20 February, 2025


Media Focus On Nadesan While Ignoring Elites In ‘Panama Papers’

By Amrit Muttukumaru

Amrit Muttukumaru

The role of the mainstream media is to be an unbiased watchdog and encourage public opinion on issues of good governance and combating corruption. Hence, why is our mainstream media which ‘went to town’ on the ‘Pandora Papers’ reference to Thirukumar Nadesan and Nirupama Rajapaksa, fighting shy of exposing the more than 60 Sri Lankans names in the 2016 ‘Panama Papers’ some of whom are movers and shakers in the country’s private sector? Is it because the Nadesan/Rajapaksa duo styled as the ‘Power Couple’ are ‘outsiders’ in relation to the Colombo centric ‘elite’ circles or is it because they do not bring any advertising revenue?

The world owes a debt of gratitude to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) for its painstaking work resulting in the landmark ‘Panama Papers’ and ‘Pandora Papers’. Its efforts would count for little unless the media in the respective countries honestly continue from where the ICIJ left off.

The media demanding accountability from Nadesan/Rajapaksa are doing their damnedest to distance ‘elite’ circles from them.


The mainstream media which ‘went to town’ on the Nadesan/Rajapaksa duo, did not report let alone release in the public domain the personal letter dated 15 October 2016 written by Nadesan to then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe which was attached to the ‘Pandora Papers’. In his letter, Nadesan is “proclaiming his innocence” on the contentious “mansion” allegedly built on his Gampaha property by one of the ruling Rajapaksa siblings – Basil Rajapaksa who is presently Minister of Finance.

Also ignored by the media is that Wickremesinghe was Cabinet Minister of Industry, Science and Technology during the Ranasinghe Premadasa presidency at the time the duo’s ‘shell’ companies, Pacific Commodities Ltd. and Rosetti Ltd. were set-up. It is alleged that the main source of income of these ‘shell’ companies is by providing “consulting” services to the Sri Lanka government “mainly in relation to inward investment into Sri Lanka”.

Ranil Wickremesinghe is the nephew of Ranjit Wijewardene – owner of Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) which DOMINATES the print media in this country. The competitive media not wanting to ruffle Wijewardene’s feathers have neither exposed Nadesan’s personal letter to his nephew nor reported that he was Cabinet Minister of Industry when ‘consulting’ services to the government were allegedly given to ‘shell’ companies owned by Nadesan.

Cardinal & WNL

The fear of upsetting WNL is such that let alone the media, even the usually loquacious

Cardinal is tonguetied on seeking accountability from Wijewardene’s laid-back son Ruwan for his share of responsibility for the Easter Sunday carnage when he was State Minister of Defense during the ENTIRE period of the 2015-19 Yahapalana government. Are we expected to believe that Ruwan did not have knowledge of the attack even to the extent of Harin Fernando’s hospitalized father?

SJB & Elites

Similarly, even the main opposition party – SJB went out of its way to distance ‘elite’ circles from Nadesan. SJB spokesman – S.M. Marikkar, when referring in parliament to the past employment of Nadesan, avoided even NAMING the company where he worked. He merely referred to a “famous Company” (‘Daily Mirror’ 8 October 2021). Is not this company, Maharaja Organisation (Projects) Ltd. – a subsidiary of Maharaja Organisation Ltd. – now Capital Maharaja Group, the owner of the Sirasa/MTV/Shakthi television empire?

Apparently no one in parliament even asked for the identity of this “famous Company”! This is the extent to which even politicians go to curry favour with the media.

Is it not a fact that the Print and TV media empires of Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) and the Capital Maharaja Group (CMG) would never have reached their current status if not for state sponsored projects – particularly from the UNP since 1978? Chief among them is the ‘Mahaweli Project’ – Randenigala Dam (WNL) and Victoria Dam (CMG). This must be viewed in the context of Thirukumar Nadesan being a former senior employee at the “famous Company”!

‘Power’ Structure

Nadesan’s ‘personal letter’ to Wickremesinghe being suppressed by the mainstream media is interesting for another reason as well. It reveals the ‘power’ structure in this country. Nadesan states in his letter he was “named a co-Executor” of the “Will” of the late Anura Bandaranaike who was the brother of former President Chandrika Kumaratunga.

The revelations in the ‘Pandora Papers’ on the Nadesan/Rajapaksa duo, covers the period 1990 to 2019. It encompasses the executive presidencies of Ranasinghe Premadasa (January 1989 to May 1993), D.B. Wijetunga (May 1993 to November 1994), Chandrika Kumaratunga (November 1994 to November 2005), Mahinda Rajapaksa (November 2005 to January 2015) and Maithripala Sirisena (January 2015 to November 2019). Ranil Wickremesinghe (Prime Minister) had almost equal ‘power’ under the Sirisena presidency.

‘Power Couple’

While those with their ears to the ground will not be too surprised by the revelations in the ‘Pandora Papers’, even they will be amazed by the extent of the alleged wealth of the Nadesan/Rajapaksa duo dubbed as the ‘Power Couple’ stashed away for concealment in a maze of entities in tax havens.

Their alleged wealth parked in ‘shell’ companies since 1990 has been estimated “at more than $160 million” in 2011. If found unlawful, it is a scandal of major proportions despite the ICIJ stating it “couldn’t independently verify the figure”

Due to the wide exposé already in the media by commentators for the most part regurgitating what’s in the Pandora Papers, there is no necessity for this writer to re-trace what has already been stated other than flag some crucial revelations.

The assets allegedly amassed by the duo apart from cash and securities are said to include 4 luxury apartments – three in London, one in Sydney, a Dubai-registered asphalt firm and a valuable collection of paintings. The ICIJ alleges that the couple’s art collection is stored in the “Geneva Freeport ultra-secure warehouse complex” which the BBC has described as housing the “greatest art collection no one can see.”

It is alleged that the main source of income of the duo’s ‘shell’ companies is providing “consulting” services to the Sri Lanka government. For example, it is alleged that “Pacific Commodities Ltd., would collect millions of dollars, an internal document shows, advising foreign companies doing business with the Sri Lankan government.”

It is imperative for regulatory agencies in Sri Lanka led by the CBSL (Central Bank of Sri Lanka) to get to the bottom of this and determine the truth under the gaze of public opinion within a timeframe of not more than 3 months. This is perfectly reasonable in the context of the ICIJ already having done most of the ‘legwork’. This will only happen if the mainstream MEDIA plays its role. I for one am not holding my breath!

‘Panama Papers’

While the mere listing of names in tax havens does not necessarily indicate wrongdoing, it is the responsibility of the authorities particularly the CBSL to ascertain legitimacy. Refusal by the CBSL to do so, does injustice to those with legitimate accounts.

Compared to recent CBSL governors – Nivard Cabraal and Arjuna Mahendran (Cabraal is once again governor), Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy is apparently held in high esteem by the Colombo centric business and professional circles. Yet, when this writer urged Dr. Coomaraswamy to determine the legitimacy of offshore accounts in tax havens held by Sri Lankans named in the ‘Panama Papers’, he REFUSED to do so by trotting out the shocking excuse:

“The time period prescribed by the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017 to conclude investigations under ECA expired on 19.05.2018 as stipulated in the Foreign Exchange Act No 12 of 2017. These investigations also lapsed on that date.”

 If this is so, why did Coomaraswamy AGREE to the new Act which was enacted during his tenure by the Yahapalana government when current SJB stalwart Eran Wickramaratne was State Minister of Finance?

A precursor to the new Act was the ‘invitation’ issued by then Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake to “Sri Lankans and Indians who had to take back their deposits from banks in Switzerland to place their funds in Sri Lanka”.  He had further assured that “No questions would be asked”!

Big Names

Those named in the 2016 ‘Panama Papers’ include Coomaraswamy’s erstwhile colleague Krishan Balendra on the director board of arguably the country’s leading corporate – John Keells Holdings (JKH). Balendra now JKH Chairman, in 2016 was ‘Executive Director’ and also Chairman, Nations Trust Bank which came under CBSL supervision.

Coomaraswamy was a Board Director of JKH for more than 5 years until his resignation in July 2016 after his appointment as CBSL Governor. Subsequently his sister Radhika was appointed JKH Director.

True to form when the media broke the news on the ‘Panama Papers’, it IGNORED Krishan Balendra and other prominent names in the corporate sector.

New Fortress, Adani & JKH

 The protection of ‘elite’ circles by the mainstream media is reinforced when after ‘going easy’ after the government allowed India’s Adani Group to have a majority 51% stake in the West Container Terminal (WCT), there is strident opposition to the 40% equity allowed to US-based

New Fortress Energy Inc. in the Yugadanavi Power Station. One wonders whether this has anything to do with Balendra’s JKH being given a 34% stake to partner Adani’s 51% stake? The state owned SLPA has been left with a mere 15% in WCT!

The monopoly allegedly given to ‘New Fortress’ for the supply of LNG for five years is another matter which has to be resisted.

It is noteworthy that the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) agreement for WCT was signed on 30 September 2021 AFTER Balendra’s close relative Milinda Moragoda (wife’s half-brother) arrived in New Delhi to assume duties as High Commissioner in August 2021. It is also worth noting that although Moragoda’s appointment was approved by Parliament’s High Posts Committee last year (September 2020), he assumed duties after almost one year (August 2021). Such is his unparalleled worth to the country!

Coomaraswamy is presently ‘Distinguished Fellow’ of the Milinda Moragoda founded ‘Pathfinder Foundation’.


It is downright dangerous to give the media both state/private – a free pass to operate without ‘INDEPENDENT’ regulation. It is a myth that the privately owned media is superior to the state owned media.

The ‘selfregulation’ through the ‘Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka’ (PCCSL) is a farce. For example, WNL’s ‘Sunday Times’ Editor – Sinha Ratnatunga is also Deputy Chairman of the PCCSL. The implication is that you have to complain to Ratnatunga about Ratnatunga!

Next to the dominant WNL owned by Ranjit Wijewardene is Upali Newspapers Limited (UNL) founded by his cousin Upali Wijewardene now controlled by his widow.

There is documentary evidence of WNL’s ‘Daily Mirror’ even ‘planting’ a non-existent article falsely attributed to the ‘London Times’! At its own whim WNL decides when or not to grant even a ‘Right of Reply’.

The writer urges WNL to deny any of this.

Can the public look forward to the media particularly WNL newspapers, exposing on their FRONT pages ALL the Sri Lankan names in the ‘Panama Papers’ and ‘Pandora Papers’?

We are now informed by our media that the name of R. Paskaralingam allegedly appears in the ‘Pandora Papers’. He was closely associated with UNP leaders mainly – former President Ranasinghe Premadasa and former Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe. Are we to assume that the only Sri Lankan names in the ‘Pandora Papers’ are those of Thirukumar Nadesan, Nirupama Rajapaksa and R. Paskaralingam?

Why is Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) only interested in the three names in the ‘Pandora Papers’ and ignoring the more than 60 names in the ‘Panama Papers’?

Why is it that authorities seeking to ‘regulate’ social media are for the most part ‘comfortable’ with the mainstream media? Does this not tell a story?

It will be a miracle if this article sees the light of day in any mainstream media!

Latest comments

  • 34

    Brilliant and thanks Amrit Muttukumaru for this expose.
    India’s Adani and Ambani are now front companies of Black Rock Hedge Fund USA, which got billions of Covid-19 “Bailouts” to assest Strip around the world, particularly in countries where the currency was crashed during the bio-terrorism Covid-19 project.

    The US Deepstate is desperate to set up military bases in the West and East Coast of Sri Lanka as the Cold War is hotting up, to monitor China and the Submarine or Undersea Data Cable Routes (UDC) of the Indian Ocean where Sri Lanka is located. UDCs keep the whole global financial and economic system ponsy scheme that works on Big Data going. This is why US citizen Basil and Goat signed Kerawelapitiay power plant to US New Fortress to supply the US War machine from Strategic Lanka.

    • 11

      Dinuk, If what you say is true, then bull and goat have more common sense to get away from the devouring communist dragon where restoration of nation would be an impossibility.

    • 9

      Before coming to power, Gotabaya aka Nandasena the puppet was self-proclaiming to have a vision for the country, but his vision has ended up making him the laughing stock of the day, for whom even little children make jokes today.

      I have no doubt murdered MAKANDURE MADHUSH too would have had some good vision, but the kind of men would not be elected as leaders. The very same is valid to Gotabaya who spend over 15 long years in a refugee camp in California.

      • 6

        Gotabaya had the audacity to express in that ECO summit that SRILANKA will be the first country WHICH would be branded as ” pro organic cultivations”, … however, the bugger does not seem to know that people in srialnka (majority) would not have income levels to consume such organic foods being produced by organically maintained cultivations. So, how can this man ever grasp it……. no doubt, all the leaders listen to the dog would have thought ” BANDARANAYAKAS were the leaders that set examples to the world” but ” Rajaapkshes are produced to taste CHINESE excreta rich organic manure” as a begging nation in the world how can we that proudly challenged what rich nations have all along failed to achieve ? I think, that says about ” man s vision”: THis man is no appropriate to be a VILLAGE headman of a corner in srilanka.
        There isa saying we can spit facing up, … but we have no choice today. Idiots empowered him giving the support to that 20th Amendment, but today, even the ones being cabinet ministers behave like tail waging dogs to roudy Rajapakshes.
        May our people be blessed with BRAINS… that is what we can pray for a better srilanka. But not the tiniest sign of light at the end of tunnel in terms of a better future to this nation, so long RAJAPKSHE bps are alive.
        JVPrs and NPPrs over to you, improve the awareness of the people, that have been caught by the clutches of STUPID Rajakshes. We should all support a party that will put the law and order above… Mr Nagananda Kodi and all others will support JVPrs and goodies in SJB for a new kind of governance, if people would elect only those who have brains into the parliament.
        God bless srilanka.

      • 4

        LM , even Gothabaya questions our voters IQ. He said in a public gathering” last time you chased us away then why on earth did you elect us again ( note it’s not me, he says us Rajapaksas). If you need change , do some thing different, not the same and expect different results”. Do you think our voters have mental capacity to understand??

        • 0

          Brother Chiv,
          that is a trick.
          He is now waging the tail towards NPP and JVP. I really dont how JVP would react…. let s wait and see….

          I myself spoke to TUK to Uni lecturers during my very recent travel made to SL- returned from SL on the 7th Nov. THe problem has been – they are being caricatured by sinhala-buddhism mindset. So long this mindset is existent, nothing would work for the improvement of the awareness tremendously. I was about to speak to chief monk / newly elected VC to UOK, by name Rev Kollupitiye Ananda thero, aka the architect of that ” Nagaya-carried-Fake Relics Saga”. Anyways, the fake monk slithered not having faced to us. I was known to him in person, 4 years ago and we had a good chat on his Sorbone Uni Education and all about srilanken politics.

    • 5

      At the end of 52 day fake govt of polonnaruwa donkey some question ed why not psycho analysts check stupid man s head. The same is becoming with so called powerful man aka NANDASEENI , incumbent president looking at how he appoint the total stupid yellow boots as UNI VCs. Entire media is ca6 by “stand-still” because underworld is set if anyone would stand against, it is high time people to stand and hang these criminal s by Satakaya. 🐃🐃🐕🐃🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕😥😥😥

  • 24

    I appreciate your consistent even 5hough without much success exposing both financial and Intellectual corruption of elite of Colombo despite the fact you are one of them.
    Main stream media including your good friend Kumar completely behind those corrupt ones for want of Advertising revenue and personal reasons.
    Thanks to internet we are able to know them through your continued effort.

  • 26

    More than ever, we need the JVP.

    • 6

      Exactly the truth.
      RTF – there are rumours that Ghanakka will be the VC to RAJARATA University. What these ballige puthas do to this country will not be repairable in this life.

      Ahoooooooooo…. ratakata una kala.. what happened to this nation ?

    • 3

      ramona: Yes, we do need that. But the biggest problem before them is: Can they win over this “Elite Marfia” – (Politicians, Clergy, NGOs, Social Activists, Pseudo Professionals, Criminals,) that had spread like cancer eating into the flesh and blood of the county’s “Economy”, “Politics” and “Social” structure? It is not that an “EASY” task but has to be ELIMINATED at any cost.

      • 2

        Bro Simon,

        hope you are keeping well. I kept away for the last 3 weeks.
        I got to see by own eyes how people suffer under the incumbent govt led by Nandasini. I coul dnot travel to your area as had been previous times, but in colombo, where ever I went to.. my eyes could not believe, how people lined up to collect their fuel and food items.
        This was not overlooked before those 6.9 mios voted for them. Nevertheless, media and PINGUTHTARAYAs are to be blamed for the mess. Media could avoid this happening if they did the job in favour of the PUBLIC.

      • 4

        Citizens must Arise! The “Elite Mafia” – (Politicians, Clergy, NGOs, Social Activists, Pseudo Professionals, Criminals,) must be incarcerated. JVP will be the best at handling this phenomena.

  • 22

    My Dear Mr Amrit Muttukumaru ……. do you realize that you are no better than the people you are accusing?

    “seeking accountability from Wijewardene’s laid-back son Ruwan”

    Why don’t you point out that he and the PM was kept in the dark by not inviting them to the “security/defence” meetings?

    Now, I know, like a typical Lankan “elite” you’ll run and hide to lick your wounds and mark time …….. till ye can show ye Nari face again when ye think the forum has forgotten …… A typical home-grown “elite!”

    I’m sure you are very popular with the Rajapakse clan/team! ……… All are very popular with one group or another …………. Depends on what they want you to say ……….

    If you are a truth-teller …. you will surely alienate one side or the other in the long run ……

    • 13


      Do you know this is nothing new to man? …….. That the ancient Greeks had the same problem?

      Diogenes …….. who roamed the streets of Greece ……… carrying a lantern in the midday sun ……… searching for a honest man ……. was certainly not a team-player ………

      Truth speakers, by nature, cannot be team-players ………. they have to speak against anyone …….at times, even against themselves ……….

      On a good day, I’ve only Native Vedda ……. as a sorta “friend” ……….. :))

      Anyway Mr Muttukumaru, when I see ye photograph ……..I know all ye problems ……… it’s all in the mirror …………

      It’s only that, …………… it’s a pity we fellow countrymen have to pay such a high price for it ………..

      • 4


        Why talk about the Greeks? These robbers will now feel validated and important. Never! Greece was millenia ago with slaves. Humans have much evolved since. Successful countries new to modern democracy find it unethical, shameful, and embarrassing to have oligarchs steal from the blood and sweat of the Masses.

        • 5

          “Successful countries new to modern democracy find it unethical, shameful, and embarrassing to have oligarchs steal from the blood and sweat of the Masses.”

          Geeeze Ramona …….. you’ve been spending too much time with Old Codger! ………. I thought only Jehan Perera was living on Mars!

          The ancient Greeks were a lot better – just look at all the thinkers they had; at least they knew it was wrong to steal – than the “modern” lot ……. Good ol’ Donald didn’t make “modern” times proud …….. millions of his “rescue package” went to Mitch McConnell’s wife’s companies …….. and Betsy DeVos’s ………. to name just a few …….

          Who are you kidding Ramona? …….. Native?

          • 3


            hey,…America is quite a different place. They have enough money to splurge and indulge all they want in (never mind the bombing of other countries). In Motherland, all is stolen money from the sweat of our suffering masses with no decent wages and salaries in place.

      • 7

        Mr.M has sooo many axes to grind. From Ken Balendra to Indrajit Coomaraswamy (and his sister Radhika), the Wijewardenas…….
        He has still to explain how much money was lost in Mahendran’s bond scam, though. I hope you’ve set up your own shell companies properly?

        • 6

          “Mr.M has sooo many axes to grind.”


          Like Kumar says ……. it’s one minute to midnight ……. and these people are still playing the same old games …….. they will never get over their insecurities …… and we all end up paying for it ……….

          Some day when I have a little time …… I’m going to sit down and write a book about the Lankan “elite.”

          “I hope you’ve set up your own shell companies properly?”

          You might find it hard to believe but I do things very ethically ……. don’t want any jail time :)) …….. what we have is adequate: not looking for the last 18 billion ……. :))

        • 4

          old codger

          In the 2019 Presidential Elections Gota received 52.25% and Sajith received 41.99% of the popular votes.
          In the 1972 US presidential elections Richard Milhous Nixon won 60.67% of the popular vote.

          In 1973 his Vice president Spiro Theodore Agnew resigned due to corruption charges. Nixon resigned the presidency in August 1974.

          This shows even crooks cannot last in politics forever even though they were being elected by a majority.
          How come our crooks are repeatedly being elected until they kick the bucket?

          • 5

            Dear NV
            …”How come our crooks are repeatedly being elected until they kick the bucket?”……
            Yes remarkable indeed.
            But what beggers belief is that quite often, their progeny are then hailed as replacements. Masochism ??

      • 5

        nimal fernando

        On a good day I do not come across any religious leaders, priests, monks, poosaries, imams, … That is the day I plant Tapioca Cassava, sweet potato, …. as the failed ministers advised us.

        Please could you tell me what Gota is doing about the many issues that people want dealt with.

        • 4

          “Please could you tell me what Gota is doing about the many issues that people want dealt with.”


          In my entire life ……. I have never seen anyone as incompetent as Gota ……….

          He has become a laughingstock ……. people laugh at his threats …….

    • 4

      nimal fernando

      Would you like to spend mere 15 minutes to watch this clip:


      Is it possible for you to entice both sides to engage in this little exercise as the beginning of much larger meaningful project?

      • 3


        Thanks for the link. Are you engaged in projects like that? Getting young people to work together is good …….. at least it’ll foster understanding and lessen the animosity …… but I feel that the opportunities to resolve the Palestine conflict is now lost due to the unwillingness of Israel and the duplicity of the Americans. The disunity and backstabbing each other of the Arabs haven’t helped either. Even the so called Left/Socialist/Communist nations have dealt with Israel behind the scenes and sold the Palestinians down the river.

        I have great admiration for the Palestinians …….. for how they have endured all the injustices and the unbelievably harsh suffering heaped on them.

        At one time Lebanon was the most progressive nation in that part of the world ……. look at them now. SL is heading there.

        I have never visited Israel; never will. Another place I won’t visit is South Africa. For the way they have treated their people. …………One of my sisters visits Israel very often and says nice things about the place. Most of my siblings have visited South Africa and one of my kids has done volunteer work there …… they seem to like the place.

        I shouldn’t visit Sri Lanka as well ……. for the way we have treated our minorities ……… but a good rice and curry is hard to resist.

        • 2

          nimal fernando

          “but a good rice and curry is hard to resist.”

          There you are, you are willing to dumb your own principles for a plate of imported rice and chicken (also imported) curry.

          “Are you engaged in projects like that? “

          Regrettably the answer is no.

          “Getting young people to work together is good …….. at least it’ll foster understanding and lessen the animosity “

          I get your point, however in this island people including the young ones thrive on animosity. It is sad the poison has been passed on to the young through their stupid genes from generation to generation, …. even though they are not well informed about the politics or lack of it, … look at diaspora how it behaves.

          However being an optimist myself, I believe these are passing cloud, like Maoism, Marxism, Polpotism, …….. and old SJ’s dreams about Sirimaoism, Mao and Maoism, … China owning this island, … Siri Mao’s failed socialism, Non Alignment (which helped aiding and abetting the brutal Pakistani armed forces to rape, kill, loot, burn, people of east Bengal …. another failed initiative declaration of Indian Ocean as Peace Zone, …) …

          The Trade minister Bandu said people could live on Rs 2,500, I love to invite him to show us how. Once he was caught on camera holding a white woman’s hand affectionately in one of those Malaysian local market.

  • 17

    Main stream media in my home country are caught by mafia for such a long time. Just imagine, a month passed since president ordered to issue a report on unethical “pandora afraid of Rajapakse family” but not even Sirasa TV channel has no balks to question where the report is???? Neither have any u tube channels questioned about the grave issue. No judges or lawyers in that country question about it or even if they do, media would bring it as ” headline news” aiyyyyyyyyyooooooo 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃🐃🐃😥😥😥😥😥😥a bunch of criminals turned good old srilanka a hell as of today. People s angers have gone beyond bearing. Even if any govt would take over it will not be easy to recover. Greece was fallen but EU set harder rules on them but who would help srilanka? Not even the Chinese because the fertiliser ban exposed chinese ultra hypocrisy to the entire world. Bandaranayakes maintained a good friendship with china but stupid medamulana crooks destroyed it as a glass wall collapsed 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

    • 4

      Dear LM.
      A better omission is the ” blatant threat to Prison inmates” by Lohan Ratwatte.
      It has been swept under the carpet fully.
      Sri Lankans are very forgiving in having short memories – a wonderful people who thereby, ruin themselves.

  • 15

    A crook is a crook.

    • 2

      A crook is a crook, but in our country CROOKS are more welcome than the others. Why ?
      If their attitudes are other way around, things would have turned out to be POSITIVE at least for future generations.
      Today, ONE CROOK BROTHER CRITICISES the other brother. But both are wearing their normal dress…. This is a FAMILY struggle on the cost of the people.

  • 15

    Who is clean in that family ?
    Gotabaya Nanadasena ? if yes, why does he continuously let “Delete Jayaweera” – owner of highly abusive Derana TV and other insittutions illegal business.
    To tell you poor passenger end up their trip in DUBAI, had to have gone through two test while transit passengers in Dubai were not required that.
    Meaning, poor labourer passengers travelled by my FLIGHT from CMBO to Dubai had to pay for a RAPID ANTIGENT test costing 7500 rps. Meaning all together they the poor men and women had to pay 6500 for a PCR test and 7500 rps for antigen test which was performed at the Airport…. can you imagine… how their lucractive kind of businesses are ?
    Who is behind those ANTIGEN TESTING MAFIA – Delete Jayaweera ?

  • 13

    That is freedom of choice for the media. They publish selectively.
    Is there an exception? I doubt.

    • 2

      As I said earlier, Eagle can be educated, but never you, because you are stamped out from UOJ. In the West, where you learned the ABC, universities are let alone for students to develop their free minds. Vasanthi and Dougie manage and manipulate the opinion of the UOJ products. UOJ is such a violent institute, so violently and constantly brainwashing students. In times, many of the students were put in rapist Army’s concentrations camps, which are renamed as rehabilitation centers. Lankawe has put a fortress of foundation for propaganda media from Siri Ma O time when the “Democracy’s Obituary” was published in Daily News. Siri Ma O nationalized Lake House for that murderous crime and reduced it as a “Solomon Family’s supermarket flyer”. That is the status of it still now. In the recent decades, other than Dharshi & Vamadevan report on Chinese embassy paying for 2015 election works of Royal family for Bald Heads, no other serious news the Daily News has published. (But Ranil ensured that all those CID reports were sherd. So they both ran out of the country to escape from libel and false reporting accusations) Merwyn entered Rupavahini and beat up employees. Employees chased him out.The end was, Lankawe is 174th out 179 nations surveyed in media freedom.

      • 2

        Presence noted.

    • 3

      Lankawe most famous editor’s (Lasantha) murder case in now in ICC because nothing could be done about it in Lankawe courts. 45 Tamil editors and journalists were murdered by the Chitanta government. This is a very careful weeding and vetting to create propaganda media culture. Recent Royal ones’ still nobody has put out a list. How many times have you talked about these here, but now trying to establish that the Colombo Media is not doing paid propaganda, but freely reporting? At this time, anybody in Lankawe start a convoluted argument that the Colombo Media reporting nothing but on their freedom, are none other than Rowdy Royalist’s Propagandist. Before you attempt to prove that your masters have let the Colombo media to freely operate, but not using for propaganda, you consciously open & operate a free media activism Org. If something is on the pot only anything can come on the ladle. Your UOJ record always reflects the accuracy of that saying.

    • 3

      Freedom of CHOICE for the media ? Only for pro-Rajapskeh blant lies ?

      No doubt, NPP and young UNPrs and others raise a plethora of quesitons, but media mafia financed by BASIL bp ( now and also during GG rule) dont let them become news of any main stream media/ printed and electronic.
      In Europe, as my info are concerned, headlines news items should be FILTERED well before being telecasted or broad casted. Even radio channels that keep us update while driving across europe, ….. are HIGHLY reliable.
      I dont want SRILANKENs to follow EUROEANs, but regardless of the country, news items should be unbiased when it comes from STATE media.

      Not DRUG mafia, but MEDIA mafia ruled in my motherland is beyond anyone s control.
      Some TV channels display PICTURES being killed by ROAD accidents… I have never seen such PICTURES being telecasted by European TV channels.

      Many thought, a country with a history of BUDDHISM, HINDUISM would react going by NON-VIOLENCE, but today, the media men promote violence deliberately.

  • 19

    “The implication is that you have to complain to Ratnatunga about Ratnatunga!”
    Another one of those classic reasons for labelling Sri Lanka as a land like no other!

  • 23

    “It will be a miracle if this article sees the light of day in any mainstream media!”
    I say, that is why so many people who want to be in the know read the Colombo Telegraph!

    • 7

      Main stream media is caught by total ignorance and indifference. Not a single TV channel requestioned about the “report” on Pandora accusations?. .
      Alahaperuma as Media minister does the same politics so as Vasidewa is forced to do. In late 70ties we thoght Vasidewa would be an exemplary leader but perks tamed him going beyond all margins, I don’t think even his dead body would be welcome by the earth worms since even such creatures find him disgusting today. 🐃🐕😥🐕🐃😥🐕🐃😥🐕🐃😥🐕🐃😥

  • 15

    The major political party, the major political party leadership, the major Sri Lankan medias are from the richest Sri Lankan families (most come from Nayakar family of India) who control politics, parliament and media. Whether it is Senanayaka family or Bandaranayaka or Jeyawardena family or Rajapaksa family there is no difference and they will be above the law. So, it is not surprise that the media will not expose these families. In fact, the citizens of this country are slaves of the ruling families. The citizens have no powers to ask questions about these families.

    • 5

      “…richest Sri Lankan families (most come from Nayakar family of India)…”
      Which Nayakkar?
      Not EV Ramasamy Nayakkar I am sure.
      Keep us amused.

      • 2

        His majesty Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe (Last King of Sri Lanka) Family.

  • 3

    Nirupa you should be a role model,and a Buddhist woman too don’t confine in cmb 7 go out to the villages and see the plight of people
    Bring back your hard earned money forget about Thiru (Dan) he always deal maker,but you do your part.sadu sadu

  • 15

    Although the writer highlights the hand-in-glove relationships between industrialists, politicians and media magnates, the problem that most people don’t see, is that ALL the players in high stakes cover for each other. Their political affiliations are immaterial to this norm. What the barking dogs on Sri Lankan evening TV news do is just keep the cattle distracted and entertained.. All the illicit funds flow under the table and camaraderie is well maintained while on the outside they don green or blue or purple etc. and come election time, the cattle go and elect one parasite or the other, often alternating between them. A third political force is a dire necessity to stop the rot.

    • 5

      Dear LP.
      The President agrees with you !
      “Even if myself or the ministers in my government don’t meet your expectations, don’t elect the same set of people. Look for new people. This system has to change. There is no point in electing the same group of people into power if they fail to meet the people’s expectations. I don’t know how it could be done but that is the reality,” the President said. “Once you chase us away, again you elect us. What’s the point in that ?” he further questioned………
      There it is.

      • 1

        Part I
        Saw the link and read it. Very enlightening, as the speaker does not appear to understand “why the people are dissatisfied after 2 years?”
        The under lying reason,:
        1. The election Manifesto and pledge made at the Presidential 2019 and Parliamentary 2020 elections by the President and SLPP coalition, including peripheral parties”
        2. The reality is that happenings since October 2019 to date is not in alignment with the manifesto or election pledge seeking the hand of the voters
        3. The 6.9 Million, Sinhala Buddhists (SB) or multi ethnic (which I believe is the case, though many would not agree) voting for him, thought and believed that GR would deliver, on the pledge, unlike others.
        4. May have had reservations MR and his acolytes of 2010-2015, they wanted a strong president t overcome with 20th amendment and 2/3rd Majority.
        5. Came October 2020, 2/3rd majority found and 20th amendment passed restoring powers
        6. Then the expectation was results with the aid of 20th amendment & that did not happen!
        The reason for the disappointment is the Family rule, seemingly disdainful unlimited corruption looking at results such as:
        A. Ordering Vaccines
        B. PCR testing kits

      • 1

        Part II
        C. Sugar and other consumer commodity duties and taxes
        D. Fertiliser fiasco
        E. The melodrama of import of organic fertiliser, though this has been resolved, though, 3rd party inspection was the nominee of the seller!!!!
        F. Rule of Law and release of convicts in the Gallows (not ordinary offenders) as did MS!!!!
        Caesar’s wife, should not only be above suspicion but also appear to all as such!
        They did not elect this SLPP “outfit” because these voters are or were ‘dumb’
        They including SB and all other voter sects are intelligent, electorally enlightened, and politically mature, to realise what they aspire to get especially, after 100+ years of dominion status and almost 90 years of universal franchise experience!!!!!
        It is indeed a great mistake or misadventure, for anyone to think otherwise.
        I believe, the HE President has been ill-advised on the scenario by Presidential advisors, whether Viyathmaga, Eliya or otherwise. The same advisors that cocooned MR prior to 2015 are now in the presidential palace savouring more than, what they could chew!!!! Sil Redhi Fiasco, 18th amendment, et all, which brought down the once “invincible” MR who eradicated the LTTE terrorism menace.

      • 1

        Part III
        These advisors are so dumb and tunnel visioned, no lateral thinking at all. Collapsed mind – including Mohan Silva, Nanda S De Silva and GLP to boot – to change the constitution something liken “to the 19th amendment” with the2/3rd majority, which he enjoyed at that time instead of the unfortunate 18th amendment that he sought. The advisors didn’t provide alternate solution!!
        Reason – Restore broad based cabinet style, and further democratise system!
        MR would have been devoid of the unfavourable ‘autocrat’ badge he started to adorn since 2018 – slide down.
        No admirer of MR either; would have resolved the issue.
        He continued in Power ever after with parliamentary majority!!!!!!
        ‘Yahapalanaya’ and RW, a non-event.
        Alternatively, see how smart Vladimir Putin (no admirer of Putin without doubt) over came similar issue in Russia, swapped position for a term or 2 with then PM or one of his choice
        GR being a non-politician the voters believed that, outcome of his administration would be very much better and different, honouring election pledges.
        Reality is different after 2 years and electorate is disillusioned and visibly demoralised at the outcome and realistically, revolting as if to throw them out lock, stock and barrel!!

    • 1

      Hi LP,
      Fully agree with you. The current lot stinks to high heaven and do not make a “Fit” for the future polity of SL.
      JVP has been well behaved for the last 3 decades almost and have been blowing the whistle, whenever possible and misdemeanour on the part of the governing elite. they should be given an opportunity and tested – “on probation”, like Chandrika B’s government 2002.
      SJB may also cooperate and coalesce with JVP to make it a reality as JVP alone cannot and will not be successful in getting 120 seats.
      SJB is devoid of the bad eggs of the “Yahapalanya” and meets the criteria, unless there’s some skeletons unknown as yet

  • 6

    Some names in the Pandora Papers may be of those who are only front names for politicians and senior government servants stolen and bribe money. That may be one of the reasons why no one is talking about the others other than Nirupama and Thiru Nadesan. In commenting on these two also every one, including the opposition MPs are talking only about Nadesan, if at all they make a comment and they do not talk about Nirupama. This is because Nirupama is a Sinhala Buddhist and a Rajapakse. Nadesan on the other hand is a person who deals with both Ranil and Mahinda. Even on the night when Mahinda lost the Presidential election, it was Nadesan who took Ranil to Mahinda in the middle of the night. The relation ship of Nadesan with Politicians started during his father’s times and continues with Thiru. I have seen pictures of JR Jayawardena and Thiru’s father in Thiru’s house where JR is seen in pajama. That strong has been the relationship of Thiru’s family with the politicians. Thiru runs the money laundry for the politicians. Even when Basil was caught red handed taking bribe through Thiru, nothing happened, Judiciary is so corrupt in Sri Lanka the case gets postponed or a new date is given every time it comes before the court.

    One thing is for sure, nothing will happen re: Pandora papers due to Nirupama, Thiru and Vanguard crooks are there.

    • 2

      Buddhist I,
      Absolute truth indeed.
      Money awaiting collection, if I may add my 2 cents worth.
      The delay is the need of the ultimate person, holiday, child’s education overseas has to be time tagged to age etc.

  • 2

    If one thinks that this will change even under the proposed “One Country, One Law”, sure it will remain a dream, considering the one who is to lead the Task Force a known transgressor of the rule of law – “OF SRI LANKANS, BY SRI LANKANS, FOR SRI LANKANS” – amounts to Medamulana ‘Tom Foolery’.
    It is a Malaise, started as an election pledge under the ‘”Cover’ of Viyathmaga and Eliya whatever cause those institutions stand for, believe to ‘hoodwink’, and did so in good “2019/20 style”, the gullible (say this with responsibility as if not all most sectors regret it) the 6.9 million voters in good style

  • 7

    What’s important now is bringing the Rajapksas under control; therefore, in most of our comments, we focus on that family.
    Ranil Wickremasinghe no longer matters; his role in politics is over. There’s something wrong with our politics in Lanka that we allowed him to hang on for so long. Certainly, during the 52-day Premiership of Mahinda Rajapaksa (when then President Maithripala Sirisena appointed him), we wanted him restored, but that was not owing to our really approving him.
    I’m a villager and i don’t want a snooty Colombo elite dominating life in this country, but that is a different issue. Tackle one issue at a time, and don’t let all these unnecessary strands of thought cloud your thinking.

  • 9

    Good Day.,
    That was a signature article and well composed. Thanks.
    The media is always has that bias and is understandable.
    They look critically, “which side of the bread is buttered” before commencing the bite.
    Notwithstanding, one should remember that KP and NR are the perceived King and Queen of Tangalle and close to Medamulana Walauwe.!
    Hence the hype regarding the duo.

  • 12

    Great Amrit; No holds bared essay about the wheels within wheels of those involved in corruption and cover-up thereto.
    I endorse the view of Ramona Therese Fernando above. Hand it over to the JVP TO WIPE OUT THESE CORRUPT CABAL.

    I wonder where the three luxury apartments of Nadesan and Nirupama are located in London?
    South Kensington, Mayfair, Knightsbridge or Marble Arch?

    Interestingly, Sinhala-Tamil unions are interesting………
    Cabral-Thambiayah, Ken Balendra-Milinda Moragoda , and many more……..

  • 1

    I reiterate that we, as a country, must focus on the Rajapaksa corruption.
    We’ve talked enough about these other corrupt fellows that you’ve named. I think that of the actual scams, you will find the lists here:
    It has been further discussed here:
    I have not commented on either of those articles. I possibly found the contents too remote from my own. If you can now update that, it would be performing a useful service, but please don’t undermine our efforts to hold the Rajapaksas accountable for what they’ve inflicted on the country.



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