15 February, 2025


Let Them Settle Down

By Suranimala

The expected shenanigans of the Rajapaksas and Wickremesinghe have started with renewed vigour with the General Election 2024 looming. Pathetic as it may appear it is reminiscent of drowning men shrieking for help. Sadly, none are listening or even prepared to help. When the racist Udaya Gammanpila appeared from the woodwork to cast aspersions that the retired DIG of the Criminal Investigations must take the blame for not preventing the Easter Sunday attack it smacked of hypocrisy. Why? Apart from the dodgy Commission of Inquiry, which had the stamp of Ranil Wickremesinghe splayed all over it, nothing worthy came out of it to pacify the families of the dead.

Where was any reference to the Maha Mola Karu? The involvement of the Army Intel Unit? The political motives if any? The history leading to the dastardly crime? If none of these were the focus of the Commission, for God’s sake what was its purpose? Why did Gammanpila make haste to target Rtd DIG Ravi Seneviratne when there was a judgment on who was responsible by omission of duty? who or why did someone post the reports to him? Again it smells like Ranil Wickremesinghe got one of his lap dogs to do the needful. That is quintessential Wickremesinghe. Never in the frontline to be found fault with. Never ( he ) mind that such action will get the poor guy into trouble. Nary a finger will he lift to get the guy out of trouble unless he or she is from the upper stables. Arjuna Mahendren is a case in point. What about the young buck of a former education minister who paid over Seventy Million rupees in cash to purchase a luxury apartment adjacent to a five-star hotel? No Sir, RW doesn’t know of such.

For too long since Independence, have we seen the Greens and Blues waffle around spending money the Nation had not earned and then throw morsels down from their high tables to stay in power. Remember the era when our Finance Ministers went overseas with the begging bowl to return as heroes? Times have changed, and so has the world. Sadly we did not. The Greens and the Blues, too, have not. Corruption, Bribery, and even murder were resorted to. They believed the carnival would be forever. The worm had to turn and it did in 2022. That too was when the people did not have gas or kerosene in their kitchens, no petrol nor diesel for personal or commercial transportation, power outages etc. Then they did revolt. Corruption was endemic. The top was aware of the spread. They cared not. “I am alright Jacks”, did not care. They felt the circus would go on forever.

The Blues and the Greens splintered only to follow down the same path. The people who for too long been watching the self-destructing style of governance carried on with impunity, rebelled. The young led from the front educating their elders. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, a known coward fled. Mahinda resigned. Ranil was waiting to pounce and he did. One could never understand why the Rajapaksa acolytes accepted Ranil being foisted on them as the new messiah and not one of them. They had no shame. They stood by the Pakshas through thick and thin only to be finally shunned in favour of Ranil, who pretended to be vehemently opposed to them. Remember the comical and infantile ranting in Parliament? Kawda Hora, Kawda Hora. Yet, look how the reverse takes place when Ranil needs systems to remain to hang on to power. Gotabaya Rajapaksa ordered the known corrupt – sleepy crawly Nimal Siripala to resign from his Ministerial position when the Japanese Ambassador complained of impropriety (read Bribe) in connection with a tender. Ranil after assuming power forms a Committee and exonerates Siripala. Huh? Here is the man who portrays himself as the most suitable person on this Island with International connections calling the envoy of the Japanese government a liar. The damage done to Sri Lanka-Japanese relations will not be forgotten for a considerable time. Naturally, the Japanese Ambassador within couched diplomatic language had his say in an interview before relinquishing his duties in Sri Lanka.

Corruption and Bribery are not singular events separate from each other. A politician, a high government official or both would resort to bribery in awarding a tender or contract. Please pause for a moment. Who gives the money? The filthy lucre. Only those who want Access to arms deals, road contracts and god knows what else. Yet, they love God and filthy lucre at the same time. It was widely known that Siripalas, Basils, Amunugamas et al love the Access they have as much as the Nadasens, Sumals, Mani’s, and a host of others love the resultant benefits. Nevertheless, it is about filthy lucre. One is a bribe taker and the other a bribe giver. Both are guilty. The takers may be traced through the assets they have amassed. The givers?

Anura Kumara Dissanayake positioned himself right to win the battle. Late as it were to throw the Greens, Blues and the breakaways, this was Sajith Premadasa’s election to lose. He did not voice strongly about corruption or bribery. People were not as a collective group prepared to believe he would have zero tolerance for such. Some who attached themselves to his party were themselves viewed with suspicion by the electorate. The system changes the people wished for did not work based on 3% to 43%. Collectively they wished for change. The old guard did not believe that the penny had dropped on Gunapalas, Yasawathys, Murugans, Hussains, Jeromes et al.

We have got change. Now what? AKD has secured the trust of the majority, not based on ethnicity, caste or creed. The battle is over he has to win the war. The changes envisaged need to be set on course immediately, before the trust factor wanes. Our people have been taught that the State owes them a living. True, the pile at the bottom needs help and the government must. But, not forever. Direct them to earn an honest living. Call the Union leaders and coerce them to get their cadres to work more efficiently. Be more productive. Earn more for their employers. The government can earn more from the enhanced taxes such results will bring. What the employers cannot give can be given to them through better Health, Education, Public Transportation, Housing and a host of others. AKD will do well to get the people disciplined. Make them behave in a civilised and inclusive approach towards each other. Train them how to walk on the streets in an orderly manner, and drive properly on the roads with due concern for other motorists. An average of seven people die on our roads due to accidents. Such simple tasks need to be put in place. Sounds basic? Yes, we need that. Collectively we think our need is more important than anyone else’s.

Those who have plundered, robbed and enriched themselves need to be put away. This is non-negotiable. The murderers, rapists and even the bribe-givers and takers should be brought before the law. That rule Mr President must hold to your party officials too. Sri Lankans hold their breath.

Latest comments

  • 31

    There are shady businessmen and other administrative officers who benefitted hugely from aligning themselves with utterly corrupt politicians. These people are desperate to see a revival of the parasitic destructive system that caused millions of children to starve and thousands of public hospital patients to die unnecessarily. So, they will conjure up various scare stories to prevent the NPP taking hold. The only hope for future generations in Sri Lanka is an NPP government and the quiet cultural revolution now taking place, that enables an ethical nation to emerge from the cesspit of deceit and skullduggery.

    • 7

      Many thanks for your rocklike consistency; eighteen people have liked what you said; none has DISliked.
      It remains to be seen whether the guys who gave me Thumbs Down all these months, will have something to say about this comment of mine.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 11

    NPP winning the election has just drummed a message the Systemic Change process has debuted. And no doubt that the wild fox is the one leading stray dogs to the haul in the cemetery, the dead carcasses. So the existence of rogue Ganapathipillai and Rear Admirable like the ones’, at the same time drumming, that the country is facing a war for a generation, if the Evils have to be put out. Systemic change has to be implemented and stabilized, it is the completion of two strenuous processes, if the country wants to reap any fruit out of its debut on Sep 21st. Lemon Puff is much senior to Ganapathipillai. Lemon Puff has withdrawn because of his past mistake of splitting and abandoning the JVP. H e could have been the Prince of Spring during the Aragalaya time. But the fish has slipped from his hand. Ganapathipillai has not matured to the level of Lemon Puff, so caking a lot. Pregnant woman cannot dance. NPP has to walk with great control of its movement. It should not look at Evil, Ganapathipillai, Rear Admirable and try to answer to their accusations. NPP should understand that how much patience and torance it can show, that much will the sucess of the systemic change and the return for the enthusiatist who worked for NPP’s victory.

  • 13

    Suranimala, is ever so blunt and direct.

    • 13

      Suranimala is right about racist Gamman, corrupt Nimal Siripala, Mahindananda……… and the rest. Sham commissions related to Easter Massacre were appointed by MS, Rajapaksas and RW. I remember soon after the staged SB sterilization saga accusing
      Dr. Shaffi , lying witnesses demanded a commission appointed by MS and not Ranil, stating that they did not trust him. The courts later found MS guilty and freed Dr. Shaffi. Rajapaksas and RW appointed their own commissions to suppress and destroy evidence.

  • 8

    Let Them Settle Down

    Gampila the magician

    “Pull a rabbit out of a hat,”

    All knows the story of the what Gamampila annouement. look at his mind He wants answer within sevendays from NPP, then for five year their Government did solve the problem

  • 11

    “ Where was any reference to the Maha Mola Karu? The involvement of the Army Intel Unit? The political motives if any? The history leading to the dastardly crime? ”
    This crime resulted in deaths and maiming of foreigners as well. I am still wondering WHY these foreigners’
    Governments are NOT keen to answer the question of finding the “ ORIGINAL” planner of the 21/04/2019 Easter Bombings?
    I’m sure the new government will have a huge list of things to sort out!
    Let’s tabulate them one by one—-
    What happened to the Tsunami Relief Funds?

    • 3

      Naman, TRFunds went into the family tsunami. Easter bombings made gotha run out of the country shamelessly. Long list of things.

  • 9

    I do wish if AKD can make Lasantha P & similar minded people as one of honorary Presidential Advisors.
    Just wondering how many “ crooks” left SL as soon as they knew that
    “ HARD DAYS” was coming after 21/09/2024? Under the cover of curfew RW facilitated their departure?
    Where is Gota? Uncle Sam should allow him to join his son and Grandchild!

  • 12

    President Anura Kumara Dissanayake vowed once again that the perks and benefits of the past heads of state would be scrapped completely, no matter what.

    Hon. President said, “We cannot run a country like this. They ask for 163 security personnel, ambulance, Jeep, cars etc. They seek 17 or 18 BMW vehicles. We will do away with all the facilities. Politics is a service to people,” he said

    Ranil was never endorsed by the people. He was the handle of a coterie of swindlers who was running the government which was not meant to serve the people but to serve themselves. Rajapakshes sucked the country. All of them drove the country to bankruptcy. I doubt very much if the President really means it or just electoral rhetoric. Government should not pay a single penny to these rotters. Instead they should be penalized for robbery.

  • 8

    “Those who have plundered, robbed and enriched themselves need to be put away. This is non-negotiable. The murderers, rapists and even the bribe-givers and takers should be brought before the law. “
    Yes, All those have to be removed. But Anura or President should not spend time to educate the people. Only the people can do it by removing them from politics. The media and those people who wants to save the country from these criminals have a responsibility to educate the people to get rid of the people from governance or any power. I ask the media not to give any opportunity to these criminals come up with lies and propaganda. It is shame that the people and country so far failed to understand the motive of these criminals for the past 75 years.

    • 1

      “But Anura or President should not spend time to educate the people. “
      Are the two different people? And why are they prohibited?

  • 7

    Suranimala. I wonder you are Federic Janz. The King Gotabaya told you what he would like to do to you over the phone. Late Mr. Lasantha Wickremetunga paid the ultimate price for exposing the Air Force MIG scandal. I hope the Government of JVP/NPP will give them a thorough scrutiny. If the country is to ever prosper, there must be a FULLSTOP to Bribery and Corruption.

    • 2

      hanchopancha, agree that country to prosper must be a full stop to bribery and corruption. Need also to add that should not allow the greedy robber family and all its connections to reappear near our parliament.

    • 1

      “I hope the Government of JVP/NPP will give them a thorough scrutiny. If the country is to ever prosper, there must be a FULLSTOP to Bribery and Corruption.”.
      What guarantee do we have AKD administration fulfill it? Experts warn if IMF recommendations would nt be respected, in today’s context we have no other choice but to face ” July 2022″ again 😉

  • 12

    Ranil Wickramasinghe is the most despicable sinister evil destructive stupid Lankan ever born.

    The damage he has done to the country is immeasurable.

    The Rajapakses had no choice …… their background made them what they are/were ……. they couldn’t have been anything else even if they wanted to. They wouldn’t have know how.

    Ranil’s sinister evilness is by choice. He knows/knew better.

    He should not be allowed to get away. ………. An example should be made for future leaders.

  • 9

    Nimal you are perfectly correct.

    Not only is Ranil a fraud and a evil man and utterly selfish , he is a typical mediocrity thinking he is super clever !

    How many of his ‘clever’ tricks have fallen flat ! He was fooled by Chandrika, Mahinda and even Sirisena !

    This time too so many down to earth minds advised him to go for a parliamentary election ( him to retire with dignity same time)

    Ranil thought he had crossed some bridge and the nation will endorse him ! That is how stupid he is !

    If he went for parliamentary election Premadasa party would have won with NPP coming second and UNP too getting a few seats.

    The clever man once aging blundered big time !

  • 3

    Because of the National List system of selection of some of the parliamentarians, We are still going to see some of TAINTED POLITICIANS back in the new government.
    It is really an unfortunate situation!
    Those MPs who made “EASY MONEY” by jumping ships and voting for ruling regime should be traced and taxed appropriately. Some of them are from the minority ethnic!!!
    They too played a big part in bringing the country down MORALLY and ECONOMICALLY
    New Constitution should prohibit people elected from one party jumping to another because of bribery

    • 0

      Naman, not only tax, but find the robbed money and jail them

  • 2

    Is NPP trying to keep the PTA?
    If so hopefully they don’t use it inappropriately. It should not be used against the peaceful protestors.
    Those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones should not be harassed by the defence ministry officials especially in the months of May, July and November of each year!
    Will NPP’s new government release all the political prisoners and find the means of healing the long lasting WOUNDS of the minorities in SL? GRIEVANCES

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