26 April, 2024


Israel Is The Villain Of The Peace

By Hameed Abdul Karim

Hameed Abdul Karim

Hameed Abdul Karim

For Mr. Angelo Jansen and his ilk, (Ceylon Today Thursday 17 July, 2014) like the Israeli spin doctor Mark Regev and all Israeli worshipers, it seems like history of the Palestinians’ tragedy began last week when Hamas fired rockets into Israel in retaliation to Israeli atrocities in Occupied Palestine.

So for those of us who do not know, the Palestinian catastrophe began when about a hundred years ago Zionist Jews supported by white supremacists in Europe and America, who now call themselves the ‘international community, brought European Ashkenazi Jews to Palestine. At first the Palestinians Arabs, both Muslims and Christians, welcomed their ‘cousins’ with open arms in sympathy because they were fleeing the enormous and horrible  butchery committed on them (the Jews) by white European Christians.

Taken for a ride

As time went by the Palestinians realised they were being taken for a ride and their homes and hearths and their very lives were at stake. But it was too late. By that time the Zionist Jews had already entrenched themselves in the land of their ‘cousins’ and were now preparing to drive them out of the land their forefathers had tilled for centuries. In 1948 the Zionist Jews destroyed hundreds of villages and expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their land and made these proud people beggars to wallow in refugee camps in other countries. Prior to the expulsion, or ethnic cleansing, the Zionist Jews (I make a distinction between Jews and Zionist Jews because all Jews are not Zionist racists and all Zionist racists are not Jews).

Jewish terrorism

Jewish terrorist groups like the Hagganah, Stern Gang, Lehi and Irgun had slaughtered thousands of Palestinians in their bid for an exclusive Jewish supremacist state. Deir Yassin comes to mind. In this village alone extremist Talmud orientated Jewish terrorists killed 280 unarmed men, women, and children by lining them up against the walls of the humble homes. Their churches were razed to the ground. Yes Deir Yassin was a Christian village but no mention of this is ever made in the west’s media for obvious reason. The leader of this extremist Jewish terrorist organisation was none other than Menachem Begin, who later went on to become Prime Minister of Israel and also bagged the Nobel Prize for Peace of all things. It was the same Begin that was wanted by the British for bombing the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing over 70 British soldiers. For this act of terrorism the British offered a reward of 35,000 pound sterling for Menachem Begin dead or alive! Of course a few Arabs also died in that attack, but that wouldn’t matter for the likes of Angelo Jansen. Palestinian lives are cheap, after all, as we see even today.

Hameed Abdul KarimAnother massacre that pops up in my mind is the horrifying attack on the village of Qibya by Ariel Sharon. In this attack the future Prime Minster of Israel butchered 69 Palestinians, two third of them women and children, as they slept in their homes. Forty five homes, a school and a mosque were destroyed. Even the US state department condemned this act of terror unlike today where we have President Barack Obama (and Prime Minster David Cameron) supporting Israel’s reign of terror in Gaza and the rest of Occupied  Palestine with absolutely no qualms.

Miko Peled

Mr. Jansen then goes on to accuse Hamas for using civilians as human shields ignoring the fact that Gaza is the most densely populated region in the world. There is no place without civilians and no place to hide. Miko Peled a former Israeli general made a telling point when he said that the last time around when Israel bombed Gaza the racist regime timed it so as to catch school children as they went to school or home from school. This way they could kill as many children (future terrorists, as some Zionists call them) as they could.  ‘This’ Peled says ‘was the most disgraceful day for Jews all around the world’. But I am sure Mr. Jansen wouldn’t even have heard of the incident. Be that as it may, what shall we call Miko Peled who supports and campaigns for Palestinian freedom anywhere and everywhere in the world? Ah! The Zionist Jewish barbarians have a tag for Jews like him. They call him ‘self hating Jew’. Bear in mind the last time around the so called ‘Jewish’ state used chemical weapon on civilian targets such as schools and hospitals called ‘White Phosphorus Gas’.  This time too they have bombed a hospital for the disabled and a mosque too. But then it is all the fault of the Palestinians after all. Who told them to be in hospitals and why did they go to a mosque for worship during the month of Ramadan?

Human shield

Talking of human shields Mr. Jansen must watch Jon Snow on Channel 4 excoriate Israel’s chief spin doctor Mark Regev when he used the same trite propaganda twist, as does Mr. Jansen, to justify Israel’s latest bombardment of Gaza. Snow hinted that Regev was not speaking the truth pointing out that children who were playing football on the beach were deliberately targeted and killed when an U.S. supplied Israeli warship fired on them in broad daylight leaving four children dead. All of them were cousins. But then again it’s not really Israel’s fault. Why should Palestinian children play football on the beach? Eh?

Mr. Jansen then goes on to carry water for the Israelis when he moans the murder of three Israeli teenagers in Occupied Gaza. For three weeks Israeli agencies knew the boys were dead but did not expose the information choosing the opportunity instead to mount a propaganda campaign against Hamas claiming it were they who had kidnapped the youths. Never mind the fact that Hamas had denied the allegation. Hundreds of Palestinians were arrested and flung into Israel’s notorious prisons. Some Palestinian children were killed (but that doesn’t matter, does it?). Israel destroyed homes as a collective punishment akin to the Nazi way of retribution violating all known aspects of international law. British parliamentarians called Israel’s latest assault on unarmed civilians in Gaza as a war crime. But then who are we to complain? Israelis are above international law as long as it has the US to back them to the hilt in all their war crimes.

Divide  and rule

To this day we do not know for sure who was responsible for the deaths of the Israeli youths. Maybe it was a rogue operation or maybe it were Israelis after all. Who knows? One thing is for sure Israeli took advantage of this opportunity to blame the Hamas and PLO unity deal which Benjamin Netanyahu condemned from the very start. It’s the age old imperialist ploy of divide and rule. How dare the Palestinians unite to defend themselves against the aggressor! Maybe the situation was created (certainly it was abused). Again who knows? Only time will tell.

Palestinian lives less valuable

The deaths of the three Israelis became international news within a few days but the willful murders by Israelis of over 100 Palestinian teenagers since the beginning of this year did not make it into even the corners of newspapers. There was a video of an Israeli sniper shooting dead a Palestinian for the whole world to see, but it did not matter. The victim was a Palestinian after all. And their cold blooded murders are just run of the mill stuff.

Gaza Withdrawal

Mr. Jansen describes the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza as a gesture of goodwill when the fact of the matter is that the resistance proved too much for the Israelis. Besides, the cost of the occupation was becoming unbearable for Israel in both economic and military terms. Same goes for the occupation and eventual Israeli retreat from Lebanon. Don’t forget that the Intifada then was taking a heavy toll on Israeli lives and economy. Mr. Jansen’s claim that the Israelis left behind greenhouses for the use of the useless Palestinians were all destroyed by Hamas is indeed a big joke. Can any sensible person imagine Israel will behave so altruistically towards the Palestinians? Surely if the matter was not so serious for the Palestinians half the population will die laughing!

Islamic Terrorists

Mr. Jansen’s constant use of the sound bite ‘Islamic Terrorists’ is of course catering to the ones who have heard of the conflict from western news agencies like the BBC, CNN, Fox News, Sky News and newspapers like the New York Times, Jerusalem Post Wall Street Journal among scores of others which are notorious for their shameless slants and support for Israel. Not to mention the extremist fundamentalist Christian church groups who believe Jesus Christ (peace be on him)  will only return only when all the Goy (Gentiles) are driven out of Palestine and Israel becomes a ‘pure’ Jewish state. At the same time these very groups will talk to you about how much ‘Jesus Loves You’ and how much he cares for the meek and the downtrodden. He had said the meek shall inherit the earth. Ironically these fundamentalist Christians don’t see the paradox in their preaching.

Christian ‘terrorists’

But here’s news for Mr. Jansen. There have been and continue to be Palestinian Christians who have been in the forefront of Palestinian resistance. One that I recall was George Habash of the PFLP.

There have been many Palestinian Christians who have taken on the world in defense of their rights. Edward Said that great Palestinian intellectual, Hanan Ashrawi Rev. Father Elias Chacour come to mind. And I wonder why Mr. Jansen, the fundamentalist churches, the Christian Zionist varieties, the Jewish Zionists don’t call them ‘Christian Terrorists’? After all they are fighting for the same cause as their ‘Islamic terrorists’ brethren!

I have had the pleasure of meeting two representatives of a Palestinian Christian group called ‘KAIROS’ here in Sri Lanka on an invitation by Bishop Duleep Chicera of the Anglican Church. One was Rifat Kasis and the other was Michel (I can’t remember his second name). For your information, Mr. Jansen, KAIROS’ mission is to call all Christians all over the world to help fight the Israeli Occupation of Palestine. In its proclamation it calls on all Christians to take note of the Palestinian suffering under the Israeli (Jewish) regime. More than 3000 Palestinian Christians have signed the proclamation. Are you listening Mr. Jansen, if you are Christian as your name suggests? Or would you prefer to call them ‘Christian Terrorists’? The choice is yours.

Apart from this I have had the pleasure of meeting Michel Soliman, Sri Lanka’s consul general in Jerusalem. He is also Christian and very much with his Muslim brethren for the freedom of all Palestinians. I was deeply honoured when he offered to take me to the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. Opposite the Church is the Mosque where Caliph Omar offered his prayers. I will never forget this emotional experience for as long as I live.

I must relate another incident to convince readers of the ground realities in Occupied Palestine. I, like every Muslim, had the wish to prayer at the Baithul Maqdis. This ‘Dome of the Rock Mosque’ in Jerusalem is so entrenched in Islamic history that is the third holiest site in Islam. But guess what? The Israelis refused us permission to enter the Mosque. And I thought, what’s this? I am supposed to be the bad guy in the movie so called ‘Islamic Terrorist’ and all that, and the Jews are supposed to be the good guys and here they are refusing to do a good deed? That’s how oppressive the Occupation is after all. But divine providence prevailed and we went under the radar with the help of a few good Samaritans and I was able to fulfill my religious obligation. But it had to be quick; I was told, before the gun toting Israelis came along. Time was short and I couldn’t gather the memories I would have like to.

Jewish Support Palestine

If you happen to be a Jew then please take note there are a large number of Jews who support Palestinian freedom. Among them are a group of Jews who call themselves ‘Jewish Voices for Peace’, ‘Code Pink, ‘ Jews for Justice’ and of course the Netrei Karta. So you see Mr. Jansen we Palestinian supporters are not alone.

I am sure readers would have heard of the famous American linguist and intellectual Noam Chomsky. He says quite categorically that Israel’s current assault on Gaza and the previous ones are an act of genocide. ‘War’, he explains ‘is fought between two armies’. Chomsky is a Jew. What shall we call him? Let’s have Mark Regev say he’s a ‘self hating Jew’ and see what the outcome will be. I dare him. Palestinians have no army, battleships, jet fighters or tanks. All they have are ineffective homemade rockets which have not caused any harm to Israelis, though over 200 Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis and more than 1500 injured in this latest round of violence by the apartheid state of Israel.

Palestine wiped off the Map

Mr. Jansen’s claim that Iran had pledged to ‘wipe Israel from the face of the map’ is so blatantly false and so hackneyed that the West’s media which first promoted this fable has since stopped the propaganda in shame. Ahmedinejad never said what the western media says he said. All that he said, quoting Ayotollah Khomeini, was that Israel will cease to exist as a racist state in time to come. And he’s not alone in that assertion. Henry Kissinger has said that Israel will cease to exist in another tem years time. Henry Kissinger is a Jew. He also happens to be a war criminal. And what’s more a Nobel laureate too! To his credit Le Duc Tho refused to share the Nobel peace prize with him claiming that Kissinger was a war criminal and he would not have his name linked with him.

But never mind that. Have you had a look at the world map lately Mr. Jansen? Look you won’t find Palestine anymore. Palestine has been wiped off the map by the Zionist Jews and renamed Israel! All claims, Biblical or otherwise, that there was a state called Israel once upon a time is patently false. There never was a state called Israel. There was always Palestine. Jesus Christ (peace be on him) lived in Palestine. Read the New Testament, if you are Christian or the Old Testament if you are a Jew.

Israeli altruism

Mr. Jansen claims that Israel allows Palestinians inside Israel for medical treatment and then these ‘terrorists’ used the opportunity to bomb the kind and altruistic Israelis. This is a fable that you might find in Israeli school books. However, I will agree that Israel allows Palestinian doctors into Israel. One such doctor was Izzeldin Abuleasih who operated in an Israeli hospital treating and caring for Jewish mothers. What fate befell that poor man will make the whole non-Zionists world cry. While he was at work delivering Jewish babies, Israel bombed his home in Gaza blowing to bits his three daughters. Can you imagine his anguish his agony, Mr. Jansen? And yet he, being morally upright, wrote a book titled ‘I Shall Not Hate’.

Gaza Open Concentration Camp

We have heard of concentration camps in which European Christians had incarcerated thousands of Jews and whenever we hear these stories, which are quite often, we grieve for humanity. Gaza is similar to those concentration camps run by the European Nazis. Today these same Jews have incarcerated over 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza blockading the entire area. Not even drinking water is allowed except under Israeli supervision. Every now and then Israel bombs the water resources, electricity and sewage systems not for the heck of it but so as to expel the entire population to achieve its objective of Erretz Israel. And Mr. Jansen wonders why Hamas is firing rockets at Israel. The word used for such violence is resistance. It is the same variety of resistance the French offered to rid their country of the Nazis. You could add the ANC to the list if you like. Why then is Palestinian resistance referred to as ‘terrorism’?  What would you call the leading Sri Lankans who fought for independence from British rule? And once we are finished answering that question tell me, Mr. Jansen, how would you categorise Mahatma Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru or Nelson Mandela or Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu?

1967 War

A whole lot of fiction had gone into the 1967 war. Jamal Abdul Nasser had no intention of going to war with Israel nor had any other Arab nations any such notion. They were war weary fighting the British and then the Ottoman Empire for and on behalf of the British and the French. The British had promised the Arabs full independence if they joined them in fighting the Turks. The Arabs fell for the trap and are still suffering on account of that betrayal. The Sykes-Picot agreement put paid to all Arab hopes.

To dispel the boring propaganda of the ’67 war in a nutshell let me quote Menachem Begin from his book ‘Revolt’. He had said the Arabs had no desire to go to war with Israel. We created the propaganda. It was we who created the war.

By the way, have we wondered why Israel’s wars don’t end in six days anymore?


In one part of his lengthy propaganda harangue on behalf of Israel Mr. Jansen claims that Hamas’ rockets have ‘destroyed many Israeli schools, hospitals, homes and so on…’ Come off it, sir. This is ridiculous and patently false. Not even the Israeli hasbara  ( propaganda) machinery have claimed such fables. Why, if this were true, America, that great champion of human rights, democracy, and war crimes, would have nuked the remaining Palestinians. After all Americans always do the dirty work for Israel, even after it was revealed that Israel had spied on them and sold their secrets to Russia.

Israeli democracy

There is often talk of Israel being ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ but even that fable has been dropped by the hasbara because it is clear that Israel can be anything but a democracy after its leaders’ claim that they want to be an exclusive Jewish state. Israel is an ‘ethnocracy’. Israel is an apartheid stat no different to South Africa under white supremacy rule.

There are many things on the ground in Israel and Occupied Palestine that prove that Israel is a racist state. I will go only into one aspect because of space constraints. There are roads that are exclusive for Jews. No Goy (gentile) is allowed to use these roads. If the Mayor of New York was to bar Jews from certain sections of the state one can only imagine the international furor that would ensue.

Suffice it to say that no less a person that the champion anti apartheid fighter Arch Bishop emeritus Desmond Tutu has said that Israel is apartheid states worse than South Africa in some aspects. Need I say more?

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Latest comments

  • 3

    Yes, we know you guys are so innocent. How about a word about ISIS ultimatum to Christians in Iraq? And Israel is the only villain of peace!

  • 3

    Masjid Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock are two different buildings. Please don’t confuse people by conflating them. The zionists intend to demolish the former, and confuse the world by saying that the gold-domed Dome of the Rock is still there. Let’s educate people so they know the difference between the two.

  • 3

    There absolutely no doubt that Israel has no right to exist where it is now.
    If Hitler persecuted the Jews, they should claim piece of land in Germany; if US/UK support the cause of Jewish state they can consider lose some of their territory. Why Palestine becomes a victim for Jewish land dream??
    Zionists are doing to Palestinians exactly what the Hitler did to them or even worse Holocaust!!!
    That’s the Zionist Jewish way of gratitude- Retribution…
    More examples:
    100 of British troops were killed in King David Hotel in Jerusalem who fought along with Zionist to secure a land in Palestine.
    USA under constant espionage threat by ruthless Mozad.
    Sri Lanka was given arms to fight against LTTE and at the same time LTTE was trained in Israeli soil to counter attack the same arsenal provided by the Zionist.
    In the dictionary of Jews there are no true friends!!! so be aware!!!

    • 1

      As long as the Muslims believe that Israel has no right to exist, it has the right to use force to survive, although it is over doing it. If the Muslim has the power they will simply destroy Israel. In fact they will eliminate all other religions if they have the capacity, like in Iraq.

      • 2

        Padma makes an interesting point. Israelis will always defend with certainty their right to exist. So, fast forward 100 years and surely there will be no Palestinians in Gaza and possibly no Palestinians in Palestine. And all the time, all around them, Muslims will be slowly wiping out other Muslims, only taking time off every now and then to criticize Israel and the evil West for all their problems.Meanwhile, the smart Saudis and their profligate brothers in the Emirates will enjoy their oil riches under the umbrella of the US and the bankers down Wall street. Sunneth!

  • 3

    Wonder what Gosl’s stance is concerning this latest attack on Gaza?

    Hope they are distancing themselves from the conflict, although Israel would dearly like to draw parallels between the Lankan war and their desires to obliterate Gaza.

    Hope no perks from the Israelis will have some Lankan MPs touting for Israel. And especially we hope that the Christian Israel-worshipers, who base their whole reason for existence on the fulfillment of Israel, will not try and convince Gosl to go for the Israeli perks. And/or Gosl will not misguidedly hope that the West and US (out of some kind of Israel-fulfillment-superstition), will overlook Gosl’s BRIC stance.

    But, we hope that in spite of all the thieving Jews have done to Arab land, from this point onwards, the two races will come to a compromise. We hope in spite of all that has happened to the poor Palestinians for over a century, that Hammas will stop firing its rockets, and Israel will give back at leat ¼ of the stolen lands back to the Palestinian people. (Jews can migrate to other places)

    • 4

      “But, we hope that in spite of all the thieving Jews have done to Arab land,”

      Also remember the thieving Tamils and Sinhalese who continue to grab our ancestral land over 2500 years.

      “and Israel will give back at leat ¼ of the stolen lands back to the Palestinian people. (Jews can migrate to other places)”

      Hope Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamils too migrate to other places, North South India.

      Sinhala/Tamil hypocrisy knows no bound.

      • 1

        Jews are stealing Arab lands in the recent circa of around 100 years in modern-era, under the very noses of modern society.

        In Sri Lanka, human beings assimilating to form civilized societies and contribute to higher evolved beings happened 2,500 years ago is ancient-times. Indeed, in the few countries of the world that have goodness and loving-kindness genes, cave and jungle people like the Veddas still remain. Most other wicked countries like European countries drove killed and holocausted their cave/jungle people.

        If Sinhala-Buddhists look bad now, it is because their very kindness prevented them from forming sophisticated laws to combat violence, compared to countries that have violence in their blood, and so in modern eras installed a set of laws to control their belligerence. Time for Sinhala-Buddhists to upgrade their laws.

        • 0

          However, we realize Jews right to exist. It was out of desperation that they seal Palestinian lands. We know how their race has suffered in Europe. Maybe Sri Lanka can take in some Jewish immigrants. They are intelligent and beautiful people, and can add to the Sinhalese gene pool.

          • 0

            Israel is a concept of Jewish solidarity world over, and cannot be confined to one land stolen from others.

        • 0

          Ah Ramona,
          Those were the days…
          “””In Sri Lanka, human beings assimilating to form civilized societies and contribute to higher evolved beings happened 2,500 years ago is ancient-time””””
          when the Datusena punishment was standard.

      • 0

        ps. thieving I mean as a verb, not as a noun. Didn’t mean to sound hateful of the Jews. ……was speaking objectively based on current events.

  • 5

    We know that the Palestinians have been killed , maimed, injured,displaced and starved by Israel since a long time.They suffer not only because of the atrocities of Israel but also because of the negligence of Arab and Muslim countries in the world.Arabs and Muslims are very good at killing their own people but scared to face Israel.
    As Muslims have long forgotten the Palestine issue, the only alternative left for Palestinians is to recognize Israel on the condition that Israel recognize the Palestine state.

    • 0

      I agree with most of what you said.

      The Palestinians have accepted Israel’s right to exist.

  • 2

    well done Israel, teach these blood thirsty, uncultured, unethical, uneducated muslim terrorists a lesson they will never forget…..SL muslim terrorists tasted the same bitter medicine few weeks ago in Aluthgama

    • 0

      Bring Mossad back to SL.

      Israel was SL’s best friend during the war. Why did MR kick them out?

      • 0

        MR kicked them out because of typical Rajapaksa gratitude. If they are not of any further use, let them go. Israelis, Dayan, Rajiva etc etc etc

  • 2

    Unfortunately, though we have a head of state whose erstwhile support for the Palestinian struggle won him a road in his name in the West Bank, our government has a policy of entangling this country more and more with Israel. Apart from sending our workers there – even CARERS to minister unto a people who are inflicting daily misery upon the Palestinians — we are now contemplating allowing Israel to set up a Pharmaceutical plant in Hambantota. What kind of two-faced policy is this!

  • 3

    Maybe Hitler was Right?

  • 4


    “Maybe Hitler was Right?”

    I think you should withdraw your above comment.

    • 0

      NV, the quote by Rationalist, is what is doing the rounds on twitter and quoted by main stream media too. So,we will go easy on our person.

  • 2

    Rationalist you shoudn’t as long as the Zionist illegally remain in Palastine.

  • 5

    Next BBS/RS topic

    ` muslim male/female genital mutilation Lanka`

    down with the Burka and the Thoppi.

    Cavity check !!

    • 0

      and they’ll also want to ban sunneth.

      • 0

        Yes the only time they wash their ears is when they eat stolen water melon.

  • 0

    The following statement is a down right lie:

    Sri Lanka was given arms to fight against LTTE and at the same time LTTE was trained in Israeli soil to counter attack the same arsenal provided by the Zionist.” No LTTE cadre got trained in Israel or elsewhere, except initially in India. All their training, military tactics and strategy were all indigenous. Same goes to the canard that LTTE indulged in heroin trafficking, human smuggling etc. This was Goebbelsian propaganda by LTTE adversaries. If there was any territory free of drugs, it was Vanni under the rule of LTTE. The LTTE to their credit ran a de facto government free of corruption, bribery, nepotism etc. which are rampant in Sri Lanka. No White vans, abductions for ransom, no rapes, etc. There was no autocratic and dynastic rule like the Rajapaksa clan. No LTTE cadre was never ever found raping girls or women. Or found drunk. They were teetotallers in letter as well as in spirit.

  • 2


    The next topic that we should be discussing is – Stop Innocent Poor Sinhala Children Being sent to Buddhist Temples to become Buddhists Monks -. Sinhala BUDDHIST parents do not have the right to spoil the children’s Future. The children could be allowed to become monks after they become 18 years old.

    This will avoid unnecessary racial tensions and also beneficial to the economy…. see a simple arithmetic below assuming 25000 monks in Sri Lanka

    Number of monks in Sri Lanka = 25000
    Capable working hours = 8 man hours
    Total hours wasted in a day = 8 Man hours*25000 monks = 200,000 Man hours
    Total man hours wasted in a year = 200000*250 = 50,000,0000
    (Assume 250 working days in a year)




    • 4

      Israel don’t stop the music until Muslim terror is annihilated from the world. Lanka needs Israel and the Western (foreign exchange exports) too.!

      Israel Pump it! No more Jihadist in Lanka Need a rendition centre for Jihadist
      At Lanka- : G Rajapksa.


      • 0

        Let alone Israel… Are you ready for a cause to reduce Buddhist monk population in Sri Lanka. That will be beneficial to the society and Economy!

        By the way when did I become Pakistani Terrorist??

    • 5


      Interesting comment BUT…as far as your question goes
      Would you like to live in a house built by Galagoda Aththa Gnanasara?

  • 2

    Thank you Israel.

    We will always love you Israel, the only peaceful country in the Middle East. We the innocent people in Aluthgama know first hand about them.

    Long live Israel.

    • 3

      the Parkistani terrorist network that bombed SL Cricket team;
      aren’t they now active in Lanka via Marwans Kabi MirakR,Faiz etc?/

      Islamic fundamentalism
      Wahhabi Islam[5]

      Lanka- SARC rescue.
      Islamic Rendition Center like in Thailand the need of the hour in Lanka

      Nip it in the Bud.

  • 0

    Well, well. A detailed response to Jensen.

    I remind my Christian friends, Jesus was a Palestinian.

    Bibi, said he has the US wrapped around his fingers. So is Canada, UK, Australia etc, all wrapped around Bibi’s little finger. The Canadian PM Harper, is known to be ” more settler, than the settlers “.

    The Evangelical Christians r having a field day.

    Btw, here is a Ten Year Cease Fire Hamas offered Israel. Deafening silence from Israel. They need Hamas.


    It is known in the Western World, that Israel has lost the credibility war.

    Good on us, we are speaking something other than our Holy Land.

    Cheers to all.

  • 0

    Abdul Karim has made his points, naturally and sincerely.
    It is simply picking the bones of a conflict five thousand years old. Few come out with the bleeding obvious; how do we move forward from this abominable position now, to one of peacefully living side by side in the future. Maybe, the Israelis and Palestinians are doomed, like the Sinhalese and Tamils, to have to live side by side till the end of time. The mother of all divine curses.
    If the US is Israel’s best friend and supporter, whatever happened to the Russian support for Palestine. Or did that die when Chechnya bared its teeth? Unless Russia has second thoughts and comes to their aid, Palestinians are well and truly stuffed.

    • 0

      `Palestinians are well and truly stuffed.`

      Maggots just multiply irrespective of the security or economics- born and bred studbulls with a tip cut and their feeling less women (female genital mutilation)just spawn.

      UK Prime Minister David Cameron says Britain has not breached an embargo by selling military equipment to Russia, following MP demands to clarify the government’s position on UK-Russian arms deals.

      Sloan Square the most expensive location in the west is full of Russian Jewish oligarchs.

      MOSCOW, July 23 (RIA Novosti) – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday offered help to mediate a truce between the armed Palestinian group Hamas and Israel, which has expanded its military campaign in the Gaza Strip by launching a ground offensive.

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