Finance and Media Minister Mangala Samaraweera today requested the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) to launch an inquiry into allegations that one of his secretaries was among those arrested in Dubai, including underworld kingpin Makandure Madush.
The Minister also stated that some had even alleged that he gave the so-called secretary a diplomatic passport. The Minister, in his letter to CID Director Ravi Seneviratne, stated that some politicians continue to make false allegations against him on this matter even after he publicly denied the rumours of an arrest of his Secretary.
Samaraweera said UPFA MP Thenuka Vidanagamage and SLFP MP Dilan Perera, on two separate occasions, alluded to his possible involvement with the underworld criminal, “Madhush”. The Minister said such baseless allegations tarnished the reputation that he built up as a politician for over 30 years.
“These fabricated allegations are squarely aimed at protecting those who are actually involved in the drug trade in Sri Lanka. I also request you to probe the politicians who took Makandure Madhush to the airport to flee the country,” Samaraweera also added.
The Minister also urged the CID Director to record statements from the politicians and the media personnel who irresponsibly stated that one of his secretaries were among those arrested in Dubai. Samaraweera asserted he would initiate legal action against those who levelled false allegations at him.
Bunjappu / February 8, 2019
This is a very good move of Mr Samaraweera.
They have now been making every effort to attack him now. JOIN OPPOSITION is the group filled with Drug dealers and money launderers. Now they are like CRABS in hotwater. Wait and see, how many times former mafia boss was found with drug traffickers
NIMAL LANZA was about to be arrested by police few years ago, former Prez immediately flew to his place and hug the drug kinpin…. the link is below. Later on all other politicians made every effort to protect the BP Nimal Lanza upto now. This man and Aluthgamage are all alleged drug kin pins.
Samson Gunawardhana / February 8, 2019
Just because the greediness to politics, former President kept the artists and any other groups who were somehow respected by the masses. His secondary thoughts to win those fans indirectly. That is why today, even if RAJAPKAPSKHES would rape a young boy/girl/anyone on broad day light, it woud not have been spread as any crime.
He also kept the highly abusive media men above. Media men were gifted with laptops and other presents pleasing them. He should be made responsible for allt eh mess created in the society today.
Even if some artists were publicly known to be dealt with drugs and its trafficking, Rajaakshes and their henchmen never considered it serious as a high crime just let it go, even some guys were openly protected by political mediation. Examples are former parliamentarian, today a convicted murderer- Duminda Silva. Even Lansa is one of the giant DRUG kinpin in Negambo, but Rajaakshes connections protect him further.
To me, if execution would be brought back – Rajapakshes should be the first candidates to be executed. Their crimes are well connected with various kind of perpetrations. No just Madush, other others, Politicians should also be hung … it is high time to do so. Sirisena should make use of his chance by doing it practically.. then people s stances towards him could improve.. no doubt… we need a rigorous kind of a leader.. right at this critical juncture of lanken politics.
Amarasiri / February 9, 2019
“This is a very good move of Mr Samaraweera.”
Yes, especially after the harbor customs officers fiasco.
Does Mr Samaraweera. wants to be lumped along with the other crooks?
Was it because, this had been exposed, and there was no way out.?
Bunjappu / February 9, 2019
Amarasiri mahaththayo…
It is just that UNP ministers and everyone have been hunted by Lanken press today, ,´most ly fo rno reason.
I think they the UNPrs shoudl them the limits …
Can any media men abuse their pen not knowing the facts ? I have noticed, as one living out of the country, that Daily Mirror and Hiru TV and several other media men had added that the brother of the musician already arrested in Dubai with Makandure Madush saga, was also arrested during the raid day before yestreday. Latter was publicly denied by that brother of the musician…. how abusive the media is fallen into.. if all is clear but they just spread what they think and feel it right…
donot they the met have no right in SL in current context ?
In Europe, if even one would take my pic, I can stand against him legally. Once I was ina park and discussing with friends, some teenboys were taking a video of us the mixed foreigners in that group (international group of 12); there the girl from UK did not like it and made a complaint on the incident. German police reacted on the spot and threatened the teeny boys by asking their whereabouts would be taken to note.
That is how the law is in action in Germany forexample. That is the same in Switzerland and UK as I know.
But silly media performers to abuse it to the core in my home country today, is beyondethics and morals.
Besides, once they are caugh
Amarasiri / February 10, 2019
Yes. When the Media reports fake news, is not made accountable, this what happens.
We had an illegal and unconstitutional coup and the president is not accountable and the parliament won’t impeach him.
a Land like no other!
Sinhala_Man / February 9, 2019
So much of the current news is of jockeying for some person to get elected as the next President. But how many are aware of what this 50%+1 vote can mean if the next election is really close.
I have put something of what I understand the system to be here:
Why repeat? We’re wasting enough time on these rotten politicians as it is, but the issues are obviously of vital importance and will determine the future of our children.
Babalathappu / February 9, 2019
I dont think any of the alliances would gain 51% in next election.
My support is to Nagananda K if he would contest the PE. But we perfectly know the average mind set would not think twice before leap and give their votes to any parties. In this backdrop, we are very unlucky and cant keep much hopes.
But I am rather pessimitic, if NK or the like would be given sufficient number of votes to be able to become the leader. JVPrs have been in the business over the 4 decades, but people seem to be far from getting the philosopy of JVPrs. People would not forget 89 insurgency either. .
Sinhala_Man / February 10, 2019
Yes, Babalathappu,
Almost exactly what I feel. Let’s forget others, and do our thing. Let’s go ahead and give FIRST to Nagananda, SECOND to JVP (if they actually contest – they may not for fear of their paucity of support being exposed), and the THIRD for the less obnoxious from the two main parties.
Pathetic, aren’t we?
Analyst / February 8, 2019
The best action to be taken by Mr Mangala Samaraweera is to name the media outlets publishing fake news and take legal actions against these mouth piece medias . Go for their ” jugular “, demand millions of SLRs in compensation when you win the case.
No point in viz viz talks , go and act if you’re clean. We believe you, get the court to believe and win the case.
Good Luck .
Analyst / February 8, 2019
Medamulana Mahamodayas are very famous in worshipping and gets the Crooks off the Hook.
We know that how they behave openly hugging the crooks, give them praise and bribe them with the state stolen funds.
If they can do this openly what next? Even inviting for the weddings?
All these disgusting ways of patting the backs of Crooks and the Murderers are their trade mark. What a pity the Mouthpiece social media and the law of the country does not see this as unacceptable .
Maharage, / February 8, 2019
Gotabaya Rajapukse is closely connected to Drug mafia Kings and is making millions of dollars as commissions
Mahinda Rajapukse is getting huge commissions from NIMAL LANZA, the well known drug kingpin.
In fact, it is known that the cost of Mahinda Rajapukse’s son’s wedding was entirely borne by Nimal Lanza and a few others leading the drug mafia in Sri Lanka
Simon De Silva / February 8, 2019
this is what i found…
Simon De Silva / February 8, 2019
What do they say today ? those vicious groups of Rajapakshe dont leave a word about the participation of Arjuna Alocious in this wedding ? Not even JVPrs dare to raise the question. Was JVP leader also available in that wedding ?
Analyst / February 8, 2019
Then we saw you at the wedding sir!! This is the problem with all of you, scratching each other’s back and then face the consequences too. Cry over spilt milk??
Disgraced country with disgraceful Politicians.
No shame , no accountability ! every one is in each other’s pockets and on each other’s throats as well.
Scratched each other’s backs and we have to put up with you lot.
In bed and producing INBREDS. REally disgusted.
Analyst / February 8, 2019
Inbreeding and. Crossbreeding .
In Apeh Aanduwe , the Inbreeding has destroyed the nation’s intelligence among the Majority community.
We see the Effects of Incest and Inbreeding practices now . That’s why most are called Modayas??
Saman Hewawasam / February 9, 2019
Spot on.
Madonza De Almeida / February 8, 2019
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Analyst / February 9, 2019
Oh ! No! So many edited out??
Mendoza Almeida, Wasana Costa, chin chin nona, Ian Silva, Lohitha Pelpola,
Saman Hewawasam??
Oh CT why ace you edited them out??
Boiling point??
Saman Hewawasam / February 9, 2019
I must have touched a very sensitive nerve.
Wasana Costa / February 8, 2019
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chin chin nona / February 8, 2019
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K.Pillai / February 8, 2019
{“Mangala Urges CID To Probe Claims That One Of His Secretaries Is Among Those Arrested With Drug Kingpin In Dubai”}
The title of the article implies that Mangala knows the named person and more importantly, the person is innocent.
Should Mangala tell us the name AND why the person is above suspicion?
Lohitha Pelpola / February 8, 2019
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Ian Silva / February 8, 2019
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soma / February 8, 2019
It looks like lot of donkey commentators who have flocked to CT have not been able to save their mothers and sisters from Rajapaksas.
Deshapremiya / February 8, 2019
You know people, I am not implying or in any way defending these criminals, drug lords and underworld like Madush and this gang. Sometimes, I feel that our politicians are even worse offenders than these criminals because you can at least pay those like Madush to go commit a crime or to make a hit knowing that they will deliver on their promise. On the contrary, we elect our politicians to get a job done and they steal from the people, plunder the country, and in return, our poor people don’t get anything. Therefore, my take is that our politicians are either equal or worse CRIMINALS than those like Madush.
babanpunchi / February 9, 2019
You are spot on. Politicians either pave the way those drug peddlers to cross breed or they themselves work together direct or indirectly. Like for example, the way Mr MEDAMULANA is known to be going on with his way of abusive politics. Just imagine, that man Lanza is kept above, even if varioius forces would come and share him the truths about the man or the like minded drug kin pins. Dire consequences of drugs are being neglected, so that the drug peddlers could become the wealthy people and be part of their illegal organisations. Rajapakshes are the worst politicians the mother lanka produced. I am ashamed to call me a SINHALAYA today, just because these Rajakashes go on records for their genetics to do high crimes and paint the picture inf avour their kith and kin. Media goons too work with and in favour of them. Entire structure is manipulated so that Rajaakshe mechanisms lead the society. Be it the issue in Quatar embassy or in COlombo, virtually everything is interconnected directly or with aftereffects of their activities. This should be understated any more. Longer people and the responsible authorities would stay away from proper actions, not just drug traffickings, but entire social structure would turn out to be like in far abusive latin american countries or even afro countries.
Burt / February 9, 2019
What is the big fuss over a diplomatic passport holder being at a party that was organized by an underworld figure?
We have documented events of War criminals (accused only because the govt has no interest of trying them) holding diplomatic passports.
We even had Karuna Amman traveling to UK on a diplomatic passport.
One is awaiting trial in USA.
We had one diplomatic passport holder resigning because another diplomatic passport holder bitch slapped him.
We had another throat slitter with diplomatic passport that had to be recalled.
Diplomatic passport of Sri Lanka is a joke.
Saman Hewawasam / February 9, 2019
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Saman Hewawasam / February 9, 2019
Wow, my comment seems to touch a nerve.
Upul / February 9, 2019
So the Hon. Mangala Samawaraweera does NOT KNOW if one his staff is in Dubai??
Why should the CID waste time on a question he is paid to know the answer to!
Who are they trying to fool?
Until today the Sri Lankan embassy in UAE has not commented on who has been arrested and on what charges. So much for Consular assistance!!
Simon De Silva / February 9, 2019
They should come up with a notification clearing the misunderstandings.
TOday, you can check it within an hour if anyone in the staff of any ministry would have been out of the place. But lankens seem to be lagged by not being able to have the sense. In between, media mudalalis make every effort to fish in muddy waters.
This is unfortuantely, the weakness of lanken ministries. They should react within hours, that is also possible in today’s environment. They can check their computers and bring clear note on the issue immediately.
Ministry of external affairs should react on this sooner than later. I have the feeling, ministers dont do their job properly.
This was also the case with CUSTOM issue, until ANTI govt forces made every effort to send the message across in favour them, Mangala stayed silent. In the end what came to light was, it was a strategy to change the adminsitrative structure.
Babi Aachchi / February 9, 2019
Mangala to CID: “Investigate my secretary”
CID to Mangala” Yes sir, yes sir.. we will drop the matter as quickly as possible”
K A Sumanasekera / February 9, 2019
Poor Mangala.
Why do those Journos tarnish Managala and his Boys, who have Report Cards as white as A4 Xerox..
BTW, Did Mangala ask the CID to investigate his other /Coordinating, Sec who was nabbed by the Narcotics Cops in Galkissa?.
Did Mangi asked the CID to investigate the Sec who bullied Ms Charles to clear those Shipping Containers at the Docks?.
We know Mangi went to Yositha’s Nuptials with his buddy Dr Ranil, after accusing the young Yoshi’s Mom & Dad of stealing USD 20 Billion from our Mahavamsa Treasury ..
Was it an act of remorse or something else.?.
We know Mangi apologised to Sira for calling Sira Ballige Putha and Padadaya .
And tendered an Apology to get the Finance Gig back…
But accusing the ex President of Financial Crimes is nothing like calling Bastard or a SOB..
Because one cant tell the whole world that Rajapaksas are big ass rogues, specially when they were dobbed in by not simple Simons.
But by the biggest powers in the West, who now Call the the Shots in Colombo.
And apologize to say Sorry”..
And Mangi sacked Ms Charles for not checking the Colombo Business Mafia who re export Indonesian Karunka to Hindian.
And not collecting 140 Billion LKR in Mahavamsa Taxes?.
That is how strict this Mangi is when it comes to dodgy deals.
Now Mangi says he knows who escorted Madushka to Dubai through the Katunayaka Gates.
Why wouldn’t Mangi call “Sirasa’s Ukussa” and tell the names?
And the Journos there I am sure would reward Mangii even with our Lankawe Boys new Hugs which seem to be the norm nowadays..
BTW why don’t the Hindians get their “Karunka Hit” direct from Yudiano ?.
Why would they allow our Colombo BM to pocket such a colossal Profit?
Is it the beauty of this Dr Ranils ETCA?…..
Mallaiyuran / February 9, 2019
Mangala has said the pressure to Lankawe will go high in Geneva, this time. He has said that is because the fault of New King. You guys remember Thero’s explanation that why his May 2009, Kissinger like diplomatic deal failed latter? ” His Master’s Fault” . The World’s Worst Liar Mangala did all hanky panky in Genewa. He does know what will come out of Lanakwe latter and what will be the reaction of UNHRC for that. So, unlike Thero de Silva, he is not waiting to explain until it fails in March 2019 or in another date. He is smarty. He just finished his job and washed off his hands. New King, you take it or leave it!
Amila / February 9, 2019
Good move.Anyway the problem with unp is they are not using this opportunity to reveal all politicians behind madush with accurate info ( most seems to be connected are slfp politicians ). Specially now yapa, niroshan, hambathota former bus conducter, booki palas names have surfaced. Better to search these peoples phones and houses too.
Analyst / February 9, 2019
Karma is following every sinners. The ones languishing abroad living in sheer luxury paid from state funds , mean poor people’s money are awaiting for their last supper or doomsday.
The ones in Aapeh Aanduwe are counting days. Now it’s the turn of the ex speaker from the Modaya family.
Juggling and telling lies through the teeth.?? Eh!!! Who would have thought, A speaker is supposed to be a man of Neutral.In Democracy.
In SLankan Democracy it’s family bonding DEMOCRAZY. …..
nalmen / February 9, 2019
how did mangalas coordinating secretary get a diplomatic passport?
Nosey Parker / February 9, 2019
Why not say categorically that none of your staffers are involved rather than beating about the bush ? Looks as if you have a problem in saying that .
Sagala Putha / February 9, 2019
Mangala must be waiting for the police to probe him (Wink wink nudge nudge) with a baton, hey?
whywhy / February 9, 2019
Whatever said and done , we have a government in place today thanks to the
support of minority parties that includes the J V P . About fifty percent of the
majority still were waiting to to see the conspiracies win . Judiciary did it’s
part but still a lot remained to be done to safely sit down and carry on. Minority
provided that much needed tonics . Conspirators are trying to overturn this
historic event by playing juggling and giving people a new twist . There’s no
room for twists here . Our politics is not short of Hooligans , thugs , thieves ,
prostitution , fraud, begging , murder and so on , you name it ! Wherever
money flows , politics follow in our country and people run after them ! All
our Great leaders knew the formula , Well there could be exception but very
negligible . It’s all about playing it right with safety , just like the RAJAS !
But one thing is now clear to everyone ! EVERYBODY IN THE PARADISE ARE BEAUTIFULLY CORRUPT .
Analyst / February 9, 2019
AIYO !!!!!
Who is Mr or Mrs Clean in Aapeh Aanduwe ?? ADeh Doyyoh!! Answer me???
Adooh Lord Buddha! Lord Muruga! Mighty Jesus Christ! Allah hoo Akbar… ! Please answer me………
Who is CLEAN ?? We the Patriots are lost in this wilderness.
These Drug Moles are protected by our disgusting Politicians . When is the End ?
The talk is they may be executed in Arabic Style.
Less drugs on the roads and schools of SL.
Suren / February 9, 2019
Hat Off to the Minister! Stand firm and tall, beat the bastards hard as hell. Move the law enforcement to nail them, and sue them in courts of law for deformation, claim thumbing sum as damage, and give it to charity. We watched the video, how Dilan and the other guy were on their high horses, they were acting as if they already had all the hard and solid facts and evidence on their finger tips. This foolishness and fooling the people got to be stop for good. Go ahead Minister we are with you on the long run. They are always waiting for something sensational to scour cheap browny points with the public. Real, no good, God forsaken, goats, donkeys and pigs, never , ever wouldn’t get better. All of them have real stinking cesspit mouths, and what they put out from then are utter rubbish.
whywhy / February 9, 2019
Srilanka is a country of 22,000000 population . We have 1.6 million employed in
the public sector , about a million in the Middle East , another million in Europe
and elsewhere , about three hundred thousand in the garment manufacturing
and another quarter of a million is thought to be in the Tea industry and another
one million is reported to be in the Tuk Tuk hire ! These are the figures we often
read on reports and excludes other small businesses , farmers , medical
profession , construction industry , tourism industry and other day to day
earnings . In short we have more to go happier than going sad running wild
screaming and wailing as if it is a funeral house ! Why is it ? IT IS BECAUSE
Prasad Cooray / February 10, 2019
The guardian angel of democracy, the saviour of righteousness
and the protector of all that is human rights, like the Emperor
without clothes!!
Mrs Charles was brought in after much praise and ecoomiums
by none other than our designer M. Samaraweera. It did not take
long to realise she was pinched his cronies, particularly the
shortie boy in business, Thu Alioluwa.
S.L. Walah / February 13, 2019
Mangala should bloody -well know if his secretary was in Dubai or at least away from his office, other than those ones he may maintain as secretaries for obvious reasons – yes! You guessed it right.