13 October, 2024


Heading Towards The Gadarene Slope On Covid Cremation 

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

Fear when combined with falsehood and insular inward-looking nationalism make a potent combination that can lead to the brutalization of society in the short term and possible disaster in the longer term. Sri Lanka is gaining international notoriety on this account. The issue of enforced cremation of those who die of Covid, or are suspected of it as a possible cause of death, has shocked the sensibilities of the world to the extent that four UN Special Rapporteurs have called on Sri Lanka to permit burial of such fatalities. Significantly, these were the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief; the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; the Special Rapporteur on minority issues; and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism.

Sri Lanka, more than any other country, has seen shameless manifestations of populist irrationality by government leaders to protect against the depredations of the Covid virus, such as the throwing of pots into rivers and drinking of elixirs that have no base in science. In such a context, the desire for self-protection can go to extreme lengths at other levels also. Especially after the Covid cluster that originated from the central fish market in Colombo, the fear that fish are contaminated has continued to grow. A leading business magnate said that his workers who invited him to a meal had assured him that they would not serve fish. They explained that they had heard that in faraway China that Covid infected bodies were being dumped into the sea and consumed by the fish.

Some of these fears might be dismissed as peccadillos of less educated people if not for the acts of brutality that can emerge. An incident that captured the centre stage recently was the prison riot that killed at least 11 persons when prisoners demanded Covid tests be done to separate those infected with Covid from those who were free of it. A gesture of care to those imprisoned, many of them in remand prior to trial, might have cooled tempers. Instead the riot was put down with extreme brutality as many of those who died had been shot. The failure of the state to protect those in its custody is not a new phenomenon. One of the most infamous was in 1983 when many of those incarcerated for being part of the Tamil militant movements were killed during another prison riot.


There are also the pathetic accounts of bereaved families of Covid patients being treated harshly which acts as a disincentive to people to test whether they or their families have got infected by the virus. The latest is the story of the 20 day old infant who was cremated at short notice without being shown to the parents or obtaining their assent in circumstances where neither of the parents tested positive for Covid. The practice of cremating victims of Covid without giving the families access to the bodies is proving to be counterproductive. There are an increasing number of examples where people are defying the health authorities who come to their areas to check them. This is a self-defeating prospect both for them and the country at large.

The reluctance of people to get themselves checked is mainly due to their fear that they will be taken away and may end up being cremated without any relative being present. But this will increase the possibility of Covid spread which cremation is meant to minimize. Instead of looking at the problem rationally, the issue of enforced cremation of those who have tested positive and not survived has become a divisive political issue. Instead of unifying the people of the country to minimize the spread of Covid by joining together in sharing information with the government, the enforced cremation of Covid victims has distanced the communities. In particular it will have the effect of inducing those in the Muslim community to actively conceal cases of infection for fear that their loved ones may be cremated and subjected to eternal damnation according to their belief.

It now appears that the government leadership who stoked up ethnic fears and rode the wave of ethnic nationalism to come to power are attempting to take their foot off the accelerator. Whether they will be permitted to do so is the question. It was reported that Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa had shown impatience when the committee appointed by the government more than six months ago to give an answer to the safety of Covid burials had asked for more time. On previous occasions those politicians who succeeded in rousing up nationalism and riding its wave to power paid heavily for their politically opportunistic and morally reprehensible conduct. Prime Minister S W R D Bandaranaike in 1957 and Opposition Leader Appapillai Amirthalingam in 1989 paid the supreme price for trying to put the genie back in the bottle.

Response Governance 

From the time the first Covid death was reported in Sri Lanka in March this year, the government’s policy has been to cremate Covid victims. This has been a source of unusual controversy as it goes against both science and religion. Islam in particular requires the burial of all human beings who die regardless of the circumstances of death. The World Health Organisation’s Covid guidelines permit burial of Covid victims. The country’s Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has stated that the mandatory requirement for cremation imposed under the health guidelines is not a valid restriction and that the government should amend the regulations to ensure compatibility with the Sri Lanka constitution and international obligations.

However, the health authorities continue to take the position that Covid burial is not permissible due to the threat to the health and safety of the larger population as it leads to the possibility of groundwater contamination. The steep rise in Covid infections due to the difficulties in controlling people-to-people spread of this highly infectious disease has brought into question the efficacy of Sri Lanka’s strategy to contain the spread of Covid infection. The enforced cremation of Covid victims should not be part of a viable strategy of containment especially as it is a source of great distress to the members of the Muslim and Christian communities to whom burial is an honoring of their faith. There are reports of vulnerable members of the Muslim community leaving the country due to their fear of being eternally damned by cremation. More recently the Maldivian government has offered space in its own tiny county for burial of Muslims who have died of Covid and are threatened with cremation.

At the present time the government’s leadership is reported to be willing to consider the burial of Covid victims in specially located sites which would pose no risk of groundwater contamination. There is a need to face down the forces of extreme ethnic nationalism and irrationality. The sooner this is done the more possible it will be for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who has frequently reiterated that he will ensure justice and equal treatment to all sections of the people to claim the mantle of being a statesman. In his address to the nation the president said that “An administration that protects the rights of all citizens regardless of racial or religious differences will be established during my tenure.” The end of forcible Covid cremation is a test of statesmanlike governance and whether science and rationality prevail over irrationality and superstition which is liable to doom Sri Lanka to further years of internal strife.

Latest comments

  • 25

    Doctors handling covid patients is dangerous hospitals might be the main COVID-19 carriers, as they are facilitating transmission to uninfected patients no one knows the who has contracted the virus but spending large money to cremation where the is no proof. some are in the ideal that virus is a kind of snake the can come out from the si feet buried body. where the covid testing waste is disposed the testing equipment for covid testing collection/swab to patients that meet the COVID-19 screening waste dispossed.caregivers, are the most affected than the dead body.

    • 3

      Spread and transmission of the virus due to unavoidable circumstances, such as contamination of doctor’s/nurses’ clothes, and due to negligence of throwing infected hospital waste, which should be corrected immediately, is not comparable to actively introducing countless trillions of this imported deadly virus into our soil by burying its victims. Its an undisputable established scientific fact that virus from corpses contaminate soil, surface and groundwater, not to mention the danger of new mutated variants associated with SARS-Cov-2, which can not only endanger us, but our animals and wildlife. We humans have a responsibility towards each other and nature, its bad enough that this virus was imported due to unnatural forms of travelling and extensive unwanted travel between countries and continents, lets not make our animals and wildlife suffer. Lets not take it for granted that every new mode of travel and trade is something that has to be used and misused, as has been the case the past 3-4 decades, in regards to air travel. (Someone here at CT wrote that he has booked holidays in Singapore for him and his family, almost as a protest against travel restrictions; how very un-thoughtful and selfish!)

      • 2

        Since you have taken to fake virology now, check this out:
        World renowned Virologist Prof. Malik Peiris refutes claims that burials transmit COVID-19 – Island https://t.co/dRsPpVFJQB
        Of course you are free to claim that Dr. Pieris is neither a Sinhalese not a real virologist.

    • 3

      Already in Denmark, they have put to death 17 million innocent minks due to this virus infecting them and mutating and jumping back to infect humans. Although this variant is classified as a variant of SARS-Cov-2, this is an EXTREMELY dangerous virus, because it has managed species switching successfully in 3 known instances (4 if we can count this too), the past 18-19 years. Think of making reservoirs of this virus under ground by burying its victims? Groundwater contamination will be the last thing we would need to worry if the virus manages to mutate into another deadlier variant, and infect our animals too, and there will be no stopping it. This is a reality the countries which have buried Covid-19 victims might face in the future, but we are, for now safe and not faced with it, since we atleast have not buried and introduced SARS-Cov-2 into our soil. Talking of the minks in Denmark – can any of the proponents of burials say why these 17 million minks were not buried, but burnt, if it is safe to bury? Afterall burning 17 million minks is not a small task, not to mention the cost of burning.

      • 6

        Dear Punchi P
        Your focus is too narrow, mate. Viruses can and do remain dormant, but only at the right conditions, but there are a few important things that you need to grasp:
        1. Cremation of human remains alone will not guarantee that viruses will not emerge now or later. What about all animals which die in their natural environments? How many animals were involved in infecting the Apex Covid patient in Wuhan? How much virus is required to start a pandemic?
        2. Are you aware of the viral delights that await the world in the future, with the thawing of the permafrost? See this for a flavour: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20170504-there-are-diseases-hidden-in-ice-and-they-are-waking-up

      • 7

        Hi punchi brain (among many other things that would be classified as punchi when it comes to insecure moda SBs)
        You know you’re a liar, you know we know that you’re a liar.
        The one thing that moda sinhala buddhists fail to understand is that; if they make the claim then they need to provide evidence to prove their point if not it is REJECTED. A virus such as coronavirus needs a living host. Once a person dies the virus doesn’t continue to grow and grow. And it most definitely DOESNT mutate inside the body of a deceased individual; where is the evidence for this nonsense claim ? this is yet another unsubstantiated false claim trying to justify the racism in the ugly hearts of the moda buddhist sinhalayo.
        Let’s get one thing clear; we will stick to taking medical/scientific advice from qualified professionals and international organizations who’ve dedicated their life’s work to these fields. We will not take any advice from moda sinhala buddhists don’t even understand the basics of virology and the scientific method. moda sinhala buddhists have crossed a line which there is no coming back from.

      • 2

        “can any of the proponents of burials say why these 17 million minks were not buried, but burnt”
        Even you can’t be THAT dim. Are you suggesting that each mink should have been buried in its individual grave following its own religious practices?

    • 11

      Why should Rajapakshe have the authority to decide the last will of deaths of srilanken citizens ? They behave as if SRILANKA land territories are their own properties. Why do people stay mum yet today ? Is it no time to rise up against Rajapakshes brutalities ?
      How do they define the role of President in SRILANKEN context ?
      We warned the people enough long before voting for the mlechcha men? Now all what we predicted have become the reality

      Who else is happy today except Rajapakshes family and those who got released from the high crime investigations ?

      There are enough reports that prove the current govt has no CLUE how they could finance COVID19 vaccine. Even poor countries in Africa set their plans today how they would manage to get their people be protected, but SO CALLED powerful sirlanken ( at least for them, not to the world) dont even discuss how the govt would work on it.

    • 3

      A peaceful compromise is possible without all this racism and superstition.
      Why not bury COVID-19 dead in Kathankudi, Sampur, Muttur, Akkaraipattu? Problem solved!

      • 4

        where are u ? Do you ever think peaceful solution would be feasible in srilanka ?

        Then tell us why alleged high criminals are being elected and selected by the same people on and on ?
        Why ethnic issues of the minorities remain even turning its state to worsening, even after a 30 YEAR LONG BRUTAL CIVIL war ?.
        Current parliament is filled with a larger majority of high criminals, whose whereabouts and evidence were exposed /mapped during the 4.5 years of Good governance.

        That MAHINDANANAND ALUTHGAMAGE is no different to a prisoner with all high crime charges on his list – BUT HE AND JONSTEN ABUSE parliamentary rights as no others in the parliament today. They throw the book of “point of orders” away but make every thuggish actions attacking the rights of the opposition parliamentarians
        Only way out would be, GOTABAYA to identify good from bad, PIGS might fly – PEOPLE ARE TO BE BLAME – as I worked diehard to educate them, but nothing worked, now I can say ” good riddance to bad rubbish” only.

  • 12

    Human life and the right to live, goes above all other rights and cannot be compromised for any reason whatsoever, least of all religious superstition.

    • 8

      Since you seem so concerned about human rights, please provide one credible instance where Covid was spread through groundwater?
      Alternatively, don’t you think some of those alleged archaeological sites in EP could be used as Muslim cemeteries, much more useful than handing them over to unemployed “cheevaradhariyas” ?

      • 4

        old codger,
        “Alternatively, don’t you think some of those alleged archaeological sites in EP could be used as Muslim cemeteries, much more useful than handing them over to unemployed “cheevaradhariyas” ?
        What the fk you mean by ‘Alleged archeological sites’? They are real archeological sites that depict Sinhala Buddhist heritage. Unfortunately, most of these archeological sites have been vandalized by Demalu and Muslims.
        Get the hell out without insulting Buddhist Monks.

        • 4

          EagleEye, Don’t feed the trolls. That’s a person who thinks that Sinhalese are dumb, and that we got everything from either the British or Portuguese or Tamils, and that minorities are superior than Sinhalese. He/she is under the impression that the Sinhalese didn’T have carts until the Portuguese introduced them to us! When we discuss with these people, about so totally absurd and hurtful attacks they make on our very existence, we actually give them a legitimisation that they otherwise will never have, because they start thinking that they have a chance of realising their sick dreams. Same goes for the articles with Wigneshwaran’s idiotic claims. Just imagine if no Sinhalese commented on his articles, how dumb it will be with only the anti-Sinhalese discussing and agreeing perfectly with each other. Anyways there is no point discussing with these people, as they go on posting the same stupid things, even when proven wrong. The way to stop these attacks is through legal action. We must not get angry, just take note of what they say – they say these things because of their ethnic jealousy and they don’t know how else to belong. Its actually very sad.

          • 2

            “He/she is under the impression that the Sinhalese didn’T have carts until the Portugue”
            I know perfectly well that you posted a link to a painting of a cart in Tivanka Pilimage. But the painting is from the 19th c. and not from Tivanka. Liar! Why are you so upset that the Sinhalese didn’t have carts? Do the British grumble that they don’t have huge Dagabas? Every culture is different. The Sinhalese had water but didn’t use water wheels , though the Romans did.
            “Hurtful attacks”?!! When YOU learn to accept others as equal citizens, you will get respect.

            • 2

              It is possible to be nationalist without being racist. Learn from people like Champa.

        • 2

          “Get the hell out without insulting Buddhist Monks.”
          Wow, what a temper!
          Wasn’t it one of these that shot SWRD? And another that ran Kelaniya Vihara at the time? And yet another conniving cheevaradhariya at the same temple that got Buddha relics delivered by a snake courier? These are the money-grubbing thugs that people like you worship. So why should I not insult them. I am not insulting BUDDHIST monks. The Dutch monk who was murdered recently was a good example.

        • 2

          “They are real archeological sites that depict Sinhala Buddhist heritage.”
          Don’t make me laugh. These are just piles of old bricks that are being renovated to invent a new “heritage” to attract more credulous pilgrims to whom the cheevaradhariyas can sell snake oil. In SANE countries, (like the one you live in), old sites are investigated and covered up again, not renovated and used as beggar’s wounds for unemployed cheevaradhariyas.

      • 7

        old codger ,

        The world has forgotten that people like PP ancestors had been
        the fore fathers of human rights ! Ranil , after losing all his fours
        in the last election , is reported to have cracked a good joke about
        Mother Lanka Covid-juice , the so called Syrup ! He had mocked
        the health minister saying the minister might have swallowed
        Engine oil ! PP can be proud of it !

    • 2

      But there is a peaceful compromise that allows superstition too. Bury COVID-19 dead in Kathankudi, Sampur, Muttur, Akkaraipattu.

    • 1

      “Human life and the right to live, goes above all other rights and cannot be compromised for any reason whatsoever, least of all religious superstition”
      How insightful and brilliant!!
      If it is OK for some to believe that a human tooth can be six inches long, surely others may believe that they will rise from the dead.
      Superstition, did you say?

    • 1

      if that is relgious superstition, almost everything surrounded by bp Rajapakshes should equally be rejected. Here what matters, is the ill treament to minority rights.

      Even among sinhalaese there are people that would not say yes to CREMATION. That almsot destroys you innerly but our MERCY COWS that are being caricatured by KALI AMMA OR ANY OTHER INVISIBLE forces would second to any myths.

  • 8

    Burial will be worse. If burial was allowed and if people believe further spread of COVID-19 was due to burial there will be a violent backlash.

    • 7

      This virus and others originated in bats .There must be thousands of dead bats lying around. If this stupid govt is so concerned about groundwater, it should should set up yet another task force to cremate all the bats, kabaragoyas, etc.

      • 6

        Hi Old Codger,
        You can’t take sense to those who are blinded by racism and anger. If they see every evidence they will still not accept. If the coronavirus could communicate with mankind and it inform these people that there it is not a snake to be able to crawl through the ground looking for groundwater; these people still would not accept.
        The devil has made their dealings fair seeming to them so they are far away from any Guidance.
        We can only reply to expose their lies to those who might read their comments.

        • 0

          I don’t think they believe their own ramblings.

      • 4

        My Dear Old Coder,
        You talk about their concerns about ground water. These men are not capable to looking at the basics of the facts.
        These bitchs sons – would not care the little on the basic information but being servile to their masters, make public statements. Why do they behave so is greater question to me. Be them JUDGEs or SCIENCE/MEDICINE graudates are the same. They behaves as if their backbone is robbed out by Rajapakshes clan.
        See that man – said to have a Prof. Title (but without years long POST DOCTORAL research qualifications) was the first to join in the promotion of SUDHARSHANA PANIYA. I know Channa Jaysumana well from few publications based on UKKD in Rajarata area. He and few other srilanken gradudates involved in a research project in Venisula (not sure – but in that part of the world) based on the same UKKD was reported in a farming community.

  • 9

    If the cremation of Muslim COVID-19 victims had indeed been owing to serious medical/scientific problems, there would have been no fuss. Even the Sri Lankan Muslim community (which, let it be faced, does sometimes make unfair requests for special treatment) would have stomached this.
    However, from the beginning, this has been an anti-Muslim move. That being the case, world outrage, and also the anger of all rational Sri Lankans is justified.
    Now, this is turning into a macabre joke. See this news-story from the Maldives:
    The headline there is:
    Maldives considers Lanka’s request to bury Muslim Covid-19 victims
    Just how low can the Rajapaksa Government go to rouse racial hatred to divide and rule unjustly?

    • 7

      Dear Mr SM,
      They have that in their blood. I dont hate even an insect, but I believe if anyone would deliberately commit crimes, high crimes, he or she would suffer lot more… that would come around on you. Likewise, there are rumours, Mahinda Rajakshes is currently caught by serious illness. Karma has given a sign that he cant abuse the very same people for their political surivival again and again. Nature would not allow it happening on and on….

      There is a limit for everything. Let s hope the best, we should all leave this planet, but to my knowledge I have not myself committed any crimes in my life. I have made sacrifices and will continue lot more for the sake of poor.

      For some reasons, majority of people in this country would not have the the little brains to see it right. Today after getting elected, Rajapakshes treat own people as if they are animals – is beyond all ethics and morals. Now all is being made to replace sick person with that MOST ABUSIVE in that bunch 10% as the PM, But we perfectly know Rajaakshes would NOT care much about ethics and morals.

      • 6

        leelagemalli ,

        Long story short . Sinhalese have been given Sinhaleseness
        in exchange for their cultural and economic destruction !
        Tamils and Muslims have been made victims in order to
        achieve this target of someone else ! Someone else from
        outside Srilanka , is trying to destroy the country by first
        eliminating those who can resist that attempt with
        knowledge, experience and outside friendly contacts ! One
        day these Sinhalese are going to see where they have been
        taken to , but by then they also will witness that they have
        destroyed all their safety net !

    • 7

      Media Spoksman Mr Kehelmal confirmed, that no such request was made to his knowledge. I mean the guy who was then made records being fallen from a hotel room BALCONY in Australia and wasted lacks to a 1mio of state funds for his recovery.
      Besides, how can one state request another state to cremate the COVID deaths ? That is again contrary to WHO guidelines, which says, each and every country should decide by their own, but in compliance with the human rights.

      Is it not interference externally from one state to the affairs of other state ?

    • 1

      The demand for burial is only based on superstition. What difference it makes! Nothing! Once a person is dead it is a dead body. It must be disposed of without taking undue risks.

      • 1

        GATAM ,

        GATAM , can I , with due respect to you , ask you to go by all your
        comments and replies one by one before making any conclusion
        about the motive of your stand on the issue you are commenting ?
        And here , on these couple of lines of yours , burial and cremation
        does not have any difference ! Why then you don’t want to leave it
        for the families of victims to decide it ? So simple ! And I feel so
        forced to respond to your first line of interference about other
        people’s belief in religions . Burial has been the culture of all human
        beings regardless of religious beliefs until cremation was
        introduced by superstitious belief ! And then , even if it is
        superstition , nobody has any right to do away with it by the use of
        force ! Remember one thing , RACISM is a real form of superstition !

  • 2

    “…Some of these fears might be dismissed as peccadillos of less educated people..”

    Jehan – you cant dismiss GR the president of the country as a “peccadillos of less educated people.?”

    • 4

      At the time, POLONNARUWA donkey in that seat – he was seeking publicity on reimposing “hang man” to controll rapidly increasing high crimes. There, a larger portion of the nation thought, the best candidate to that position would be none other than GOTABAYA NANDASENA RAJAPAKSHE. DA Rajapakshe family has produced various kind of criminals, but killing tactics would not work without Gotabaya. All along his defence secretary position, he proved it well as no others. Entire world is well aware of his talents in that field.
      Nevetheless stupid majority in the country, not only sinhalese but also servile msulims voted for his presidendecy. In the end he got elected, not only that, a brutal, inhuman 20A was passed strengthening the prevailing constitution: So what more talks would you or anyone else would need to describe the nation ?
      People and their leaders (majority of SLPP) are mlechcha. There is a common parlance which says ” palace would be built going by the nature of devils”.

  • 9

    “More recently the Maldivian government has offered space in its own tiny county for burial of Muslims who have died of Covid and are threatened with cremation.”
    Jehan you are trying to bury this unnoticed
    dont you think it is an absolute shame for Sri Lanka to go begging another country to bury Sri Lanka’s deceased people.
    How about the kith and kin of the deceased? Will the govt offer finance for them to accompany the body to Maldives? Will the govt offer finance to return to Maldives annually to remember them and pay their respect
    and what about logistics.
    How is the deceased body transported to Maldives?
    There must be economy of scale.
    so collect all bodies and transport en masse and dump the bodies en masse in a long tretch?

    is this all done by Sir Cular?

  • 16

    Let’s not insult scientific research by giving any sort of credence to these false easily disprovable claims of coronavirus contaminating ground water. If there were any truth it then you would have heard about it by now as the number of covid 19 burials in the world pass the 1.3 million mark, yet there has not been A SINGLE REPORTED CASE of coronavirus contaminating ground water.
    The only reason this is done is to make happy the lowlifes thug terrorists who pretend to be monks and the antha moda SBs who would prefer a ‘pani beema’ over the covid 19 vaccine.
    This is such an egregious violation of people’s fundamental rights. These moda sinhala buddhists are forcing their religious practices on Christians and Muslims. May the Lord of Jesus Christ punish those who are responsible for this crime, in this world and the next.

    • 1

      “May the Lord of Jesus Christ punish those who are responsible for this crime, in this world and the next.”
      It seems someone before you has prayed:
      May the Lord of Jesus Christ punish all, whether they are responsible for any crime or not, by sending a virus down to this world.


  • 16

    The problem with nationalists is that they are totally unable to understand that if they want to win the minority votes, discriminating them, is the last thing to do. Anyone with half a brain could see that these Rajapaksa’s have shown their racist policies for years, whether ignoring and condoning saffron robed thugs terrorize the minority, spreading hate and leading mobs, not condemning the killing of Muslim in Mosques, nor the attack on Churches and Mosques by Buddhists extremists. Arresting innocent Muslim professionals is also the wrong thing to do, especially when our laws are not upheld, and they are not given due legal representation.

    Dividing a nation, setting one against the other, will never win hearts, and refusing to cooperate and show good will, by being flexible about burying their dead, in accordance to WHO regulations, and observed by the rest of the world, simply shows arrogance, racism, and a strong signal that this lot has no interest in being the leaders of all people in this country, only those that benefit them politically, that would be the majority.

    Any politician or voter, who belongs to the minority, should think twice before forming alliances, or voting, for this racist lot. To do so is accepting, or endorsing, the discrimination of the minority.

    • 3

      Didn’t the Muslim MPs support 20A?


  • 2

    Which is more dangerous dead body buried under six feet or the live body having covid under treatment is dangerous give the cremation coast 50.000 Rs to poor 5000 ea 10 people can fill there stomach or covis care takers intead of dead body to put on ashes of the dead body.

    • 7

      Neither of what you have added above, the most dangerous is the UNCONSCIONABLE reactions of Rajapakshes to srilanken nation today. :
      That should have been connected with their upbringing. Sometimes, criminals are life long criminals.

  • 4

    It is troubling that any religion lives in the terror of hell-fire. A belief that the soul has to (quantamly) unite with the soul on the day of judgement is a belief that can be scientifically understood at a certain level (something that can happen even if one is cremated) . But the idea that one is going to be placed in hell-fire for eternity because the body was cremated shows the terrifying level of paranoia that a religion can impinge on the human soul.

    Having said that, as this fear is ingrained in a quarter of earthly population, it is right that the rest of humanity rallies round them and sooth their fears.

    Yet it would be mindful of Lankan Muslims to realizes that a place like Sri Lanka is not like the Arabian desert where plentiful of land and space, spread out communities, and a low-water table enables them to bury their dead  safely without any risk of groundwater contamination.

  • 3

    Part II

    It is best then, that Muslims  in respect to the physical realities if Sri Lanka, change their culture accordingly, and bury their deceased is an enclosed coffin, so bodily fluids are retained and decomposed within the confines of the impervious wood of the casket. If it is felt that the deceased need to hear the call of the Muzzin at prayer-time (and hence the cultural belief of avoiding an enclosed casket), let it be modernized with a simple electronic cell in each coffin that relays the prayers to the deceased. Or bury the body in an open coffin filled with earth  where at least the bodily fluids , by force of gravity, will flow to the bottom of the casket and therein decompose, and not flow by osmosis, to the top of the casket and flow onto the rest if the surroundings and hence into the high Lankan water table. It is the bounden duty of the rest of mankind to help our Muslims along with this fright and flight syndrome.

  • 6

    With all this hard talk of burial of Muslims bodies by Muslim communities, the Muslim political leadership, particularly those Muslims who gave full support to Gota to get through the two third majority are dangerous enemies of Muslim community. It is a well known fact Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism wants to eliminate Muslims, Hindus, and Christians from this island. But the minority politicians whether it is a Muslim or Hindu or Christian has a responsibility to stand together to protect their identity and justice to their rights in this island because they belong to this island. It is their motherland.

  • 9

    Covid 19 has exposed the present Rajapakse Family Government’s weaknesses within the 1st year of their rule. Although the Govt was boasting as the best country in the world that controlled Covid Phase 1, failed miserably during Phase 11. Phase 1 was managed effectively as Gotabaya wanted to conduct the General Election. However, after winning the general election the ball was dropped.

    The Rajapakse Family Government which also includes Vyath Maga and Yuthukama has used Covid as a tool to push on their racial ideology. When the whole world at the advice of WHO allowed burial of Covid deaths, SL blocked it. Repeated requests by various doctors, scientists and virologists fell in deaf ears. The iceings

  • 7

    Covid 19 has exposed the present Rajapakse Family Government’s weaknesses within the 1st year of their rule. Although the Govt was boasting as the best country in the world that controlled Covid Phase 1, failed miserably during Phase 11. Phase 1 was managed effectively as Gotabaya wanted to conduct the General Election. However, after winning the general election the ball was dropped.

    The Rajapakse Family Government which also includes Vyath Maga and Yuthukama has used Covid as a tool to push the racial ideology. When the whole world, at the advice of WHO allowed burial of Covid deaths, SL blocked it. Repeated requests by various doctors, scientists and virologists fell in deaf ears. The icing of the cake was Gotabaya asking the President of Maldives to allow Sri Lankan Muslim burials in Maldives. This further exposed the “Racial” ideology and practice of the Government to the entire world and also the ignorance of Gotabaya. Even a child in school knows that the average land mass in Maldives is 4 feet above sea level and the highest is less than 8 feet. In Sri Lanka is much higher, so burying in Maldives is more dangerous than in Sri Lanka. I always wondered if Gota thought that the spread of Covid – as per his theory- is ok if it happens in Maldives and not in Sri Lanka!

  • 6

    Jehan Perera:
    Good on you for ramping your otherwise dry, “on-the-fence” style up a notch. You could do better of course, but then people understand that you do not wish to go the way Rajeewa Jayaweera went. Given that you live in Lanka, perhaps you should try to emulate Rajan Philips’ style of nuanced writing, that brings the truth out, but not the risk in.

  • 3

    Jehan P: You say, “The sooner this is done the more possible it will be for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who has frequently reiterated that he will ensure justice and equal treatment to all sections of the people to claim the mantle of being a statesman.”

    Hopefully you have not been drinking the currently raging Dhammika’s “pani”, mate, or something more potent? Do you seriously believe that iour good “Sir” had or has ANY thoughts of ensuring justice and equal treatment to all sections of the people?

    And, you quote “Sir” as spouting, “An administration that protects the rights of all citizens regardless of racial or religious differences will be established during my tenure.”

    Wow. I think all of us need a daily dose of tranquilizer mate, so we can simply chill and take this total BS in.

  • 0

    “Prime Minister S W R D Bandaranaike in 1957 and Opposition Leader Appapillai Amirthalingam in 1989 paid the supreme price for trying to put the genie back in the bottle…………………………..
    President said that “An administration that protects the rights of all citizens regardless of racial or religious differences will be established during my tenure.”
    “Jehan PhD is weaving a nude King mask for Mass-murderer Modaya King to make him look more majestic than the Oxford educated orator SWRD. Sadly other than the PhD, everybody else see the real face of him though PhD’s Mask.
    Tamils are Dravidians, 9000 years ago moved from far West, though Middle East, to Indus Valley and spread all over India, without one war described in history. Still the Athivasikal or the Vedas co-exist with Tamils in their lands. Poonkunranar’s “Yathum Ure Yavarum Kelir” is the life philosophy taught by Old Tamiliaga learned men to laymen practice tolerance and to live with love. Then how did those ancient Tamil listen to these erudite pundits in practice Illanago is descriping it In Chilapatikaram,:“the cosmopolitan Poompuhar is a town where the people Burry, Burn & Throw to pray lives in the jungle the bodies of their dead love ones”. What he subtly saying is Saivar, Sakiyar, Jains & Yawanar were peacefully living and thriving in that town, well tolerating and accepting other foreign cultures.

  • 2

    In short, in Poompuhar, unlike in Lankawe where the Nathasuram is forbidden by The PhD and Rapist Army, there was no Article 9 to barrier to burry anybody against their faith.
    The double tongued PhD, who went with Rapist Army to UoJ and warned the students that if play Nathasuram instead of Kandyan Thovil they would know well what can happen, is now correcting Amirthalingam, MP. Section 9 of the constitution is not saying all are equal. I am a living witness taken out bus and beaten for wearing Pottu. Disappointingly, extremist Muslim leaders and writers said they need no change in the constitution for secularism, But made promise of a blood bath if the new constitution goes ahead with merging North East to leave them as secular administration.
    Jesus who brought justice to sufferers took his justice from the hands of his disciples to whom he taught peace. President Lincoln was consumed by the war he engulfed. Gandhi was killed by Hindus for whom he was fighting against British. Amirthalingam, spear headed Tamils’ fight for freedom, killed by rebels. Jehan PhD is comparing Telugu Chauvinist Radala Solomon West Ridgeway Dias with a freedom advocate Amirthalingam. Other than Jehan PhD’s today’s invention, never – ever anybody compared any one of the others with Solomon, the ultimate cunning crook.

  • 1

    Like in the Pancha Dhandra story, Jehan PhD could have equated value of an Aanai to a Paanai, but he is comparing the bestial lion, which created Emergency 58 to the cow that fought for her calf against the lion. Amirthalingam was beaten by Rapist Police and Army three times in public meetings, with the intention of killing him; He survived only to be killed by his group. Though opportunistically, against John Kotalawa’s warning, Solomon started his Pancha Maha Pala Vegaya to destroy Tamils, but starting of Tamils’ armed struggle was not the decision of Amirthalingam. Jehan PhD knows that more than others, but trying to uplift him to a sage level within his Sinhala Buddhist intellectualism, fooling Modayas by concocting a new venomous comparison. It was TULF’s decision and that time Amir was not the leader of TULF and he never accepted that position and remained as Secretary to TULF because he did not want to chair a position chaired by SJV, GG and Thondaman. One of the reasons the armed struggle failed is because ITAK went against V. Navaratnam’s consultation and took Amirthalingam’s consultation to delay the Self-determination agitation. That was one of the suspicion rebels had against Amirthalingam and they believed Amir was against serious armed struggle.

  • 1

    Muslim leaders thought Standardization will uplift them in Muslim-Sinhala Government and make them as Kings and queens, instead of they only being King Makers. But Under Article 9 A, a Sinhala Buddhist is a Sinhala Buddhist and Muslims is only a Muslims; no mix-up.

    “ It now appears that the government leadership who stoked up ethnic fears and rode the wave of ethnic nationalism to come to power are attempting to take their foot off the accelerator. Whether they will be permitted to do so is the question. “
    Jehan PhD had written many essay how Aanduwa had completed the implementation of UNHRC resolution 30/1. Jehan PhD doesn’t give a damn about who thinks of on the matters he writes on his job of beating the chest for wage; take it or leave it; I get my pay, that’s it!,

  • 5

    In my opinion.

    this is persecution or is it,

    we have been dealing with this for too long and we should unite despite all our differences.

  • 3

    The decision to cremate dead bodies of corona patients was taken based on health regulations, not racial grounds. It is the President and Muslims who converted it to a racial issue. Why? Because, they want a “reason” to initiate racial riots to discredit the Sinhalese.
    At first, the President instructed officials to find a “suitable place” to bury dead bodies of Muslim corona patients. Some Sinhalese protested, but the rest kept quiet. So the President’s first attempt to provoke Sinhalese didn’t work. Then he internationalized the issue by dragging a neighbouring Muslim country to the problem. On one side, this will eventually open a lucrative business deal of air transportation and burials of dead bodies of Muslims overseas, at the expense of the government. If this is approved, I bet “the number of Muslim deaths occurred on account of coronavirus will greatly increase.”
    Why is the President so keen to pit Sinhalese against Muslims? Old habits die hard. The actual masterminds of the Easter Attack weren’t summoned before the PCoI as yet. To their utmost surprise, their aim, the post-Easter Attack racial riots did not happen. Two weeks after the Easter Attack, mobs were hired to attack Muslim dwellings. Then they started a hateful social media campaign to attack Muslims, which “magically disappeared” after Gotabhaya was nominated as the President.

    • 2

      I have read glowing tributes about your indepenedent opinions and judgement from Panini Edirisinhe, someone I have some regards for.
      I have let you live in your world. Now, I feel obliged to raise my alarm.
      “The decision to cremate dead bodies of corona patients was taken based on health regulations, not racial grounds.
      Any proof, reason, or examples.
      (I know no other country holding such ‘scientific’ views.)
      From there on, you incite hatred and fear. I wish to keep silent on it, for the time being.
      Sinhalese people have acted provocatively more often than Tamils.
      ( In my vocabulary Muslims are also Tamils, but following Islam. )

      • 0


        What part of my comment suggests hatred and fear? I would like you to quote that section, as I haven’t given my personal opinion on the burial issue. I only stated the facts.
        For your information, politicians, NGOs, other interest parties and thugs were behind each and every racial or religious riots in Sri Lanka. Even the terrorism was promoted and nurtured by them.

        • 1

          You began, ‘The decision to cremate dead bodies of corona patients was taken based on health regulations’.
          Whose Health regulations were they?
          When proof, reason, or examples is not provided, it is a personal opinion.
          ‘they (whoever that may be) want a “reason” to initiate racial riots to discredit the Sinhalese’.
          Doesn’t this personal opinion of yours, promote hatred and fear. Facts too, when brought up at the wrong time promote hatred.
          Now, you open a fresh can of worms!
          “Even the terrorism was promoted and nurtured by them”.
          Please clarify. Who promoted terrorism? Don’t leave everything up hanging in the air. Are you referring to State terrorism.

          • 1

            I am not your mother to do your homework.
            — From March 2020, cremation of those infected with COVID-19 was mandatory. (Check Government Announcements.)
            — Petitions filed by the Muslim community against the COVID-19 cremations were dismissed by the Supreme Court. (Check out the news.)
            — Terrorism was promoted and nurtured by Sri Lankan and Indian politicians. (Check the history of the LTTE.)
            Explain now how the above points in my comment are personal?
            You don’t understand who “they” are? Then read the second line of the same paragraph where you saw the sentence started with “because they want a reason…”

            • 1

              Champa, Champa:
              Now it is becoming clear, where the problem lies. You have a language problem. You are struggling to express yourself properly.
              You created the issue calling ‘Government Regulations’ as ‘Health regulations’.
              You prolonged the issue calling “State Terrorism’ as ‘Terrorism’.
              LTTE was a local development. Sri Lanka created it; India made capital out of it.
              Had you had not let your mother do your ‘home work’ you could have avoided these language pitfalls.

            • 0

              Chimpi, you are one ill witted moron. Stop disputing facts you idiot.

    • 2

      Read this:
      World renowned Virologist Prof. Malik Peiris refutes claims that burials transmit COVID-19 – Island https://t.co/dRsPpVFJQB

      • 3

        Dear OC,
        thanks for the link.
        Not only this Prof. nobody has made any statements that COVID burials could lead to further spreads.
        Just imagine – the Netherland and Mexico – these countries are under sea levels at least some part of their lands. Nevertheless, they did allow burials be not stopped.
        I think RAJAPKASHE – s Private Property, by Name SRILANKA may be brimed with ground water.

        There are few learned IDIOTs with ACADEMIC titles, but withotu any recent publications (living in Srilanka) make public statements that COVID death burials could lead to further spreads. These men and women are the ones that would also promote PANI BEEMA as a remedial drink for covid patients. :::my gosh, how donkey like these people are ?

        • 3

          All this drama is to take people’s minds off the cost of living. I spent the whole of yesterday looking for onions and sugar at 80 Rs.

          • 3


            Rajapaksehs would be resistant even at cremating temperatures:
            That is their nature. I really dont know how they got trained to cheat own people this way. Ranil, CBK or any others would never do so, but Rajakshes. They would not have hearts for the poor. Srilanka is not upper middle class as they have reported. Over 40% are living under poverty. Now with COVID 19 restrictions, it should have gone over 50%. See, how those coastal dwellers how woudl they survive without Tourism industry. They mislead the average, but for how long. I have no doubt, truths will wake them up sooner than later.
            Btw, MaRa is currenty deadly ill, as I heard from my friends in UK. Is that true ?

          • 3

            Please take good care of you, whenever you go to crowds.

            Now it is reported that community spread is the case in SL. What happened to our Virology expert -Ms SCP ? She was the spokesperson to Rajapapakshes hapankam in terms of flattening the curve until a month ago. Now srilanka s COVID rates are worst than that of Sudan and or the like minded countries.

          • 1

            old codger ,

            The man we call Mahinda Rajapasha , the incumbent PM of our
            country has a history of street fighting , I mean , Unionist ! So ,
            his price increase for commodities is not regarded as unfriendly
            towards the class he says he represents ! So, his class is ready to
            pay his prices as long as he remains a Chauvinist ! Therefore ,
            what is unfolding is real , no drama ! Look back , just go to
            Yahapalana era , they genuinely provided relief packages to the
            have-nots despite so much of weaknesses in them ! What was
            the end result ? SLPP stood with core racists and racism won
            and they now have found new terrorists to deal with for another
            unpredictable amount of time ! Future elections are to be
            directed at this end ! It is now an endless treasure for racists
            who are the real terrorists , terrorising the vulnerable lot for power.

            • 0

              In Sinhala culture, the village “chandiya” gets a high position. He is supposed to be basically a good guy. But Mahinda isn’t.

              • 2

                Entire world ridicules today s situation in Srilanka.

                Some question me, if our president is another thanakola eater.
                Kali Amma and Appachchi… are governing srilanka today… how deep they are fallen in ?

            • 2

              Exactly the truth..its believed that the easiest way to mislead a nation is racism and extremism. That are the tools of vicious politicians. Today people start settling fire to tyres in the streets not being able face the life. Just passing 1 year the very same pinguththarayas heart out today as no times in the past. Gota as president is cornered to his office being unable to face the nation. Even a down syndrome patient would have reacted better.what good step the bugger took compared to Mr wichramasinghe. Nothing 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

  • 1

    Sinhalese people should not let the Rajapaksas and the Muslims to provoke them.
    The Rajapaksas, Pohottuwa and Muslim politicians of the previous government were involved in all the attacks on Muslims in 2017, 2018 and 2019. I have pointed out this factor in this forum many times.
    As the government is forced to pay compensation to the Muslim victims, ethnic riots carried out by hired thugs are in every way very profitable for the Muslims. For example, take the clash between two groups that destroyed a number of Muslim-owned vehicles in 2018. When the then-Prime Minister RW tried to compensate them out of public money, I strongly opposed it.
    However, the then-Colombo Governor Azath Salley, at lightning speed compensated the Muslim victims of yet another racial riot which was belatedly organized by interested parties two weeks after the Easter Attack in 2019.
    I’m sure Muslim politicians are worried about not getting their “annual ethnic riot deal” in 2020. Therefore, with the blessings of the highest authority of the government, they are promoting a ‘Yes to Burial, No to Cremation Movement” to incite the Sinhalese Buddhists against the Muslims.

    • 0

      Champa ,

      Burial or Cremation is not Covid-Juice issue for it to be politicised
      as you try to trivialise it or magnify it ! It is an issue Muslims are
      forced to face by clean racists ! There’s no other name for it .And
      the gullible victims that is Muslims , fully understand without
      party lines , what’s coming to them . It is very obvious ! So Champa ,
      better , not to let your grey matter inflate unnecessarily ! You know
      it or you don’t now it ! So simple !

      • 0

        I haven’t given my personal opinion as yet.

    • 3

      Champi Akki,
      I really dont know why you change your mood back and forth. You were right with many of the facts regarding Gotabaya and their killing tactics, but again what have you bubbling here ?
      Not just muslim politicians, but also sinhalayas would be worried of their lives if the govt woudl move the way they ve been upto today.

      • 2

        There is no change in my principles.
        My independent opinion is always based on MY PERSONAL point of view of people’s actions.
        It is you guys who go back and forth based on the fact whether you can agree or disagree with me.
        I am not obligated to write my comments to please readers.

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