By Rajan Hoole –
Law Enforcement and the Security Services: Politicisation and Demoralisation – 9
Some police officers have been explicit in the contention that police corruption is what breeds terrorism. Tamils who are regularly taken in by the Police on suspicion would readily agree. Officers in charge of some police stations and certain officers in police units investigating terrorism have been known to hold persons arbitrarily to obtain money for their release. Reports of such officers have come from detainees held by the CDB, CSU, and the more recent TID. Amounts charged have recently been known to exceed Rs.100 000, driving affected families to desperate straits. The practice rose sharply following the LTTE’s terrorist attacks in Colombo in 1991, continued into the term of the PA government in the latter 1990s, and then spread into the estates peopled by Hill-Country Tamils.
Several police officers contend that the most promising first step in tackling the problem is to do with the role of the magistrate. The detention of a suspect even under the Prevention of Terrorism Act requires the Police to conform to some objective criteria of suspicion. They point out that in every recent case where a fundamental rights petition has been filed on behalf of a detainee, the Supreme Court has granted relief.
*In a typical case, the magistrate compounded a particular disability suffered by a Tamil in Colombo. A Tamil woman from Jaffna who could not read bus destination boards that were only in Sinhalese, boarded a bus pointed out by a bystander, got lost and was detained by the Police on suspicion.
When a person is to be detained under the PTA, the police officer submits a report to the magistrate and requests a detention order. Magistrates, who are usually far better educated than police officers, rubber-stamp such requests without asking questions and it does not hurt them. Magistrates are not answerable for their decisions. But it is the less educated police officer who is faulted in a fundamental rights action and not the magistrate who should have scrutinised the matter.
In a typical case, the magistrate compounded a particular disability suffered by a Tamil in Colombo. A Tamil woman from Jaffna who could not read bus destination boards that were only in Sinhalese, boarded a bus pointed out by a bystander, got lost and was detained by the Police on suspicion. It took her family a month to locate her. The magistrate extended her detention order from month to month, giving the Police more time to bring evidence of her terrorist links. In the absence of any shred of evidence, the magistrate discharged her after a year in detention!
One must also keep in mind that like the Police, the role of the magistrate (a future judge of the higher courts), also suffers as the result of politicisation of law enforcing functions. We have earlier cited a case where a magistrate following procedure with regard to an individual having influence in presidential circles was, as it were, fortuitously interdicted two days after he refused to rescind an arrest warrant against the same individual. The Tamil PTA detainees are far from having such privileges. Like with the Police, members of the Judiciary too find life more rewarding when they do what the political bosses expect. Things were bad during the Jayewardene era. But one cannot pass over with equanimity the disturbing trends under the Kumaratunga government.
*To be continued.. Next week ; The Army -The Operation in Jaffna: July 1979
*From Rajan Hoole‘s “Sri Lanka: Arrogance of Power – Myth, Decadence and Murder”. Thanks to Rajan for giving us permission to republish. To read earlier parts click here
Sriyani Mangalika / April 18, 2015
First we should clear our minds of the thaught Tamils are terrorists. Some sacalled Sinhala Buddhists think they are a superior group. Lord Buddha never taught to condemn others. Today veteran professionals try to include in minds of people Tamils are an inferior group. May be for some physical advantage, They do not know the damage they are doing to this country and our future generation. It is severely harmful than a word of an average person or an ignorant.
realist / April 18, 2015
tamils need to learn if they plan to stay in SL. Else migrate back to better environment in the nadu
Peace Lover / April 19, 2015
and where do you propose to send the Sinhalas to? back to North india from where Vijaya was booted out by his father?
Adrian / April 19, 2015
Hatred breeds hatred. Hating people because of different language spoken or faith in different religion just indicates how uneducated one is. Do we own the country? The country owns us. Religion only guides us. Tamil is only a language. Tamils are a community who has a history to be proud of. So are the Sinhalese. By hating, its the quality of the community that’s brought down. God is not exclusive. Then Tamils and Sinhalese are also parts of God. Why not accept everything as it is as wiser beings?
JEINDRA THAVARAJAH. / April 19, 2015
Peace Lover.
Pl.read authentic History.
The present day sinhalas came from the present day South India!
Sinhala_Man / May 22, 2015
You are probably right, but that doesn’t make Peace Lover wrong!