10 February, 2025


Have Authorities Deceived The People On Mahendran’s ‘Red Notice’?

By Amrit Muttukumaru

Amrit Muttukumaru

Former Central Bank Governor, Arjuna Mahendran’s place of residence is now no more a secret subsequent to media reports of a senior official in the Attorney General’s Department informing court that Mahendran, a fugitive from justice “had requested for copies of the warrant and evidence against him from the CID via the Singapore Interpol”. This was in response to the Colombo Fort Magistrate asking the senior AG official on the status of the Arrest warrant issued by court on Mahendran.

Apart from the ‘request’ from Mahendran being unusual, it leaves no doubt that the precise address of Mahendran is now known both to the authorities in Sri Lanka and Interpol. This is because Mahendran would have revealed the address to which the required documents were to be forwarded. The excuse of his whereabouts being unknown can no longer be trotted out by Sri Lanka authorities.

Will not this request likely set a dangerous precedent inimical to upholding the rule of law in relation to the criminal justice system? Are persons summoned to appear in court for criminal cases as in the case of Mahendran, entitled to documents prior to presenting themselves to court? Would even President Donald Trump if summoned to appear before US Department of Justice Special Counsel, Robert Mueller know in advance the questions Mueller would ask him? The views of legal experts on this matter will be appreciated. 

Even Mahendran’s son-in-law, Arjun Aloysius being in remand custody for the past several months has not moved him to be in Sri Lanka to either visit him or his daughter who we are to presume until now are unaware of his whereabouts. 

It is apparent the AG’s Dept. is not keen to act on the warrant on the basis of the lead story (not contradicted) in the ‘Daily Mirror’ of 24 August 2018. It is reported that Senior Deputy Solicitor General Haripriya Jayasundara had informed court that after having “obtained a red notice” from Interpol they were “working on certain arrangements on this matter”. To say the least the reporting of this response is vague. The newspaper report fails to disclose (i) when the ‘Red Notice’ was obtained? (ii) the date on which the authorities became aware of Mahendran’s precise location? (iii) for how long the authorities were “working” on the undefined “certain arrangements”? (iv) whether Mahendran was part of or aware of these “arrangements”? (v) whether Mahendran’s request for documents were consequent to these “arrangements”?

It appears these matters have not been brought to the attention of court – hence the magistrate’s query “what had happened with regard to the warrant issued” and request for a “report on that matter without delay”. The response of the senior AG official “it would make the necessary submission no sooner the process was finalized” is symptomatic of the issue not being a priority to the AG’s Department. This is alarming since Mahendran is reportedly the first suspect in the magisterial inquiry into the bond scam which is arguably one of the largest financial scams to have taken place in the post-independence history of Sri Lanka. For sheer impunity and involvement of powerful politicians in collusion with a section of the corporate sector and regulatory authorities it is hard to beat. 

We now get to the CLAIM of the Attorney General’s Department to court as reported in the media (not contradicted) that they had “obtained a red notice” from Interpol against Mahendran. The Interpol website does not support this claim.

Interpol ‘Red Notice’ 

As at 29 August 2018 the Interpol website lists only 3 persons of Sri Lankan nationality being issued ‘Red Notice’ as WANTED by the Sri Lanka government. This does NOT include Arjuna Mahendran. The Interpol website also does not list any person of Singapore nationality being issued ‘Red Notice’ as WANTED by Sri Lanka. The Interpol website also does not list Arjuna Mahendran even as a ‘Missing Person’ (‘Yellow Notice’). 

One wonders whether Interpol has been tardy in uploading names of persons against whom ‘Red Notices’ have been issued or MORE SERIOUSLY the government of Sri Lanka has requested Interpol not to publish the ‘Red Notice’. If so the government owes an explanation to the country as to why it does not want publicity to be given to the issue of a ‘Red Notice’ against Mahendran?

Interpol defines ‘Red Notice’ as follows:

“To seek the location and arrest of wanted persons with a view to extradition or similar lawful action.”

Mehendran: Business As Usual?

Arjuna Mahendran’s LinkedIn posting reveals it is business as usual for him even after he ceased being CBSL Governor in June 2016.

From ‘July 2016 – January 2017 7 months’ he is listed as ‘Investment Advisor’ in ‘Prime Minister’s Office Sri Lanka’

From’ January 2017 – Present 1 year 8 months Singapore’ he is listed as ‘Senior Investment Consultant’ in ‘Private Family Office’.

Hence on the basis of Mahendran’s LinkedIn posting he is very much in Singapore and not in anyway a ‘fugitive’ as claimed by authorities to be ‘wanted’ in Sri Lanka to face due process for his alleged role in the bond scam.

Does not Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe owe an explanation to the country as to how Mahendran after he ceased being CBSL Governor due to his alleged role in the bond scam was appointed ‘Investment Advisor’ in ‘Prime Minister’s Office Sri Lanka’?

Warrant & Sub Judice

The warrant issued by court could not be served as Mahendran was reportedly not available at his known address in Singapore. In the first place, in the context of then ongoing Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the bond scam (PCoI) why was Mahendran not listed as a suspect and prevented from leaving the country with an appropriate court order?  It was this that led to the Interpol being involved and the subsequent issue of the claimed Interpol ‘Red Notice’.

It is preposterous that sections of the (PCoI)  bond report which include annexures and also the CID investigation report were not presented to parliament. 

The media reports that the Attorney General is of the opinion that some documents provided to the PCoI by CBSL can only be released to the public domain subsequent to the concurrence of the CBSL. This is not all. Things become murkier with then President’s Secretary, Austin Fernando revealing (i) he had sent the PCoI bond report to the national archives which generally has a 30 year embargo on making it public (ii) the Attorney General had advised him that certain sections of the bond report cannot be made public as it is ‘sub judice’.

On the issue of sub judice, one gets the impression this is a ploy widely used to avoid public debate. On this basis all a wrongdoer has to do is file even a frivolous case and then shout from rooftops it is sub judice. There is legal opinion that “Publication may be justified on the grounds of being true and in the public interest even before the matter reaches open court. In other words, the defamatory or disparaging nature of a statement would be negated by the defence of truth and the public interest.” Here too the views of legal experts will be appreciated. 

Core of Bond Scam

1) ‘CONFLICT OF INTEREST’ arising from then Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran’s son-in-law, Arjun Aloysius – owning/controlling PTL (Perpetual Treasuries Limited) – a Primary Dealer. 

2) Arjuna Mahendran – a foreign national being HANDPICKED by PM Wickremesinghe for the position of Governor, CBSL although AWARE of the ‘Conflict of interest’. This was CONFIRMED in his affidavit and while testifying before the PCoI into the bond scam. 

3) The CBSL which is the issuing agency for Treasury Bonds which normally falls under the Ministry of Finance was brought under the purview of the PM.

4) The PM continued to have Mahendran as CBSL Governor although aware that Mahendran had RENEGED on his ‘assurance’ to him that his son-in-law (Arjun Aloysius) will sever all links with PTL PRIOR to his appointment as CBSL Governor.

5) The PM robustly defended and endorsed Mahendran for a second term despite the widespread perception of Mahendran’s alleged role in the Bond Scam.

6) Being fully confident on the propriety of the issuance of Bonds, the PM robustly defended the same in Parliament on 17 March 2015 despite the evidence that subsequently transpired before the PCoI into the bond scam.

Unusual Decisions

Notwithstanding the above, did not the PCoI and the AG’s Dept. take some UNUSUAL decisions in regard to the PM?

1) Unlike in the case of other witnesses, the PM was given questions in ADVANCE by the PCoI to enable him to provide answers by way of affidavit.

2) Unlike in the case of other witnesses, the PCoI decided to invite the Attorney General himself who wasn’t involved in the investigation up to that point to personally lead evidence for the FIRST TIME. Up to this time, Messrs. Dappula de Livera and Yasantha Kodagoda – Senior Additional Solicitor General and Additional Solicitor General respectively lead evidence.

3) Unlike in the case of other witnesses which included former Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake who were GRILLED by Messrs. Dappula de Livera and Yasantha Kodagoda, limited questions were posed to the PM. He was at the PCoI reportedly for less than an hour to clarify matters arising from his affidavit.


1) The Attorney General’s Department and the Prime Minister’s office have a MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to CLARIFY (i) whether a ‘Red Notice’ has been issued by Interpol against Arjuna Mahendran (ii) if issued, why it has not been listed on the Interpol website? 

2) Now that Arjuna Mahendran’s address is no more a SECRET, will the authorities concerned forthwith take CREDIBLE action to get him down to Sri Lanka to face due process? The EXCUSE of not knowing his address is no longer applicable. To no surprise the response of the opposition for the most part has been MUTED. I leave it to readers to draw their conclusion on the state of play vis-à-vis governance and corruption in this ‘Land like no other’. 

3) Other issues concerning persons close to the PM who CONTRIBUTED to the egregious bond scam and its ‘cover-up’ also through the infamous ‘footnotes’ which were dealt with in previous articles by this writer, have in this instance been kept in abeyance since the current focus is on the AVAILABILITY of Mahendran’s address and the apparent NON-ISSUE of the claimed INTERPOL RED NOTICE.  

4) The most telling advantage wrongdoers have in Sri Lanka is the limited span of attention of most of our people. In most other countries people will be on the street DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY for even HALF the transgressions attributed to our politicians and bureaucrats under successive administrations.

Latest comments

  • 4

    Amrit Muttukumaru ~ “Have Authorities Deceived The People On Mahendran’s ‘Red Notice’?”

    Deceived? Why should they?
    Certainly getting ‘curiouser and curiouser’!

    Likely to distract us from the substantiated and factual PCoI revelations on the past and present SriLankan Airlines?

    • 3

      “Have Authorities Deceived The People On Mahendran’s ‘Red Notice’?”

      Everyone in SL is playing the deception-game

      Mr Amrit Muttukumaru is playing the same old deception-game that the bond-scam is the only crime that happened in SL ………….

  • 7

    It is clear the Sri Lanka has not issued an Interpol Red Notice to apprehend the bond scammer Arjun Mahendran. Please see for yourself in the Interpol website here, https://www.interpol.int/notice/search/wanted

  • 10

    It appears that the PM’s sympathies are with Mahendran, no only because the PM recruited him.
    Has the PM benefitted by the scam?
    Why so far, no action reported against the politicians said to have received Rs One Million each, from Perpetual Treasuries?

  • 8

    We know the mastermind of the bond scam when reading this article.

    • 3

      Why does the learned Muttukumaru keep scratching this “beggar’s wound”, the alleged Bond Scam”? Is it it to diverd attention from the current PCOI on SL Airlines? The holy Muttukumaru devotes only a few lines to such matters. Is his vision selective? Is HE trying to deceive the people?

  • 15

    The same irregularities in the sale of government bonds took place during Mahinda’s period as well. The same primary dealer Arjun Aloysius’ Perpetual Treasuries was involved, with Central Bank Governor Ajit Nivard Cabraal’s sister serving on his board. Naturally concerns were raised over the obvious conflict of interest, and as a result there was a cabinet minute in the final year of Mahinda’s rule to the effect there should be no further dealings with Arjun Aloysius with regard to the issue of treasury bonds. Ranil should have known about all this. After the defeat, it would have been obvious to any fool that the smiling owl Cabraal would keep his eyes sharply focused on bond sales under the new government to exploit any wrong doing. He knew the tricks of the trade, having been the mastermind behind Mahinda’s many shady deals. Now, lo and behold, the new PM, Ranil the Einstein, appoints the very same Arjun Aloysius’ father in law and his close friend from Royal days, Arjuna Mahendran, as the CB Governor, and decides to indulge in the same type of irregular, unethical insider trading with Arjun Aloysius.
    Ranil, tell us, what were you thinking? Did you let the taste of power after being in the wilderness for so long go to your head? Within about six weeks of forming the new government, you set in motion its unraveling – with Ravi and Maithri joining hands subsequently.

    • 0

      This oft repeated suggestion Arjuna M and Ranil were at Royal either together or around the same time cannot be true. The age difference
      between the two is far too wide. Ranil and Arjuna’s father Charlie
      are more likely around a similar age group. Charlie is a few years older.


  • 9

    Any Right Thinking person will ask: (1) Who FOUND and APPOINTED this Mahendran to the post of Governor of the Central Bank. (2) Did that “PERSON” not know Mahendran was a “Foreign National” who cannot be held “Legally” “Responsible and Accountable” in Sri Lanka, unless he (Mahendran) was “Legally Bound” by any legal system enforceable in Sri Lanka? (3) If Mahendran was the “MAIN” suspect of the “SCAM” WHY and WHO allowed his disappearance from the country? (4) Who should NOW be held ANSWERABLE for both the “WRONG” appointment of the “WRONG” person to this highest position in financial sector of the country? The only answer is: The Prime Minister Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe. As at present ALL AUTHORITIES in the Governance of this country leaving without any iota of doubt have “DECEIVED” and “BETRAYED” the PEOPLE. That include, as far as this matter of “Bond Scam” is concerned the following: – The “Committees”; “COPE”; the PCoL; The “Management of the SLCB” and all other “NADE” (Cohorts) of the PM. They still continue to DECEIVE and BETRAY the PEOPLE who put them to power.

    • 2


      “Any Right Thinking person will ask: (1) Who FOUND and APPOINTED this Mahendran to the post of Governor of the Central Bank. (2) Did that “PERSON” not know Mahendran was a “Foreign National” who cannot be held “Legally” “Responsible and Accountable” in Sri Lanka, unless he (Mahendran) was “Legally Bound” by any legal system enforceable in Sri Lanka?”

      Douglas man
      This is not the first time a foreigner has been appointed to a top post.
      Did the name Lieutenant Colonel Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa, RWP, RSP, psc, GR …. the National Hangman, cross your mind?

      Is it because he is an American?
      Is it because you see him as a strongman who is believed to get things done at any cost, ………………. ?

  • 11

    Arjuna Mahendran will never be bought to JUSTICE. As long as Ranil Kumari Wickremasinghe is PM and Mytwopala is Prez, AM will have the last laugh. Sri lankans are stupid people, so stupid that if you place two boxes in front of them, one empty but containing God’s blessing and the other full with a mixture of shit and gold and they will choose the shit & gold. Lankans will rummage in shit if there is gold to be found despite the nausea in finding the gold.
    For all eternity Sri lanka & Sri lankans will be robbed, cheated, hoodwinked, screwed, left to swim in shit until they realize their stupidity and then it will be too late.

  • 7

    Come on Amrit,
    Poor Dr Ranil didn’t know his Old Buddy’s Mobile No even, let alone his residential address in Singapore.
    Look at that photo mate.
    It was probably Dr Ranil asking which Luxury Pad the Buddy would like in the Shangri La Towers.
    And walk to TT, to give Dr Ranil Investment Advice.
    Now you make Dr Ranil look like a Liar..
    How would the UNP stalwarts who love this country feel?. mate..
    I heard that My3 Sira’s Bond Report has a few names which are important and exciting.
    Can you make one of those Right to Info petitions to find out who they are?.
    Because our Dalits who make up 70 Percent have no clout what so ever to find out these Yahapalana Top End Wheeling and Dealings.
    Such as ,
    FTAs & ETCAs , 99 Years Leases of their ancestral Lands to foreigners.
    Bringing the Garbage of even Hindian Hospitals to store in their Home Lands….
    Foreigners buying their Roads, Hospitals and even Employee Provident Fund.
    BTW Amrit, Can you please find out whether Dr Mahendran advised Mallika on that SFTA?.
    And whether Dr Ranil got Mangala to do a EFT to any Singapore accounts in Switzerland..

  • 7

    There was no scams as no laws were broken. Cabral created gaping holes to cream the system and did not have time to close them when the last govt got kicked out. Allosious saw an opportunity and took CB to school.

    “Despite the allegations against the Central Bank Bond Scam, failure to penalize the responsible persons suggests that it has taken place within the existing law of the country, says UNP Parliamentarian Chaminda Wijesiri.

    He stated this addressing a public meeting held in Bandarawela.

    The Bond Scam happened during the past government’s administration, and it had proceeded ever since, he further mentioned.

    However, accusations were later directed to UNP with the intention of slinging mud at the party, MP Chaminda Wijesiri said.”

    Ha ha ha.

    • 0

      This guy is blind as a bat, and most probably a fellow rogue in the gang. A real burk!

      • 1

        None of you “bond scam experts ” has ever been able to produce an estimate of the “loss” from the so-called scam. Be the first and then talk about other people’s blindness. Repeating Killi Maharajah’s lies doesn’t prove anything.

    • 0


      MP Chaminda Wijesiri is the son of former MP RP Wijesiri during the JRJ government. RP appointed his wife to the Lotteries Board as, I believe, chairman. I am sure everyone can fill in the blanks.

  • 3

    This is a country where it is possible to go to appeal courts against a case in lower courts before judgement is delivered .Writer being vociferous and detailed on the bond scam should have also as asked, why the Greek bond scam is not investigated, the commission report said more money was lost in bonds before 2015. Central Bank retaining PR firms to defend the then govt. on matters not related to banking. How a politician a defeated Cabrall was appointed as Governor of theb Central Bank

    • 0

      Upali, the Greek bonds were bought in good faith and the Greek economy canned and never came up in time, where as Arjuna Mahendran knowingly sold 10times the agreed amount of bonds at a higher interest than reasonable..wasn’t it you who was talking about intent, now, this is a good case to put intent in to context

  • 4

    just as he looked after the rajapaksas the pakaya is looking after his buddy mahendran
    god save the unp if he becomes their presidential candidate

  • 11

    The daughter of the judge in the Presidential commission was working with Honourable PM !The judge is a good actor and pretended to be impartial. But it was obvious they did not want to touch the PM , without whom the Bond scam would never have happened.

    PMs behavior after the Bond scam shows complete complicity-including getting the UNP idiots to put foot notes, These are typical Ranil tactics, bombs that explode in the hand, ultimately damaging the UNP more, as shown at the recent elections.

    If rascal Aloysous’s phone which fell into the pool in Singapore was found we all would know how involved Honourable PM is in this crime of robbing the country.

    Amrit also examine the rascal whose dealings in the energy sector shocked the conscience of the Supreme Court. He was a member of the Ranil group when they went to Finland last year to negotiate energy contracts

    We need judges who are not political and care for the country and its institutions.

    Sadly, there are no such people today.

  • 6

    I do not think that RW would dump AM at this stage. Until AM is properly extradited to Sri Lanka we cannot think that the law is really equal to everyone. Some are more equal than others.

  • 5

    Thanks for telling us, the supposd masters (id.est – the public ) so much of what our servant and his lackey are up to. Both ought to be in jail.

    From Android device.

  • 8

    Latest Block Buster:
    Catch Me if You Can
    Arjuna Mahendra
    Arjuna Alosius
    Directed and Produced by:
    Raa-nil Wickramasinghe
    Released by:
    Unpatriotic National Party

    • 0

      Eagle Eye,
      Let us also include how Ranil predicted and dislodged MR in 2015 to make it a Box office hit. We only have to add one more actor.

    • 1

      Potta Eye,

      2018 Prestigious Grammy Award
      Best Scariest Regime
      Best supporting actress – Daisy Achhie for Manik Malla

  • 4

    The political leaders of our country from about 1960 on wards have exhibited their recessive, degenerating characters in different forms and none of the so called elite or educated politicians and ardent Buddhist and other religious leaders took necessary action to nip this evil trend in the bud. and as a result we see at least 80% of politicians of every hue and cry are deeply entrenched and openly and shamelessly engaged in illegal activities ,misappropriating public funds and assets at will. During the last regime it was a sine qua non. Even in present Govt. they are incapable of stemming the rot as the leaders themselves seem to have taken the responsibility to safe guard their ilk. Most of these financial crimes are gaping before our eyes but the crooks with the help of politicians are hell bent on
    subverting the Law by hook or by crook. With these political leaders we are only crying for the moon. ” Mea maxima culpa”

  • 7

    Panama Papers having the data base storage of offshore links wealth management. of some of the globe’s most prominent figures. Nawaz Sharif: events, revealed have been used to channel funds to acquire foreign assets. It will uncoved as such, his whereabouts being unknown can no longer be Locate out by Sri Lanka authorities.

  • 7

    Singapore is a small country. They have systems in place to track each and every individual who has entered the country. No big deal with locating Arjuna Mahendran. Extradition is another legal matter.

  • 8

    There is no doubt that Ranil Wickramasinghe has also taken part in robbing Central Bank. How can we expect him to cooperate in getting Mahendran to Sri Lanka?
    The only way we can think of saving our country by electing an honest person at the next presidential election. No Mahinda, Gatabhaya, Sirisena or Ranil, who are all proven crooks.

  • 11

    This is absolute witch hunt against AM and UNP.
    When there are so many mega frauds and extra judicial killings of the Previous govt the media was silent.
    So many things are forgotten, Hedging, NYT expsosure, Helping Hambantota etc. etc.

    • 0

      Someone else’s robbing is not an excuse or a counterbalance to permit another worse rogue to commit their heinous crimes against the nation. Lock up the PM and the rest of the gang now! And anyone else making excuses for the gang of rogues!

      • 5

        Thrishu modapaksa,

        Lock up the PM and the rest of the gang now! And anyone else making excuses for the gang of rogues!

        Yes very fine idea. How about starting with Cabraal, PB Jayasundara, Gamini Senarath, BR, NR, GR, CR, MR, YR, RR, Mahindananda etc….

        Do you want more names.

  • 7

    The Interpol has rejected Srilanka’s request to arrest Arjuna Mahendran as it does not want to interfere in cases of political nature,

    The government had approached Interpol to bring back Mahebdran, however, they rejected the request,”

    “Interpol officials had said that the Politically motivated case against AM does fall under their legal ambit,”

    • 2


      Killi Maharaja and his cheap media coolies are hell bent in destroying Ranil and the United National Party. The Comedy Bond Commission is nothing but a outrageous one sided political witch hunt.
      Whats hap penning to spectrum, and Warship deal worth a few Billions??

    • 0

      Nonsense. Do not put words in Interpol mouth RW. Participating in a conspiracy to rob the central bank and pension funds and its implementation is not a political nature. It was a criminal act. Where did you learn your law? From your ayah, or the man that climbed down from the kitula (Palmyrah Tree)?

    • 0

      Robert Wanasundera

      Making gossip!

      How can a courts order be considered a politically motivated one?

      • 4

        Ha ha the joke of the decade
        How can a courts order be considered a politically motivated one?

        Thats the reason all along i have been saying we need international Judges.
        Arrested by CID, produced in courts, remanded, after one week bailed and rest is history.
        Case dismissed.

        • 0

          Robert Wanasundera

          Stop your nonsense man; be on topic.

          It’s crystal clear to the people; except to rogues like you, that bond scam has done & people involved have been identified.

          Storm is coming, be careful

      • 2

        Real Revolutionist

        “How can a courts order be considered a politically motivated one?”

        If the decision was based on political expediency.
        Sarath De Silva ordered the demerger of North East Provincial Council solely based on his long term friendship with Rajapaksa clan and pressure from racist Sinhala parties, not on the merit and legality of any argument. Those who opposed to demerger were not allowed to state their argument.
        The racists Somawansa and Champika were in the forefront campaigning against the merger, helping Mahinda what he wanted to do.

        Somawansa’s day of reconning came when Mahinda engineered the split of JVP by backing, bribing, ………….. perhaps cajoling the ultra racist Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa to form his own party.

        Recently held funeral in Jaffna, the judges took a pragmatic view in order to prevent potential state sponsored riots in Jaffna, read:

        “A petition filed in the Jaffna Magistrate Court seeking an order to prevent the holding of the funeral ceremony of Jaffna Naga Viharaya Chief Incumbent and Northern Province Chief Sanghanayaka the late Most Ven, Meegahajandure Gnanarathana Thera at the Jaffna Mutraveli Ground, was today rejected by Jaffna Magistrate S.Sadeeskaran.”
        Daily Mirror
        22 december 2017

        Are you being naive?

        • 0


          How can the demerger of North & East be a racist one. It’s actually the merger of North & East had been racist.

          There may be clash between provincial interests & national interests. So don’t just try to label everything as racist & undemocratic when things go against individual or even local interests.

          As far as Northern people have that unreal/crazy concept of Tamil homeland they’ll; including you behave like that.

          It’s Sri Lankan tradition to hold funeral ceremonies of prelates/respected people in public places like stadium; irrespective of ethnic identity. in Colombo or Gall or Jaffna or Kandy.

          Rise to be a VIP, your funeral may be held out anywhere side North.

          Native, Sri Lanka is one country, don’t be a racist.

          We have democracy, politically be against with anybody, criticize, demand prosecution or personally involve in prosecuting rajapakes or anybody but without hatred.

          We take pity on you.

  • 0

    They way SL economy goes, AM knows he can pay back what he stole in USD out of his pocket-money in few years time

  • 0

    All the VIYATHUN in Sri lanka discuss issues and not the systemic problems and solutions. IT is well known even during the Mahinda Rajapakse’s times, PTL was paid by the then govt 29% of maximum intererewt to the bonds. Arjun Mahendran, RAvi the LIAR and Arjun Mahendran had visited Belgium from which the George Zorro the MCC boss operates. I assume that even bond scam money was used for other purpsoes other than paying sirikotha debts, RAVI.Even todate Ranil is cheating the public and they all meet each other via phones and all these is public drama to foll the public. IT is clear Ranil is always as well as other politicians want to neglect their usial and habitual thefts, corruptions, manipulations and exploitaitons of the coutry and the public, they want to move one become well respected presidents, prime ministers and to establish a new SAVHAGA rajaya. Because, no one is capable of setting up of a govt on their own as people do not trust them.

  • 0

    What is happening with Arjun Mahendran and Ranil is all drama. It is all what is happening in Sri lanka. Take Jaliya wicmeasooriya robbing the office, Take Udayange weeratunga robbing the office. what happened Sajin Vass gunawardane stealing. There are numerous cases. So, people talk and find avenues for politicians to continue the theft of the country. Even this article may be Ranil’s bond Scam profits working for Ranil.

  • 0

    Derana hawk (ukussa) must be sent with the letter in transit to AM to locate his hiding place & our underworld must be given the task of catching & bringing the culprit here.

    Sure; Interpol & Singapore authorities & the local buddies will be flabbergasted.

    Something they deserve.

    • 1

      Good Idea if you can send Killi Mahendran, Dilith Jayaweera and Raynor Silva.

  • 0

    Amrit’s concern as to why the ‘Red Notice’ is not on the website – it was never issued.
    Mahendran’s address was never a secret.
    Yet again we are being taken for a ride by the teams playing the home vs home match.

  • 2

    It all sounds like a political witch hunt by ex State Burglers and their Media Coolies.
    To bring down the PM and his government and its supporters , a kind of Mudslinging.
    JOs and the big supporters are in the process of dismantling UNP, so that the Thieves can manipulate the
    weakling Prez Sillisena.
    This is the hidden agenda of the JOs & Co.
    RW and his UNP are the Stumbling block for their return to swindle the state and terrorise the weak minorities.
    Returns of white vans, Returns of Political vengeance and murders, rReturns of Mass cover up of Crimes committed during their time, Releasing all the Rajaballa Era Prisoners who languishing in Between prisons and The National Prison Hotels / Prison Hospitals.
    The latest of whinging is about the permits not given to hold the protest march ( bought and bussed supporters with stolen money) to show case the murderous , Thieves of a Family from Modamullana.
    Huh!! What a way to live , what a way to manipulate to protect themselves.

    TO === 000000000
    No need to criticise any further.
    When the real thieves like Udayanga the , ex High commissioner , Jaliya the ex HC and others are evading Interpol , the banker Mahendran is the biggest fish to be caught according to JO AND THE THIEVES. Including the ex Banker Cabral has swindled millions apparently in tandem with the ex leading family.
    Why so quiet??
    This brings to attention , that all WHINGINGS are to topple UNP. Nothing else. It’s just a Moan and whinging by the JOs.
    The country may be better off with good UNPers than the ex Mass Swindlers.

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    Native Vedda: My “LEARNED” friend – The “DEFENSE” you put up to get this “ROUGE” Mahendran OUT:- “This is not the first time a foreigner has been appointed…..” and quoting all those “Bastards” names is UNSUBTANTIALLY WEAK. Have’t you seen how all those named – the “Americans” have been charged in Courts of Sri Lanka on varying counts of “CRIMES” ranging to millions and billions defrauded from the Public coffers? I see all of them struggling to “Get Out” , of course, with all the “DEALS” entered into with “Yahapalanaya Myth”. They are also engaged in a struggle to “GRAB” power by hook or crook, deceiving and engaging the “SLAVES” and an “Organized” “SLAVE MARCH” is scheduled to be staged on 05 Sept. 2018. On top of it, I saw how some of the “COOLIE SLAVE” media “JOURNALISTS” gathered outside the BMICH to interview one of those “Americans” coming out after being summoned by the Presidential Commission on Mihin Lanka “FRAUDS”. Just make an assessment of the types of questions put to him , by those “Media Coolies” (SLAVES) and the answers that were “Designed” to be given. I saw the “Dastardly” smiles and feared another assault to come, this time assisted by the “SLAVES”. Just to REMIND you of another, now functioning as an “ADVISER” to the Ministry of Finance- another “IMPORT” by RW ; “Paskaralingam”. Remember him? He was the one who “DOLED OUT” Rs. 200 million of Public Funds by a “Govt. Cheque” to LTTE Supremo. So, please be a “REAL NATIVE MAN” and view these developments in proper context.

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    Amrith, you old son of a gun. As usual excellent. However, although , due to a few dedicated Sri Lankans like you , I say and sadly so, JUSTICE,with the way it goes on, will never be done. Look at the mountain of junk around this country, similar to the decadent governance and the farming and nurturing of the criminal elements in our lives. The canals and rivers that flow out into the sea are full of multiple pollutants revealing what is discharged destroying every living organisms on its way , in this once little wholesome paradise, when the air was clean and the land was vibrant with all living creatures. When the leadership is warped and weak and persisting on with a putrefactive style of governance , continuing from where the other left , what hope is there for the disciplined law abiding citizen..

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