17 September, 2024


Israel & Sri Lanka: UN’s Strikingly Different Approaches

By Usha S Sri Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

This article seeks to examine the stark contrast in UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon’s response, EARLIER in Sri Lanka’s genocidal war against Eelam Tamils and UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres’s response NOW in Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians. Ban Ki-moon’s approach certainly put at stake the independence of the office of UN Secretary General.

It has been announced that the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has now invoked Article 99 – which previously the TGTE (Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam) expected UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon to invoke when a genocidal war perpetrated against the Eelam Tamil people by Sri Lanka intensified in 2009 – an action Ban Ki-moon did not take.

This dereliction of duty by Ban Ki-moon was ill-conceived, despite Sri Lanka’s unrelenting shelling of the Eelam Tamil people; his response to Sri Lanka’s offensive was abysmal, even as Charles Petrie later estimated around 70, 000 innocent civilians may have been killed and Bishop, the late Rayappu Joseph, gave evidence to the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission that 146,679 Tamil civilians were unaccounted for.

Article 99 of the UN Charter, gives the Secretary General special powers to call upon the Security Council to take action against threats to the maintenance of peace and security – in this case, the present Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has invoked Article 99 asking the Security Council to impose a ceasefire in Gaza to avert a humanitarian crisis – and has been unequivocal in his stand that the humanitarian suffering in Gaza warrants this!

What’s become abundantly clear, reading my response to the Charles Petrie Report on UN’s colossal failures during the last stages of Sri Lanka’s genocidal war against Eelam Tamils, is Ban Ki-moon’s callous disregard for human suffering, in stark contrast to that of Antonio Guterres’s. Ban Ki-moon’s dismal failure to call for a ceasefire, under Article 99 is a case in point. If such a call was made, and was heeded by the Security Council, it would have prevented a blood bath and saved many Tamil lives.

In the article, under the caption: ‘TGTE’s Response to the Report’, I write about TGTE’s plea to Ban Ki-moon made by the then Minister for the Investigation of Genocide, Deluxon Morris, calling on him to invoke Article 99, under the UN Charter, to persuade the UN Security Council, “to appoint an International Commission of Inquiry as recommended by his own advisers.”

Deluxon Morris insisting that not merely war crimes but genocide must be investigated.

The UN Secretariat’s response NOW under Antonio Guterres and EARLIER under Ban Ki-moon begs a comparison for its strikingly different approaches; the latter’s approach putting at stake the independence of the office:

Please note this comparison is not to degrade or undervalue the suffering borne in either case.

UN Secretariat’s response NOW shows it has learned from the past and isn’t as ill-prepared, inept or inaccurate in its assessment of the situation or blatantly partisan as it was EARLIER during and after Sri Lanka’s genocidal war against the Tamil people;

Whereas NOW the UN has not left the war zone and is on the ground in Gaza despite many UN staff being killed;

Whereas EARLIER Ban Ki-moon ordered UN staff to leave the war affected areas, on Sri Lanka’s instructions, despite Tamil civilians begging the UN to stay;

Whereas NOW the UN has set up more shelters for the people and Antonio Guterres has been categorical in his warnings that UN humanitarian posts – namely UN premises, clinics, schools and shelters must never be targeted;

Whereas NOW the UN Secretariat has been highly critical of the blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza preventing civilians from receiving humanitarian assistance – food water fuel, medical aid and other necessities, with the UN even succeeding in seeking a ‘humanitarian pause’ at least for a few days;

Whereas EARLIER Ban Ki-moon seemed as though he was working in cohorts with the government of Sri Lanka, his judgment somewhat clouded;

Whereas NOW it’s refreshing to hear Antonio Guterres continue to publicly speak out against both Hamas and Israel, despite eliciting strong criticism from Israel which has called for his resignation;

Whereas EARLIER the UN expressed condemnation only of the LTTE, unfairly blaming it for the violence;

Whereas EARLIER the UN Secretariat relied on civilian casualty figures put out by the government of Sri Lanka which was evidently false;

Whereas NOW the UN has been releasing its own figures of the dead and injured;

Whereas EARLIER hospitals and ‘No Fire Zones’ were bombed and shelled by Sri Lankan forces with no one to try to stop them, express condemnation or send out a warning;

Whereas EARLIER without UN presence and with no one to speak on their behalf, with no Media to report on or post graphic details of the mass atrocities committed by Sri Lanka, Tamil civilians were left to die – to sadly fend for themselves with no humanitarian aid including medical aid forthcoming;

Whereas NOW both the UN Secretariat and the WHO have constantly reiterated the need for a ceasefire – alerting the world to the, “hellish scenario in Gaza” and describing the situation as, “epic”, as, “apocalyptic for Palestinians”;

Whereas EARLIER Ban Ki-moon’s close ties with President Mahinda Rajapaksa would have deterred him from calling for a ceasefire. The Rajapaksas gave Ban Ki-moon their solid support when Ban Ki-moon was running for the Secretary General’s post, asking his opponent, Sri Lankan candidate, Jayantha Danapala to withdraw from the race;

Whereas EARLIER Ban Ki-moon’s Chef de Cabinet, Vijay Nambiar was singing the tune of the government of Sri Lanka. In fact, it’s known, they had a cozy relationship. Vijay Nambiar’s brother, Satish Nambiar was an adviser to the government of Sri Lanka on defense related matters. Adding to the triumvirate who influenced Ban Ki-moon was Siddarth Chatterjee, his son-in-law, who was an officer in the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) which studies found, (one by Amnesty International and another by the Jaffna University Teacher’s Association), tortured, disappeared and killed many Tamils during their stint in the Eelam Tamil homeland, the North and East of Sri Lanka;

Whereas EARLIER, the UN Secretariat, under Ban Ki-moon, was, “complicit”, with the government of Sri Lanka – a serious accusation coming from UN staffers themselves who were posted in Sri Lanka before they were asked to leave by the government of Sri Lanka. In an “Independent Report”, Julian Vego reveals, “the UN did not do enough and enabled a situation of human rights abuses to include, according to many, genocide.” She writes about how UN senior officials and the hierarchy of the UN colluded and were silent on acts of genocide that were committed by Sri Lanka;

Whereas as NOW Antonio Guterres, in trying to force the UN Security Council into action, has invoked Article 99, wanting an immediate ceasefire to save lives and avoid further bloodshed;

It seems Antonio Guterres has definitely learned from the mistakes his predecessor, Ban Ki-moon made vis a vis Sri Lanka’s genocidal war against Eelam Tamils.

And this is to the UN’s credit under Antonio Guterres, although regrettably UN, as an organization, has little power and influence over its members and isn’t always successful in carrying out its mandate.

Even if the UN Security Council does nothing, even if Israel continues to slam him, calling for his resignation, even if his call does not result in a ceasefire in Gaza, the invoking of Article 99 by Antonio Guterres has to a great extent re-established the UN Secretariat’s independence and credibility. And this is to the UN’s credit under Antonio Guterres.



Here’s are some Extracts from my response to the Charles Petrie report showing the stark contrast in UN Secretary General’s response then and now:

– An honest analysis of the report would reveal a “Government”, totally in command and intent on eliminating the ethnic Tamil population it had wily trapped into so called ’no fire zones’ capitalized on the breakdown of the UN system that was seemingly ill-equipped and faltering, to execute its plan; this it did with pre-meditation, blocking all humanitarian aid and ensuring there were no witnesses, using heavy weaponry and firing at civilians from land sea and air, killing tens of thousands, and issuing orders to its military that was in violation of international law.

– Review Panel’ (the Panel) headed by Charles Petrie in exposing the colossal failure of the UN to stop the killings have enough incriminating material on the conduct and actions of the Rajapaksa government, that should be investigated to establish beyond doubt whether or not what happened in Mullivaikaal was genocide. An international investigation has now become critically important for the truth to be revealed.

– The UN Placed Greater Emphasis on LTTE Responsibility and failed to Mention “Government Violations.” The Panel’s findings now show senior UN officials chose to misrepresent the ground situation with respect to responsibility for violation against the considered opinion of some UN staff, “placing primary emphasis on LTTE responsibility when facts suggested otherwise.”

– The UN repeatedly condemned the LTTE for serious international human rights and humanitarian law violations but largely avoided mention of the Government’s responsibility…Some UN staff in Colombo expressed to the UNCT leadership their dismay that the UN was placing primary emphasis on LTTE responsibility when the facts suggested otherwise, and urged a more public stance.”

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  • 8

    The background and progress to the position of the UN Secretary General by both Ban Ki Moon and Antonio Gutrres are different, and hence their approach to the respective situations.

    Nevertheless, the institution is a watchdog, unable to act with influence to involve article 99.

    The cry is to stop the war, stop the killings and implement the two-state solution, for peace and stability in the region, for both the peoples to live and let live.

    “Never Again” after Rwanda but allowed state terrorism in Mullivaikkal and now in Gaza, under their watch
    Peace be upon us, but when, UN ?

  • 0

    Ms. Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah
    Thank you for your article. I was impatiently waiting until someone published an article about Israel’s genocidal war in the Gaza Strip to share my opinion.

    • 3

      You say, “….when a genocidal war perpetrated against the “Eelam Tamil people” by Sri Lanka intensified in 2009….”
      Eelam Tamil People? Who are they? Sri Lanka never fought a war against a group of people under that definition. You have started your article with a blatant lie. The word Eelam denotes separatism. For your information, separatism, secession, terrorism, extremism and crimes against peace and humanity are a threat to Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, and therefore, the Sri Lankan government exercises the constitutional right to eradicate the threat.
      The Dutch have “duly recorded” its ethnic cleansing of the Sinhalese from Northern parts of Ceylon (which were not recognized as “separate provinces” at the time), and colonized them with Indian malabaris.
      There is absolutely no comparison between Sri Lanka’s war against LTTE terrorists and Israel’s genocidal war against Palestinians in the densely packed Gaza Strip.
      Israel’s illegal occupation of Gaza and West Bank is the reason for Hamas’ existence. In 2006, at the request of the then US President, Palestine’s Parliamentary elections were held. At the election in Gaza, which was internationally regarded as open and fairly contested, Palestine’s Islamic party Hamas defeated the secular political party Fatah. In 2017, they signed a deal to end the rift between them.

      • 18


        ” Sri Lanka never fought a war against a group of people under that definition. You have started your article with a blatant lie. “

        When you have your head stuck somewhere deep inside it is difficult for you to learn, grasp any new knowledge yet I will try my best to impart some information. Even Saroja Sirisena could not or would not learn.

        Anyhow read the following article:


        Tamil Eelam is just an political idea while EELAM is the Tamil name for this island. If you want to respond instantaneously don’t do it as I got plenty of time in my hand.

        • 2

          Keyboard Vedda
          Whaaaat? You provided the link of TELO as proof of “Eelam Tamil People”. TELO? Are you referring to the same TELO, whose terrorist cadre were trained by the RAW in terrorist training camps in India?
          Wasn’t it easier for you to provide the list of the names of those “Eelam Tamil People” and their leaders who waged a war against the Sri Lankan government until 2009 (as mentioned by the writer of this article, Usha)? I wonder who they were??? How come “Eelam Tamil People” weren’t mentioned under Sri Lanka’s demographic profile?
          Tamils in Sri Lanka were first listed in 1911 in British-Ceylon as a separate group originated from Malabaris. They can be identified as 6 groups who have migrated from different parts of India.
          1. Colombo Chetty )
          2. Negombo Chetty) from Nagapattinam and Kerala in India
          3. Batticaloa Chetty)
          4. Jaffna Tamils – from Tamilnadu
          5. Estate Tamils – from various districts in South India
          6. Ahiguntika – Indian Telengu speaking people

          • 12


            “You provided the link of TELO as proof of “Eelam Tamil People”. TELO?”

            Yes I did.

            “Are you referring to the same TELO, whose terrorist cadre were trained by the RAW in terrorist training camps in India?”

            The RAW is part of Hindia’s security organisations.
            Whether Hindian RAW trained TELO or Hindian armed provided them training it does not matter. However do you know the same Hindian security institutions have been training Sri Lankan armed forces for donkey’s years. It so happened recently Hindia has promised to train another 1500 potential war criminals or state funded terrorists:

            India to train 1,500 Sri Lankan army personnel as part of Neighbourhood First policy

            So there is nothing new or different.

            “Tamils in Sri Lanka were first listed in 1911 in British-Ceylon as a separate group originated from Malabaris.”

            Mahawamsa states Sinhalese people originated from a beast copulating with a Bengal beauty. Do you agree with Mahawamsa?

            You refer to the well researched article and raise your genuine questions not those stupid questions which has nothing to do with my rational comment. Don’t be too clever.

            • 0

              Keyboard Vedda
              Again, you failed to present a logical argument to prove the existence of “Eelam Tamil people”. I shall conclude that you have no evidence.
              There is absolutely no mention of a beast story in Mahawansa. It was the “interpretation” of Willem Geiger who erroneously translated the name of a Sinhalese King called “Sihabuja” as “Sinhabahu”, “a person who had hands of a lion” and incorporated a “story” written by a Dutch priest who lived in Yapa Patuna into Mahawansa as the origin of the Sinhalese.
              Another false mention in Willem Geiger’s Mahawansa” was that Lord Buddha handed Lanka to “Vishnu” for protection. Lord Buddha actually handed over Lanka to “Vishma” NOT “Vishnu” who is also known as “Vesa-muni” or “Vishmakarma-Muni Ravana”. “Muni” means “Irshi” (Sage).
              Willem Geiger didn’t translate the entire Mahawansa. He has mentioned that he “removed” all “mythological aspects” of Mahawansa and translated the rest. What he meant by “mythological aspects” was the history of Ravanas (plural). He couldn’t believe the advanced Sinhalese civilization during the reigns of Ravanas who once ruled the entire world, and he was racially prejudiced to give credit to ancient Sinhalese for their marvellous inventions.

              • 0

                Champa, when did Ravanas rule the entire world. Is it on record

          • 5

            “TELO,whose terrorist cadre were trained by the RAW in terrorist camps in India”

            Have you still living in this island and begging for food and money to the same India who trained terrorists? What a shame? Don’t you know that the same India gave you money to get electricity in Buddhist Terrorists.

        • 16

          Champa writes her own history books. Argument is futile. If proved wrong, she writes another one.

          • 3

            ‘ If proved wrong, … writes another one.”
            Nearly who doesn’t?

          • 12

            old codger

            “Champa writes her own history books. Argument is futile. If proved wrong, she writes another one.”

            True, Champa is like your lady friend ramona therese fernando, keep manufacturing her facts.

            The problem with many of them is their refusal to grow up like SJ.

      • 11

        Sri Lanka fought a genocidal war against the island’s Thamizh, and this is a fact that. most Chingkallams and the fake Arab South Indian Thamizh immigrant so called Sri Lankan Moors or Muslims now running around everywhere pathetically dressed in Gulf Arab garb and behaving like Arabs, want to deny whilst hypocritically crying about Palestine and the Palestinian Arabs. This ethnic cleansing and structural genocide of the island’s Thamizh, that looks like it was very well planned by the Chingkalla politicians and elite long before independence is still continuing.

        • 14

          The Dutch never recorded of any ethnic cleansing of any Chingkallams from the north and east of the island and stop lying. There is no record of anywhere of Chingkallams living in the north and east of the island and being ethnically cleansed and forced to move and Thamizh from South India moving there on a large scaled and settling, there. This is blatant lie now being concocted by Chingkalla racist like you, now ironically crying about the plight of Palestinian Arabs. Not even the Mahavamsa. In fact, even your racist part fairy tale Mahavamsa, that is mainly about what happened in the Chingkalla south, constantly refers to the areas to the north and east of the island, as the land of the Thamizh. Even the Portuguese Dutch and British have noted and written that from ancient historical times the island had two nations, the north and east the Thamizh or Malabar and the west, south and central areas the Chingkallams, having their own kingdoms and ruling their lands and these were separated by thick forests and rivers.

          • 12

            Half the present day so called Chingkalla population are here thanks to the Portuguese and Dutch who imported thousands of low caste or untouchable Thamizh from South India from what is now modern Tamil Nadu and then Thamizh Kerala and settled them along the western and southern littorals to due menial service work or work as indentured slave labour. Their Chingkalized descendants are the present day Chingkalla Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hunu and many other service castes now making up around 30-50% of the present day Chingkallams. All the ancient names for the island have a Thamizh origin. Eezham, land of gold or toddy, Lanka from Thamizh Ilangu meaning shinning or resplendent. ( Ilangu or Ilanguthal the noun is Ilankai). Thamaparani is a river that flows in Southern Tamil Nadu and empties in the Gulf of Mannar, which the Greeks mistook for being part of the island, as they traded extensively with the Thamizh around these areas, especially in Manthai in Mannar areas and called the island Taprobane, of course in Prakrit also it means red or copper coloured. Which the island was called from ancient times in Thamizh Chingkalla Theevu meaning red or copper coloured land or Cheran Theevu meaning the island of the Naga( Cheran is another ancient Thamizh name for the Dravidian Naga)

            • 12


              This proves that ancient Thamizh speaking Dravidian population were already there on the island and the island’s Chingkallams and Thamizh are very closely related to each other and are mixture of the ancient Thamizh or semi Thamizh speaking Dravidian tribes and the Prakrit speaking North Indian immigrants who migrated to the island from what is modern day Maharashtra, Gujarat and Bengal. Please research and google before posting.

    • 0

      Champa, Israel is attacked by Hamas to drive it into the sea, That will never happen as God promised that Israel will never be removed from there after 1948 reestablishment. Israel is now defending itself against that terrorism, until Jesus returns there as promised.

      • 3

        When White war-mongers massacre People of Colour in other countries, it is “self defense”. They are even allowed to kill babies and women of colour in thousands and thousands for “self defense”.
        When the People of Colour take up arms against the White war-mongers to defend their native lands, it is “terrorism”.
        I am not a “terrorist”. But, even my blood is boiling when I see the carnage in the Gaza Strip. Whenever I see dead bodies of Palestinian children, I feel like fire coming out of my ears. Whenever I see wounded Palestinian children, my fists clench without even realizing it. The world is watching helplessly with grinding teeth at the US and Israeli terrorist attacks in the Gaza Strip. They are the most hated countries in the world of all time.

        • 0

          Israel itself has justified Hamas” attacks. The day Israel learns to stay within its own territory, Hamas will go out of business. Until then, the cycle will continue.
          Do you know who first introduced terrorism to the world? Jews!. According to the British, “It is the Jewish terrorism against British and Arabs that contributed to the removal of the British from Palestine and the creation of a Jewish State on Palestine territory.”
          I am beginning to understand why there are so many militant groups in West Asia. See how far Yemeni Houthis have come. When the White House announced that the US warships in the Mediterranean Sea were attacked, I first thought they were false-flag attacks. Then, Houthis hijacked a ship in the Red Sea and took the crew as hostages. (What happened to the crew?) I was very surprised. When I last read about the Houthis years ago, they were operating from tiny fishing boats. Today, they have Ballistic Missiles! Whose fault is it? The US is responsible for that. We don’t know yet, but they may change the equation of the Israel-Gaza war.

  • 10

    Mrs. SSSR,

    Look at the big picture. Even with the support of 1 billion fellow Muslims –indeed, even most of the Global South and parts of Europe — the lot of the Palestinians hasn’t improved. It has only changed for the worse. Despite the personality differences between Ban Ki-Moon and Antonio Guterres, the UNSC resolutions are being vetoed by the U.S.

    So what could the SL Tamils –not even getting the full support of the roughly 75 million global Tamils–have done to succeed in a lop-sided armed struggle? Without understanding the world order, its power structure, and its iniquities, the LTTE leadership failed to take advantage of the space provided by the Ceasefire Agreement made in 2021 to make a complete transformation and leverage it to the maximum for a workable solution.

    The result is that Tamils are in a much worse state than when the armed struggle started. It calls for sober reflection, not emotional lamentations about a fundamentally unfair world order or the fecklessness of the UN, which is not news to anybody.

    • 2

      Are there no lessons for Tamils about the US in this sordid affair?

      • 13

        “Are there no lessons for Tamils about the US in this sordid affair?”

        Are there no lessons for Tamils/Sinhalese about China’s love affair with Sri Lanka?
        In fact China needs both of you, not because China likes you but because China likes your land, space, sea and air.

      • 11


        Why don’t you tell us what lessons, other than the reality I outlined, should the Tamils take away from this?

        What concrete steps, if any, have Russia and China taken to help the Palestinians? Indeed, they have only given false hopes to them and then left them to fend for themselves in the face of Israel’s genocidal attacks.

        Do you think that if the Tamils had rebuffed the West, Japan, and India, and turned to China or Russia, they would have helped our people in some way?

  • 0

    A fellow commenter, “Sura” posted a comment addressed to me on the article titled “Futility Of A ‘UN Day Of Palestinian Solidarity’ – In A World Carrying Its Past Guilt!” I couldn’t reply to him as the article was closed for comments. This is the comment.
    Your assertion 1. Palestine was named by the Romans to upset the Jews after they lost the battle with the Romans…
    My reply: Romans maintained the original name, “Palestina Syria”, because Palestine was a part of Syria at the time. According to British records, Romans invaded “the land of Palestine”.
    Your assertion 2. Philistines were the arch rivals of Israel back then, hence why the name was chosen…
    My reply: Philistine and Palestine (the Arabic name is Falastan) are two different names with two different meanings.
    The name Israel was not mentioned in history books. A country called Israel was invented by Zionists at midnight of Friday, November 14, 1948, exactly the same time the British Mandate in Palestine expired. The US recognized the Israeli state instantly on the same day.

    • 0

      Your assertion 3. Palestine is the old Israel… Clearly you see by the notes of Torah, Bible and Quaran….
      My reply: The British settler colonists clearly didn’t seem to find the word “old Israel” in the Holy Torah, Holy Bible or Noble Quran. That is why they called their colony British-Palestine. If they invaded “old Israel”, they could have named it British-Israel. A simple logic.
      Your assertion 4. Even SriLankan history shows our trades with Israel.
      My reply: Who told you that? Show me the evidence.
      The only place where a name similar to “Israel” mentioned in books written by Ravana Irshis (sages) was “Isvaralaya”. “Isvara” means “අදෘෂ්‍ය” “not seen”. “Isvaralaya” means “the country or place that cannot be seen or a country that does not exist”. How did Sinhalese engage in trade with a “country that did not exist”?
      Your assertion 5. Pilgrimage history to Israel while Romans occupied the territory speaks about Israel after they became Christian in AD 380.
      My reply: Romans never occupied a territory called Israel.

      • 0

        Your assertion 6. Automans Empire have sold the land to the Jews when they were the rulers.
        My reply: Yes. When Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire, they sold Palestine lands to Jews to generate tax revenue. That is howJews first settled down in Palestine. (The Dutch did the same in the North in Sri Lanka. They brought down labourers from South India for their tobacco plantations and later sold the lands belonging to the Sinhalese King to South Indians. That is how Malabaris settled down in the Northern parts of Sri Lanka.)
        On the maps presented by the Turkish author of the “17th-century Ottoman Empire” Kâtib Çelebi, there is a clear mention of the places such as, “Land of Falastin”, ”Quds Sharif”, “Gaza” and “Yafa”. There is absolutely no mention of Israel on those maps.

        • 0

          Your assertion 7. There is no nation called Palestine but an area.
          My reply: The name Phalestine was derived from the Sanskrit word “Phalasthanaya” ඵලස්ථානය. “Phala” (ඵල) means fruits. “Sthanaya” (ස්ථානය) means the location/place. So the meaning of Palestine is “the place where fruits are grown”.
          The native inhabitants of Palestine were Arabs. That is why the British partitioned Palestine as Arab Palestine (State) and Jewish Palestine (State). For your information, the British Partition Plan of Palestine hasn’t recognized a country named Israel.
          There is no nation called “Jew”. It is a religion. Israelis are Europeans.
          Your assertion 8. Jews and Arabs both Muslims and Christians lived there
          My reply: Jews and Christians were a minority in Palestine.

          • 0

            Your assertion 9. In regards to apartheid state is a lie.. Jews, Muslims, Christians and all other religions thrive in Israel… The laws protect them from discrimination… They represent the army, navy, judiciary, parliament and the police… They have access to education the same as everyone… When it comes to university entrance, they are taken with lower marks………….
            My reply: I didn’t talk about Israel. How the Israeli government rules Israel is not my business. What I said was, Palestinians are entirely besieged by Israel and the latter practically rules the Gaza Strip and the West Bank by apartheid laws as described in one of my previous replies to you. Do you want me to repeat?

    • 0

      Addendum to your Assertion 9.
      The Israeli PM and his civil and defense officials treat and even publicly state that Palestinians are (caged) animals. They have practically imprisoned Palestinians in an open-air-prison completely controlling the bare necessities of any human being including water, food, medicine and fuel. They control all the natural resources of Palestine. They establish illegal settlements in Palestine territories even as we speak. Israel Defence Force arrests Palestinians, mostly children, youth and women in their own West Bank and Gaza territories, and punishes them either by directly killing them or imprisoning them under a foreign law without charge. (Israel law is not applicable in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.) If the above-mentioned policies are not apartheid laws, what are they?

    • 0

      Addendum to my 1/5 above.
      To be precise, the State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, even hours before the British Mandate in Palestine terminated. It happened as a result of a clear conspiracy involving Britain, US, UN and European Zionists.

    • 0

      Champa, Very beginning of bible shows God telling Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them” Lev.23,1-2 This was to keep the festivals God had appointed for Israel.

      • 0

        I never knew Jesus endorsed violence. I think you have made a mistake.
        From the time Israel was established in 1948, the only thing they did was promote violence in the Holy Land.
        Jerusalem, God’s Holy Abode on earth, was desecrated by innocent Palestinian blood. (About God, God of the Gods is different from this God.)
        Eventhough a fellow commenter SJ justified recent Hamas attack at a bus stop in Jerusalem as a retaliation of Israel’s massacre against Palestinians, I denounced it. Because Jerusalem is a Holy City. It should be violent-free. Clearly, Israelis/Jews are not the followers of Jesus or God. They should learn from history.
        In December 1917, the Turkish Ottoman Army, who occupied Jerusalem, raised a white flag (presumably to avoid a war with the British in the Holy City). On 11 December 1917, General Sir Edmund Allenby, the British Commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, entered the Holy City on foot. ON FOOT!!! Britain should be ashamed to support Israeli violence against Palestinians in the Holy Land, particularly, in Jerusalem, the Holy City. Israel war mongers have no right to be in Jerusalem. The Holy City rightfully belongs to Palestine.

  • 3

    It is because Ban Ki Moon have had a b—–d called Vijay Nambiar as his Chief of Staff

  • 0

    USSSR, Benjamin Netanyahu says that Iran-Palestine threat does not make them afraid. They have been assured by their God of living in their own land without being evicted ever again as it happened several times before that. Those who do not know this will continue trying to kill them. Israel will defend their land.

    • 2

      Who is stealing land since 1940s? Who is killing whom since 1967?
      For your own GOD’s sake be truthful.

      • 0

        SJ, I am only quoting the bible. In the 1st book of bible Gen.32,28 Israel were descendants of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, whose 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel. Later in Gen. 35,10, God said to him, Your name Jacob shall be Israel, and the promise that the land which was given to Abraham and Isaac, he gives to Israel. As far as I know, I am truthful

  • 0

    USSSR, Your article has aroused many to expose their anti-semetism of which they may even be unaware. Though I could be silent, I am stirred to give what little knowledge I have regarding Jerusalem. The name Israel came from the Creator God and its first king was Saul and later David and Solomon. Zech. 12,2 says God will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all gathered against it. Zech. 12,8 says God will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem and much more follows this city of God. Military PM Ariel Sharon who fought in wars of Suez, Yom Kippur, Palestine and 6-day wars withdrew from Gaza and was in coma for 8 years before he died in 2014. The bible ends by the resurrected living Jesus saying ” I am coming quickly”, with his feet standing on the mount of olives.

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