20 February, 2025


Modi’s Civilizational Duty & Connectivity Bordering Soft Colonization 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Never in the history of independent Sri Lanka (SL) had its economic ties with neighbouring India grown so strategic and deep as during Prime Minister Modi’s decade from 2014 to the present. During that decade, SL had seen seven prime ministers and four presidents of whom a couple had been re-elected or appointed to those positions more than once. But what made Indo-Lanka economic connections so strategic and deep is the island’s rapid descent into financial bankruptcy and economic chaos in 2021 because of systemic mismanagement over several decades. Even then and historically, although India’s economy is a giant in comparison to that of tiny SL, in terms of GDP per capita and measures of economic development and welfare the island had an enviable record in comparison to her neighbour. In other words, SL did not have the necessity to beg for economic assistance from India as long as the doors of trade and commerce were kept open. Partly because of this relative economic strength and partly because of a more enlightened Indian political leadership in addition to the fact that any threat to India’s security never originated from the south but always from north, Indo-Lankan relations until the Modi era could best be described as one of Laissez-faire.  However, on occasions when SL approached for security assistance India always responded positively. For example, Sri Lanka could not have eliminated the LTTE and won the civil war had it not been for Delhi’s calculated betrayal of the Tamils.     

Having assisted Sri Lanka to win the civil war in 2009 India went back to her policy of non-interference and failed to help the Rajapaksa regime in its post-civil war economic reconstruction efforts. This was a strategic mistake, which allowed rival China to step in and strengthen her foothold in the island. The 99-year leasehold over Hambantota Harbour and few other possessions by China in SL are among its stunning achievements to put into action its One Belt One Road strategy and challenge India’s historic claim over Indian Ocean dominance. It was K. M. Panikkar, one of India’s foremost historians urged as early as 1945 the first generation of India’s post-colonial rulers that the Indian Ocean must … remain fully Indian and quoted Khaireddin Barbarossa, the advisor to Sultan Suleiman, who said, “He who rules the sea would shortly rule on the land also” (India and the Indian Ocean, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1945, p.84). This, when Pakistan enticed SL in 2021 to become another station along the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Indian concerns over China’s growing threat reached a new height.  It is in this geopolitical context that SL’s financial bankruptcy and economic collapse began to receive India’s serious attention.     

Already, in a trilogy of lectures by PM Modi in 2020, he described India a civilizational nation and Sri Lanka its junior civilizational twin. Later, in an interview with the You Tube channel Swarajya, BJP leader of Tamil Nadu K. Annamalai described India’s largesse to SL as a “civilizational duty”. It was as part of that duty Modi expressed India’s readiness to increase the connectivity between the two civilizational twins when President Ranil Wickremesinghe visited Delhi in 2023. That ideal of connectivity was translated to mean air links, maritime connections, energy and power sharing, trade relations, economic and financial assistance and people to people contacts. In essence, that list leaves out hardly any area except India’s physical occupation of the island to complete that connectivity. Doesn’t this connectivity mean a form of soft colonization of SL by the senior twin? Indian connectivity has been translated into practical outcomes over the last few years.

PM Modi’s close ally, the Gujarati Adani Group, is the leading Indian investor in Sri Lanka. It is heavily involved in SL’s infrastructure development, which includes renewable energy projects and the West Container Terminal in Colombo Harbour. Recently, Adanis have been given three airports to manage including the International Airport at Katunayake, and rumours circulate that a few other state-owned enterprises may be sold to India under the program of economic restructuring insisted by IMF. Already, India promised to build 5,000 homes to Upcountry Indian workers. India has also made several offers to invest in Sri Lanka’s tourism industry, and Minister Diana Gamage in Colombo feels jubilant to reopen the Hindu mythological Ramyana Trails covering Sigiriya, Ashok Garden in Nuwara Eliya, Ravana Ella Falls, Koneswaram Temple, Trincomalee and Divurumpala Temple in Bandarawela. She hopes to attract 5 million Indian tourists annually. Recently, the Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement between the two countries was signed, which would increase more Indian presence in SL. Thousands of expert technicians, professionals and experts are leaving the country every year in search of employment abroad.  Is India going to fill that gap? Dollar starved SL is now using Indian rupee to settle foreign trade accounts, and India has permitted Sri Lankans to hold $10,000 worth of Indian rupees in physical form. Indian rupee is a designated currency now. But could one expect the Indian rupee to take the next logical step to become legal tender in SL to complete the financial connectivity? What is crucial to note in all these initiatives is the fact that to SL Indian economic and financial connectivity is vital for recovery, but to the regional superpower they are part of its geostrategic moves aimed at regional domination and to resist rivals like China to strengthen its foothold in SL. Is it wrong then to consider the Indian connectivity strategy a pathway to soft colonization?

It is in this context and amidst rising hopes for a General and/or Presidential election in SL later this year or early next that NPP received an invitation from Delhi and its leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake responded with a visit. On his return that visit turned out to be a hot potato for NPP stalwarts to handle in the face of scurrilous criticisms from its political opponents who accused AKD of a U-turn from JVP’s original stand against Indian expansionism. Digging the past to discredit the present posture of an opponent is a worn-out tactic in electoral politics. True, anti-Indian expansionism was one of the ideological pillars on which the 1970s generation of JVP built its campaign platform.  But it is not that generation which is leading NPP after half a century. AKD and his colleagues belong to a new globally linked generation of leaders driven by pragmatic ideals with a disciplined mind and a resolve to reposition Sri Lanka in the global context. They are not prisoners of outdated texts and worshippers of dead heroes. The poly-crisis in which SL is found trapped today has no parallel in the country’s post-independence history. Therefore, it demands a U-turn from a socio-political paradigm that promoted and thrived on national disunity, unaccountable and reckless economic and financial management and endless perpetuation of injustice. To accomplish that U-turn NPP is advocating a “social revolution” as AKD put it. To realize the objectives of that revolution NPP needs support from both inside and outside the country. India is an outsider, but SL’s closest and resourceful neighbour. Its assistance and connectivity are vital at the moment, but SL has the right as a sovereign nation to draw a line and say thank you and wish good bye when that line is crossed to threaten the country’s sovereignty and independence.  Sri Lanka’s geophysical location in the Indian Ocean is the country’s greatest asset. Therefore, India needs SL as much as SL needs India. In that sense, Indo-Lankan relationship is one between two equals. AKD’s visit to Delhi and his travels to other countries should be seen in that light. Some had even commented sardonically on AKD’s attire in that visit. That reminds me of an incident during the time of Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranilke when he attended a dog exhibition in Colombo wearing Western suit. He noticed that his attire was provoking gossips and sarcasm in the crowd. Being a PM with a silver tongue SWRD quipped immediately that he came for a dog exhibition in dog dress, and the murmurs stopped and laughter followed. Let the opponents’ criticisms be fair and constructive rather than scandalous and destructive.  

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 8

    Must thank and congratulate for a saner analysis by Dr. Ali.
    Ranil & Co. are sleep walking into a geopolitical trap set up by India to take full advantage from the economic crisis Sri Lanka is in.
    They seem to have given up targetting the high end Western European tourists to boost revenue from tourism in favour of a large number of Indian tourists – displaying lack of focus and consistency in goals. Quantity over quality. Gullibly settling for the lowest of the low hanging fruits.
    Tourism is not without its perils. Over tourism being one of the biggest one of them. Overstaying Russian tourists engaging in prostitution have already become a problem. With Indians controlling the ports of entry, wonder what would be in store for Sri Lanka in the longer run from this latest development; which also seems like a part of India’s strategy in punishing Maldives for taking a pro-China stance.

    • 4

      There will be hidden prices to pay when you try to solely depend on the lowest hanging fruits desperately. There’s nothing for Sri Lanka to be elated about in this. It is as a small fry as Maldives in the region compared to India and therefore should not be fallen to the trap of being pitted against each other by India.
      When the country realizes that Ranil, Harin & Gamage would be long defeated by the electorate that is increasingly turning against them.
      From there we shall pick up and build back a better nation.

    • 15


      “Ranil & Co. are sleep walking into a geopolitical trap set up by India to take full advantage from the economic crisis Sri Lanka is in.”

      Could you explain the kind of geopolitical trap you envisage or expect.
      Are you confused, worried or annoyed, in other words have you got your knickers in a twist? Is it the usual paranoia manifesting through geopolitical trap?

      Nothing new about Hindia.
      As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is the Sinhala State of Hindia, North East is part of Tamilnadu. Hindia is the the Akhand Bharat.

      Those who believe in Sri Lankan sovereignty and rest of the bull**** should know sovereignty is a western concept and they are the ones who do not respect in the first place when it suits them.
      When Sri Lanka refused to stop creating problems for itself it is obvious the issue of sovereignty has been put to rest. RIP.

    • 16


      “They seem to have given up targetting the high end Western European tourists to boost revenue from tourism in favour of a large number of Indian tourists –”

      Where did you get the idea that Hindians are all on Bucket Travel tourism?

      Hindians travel frequently, about a year ago 160 million Indians travelled abroad in one year.

      “Overstaying Russian tourists engaging in prostitution have already become a problem.”

      Isn’t that the kind of economy Diana Gamage is promoting?
      It is not just overstaying Russians but professional practitioners of the oldest profession from former Soviet Union have been providing professional services since mid 1990s. Who said it was a problem? Now tell us who do you think their customers are?

      “With Indians controlling the ports of entry, wonder what would be in store for Sri Lanka in the longer run from this latest development; …”

      Three meals a day, good English education, maybe one day a Lanky would be able to explore moon, AI to assist Agriculture, Port City would be a very efficient place where Chinese, Hindians, ….. would be able to launder huge amount of black monies, …..

      • 10

        I don’t think you should be insulting Ruchira, He thinks everyone is ganging up on him, and is feeling sorry for himself.

  • 25

    I don’t like Native’s Modi ……… he came to power burning Muslims.

    I don’t like Native’s Ranil he came to power burning everyone ……. including his own “library.”

    I like people who ascend to power peacefully …….. without burning.

    • 18

      This lady speaks the truth about Ranil, JVP …… but nothing about Papa’s boy Sajith. …… Hope Native will be able to look past that she is a woman ….. and listen to what the person is saying …… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItHKZXM_02g

      • 19

        A little – now conveniently forgotten – early history ….. Straight out of Wiki …….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sri_Lankan_mobsters

        I’m studying Lankan criminals …. their minds are the truest form of Lankan intellectualism one can find …… Mahinda, Ranil, CBK, AKD, Sajith, ………. have very similar minds but camouflaged with pseudo “moralistic” bullshit not many – if not all – are capable of seeing through.

        “Gonawala Sunil is one of the worst earliest criminal gang leaders in Sri Lankan underworld. He allegedly had been abused by old men connected with the UNP government at that time. He was involved in the massacre of 53 prisoners at Welikada Prison in 1983 and raping a 14-year-old girl in 1982. He was convicted of the murder, and was serving in prison when he was famously released on a presidential pardon given by President J.R. Jayewardene just before the 1982 presidential election. Subsequently, he was made an all-island Justice of the peace (JP). He had also been the bodyguard of Prime minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremasinghe, who was the Minister of Education of the J.R. Jayawardene government at that time. Sunil was killed at Biyagama hotel by unknown assassins in February 1990.”

        If the JVP shot dead Gonawala Sunil ……. did the JVP did good: a stellar service to the nation?

        Or is it ……. he was my JR/Ranil’s boy ……. so the JVP did bad? Eh?

        • 13

          AA , are you kidding or what. Modi’s Civilizational duty is to ( first) take care his 1.45 BILLION citizens and people like me who pay taxes promptly.

          • 12

            AA , says India after helping to win the war by it’s calculated betrayal of Tamils went back to her old non interference policy and failed to help Rajapaksa regime in post civil war economic reconstruction. AA , you should know better. .
            Rajapaksas were busy playing one against another resisting any interference except for Geneva.

          • 7

            But M has other bigger duties like doing the bidding of RSS and looking after corrupt pals like Adani.

      • 5

        nimal fernando

        Yeah I listened to the clip for about 5 minutes, People do not have the means to eat, it is all about people have to do with one meal a day. …. Ranil travelled abroad 18 times during his 18 months rule, how much money did he bring, ………. The usual lamentation of the JVP, though the lady looks pleasant. …… Don’t get me wrong,…..

    • 4

      I don’t there will be any burning this time around….

      • 1

        *I don’t think

        • 17

          “*I don’t think”
          Seems true.

          • 1

            You think there will be?

            • 11

              I only commented on a declaration.

              • 1

                Hence the requirement for further clarification?

                • 5

                  Have you a sense of humor?
                  Now I have very serious doubts.

                  • 1

                    Similarly do you think the sense of humour sgoukd prevent one from raising a serious concern?

                    • 8

                      You wrote “I don’t think”.
                      I think that’s true too. Now, don’t say you are being misinterpreted.
                      A Freudian slip at best.

                    • 0

                      Then take your declaration (I don’t think) as seriously as it deserves.
                      And that is not my concern.

          • 17

            I don’t think irony is the strong suit of some privately educated scholars. You will have to spell it out.

            • 5

              Hello OC,
              I asked my wife for the Sinhala words for “irony”, “sarcasm” “satire”and “insult”. She found it very difficult to translate, even with the help of a dictionary. Is it because Sinhala has a lack of suitable derogatory terms? I tried explaining drollness, wryness and parody, but we laughed too much at my attempts.
              Best regards

              • 3

                Derogatory terms? Sinhala is fair match to any other language.
                Of the many words for ‘you’ nearly half are derogatory.
                There are terms for sarcasm and insult I think, but the concept of satire and irony are absent in old literature I guess. (They may have been absent in European languages in their early periods.)
                There may be coined terms if you check in a glossary of literary terms.

              • 2

                There are fundamental differences in Sinhala and English humour. Mr. Bean works well with Sinhala audiences, but not Basil Fawlty. If you understand Sinhala well, you should watch this: https://youtu.be/O1-wv58PZpI?si=gQNvw4a-pEXR6ouH
                But I suspect it’s based on an old “Two Ronnies” script.
                Sinhala political parody does exist:
                Those who tried to modernise Sinhala humour, like that unfortunate girl, got locked up for blasphemy.
                Some things can’t be translated.
                Sinhala does have a lot of derogatory terms, including references to ancestry, female dogs, etc…🤣🤣

              • 2


                In my own experience after exposure to severaö languages (both Sri Lankan and European), although Sinhala belongs to Indo-Germanic languages, some Sinhala idioms have no practical applications for English or other European languages (German, French, Spanish) words. Word for word translations are wrong..

    • 8

      nimal fernando

      “I like people who ascend to power peacefully …….. without burning.”

      How about bribing a psychopath- Terrorist who was asked to enforce an election boycott in North East so that a crook in chief could ….. ? If you are in doubt please contact Tiran Ales who is something to do with Public Security.

      • 9

        C’mon Native ……… the self-admitted briber who stiffed Ranil …… is your man Ranil’s chief/minister of internal security! ……. Don’t blame me!!

        Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy than Ranil!

        All you can say is …….. Aye Aye Sir ……. three bags full. :))))

  • 21

    “Never in the history of independent Sri Lanka (SL) had its economic ties with neighbouring India grown so strategic and deep as during Prime Minister Modi’s decade from 2014 to the present. “
    Not really. For more than a decade after Independence, Indian coins were freely accepted in any boutique. That was because they had the same value.
    Until about 1984, travellers either way didn’t require a visa. One could buy tickets all the way to any place in India from Fort railway station. We still haven’t got that level of interconnectivity. India imposed restrictions after SL refugees started flooding in.
    As to economics and investment, pre-Rajiv India was pretty inward- looking and more interested in fending off starvation at home. than in colonising us.
    The problem with Sri Lanka as I see it is poor management of resources. Look for example at Hambantota port. Under local management, it was a dead duck, but under Chinese management, it is actually profitable.
    Kelani tyres couldn’t keep up with trends even with locally available rubber. But under CEAT, it does fine.
    And, contrary to urban myth, Micro Cars , with all the protectionism it gets, is not the country’s biggest vehicle maker. That place goes to Lanka Ashok Leyland.
    Also, another fun fact for the patriots. SLT is not fully Sri Lankan owned. There is only ONE Sri Lankan owned telecom company, Lanka Bell.

    • 15

      old codger

      “The problem with Sri Lanka as I see it is poor management of resources. “

      The problems a re many fold, deep rooted and fundamental.
      We should revisit post independence nation building process, …. For example in the early 1970s Weeping Widow and her merry men filled Planning Ministry with Pali/Sinhala/Sanskrit graduates. …… Crooks, thugs and racist were elected to parliament. ..

      I wonder when these people are going to understand majoritarianism is bad for the country, and what democracy mean in actual fact.

  • 15

    … Having assisted Sri Lanka to win the civil war in 2009 India went back to her policy of non-interference.
    There are many who still claim that India caused the civil war in Sri Lanka!

  • 16

    Its [India ] assistance and connectivity are vital at the moment,but Srilanka has the right as a Sovereign Nation to draw a line and say thank you and wish goodbye when that line is crossed …….
    Dr.Ameer for a fleeting moment has been rather naive with the aforesaid line……..
    Is this possible with all the inroads that India has made? Including softening up the JVP/NPP
    Could Srilanka turn round and ask India to piss-off? Isnt it too late in the day?

    This reminds me of the Nursery Rhyme……..
    Ding Dong Bell
    Pussy in the well….
    Who put her in
    Little Tommy thin
    Who pulled her out
    Little Tommy stout……………

    • 3

      Plato, You of all people… ?
      It is, ‘Pussy’s in the well’.
      Your pussy is the well!

    • 20


      “…..but Srilanka has the right as a Sovereign Nation to draw a line and say thank you and wish goodbye when that line is crossed …….”

      Come on what is sovereignty?
      Every Tom Dig and Harry who drops in to grope every person on this island irrespective of their sexuality, or their sexual orientation. From Pandya, Chola, … Europeans, ….. to Hindians all of them were here…..

      “Could Srilanka turn round and ask India to piss-off?”

      Yes they could.
      The problem is Sri Lanka does not know which direction wind is blowing.

      Sri Lanka should learn to respect people.

      • 4

        Yes, Native Vedda. ‘Dig’ is interchangeable with ‘Dick’! I am with you there!!

        • 5


          You know what I meant.
          I was too busy for a spell check.
          Thanks anyway.

      • 15

        Native, though I had this nagging question for a long time, I like you to address. What exactly Lankans ( not govt, because they care only about staying in power) ) expect from India or for that matter IMF ??? 1) Attend to our needs ASAP
        2) Just give us the money and ask no questions 3) Give us the resources but stay back and watch what we do with it or how we waste it. 4) You’re obliged to help us because….. ?????? As long I am aware this is not the first time , Lanka has received such assistance, to be exact, 16 IMF loans and not to mention India’s help with no such concerns 5) India has survived this many years without any political proximity to us , and there is no such urgency ( geopolitical strategy) , whatsoever to change right now. 6) Now that Pakistan is bankrupt , rarely I have heard media mentioning them. 7) As usual, political experts and media, keeps flip flopping with their two versions 8) One version is that , they accuse IMF for not intervening with corruption, unlawful acts, media suppression, not telling how to govern ….. . . . . . . Other than providing loans with stringent terms, expecting to recover do they have responsibility in our governing, holding election, maintaining democracy . . . . .

        • 15

          9) the other version is IMF / India interfering with sovereignty , democracy, constitution, trying to grab bankrupt assets 10) I haven’t heard bankrupt Pakistan raising such concerns other than complaining of not receiving more loans 10 ) I believe this whole thing is typical Lankaness , exploitation, false inflated ego, use and abuse, shifting blame , taking for granted, entitlement, . . . . . . . Feel free to correct me if wrong. You being upfront I decided to address this to you.

          • 9


            I am kind of very busy now.
            Can I deal with your comment tomorrow?

  • 12

    Sri Lanka is a very small beautiful resourceful island. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka (I don’t know what is the real name of this island before Europeans). Unfortunately, this island was destroyed by the highly British Educated families who were greedy of power introduced Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism. Buddhism is not the origin of this island. According to Britanicca…On Sri Lanka were Prince Vijaya (first king of this island) and his 700 followers, who landed on the west coast near Puttalam (5th century BCE). They had been banished for misconduct from the kingdom of Sinhapura in northern India by Vijaya’s father, King Sinhabahu, who put them all in a ship and drove them…

    • 3

      “I don’t know what is the real name of this island before Europeans”
      So, are your comments largely based on ignorance?

      • 4

        “So, are your comments largely based on ignorance?”
        Is it a necessity to comment here the real name of this island? Can you please tell me the real name of this island?

        • 2

          Surely, do you not really know any name by which this potty little island was called (as claimed by you)?
          Kindly tell me your real name and I will respond with the real name by which people in this this island called it.
          BTW, many countries (including India, Japan and even Germany) have been concurrently known by more than one name.

          • 7

            You didn’t to my first Question. Do you really want to know my real name. If you tell me what do want to do my name I may consider to you personally my name. It is good to know this island has many names like India and Japan. But if you have contributed in the last name similar to the 21 amendment s that is great.

            • 2

              Your name?
              I am not interested in anyone’s identity, least of all a b*** *******’s.
              It was said because you demand a “real name”.

              • 6

                What a beautiful response from a professor? I did not demand you to tell the real name of this island. I really don’t know what was the name of this island just before the European invasion. I wanted to know What was the name during the Portugal and Dutch period. Why is the British named Ceylon instead of the previous name?
                It is interesting to know that its original name “Lanka” means island. Then called “Tapbroane” by Greeks, “Serandib” by Arabs, Celoa by Portuguese, Ceylan by Dutch and Ceylon by British and finally Sri Lanka by Sinhala.

                • 0

                  “I did not demand you to tell the real name of this island.”
                  So what was the objection to my not answering your first question about?

      • 11

        Lanka, Eelam, Ilangai, Lakbima, Sailan, Sihala, Taprobane, Serendib, …….

        • 8

          The original name is to be found on a broken 5000 year old pot, which is now lost. Even if it is found, nobody knows how to read the script. 🤣🤣

        • 2

          Thanks Native. What do you think about the latest Ceylon, Shri Lanka and Sri Lanka? What will be the name suitable for now?

          • 3


            There are few other names which I cannot remember at this moment in time.
            I will let you know when I remember them.

  • 19

    Sovereignty, which we go on talking about, is a fiction. A beggar nation cannot be sovereign. In the modern world, even powerful nations have to sacrifice sovereignty through regional treaties. This is so in Europe. India has involved itself in the island from historical times. The last Kings of Kandy were Indians. Buddha was Indian. So, why be concerned about connectivity? It is an inevitable fact that the little island which has strategic consequences for India will remain a matter of Indian concern. The idea that the two states are equal is fiction. “SL has the right as a sovereign nation to draw a line”-says Ali. No, it does not have such rights in the modern world. This is just Sinhala-Buddhist fiction. Each time we sign an investment treaty, a free trade agreement, a human rights treaty, we, like other states, give up sovereignty, whatever that means. States are not equal; they were never equal. It might do good for the Sinhala-Buddhist to talyk of sovereignty but the rest of us, Muslims included, are happy that sovereign rights, particularly to persecute minorities or deny their equality, are circumscribed by universal norms. The regional hegemony, India similarly determines outcomes. We got to live with it, rhetoric aside.

    • 1

      So you think there’s no sovereignty in today’s world or equality between nations but there should be equality among different ethnic groups in Sri Lanka? While India’s hegemony should be expected and accepted but not Sinhala Buddhist hegemony within Sri Lanka?

      • 17

        Human rights first attach to persons. Constitutions also say all persons are equal. The conferment of privileges on ethnic or religious groups violates the personal rights of collectivities. That is the theory on which the law is based. Sinhala-Buddhist hegemony in Sri Lanka or Hindu hegemony in India or Islamic dominance in Pakistan are inherently offensive ideas.

        • 0

          “Sinhala-Buddhist hegemony in Sri Lanka or Hindu hegemony in India or Islamic dominance in Pakistan are inherently offensive ideas.”
          So where do these hegemonic and offensive ideas come from in your opinion?
          You also have said: “The idea that the two states are equal is fiction. “SL has the right as a sovereign nation to draw a line”-says Ali. No, it does not have such rights in the modern world. This is just Sinhala-Buddhist fiction.”
          So you think Russian invasion of Ukraine is justifiable? And China is free to do the same to Taiwan? Are the resistance shown by respective countries in these instances also due to Sinhala-Buddhist fiction?
          Basically is sovereignty a Sinhala Buddhist fiction?

        • 0

          “Constitutions also say all persons are equal.”
          And sovereignty is not enshrined in the constitution?

          • 8


            “And sovereignty is not enshrined in the constitution?”

            Please refer to “The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka” page 1:

            1. Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is a Free, Sovereign, Independent and Democratic Socialist Republic and shall be known as the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. 2. The Republic of Sri Lanka is a Unitary State.
            3. In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable. Sovereignty includes the powers of government, fundamental rights and the franchise.
            4. The Sovereignty of the People shall be exercised and enjoyed in the following manner:– ………

            Have you ever inadvertently seen a copy of the “The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka”?

            • 0

              Forget about rational conversations. Go get some English lessons.

              • 9

                “It is as a small fry as Maldives in the region compared to India and therefore should not be fallen to the trap of being pitted against each other by India.”
                Look who’s trying to teach English! A private school student, no less!

        • 8

          You are right. In these matters, might is right. Even Singapore, with all its money, wouldn’t poke Malaysia too much. Constitutions and their promises of equality aren’t usually worth the paper they’re printed on. For example, treatment of Blacks in the US even in the sixties, and minorities here. Our “sovereign rights” are circumscribed by the opinions of the Big Brother and our own ability to stand up for them. Reality is a bitch.

          • 9

            OC, according to private schooled geniuses, ” SB would like for the legitimate government of Sri Lanka , elected by a SB majority , not to fail or divide bankrupt country into pieces , but sell in piecemeal, along their political lines “.

            • 9

              OC, ” nearly half of Europe, 40 % of Africa and 30 % of Asia declared bankruptcy” says genius. According to Dr. Sharmini Coorey, no country like Lanka can show public debt above 100 % of GDP until year 2027 / 28, and after, still at very high levels above 95% until 2032. In comparison, current public debt of Emerging or developing markets average 65 % and Asian countries average 73% of GDP. See today’s article on DM by her ” Economic policies in an election year “, for more interesting facts. I have to agree with you in that SB elected Rajapaksa”s stupid economics broke the camel’s back. Our pre-pandemic public debt was less than 90 % of GDP. By the way , if there are no fascists among SB, why were they yearning for a Hitler ????

            • 10

              It’s an unlikely combination, elitist private schooling, but support for the JVP.

              • 0

                Politics make strange bed fellows.

      • 2


        They lost the war, now they want India to take over the island and militarily implement a separate state. They would like for the legitimate government of Sri Lanka, elected by a SB majority, to fail, so that some third party can intervene during the ensuing anarchy and divide the country into pieces along ethnic lines.

        • 1

          Lester – Exactlly. And any resistance is readily branded as racism or even fascism.

        • 15

          Didn’t the “the legitimate government of Sri Lanka, elected by a SB majority, ” go bankrupt and fail a couple of years ago? Who intervened? Who ran away? Who didn’t see this because he ran away even earlier?

          • 1

            Old Codger,

            “Nearly half of the countries of the European continent, 40% of the countries of Africa, and 30% of the countries of Asia declared bankruptcy during the previous two centuries.”

            So remind us, what is the connection between Sinhala-Buddhism and bankruptcy? By the way, I am still waiting for data on the per capita income of scheduled castes in superpower TN.

            • 2

              Lester – it’s futile to have a rational conversation with the likes of old codger. So far it was mainly the person who calls himself leelagemalli I have been avoiding because of the fact, among few others. Now it looks like old codger despite his attempts to appear friendly belongs in the same boat. According to them Chauvunistic Sinhala Buddhist Racists are the source of all the problems in the country. From the difficulties faced by planatation workers to stricking nurses. Anyone who raise as much as an ounce of doubt of this fact is severely attacked by the collective fan-base, the tamil mob and their sympathizers, that hold this view, that is not to be challenged. And they call those who does – racists and fascisits instead of coming up with rational or logical answers to respond. Simply because they can’t. Its good old fashioned Tamil terrorist and racist propaganda used to justify the carnage that the likes of LTTE unleashed on innocent Sinhalese people now used to justify a federal state of Tamil Ealam.

              • 13

                Lester rational? Isn’t that stretching the word somewhat?

                • 0

                  Fyi – Lester is much more rational than most here.

                  • 7

                    R, ” Fyi- Lester is much more rational than most here “, really ???? Even after your valiant efforts to explain, see his last comment on Feb 28, under Vishwamithra’s article “The 56%”. Good Luck and Have Fun.

                    • 0

                      Chiv-that article has 154 comments. I don’t think I can trace the comment you refer to easily unless you want to quote it here. I’ve always had fun despite the challenges life had presented to me which I dont think any average person would and should not have to go thru and I will continue to have fun as usual. But thanks for your encouragement.

                    • 6

                      R , you too don’t read a comment fully. It’s already mentioned above FEB 28 , the last day of comments. Only few did including you. Jester starts by explaining how good is Lanka’s uni for natural science???.

                    • 0

                      Chiv – Giving the date of the comment is not very helpful, even if it is the only comment made on that day. I am not motivated to scroll through a sea of 154 comments in search of one comment made by Lester simply bcoz you want to prove something. That said my agreements with certain things that Lester say are not an automatic validation of everything that he says. Reasons for agreement are strategic and political. That’s all.

                    • 6

                      Since some have difficulties in seeing things they find embarrassing, I spent less than a minute locating this:
                      “Lester / February 28, 2024
                      0 6
                      Sri Lankan universities are excellent for studies in the natural sciences and medicine. Those who have never attended may have difficulty understanding.

                      “Consistency is not the strong point of some commenters here.”

                      Is it consistent when someone claims they are studying in India *after* they studied at an “IVY LEAGUE…” IITian’s generally study at the IIT first, then at the “Ivy.” Admission to an “Ivy” is not particularly selective either at the graduate level (first degree is another story), unless it is some super highly selective program like maths. Certainly not for medical research.

                      Is it consistent when someone says they are studying for the USMLE, but next week claims they are fully qualified to practice medicine in the US?

                      “Some still live under the impression that all Indian degrees are rubbish compared to local ones.”

                  • 4

                    Fantastically TRUE enough FANTASY!! Least said on that is BEST!!!???

                • 8

                  That only calls into question the rationality of the one who considers L to be rational.

                  • 6

                    SJ , that explains irrationality of one with no motivation, agreeing with a pathological liar for political and strategic reasons. ( I guess more of strategy than real politics) . Isn’t it what most Lankan voters are upto, so long for system change.

              • 13

                “Anyone who raise as much as an ounce of doubt of this fact is severely attacked by the collective fan-base, the tamil mob and their sympathizers,”
                Perhaps you don’t know that CT is run by a group of exiled Sinhala journalists? Yes, refugees. Go figure.

                • 4

                  “Perhaps you don’t know that CT is run by a group of exiled Sinhala journalists?”
                  Oh NO!!?? What did they do in their lifetime to earn the Wrath of the Powers that be, they had to DECAMP, with bare wherewithal’s, perhaps only a clean pair of undergarments, so that they don’t ‘give away that they are running away from Mother Lanka’!!!??? Were they able to take their Toothbrush and Paste, Shaving Cream and Gillette Mach 3 Razor to at least be clean-shaven and tidy!!!?? To go into exile, they must have been culpable of some act, not that it needs to be a Heinous crime like treason, sedition!! Oh No!! May missing the Point!!!???
                  ATLAST GOT IT, BEING SINHALESE, FAILED TO ACT LIKE SINHALA BUDDHISTS!!?? Perhaps they didn’t!??? NO WAY?? That’s Treated as HIGH TREASON by SBs, and those poor guys may not have realised it after so many Kindly Warnings!
                  “Unpardonable SIN”, in SB Lexicon!!!???
                  Does these SB’s treat “their own”, so badly, when they don’t follow their “DIKTAT” What SHAME SB’s!? Prince Siddhartha, Gautama the Buddha’s, Buddhism Shamed by SB’s!!??
                  BAD GOVERNANCE IN TOTO!!!???

              • 14


                “Lester – it’s futile to have a rational conversation with the likes of old codger. “

                Could you define what you meant by rational conversation.

                “According to them Chauvunistic Sinhala Buddhist Racists are the source of all the problems in the country. “

                Tell us who else were holding the country to ransom under Sinhala/Buddhist brand? The absolute political and state power have been vested in the hands of Sinhala/Buddhists. Who ruled/misruled this island … and systematically ruined it?

              • 2


                I don’t think there are fascists among the SB’s. For a long time they let that stupid woman Chandrika “fight” the world’s foremost terrorist group. There should have been a dozen “aragalayas” to remove her. If she is a “fascist”, then I am the next Warren Buffet. On another note, I have reminded these separatists, they are the victims of their own stupidity. By assassinating their own intellectuals, they have effectively removed themselves from mainstream politics. The only one they have left is Sumanthiran, and even he is only alive because the “fascist” SB CID thwarted an execution by ex-LTTE.

                • 11

                  So, where is that list of SB racists? Or is it that only Tamils are racists?

                • 1

                  Lester – I agree. But I object to calling Sumanthiran an intellectual. He is just another piece of crap.

                  • 12

                    So, if one is no intellectual one is crap!
                    Do you have claims to being an intellectual?

                    • 1

                      @SJ – Ever heard of logical fallacy?

                    • 10

                      Some people go to private schools The rest are crap….

                    • 7

                      “Ever heard of logical fallacy?”
                      Logic itself is no guarantee of truth, if the data are false.
                      But that risk is not central to the kind fallacy the likes of Lester and you dish out

                    • 0

                      I was referring to: “So, if one is no intellectual one is crap!”
                      What are the data involved? Some truths are established through logic while some others are not and it is logic that applies here.
                      Whereas “…kind fallacy the likes of Lester and you dish out” is a separate argument.
                      You may have to exercise some objectivity and specificity if you want to get anywhere. Or else you could continue with your one liners of wit, sarcasm, humour and what not… and reduce/remain yourself to a comedian.

                    • 3

                      He is yet CHECK, whether he is a true SB, only he may lay CLAIM as an INTELLECTUAL OF MERIT!!! Otherwise, he may have to be satisfied with Intellectually Crap Intellectual at the least! Therefore, he wants proper accreditation of his SB status, so he would become Intellectually Intellectual!!
                      Poor Luxman Kadirgamar, PC (LK) realised, far too late??!! No!! Apologies my fault! Mea Culpa!
                      Unfortunately, LK during his ‘Lifetime’ didn’t realise that Cherished, “SINGULAR AMBITION”! He was acclaimed as the ‘CRAP’ Foreign Minister, UNTIL then – his death!!??? Although, he was Champion of many a Feat, Causes and Accomplishment during his lifetime, the recognition of his ‘EXTRAORDINARY INTELLECTUAL TRAITS’ were only realised during the Cremation ceremony of his body during his Funeral – in an After-life experience!? What a Country, What a People!??
                      Thrice blessed Tear drop Island of Sinhala Buddhists Intellectuals!!
                      WHAT FOR THE TELLING???

                  • 2


                    According to DBS Jeyaraj, the overseas LTTE was willing to pay their domestic contact 15 lakhs to take out Sumanthiran. I suspect the latter failed the litmus test for separatism. A nice expression in English, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The same reason why LTTE never went after double-agent Ranil. Some say he was giving away army hideouts.

                    • 14

                      Whatever said and done, you have a knack for storytelling!

                    • 1

                      Lester – This story of Sumanthiran was recently brought up in the parliament by Wijedasa Rajapakse – I think during a debate about Prevention of Terrorism Act. According to WR it was the very PTA that Sumanthiran now opposes to, saved his life.
                      As per Ranil, yes wasn’t he known to have gone behind the back of CBK and negotiate with the terrorists while he was the Premier and CBK was the Executive?
                      Anyways Ranil is very devious and a vicious man albeit he is referred to as Mr. Clean or Bean. He is not to be trusted. He would show you one face while acting on a different one. Just like some of his fans and supporters.
                      So I wouldn’t be surprised if he was leaking intel to terrorists as to Army’s whereabouts. He has no sense of patriotism. Quite similar to some of his fans and supporters.

                    • 1

                      Nathan – are you referring to DBSJ or Lester here?

                  • 3


                • 6

                  Looks like even SB thugs like Ganemulla Sajeewa want to bump off Suma. Has GS joined the LTTE?

              • 14

                So where is that example of me “insulting Sinhala Buddhists “? Still looking for it? Is it that difficult to find? Or is it entirely imaginary?

                • 11

                  “where is that example of me “insulting Sinhala Buddhists “?
                  I am seriously thinking of including you in the Liar’s Club with Lester.

                  • 0

                    As you wish. You may include C.V. Wigneswaran also in the same club along with many others here.

                    • 8

                      So you admit to making groundless accusations. Thanks.
                      Who are the others you want included? Please include evidence for each..
                      While you are at it, why don’t you accuse Lionel Bopage of lying? He accuses Buddhist monks of leading murderous rioters in 1983.

                    • 0

                      “So you admit to making groundless accusations.”
                      Did Wigneswaran make any groundless accussations?

              • 3

                “Instead of coming up with rational or logical answers to respond?”
                The bigger question is does these people who claim to be erudite have the capacity and ability to understand, comprehend the answers or sunk with convoluted thinking – keep on parroting, the same “Old Gatha”, over and over again, coming back to the starting point without any positive outcome!!??

            • 12

              “remind us, what is the connection between Sinhala-Buddhism and bankruptcy? “
              What is the connection between you running away and Sinhala Buddhism?

              • 12

                There is a lot of speculation that the king of stealers, Basil, will land on the BIA on March 5th … his SLPP supporters will welcome him as the presidential candidate … can you imagine? If I would have been desperate , I would have committed suicide in that welcome parade.

                What is the staple food of this nation? I have no doubt thousands will be there to welcome the bastard. This country Sri Lanka, the whole people are very stupid.

                • 2

                  If you have patience to read the comment after mine, you will never entertain any doubts as to Stupidity ever!!!???
                  CLEAR CASE OF ATTEMPTED ERUDITION GONE ASUNDER!!!??? Sinhala Buddhism, Buddhist Sinhala, or any other suitable terminology,
                  NETT result, IS ZILCH!? CLEAR NO ENTRY BOARD!? Therefore, FULL STOP on garnering knowledge and Emancipation!!!???
                  Rate system SPITS OUT information, Knowledge is Faster than, Rate of Ingress of Knowledge to the mind!!?? FORTUOUS SKILL SET, UNMATCHED AND IMPECCABLY EFFECTIVE, but they don’t realise the Detrimental Factor in Emancipation!!! BEYOND ANY AND ALL REASONABLE HELP!!

              • 2

                Well, you stayed back to enjoy it, so I defer to your wisdom on this one.

            • 4

              “100% of the European countries South of Macedonia declared bankruptcy in the last 15 years “
              100% of Indian Ocean countries within 100 km of Tamilnadu declared bankruptcy in the last 5 years.
              Does that make you happy?

        • 14


          “They lost the war, now they want India to take over the island and militarily implement a separate state.”

          They who?
          You mean the Tamil speaking people?

          It was VP the psychopath who won the war for Mahinda, 13 years after the victory Sri Lanka went bust, that is official. Where did war victory take you or the country to?

          ” They would like for the legitimate government of Sri Lanka, elected by a SB majority, ….”

          That was the fundamental problem.
          Don’t relish the idea of having a S/B majority government given that only 22 months ago the one who won the presidential race with 6.9 million SB votes ran away from Sri Lanka. What a pathetic SB president he was.

          The phrase Sinhala Buddhists was coined by the Public Racist Anagarica Homeless Dharmapala who went to India and died there. He never came back. The Sinhala/Buddhists were left with no leader. In the mean time the public racist advised his followers to seek help from Tamil Saivaite Ponnambalam Ramanathan to save some Sinhala/Buddhist a***s who were implicated in 1915 riots against the Muslims.

          Whoever is proud of their Sinhala/Buddhist heritage should Bronco Brand SB on their forehead. Rest of the Sinhalese and Buddhists can and should avoid all such proud branded SBs.

          • 4

            The British press has been focusing on the endangered royals these days with KING III turning cancer sick and his sons facing the unexpected regarding royal responsiblities for the country.

            Sri Lanka does not yet allow talking about Medaulana beasts misusing the public treasury without good reason: Even today Medamulana Balla has come to see Rambukwalla who is imprisoned for his high crimes. All these a huge number of body guards and all other security personnel. Why should Sri Lankans continue to tolerate this kind of massive government waste? The answer, … srilankens are born fools.

            • 4

              No need to “Emboss” a well-known fact!! SB’s want, the “JATHIKA WASTHUWA” Protected, Embellished, because, showing signs of “BRITTLENES IN STRUCTURE” the ‘SB FOOLS’ still believe, that HE is the Messiah and Redeemer and also given ‘Appache’ Status as ‘HE’ is “Only CHOSEN One” enabled to carry, the STARVING, ‘crying baby’, QUIET, which even their Mothers are MESMERISED TO BELIEVE as Lord Almighty given Trait, cannot be replicated by any other in Lankan Land!!???
              What for the telling mate??? Nothing new and CLAIM LTTE behind “every bush and Thicket, keep enjoying the “SURROUND FILLED” with Khaki Clad and ‘COMFY IN BEING SECURE AND SAFE’!!??

          • 4

            SHORT ANSWER ‘TO YOUR QUESTION IS “DECAMPED” AS ECONOMIC REFUGEE’, to enjoy the ‘Spoils of enjoying Lustre’ in Western Civilised Country, whom when living locally all condemn as “Western, Colonialist, Imperialist, Reactionaries, but when in their countries, hail them as virtuous, liberal minded people, to selfishly enjoy their life”, Overseas!!!??? Because their Negative reaction to Westerners, FDI, Tourism earnings are deprived, and those left behind in this country, Suffer and Stomach the Indignation of Depravity, Deprivation and STARVATION!!!??? These Patriots are well fed and enjoy all good things, which they deprive by their low-down actions, to the average and Poor down-trodden Sri Lankans!!??
            Good example of this “KIND”, is purportedly arriving at BIA, (or may Prefer MRIA) to announce to one and all his Life-Long Ambition, which is as similar as his SIBLINGS!!! Pernicious attempt at finally destroying Sri Lanka!!??

      • 8


        “So you think there’s no sovereignty in today’s world or equality between nations but there should be equality among different ethnic groups in Sri Lanka?”

        Don’t get confused between what you have and what others said you have.

        When you collectively discriminate people in education, deny job opportunities and development, disrespect them, collectively punish them, when you impose one rule for one people and impunity for perpetrators, ……………….. burned down library indicating you are prepared to commit genocide, ………………….. people first tend to demand equality among people, when denied they as people demand equality among different ethnic groups.

        This is not brain surgery or rocket science.

        “While India’s hegemony should be expected and accepted but not Sinhala Buddhist hegemony within Sri Lanka?”

        No need to accept Hindian hegemony however your political and religious leaders should stop being smart asses and learn to respect neighbours and their sensitive strategic issues. If Hindians are feeding and clothing you in crisis and helping you with large loans, security, and disaster relief then you should expect some motherly tough love from Hindia.

        It is one thing a neighbour being seen as a hegemon (in paranoid minds) and it is another others are being treated badly by fellow citizens, the Sinhala Buddhist hegemons.

        And we have witnessed the serious consequences of people being treated badly by the stupid Sinhala/Buddhist hegemons.

        • 0

          Respect is usually earned and is reciprocal not demanded. It is the fascists who demand it and Modi and BJP’s Hindutva ideology increasingly look like it.
          Everbody has strategic sensitivitiesnot just India.
          “Why a map in India’s new parliament has riled its neighbours”
          “Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan express displeasure over ‘Undivided India’ mural in the recently inaugurated building”
          “At a weekly news briefing in Islamabad, Pakistani foreign ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said the assertion in the map was “a manifestation of an expansionist mindset that seeks to subjugate the ideology and culture not only of India’s neighbours but also its religious minorities”.

          • 0

            “So far, there has not been any official statement from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan or Myanmar on the matter.”
            Looks like some countries are governed by leaders with a backbone while others are governed by ones with pot bellies and their lackeys.
            Heard of the phrase “Only Paranoids Survive?” It was the winning strategy employed by the Intel when Andy Grove was at its helm to become the world’s most sort after chip maker. It resulted in the famous sticker you see on OCs with the words “Intel Inside”. It’s a sign of being able to see far – something that the humans acquired by being bipedal and erect. That’s why those who don’t have a backbone do not understand it. They can’t see far. The motto that describe the likes is an extension of Andy Grove’s one – “Intel Inside. Idiots outside”
            Good Luck with your Akhand Bharat. India seems to be digging its own grave in its own back yard – the Indian Ocean.

            • 0

              Edit: *PCs not OCs

    • 3

      Many small nations have stood up to mighty oppressors t defend their sovreignty.
      Cuba is exemplary.
      Latin America has other powerful examples too.

      • 5

        ” Many small nations have stood up to mighty oppressors t defend their sovreignty Cuba is exemplary.”

        USSR was right behind Cuba and Cubans from the beginning, even to the extend of deploying nuclear missile in Cuba.

    • 13

      Kerala has less than 2% of India’s population, but road signs in Kerala are in Malayalam and English. Not Hindi. Goa uses mostly English.
      In UK, road signs in Wales have Welsh, even though practically everyone speaks English.
      20% of Sri Lankans speak Tamil, but road signs in Jaffna have Sinhala on top.

      You seem to know a lot about “today’s world”. Please explain.

      • 0

        Hello OC – I have no idea what you are on about with road signs and name boards. May be you should spell it out eh…?

        • 12

          It’s to do with how other countries handle minority languages in their places of habitation, and how it works in Sri Lanka.

          • 0

            OC – Unlike you I have no obsession with road signs. My comment was made in response to Cicero’s one and has got nothing to do with road signs. He has responded appropriately unlike you who always drag in some irrelevant matter and deflect the issue being addressed. If India is better may be you should go live there. If I can remember right you brought this same argument of road signs earlier to suggest why the Indian model is defective. Don’t the name boards in Jaffna have Tamil?

            • 16

              “If I can remember right you brought this same argument of road signs earlier to suggest why the Indian model is defective.”
              Taken to lying like your guru?
              “Don’t the name boards in Jaffna have Tamil?”
              Yes but not on top.
              It isn’t irrelevant, it is very much about SB hegemony, which you now openly support.Thank you for outing yourself.

              • 0

                “Taken to lying like your guru?” – I thought you posted a picture of an Indian street name-board in response to some comment I made to show that that would be the (undesirable – according to you) outcome of what I have been suggesting.
                You are free to make your own judgement. To me it is nothing more than something that is arisen out of the inability to see the bigger picture that I have been trying to highlight and address.
                Your incapacity, and readiness to brand and insult people with various labels, do not make me a supporter of any hegemony.
                To say the least you should atleast learn to be tolerant of views other than of your own.
                Nothing more to say.

                • 12

                  ” I thought you posted a picture of an Indian street name-board in response to some comment “
                  What you “think ” is not proof
                  If I said so, why not post a link?

                • 10

                  You wrote to Cicero:
                  “While India’s hegemony should be expected and accepted but not Sinhala Buddhist hegemony within Sri Lanka?”
                  Doesn’t that make you a supporter of SB hegemony?
                  Now, please don’t come up with claptrap about misinterpretation or context.

                  • 0

                    “Doesn’t that make you a supporter of SB hegemony?”
                    May be you should decide it for yourself.

                    • 9

                      “May be you should decide it for yourself”
                      In the same class as “If you like India, go and live there”.

              • 1

                “”Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived”
                If you have any capacity to understand what I have been trying to say in my numerous comments here, you would have realized that my views are not aligned with any of the parameters given in the above descriptions. But then again some folks can’t see the forest. They only see the trees. In your case you don’t seem to be able to see the trees even.
                Have a good day.

                • 10

                  ” Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism”
                  Isn’t that why you voted for Gota?

            • 15


              “Unlike you I have no obsession with road signs.”

              This is not you talking it is the majoritarian Mahawamsa mindset talking.

              • 0

                According to that logic SJ too should be having MM.

                • 5


                  “According to that logic SJ too should be having MM.”

                  Did you mean SJ too has Mahawansa Mindset?
                  No he has Mao Mindset.
                  However China has moved on.

                  • 0

                    So are lot of people.

              • 3

                Seems he practices, STAR gazing Direction finding?? Road-signs Superfluous!!??

          • 3

            In Sri Lanka it works Upside Down!!!??? And any SB would jump up
            to query WHAT’S WRONG WITH IT??!!

        • 3

          Eagle eye is missed badly!?? Seems, Reawakened and Reincarnated!?

      • 7

        Sinhala on top is no serious problem as Tamil is accommodated in railway station name boards and nearly all major urban road name boards. There are suburbs and villages where only Sinhala appears. Tamil could be the only language used in some Tamil areas (where tourists are not expected to visit).
        We have come some way since letters were tar brushed 66 years ago.
        In fairness Sri Lanka’s Official Language Department compiled Sinhala and Tamil glossaries for scientific and other academic subjects since 1957. That process is still on, and I have personal knowledge of compilation of around 10 trilingual glossaries 8 years ago.

        • 3

          There are serious spelling issues with Tamil names and translation too at times for words like Road, Street, Avenue, Place etc. and Mawatha.
          The work seems to have been done by people not proficient in Tamil. (That does not exclude Tamil persons).

          • 12

            “There are serious spelling issues with Tamil names and translation too at times for words like Road, Street, Avenue, Place etc. and Mawatha.”

            Not to worry these minor issues will disappear when Mandarin replaces all three languages.

        • 0

          Becareful, you could be the next fascist.

          • 8

            I think you’ve forgotten who first called Lester a fascist.

          • 9

            That will make good company for you.

            • 0

              I’ve already got plenty. But if you feel lonely all by yourself we can ask Lester to keep company.

              • 8

                How can I wreck his beautiful partnership with you!
                All of us are enjoying it.

                • 0

                  You know what they say. Make hay while the sun shines.

                  • 7

                    Eat it if you hunger for it

                    • 0

                      I do. In the form of beef.

                    • 3

                      So it is make beef while the sun shines!

                    • 0

                      Must admit that you are very clever.

      • 1

        Bore da OC
        Welsh is the probably the oldest indigenous language spoken in Britain, although Irish Gaelic could make that claim. Scottish Gaelic is a little bit younger. Wales was occupied by England’s King Edward 1st in the late 1200s and early 1300s. When the Welsh complained that they no longer had princes, Edward said I will give you a Prince. So he made his son (also Edward) the Prince of Wales. The Welsh have a long history of national resistance to the English even though all their institutions were taken over – Law, Education, Government etc until recently when they gained a Welsh Assembly. Not only are there Road Signs in Welsh but most (if not all) Government documents are in Welsh and English. Welsh (and English) is taught in all schools in Wales. My wife had great difficulty with Welsh road signs and pronunciation, Could Wales be a template for Sri Lanka?
        Diolch yn fawr, (Thank you very much) gorau o ran (Best regards)

        • 8

          Many of the super-patriots on this forum have no idea about what happens in even India next door. They have these old blinkered stereotypes in which SL is the centre of the universe. “Separatism” is a mortal sin, even if non-violent.
          I wonder what they would think of Scotland, with an Arab Muslim chief Minister, and the right to secede?

          • 5

            old codger

            “I wonder what they would think of Scotland, with an Arab Muslim chief Minister, and the right to secede?”

            This is what I found on BBC website:

            His father is originally from Pakistan and emigrated to Scotland with his family in the 1960s, while his mother was born into a South Asian family in Kenya, and Mr Yousaf has often spoken of the racist abuse he has received.

            • 2

              So, Hamza Yousaf is another South Asian?

              • 4

                old codger

                “So, Hamza Yousaf is another South Asian?”


                An Indian origin British prime minister may have negotiations with a Pakistani origin First Minister over partition of Scotland from Britain.

              • 4

                old codger

                “So, Hamza Yousaf is another South Asian?”


                It would be interesting to see an Indian origin British prime minister may have negotiations with a Pakistani origin First Minister over partition of Scotland from Britain.

    • 19

      You are joking nearly every king who ruled the island was from India or belonged to an Indian dynasty. All the so called Chingkalla kings mostly belonged to the Thamizh Pandian royal house. This includes all their great Parakrama and Vijaya Bahus, as well as the Pandus, this is the reason the fairy tale Mahavamsam hardly spoke ill of the Thamizh Pandians but only spat out hate against the Cholas. At times the so called Chingkalla king belonged to the Kalinga Royal house. However, unlike the previous kings the last few kings of Kandy were open about their Hindu Thamizh Naicker Vijayanagar origin and ancestry and openly promoted Thamizh and used Thamizh as one of the court languages of the Kingdom of Kandy on par with Chingkallam and conducted business in Thamizh.

      • 20

        Even the so-called Lion flag now used is the flag and emblem of these last Thamizh Naicker kings of Kandy and has nothing to with the mythical prince Vijaya or the lion fron the Gir forest that raped a royal damsel and became the mythical ancestor of the Chingkallams. Prior to the arrival of these Telugu origin Vijayanagar Naicker the kings of Kandy were part of the Pandian royal household and took Thamizh Pandian princess as their first and second and even third queens, females from Kandyan aristocratic families were only taken as concubines as they were not royal enough., Infact both of King Senarath’s sons married Thamizh princesses from the kingdom of Jaffna. After the fall of Pandian kingdom the Naickers, these Thamizh/Chingkalla kings of Kandy, instead of taking Thamizh Pandian princesses as their queens, replaced them with these Telugu origin, Thamizh Naicker aristocrats from Madurai or Thanjavur. This is the reason the British deported last king of Kandy and his two wives and immediate family, to their native homeland in Thamizh Nadu (Salem) and not to Telugu lands, as they were considered ethnic Thamizh Naicker. Most of these Chingkalla aristocratic families and upper Govigamma, many now beating the anti Thamizh drum are the direct descendants of these Thamizh Naicker, Pandian, Chola aristocrats and invaders who settled here. Their family names are a dead giveaway of their South Indian origin.

        • 1

          Did the “Thamizh Naicker kings” arrive with the lion flag?
          If so, why did the likes of C Suntharalingam object? Why do some Tamils insult the flag?*
          BTW, which King or Queen of England is truly of English blood?

          • 2

            Hello SJ
            The Sri Lankans stole the Scottish flag known as the” Lion Rampant” and made minor changes to it.😉
            Your question “which King or Queen of England is truly of English blood?” is very difficult to answer. First of all what is English blood? After 1066 most of them were of Norman descent,basically French Vikings (or Scots mixed Pictish and Norman). Prior to this Alfred the Great’s son Edward united the English Kingdom but he was of Saxon descent. Kings like Offa, Oswald and Oswui ruled over separate regions and were mostly Anglo Saxon. So the answer is most likely none.
            Best regards

            • 17

              Lanka Scott almost 100% of these so-called upper caste Chingkallams and aristocratic families are descended from South Indian upper castes and aristocrat, who came to the island as immigrants, invaders and many arrived as part of the retinue, when a Thamizh South Indian princess married the so called Chingkalla king down south or earlier times in Anuradhapura or Polonnaruwa. The king definitely would have been her close relative, a first cousin, uncle. They were all from the same family. Most of the time the so called Chingkalla king was the either the son in law, grandson, or nephew of the Pandian Thamizh king. This is the reason when King Kashyapa usurped the throne from his father after killing him brutally, the rightful heir to the throne Mugallan, ran to South India to his Thamizh relatives to seek their help to regain the throne, and many of these so called invasions, were really not invasions but an invitation by one contender to the throne or the other to their Thamizh relatives from South India to come and interfere to sort this matter.

              • 17

                When the Pandians fell this shifted to the Thamizh speaking Telugu origin Madurai/Thanjavur Naicker, who are now called the Thamizh Naicker /Naidu, to differentiate them from the Telugu and Kannada speaking Naicker /Naidu and Kappus. The Naicker of Tamil Nadu are a mixture of Thamizh and Telugu, as most of the original Naicker rulers and men who arrived in the Thamizh country did not bring their womenfolk and took local Thamizh women from equivalent castes like the Vellalar,(Vellama caste amongst Telugus), Chettiars, Vanniar,Thevar and even Brahmins. They speak Thamizh as their main language and use it, but some can still speak some form of pidgin Telugu. They are similar to the Norman French, descended from Viking settlers who took local French women and gradually became French. This is the reason the Norman ships that came with William the conqueror, to invade England look like typical Viking ships.

                • 17

                  Similar to these Norman French and later German aristocratic families who ruled England, and even farther, who after some time became English and adopted the English language and customs, in order to retain their power, immense wealth. The Normans around the 13th 14th century or even later and the British German royalty especially after the first world war, these South Indian origin so called Chingkalla aristocratic families and upper castes decided to take on a Chingkalla Buddhist identity and shed their Thamizh Hindu identity, especially after the fall of the Kandyan kingdom to the British, as they knew that they cannot rely on their close relatives, across the sea and even import Thamizh Hindu brides and grooms for their children. They had to safeguard their wealth and position on the island and became ardent Chingkall Buddhists and anti Thamizh, just like the way many of the so-called lower caste Chingkalla Karawa, Salagama,, Durawa and other castes did. Shed their original South Indian Thamizh Hindu origin and identity to a Chingkalla Buddhist or Christian identity. The South Indian origin Thamizh Muslims of Sri Lanka are now doing this converting from Thamizh Muslims to pseudo–Arab Muslims. Or you can see that amongst other South Indian Thamizh origin communities like the Colombo Chetties and Paravans( Bharatha) living along the west coast and Colombo.

              • 0

                Hello Pandi Kutti,
                The Scots have an aversion to inviting foreigners into the country to adjudicate on Royal successions. King Edward 1st of England was invited in to decide on the claims to the throne by various families (Clans) – The Comyns, the Balliols and the Bruces. Edward ended up occupying Scotland and ravaging many areas. He had William Wallace hung, drawn and quartered at Smithfield, London in 1305.
                The Scottish War of Independence was concluded with the defeat of the English at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. 300 years later in 1603 the Scottish King James 6th became James 1st of England thus uniting the 2 countries.In 1707 the Parliaments were united.
                Best regards

              • 1

                Hello Pandi Kutti,
                I have read a little in the Mahavamsa about Kashyapa (he reigned about the same time as the Legendary King Arthur) and I have even walked in his footsteps up to the Throne on the top of Sigiriya. King Arthur’s legendary city was called Camelot, however there is little contemporary evidence for Arthur’s existence. Apart from the Culavamsa is there any objective evidence for Kashyapa. Have any of the Tamil historical records regarding Sri Lanka been translated into English and could you recommend any?
                Best regards

                • 3

                  Tamils have been, like other Indian sub-continentals’ not great record keepers.
                  Proper record keeping is an oriental trait.

                  • 0

                    SJ – Oriental? So Tamils aren’t oriental?

                    • 4

                      Check out what that term means in geopolitical usage.

                  • 0

                    I know its a losely used term sometimes used to refer to more eastern parts of Asia. I was going by the general usage. ‘Sinhala (or Peradiga) Sangeethaya’ used to be ‘Oriental Music’. So how did Sinhalese ended up keeping records of history?
                    Record keeping to my knowledge existed both in the west and the east in general – but some say for different purposes in each civilization.

                    • 6

                      You want to have the last word, however stupid it is.
                      Have it that way, my pleasure.

                    • 0

                      If it’s a case of wanting to have the last word don’t you think it would have come in the form of a statement not a question?

            • 4

              The good thing is that the Brits are not in the least bothered by the ancestry of their monarch once accepted as rightful ruler.

          • 15

            SJ the Tamil Naicker kings did not arrive with the flag. Contrary to what PK states it was based on ancient Sinhalese flags, it featured a yellow lion holding a sword against a red background. However, as PK states it was they who created this flag , that is now the basis of the current Sri Lankan national flag, that may have been based on ancient Sinhalese flags. However, as PK stated this symbol and flag that they created had nothing to do with Sinhalese people or the mythical north Indian part lion part human origin, the lion only symbolizes strength courage and sovereignty. The Nayaks of Kandy are credited for re-establishing the tradition among Sinhalese monarchs of marrying from South Indian nobility. Unlike the native Eelam Tamils from the north and east who practiced Saivism, these Tamil Naicker practiced Vaishnavism but were patrons of Theravada Buddhism and paid tribute the Sangha. n Nayaks relied on support from the Madurai and Thanjavur branches of their house, cemented by intermarriage between Kandy and South India1.

            • 15

              Sorry for stability of power these Kandy Naicker relied on support from their close relatives from Madurai and Thanjavur branches of their house. They never relied on the Telugu or Kannada speaking Naicker but only on Tamil speaking Naicker. They cemented this by intermarriage between Kandy and South India. In summary, the Lion emblem represents the historical lineage and influence of the Naicker of Kandy, who left a lasting impact on Sri Lanka’s history and culture.

              • 16

                PK is correct on 90% of what he or she stated. Suntharalingam objected to the lion symbol on the flag, for the same reason as all Tamils now oppose this as this Tamil Naicker lion symbol, symbolized courage, strength and sovereignty has like everything else on the island, since independence, has been hijacked by the Sinhalese politicians, elite and Buddhist clergy to depict the Sinhalese people only and symbolizing them holding the sword and threateningly facing the two symbols depicting the Tamil or Tamil speaking minorities. A completely warped and racist concept of what it really meant during the Tamil Naicker Kandyan period when this flag was created. You know all this but come here deliberately to provoke and misinterpret.

                • 2

                  Now you do not seem to know the gender of someone who fondly calls you maamaa. Is he/she sure of it?
                  (He/she knows that you are a male. That is nice.)
                  The question was that in which case, what sense does it make for Tamils to object to it.
                  Someone is being daft in his/her explanations.

                  • 11

                    You have lost the argument so as usual reverting to spiteful sarcasm to divert attention. Yes, I do not know the gender of PK and really do not care and since this person’s identity is a piglet, it could be a male or a female piglet. Not a Hog/Boar or Sow it the person is still a piglet. This person calls me Maama because of my name. Now is that the most important thing? PK being a male or female or PK fondly calling me Maama? Why are you jealous that he calls me Maama and calls you thaatha? The important thing is the subject matter and not whether PK is a male or a female or the person fondly referring me as Maama and calling you Thaatha. As for you I am fully aware that you think you are all knowing but hardly know anything and your body is full of venom hatred spite and sarcasm, especially towards your fellow Tamil bloggers. You go through all their comments to nitpick. As for Lorna Dewaraja , we all knew her anti Tamil agenda and you praising her and her books says a lot about your self.

                • 11

                  Their act is just like the way the German Nazis hijacking the ancient eastern religious and cultural symbol the Swastika (from Sanskrit meaning a feeling or conductive to wellbeing) still used by Indian religions or religions that originated from India, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism) inverted it and created their nasty racist Aryan symbol, a symbol or sign for hatred racial superiority and fear, that caused so much of misery and death.

                  • 11

                    The same way these racist Sinhalese elite/politicians and Buddhist clergy have hijacked flag/symbol of the yellow lion holding a sword with a surrounding red background by the Tamil Naicker kings of Kandy to symbolize, strength, courage and sovereignty, and deliberately misinterpreted it and made it into a racist Sinhalese only symbol of the Sinhalese lion aggressively holding the sword and threatening the island’s Tamil minorities of its superior position and their subservience to the Sinhalese and asking them to behave. These last Hindu Tamil Naicker kings of Kandy will be turning in their graves to think the very same symbol and flag that they had created to mean something else, is now been hijacked, since independence by the Sinhalese rulers and elite to use as a racist tool and symbol to the world that this island is a Sinhalese only nation with a Sinhalese lion holding a sword aggressively towards the symbols of the Tamil Hindu and Muslim minorities and demanding subservience.

            • 2

              Cannot you understand a sarcastic comment?
              PK’s tragedy is that he reproduces other people’s ideas withot much thought.
              Your tragedy is that you have to defend him/her/it (the name referring to an animal) at any cost.
              There is a brilliantly written and well acclaimed book on the Kandyan Kingdom by Dr Lorna Dewarajah.
              I have read it some time ago.
              There is interesting information on how “royal” the Nayakkar rulers were.

              • 10

                Hello, sarcastic Thaatha, how is life? You need some music to make you jolly. Love you, especially when you are being an evil sarcastic naughty Thaahta. XXXXX.


              • 12

                I will definitely not reproduce your ideas SJ Thaatha as they are full of venom lies and hatred, to deliberately provoke. Yuk Yuk .

                • 2

                  “I will definitely not reproduce your ideas”
                  That is great.
                  I dislike my words being misunderstood by some silly misinterpretation.

    • 7

      You are right. In these matters, might is right. Even Singapore, with all its money, wouldn’t poke Malaysia too much. Constitutions and their promises of equality aren’t usually worth the paper they’re printed on. For example, treatment of Blacks in the US even in the sixties, and minorities here. Our “sovereign rights” are circumscribed by the opinions of the Big Brother and our own ability to stand up for them. Reality is a bitch.

    • 7

      You are right. In these matters, might is right. Even Singapore, with all its money, wouldn’t poke Malaysia too much. Constitutions and their promises of equality aren’t usually worth the paper they’re printed on. For example, treatment of Blacks in the US even in the sixties, and minorities here. Our “sovereign rights” are circumscribed by the opinions of the Big Brother and our own ability to stand up for them. Reality is a bitch.

      • 4

        old codger, You are right. Your comment is worth repeating!!

        • 0

          Nathan – you know what they say: be careful what you wish for…

        • 0

          Nathan – “…Constitutions and their promises of equality aren’t usually worth the paper they’re printed on.”
          So you also don’t believe in equality either… i suppose.

        • 5

          Even by an nincompoop?

  • 0

    Modi’s Civilizational Duty & Connectivity Bordering Soft Colonization

    The connectivity is india anchor point “Neighbourhood First policy India needs a new approach to deal with its neighbors and become a regional economic and political powerhouse.

    India’s first policy has refused to endorse.

  • 2

    “Thousands of expert technicians, professionals and experts are leaving the country every year in search of employment abroad. Is India going to fill that gap?”

    India is not going to fill the gap because the same thing is happening in India, with “thousands of expert technicians, professionals and experts leaving the country every year in search of employment abroad”, particularly in the IT sector. The most favored path to success in India is to study at an IIT and then immigrate to the US, working for a Fortune 500 with H1-B sponsorship. India has another major problem, and that is overpopulation. Between now and 2050, India will overtake China as the most populous nation.

    • 17


      “India is not going to fill the gap because the same thing is happening in India, ……………”

      You will well if you could check facts before you type, Indian 1.408 billion (2021). Its population is young, and it has tens of thousands of Uni, higher education establishments, and remember not every Indian is destined to leave India as he/she sees the potential for him/her in India. Further a lot of those Indians who went abroad have returned back with loads of money and skills, founding or investing in businesses because they see ……… lot of opportunity despite corruption, … …. etc unlike this island ……

      Go back to your ancestral homeland and see for yourself,.. old codger can and will help you …. to see a prospering India.

      “Between now and 2050, India will overtake China as the most populous nation.”

      India’s surpassed that of China’s in April 2023.
      What a lazy dimwit you are.

      • 12

        “What a lazy dimwit you are.”
        Don’t you think you should go easy on the respect?

      • 0

        Hello Native Vedda,
        I met and taught many Indians in the Middle East. I worked with Keralans, Tamils from TN, Gujaratis and various North Indians. The ones I taught all had very good Degrees in mostly IT. All of them had an excellent knowledge of English. Most wanted to stay in the Middle East or emigrate to Europe or the USA if possible. A few had ambitions to return home and start an IT Business. Some of them had worked in Bangalore on the Help Desk supporting British companies. We had a laugh about the stupid rules that made them tell callers from the UK e.g. “My name is Darren, I am from Leicester, how can I help you?” As far as I know they have stopped doing this. Many companies are bringing their Support Desks back to the UK or wherever their Headquarters are located, due to logistical and cost (Salaries etc.) issues. The following link could explain why some Indian Tech Companies are losing Clients https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/jobs-and-careers/story/why-techies-are-leaving-the-indian-it-majors-1879403-2021-11-22
        Here is a Link to some disaster stories https://www.accountingweb.co.uk/any-answers/why-are-so-many-uk-accountants-reticent-to-make-use-of-indian-outsourcing-providers
        I enjoyed working with all the Indians, Pilipinos, Qataris, Pakistanis, various Middle-East countries, French, Germans and even the British
        Best regards

        • 2


          Good luck trying to explain to “Native” that the call centre, if not the whole support desk, can now be easily automated with an AI assistant. Even in SE, junior dev’s are being given the boot, as something like “ChatGPT” can do testing & debugging in a flash. And this is only the first iteration of AI. There are other reasons Indians are leaving in droves. Corruption, high taxes, lack of socioeconomic mobility. Slow-brained Native thinks they will give up their stock options and cushy tech jobs in the US to start a risky new business in Bangalore. I wonder if he is using Internet from the public library? Such people still exist.

          • 1

            Lester – i think It’s a case of not using brains to begin with rather than the internet. Perhaps not having any (brains) to use in the first place.

      • 3


        That is the difference between you and me. My predictions come true (regardless of how long), while yours cease to exist at the bottom of some lagoon. How many times did I say India is the world’s biggest toilet? I was saying that 10,15,20 years ago. I was not waiting for the data, I was *predicting* the future. Have a nice day.

        • 8


          “I was not waiting for the data, I was *predicting* the future. “

          Any chance you are related to the Royal Astrologer Sumanadasa Abeygunawardena?

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