8 September, 2024


Jaffna Unrest Had Political Dimension Too

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

The mob violence that suddenly burst forth in Jaffna has given rise to multiple interpretations, both in Jaffna and elsewhere. Opposition politicians have claimed that the displaced Sinhalese who have been resettled in parts of Jaffna were being targeted. Others claimed that national security had been jeopardized by the demilitarization taking place in the North and the entrusting of security measures to the police. They saw in the unrest the footprint of the Tiger seeking to stage a comeback with support from parts of the Tamil Diaspora who continue to harbor separatist ambitions. In these analyses of the happenings in Jaffna there seemed to be a certain nostalgia for a return of the old days when the former government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa ruled the North with an iron hand. But this was not the reality in the North nor the desire of the people there.

I traveled by train to Jaffna two days after the civil disturbances in Jaffna and hartals had shut down parts of the North. The day I reached Jaffna there was a court order that banned any public protests. The area close to the courts complex had been sealed off by the police. As a result television footage of that part of Jaffna would have given the impression that the city was empty and military control was high. There was a large contingent of military personnel on the streets. But they stood by, and made no attempt to interfere with the ordinary life of the people which continued in the rest of Jaffna. The general population seemed accustomed to their presence, which had become a part of the natural landscape during the previous decades.

My Muslim colleague and I went to lunch in a Muslim “hotel” or more accurately roadside eatery located on a side road. I asked my colleague to start a conversation with a diner at the next table whom I assumed was a Muslim and who would therefore be conversant in the Tamil language, and find out what he thought of the current situation. To our surprise the person who was addressed in Tamil replied in Sinhala and said he was Sinhalese. It turned out that he was a worker at a bakery in Jaffna. He said he was from Matara, but had come to Jaffna as the price of bakery products was higher in Jaffna than in Matara, so he could make a better living here. He sold bakery products by going house to house on a motor cycle which had been made into a delivery vehicle. He said he and his friends had faced business reprisals five years ago when they first started their business venture, but now it had all settled down. He did not feel threatened.

Police Inaction 

The mob violence in Jaffna arose after the rape and murder of a teenage girl in one of the small islands off Jaffna. The initial public anger was directed against the police who had been slow to act on the complaint of the family members of the girl. Like in the rest of the country, there is a sense of frustration within the community that too often the police do not work as quickly and efficiently as they should. In this instance, the police reaction had been to not take the complaint seriously and to be jocular and say that the girl had probably gone on a rendezvous with a boy. The family and larger community felt that if the police had acted earlier the girl’s life might have been saved. In fact it was the brother of the girl who had found her body after he had searched the area that she usually walked on her way to school.

Jaffna rapeThere has been a longstanding complaint emanating from the people of Jaffna that when robberies of their homes, and rapes of their women take place, the police are inactive. While they do not accuse the police as being the culprits, they sometimes doubt whether the police is in connivance with the wrongdoers and being paid off by them, as the reasons for their inactivity. The deficiencies in the police are more aggravating to the people of the North as most of the police officers in Jaffna, and indeed the North, are Sinhalese from far away, and not Tamils from the same community. In more democratic countries like those in Europe where participatory democracy is valued, the local police are usually drawn from the community themselves and not from far away.

The civil society members I spoke to in Jaffna said that it had been civil society groups, such as the Teachers Unions and university students that had organized the shut down of normal life for a day of protest against the failure of the law enforcement agencies to be more effective in protecting the people. However, they do not believe that these groups planned anything violent, such as the throwing of stones that damaged the courts complex and nearby commercial establishments. During the public protests a section of the crowd had turned violent and resorted to stone throwing which led to police firing tear gas and a general commotion. The civil society members I spoke to were convinced that there was a political hand behind those who acted violently, and they had their theories.

Political Motives 

With the President announcing that a new government will be in place by September and the indications that general elections are fast approaching, all political parties and potential candidates are busy mobilizing their forces or planning to do so. One of the interpretations in Jaffna regarding the identity of those who threw stones and behaved in a rowdy manner unbecoming of a civil society is that that they were politically organized groups with a political agenda. The allegation is that there is a section of the polity that wishes to create a general impression that the North continues to be unstable and volatile even six years after the end of the war, and therefore needs a strong hand and a powerful military machine to control it. After the events in Jaffna there were politicians with a nationalist orientation who said that the events in Jaffna demonstrate that the country needs a political leadership that will not betray the country or its armed forces whose grip over the North should not be relaxed.

Those who continue to speak and adduce arguments for a strong government and military presence in the North are challenging the most fundamental achievement of the new government led by President Maithripala Sirisena. This is the restoration of civil administration to the North and East, symbolized by the removal of the two governors of those provinces who were from military backgrounds, and replacing them with governors with purely civilian backgrounds. As a result the pervasive sense of fear and insecurity that underlay social and political life in the North of the country has been lifted. This is acknowledged and appreciated by the civil society in the North. Indeed, this fear has been lifted throughout the country, due to the restoration of the rule of law, and the banishing of the culture of white vans that took people away with impunity.

In the not so distant past, the former government dealt with civil unrest and mob action with extreme violence whether in the North or South. This was seen both in the free trade zone protest by garment factory workers and in Rathpaswella when villagers protested against the contamination of their drinking water by industrial waste. On both occasions the military was used to violently break up the protests with loss of life. However, on this occasion, the government succeeded in quelling the Jaffna unrest without resorting to violence. The government showed that it would not brook lawlessness and took about 130 persons into custody. The civil society members I met in Jaffna felt that many of those arrested were not engaging in violence and were there to protest peacefully, and hope that the courts will release them soon. They also appreciated the fact that there had been no overreaction on the part of the security forces that could have set a vicious cycle in motion.

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  • 8

    Jehan Perera,

    “The civil society members I spoke to in Jaffna said that it had been civil society groups, such as the Teachers Unions and university students that had organized the shut down of normal life for a day of protest against the failure of the law enforcement agencies to be more effective in protecting the people.”

    Did you venture out of Jaffna town and talk with rural people? Teachers and university students did not organize the hartal in the rural areas. The men who did it behaved well and for the youngest children it was the first time to see tires burning. In some parts of the area it became a party with women and children around the road blocks.

    • 1

      Jehan Perera has ventured to the North feeling safe now that the LTTE is not around. But soon he will find no Sinhalese or Muslims there. I did not see any Muslims or Sinhalese on my many trips to the North when the LTTE was up and running. The cancer is back Jehan. [Edited out]

      • 0

        You didnt see Muslims or Sinhalese Coz they were ethnically cleansed while the WORLD looked on.. and are still languishing in refugee camps even after 25 years.. IF you are siding with the LTTE to have sent them off..you sure are a TERRORIST… no doubt… stop being a chetty living in Colombo…I bet you have no issue with the Kattankudy Massacre of Muslims while at prayers with their head on the ground..( cowards hit below the belt), murder of 600 Buddhist monks and policemen..innocent people and kids being bombed… etc…

      • 1

        If you spent even more time on the unusual acts for which you are famous, you’d have less time to irritate us with your idiocies. Give that some thought you loony.

  • 3

    The Jaffna mob should have been handled like the Welaweriya protestors. The present government is confused and can’t take firm action.

    • 19

      Which of you Rajapaksas is using the shared family brain cell this week?

      • 6


        May be this is Blacker’s sidekick or b***s carrier Wee Tamil Senior Journalist Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon.

        David wholeheartedly supported the Wellikada prison massacre.

    • 9

      If DOOGABAYA is a so called defense secretary (????) –this guy is not suitable even for security guard—there would have been 100 s or 1000 s of dead bodies on Jaffna roads on that day..

      Welaweriya cowards after shooting shut their mouth because of fear…

      But not Tamils understand????

      Now it is clear this rape and murder was well planned and organized by someone close to MURDERPAKSE in Jaffna and everyone know who is this guy …to start a communal riots in South against Tamils..

      POLICE is there to protect people if they like to support criminals and unable to protect Tamils ..then


      Why the hell still thus thuggish political goon with 5000 arms things are being allowed to roam freely ???

      The author never met ordinary Tamils ..or students to teachers to get the truth ….

    • 2

      Would you like to return and give us Weliveriya Action?

    • 1

      When I read your comment, I could picture a puny little man hiding behind the computer and typing rubbish. I am sure my imagination is right. You are the type who in your dreams runs around with a pistol killing people. In real life, you haven’t touched a pistol thus your frustration is expressed in this comment.

  • 20

    Thanks Jehan.

    Excellent reporting. I just hope that after reading your report, all those typing away nonsense and inciting the others will stop it. Anyone can guess who would have burnt those tyres and threw stones. So enough with all those absurd theories and analyses.

    It was great to see the solidarity displayed by the Womens Affairs minister Rosy with the candle light memorial.

    Very touching.

    So let us stop the rumour mongering and get on with our lives.

  • 12

    What happened to the enquiry relating to the rape and murder of Saranya Selvarasa of Mannakkulam near Kanakarayankulam on February 27th of this year. Police were threatening the grandmother of this 16 year old school girl to say that she died of some brain disorder and not by rape and murder. Rosy Senanayake asked the same police officers to investigate and find out they e truth. What sort of justice is this? Can anyone believe that police investigation team will go against their colleagues? Again the result of this investigation has not been released so far. Will Rosy akka light a candle for this girl too? Can Jehan Perera state the current position of this investigation please.

    • 2

      True man. What you are saying is true.
      I did not go to North. I just repeat what I read in the media. NPC and the Jehan PhD are the last resort of the Sinhala Intellectualism when need to cover up desperately. The Job of Dayan Phd is set fire on behalf of the Sinhala Intellectualism. Then, after the fire has burned out everything, after fact, Jehan PhD come and pours water on that and try to stand high as the peace maker. If you know to peep through the holes of these guys mask you know what they tell.

      Jehan has made many preconditions in his easy if somebody finds an error on his fake report “It is not my fault. I did not had chance to go during the protest. I did not meet Tamils in Jaffna. When I saw Jaffna it is in normal life. The army is only just walking. They well behaved”.

      What is normal in Jaffna is what they learned to live under the 65 years army oppression. Now, Jaffna cannot get up walk from the bed in the morning if the army is not in the streets stretching the guns out. This the image Jehan is secretly passing to the South. What he is saying in the FTZ and Welliweria the army shot at the people. But without any incident army took control of the town. So the army is not good for South, but good for North. And further, People had told him that the police had come from far away (it seems, from his easy which says they are used to army presence), but they are feeling homely with the army out on the street. That is the problem. Jehan foresee that if ever Jaffna happened to have a Tamil police, his contention is keep the occupying army to keep the Jaffna shut up, over and above the police. That is why he is painting picture that army is good for Jaffna.

      You remember Gajenrdakumar organized a victory day remembrance in Mullivaikkal and proved it was only a victory day and there was no room for remembrance for any Tamil died in the North. In that also propaganda Jehan PhD came out and wrote an essay with the same color.

      Propaganda Jehan is using two ammunitions to put water on the fire which has flare out in the New Kings administration.
      One, the police was slow to find the culprits. His contention is it a deed just like the one takes place in the south. Then, if this is what happening in North and south, what is the new about the new administration? In fact that is not true. Even in the old administration, Southern civilians were not affected. Remember? The South overwhelmingly voted for the Old King. What the old administration did in the south was it targeted some political enemies. In both occasions of the south shoot outs, though army behaved excessively, the people also behaved out of control. As a matter of interest, after Rathupusallave incident, Daya Siri came as the highest preferential vote candidate in the Lankave history, even that was achieved crossing from UNP. What it is telling is people opinion in the south is the demonstrators were on the fault more than the army. Jehan who had worked with the Old Government closely and protected it all the times, now on the Job of protecting the new Government, by doing unreal comparison. The Old government did not do shooting to disperse crowd in the North. It did chemical bombing to wipe out entire area in Vanni. That is the one has to be compared with Rathupusallave, not the Vidiya murder protest. That is the one Northern people used as their protest to gain back their rights. In the Ratupusalave, government decided to shoot to protect a government (side) business man property and business profits. If the business owner was not in the picture the shooting wouldn’t have taken been there. People would have been allowed to protest. On the other hand, what happened to Jeyakumari is also can be looked at here. Jeyakumari, after losing two sons to army, to find out where her son has been kept, she was participating in the protests organized by the mothers whose children were taken by army. But, in retaliation for her protests, her fourth child which was enduring her tender days was arrested this with some created dramas. Gobi was shot to death while his wife was pregnant. Even beyond that she was taken to prison and tortured to abort. An unbelievable, a human ear cannot take-able painful torture! When some NGOs tried help her and take her out side and rehabilitate her life, she was arrested at the airport again by the Jeyapalanaya government. These are no comparison unlike the way Jehan is trying to put water on the incident as police behaved in the north and south in the same way.
      Jehan is telling that the police was slow to find the girl, and it was usual like in the south. First that is not true. There are many suggestions have come out these rowdies make murders for payment. When North is under such control, these guys’ existent is possible only with the police’s joint operation with these murderers. A 130 people were arrested for few glasses broken by an organized group. So, Johan don’t want to go deep into why these well-known contract murdered were not arrested and brought to justice in the previous murders.

      The crown of the Jewel on this case (the second ammunition Jehan used) is people did not go out and protest for the rape and the murder when the police refused to look out for the girl and after the family themselves found out the body. Jehan purposefully made everybody reading his easy to think like that. They started to protest when they captured the criminal and handed them over to police, police let their contractors to go. In addition to that, there were attempts to send some of them out of the country. (But Gobi’s wife is kept in the country without reason). If one goes back on this case, people’s first demand was they wanted to punish the criminal because they know well that the Sinhala Intellectualism is only going to cover up the case not going to punish them. They saw their worst fear was coming true when the police took the custody of the criminal only with the intentions of protecting them from even the people’s judgement. Jehan is very eloquently hiding everything. He is writing this easy exactly what the police did when it took the criminal with intention of saving them from people.

      Jehan is trying another trick. He keeps repeating the new appointments of the two Sinhala Intellectuals as the new Governors. They have no connection with NPC. They were not recommended by NPC, that is a requirement in the 13A. Look at Brother Prince; he is not a military officer. He was a defense secretary. One of these guys is a defense secretary, who has been sitting in the south and planning how to keep the North under control. Other one is a partner in drafting the damaging LLRC. This report was produced to replace Dhayan’s cover up deference at UN when it started to collapse,. This is the dishonest way Sinhala Intellectuals fool the foreign countries.

      The old King has said the Puppet IGP does not issue orders any more. That means the police cover up of the criminals in this case is not the police department action. It is a direct order from the government.

      When Jehan is coming back, he should write an easy about the police’s and army’s thriving alcohol and drug business in the North, rather than his usual, well known cover ups.

    • 2


      Your question is reasonable. But remember, this happened during the MR regime. It is not easy to clean the garbage the old regime has left. So have patience; justice will be served.

  • 12

    I don’t think this is happening only in the Northern Province. This sad incident could have happened anywhere in Sri Lanka. There are two reasons for this story :

    01:The law enforcement officials are politicized and unable to act independently.

    02: Since the new Government came to power in January 2015, there is more media freedom.

  • 1

    Be cautious and aware that arresting innocent protesters and incarcerating in the remand prisons is an issue .It has to be processed as soon as possible and those found innocent must be duly released. The master minds and gang leaders have to be punished. if an innocent punished the scar would be indelible and collateral damage is difficult to predict.
    A protest has been converted into a violence.
    The agenda is beyond politics where the majority stay united like what JR said More you starve the Tamils, those in the south are happy.

  • 4

    Be cautious and aware that arresting innocent protesters and incarcerating in the remand prisons is an issue .It has to be processed as soon as possible and those found innocent must be duly released. The master minds and gang leaders have to be punished. if an innocent punished the scar would be indelible and collateral damage is difficult to predict.
    A protest has been converted into a violence.
    The agenda is beyond politics where the majority stay united

  • 2

    If this scoop is true, the Police have to come out with the truth at some stage[Edited out]

  • 1

    The events in the north were the frustrated culmination of the helplessness that those communities have endured for sometime now. Except for the quickly identifiable usual suspects, mostly political motivated, looking to capitalise on the unrest caused by yet another unacceptable breakdown in law and order. This latest rape and murder is really the last straw in a slow erosion of law and order.

    To comment on a couple of points in Jehan’s interesting article:

    1 “””…entrusting of security measures to the police…””
    If the police are not up to it, we should ensure that calibre and numbers are improved. The police force should be re-establish as an independent professional force. If only we had an effective police force in place in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties we may not have needed our armed forces to fight an ‘internal war’ and end up with an armed force that is the largest employer in the land.

    2 “”” ..The deficiencies in the police are more aggravating to the people of the North as most of the police officers in Jaffna, and indeed the North, are Sinhalese from far away, and not Tamils from the same community….”””
    Our Police force was founded as a professional force that would function with the consent of the community; that is till it became a political tool, and standards were tailored to accommodate political interfering.

    With acknowledgements to Civitas, let us remind ourselves of
    The Nine Principles of Policing

    1. To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.

    2. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.

    3. To recognise always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.

    4. To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives.

    5. To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion; but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour; and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.

    6. To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.

    7. To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.

    8. To recognise always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.

    9. To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.

    IT is high time that our political masters re-established the primacy of a professional police force, free from political interference.

    • 0

      Dear Sir
      I am concerned as an Equal rights activist to note the statement made by Sumandhran the TNA parliamentarian in Jaffna the other day which may have sparked off the actions of the demonstrators who engaged in violent behaviour in Jaffna Town and attacked the Court buildings.

      Mr Sumandran should re-examine his statement because we in Sri Lanka are going through a sensitive period in our history, building bridges to unite a divided society and speeches and statements by politicians should be not provocative or inflammatory. Mr Sumandran’s speech may have inspired a nationalist response from the Hardliners. Being an experienced lawyer and political activist he should pick his words carefully and be cautious and sensitive to people’s opinions at this moment in time. I believed his speech may have inflamed the behaviour of the mobs in Jaffna.

      We all are aware that he is striving to achieve the mantle of the leadership of the TNA however short term political advantage for personal gain may cause long term damage for our objective to build a harmonious society in Sri Lanka.

      Kumar Sandirasegaram
      Equal rights activist and former Senior Regional officer UNISON. Public Service Trade union in the UK

      Sent from my iPad

      • 0


        I wonder whether you are the same KS whose father I knew in Harare.

        Are you available for a chat in Colombo in August-September.

        If yes please ask CT to send me your e-mail contact.

        Thanks and regards

        Kumar David (ex-Prof)

        • 0

          Kumar D,

          “If yes please ask CT to send me your e-mail contact.”

          Is there such a service? I assume that my consent is required before CT can give my address as you also imply.

      • 0


        “Being an experienced lawyer and political activist he should pick his words carefully and be cautious and sensitive to people’s opinions at this moment in time. I believed his speech may have inflamed the behaviour of the mobs in Jaffna.”

        He does not know how Jaffna is. That is his weakness. I doubt if Jaffna is ready for a man with his background. His background is his other weakness.

        “We all are aware that he is striving to achieve the mantle of the leadership of the TNA however short term political advantage for personal gain may cause long term damage for our objective to build a harmonious society in Sri Lanka.”

        I also believe that many in ITAK are already fighting about future leadership when the old men are not available anymore. Do the people and media in Jaffna prefer an outsider or one of our own?

        Can MAS prevent a hartal or worse in Jaffna if he wants to?

  • 5

    Interesting stuff,,

    If the Vellalas had TNA Police in the North , there wouldn’t have been mob attacks on the Police Stations and the Courts.

    At least that is what this NGO boss is implying.

    Could they have prevented the dastardly attack on an innocent teenager in broad d daylight by the well heeled Diaspora dude and his mates?.

    Dr Jehan doesn’t even mention anything about the perpetrators, and their up market mates in Colombo.

    Yhapalanaya under our un elected PM is all about giving the cops the full freedom by locking out the Armed Forces who do not take bribes.

    The main suspect who had the Swiss dosh is a known trouble maker according to his mentor.

    And his mates with Dollars, Pounds and Cronars coming in to their bank accounts regularly had the cops on side .

    Some reports say the cops were on their payroll.

    These reports are of course are very scarce for some reason.

    Four grown men to come in a car and and abduct an 18 year old girl is not easy task..

    Then the rest to join later is a well planned exercise.

    This would have been impossible up to 8 the Jan 2015

    It is a fact whether one likes it or not.

    NGOs now trying to put the blame on the Opponents of the TNA and portray them as Rajapaksa supporters is despicable.

    It is worse than the Tamil Professore who went fish in the troubled waters of Pundithiuv.

    BTW even our Wahabi mates are now working with Born Again NGOs to give our inhabitants Yahapalanaya …

    • 5

      K.A Sumanasekera

      Hope you have already begun writing your version of war poems (Hatana). I can help you with titles:

      Jaffna Library Hatana
      Vadamarachchi Hatana
      Hindian Hatana
      Alimankada Hatana
      Mavil Aru Hatana
      White Van Hatana
      Gotabhaya Yukthaya
      Wagging Finger Hatana
      Vanni Hatana
      Demela Hatana
      Cameron Hatana
      Navi Pillai Hatana
      War Crime Hatana
      K.A Sumanasekera VS K.A Sumanasekera Hatana
      January 8th Hatana

      When can you have them ready?

      • 4

        Now He is writing a New book For Jarpassas.

        TITLE; may be like “HOTHAMBAYA’S NEW WAR”.

        And Looking for Some Facts.

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        You can now do a ” Vellala Hatana in Jaffna”.

        It will be a hit for sure…

        • 3

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “You can now do a ” Vellala Hatana in Jaffna””

          Since you claim to be the resident expert on Vellala affairs, their history, ……etc I am depending on you to complete this very important Hatana.

          You should remember to invoke Valli Amma, Valli Yak devi, Bhadrakali, Pattini Deiyo, …. .

    • 3

      Dear Blooddy Blood thirsty KA Sumnasekara,

      January 8th is a victory for all peace loving Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. It is the day the Sinhalese have buried all those nasty war mongering racist and blood sucking criminals like you, Mahinda family, Weerawanse and BBS. Sinhalese people have realised you people are not belong to human beings and it is you who are much dangerous to civilisation, peace and Buddhism. Now Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims are completely free from war mongering monsters and they do not want to see again you all. They understand what you did to the country and people.

      • 0

        Ajith mate,

        Please don’t repeat these comments to the poor villagers in Punduthiuv even in your Diaspora lingo….

        • 1

          Don’t worry KAS, even a poor Sinhalese child can understand your criminal motive.

  • 4

    Good gracious K.A.Sumanasekere,

    Why are you so obsessed about the diaspora? Personally what have they done to you? I cannot imagine that you have been hurt so badly by them. You are like a little girl crying out about a bad wolf or something…

    Even about Jehan you are bitter. Why? As far as I know he is leading a decent life, has beautiful children and he is contributing towards a United Sri Lanka. Any problem with that?

    Cheer up a bit like CHOLAN. It will do you some good. Else, you will end up like Dayan suffering from Schizophrenia, insomnia as he keeps on harping on the same thing- Sri Lankans kill each other and destroy each other so that I can make some money out of it!

    Let me repeat this again- this tragedy was well orchestrated by impostors to create panic among the citizens of the north and south.

    • 1

      Hey JapWatch.

      Don’t tell me you are also a student of that Proffesori who claims that his whole image of Mr Clean is totally demolished after 35 years of service to HR Rights and Womens’ Rights…

      Poor fella..

      • 0

        KAS Hi,

        So you do have a good sense of humor. But here you seem to be showing your serious side, and want everyone to believe that you are a patriot of Sri Lanka. You do have talent but I cannot figure out exactly how I can call it. Never mind all that, if at all you are a fan of politics, just remember one thing; you can work hard for the politicians, they will use you and throw you away like a pice of dirty rag. Look at the fate of Dayan. He was hired to lie in Geneva to clear the dirt of MR and his gang’s dirty work. Later, Dayan was cast away like the untouchables in India.

        Me, for some reason don’t like the professors, Drs, and all the people who flaunt some title. I expect them to be intellects but usually if I talk to them, in 5 minutes I realize that they are hollow. I am sure if I talk to you I would talk longer. And as for human rights, no I hate when people form organizations and hold campaigns but in fact, they really don’t acheive anything. I like to fight for the rights of people I know. The people I see are raceless, colorless, physical appearance is immaterial. Because right through my life, I am around people who are from different nations, speaking in different languages. In Sri lanka, I promise you, I cannot see a difference between the Sinhalese or Tamils. Culture, mannerisms, behavior etc some aspects of these are rather annoying. But that is the way people are all over the world. In Japan, the chinese excel as compared to the Japanese. But the chinese are envied and hated by the Chinese.

        Like in the case of Vidya, leaving all the politics and protests aside, I feel sad for that child. Her race does not matter to me. I would feel the same way if she was from the north or south or even east or west.

        You should do the same. Take things easy and live your life. Don’t live your life for the politicians, politics, organisation, company etc.

        Anyway who is this Mr. Clean you are referring to?

        • 0


          Obviously you are not up to speed with our Vellalas in Colombo..

          They are all Mr Cleans beside the real deal Mr Clean Ranil…

          You feel sad…I feel gutted thinking about it..Just imagine if it was your child.

          Ranil’s cops should have tied up the bastards and shot them one by one in the groin instead taking their dosh and letting them loose in Wella Gardens.with the help of that Mr Clean with the PhD…… .

          Pundithivians should have had DIG Vass to do a Poddala…

          Now please don’t ask me who Poddala is..

          Do I work for Politicians.. I don’t have to… Japwatch.

          In fact I wouldn’t want to even shake hands with them unless I know if they have done some good .for the Dalits.

  • 2

    You have very nicely pictured the whole thing and of course this is a much generalized writing for a group of people who are angry, upset and fed up with all the formal measures of security and law and order what a government is supposed to do to its people with regard to the law enforcement and social control in the North.
    Do you know that there is a cause and effect connection to the provocative agitation on the court by the people and the broken promise which was made on the previous day written and signed by the Navy Officer and Divisional Secretariat so on at Punguduthevu as they will hand over the suspect and the lawyer, the [Edited out] who got bribe of 45 lahks appearing for the suspect to the High Court? People say that this mentioned lawyer was the teacher for many ASPs, and lawyers and politicians, so that he will twist the justice on his side as he knows the nook and corner of the law. People feel that they are helpless as does the law, and thus they said that the justice is still distant.
    It is a good thing that you agreed that ‘we believe that the police were, and possibly still are, corrupt’.
    My emphasize is while we screen many of the other institutions of government dealt with corruption by the previous regime, we should do a corruption screening process in almost all the institutions, especially those who are very responsible for law and order, education and health.
    I though agree that the instant priority is to expedite the adjudication regarding the rape, but Tamils living in the north are looking for longer solution for a better law and order. Security for Tamils is not yet guaranteed, even worsening day by day. I do not mean that Tamils expect the total police power for the Provinces as it is written in the Constitution, but a decentralization at the province, for instance DIG, SSP, SP, ASPs, Officer in Charge (OICs), constable, sergeant and below should be Tamils /Muslims in the Tamil dominated provinces, they should be chosen from the youth living in this province, not from the Central Province or Trincomalee as the regional problems are different and can only be understood by those who live there. Thus, the youth in the north should feel that they own their security and the law and order by this arrangement.
    Law and order in Jaffna is still being increasingly collapsed, people who are with low socio-economic background complain that police is not accessible to them, and the middle class complain about the police in Jaffna is very corrupted. In addition to that, there are shortages of personnel and vehicles during emergencies. We immediately need to have police reform in the North.

    • 0


      Thanks for the information and ideas.

      “Do you know that there is a cause and effect connection to the provocative agitation on the court by the people and the broken promise which was made on the previous day written and signed by the Navy Officer and Divisional Secretariat so on at Punguduthevu as they will hand over the suspect”

      I have heard of this but not seen the evidence yet. Please somebody upload the films and copy of the agreement or provide the links.

      Of course the Navy and Divisional Secretary have no power to hand over a suspect to the court but the people did not understand this. Was Mavai also not there? Did he also sign?

      “and the lawyer, [Edited out], Colombo who got bribe of 45 lahks appearing for the suspect to the High Court?”

      That is called a retainer, kind of an advance, for a lawyer for his future services. There is nothing wrong with this. Again the people have misunderstood. Where did Swiss Kumar get the money? What is his profession if any in Switzerland?

      “People say that this mentioned lawyer was the teacher for many ASPs, and lawyers and politicians, so that he will twist the justice on his side as he knows the nook and corner of the law.”

      He wants to become a TNA MP also.

      “People feel that they are helpless as does the law, and thus they said that the justice is still distant. It is a good thing that you agreed that ‘we believe that the police were, and possibly still are, corrupt’. My emphasize is while we screen many of the other institutions of government dealt with corruption by the previous regime, we should do a corruption screening process in almost all the institutions, especially those who are very responsible for law and order, education and health. I though agree that the instant priority is to expedite the adjudication regarding the rape, but Tamils living in the north are looking for longer solution for a better law and order. Security for Tamils is not yet guaranteed, even worsening day by day.”

      Unfortunately not only in the North.

      “I do not mean that Tamils expect the total police power for the Provinces as it is written in the Constitution, but a decentralization at the province, for instance DIG, SSP, SP, ASPs, Officer in Charge (OICs), constable, sergeant and below should be Tamils /Muslims in the Tamil dominated provinces, they should be chosen from the youth living in this province, not from the Central Province or Trincomalee as the regional problems are different and can only be understood by those who live there. Thus, the youth in the north should feel that they own their security and the law and order by this arrangement.”

      Then other provinces will want the same.

      “Law and order in Jaffna is still being increasingly collapsed, people who are with low socio-economic background complain that police is not accessible to them, and the middle class complain about the police in Jaffna is very corrupted.In addition to that, there are shortages of personnel and vehicles during emergencies.”

      It is the same everywhere.

      “We immediately need to have police reform in the North.”

      In all of SL.

    • 0

      Very interesting …

      Wish our un elected PM posted some of his loyal cops in the F……CID to protect the poor Dalits in the North.

      Because they don’t have the dosh to bribe the Cops.

      Neither they have ASPs who are trained by the Vellalas in Colombo.

      It is Ranil who gave the TNA total control with easy access for the Diaspora to the North…

  • 0

    [Edited out]

    Please write instead of posting web links – CT

  • 1

    Police assaulted protesters in Jaffna, without any provocation.

    Spring Koha above has made sensible suggestions.

    The police and army behave towards the citizens as if they are “conquerors” and citizens are the “conquered”.
    This has been so, from the cessation of the war.
    An arrested suspect “escaping” to Colombo exacerbated the situation.

  • 2

    For the Saranya Selvarasa case, Jehan was not entitle to those green colour crisp notes.
    It was only for the Jaffna visit.
    here again, he had to be chaperoned by a tamil speaking Muslim and not a Tamil speaking tamil as an Interpreter/translator.

    Also, coincidently he had bumped into a baker from Matara sent by Samaraweera?? With the Harvard mentality, jehan could not identify a sinhalese at the muslim hotel…..

    A typical NGO [Edited out]

  • 1

    “on this occasion, the government succeeded in quelling the Jaffna unrest without resorting to violence.”

    Using tear gas to knock unconscious the mother of the girl is not violence.It is to temporarily put her out of her misery.

    “the police reaction had been to not take the complaint seriously and to be jocular and say that the girl had probably gone on a rendezvous with a boy. The family and larger community felt that if the police had acted earlier the girl’s life might have been saved.”

    in the south they elope at a rate.So this fellow would have thought that is happening here too.The only way to sort this out is to devolve the police powers which is already in the constitution.Otherwise the cultural gap will continue to play havoc.

    “The deficiencies in the police are more aggravating to the people of the North as most of the police officers in Jaffna, and indeed the North, are Sinhalese from far away, and not Tamils from the same community.”

    therein lies the root cause of the Problem.How about making all the police officers in the matara police station tamils and see whether there will be any problems there between them and the public.

  • 0

    And I post, again. The weblinks were in reference to what I was writing.
    So, in our Holy Land, 18 women get raped daily and +01 in 10 men are rapists. Thank the almighty, 90 pct aren’t.

    • 4


      “So, in our Holy Land, 18 women get raped daily and +01 in 10 men are rapists. Thank the almighty, 90 pct aren’t.”

      A conservative estimate perhaps.

      Many incidents of rape and sexual harassment don’t get reported simply for the fear of victims being ostracized and blamed for what happened to them.

      Now the issue is how has adhering to various religion and culture prevented this recurring nightmare to every woman and child?

      Most people are proud of being Sinhala Buddhist, Tamil Saivaite, Christians, ….. but then sexual violence happens in their society. Why haven’t their proud heritage come to protect all those women who are being violated on a daily basis.

      One must accept enemy is within.

      Its not LTTE, JVP, Hindia, USA, ….. that one must fight however every men should fight against their own willy.

      The security threat is posed by men’s willy than any powerful perceived enemy outside.

      • 0

        Very true NV. The uncontrollable Willy.

        Even the Christian Scholar St. Augestine the Berber, blamed others for his uncontrollable Willy.

  • 0

    Protests everywhere but they are not reported

    Police on Sunday (24) used water cannons to disperse a group of people protesting the presence of a massive garbage dump in their neighborhood in a suburb of Sri Lankan capital, Colombo.

    A team of police officers of the Palai division, Jaffna came under attack when they attempted to arrest a suspect on Sunday. The suspect attacked the police officers with an axe. The police in return opened fire.

    The leader of an extremist Buddhist organization in Sri Lanka has been arrested for failing to appear before the court.

    • 0


      “Protests everywhere but they are not reported Police on Sunday (24) used water cannons to disperse a group of people protesting the presence of a massive garbage dump in their neighborhood in a suburb of Sri Lankan capital, Colombo. A team of police officers of the Palai division, Jaffna came under attack when they attempted to arrest a suspect on Sunday. The suspect attacked the police officers with an axe. The police in return opened fire. The leader of an extremist Buddhist organization in Sri Lanka has been arrested for failing to appear before the court.”

      I think that I found all of these news on the dailymirror.lk They are reported.

      Yesterday something related was:

      A tense situation was prevailed in Kahawatta a short while ago, when a group of people from Kotakethana arrived at Kahawatta in protest over the court decision to acquit the three accused, who were charged with the killing of two women at Kotakethana in 2012.

      The people protested blocking the Embilipitiya- Ratnapura Main Road, Police Spokesman ASP Ruwan Gunasekara said.

      He said the Police had deployed STF personnel and water cannon to control the crowd. (Darshana Sanjeewa)

  • 0

    Very high class journalism evinced by Jehan as usual. Bensen

  • 0

    What a pathetically biased article. Next time it will be Jehan writing how MR is responsible for his constipation !!! The civil rights group who organised the protest want the thugs who acted violently released soon? Need any more evidence?

  • 1

    It is sad to say that this is an article by a ‘liberal’ in Sri Lanka. No mention of the police brutality that was captured on camera against unarmed protestors. Really letting yourself down and the rest of the island here Jehan. Need to do better.

  • 0

    Different people are interpreting different things. I welcome the visit of President, CJ, IGP et al. this has helped to sooth the feelings.

    Ofcourse there were the tom tom beaters, DJ, Wimal, MR, Namal etal. President has to manoeuvre cleverly. There is something called community police. May be it can be started.

    Of course with the repression gone, this kind of thing could erupt.

  • 0

    The article is a thought provoking and intelligent analysis of the situation in Sri Lanka. There are several dimensions to this horrifying crime. Our glorious ex leader is shown in the photo shaking hands with one of the rapists. Most likely this rapist was one of the several goons and thugs that were helping the dictator carry out the crimes and thuggery that we all are aware of. During this scoundrel’s regime murderers, rapists and thieves were protected and allowed to act with impunity. They were not arrested or brought before the justice system because of political influence and thus encouraged to openly violate the laws. Particularly in Jaffna and the north/east people were traumatized and abused by both the forces and the goon gangs supporting the dictator’s strategies, and these criminals continue to operate in the belief that although the dictator has now lost his power, he is a God who will be back to sit on the throne again.
    We have a society that is basically selfish and only interested in furthering the wealth accumulation of the family and close relatives at the expense of the nation. For years we know how impoverished young women and girls working in households as servants have been sexually abused by both the master and sons. Violence against women by husbands is a common occurrence and is accepted as the norm because the man is considered superior as he may be the main breadwinner in the family. The work performed by the housewife is not recognized as a contribution to the marriage and do not we know the several instances where when the wife leaves the husband she has no legal recourse to financial entitlements. Drunken husbands bashing their wives and children is tolerated as permissible – chattels that can be abused by these uneducated , unenlightened, illiterate, pompous men by virtue of the fact they were born males. The magey putha syndrome created by depraved mothers plants the seeds of superiority and mental aberration in young boys which then blossom into generating depraved, mentally sick, obnoxious young men whose obsession with sex turns them into animals.
    Oh yes, we are a nation that is proud of our religious beliefs. Under every bo tree there is a statue of the Lord Buddha, catholic saints statues abound along our streets, and our beautiful island is dotted with temples, churches and mosques. We are taught religion in our schools and we respect the clergy. From time immemorial have we not heard the stories of young boys and girls being sexually abused by Buddhist monks and catholic priests and brothers. Isnt it an indictment on our society when we realize that not one of these rapists and sex offenders have ever been hauled before our courts and punished? What have the parents, teachers, the community done to address these issues?
    We are a hypocritical nation. We pretend to be virtuous and concerned about values and we take pride in our culture and civilization but our behavior reflects an attitude of tolerance and permissibility to all that is vile and evil. We go to an abattoir and buy a calf to save it from slaughter and feel at peace with our God, but we are yet to put our hands in the pocket to engage the services of our top criminal lawyers to act for the victims of rape. The flaunting of stolen wealth espoused by our corrupt politicians has permeated entire society and sadly what you see in Sri Lanka today is a complete breakdown of the rule of law and empowering of the criminal elements. What we need now most importantly is for society to unite to bring back those cherished values and decency which have been lost due to the poor governance and greed of the despotic family regime.

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