By Asoka S. Seneviratne –

Prof. Asoka.S. Seneviratne
After waiting, the Supreme Court determination concluded the 5-year term of the president, and it became a closed chapter. However, there is another petition by a lawyer seeking to postpone the presidential election until a referendum is held. People suspect that the government is behind gimmicks. Prez RW wants to buy time to widen his voter base before he wants to declare his candidacy for the presidential election. Given the above background, the Minister of Justice stated that attempts by petitioners like Dog’s Marking are in vain. The popularity of NPP is at the forefront because there are no gimmicks.
Following the much-awaited Supreme Court’s determination about the president’s 5-year term, people thought the matter was closed forever. However, there is another fundamental rights violation petition with the Supreme Court. This is again to postpone the presidential election until a referendum is held due to constitutional issues. At the same time, the people’s genuine desire for a fair and timely presidential election, based on repeated government commitment and constitutional requirements, is palpable. Given the above, this paper is committed to explaining the people’s expectations and how the government or President Ranil Wickremesinghe (Prez RW) is reflected based on the expectations of the people and Prez RW.
Constitutional flaws/issues
Since 1978, Sri Lanka’s constitution has been amended more than twenty times. Once a veteran politician abroad, he referred to the Sri Lanka Constitution as a journal. I would say I disliked it, but later, I realized it was due to too many amendments since 1978.
However, as everything changes, the Constitution is also part and parcel of that fundamental phenomenon.However, the history of amendments to the Constitution sheds evidence that some amendments were motivated by political gains or were politically motivated, which many people question about their benefit to the masses.
It is excellent that some lawyers want to ensure that the people’s fundamental rights are not violated. However, in March 2023, Prez RW canceled local council elections due to a lack of funds despite the Supreme Court’s determination to hold local council elections. Given the above, local council elections became a close chapter. But it was a violation of the fundamental rights of the people. The 14th amendment to the constitution on 24 May 1988 was for appointing 29 National List members. However, later, the Parliament Election Act 1988 contained a provision for any member of a political party to be appointed to fill a National List vacancy. This is an undemocratic process known to the current government or Prez RW. It was also not subject to the judicial review process. So there is a vacuum. As mentioned earlier, people or certain lawyers committed to protecting and safeguarding the Constitution must have worked for the above vacuum. Given the above background, the current president was severely defeated in the 2020 general election and entered the parliament on the National List. He became the Prime Minister and later President as well. It is his luck. It is essential to admire it. But that road is tainted.
How people view the economic situation and the response from Prez RW
The economic turmoil that prevailed in the country over the last two years is under control, along with Prez RW. However, hardships continue, with various taxes increasing the cost of living and meager incomes. Poverty levels and the number of people living in poverty are growing. Except for a few concerns the trade unions and civil society groups raised, people are not looking for another wave of Aragalaya because they are anxiously awaiting the Presidential election.
At the same time, the following reveals Prez RW’s stand with the people.
“We can no longer afford to revert to old politics. The choices we make today profoundly impact our future. Can we afford to return to the days of long queues and traditional politics? We must decisively choose our course.”- Prez made this in Matara. “Today, our focus is not on individual interests or party politics; we prioritize the country’s interests as we move forward. I empathize deeply with the hardships faced by our people, and I request that everyone safeguard the strides we have made and continue advancing together.”
What Prez RW states in Parliament and during political rallies is crystal clear. He tells people to continue with his leadership to protect and safeguard the achievements made since he assumed duties. My only concern is how he would like to proceed.
The concerns of the people
Even though the government denies any relationship with the petitioners, it attempts to use the constitutional amendments to prolong its power. Addressing the chronic flaws in the Constitution is crucial to ensuring the people’s fundamental rights. The need for constitutional amendments can be accepted. Prez RW must state his commitment to competing in the presidential election and winning, safeguarding the constitution for the benefit of the people and the country as the only way out. While many expressed disappointment with Prez RW’s various gimmicks or tactics, the Minister of Justice named the petitioners’ gimmicks Dog’s Marking. These remarks by a government minister are profound compared to the combined criticisms by the opposition regarding gimmicks by the government.
Prez RW is trying his best to postpone the presidential election to buy time to engage and go ahead with his political propaganda in various ways and means to widen his voter base or support. In the 2020 parliamentary election, he managed to get only 30,875 votes or (2.61%). He is a veteran politician but was wiped out with a trace. His party got 249 435 or 2.15%. This percentage must be increased by more than 50% to be elected as president. He has been well convinced that there is a long way to go.
He also uses other tricks, apart from stating that he intends to fix the Constitution’s issues and widen the voter base. He is waiting to see if some MPs from SJB will join him. At the same time, he behaves or responds to change the mind of SLPP and obtain its full support. But SLPP is adamant unless Prez RW gets a membership to SLPP. It is impossible, but Prez RW wants to influence SLPP; it can only do so with RW’s leadership. On the other hand, SLPP is uncertain because it wants to stay in power, and it knows the only way out is to engage with Prez RW directly. Within SJB, there is considerable confusion, and SLFP is shattered. Given all the above, the NPP’s unity is exceptional. NPP is undivided and forever. It is at the forefront. Prez RW and SLPP understand this well. This is all about gimmicks.
Given all the above, I would like to know if Prez RW or SLPP want the petitioners’ practice. If Prez RW and SLPP attempt to do so, it will be more than Dog’s Marking—a complete wipeout without a trace. In short, people do not want UNP, SLPP, or SLFP because they are too old and hence rotten. NPP is the only choice for the people because there are no gimmicks.
*The writer worked as the Special Advisor to the Office of the President of Namibia and was a Senior Consultant with UNDP for 16 years. He worked as a Senior Economist with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (1972-1993) before he migrated to New Zealand. The writer can be contacted at asoka.seneviratne@gmail.com
Naman / July 14, 2024
“we prioritize the country’s interests as we move forward.”—–>RW
The patriotic SL Citizens too want this to happen. What are these ‘interests’.
1) we want to see the tax payers money is not WASTED & properly utilised. Those who had pilfered it made to repay it. Parliamentarians Pensions and allowances abolished. The local and diaspora citizens’ business ventures facilitated by GoSL.
2) We want to see ethnic and religious hatred promoters punished.
3) we want a new constitution be put forward for Public Referendum–> ideally before the elections; it can be soon after the Presidential election during the first two weeks of October 2024.
4) Defence officials should not be made used to carry out nefarious activities. Extra-judicial crimes.
5) Minorities should be treated equal and continue to be disadvantaged. 15 years has gone but still the victims continue to suffer. Up-country estate workers should get good wages and their living conditions improved
whywhy / July 14, 2024
Naman ,
I propose , every single citizen of the country must be given a
decent pension for a respectable maintenance of their final
stage of life , free from dependence on anybody else . Nothing
special is needed for MPs .
whywhy / July 14, 2024
UNP and SLFP are no more people’s parties . Their elimination from people
minds is gradual and systematic . SLFP break away SLPP raised its ugly
head at once through gimmicks and got caught without time waste . Should
SJB face the same destiny is , still to be seen . Whatever happens in the next
ten years , do we have a decent fix for the current turmoil that would take us
on a better journey that RW and MARA could watch ?
hanchopancha / July 14, 2024
*The writer worked as the Special Advisor to the Office of the President of Namibia and was a Senior Consultant with UNDP for 16 years. He worked as a Senior Economist with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (1972-1993) before he migrated to New Zealand. The writer can be contacted at asoka.seneviratne@gmail.com“.
Dear Prof. Seneviratne. We are harvesting a bountiful crop you planted. Having migrated to New Zealand you have missed out a lot.
whywhy / July 14, 2024
The only leader to leave without dog mark was Dudley Senanayaka . After him
it is unimaginable , not RW in that case , nobody else so far around to be seen .
It was not that difficult for Dudley because people of his time lived with minimal
needs as compared with today . Wood fired cooking , Kerosene lighting , Hand
loomed clothing , Empty bus travels , Bicycles and foot and Bullock carts journeys ,
Bag free schools , plastic free shopping , only about a ten to fifteen telephones per
electorate . And today ? Our pockets vs aspirations ? No leader around seen telling
people to work hard and spend to fit one’s pocket . Instead , sky and earth are their
promises . Who do you think will go without a dog mark ?
Raj-UK / July 14, 2024
Prof. Asoka.S. Seneviratne
You say ”My only concern is how he (RW) would like to proceed”
My concern is how the party you promote so passionately would proceed. As an academic & an authority on the subject with international exposure, why don’t you spell out the NPP strategy on their behalf?
whywhy / July 16, 2024
Raj – UK ,
Raj , have you heard about the story of a fox that was waiting for
the balls of a goat to fall out ? Yes , same goat of sour grapes !
MARA & Co vine yard & RW goat farm . Bad strategy ?