By Vipula Wanigasekera –

Dr. Vipula Wanigasekera
In leadership, knowing when to step down can be as crucial as knowing when to step up. This principle holds true across various fields, be it politics, the military, or sports. Leaders who exit at their peak often leave behind legacies of dignity and respect.
However, many choose to stay, risking the tarnishing of their once-glorified images. Sri Lanka’s political landscape provides ample examples of this phenomenon, with Ranil Wickremesinghe being the latest figure in the spotlight, in the event he doesn’t succeed in his Presidential aspirations.
In politics, the image of even the most well-intentioned leaders can be eroded over time. As they navigate the complexities of governance, their decisions, actions, and associations often invite scrutiny and controversy from day one of getting elected. The longer they stay in power, the more they are exposed to the risks of political missteps and public discontent. This is not unique to Sri Lanka; it is a global political reality. However, the failure to recognize the right moment to step down can diminish a leader’s legacy.
Take, for example, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He led Sri Lanka to end the war, a feat that granted him immense popularity and a strong mandate. But what if he had stepped down after his first term? What if he had handed over the reins to another Rajapaksa if the family has to be nurtured, while addressing the nation with the profound message, “In war, no one wins; everyone loses”?
By choosing to bow out gracefully, he could have solidified his status as a hero, remembered for his decisive leadership during a challenging time. However, driven by political ambition, he stayed on, and his image became marred by allegations of authoritarianism, corruption, and nepotism twice in 2015 and 2022. Today, he is seen less as a war hero and more as a figure who overstayed his welcome, a fate he might have avoided with a timely exit.
The world of sports and military leadership echoes a similar story. Arjuna Ranatunga, the cricket captain who brought glory to Sri Lanka, and General Sarath Fonseka, the military leader who played a key role in the war victory, also faced challenges in preserving their legacies. Their attempts to transition into politics further complicated their public images, leading to controversies that overshadowed their earlier achievements.
Now, we find ourselves at a crossroads with Ranil Wickremesinghe and this piece is written while listening to AKD responses to Media at Sirasa where his eloquence on various subjects is gaining further support from masses.
The upcoming Presidential election on September 21 has raised questions about his political strategy and whether he is making a grave error by contesting once again. Recent surveys, like the Sudaa Creation grass root approach, suggest that Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) is leading, with Ranil and Sajith Premadasa (SP) trailing closely. If this survey reflects the true sentiments of the electorate, the UNP vote appears to be splitting between Ranil and SP, potentially paving the way for AKD’s victory.
In the event of a second count, Ranil and SP may have a chance due to the preferential voting system. However, the fragmented UNP support and lack of coordination between the two candidates have raised doubts about their ability to secure the presidency. Ranil’s decision to contest might have been influenced by his followers and advisors, who probably banked on the support of the Pohottuwa members, a group whose credibility has been questioned specially given their past criticisms of him.
Ranil had an opportunity to retire gracefully when the election day was declared. After taking on the enormous challenge of stabilizing the country during a time of crisis, he could have exited the political arena with dignity. He could have been remembered as the leader who brought a semblance of serenity to the nation, even if it was more due to a natural normalization than strategic brilliance.
His recent actions, including not appointing an acting IGP or addressing the visa issue, Passport issue and accusations of using state resources for his campaign including announcement of salary increase to public officials a couple of days before postal votes etc, have only added to the skepticism surrounding his candidacy, not to mention getting a set of youth to praise his actions attempting to show the support of Gen z whom he probably thinks, live in and around Colombo with ability to speak English like the days he promised to offer chewing gun for farmers and bracelets for the youth!.
If Ranil loses this election, he risks fading into political obscurity, a fate similar to others who held on too long. In the eyes of Sri Lankans, leaders are often remembered not just for their accomplishments but for their exit. Is Ranil committing political harakiri by contesting thus depriving SP and paving way for AKD? at least as per Sudda creation survey.
In a political landscape where power equates to survival, stepping aside can sometimes be the most courageous act, one that preserves one’s legacy for future generations. Without power, a leader can become as irrelevant as a dodo—extinct in influence and memory.
*The writer is former Diplomat, Head of Tourism Authority, Lecturer at ECU Perth, Author, Youtuber, Meditation teacher and Reiki Healer.
Ajith / September 15, 2024
“In a political landscape where power equates to survival, stepping aside can sometimes be the most courageous act, one that preserves one’s legacy for future generations.”
It is absolutely true the Power greedy of Leadership most of the times ends up with the fading of their image. As you described Mahinda should have considered as National hero with the end of war and the Promise of his implementation of 13th Plus. But his greediness made him to hide under the cover and unable to face the people.
Ranil should have stepped down after the two years period of his Presidency and hand over the country to another generation now with the satisfaction I have did something to this country. He knows well he can’t do anything what he promises now because he was only supported by corruptors and opportunistic.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 15, 2024
Ranil is not committing Hara Kiri. He will be drinking Harak kiri. Curfew will be declared after the close of polling on Saturday evening. On the first count no one will get 50%. When it goes to counting of second preference, votes will be stuffed and Ranil will be the winner.
Ajith / September 15, 2024
” When it goes to counting of second preference, votes will be stuffed and Ranil will be the winner.”
I don’t think Ranil will take a risk to go for the second count because he knows that he will definitely go to the 3rd place in the first count. So, most probably stuffing of votes will be in the first round. May be power cut.
Mahila / September 16, 2024
Why confine “STUFFING OF VOTES” to any segment of count??? It could happen anytime, anywhere!!??
SJ / September 16, 2024
“When it goes to counting of second preference, votes will be stuffed and Ranil will be the winner.”
How will preference votes be stuffed when the agents for each candidate has the right to be present during counting? The second & third preference counting process is unambiguously stated.
The man has a serious deficit of rationality.
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
May our people be blessed with brains.
AKD led group will lead this country to real mess.
vipula / September 16, 2024
Ajith tjat was my point too
Mallaiyuran / September 15, 2024
“Is Ranil Committing Harakiri
Why would he? A country is sworn to commit Harakiri if he calls to implement the S9 of the Cristian Sinhala Buddhist Junius Richard’s 1978 constitution. Election may bring a leader. Elections may remove a leader. But whatever the leaders establish, their legacy is here to flourish on the earth. That is why Evil repeatedly says he follows the path of Don Stephen. Don Stephen died during his great service for the country. But Solomon West Ridgeway Dias took it where it was left. His adorable queen, the wife, took from where it was left. JR did. The country still has many do the Harakiri save the S9 of the 1978 constitution. Remember, Don fell from only a horse. No election from that day has brought any fall to his endeavors, unless this election is for the first time in 75 Years.
SJ / September 16, 2024
“their once-glorified images. “
Kindly name one such person bidding for power.
Mahila / September 16, 2024
(Part I)
Is it the position of NEC, that in the event of none gaining 50%+1 votes only the 1st and 2nd position Candidates’ PREFERENCES would be counted and not beyond!!?? THAT’S SOMEWHAT PUERILE!!??
May be wrong, if so anyone who has reason to believe otherwise please articulate, Why and How I’m WRONG?? Aware that First Commissioner-General has view, which differs!!??
If the 3rd Positioned candidate ‘C’, gets only 11% (assumption), then 89% of the “PARTICIPATORY VOTERS” hadn’t given their votes to mark him as No 1 Preference and as such are eligible to mark him (IF DESIRED) their 2nd and 3rd or 4th Preference as the case maybe!!?? Say if 70% of this 89% (62.3%) vote for candidate 3 that would enable the candidate in 3rd Position to Garner 11% + 62.3%), which is 73.3% of votes – cumulative of 1st and 2nd preferences – i.e. 36.4% of total count of “PARTICIPATORY VOTERS”!!?? Candidates slotted 1st (candidate A) and 2nd (Candidate B) then would have only the split of (100-62.3%) 37.7% of the second count votes!! If evenly split (‘WORST CASE SCENARIO’) then 18.85% would make for each candidate A and B!!?? If A Garnered 12.6% and B
Mahila / September 16, 2024
(Part II)
garnered 12.3% of “FIRST COUNT VOTES” RESPECTIVELY!!?? Then their FINAL Tally would end up with (12.6% + 18.85% = 31.45% and 12.30% + 18.85% = 31.15% of Participatory votes) respectively for Candidates A and B!!??
Final Tally post 2nd Preference, is A – 31.45%; B – 31.15%; C – 36.40% Totalling 99% of votes – BALANCE 1% = 110,000 votes other looser!!??
My thinking is if 3rd PREFERENCE vote count is enabled – Dynamics would change completely and instead of C being the winner Post 2nd preference count it may well be Candidate B or even Candidate A – First count winner!!?? Let’s see what happens, hopefully at least 3rd Preference count is processed!!?? What if the Ballot Counting Staff is tired, fatigued of counting, even LETHARGIC, none could help!!?? Historically, my memory serves me right, None, been asked to go HOME! Instead, held by executive FIAT to stay and serve and even beneficiaries of varied benefits and Positions, Post-Retirement, till DOTAGE!!?? Including as recently as 2014!!??
Jega / September 16, 2024
On what basis the writer is asserting that Anura Kumara will emerge as the winner? There is a survey by a consulting firm and time to time it is releasing their findings. What methodoly they used for the survey? Is taking a survey from few people enough? Have they gone to each part of the country and obtained different views of the people using a proper sampling method ? Some firms to become famous use this type of surveys. What is the guratee that they are not biased with somebody especially in a country like SL? They are also voters in SL and they have their own preferences in the forthcoming election. You speak to somebody who wants Sajith to come to power and he will show many supporting evidences to prove that Sajith will win. In reality, nobody knows who will win out of the three candidates Ranil , Anura and Sajith. Many election surveys proved false in the past too. So, without juping the gun we should wait till the election is over to find out who will be winner. Further, it is not reasonable to argue for a seansoned politician who has rescued the nation to reitire from politics just to keep his good name. The country needs such veterans in future too.
vipula / September 19, 2024
Yes Jega, you have a point. My version was based on visible public support as well as informal surveys done. O could be wrong but the points I made in this story may be worth reading
Buddhist1 / September 16, 2024
Do not insult the practice of “Harakiri”. It is a very honourable act. Only those who are honest and brave will do a Harakiri. Ranil is neither honourable nor honest. He is a crook and a backstabber. Even the most recent acts of dividing the SLPP and SJB are one act. The other is kicking out the state ministers who walked away from him, proving that the only qualification a person needs to be in the cabinet of ministers or state minister is pledging loyalty to Ranil. Hence, Ranil, the backstabber, will never commit Harakiri. Even posing a question such as this is an insult to the honourable act of Harakiri.
vipula / September 17, 2024
Yes Buddhist, I agree, I could have chosen a better title.
old codger / September 16, 2024
What I am concerned about is not Ranil committing hara-kiri but whether the voters are about to commit hara-kiri.
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
Perhaps, selbstmord to Sajith Peris is very likely 🤔. Thalatha has revealed a lot about Sajith Peris ‘ leadership skills.
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
I really don’t understand why Vipula chose it as the tittle?????
vipula / September 17, 2024
There could have been a better title Leela. What I meant was, if he looses, he will fade away with nothing to cherish as his achievements
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / September 16, 2024
Ranil has nothing to be proud of. He was always a self-serving utterly selfish man who played politics as a hobby, sniggering in parliament as he ridiculed the supreme court and laughing at his own crude and cruel jokes where he insulted the people of the land repeatedly, possibly because no one elected him anyway. He considers the poor people with utter contempt. The Putharno pretender is also a megalomaniac in the making, with nepotism very clearly displayed. He probably believes that looking stately, with a “queen” at his side will sway the poor hungry hordes. Unfortunately, those days are gone. The poor seek a long-denied justice. They know there is just one option for them.
vipula / September 17, 2024
Yes Lasantha, the way he threatens people, No Gas if I am not selected
vipula / September 19, 2024
leave Sajith aside. Ranils’s decision to contest shows how he relies on his stalwarts who never gave him a chance to contest in the past for presidency while bringing such a powerful party down to Zero
Mahila / September 18, 2024
Let’s Hope people remember, what happened when FRDB as new Finance Minister, post collapse of SLFP/LSSP/CP coalition in 1975 and walked away saying the conditions aren’t suitable for SL, within a year People were starving or eating from Dustbins!! Hope people are able to recall!! The problem is majority of electorate is young generation less than 30 years old, who weren’t there in 1975 to understand, what was happening!!??
God bless SL!!??
vipula / September 19, 2024
True Mahila, I was the youngest in the family so had to go in the queue all the time to buy the two pounds of bread which was not sufficient for 6 member family of ours. That said, no Government can take an extreme position like those days. It just that in Sri Lanka corruption became a religion which paved way for party like NPP