

      “it seems the catholic priests in North is more involved with running affairs in the PC than any Mahanayakas are involved in SL government”.
      Who tell you these stories?
      Have you cross checked?

      • 0

        It is in the article…sending letters to overthrow Tamil leadership. Have you ever read any buddhist monk writing like that?

        • 2

          What do you think that some Buddhist monks did in 1959?

          • 0

            what did they do? Did they send letters to temples around SL that we should replace the Lankan leadership?

            • 0

              So, you do not know!
              That is either being or pretending to be dumb.

              • 0

                So tell me what they did?
                Did they send letters around that Lankan leadership should be replaced apart from the other alleged interference you allege here?

            • 1

              Dear Sach;
              “what did they do? Did they send letters to temples around SL that we should replace the Lankan leadership?”

              No, they went one better. They shot the leadership.

              • 0

                They rightly did shoot the new sarema regime of race and religion as much as Gotse the priest shot Gandhi the naked fakir that divided an otherwise people who ate the same food and lived it together.
                jaya wewa!

              • 0

                Sach: You and your rumours have two things in common: you’re both fake and you both get around.

                old codger:
                Patriotism is the food that one eats while they are children.
                How else can we see the divide of the north and south of the world?
                See our own subcontinent India and China the divide is easily seen in the hush voices when an accident takes place. In the EU we see the divide in the US we see the divide.
                Studies and surveys have consistently indicated that approximately 90% of persons in any given country have strong patriotic sentiments. This percentage is similar to the percentage of people involved in other faith-based activities, such as religion. This same percentage also reflects the bell-curve of the general intelligence level of a population:

  • 2

    Sir, again I liked your article. Is there an anti Hindu bias in you because you are Christian? curious. But on the recent battles around Mosul and also around Raqqa, you know AI has made some damning statements that are being refuted angrily and denied by the Trump White house dominated by Christians right? Just to give you reference points. As I pointed out, the Helicopter video only leaked because of Pvt Manning and WikiLeaks.


    Sir, I think US is still deeply divided over Vietnam. Ask why Bob Kerrey D senator from Nebraska was never prosecuted. He confessed only after he decided to quit the US Senate. I have one student who served in the Marines in Falluja. They are pretty disturbed by that experience too sir. Allegations of White Phosphorous use was never investigated. War hero and former Marine Late Congressman John Murtha spoke out about alleged war crimes in Iraq but he was accused of being a traitor. In the US, most people love to accuse those who speak out against war crimes or against wars based on lies as traitors. I am sad because I expect more from a Christian evolved democracy. But as my grandfather used to wonder; he was shocked to learn of the MyLai massacre and the cover ups at the highest levels. I hope those who committed or alleged to have committed war crimes are charged when there is proof and evidence. Otherwise speaking in generalities does not help the healing no? So when Coalition airstrikes kill civilians in Raqqa or Mosul or when USA’s BFF Saudi Sunnis bomb the shit out of Civilians in Yemen??? what will YOU call those sir? “Heat of war”? “fog of war”? Just curious sir. I think you write brilliantly.

    • 1

      Mano R: “Is there an anti Hindu bias in you because you are Christian? curious.”
      You really have a sense of humor.
      At this rate you may, before long, truly deserve the “Mark Twain Prize for American Humor”

  • 2

    S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole in “Hate Talk Continues: Those From Whom We Expect The Least Outdo Those We Expect More From” jumps to very hasty conclusions.
    SRH H opines “………..it is refreshing that our new Army Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake who “…….. says that he rejects the war crime allegations against the Sri Lanka Army but supports the investigations…….”.
    This is effectively “Investigate, provided the army is absolved of any wrong doing”. SRH H fails to see the contradiction here. Has got to be deliberate.
    Obviously SRH H is looking for an invitation to address an august selection of army men. Topic: “…………This is all stuff I teach my engineering ethics class in a US classroom to US students for lessons on managing disasters……….”
    SRH H then uses the rest of the article to air his “Hate talk continue….”. Appeals to TNA to boot out the CM NPC.
    SRH H concludes “If we Tamils are serious about more devolution, we need to get our act together and show that we can run what we have, the NPC and the university, free of their rampant corruption……..”. Anyone guess why Jaffna University is included? Sorry no prizes – too easy.

  • 0

    Sir, HRW and AI are condemning the media black out and the use of inaccurate weapons by coalition US led forces in Mosul. We in the US NEVER saw or heard about civilian casualties on mainstream liberal media. We had to go to BBC America which reported this at least and to Al Jazeera and official Russian new RT.com. So there is always self censorship or corporate interests that rule what is news worthy here in the US. HRW which was a thorn in the side of Lankan forces, is saying a lot about Mosul. Why is there a media blackout? necessitated by war? AI reports about to 5,805 civilian deaths in the battle for Mosul. Like LTTE the ISIS islamic jihadists kept human shields. But anyway your thoughts will be appreciated on this. AI has scolded the US for excessive airstrikes killing civilians and accused forces of knowing this. US under Trump has denied it but we know that Trump has eased rules of engagement in recent months too. Trump is supported by white evangelical christians many of whom are racists, islamophobes amongst other things. But that is a democracy. That is what happens.

    • 0

      Loot is a family logo of the R&R pimbura sarema.
      swrd-My father was a scholar!” brags the fool.
      cbk- My mother was a mare!” proclaims the mule.

  • 1

    Sri Lankan Tamils hate the country they live in. Get free education, health and top positions in govt and even have separate political parties which only include Tamils. They are always at the beck and call of Western interests who use them for their own nefarious activities. If only they can shed the chip on their shoulder and start treating all Sri Lankans as fellow citizens none of these ill feelings towards each other will go on and on with stupid allegations and rancid meanderings. Stop the rot for heavens sake !

    • 0

      “”They are always at the beck and call of Western interests who use them for their own nefarious activities.””
      patchwork sinhalese are as crooked as the patchwork english culture.- shape shape shape. while the conmen northern tamils hit the jackpot. jointly the sinhalese and tamils are kattaya and mottaya so you outdid Indian and killed a dear PM then lit crackers like the palestinians on 9/11- it’s your patchwork culture pute>
      Largest export item for America and Britain from 1600 is Arms and they sell it so a nation which exports 55% of its exports and begs all along is not of concern.
      If America was interested you would have stopped Nandikadal even before firing a shot like Kissinger made Indira Gandhi withdraw from East Pakistan on 8th day after it won the separation and was to get the west pakistan in 3 days.
      Dodawanne eppa gass gembo!

    • 0

      The Gomeses are my relations. So also I think the Gomezes. Our grandparents spoke Tamil. Some of my cousins also do.

      If you are right, you also must hate Sri Lanka. ???

    • 1

      One of the greatest tragedies – of even semi-educated societies such as ours – is the vast majority of the people fail to notice history unfolding before our very eyes. This is not the only country to suffer this fate in recent times. MR, enjoys the support of the powerful Buddhist clergy, the Army/Police, the Buddhist Sinhala business-industrial mafia. He destroyed all aspects of our governance – including the judicial, legislative and administrative machinery. He emptied the resources of the country and stole most of it. As Don of the local drug-trafficking crooks he made billions but ruined hundreds of thousands of school boys and young lives. Did anyone complain? Today the Sinhala middle class is fleeing. Senior government servants, the wealth of the country, live in far of their jobs ruined by ignorant political bosses.

      The once thriving and respected middle class is now living a hand to mouth existence fearing what is in store for them in the future. We are on the road to South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Syria and Afghanistan.

      Don’t blame the Tamils. They are trying to save themselves from the imminent doom. They probably will – once they get their freedom. Blame the clueless Mahanayakas, Sinhala political Buddhism and the political machinery that goes with it. When the building boom soon goes bust, emptying many of our banks, and the rupee goes over Rs.200 to the dollar soon, the people will go after the politicians in the streets – a repeat of the dark days of 1988/89. Already signs of the
      inevitable hunger and food riots is on the horizon.


    • 0

      Why dont all of you shut up and do something for SL like how to collect and dispose of garbage. It is becoming serious, breeding flies and mosquitoes with disease and throwing dirt around if not watching neighbours. What more hate talk do you want than hate actions. Send some garbage collecting lorries and INCINERATORS to SL

  • 0

    You are right brother ,when you live in a country first thank god for what you are.LTTE started killing civilians, Sinhalese, muslims,andTamils .Because of this evil lot we lost peace and valuable lives.At least now on Tamils can live like civilised human beings and stop hatred. SriLanka has given enough to tamils to make them love the adopted COUNTRY.

  • 0

    9 days to the anniversary of the heinous Black July. Saddest period in modern Lankan history. May that ugliness NEVER be repeated towards anyone for their faith or race or beliefs or whatever else.

    • 0

      SriMao spawned the “Che” Guevara JVP which regrouped in the south to loot and plunder and by that time JR was taken by surprise by the greatest conmen of the world up north. That was the break they needed to escape to the west of plenty in drones- now feel the heat of the low down bum fishermen showing off their billions and even using the 90k widows as a weapon.

      • 0

        The political lesson that the Libturd MR regime learnt from the Soviet Union is that after Joseph Stalin’s successor Nikita Khrushchev, publicly condemned his predecessor, the Soviet Union started going downhill. It was the biggest mistake MR1 made which he is regretting today now that he is out of power.- the goni Billa Raddla Pimbura out did him saying viper software got him what a stupid joke kattadiya! ?
        While Mao is not venerated in China (his little red book is in the yellow river- chinese don’t like queues and hunger) its just that when corruption is tackled the older folk with a pension lean onto Life is a Paradox- nothing more nothing less.

        • 1

          The MR regime was far from libturd. Libturds might be stupid but they are usually well-meaning.

    • 2

      Mano Ratwatte —-Black July was not the saddest period in modern history but the scale of its brutality at the time compels you to remember it as the saddest forever. Please spend some time with kith and kin of the victims/victims of 1987-91 and 30 years of war. I have and I still find their experience incomprehensible because I was not the victim. And you are not the village boy who was in the front line to have first hand horrifying experience and memories.

      • 3

        If this discourse turns in a different direction because of what I am about to say, let it be. Any debate – argument – over which was the saddest period in our modern history brings me agonising memories. I am not that informed or ‘knowledgeable’ to contribute to your debate, one way or the other. I do NOT know ‘the saddest period’. But, I can tell you which day was the saddest. That particular day haunts me day in and day out. Yes, I refer to the day when the Government arrogantly hoisted the lion flag over the land in the North, in celebration of conquering ‘us’. Yes. Sinhalese conquered Tamils. Details are faint, because I try to forget it as much as possible. However, I will tell you one thing. That hoisting was a clear proof that the government was waging a war against the Tamils, not against LTTE.

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