By Upatissa Pethiyagoda –
Democracy is a system of governance where people choose their representatives, by freely exercising their treasured franchise at elections. Results do not match theory. It was famously defined by Abraham Lincoln as “rule of the people by the people for the people”. At the other end of the scale, it has been cynically said to be “Based on the fond belief that the franchise somehow transforms the ignorance of the many into the wisdom of the chosen few” or as Churchill declared “Democracy is the worst form of Government, except for those that have been tried before” or still as “In a democracy it is your vote that counts, in feudalism it is your count that votes.” Closer to home “In Sri Lanka (said Lee Kwan Yew), elections are an auction of assets that they do not have.” and “elections are like two wolves and a sheep voting on what they will have for dinner”. Or “Selection by the incompetent many of a corrupt few”. All of these, on reflection, embody more than a few truths.
Elections are expensive, but have been quite frequent under the former (“Nethipalana” and “Pawulpalana” regime) dispensations. Under the present, the lament is that they are not conducted as required by law, being postponed under various pretexts. There seem to be more and more complaints that the quality of representatives is in decline. Despite this, there is a reckless increase in their numbers, quite out of proportion to the voting population, and at utterly unconscionable cost. Various remedies have been suggested – educational levels, experience and delimitation anomalies. Many of these can be mitigated by addressing root causes.
1. Remuneration: This is clearly excessive and out of proportion in comparison with other sectors. Naturally this draws into its ranks persons with highly unsavoury histories. Where the rewards are high, politics becomes legalized robbery.
2. Free choice: The system precludes this. The Party leaderships decides nominees, who are not always the best – on utility value, and not on merit. The electors have no hand in this and are driven not to select the best, but rather to pick “the least worst”. In such circumstances, it is grossly unfair and even insulting to be told “It is all the electors’ fault”.
3. Qualifications: Reference is often made to set educational minima for representatives. It is true that progressive countries have done so, but we have many instances where persons of limited academic achievement, have made excellent politicians and of those with exceptional academic backgrounds, who have been spectacular flops.
4. Corruption: It is almost a given that politicians are corrupt. This is not fair by those who are admirably non-corruptible. They however, could do much to reform the delinquent among them. “Those who lie with dogs, wake up with fleas.” Someone gave the nonsensical reason that because contesting an election costs a fortune, that outlay has to be recouped! The scandalous and criminal offense of hawking their Duty Free Permits is justifiable. Surely this is gross abuse of a privilege, and unseemly.
5. Travel: Frequent and unnecessary foreign jaunts are scandalous. Especially, considering the grave financial crisis confronting the National Airline. The other huge disadvantages are that Ministers often represent our country at specialists meetings at which they are totally incompetent, often at the expense of very knowledgeable professionals – by hogging these for themselves. There is also the ever-present risk of signing various agreements whose implications are later found to be highly imprudent. The cost of internal flights too is not small – a helicopter to be air-borne is said to cost around Rs 400,000/= or more. The missions, are almost always unnecessary. Unpaid bills– owed to the Air Force, for instance are astronomical.
6. Nepotism: This is an ever present abomination. If not anything else, it is a grave injustice inflicted upon those more qualified for the task. The argument that certain positions require complete trust, and that the known devil is safer than the unknown. Who better then than one’s immediate or peripheral family? This contention is at best very feeble, and only slightly justifiable in the limited case of positions like Personal/Confidential Secretaries/Stenographers. Possessing of a wife does not deter many from having a mistress!
Parliamentary process is cumbersome and often hilarious. The anomalies and contradictions are very many. Nominations are done by Party Committees. The electors have no say. Money determines choices. The simple expedient of requiring Parties (and individuals) to disclose their electoral funding sources, amounts and expenditures have ben extolled and then ignored. As long as a free, conscience vote is not permitted, the Party Whip eliminated, and voting in Parliament made confidential, there can be no Democracy. The outcome is foregone. So, this chant of “We have 150, or we need only five more cross-overs” is sickening. Why cannot we call it “Political Prostitution”? President Ronald Reagan, whose candid and imaginative oratory is widely admired, declared “It has been said that Politics is the Second Oldest profession. The longer I remain in it, the more do I realize how closely it resembles the First”.
What is the point of requiring minimum educational qualifications, no dual citizens etc. when the only persons who are unsuited are cripples unable to lift their hands or dual amputees?. The preferred option of installing an Electronic Score Board at enormous cost , is typical of generous gobbling of Public Funds. Why spend so much of time and money on Parliamentary Debates when, as Tarzie Vitachchi declared “Conversation without transformation is gossip”? Is it any surprise that “Parliament” is the collective noun for a collection of Baboons”.
In trying to understand an exceedingly complicated and hugely unnecessary circus, I find that applying the “Theory of Cahoots”, finds much falling into place!. “Unuth Ekai Munuth Ekai”, while trying very hard not to add “Mamath Ekai”.
Sugandh / July 29, 2021
Perhaps a sick joke courtesy of 6.9million jokers!
leelagemalli / July 29, 2021
Most abusive dangerous family in south asian history- RAJAPAKSHES.
They are shameless, mlechcha by every means to loot the last cent of the poor folks.
As is the continuance of KUNUKANDHA (garbage dumps) in Wanathamulla, SRILANKA’s mlechcha politics would remain so long Rajapakshes remain live.
Srilanka s democracy is only to hold elections and getting elected. After getting elected, they behave as if they came up by their own. The best example is before the eyes of people. Anyway, this would not be different if elections would be held tomorrow.
Indian born Prof. Kovur made it very clear about the srilanken society , people s mind set.
Though Gota-BAYA got elected as an apolitical candidate, nothing seems to have worked so far making tangible changes. Those who supported him are today dead silent.
Above all that Madagoda Abhayathissa, Alle Baluwansha, Muruththettuwa and High Chapter monks are speechless.
Fake PUBLICE perception is made for their political surivival. This is almost like leaving those platantion tamils in untold situations for their entire life. Majority of people would question as to why the elected a provably high criminals back to power.
leelagemalli / July 29, 2021
The biggest gemstone is reported to have found in SL, but this will turn out to be a valueless stone is highly probable in today s context – that is called SAUBAGYA DHAEKMA.
Abasaranyi to SRILANKENS !
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 29, 2021
Democracy is not just holding free and fair elections and electing representatives. It includes rule of law, freedom of expression, freedom of movement and upholding human rights. It is under democracy that discriminatory laws against Tamils were enacted and discriminatory practices against Tamils were executed. It is under democracy that state sponsored violence against Tamils were unleashed and equality and justice to Tamils were denied. So talking about installing democracy does not mean anything to Tamils, unless they are assured of life of dignity and safety, having the same rights and privilege enjoyed by Sinhalese. Even after 12 years of end of war, there is no sign of desire to confess the truth and attempt at restoration of justice, which are paramount for reconciliation.
nimal fernando / July 30, 2021
I want to sound alarmist …………
Once we hired a tourist car in SL …… the driver was from a middleclass background ……… an old Royalist and his son was a student at STC. He has sold his valuable house he had somewhere and had deposited the money in some bank that went bust – he was keeping the money in the bank to build his own house. Lost everything and was struggling to survive.
I listened to a video of Champika Ranawaka on SVLOG (now this is not about blooming Ranawaka and his racism and the rest of the claptrap …… I don’t want to get sidetracked by all the nutters out there.) Compared to many of the other SL pols he seems to know what he is talking ……. he said that the petroleum corp couldn’t pay their bills and got the 2 major state banks to pay them; there is a good chance that the 2 state banks might fail.
All of you back home, who have substantial deposits in banks and depend on them, pay extra care about your money. ……… yoo-hoo the 6.9m …….. ye won’t be spared either.
nimal fernando / July 30, 2021
If you think the governments wont resort to some chicanery, think again …….. Cyprus slapped a 20% tax on deposits over 100,000 Euros. And you think Cyprus is an insignificant country – so is SL. The US did something very similar by banning people from owning gold. People had to return their gold at a specified price. A few weeks or days later they could buy gold back at a higher price. That’s how they devalued the $ at the time when the $ was pegged to gold. And that’s not the only time the US played games with people’s money.
Native, take your billions out and sleep on them …. or if $ are hard to come by convert them to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)
Native Vedda / July 30, 2021
nimal fernando
“Native, take your billions out and sleep on them …. or if $ are hard to come by convert them to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)”
I cannot do that because my savings are at the bottom of the safe. The clan has their new money on top of all ours. The bank manager says until and unless the clan withdraws theirs he cannot locate ours and take it out of the vault.
nimal fernando / July 31, 2021
“bottom of the safe”
I’ll bet my bottom dollar …….. that the clan and their sidekicks have already converted their loot ……. into other currencies or tangible assets.
Eagle Eye / July 30, 2021
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
“It is under democracy that state sponsored violence against Tamils were unleashed …”
BS! State did not unleash violence against Demalu. It is under democracy that Demalu in Yapanaya who are the descendants of Dravidians came to Sinhale to work for colonial rulers:
• Delivered a racially charged speech in Nawalapitiya in 1939 (by G.G. Ponnambalam) ridiculing Mahawamsa and denigrating the Sinhala-Buddhist culture, its history and the people igniting the first Demala-Sinhala clash.
• Formed Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (toned down as Federal Party in English) in 1949 (by SJV Chelvanayakam) which had as its hidden agenda the establishment of a separate state.
• Attacked Sinhalayo in Yapanaya when Sinhalayo reversed the decision taken by British to discard Sinhala language which was the official language in Sinhale and introduce English as the official language.
• Attacked Sinhalayo in Yapanaya when English letters in car number plates were replaced by a Sinhala letter triggering Demala-Sinhala clash.
• Passed Vaddukkodei Resolution to create a separate State within Sinhale and declared war against Sinhalayo which tantamount to treason.
• Killed 13 soldiers of Sri Lanka Army using a land mine supplied by ???? triggering Demala-Sinhala clash.
• Claim NE is their ‘Traditional Homeland’ and say Sinhalayo who are the Native people in Sinhale are not welcome in NE.
Native Vedda / July 31, 2021
Eagle Stupid Dumbo
“Claim NE is their ‘Traditional Homeland’ and say Sinhalayo who are the Native people in Sinhale are not welcome in NE.”
Who says so?
Neither Sinhalayos nor Tamils are natives.
Both are descendants of Kallathonies.
Eagle Eye / July 30, 2021
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
“So talking about installing democracy does not mean anything to Tamils, unless they are assured of life of dignity and safety, having the same rights and privilege enjoyed by Sinhalese.”
• What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
• What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority?
• What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities?
• What is it that the Sinhala Buddhists are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala Buddhists?
Demalu in Yapanaya enjoy a privilege to have a Malabar customary law called ‘Thesawalamei’ which they brought from Malabar region in Hindusthan and use to prevent land in Yapanaya do not go to the hands of Native Sinhalayo. It is high time that the Government scrap this law that discriminate against Sinhalayo.
old codger / July 30, 2021
“What is it that the Sinhala Buddhists are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala Buddhists”
Other communities are not blessed with memories that last only a week. That’s why they don’t keep asking stupid questions to which they have been told the answers umpteen times.
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
Mr Codger,
Please dont waste your time for an idiot who knows nothing beyond ” our native sinhalaya, our sinhala buddhists, our so called men… bla bla… ” This man EE is a curse to mankind.
He should be a mutation, worst than any Delta Variant in COVID19.
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
where are these SINHALAYO you ve been refering to ? Are they only living in MEDAMULANA ?
This BP would never see it right, not in the least knowledge this bugger seems to have. Why should we bother with the kind of hired men.
Even if his lovely ones would have been raped and murdered by Rajapakshes and their cirminals, this bugger EE woudl never change…. born to be servile…. the kind of genetics is the problem in OUR nation:
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
Dr GS,
Blame should be put not only Rajakashes but also nothern politicians. And muslims that behave pleasing Rajaakshes on and on. Look at the manner those Badiudeen-Men reacted in last week s NCM.
How MPs representing plantation tamils behaved sofar. Even today they are no different.
Last but not least how young ALI SABRY being caught by RAJAPAKSHE mantra… what has he achieved for the betterment of MUSLIMs ? He is no different to a servant boy on no-pay basis. The 16-year old girl servant and Ali Sabry have much in common to my eye. This is how srilanken doggy culture is structured. Ali Sabry is among the highly biased men born to srilanken soil. They dont care much about their community. See the injustices growing on Badiudeen today, just because he is a muslim minister…. and doubtless that underage child slavery is common to many house holds in colombo. Not just plantation tamils but also poor sinhala/tamil/muslims are hired to rich families yet today in SL. How many among the underage work in pettah today. With all this being the reality, but attack is focused on Badiudeen.
Native Vedda / July 31, 2021
What is Namal baby doing in Japan?
Who paid for his travel and accommodation expenses?
How many of his cronies traveled with him?
Did any of his wife’s uncles accompany him?
Sugandh / July 31, 2021
Dear Native,
No idea… but clearly, Namal baby is the next “Ali Baba” in line. Scooting off on a tour to Japan on tax payers money when the Tokyo Olympics itself is taking place under a state of emergency and facing some major challenges.
He has said he wants to show solidarity and friendship to Japan for hosting the olympics at such a challenging time. And also will have some bilateral meetings with IOC officials & Japanese state officials!!!
Sounded like a lot of b.s. either way.
Even Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, who was the major force behind winning Tokyo’s bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics chose not to attend the event citing the state of emergency in Tokyo! So many world leaders too did not attend the inauguration.
But our Ali Baba jr is all kid in a candy store.
leelagemalli / August 4, 2021
Srilanken s committed “harakiri ” by their own
Long before current men in leadership were elected, even new voters were well aware of that high crime actor s of the Rajapakshe siblings and offspring s..
Nevertheless by manipulating even audio tapes, they succeed ed changing public perception in favour of their return, today consequences are before the eyes of the people 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕
Cicero / July 29, 2021
These are no doubts problems. but the major problem is the fact that politics has been divereted by Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism which enables the subversion of democracy through the arousal of ethnic passions. This enables monkeys to be elected to parliament. MR has been the most astute manipulator of ethnic politics.Oher leaders also sought to outdo each other in hatred of minorities. MR, like his predecessors, has also manifested all the ills that are identified here: corruption, nepotism, travel ( to the Olympics), absence of qualifications (look at our foreign service; somehow, several “professors” crop up. From where. are professorships so cheap in SL these days). The slide that has occurred is traceable to the Mahavamsa mud hole into which we have descended without being able to get out of it. Sinhala leaders and Buddhist monks will keep us there for a long time to come. The wisdom of the pandemic is that it is not the pots that Podimenike throws into the rivers or the pani that she drinks that will get us out but vaccines from China and the West that science provides. Time to see reality and creep out of the mud hole.
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
Not only SB nationalism
Madia Mafia
Lack of law and order (or one law to so called partiot Rajaakshes and their men, and other law to Makandure Madhush/Lasantha Wickramathunga/Badiudeen etc
Ramphant corruption
Indifference nature of SRILANKENS in general
Srilanka is economically sinking, but Bitch sons born to Rajakashes fly to Japan for Olympic games – it is reported the delegation is bigger than the SL participants in olympic.
All these were rejected by 2015, however, media PUT them above again.
Nobody else, MEDIA MAFIA should be handled before going to introduce any good systems.
Former petrolshed assistant, GOTABAYA with FAKE capabliities and through FAKE PUBLIC PERCEPTION became the leader, Not even BUrkinafasa people would vote for the kind of alleged high criminals. But srilanka is wonderland even FAKE RELICS can twist the gullible mindset easily…. people s staple should be replaced with GRASS (rata thanakola). If not today when ?
Ajay / July 29, 2021
Ironically ‘democracy’ works in corrupt countries like Sri Lanka to undermine the rights of citizens. Political and economic elites have mastered the art of manipulating the system and capturing power. Once in power they rule the country in their own interests indulging in corruption and nepotism, subjecting the people to oppression and suffering. This has been the post-independent history of Sri Lanka.
Humble / July 29, 2021
Democracy is a system of governance where people choose……..
…..which freemason they want in power.
Sinhala_Man / July 31, 2021
Dear Dr Pethiyagoda,
Yours is a finely wrought article, and I agree with all that you say here. On occasion I have got enmeshed in a good deal of controversy over your articles, as here:
However, your reasoning here is excellent, but isn’t this guy, Humble’s thinking absolutely weird? I’ve been trying, on a number of occasions, to tell this dolt that freemasonry is nothing as dreadful as he fears.
Upatissa, you’re the sort of establishment guy who, in Lanka, is likely to know a few masons, even if you are not one. I wonder if it would be possible for you to give your opinion of masonry to this guy. Some people start believing the nonsense that they hear repeated again and again, although the red thumbs that he’s been given seem to indicate that not many are prepared to go along with his weird thinking.
cugan / July 29, 2021
It’s too many perks ,well paid as well as the pension the shiny flash cars all top of the range,feel like a car show,the behavior is appealing,cut all the perks ,no residence in cmb,they should live in their constituents people should meet freely and solve their problems.
Build a doormetry close to parliament.
I heard in UK MPs travel in trains…or public transport,they just live as normal civilian tt’s a job that’s all,the system is created for for spoil.rid of the very expensive ribbon cutting ceremonies it’s being spent by public money so find a good character of that area so people behavior some recognition and encouragement.
My parents time the teachers gives free classes after school it seems,ban the pvt tuition hospital etc .improve the standard of public entities.
This pirth nool business shouldn’t be in news at all,that’s their personal.
There are far worse cases to report.look at the behaviour on the road on the motor or pedestrian,no common sense thinking are they animals or human….unwanted accidents no regard to 96% can read and write that doesn’t make us to think…….
Raj-UK / July 29, 2021
”Is Ours A Fake Democracy?…….” Certainly. When we have an all powerful President, answerable to no one & even above the law, the constitution is irrelevant. The President can appoint anybody & the constitution can be interpreted differently or can even be changed. However, the President is elected lawfully, therefore, we are a democracy, by name only.
Employers expect to hire those reasonably qualified or with relevant skills to the job effectively, therefore, even a lowly peon needs a basic education. However, when we consider Ministers who believe in divine intervention & not science, cannot understand the simple division of 2 by 2, or even seem to be unaware that we breathe oxygen (& not ‘eat’ oxygen) & many such howlers, how can we expect them to run the country? If the President is any better educated, he should have sacked those jokers who have made a mockery of his parliamentary cabinet. These yobs wont be able to get even peon posting outside politics, yet the poor tax payer has to bear the cost of their grand lifestyle.
old codger / July 29, 2021
The sort of democracy we have here was never designed for a country where the masses are still steeped in feudalism though outwardly modern. The education system in cahoots with the clerics turn out automatons who think as they are told. No leader will be elected who doesn’t fit in the preferred race/religion/caste box. There are plenty of young, educated potential leaders around who will never make it. The ones who get elected will always be the semi-educated populists that the voter is comfortable talking to. The type who promises to save the country ( from whom?) , never sell national assets ( like Srilankan), devoutly worships the Mahanayakas, doesn’t speak in English, etc…
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
Raj-UK / July 29, 2021
“However, the President is elected lawfully, therefore, we are a democracy, by name only.
Employers expect to hire those reasonably qualified or with relevant skills to the job effectively, therefore, even a lowly peon needs a basic education”.
From nomination to election of incumbent president was achieved by misleading the nation. So how can anyone argue that to be lawful?.
In my childhood,(in 70ties and 80 ties) even for a minor level government job interview they required police certificate, but alleged men with numerous crimes and ongoing investigations, by twisting the gullible mind set, Rajapakshes and their criminal henchmen grabbed the power. Also the media institutions such as Derana TV and Hiru would have been banned if it was in UK or Germany considering how they mislead the nation as no any civilised countries yet today. 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕☹☹☹☹
cugan / July 30, 2021
Even the Election commissioner Deshapriya said that’s not his business to check his citizenship……that’s why crazy demo going on most part of the country ,where is Sajith and co
and the rest of the parties
leelagemalli / July 31, 2021
Thst is why the bugger behaves today like a crab in hot water we really knew if anything added by him prior to last PE was highly biased.
SJ / July 31, 2021
The Chairman, EC was presented with an application with claim with supporting documents that the candidate is a Sri Lankan national.
If the Chairman is to check further on that particular applicant, should there not be a legal basis for it?
Did anyone formally contest the candidate’s claim and point out that he was also a citizen of another country?
There were plenty who were eligible to do that. Did any file a formal objection? Even an EC member who had some doubts kept out of it.
The Chairman, EC acted lawfully in the matter.
For all the hot air on CT and elsewhere, there was no action taken to push the claim of dual nationality.
chiv / July 29, 2021
Sir, is it democracy or DEMOCRAZY ?? Let me look at that picture again, before answering.
chiv / July 30, 2021
Today Colombo appeals court upheld the death sentence of two army soldiers for the killing of a civilian in Jaffna on September 18 1998. The verdict was given by Trinco high court judge, because the army requested transferring the court hearing from Jaffna. Apparently in Lanka, it takes more than 20 years (A LIFE SENTENCE) for those victims to get justice. The question now is how soon can Mr. Sircular pardon them ??
SJ / July 29, 2021
I think that I am bored more than amused by the abuse of 6.9 million people as this that and the other for voting to power a government very much not to one’s liking.
I think that, if they are what they are called, they will remain that, and this government will never be dislodged electorally.
I am reminded of the story of an unsuccessful candidate who in 1947 polled a little over 800 votes (out of 19,000+) in a northern electorate, and was bottom of the pile.
All candidates were allowed a few minutes to address the public after the results were announced. Our friend stared with “The xxx wise persons who voted for me and the remaining idiots…”
I am not sure if he could continue with his speech. But I was told that he was booed severely.
I wonder if the 800+ wise persons would have voted for him in another election.
He had moved out of the electorate before long.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 31, 2021
Sivasegaram, judging by the numerous thumbs down you get every time you comment, it appears that people are bored more than amused at your stupidity.
SJ / July 31, 2021
I am not contesting an election.
I respect any honest argument disputing my view and not the thumb count.
People, as you claim, may be bored with my stupidity.
Are ones who endorse stupid comments like yours as stupid as the author of the comment?
nimal fernando / July 29, 2021
“A Mere Hoax?”
Isn’t life itself is a hoax? A dream?
“His goal, the narrator reveals, is to “dream a man… in his minute entirety and impose him on reality.””
“First and foremost, ‘The Circular Ruins’ is a story about the intersection between dreams and reality. The magician dreams a man into existence out of his own unconscious, but then – in an infinite regression which is a hallmark of Borges’ fiction – the magician finds out that he, too, is merely the figment of another person’s dream.”
Native Vedda / July 31, 2021
nimal fernando
“Isn’t life itself is a hoax? A dream?”
You mean Maya, the illusory nature of reality?
nimal fernando / July 31, 2021
“You mean Maya, the illusory nature of reality?”
Many writers have been baffled by the nature of our existence ………. do we exist if no one know about us?
Imagine there is a faraway still undiscovered planet ……. there is a huge rock in the planet. Does the rock exist if no one knows about it? …….. the idea is …… more than our physical existence ……. our existence is in other people’s minds/awareness of us.
Read Borges piece about Shakespeare
Argentineans have a morbid infatuation with their dead …….. the cemetery is a tourist attraction ……… I’ve seen Borges family vault; he is not buried there but somewhere in Switzerland ………….
Do you travel?
nimal fernando / July 31, 2021
“The story goes that shortly before or after his death, when he found himself in the presence of God, he said: “I who have been so many men in vain want to be one man only, myself.” The voice of God answered him out of a whirlwind: “Neither am I what I am. I dreamed the world the way you dreamt your plays, dear Shakespeare. You are one of the shapes of my dreams: like me, you are everything and nothing.” “
Native Vedda / July 31, 2021
nimal fernando
“You are one of the shapes of my dreams: like me, you are everything and nothing”
This is beyond me, too much to grasp.
Please let me be myself, I better stay stupid, like Eagle Eye, …… .
srikrish / July 29, 2021
Democracy is not merely what happens on the day of elections, but what happens in between elections.
Democracy will be much more meaningful if it is participatory democracy and internal party democracy is essential to prevent dictatorship of party boss with the collaboration of party secretary. Party secretary is usually a nominee of the party leader.
cugan / July 29, 2021
We thought Sira was bad looks like he is best among the worst as someone in this column said keep recycling , what the choice left with ,we don’t wants to split the country but we take care of our own affairs even the way things moving on we might have Dumi as our governor wouldn’t surprise isn’t it.
cugan / July 29, 2021
We thought Sira was bad looks like he is best among the worst as someone in this column said keep recycling , what the choice left with ,we don’t wants to split the country but we take care of our own affairs even the way things moving on we might have Dumi as our governor wouldn’t surprise isn’t it.
Like many of us don’t agree or fans of VP but have some discipline and got leader ship sacrificed his whole family
cugan / July 29, 2021
We thought Sira was bad looks like he is best among the worst as someone in this column said keep recycling , what the choice left with ,we don’t wants to split the country but we take care of our own affairs even the way things moving on we might have Dumi as our governor wouldn’t surprise isn’t it.
Like many of us don’t agree or fans of VP but have some discipline and got leader ship sacrificed his whole family for the course
ramona therese fernando / July 29, 2021
Many cite and tout the pseudo-quazi Singapore democratic model. These are the reasons for Singapore’s success story:
1. Small and new state with its own mostly Chinese identity, failing of which they would have had to merge with Malaysia.
2. Realization of its great potential to make its own money, on top of the colonial wealth they were left with, as they were surrounded by oil-producing countries.
3. Its leaders were from a communist background.
4. They are rich communists.
Compare these to Sri Lanka:
1.Long and ancient history of democratic monarchy on an island of 3x the population and 4× the size.
2. Little potential to make more money as we were/are surrounded by comparatively little oil wealth.
We did not consolidate and invest the riches we had after the “colonial legacy,” and instead our educated and wealthy embarrassingly splurged on perpetuating the colonial look.
3. Our leaders were/are driven by caste and class politics. Even if Buddhist egalitarian in feel, they are continually being hounded on these concepts by Hindu separatists.
4. We are poor capitalists using a mafia type monarchy to artificially boost up our money reserves via loans and now, possible payoffs e.g. sale of Trincomalee for US air- base, at the probable demise of our tear-drop shaped unitary status.
Mahila / July 31, 2021
Part (1)
1. Your reference. “Long and ancient history of democratic monarchy on an island of 3x the population and 4× the size.”
Yes all that may be correct, with the addition of the supplementary,
“Patricide/Fratricide/Revolt added to make it sensible”, because of the litany of such instances and ” you come to power I will bring you down and I come to power you bring me down”.
There seems to be this behaviour in SL, which made a past President to make a point to say, “Leave all the detainees in an enclosed detention Centre and you do not need additional security, because if 1 person tries to scramble thru by climbing the ring fence, there would be many others ready to bring him down!
Mahila / July 31, 2021
Continued (2)
Aggrandisement and avarice as an inborn nature of all Sri Lankans, beyond race, religion and caste.”
2. Your ref., “failing of which they would have had to merge with Malaysia”.
This is not absolutely accurate and historically factual. The reality is some what different.
They were declared as an independent state of MALAYSIA AND NOT AS Malaya/Brunei/North Borneo and Singapore – Name combination of Malaya and Singapore – Malaysia,
from the British Empire in the 60’s
Because during the first year after their independence, irreconcilable difference in the governance occurred, and Singapore state exercised self determination and decided to cede from the Malaysian federation and the oil rich balance states, though their was absolutely no wealth in Singapore at that time.
LKY and their coherent and cohesive team, of somewhat leftist state of Singapore made it a poit to make Singapore the Asian stage post of Foreign investment after HK, which was then the central point of foreign investment.
Mahila / July 31, 2021
Continued (3)
With the possible and impending take over by emerging PRC with Mao at the helm, foreign investors clamoured for space in Singapore and no wonder (and transferred assets and working simultaneously from both locations), she is what is it today.
Comparatively, historically we SL’s did chase away FDI than welcome it in this country – damnable; from SWRDB (Nationalisation), Sirimavo RDB (Oil companies and Estates to mention a few and BUHARI HOTEL!), Mr for UL and kicking away Emirates and Weera Sangili W., the famous self-appointed advertiser of Maliban Lemon Puff for chasing Unilever Bros and the iconic Lipton Tea business from SL to India. Probably an Indian RAW agent although he started protest against Masoor Dhal (Red split lentils) of Turkish origin thinking it came from India in 1987. What can you expect from a person, pass 7th std and unable to GCE O/L? JPUM
When you have one too many visionaries in the melting pot then what you gate is Sri Lanka!
Single handed, with collaborative approach devoid of Race/Caste Religion, Singapore LKY won.
Attitude change in governance devoid of race, Religion Caste and filial relationship be abhorred, with prominence to Meritocracy to regain our global position as a leading democracy.
ramona therese fernando / July 31, 2021
Very good take on the history of the region. However, S’pore did not blindly secede from the Malaysian federation in the 60’s and then use their innate hard-workability to get where they are. No, they know they had potential and connection with the places you mention, like HK. For HK was connected to the wealth of the British commonwealth that helped boost up the Western capital. And it grew from there. They also were aware of the oil-rich potential of the region.
As per Sri Lanka, well, I mean, JRJ did do all of the above, but our genes are simply not connected to the Chinese one. S’pore had the advantage of that. Only way it would have worked if India turned communist, and all the Indian fat cats invested in Motherland.
Rajash / July 29, 2021
Fake Hoax Failed Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhism breeds Fake Hoax Failed Sri Lanka Sinhala Democracy
Simon / July 29, 2021
Who says it is “FAKE” Democracy? The “Democracy” as taught to us is: By the people. For the people, and Of the people. During both the last Presidential and Parliamentary elections we have voted in large numbers (more than 72% of the voters) to elect the President with 6.9 million and closing on “2/3” of the representations in Parliament. That was our “Participation” in a “Democratic” system of Governance that speaks for our “Capability”. Isn’t that a “Proud” achievement?
To speak of another “Record Achievement” under that “Democracy” is the magnificent and “Magnanamious” way we have established a “HEGEMONY” (of the FAMILIAL & Sinhala Buddhist) to rule the country. The President( a Rajapakse of the familial rule), who took the “Oath” to be the “Excitive President” (with passing the “20A”) facing the historic “Ruwanvaly Saye” and declaring he is the President of the “Sinhala Buddhists” is another added, “Record Achievement” of not that “Fake” Democracy.
We also have established another “Remarkable Achievement” in teaching the other Democracies in the world, and that is how to get “2/3rd Majority” even if the Governing party barely has that number. A simple “Theory” – “BUY” from the Opposition representations in Parliament, in the name of “6.9 million” votes “OF” the people, “FOR” the People and “BY” the people – the REAL Democracy.
leelagemalli / July 29, 2021
Even if we have learnt ” The “Democracy” as taught to us is: By the people. For the people, and Of the people”
It has interpreted to srilankens, that The democracy in SL is by the people (gullible). for the RAJAPAKSHES family.
Who enjoy democracy in this country today ?
ramona therese fernando / July 30, 2021
Hmm…not too sure. In Sri Lanka, democracy means one honcho of the aspiring party looking after, say 10,000 people….money doled out to ensure the vote.
In USA, democracy means a billionaire lobbies for jobs for his corporate businesses, and the party who wins ensures through things like better business and scientific bureaus, the best way to go around job creation and social services for the masses.
Sri Lanka, on the other hand, and the money gets lost in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th honcho amassing trickling-down wealth, while the masses get pittance and no jobs, other than to shout Ape Rata.
Humble / July 30, 2021
The 6.9 million you all keep talking about are happy with this mafia family in power.
You have the die hard racists and the business crooks who make up their fan base.
Neither group cares about things like democracy, freedom, human rights etc
The former want to see tamils in the NE erased.
The latter only care about their bank balance and nothing else.
Simon / July 30, 2021
Dear LLM: You asked, “Who enjoys democracy in this country today”? The answer will be found below:
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
Video is not available. 😉😉😉
Simon / July 30, 2021
LLM: I too noticed it. This video is very educative and gives an insight into how Senadhipathy and ex-Army General were “Acquitted” of the “Bribery” case. Try:
Go to Youtube and type Satahana Radio. There will be the video under the caption:
Senadhipathy Naduven Berune Ketha Kramayakata. Try it.
leelagemalli / July 31, 2021
Thanks , I ll ve next two days. Please bring us few more of ur kadamandiya people. Thst ll give many food for thoght as to why the majority in our hell stay mum even if their lovely ones would have been assaulted on broad day light. That pushups Kumar aka Raththran and his whereabouts can expose lot more untold crime stories ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
leelagemalli / July 31, 2021
My dear Simon
SRILANKA is filled🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃 with no way out
Black Lankan / July 30, 2021
What a shameleass bunch of people and dont they feel bad about laughing like clowns while forcibly hoodwinging 6.9 million fools. Now Baby Synthetic has gone to take part in Olympics and to bid for next olympics to be held in Hambantota. Disgusting and disgraceful.
leelagemalli / July 30, 2021
What a shameless bunch of people? but they earn adulation while those who fought from dawn to dusk for the rights of the voiceless victims
-getting caught by child molesters
– getting caught by financial frauds by the crooks
– getting caught by not being treated equally
-getting caught by diverse injustices from the birth to death
our single voice Mr Ranjan Ramanayaka is jailed /whilst all those committed high crimes – being elected as LEADERS ha hah…. are we standing on your heads ?
SRILANKA is filled with 🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃 no way out
appuhamy / July 30, 2021
For Sri Lanka, Abraham Lincoln’s definition should be modified as “Democracy is rule of some people by some people for some people”
Has any country advanced through democracy? All had or have kings (or queens) at the top or dictatorships.
Genetically Sri Lankans are used to authoritarian regimes of kings. Democracy works in a well developed country after economic advancement. In Sri Lanka we mainly have uneducated morons who will vote for another set of idiots. Adult franchise was the worst what happened to Sri Lanka. Voting should be allowed only for educated people (at least GCE A.L.)
Native Vedda / July 31, 2021
appu samy
“Voting should be allowed only for educated people (at least GCE A.L.)”
Educated, A/L???????????????
Mallaiyuran / July 30, 2021
If a soldier fails to kill as many enemy combatants as possible on the battlefield, he is a failed soldier. On the other hand, if a doctor fails to save as many patients as possible, he is a failed doctor. For Sinhala Buddhist & Sinhala Intellectuals who influence them, the Lankawe is a proud, victorious state. Grabbing the Saulsbury constitution in his hand, Don Stephen set up the Citizenship Acts and Galoya scheme. Lankawe has achieved enormous success in annihilation of Tamils from the most leading society to the most lacking society. Lankawe is extremely successful in achieving its objective. Here, Junius Richard reiterated in 1983 in this this month, what Sinhalese were looking for: “I am not worried about the opinion of the Jaffna people…now we cannot think of them, not about their lives or their opinion… the more you put pressure in the north, the happier the Sinhala people will be here…Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy.” This is telling that Sinhala Buddhist and Sinhala Intellectual are at their happiest time of their life. Remember, Hakeem and Rishard told at UNHRC after 2009 holocaust? “Muslims are at the happiest time in our history”. Every Sinhala Intellectuals guided the Sinhala Buddhist for this success, other than a few fools like Siritunga, Wickramabahu……..
Mallaiyuran / July 30, 2021
But there are countries who measure their success by the standard of their people’s living, not by the dead deep suffering of their life, as set up by Don Stephen, Solomon Ridgeway, Siri Ma O, Junius Richard, Richard. P., Percy R, Albert M, Nadasena likes leadership. Tissaranee Gunasekara has been arguing that Leader Piraphran appointed Percy P as their president so she gave blood and flesh to bring Albert .M as the president. It is because of the Sinhala intellectuals, the strange spices, the Royal have come to power with so much of a majority. Now she is disappointed by the last election because after Ranil and the Old King had written 19A to keep them in power forever, the 6.9 million Pirapaharans’ have unseated them. Comedy Thamai! What a foolishness the Sinhala Intellectuals are repeatedly showing in their talk. She needs to come for a compromise. If her people who kicked out the Yahapalanaya are not Pirapaharans then it was not Pirapaharan who brought the Old King to power. It was not Pirapaharan who brought Solomon West Ridgeway or Don Stephen to power, but it was her people. The Sinhala Intellectuals, with their convoluted logic, cleaned worse than Mullaitivu settlements, the already blunt Modayas’ gray matter. So 6.9 of them voted for the Royals.
Mallaiyuran / July 30, 2021
As I said earlier, JR is one of the worst enemies of Tamils. But he disenfranchised Siri Ma O and punished her for her crimes. Can you tell me, during the Yahapalanaya government, while Ranil was pledging every resource of the country, including selling Hangbangtota Harbor to China to save Royals, how many Sinhala Intellectuals took to their street and went to prison? Did Even Anura go to prison? Anura came out with his own 20A to protect the Old King. They never did that because those marches will jeopardize the most important task of their genocide Tamils. Extremely few commentators like Leelage Malli like ones ask Royals to be punished for their crimes. Did ever Mangala demand for that in Parliament during the Yahapalanaya time? May I know from the Sinhala Buddhists pundits, who shed some crocodile tears here and there because the Royals did not give them a share in the loot, what are the objectives of this nation, Lankawe and that one, you perceive as when it failed? From 1948, Lankawe marched steadily on its objective of destroying human lives and their peace. Ranil, with only 42 MPs, corrected a constitution to appoint him as PM of Lankawe. This time Modaya Mass didn’t give him even an MP position.
Mallaiyuran / July 30, 2021
With what face he has returned to Parliament? After all, he voluntarily resigned one year early saying Royals should have that time. How did that gentleman ship evaporate now?
The Sinhala Intellectuals, who are not prepared to tell that the Royals have to be dragged to Bohambara and hanged there for their crimes, now howling for two years to deafen the ears that Lankawe Constitutions failed; Lankawe democracy failed. “Verum Koovil ithil Enna Abishagam; Un Manam Enrum Theru Koothu Pakal Vesham”. Shameless Hypocrisy! Come on people, why are you doing this? Your crave to destruction still not relenting or not letting you to tell the truth to the Sinhala Buddhists? If ever a constitution failed in Lankawe, it was only Soulbury Constitution, which naively attempted to protect minorities with meek S 29, and it failed completely and itself gone with the wind. Now,every Lankaweyan feels that keeping the EP is the only way to keep Tamils under check. It was an open campaign in the election that they just don’t want a dictator, but a dictator who is characteristically matching with Hitler, who annihilated millions of Jewish and other minorities. Sinhala Modayas, who were subjected to the misinterpretation of Mahavamsa in Pali by Sinhala Intellectuals, gave up on Dutugemunu and went for Hitler. Is this not the natural growth of Democracy?
Mallaiyuran / July 30, 2021
Two days ago, Ranil opened another one of his great inventions. He said that the country was like Japan when Don Stephen received it from Britain. He was referring to the time when 2 Million North East Tamils were managing 75% of the country’s affairs, an achievement Pretoria’s Ruling White government didn’t achieve. Didn’t he also constantly advocate that he follows the path of Don Stephen, too. Though Tamils only managed but didn’t own the country, yet the Sinhala Intellectuals guided the Modayas to dismantle Tamils, with their voting. Their argument was they have to own and manage it. Now few Sinhala Intellectuals, who were the real destroyers are hooting and shouting that the 6.9M Modayas have damaged their democracy. If that is the case that minority Sinhala Intellectuals themselves want to own and manage the country, not the voters, then why did they annihilate Tamils, who anyway had kept the country like Japan? There is no honesty in Sinhala Intellectuals, then or now. But the truth is, Sinhala Intellectuals have annihilated everybody. Now their attention is changing to Sinhala Buddhist Mondays.
This is what Martin Niemöller explained in his poem: “Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Poor Modayas!
Eagle Eye / July 30, 2021
British managed the country and 2 million Tamils brought from Hindusthan did the dong key work for Brits to exploit Sinhale. If Tamils are so good in managing, why Tamil Nadu could not become another Singapore? Even now there are millions of Tamils in Tamil Nadu living in abject poverty. Modi has to bribe Tamils to use toilets instead of doing their jobs in pavements.
After Sinhalayo started managing the country after Independence, Vellala Tamils who lost their privilege status decided to sabotage the progress and resorted to violence against Native Sinhalayo. Tamil terrorists who terrorized the country for three decades and Muslim terrorists are responsible for pushing Sinhale to the current pathetic situation.
“He was referring to the time when 2 Million North East Tamils were managing 75% of the country’s affairs…”
old codger / July 30, 2021
“why Tamil Nadu could not become another Singapore? Even now there are millions of Tamils in Tamil Nadu living in abject poverty. “
Do you live on a different planet?
Or can’t you afford a newspaper? Tamil Nadu isn’t Singapore (yet), but it definitely isn’t Sri Lanka. But then, isn’t that why you work at sewage processing in Canada?
Native Vedda / July 31, 2021
old codger
“But then, isn’t that why you work at sewage processing in Canada?”
Did his uncle got him the job?
Pride Eagle must have thought it is better to clean white man’s s**t than Arab s**t. He can only choose from what is available to him.
He must be close to Jim Softy.
Mahila / July 31, 2021
Significant Senile Decay is being detected or wrong History books!
Mahila / July 31, 2021
Reprocessing of hereditary facts it seems. Whatever happened to those who came 600 years ago?
forgotten as assimilated!
Mahila / July 31, 2021
Manufactured Data Syndrome – MDS – serious illness. Curable though attended early.
cugan / July 30, 2021
Where is Eagle Eye last few years and every column same old …..Dutch…..Demulo…..VP……SJV……don’t realize we are going to be next to Afghanistan,and seeking help from Bangladesh…..the masses think we are next to Singapore….
Mahila / July 31, 2021
He has made an application to relocate to Dacca. probably the penny dropped only after MR made the successful Bangladesh 250 Million deal. Going back to the old roots indeed of the Lion race – Sinhabahu
Cyclops / July 30, 2021
Democracy in Sri Lanka is akin to “A wolf in sheep’s clothing”. The current clan under the cover of democracy are up to every form of skullduggery under the sun hoodwinking the gullible masses left right and centre.
The media is supposed to be the watchdog keeping a close eye, barking mad at the sly wolf when it’s up to its tricks. But what happened to the ferociouswatch dog ?
Burt / August 1, 2021
Looking for another Rajjapaksa.
“SriLankan Airlines seeks a new CEO”
Native Vedda / August 2, 2021
“Looking for another Rajjapaksa.
“SriLankan Airlines seeks a new CEO”
How about Thilak Weerasinghe?
a14455 / August 1, 2021
Sri Lankans of your type are lovely. love democracy when it validates your opinions. and complain when it doesn’t. what you are asking for is Americal system, not the real democracy
Native Vedda / August 2, 2021
What is democracy?
Don’t you think our opinions matter?
Before things turn sour don’t we have the right to prevent disaster, through expressing our constructive comments opinion/vise counsel?
You have bright future in a fascist state.
Keep campaigning for one.
Black Lankan / August 2, 2021
Ha…Eagle Maha Moron, yes he has a standard response to all. If he makes a small change then it gets censured by editor. Now coming to Namal Baby, congratulate him as he is bringing the next Olympics to Lankawa. So next Basil uncle is going for a podi loan ekak to Myanmar. Our Moron Eagle HLD will carry the Olympic torch to burn down opponents houses.