Muslim clerics of the All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulama (ACJU) have scuttled the entire Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act reform process and compelled the Committee to submit two reports.
The entire process of scuttling came to light at the Muslim Personal Law committee meeting which was held yesterday at the Justice Ministry.
According to sources at the Justice Ministry Chairperson former Supreme Court Judge Saleem Marsoof was presented with another report referred to as the Majority Committee report signed by “majority members”. The alternate report which is based on the archaic readings of scripture was also signed by the President of the Muslim Lawyers Association Faiz Musthapha.
However, the meeting was not attended by the purported “majority members” under whose name the new report was submitted including Faiz Musthapha PC and Shibly Azeez PC. Accordingly discussion on this new document was not possible. The decision was made thereon to sign one report with two lines of argument and two sets of signatures at a further meeting to be held on 20th December as the “majority members” coerced by the Ulama wanted time to improve the report further. In effect the entire exercise means the presenting of two reports.
The President of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Rizwie Mufthi in an email with the majority report confirmed that Faiz Musthapha PC, Shibly Aziz PC, Justice Mackie Mohomad, Dr. M. M Shukri and Nadv Bahudeen were part of the “majority”. At the previous meeting held on 17th September Rizwie Mufthi, M M A Mubarak, Justice A W A Salam and Fazlet Shahabdeen who were present at the meeting objected to the pro reforms report put together by the Chairperson. From the pro-reform side were Secretary of the Muslim Lawyers Association Razmara Abdeen, Deshabandu Jezima Ismail, Professor Sharya Surangivel, Attorney at law Safana Gul Begum, F Jurampahthy and Justice Saleem Marsoof himself. Judge Mackie Mohomad counted as “majority member” by Rizwe Mufthi had excused himself from the 17th meeting with an email stating his agreement with the pro-reform group, subject to one minor issue.
The Ministry source confirmed that Justice Marsoof’s report had been ready for almost a year but not signed due to retrogressive elements within the committee wanting to continue male dominance.
Yesterdays meeting ended with all agreeing to disagree, fixing 20th December for signing a divided report, contents of which will be finalized in due course. The source from the Ministry stated that final report will thereafter be forwarded to the cabinet sub-committee appointed by Former Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe. The sub-committee comprise Minister of Public Enterprise Development, Kabir Hashim, Minister of Water Supply and Drainage, Rauff Hakeem, Minister of Industry and Commerce, Rishard Bathiudeen, Minister of Provincial and Local Government, Faiszer Mustapha, Minister of Muslim Affairs and Postal Services, M.H.M. Haleem, Minister of Women and Child Affairs, Chandrani Bandara and Deputy Minister of Water Supply and Drainage, Dr. Sudharshani Fernandopulle.
Amarasiri / November 27, 2017
RE; Mullah’s Scuttle Reform.
There is no surprise here.
The Mullah’s do not want to give up the privileges at the expense of the girls and women, their tribalist traditions of the 7th century , influenced what was finally written down, 15 to 20 years later in a book form. Prophet Mohamed did not have an opportunity to read, and review for any errors. So, this had to be compared with the last farewell sermon of the Prophet Mohamed, for any conflicts and incompatibility.
Sahih Muslim Book 15, Hadith 159
Fear Allah concerning women! Verily you have taken them on the security of Allah, and intercourse with them has been made lawful unto you by words of Allah. You too have right over them, and that they should not allow anyone to sit on your bed whom you do not like. But if they do that, you can chastise them but not severely. Their rights upon you are that you should provide them with food and clothing in a fitting manner. I have left among you the Book of Allah, and if you hold fast to it, you would never go astray. Nothing about inequality of women.
Throughout his life, Muhammad continued to have revelations until before his death in 632. The Quran we see today was compiled into book format by Zayd ibn Thabit and other scribes under Uthman, the third caliph (reign 644 to 656). (A caliph is the political leader of a Caliphate (Islamic government).) For this reason, the Quran as it exists today is also known as the Uthmanic codex. According to Professor Francis Edward Peters, what was done to the Quran in the process seems to have been extremely conservative and the content was formed in a mechanical fashion to avoid redactional bias.
Sinhala_Man / November 27, 2017
Isn’t there some confusion in this article regarding father and son, Faiz and Faizer Mustapha?
Be that as it may, just yesterday, Native Vedda challenged readers to name one honest lawyer. This is the comments on the Second of Three articles on Higher Education by Rajan Hoole and his wife, Krupa. (Owing to gremlin infecting Colombo Telegraph can’t give links, no?) I’d been doing some conscious, and conscientious, searching for honest politicians.
I stated how a trusted and knowledgeable friend had, in giving me names, stated that neither Faiz nor Faizer was to be trusted, but that Shibly Aziz is an able and totally honest lawyer. The article actually has the right spelling, and the wrong spelling of the name as “Azeez”. Trivial points, but the sufferings of SOME Muslim girls is horrendous.
Now that it is obvious that there are two groups, can we please have reform of MMDA, because it is the right thing to do? I adduce my comment yesterday (before knowing that this article was coming) as proof of the fact that this demand from so many of us Non-Muslims has nothing to do with bashing the entire community. I’m a Sinhalese, but I put that view forward when discussing, in the context of Tamil Rights, a question posed by Visa, who can be deduced to be a Tamil.
There indeed are a handful of knaves who will use any weapon to bash Muslims. Please don’t confuse our demand of Justice for all Sri Lankans with the desire of unprincipled people to sow discord.
Amarasiri / November 27, 2017
Sinhala_Man and others,
It has taken 8 years, for reforming MMDA,. The Mullah’s ‘ want to maintain their hegemony. They have recruited the Muslim Lawyers, most of whom are crooks, like the lawyers from the other communities.
The same thing happened after Prophet Mohamed’s death. ( Was he poisoned?). The next two Caliphs were murdered. When the Quran was finally put together, 15 years or so later, the tribal traditions that were there before Islam, got incorporated. There are may such examples in the Quran, that has its roots in the tribal traditions and beliefs of that time, that was in keeping with the status quo and beliefs.
Some examples: Status of women
Slavery, not fully abolished.
Earth spread out like a carpet, etc.Mountains pegged etc.
Sinhala Man, what is the current status of the CT website? Still infested by low-IQ Paras? The problems are still there. This is really painful, battling low-IQ Paras.
Sinhala_Man / November 28, 2017
Dear Amarasiri,
I have just put a comment in at the bottom of this page using Google Chrome. I have, thereafter closed Chrome, and scanned using Malwarebytes. Sure enough, the Adware was detected. I haven’t done the restart that was requested after successful quarantining. I know that after the restart, I will find that the Adware has been restored, but if during the next session, I don’t use Chrome, there will be no Adware thereafter.
This could not be done using the Firefox browser. Only replies can be inserted. Also one cannot move around the page using the mouse. For that one has to use the keyboard. I will be able to post this only using the advice that “old codger” gave me, that I use the keyboard again: Tab twice. But having done that, to insert Name and E-mail, on e cannot get back to this typing box. However, the mouse will take me to “POST COMMENT”.
I don’t really go along with “Fahim knight’s” theory that this is government doing, but one can never be sure. There is no problem on other sites.
By the way, my observations are based on the use of four different Windows 7 computers, one of them using a computer recognised by Microsoft. These others have cracked copies of the software.
Amarasiri / November 28, 2017
Dear Sinhala_Man,
(277 words)
Amarasiri uses Windows 7 and Windows 10 with Chrome. However, the CT website issues with the mouse, highlighting and copying and pastings are still there. It was painful to type in the URL addresses. However, Amarasiri has found out some band aids that works for him, as he is not ready to give up battling imbeciles and low-IQ Paras yet, and would share with you and others, the band aid secret, so that you can be efficient in your own battles.
1. Short comments with no links, just type in the comments, and correct the spellings that are highlighted. Chrome will not give any spelling suggestions.
2. Short comments with links, highlight the URL with the mouse, press CTRL C, and move the mouse curser where you want it inserted, and press CTRL V. Presto, the link will be there.
3. Long Comments with links. Use a word document. Type in your comments on word, with links, spell check, and do a word count, to be below 300 words. Have the CT comments box open in a separate browser window, highlight all in your word document, using mouse click copy (You can also do CTRL C here). Next go to CT comments box, put the mouse curser where you want it to be, and press CTRL V. Presto, the word doc will be there.
4. All your contents of the word Doc will be in the comments box. You can do further edits there as well.
5. Good luck battling imbeciles and low-IQ Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, illegally occupied by the Paras, who arrived by Illegal-boats, hora-oru and kalla-thonis.
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
What traditions you think right? Your master white man? But know their religious traditions more than hundreds of years older than Islam. Same with other religions like Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. So these religions should have worst tribal traditions. Slavery was definitely abolished but what do you do with the slaves they already had? Cut them and put to sea? So you fools some rooms were given to keep them if you wish but as a servants paying and giving equal rights. Definitely earth is spread out like carpet but you have to go to space to see it as round. Yes mountains are pegged, if those are not pegged to earth it will move all over the places on earth.
Amarasiri / November 29, 2017
This is about how religion brainwashes their followers, and discourages and prevents critical thinking. Muslim philosophers were fighting that issue for some time, but blocked by the Mullahs and Ulama. Remember the Christian Inquisition?
Ten years ago, Muhammad Syed became an ex-Muslim.
Born in the US, he grew up in Pakistan believing “100 per cent” in Islam.
“You don’t encounter doubt,” he says. “Everyone around you believes it.”
And then, in 2007, he realised something. He didn’t believe at all.
As a boy, Muhammad was interested in “astronomy, the space programme, Star Trek, Star Wars”.
He calls himself liberal. His parents had PhDs.
He moved back to the US in his early 20s, a few months before 9/11. When America went to war, he joined anti-war protests.
At the same time, some of his Pakistani friends became “ultra conservative”.
“There was one guy in particular,” says Muhammad. “I knew him through high school.
“We were in the same college. We were similar people – he was liberal like me. Then he grew this foot-and-a-half long beard.”
His friend’s outlook “scared” Muhammad.
“He was talking about torture in the grave (an Islamic belief in punishment after death),” he says.
“And he was talking about it being a real thing that people have witnessed – a very superstitious type of thinking.
“Coming from a scientific background [and] going into that, was a little bizarre. So I spent about a year or so looking into religion.”
Muhammad studied the Koran, the hadiths (reports describing the Prophet Muhammad), and secondary texts.
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
Oh! the web professor Amarasiri, I think something really wrong with you. Why are you copying from wiki and inserting it here? The reason is you don’t have true knowledge on Islam.What is Uthmanic codex and what proof you have of this? Of course from non other than the fanatic Roman Catholic from whom you cannot expect true explanations. What has he written about bible? When the first bible was written and hundreds after that? Don’t muddle up everything you web mania.
Amarasiri / December 1, 2017
Ralli Ameen,
So only Wahhabi-Salafies and their clones have true knowledge of Islam, Allah (swt)?
According to the Hadith of Najd, Wahhabi-Salafies and their clones have true knowledge of Satan, Shaitan, Devil, Iblis, as they are Agents of Iblis,. See how Saudi Arabia wrecked Syria. with the help of the Great Satan and minor Satans. Saudi Stans and their agents are causing havoc in Yemen.
Al Azhar Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
Give up your Wahhabism and its ideology, and avoid being burned in Hell-Fire, being tortured in your grave, per Islamic Ideology.
Ralli Ameen / December 2, 2017
Amarasiri, only those who brings innovation to Quran and Sunna burn in hellfire according to Prophet Muhammad. I don’t know whether you are a Muslim or non-Muslim but if you are a Muslim you will experience that. I told you to have an in-depth knowledge of anything before you write. Don’t copy from pages of those innovators Shias, Ahmadis, suffis etc and write here. There is no such thing as Wahabism. There are only those Muslim who follow pure teachings of Quran and Sunna and others who follows innovation. Then according to you Prophet Muhammad too was a Wahabi although born in different period.
Native Vedda / December 2, 2017
Ranil Ameen
One should respect all religions and their devout practitioners equally however there are issues that have to be challenged as most of the followers do possess the ability to think rationally outside the religious practices. It is not wrong in fact it is healthy.
Only fascists, religious fanatics, zealous nationalist, ………………. mostly the brain washed kids would deny the rights of others to think.
ralliamen / December 3, 2017
Native Vedda, Who said not to respect all religion or the ability to think rationally outside religious practices? Here the argument is Amarasiri holding one sects view and attacking others views that is not rationally thinking. I think you don’t know head or tail of what we are arguing about.
Native Vedda / December 3, 2017
“I think you don’t know head or tail of what we are arguing about”.
Do you?
ralliamen / December 5, 2017
What I mean was you don’t know head or tail about what we (Amarasiri and I) were arguing. You really don’t know head or tail.
Ck Prahalad / December 4, 2017
Ha ha Ralli thinking rationally. You put ad hominem arguments by trying to besmirch Amarasiri. Provide ur reply based on d arguments and facts provided by Amarasiri.
ralliamen / December 5, 2017
CK Prahalad, if you don’t know how to express what you think correctly just buzz off. Ad hominem means attacking a person directly or indirectly, here I am not attacking Amarasiri but pointing out the incorrect history he is copying from web and writing. It is up to him to prove he correct. He might be besmirched on his own sayings, cannot help.
Amarasiri / December 3, 2017
Ralli Ameen,
Prophet Mohamed (Pbuh), was no Wahhabi-Salafi, and in fact he warned about the Wahhabi-Salafis in the Hadith of Najd.
Al Azhar (Sunni ) Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
Wahhabi-Salafis follow the Devil, Satan, Iblis, and they kill others who are not Wahhabi-Salafis.
Some Examples:
Wahhabi sack of Karbala
The Wahhabi sack of Karbala occurred on 21 April 1802 (1216 Hijri) (1801), under the rule of Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad the second ruler of the First Saudi State. Approximately 12,000 Wahhabis from Najd attacked the city of Karbala.[5]:387 The attack coincided with the anniversary of Ghadir Khum event, or 10th Muharram.
Wahhabis killed 2,000–5,000 of the inhabitants and plundered the tomb of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali ibn Abi Talib, and destroyed its dome, seizing a large quantity of spoils, including gold, Persian carpets, money, pearls, and guns that had accumulated in the tomb, most of them donations. The attack lasted for eight hours, after which the Wahhabis left the city with more than 4,000 camels carrying their plunder.
ralliamen / December 3, 2017
Amarasiri, what you are writing here is Shia’s view of history to uphold their hegemony. I did not ask you to give here web history but your own intelligent view of what Prophet Muhammed said comparing to divisions in Islam now. What he said about Allah is to believe what Quran says about Allah. Quran says Allah is not a man or woman, begot or begotten, nor birth or death, eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent, always existed and will always exist, in short do not belongs to this material world but creator of material world including us. Not to associate any partners with Allah and not to believe anybody claiming having the powers of Allah. You must only Worship him and ask his favours or forgiveness directly from him. You don’t need a lawyers (saints) to approach him. This was what Prophet Muhammad too said. Associating any body with Allah or innovations of what Quran says is fitnah and a sin. This what all true Muslims believe, what Wahabi and others like him believe. So how can you say Prophet Muhammad did not say what Wahabi said? Explain but don’t talk like a myna repeating what these innovators (Shia, Ahmadi etc.) of Islam says.
Amarasiri / December 4, 2017
Ralli Ameen,
Give up your Wahhabi-Salafism, and save yourself from Hell-Fire. It is not Islam. It is Iblis-ism, Satan-ism, Wahhabism..
Watch: WATCH: NY Times’ Tom Friedman presses Saudi Crown Prince on his unprecedented views on global policy and Islam.
Saudi Crown Prince is targeting the Wahhab-Salafies and their Satanic -Iblisic, Ideology, not Islam, per Hadith of Najd.
List listen Tom Friedman.
Saudi Crown Prince is trying to save the Wahhabi-Salafies and their clones a favor from Hell-Fire on the day of judgement,
Amarasiri is trying to save the Sri Lankan Wahhabi-Salafies and their clones a favor from Hell-Fire., on the day of judgement.
Ralli Ameen / December 6, 2017
Amarasiri, I told you not to repeat like a Myna what was in innovators websites. I had given above what Prophet Muhammad preached to Muslims. That is he said strictly follow Quran and not to associate anybody with Allah. That is priest do not have power over you and not to follow them. Not to seek favour from holy men (saints) and not follow ideologies of innovators. So tell me who is strictly following them? Isn’t it true Muslims whether you call them Wahabi, Salafis or with any other names. Since Shias, Ahmadis, Sufis etc. do not strictly follow Quran and Sunna so it is logical to say that since what Prophet Muhammad preached is strictly followed by Wahabis, Salafis and others, Prophet Muhammad was like Wahabi and others. If you know anything else in the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad please write it here but like a Myna don’t repeat what you read in websites or what they teach. Use your own intelligent to answer this.
Amarasiri / December 4, 2017
Ralli Ameen,
You have been brainwashed by the Devil, Satanic Wahhabies and their clones.
Who gave Wahhabi-Salafis and their clones such as ISIS , to redefine, who a Muslim is, reclassify them as apostates, and kill them? It was Satan, Iblis, which Prophet Mohamed (Pbuh) clearly presciently (having or showing knowledge of events before they take place) .and succinctly and disclosed in the Hadith of Najd, the Wahhabi-Salafi Fitna, calamity.
The Wahhabi-Salafis and their clones such as ISIS have fallen into the trap laid out by Satan, Iblis, misleading millions of Muslims, fueled by Saudi Wahhabi Petrodollars to cause calamity, Fitna among the Muslims. All those who follow the, Satan, Iblis, the Wahhabi-Salafis and their clones such as ISIS, will on the day of judgement end up in Hell-Fire for Eternity. No Virgins, no raisins only Hell-Fire.
Just read about what Sulaiman, the brother of Abdul Wahhab, (the Wahhabi), wrote about the Satan following Wahhabies, and the Wahhabies killed him, Ralli Ameen, you are not only putting yourself a risk being thrown into Hell-Fire, your family, relatives , neighbors and friends as well.
The Shaykh’s son Sulaiman; brother of Mohammad, was also against the teachings of Mohammad and refuted them with Quranic verses and hadiths, because Mohammad would not accept anything else as evidence. He refused all the opinions and rulings of theImams of Ahlus-Sunnah except those of Ibn Taymiyyah and his studentIbnul Qayyim, he considered their works almost sacred and infallible. He used the words of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibnul Qayyim to argue with people, even if their words were not to be understood in the wayMohammad understood them.” [Ibn Hamid Al-Najdi, Al-Suhub Al-Wabila ala Dara’ih Al-Hanabila”, 2/680.]
Upul / November 27, 2017
Blardy hippocrites. A disgrace to all Muslims. Islam gave women rights 1400years ago that others managed to do in the last 100, if not less. The so-called Islamic leaders want to retain the chauvinistic cultural practices that protect their power instead of transparency and freedoms.
The response of the National politicians is equally Hippocratical.
Ben Hurling / November 27, 2017
Islamic fanatics love dialogue & democracy as long as those tools can be cunningly misused to advance their real agenda. An Islamic theocracy. One way or the other. Sooner or later. In SL, since they do not have the numbers to impose Islamic religious fascism, they try to maintain al least the grip on their so called “own community”. Question is so simple? Who has given these monkeys with a medieval mindset the right to rule over a section of Sri Lanka’s female population? Bottom line, there is no need to consult these people. They can keep riding camels, if they wish. Modern, basic human rights are not subject to somebody else’s subjective, religious interpretation of some scripture from 1400 years ago. ACJU members are free to apply those outdated “principles” to their own lives individually, if they so wish. I support that right. They should never be allowed to dictate over others.
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
Ben Hurling, before you say Muslims have medieval mindset prove whether your religion gave space age mindset. Comparing 1400 years old scriptures with your over 2000 years or more older scriptures, only you people are having worst medieval mindset.
Al-faqurlah / December 4, 2017
Ralli Bin Balli, stop attacking other religions. Prophet Mohamed went to India to study and learnt Hinduism. On his return he took back a Siva lingam which is even today enshrined in Kabba in Mecca which is only shown to high status people.
Amarasiri / December 3, 2017
Ben Hurling,
It was the hegemony of the Ulama and Mullahs, for their own self-interest, who elevated Revelation above Reason and Observations that lead to the decline of Islamic Scientific thoughts and progress.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Cleverly Educates On The Downfall Of Islam
Full Lecture:…
Mallaiyuran / November 27, 2017
Shame is on Yahapalanaya. What Yahapalanaya doing is, with all inventible excuses, leaving its decisional function of government – A human right issue- in the hand of a sectional religious leaders, who basically are the violators of it. Victims are put on the mercy of the perforators, because Yahapalanaya has to remain on seat to loot, and crooked Muslim ministers would be needed to shoulder it.
I have been treating for long time MMDA as the yardstick of measuring the heart of Yahapalanaya on Constitutional Change. I never took Sampanthan Aiya’s words or Sumanthiran’s convolution on that. “No MMDA change” is a stone writing for no “Constitutional change for Devolution”. A biting dog will bite any stranger, would not select. Same way a reform minded government will be showing that everywhere. TNA has to know this basic truth. TNA is also staying out of MMDA because of hoping Hakeem, Rishard … crooks would someday lent some way for constitutional change. That is only a dream of TNA. They will not bend even an inch. “ Deivam(god) may grant the boon but the priest will not allow the god to do it”. Yahapalanaya may come forward for changes, but Muslim ministers will not be for that.
Zain / November 27, 2017
Why all these miseries for Muslim wemon in SL? They don’t deserve it, they require dignified lives for they are our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, and our blood. When Saudi Arabia is changing, and there now women are given licence to drive, why our Muslims men live in archic ages? They could study relevant laws and practices of Muslims countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Bangladesh etc, device some thing to suit our needs. In Malaysia, in all the Mosques, they have separate section with all the facilities for any woman to come and pray all five times prayers other than the Friday prayer , and take part in all other religious activities which I haven’t seen in our country.. Oh enlightened men
and pundits please do some thing good for we shouldn’t let this situationti continue for ever, and make our wemon silently suffer.
Sarrij / November 29, 2017
Agree; but unfortunately in SL for some reason or other the majority in the so called “educated vocal class” of Muslims happen to be lawyers.They tend to dominate Muslim politics and Muslim religious affairs as well. They, also tend to get appointed to various commissions; basically they are mostly, political hacks. They have a poor understanding of Islam and what it stands for and are very easily influenced by the “Mullahs” who are misogynic.
With the recent political and social changes taking place in Saudi Arabia and its “power” to influence the “Muslim World” ; hopefully the attitudes among the “Muslim Power Elite” in SL will change for the better as well. Time will tell.
Estate Labourer / November 27, 2017
Sri Lankan Law is as helpless as a newborn baby when it comes to dealing with certain hard nuts. Hard Nuts like Rizwie Mufthi, Gnanasara Thero, Mahinda Rajapaksa, Gotabhaya Rajapakse, GMOA President and so many others including murderers, drug dealers, rapists, money launderers and multi-million rupee thieves of public funds.
On the other hand the law is applied with vicious force against certain hapless individuals against whom there are no proper charges even. They have been languishing in prison for more than five years with no likelihood of a trial or any chance of being released. They are kept in limbo, being forced to waste their lives due to sheer vindictiveness. And this is all done in the name of the law.
So how can the citizens be expected to have any respect for the law and the legal institutions?
karen / November 30, 2017
I agree. I think it all comes down to integrity, something you rarely see in Sri Lankans, definitely not among anyone in government. To do something or not do it because it’s the right thing, whatever the consequence to one’s self.
A. Ali / November 27, 2017
I think only a few women lawyers are supporting the rights of women, according to their thinking, with least obligation to the law of the Creator, who is All-knowing.
Amarasiri / November 28, 2017
A Ali,
” Thecreator , who is All-knowing” is fine,
The problem is with the tribals, who are not all-knowing, and have corrupted the Quran, to advance their own agenda.
According to Muslim belief and Islamic scholarly accounts, the revelation of the Quran began in 610 C.E. when the angel Gabriel (Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل, Jibrāʾīl) appeared to Muhammad in the cave Hira near Mecca, reciting to him the first verses of Sura Iqra (al-`Alaq). Throughout his life, Muhammad continued to have revelations until before his death in 632.[ The Quran we see today was compiled into book format by Zayd ibn Thabit and other scribes under Uthman, the third caliph (reign 644 to 656). (A caliph is the political leader of a Caliphate (Islamic government).) For this reason, the Quran as it exists today is also known as the Uthmanic codex.[citation needed] According to Professor Francis Edward Peters, what was done to the Quran in the process seems to have been extremely conservative and the content was formed in a mechanical fashion to avoid redactional bias.
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
This time you had written correctly ‘Uthmanic codex (citation needed)’. Earlier you just wrote Uthumanic codex because you had not noted “citation needed” on the wiki page. There is no such thing as Uthumanic codex. This catholic fanatic Francis Edward Peter coined the word Uthumanic codex like the word ‘Wahabism’ they had coined nowadays.
Sarrij / December 1, 2017
A Ali.
You think wrong or you do not think at all. Think again.
nalmen / November 27, 2017
now govt policy is dictated by monks and mullas taking advantage of 2 weak leaders
to mr’s credit this did not happen in his time .he put them firmly in their place e.g. kandy mototor races
nosey parker / November 27, 2017
Next motor races should be in Kathankudi ., with free booze and bikini clad girls .
Sinhala_Man / November 27, 2017
Dear nosey-parker,
We must beware of going too far in decrying the Rajapaksas. I’m not sure what line “nalmen” usually takes, but his wording here suggests that he approves of very few things that happened during “mr’s” time.
He decries what both monks and mullas have been doing. I’m blaring it out everywhere that I will vote for Maithri only if he comes forward on his own.
Now the fact is that simple Arithmetic and facts relating to voter bases (as opposed to “floating votes”, which can be either “principled voting” OR “opportunistic voting”, means that My3’s group will limp in either 3rd, or even 4th (behind the JVP). We should be morally and mentally strong enough to accept that setback.
The fact is that My3 has proved weak. He has not had the courage to investigate “War Crimes”. Note that I haven’t said that any given person should be punished. I only say “investigate”. Without doing so, how can we say that no crimes were committed? One has to be realistic about the fall-out from imposing punishments. There, those who have suffered may have to be content with an acknowledgement that many wrong things were done. One has to be in a position of responsibility to know how to balance all requirements. We can keep shouting without risk, often under the cloak of anonymity.
I’m sorry to say it, but you appear to have identified “nalmen” as a Muslim, and put in what could be described as a “racist comment” – certainly an anti-Islamic hate comment. Such actions are bound to cause more problems.
nosey parker / November 28, 2017
Sinhala_ Man
I am chuffed that you took time to read and analyse my brief response.
No right thinking person would have praised the decision by the head of state to totally disregard the objections of the custodian monks of the Dalada Maligawa , and to act with total impunity in support of his children’s favourite pastime of playing with their expensive toys .
There appear to be many on this forum who ‘have a bob each way ‘ , and in the process take a ‘cheap shots’ at things held sacred by others .
You are correct in assuming that I may have identified the said writer to be of a particular religious denomination , and in so doing taken a cheap shot at him in return .
Thank you for your observation . I shall show more restraint in future . Blessings .
Sinhala_Man / November 28, 2017
You’ve responded most graciously, and I’m sure that the tone of your response would have soothed Nalmen.
I’ve now noticed some other things that he’s said, and I find him a gy very much in favour of revising MMDA.
Well might such an attitude improve affairs in this land. Not much happening today, except rain in the hills.
BrainFreeze / November 27, 2017
Hahaha. Its so funny to watch people commenting Gotabaya rajapaksha, mahinda rajapksha and buddhist monks are the reason why muslim women lost the freedom.
Im a buddhist and i like their freedom. I respect it.
But stupid selfish muslim men like you wont let it have.
Why dont your so called budhurdheen are deen me deen wont let it work.
Atleast try to understand it or your brain will become a molecule sized without using it.
Mohomad / November 30, 2017
Hahaha you have a freezing brain. How can we expect any intelligent sayings from you?
Lanki / November 27, 2017
Why are the Muslim youth staying quite? Are they back bone less to protect their own freedom? Are they not educated and want a life similar to other Sri Lankans? Its sad to note that not only in Sri Lanka even in developed countries Muslim Women are allowed to cover their faces but in Saudi Arabia when they walk around the Holy Kabala women are not allowed to cover their faces. In a time where terrorism related fears are so high why are we allowing face covering? I have no issue with body covering but not face covering. I am also confused why rich Arab middle eastern countries do not take Rohingiya Refugees? Why are the protectors of Islam not doing their part and expect poor countries like Bangladesh to help them?
K.Pillai / November 27, 2017
Lanki ~ “………….I am confused why rich Arab middle eastern countries do not take Rohingiya Refugees………..”.
The Arab Muslims do not tolerate ‘coloured’ Muslims. The Mullahs approve this.
An aside: Coloured Jews are discriminated in Israel!
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
K.Pillai, don’t talk nonsense without seeing, learning or knowing the truth from others. How can you say Arab Muslims do not tolerate coloured Muslims when they themselves are mix of all colours. Have you been to Arab Muslim countries or at least to places like Qatar or UAE? Then you wouldn’t have written like this. Where can the poor Rohingya refugees go other than Bangladesh. Do they have money or other means to fly to all the western countries or Australia like the Sri Lankan Tamils did. From where they can get passport?
Ck Prahalad / December 4, 2017
There is enough evidence Arabs particularly Saudis are very racists. For them Ralli Ameen n all Sri Lankan’s are housemaids. This will never lower d status of Sri Lankan but a clear evidence of Saudis’ lower self esteem.
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
Lanki, Muslim youth are not donkeys, they know very well how these anti-Muslim forces bashing Muslims and Islam on every turn. They know their mothers, sisters looked after well by their fathers and they enjoy best family life and security compared to non-Muslims. They know parents never give their 12-15 years daughters in marriage. They know 15-16 years given in marriage were very, very minute amount and that is too in remote villages. They know all the Muslim girls have access to education and encouraged by their parents. They know their women had gone for higher education and had become professional in many fields. As for Rohingyas, Saudi Arabia had been fighting in their cause for many decades and they had taken refugees as far back as 1948. There are 340,000 Rohingyas in Saudi and also in some middle-eastern countries. Those who crossed to Bangladesh are very poor families, they did not have any means to go to other countries except some to Malaysia and Indonesia.
Rajash / November 27, 2017
Even Saudi Arabia is now beginning to shift its stance against women. Sri Lankan Muslims have their feet stuck in the sand muddied by the blood from incision.
Amarasiri / November 27, 2017
Do you think it has something to do with the low mean IQ of 79 or lower compared to the Saudis and others? Anyway, the mean Saudi IQ of 84 is not that high to begin with.
The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.
Rajash / November 28, 2017
how did sri lanka plunge so low?
Amarasiri / November 28, 2017
“how did sri lanka plunge so low”
Para-Sinhala “Buddhism” and the lies and imaginations of the Para-Monk Mahanama, in the Mahawamsa, which not only the common foll, even the so-called “esteemed” academic “Professor” Ediriweera Sarathchandra gobbled up, and produced the Drama, Play,Sinhabahu.
HD Gal Lena Bindala from “Sinhabahu” Drama – Dr. Tissa Munasinghe
No lion genes were found in the Paras, using modern genetics.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka
Muslim / November 27, 2017
All those who are supposed to be the majority are crooks , first the President must disband the Jamiatul ulama and have new members who are knowledgeable in Islamic affairs. Islam does not need these crooks in Srilanka to dictate terms about any branch of the religion and there is no need of any mullahs .All mullahs are ordinary people and there is no heirachiy in Islam .
Chitra / November 27, 2017
Taking the opinion of the Ulama’s into consideration is one thing, but Sri Lankan laws should not be dominated, nor influenced, by these backward old men. This is about the safety and security of little girls, and the support for women, who due to these stone age rules, are left destitute, with no help for her, or her children when men decide to leave them.
These are men without conscience, who will not do the right thing by his family.
Recently, in India they passed laws that protect Muslim women. So what is the delay here, and is there so much of foot dragging? The Ulamas have had their way throughout the years, and it has not protected the women. Change the laws NOW.
Muslim men, women, lawyers, doctors, and everyone else, must speak louder than the Ulamas.
Rishard / November 27, 2017
Trust me, these big belly biryani boys will never bring any reforms, they’re just making soup out of MMDA, which has become time-pass and evening get together for a few.
This can’ be serious unless ordinary women are taught about what’s good and bad about MMDA and its reforms for a girl / woman in SL. Currently the situation is that while very few elite, educated Muslim women are fighting, majority of Muslim women did not even realize that there is something called MMDA and it is bad for them, let alone reforming it. On the other hand, almost all their husband’s are well aware of it – That bad is the situation :-(
justice / November 27, 2017
What have they decided about Female Genital Mutilation which has been banned by most countries?
And, about equal health care including Family Planning?
And, about age of consent to marriage?
Fathima / December 1, 2017
Justice, how does female genital mutilation affect you? Are you married to a Muslim woman? Equal healthcare? Do you mean SL Govt discriminate giving healthcare to Muslims? Family planning? Has it ever happened to you to pay for food, clothing or schooling of a Muslim kid due to being a bigger family?
Bigger the family, more the kids, better for the government’s revenue. These Muslim kids will grow up to run a business to take care of themselves and to pay the govt the taxes, so the govt can support those fully depending on govt salaries and other services of all.
As a nation, SL has not yet reached to a situation where family planning is mandatory. If so govt would have enforced on it by now.
You should be ashamed of being an unclassy racist to expect a single community to control their borth rate where it does not affect you in any way other than your racist mentality
K.Anaga / December 1, 2017
You don’t have to be Married to a Muslim woman to talk about a Muslim woman. Does it mean that when Muslims are massacred in Srilanka and Mynamar only Muslims should speak on their behalf.
Al-faqurlah / December 4, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
K.Pillai / November 27, 2017
The Lankan Mullahs (and Muslim MPs) have not said one word on the plight of Rohingyas. The mad-hatted Mullahs will defend the right of Muslim Rohingya to marry underage girls and divorce the child bride via triple talaq..
nalmen / November 27, 2017
nosey parker
whats wrong with having motor races in kathankudi
mr might think it a good idea if he comes to power through ranils indiscretions
however you have missed the point of my statement re motor races
Lady Doctor / November 27, 2017
Muslims women in the villageare poor and badly educated.They are the ones suffering most but they don’t know anything about MMAD, because they don’t attend jumma serman in the Mosque which are open only to men.Male muslim priest shut out the women from mosques and they don’t know even basic things about the leagal system or the MMAD.Aa a Doctor i know very well what harm is caused to young girls who are given to the very old men when they are diched by the men who they take another women in a no ending surges.Meanwhile the women who have been diched, carry babies and scince most marriages are not registered , don’t have even marriage certificate to show who the father of the child is.
Mallaiyuran / November 28, 2017
Pretty worrisome story to hear.
Not one, Not two! Every story come out that land is with a hidden, ailing secret. Tigers didn’t win, at least Wijeweera could have won and sent these governments home. Even that didn’t happen.
For 150 years Whites were ruling the country. Muslims, specifically the Business and politicians of high end had good relationship with Whites. But Muslims politicians could not have MMDA passed in that time. But within three years of power slipped to the hand of the Sinhala Intellectus, they destroyed women life. Other thing is, in no time they disenfranchised the Tamils.
One after another for 70 years these crooks are sucking out the country. What an effort was put to chase out the Old Royals with the help of IC. Now Yahapalanaya has to be chased out. Here we go again! Everything all over again. Who is going to help this time? Even EU is paying for these crook thing they will reverse MMA.
Lady doctor / November 28, 2017
Should be MMDA
Ralli Ameen / November 30, 2017
Lady doctor whoever you are don’t write rubbish here. How many of your women know about marriage and divorce law you all are following. Even educated women will not know unless they are lawyers or working in courts or law offices. Women are not shut out from mosque but normally they don’t go to mosque except during Ramazan prayers. They pray at home and looking after children and household chores. Do you think it is bad? Or do you think women should mingle with men in Church, Temples or Kovils during prayers and also have fun on the sly? About ditching you are talking about what happening in non-Muslims society. One wife but many keeps and also fatherless birth certificates of babies. You say most marriages are not registered so what a racist devil you are and a blatant lie. Why Muslim should be scared to register? If they can afford they can marry four times, no need to have keeps.
Sarrij / December 1, 2017
R A.
Know it all Ralli Ameen.
The mullahs have done a very good job, brain washing you.
Ralli Ameen / December 1, 2017
I am not defending Mullah here you idiot, I am writing against those who are all out to fabricate stories on their own hatred thinking power and bashing Islam and Sri Lankan Muslims here. That is how you will think when you cannot imbibe the truth. Here they are writing as Mullahs are ruling over the life of all Sri Lankan Muslim. If a family who are trying to give their young daughters as much education as possible and if any Mullah go and say, “It is high time for daughter to be given marriage” he will definitely get a kick on his back. So it is our choice to give in marriage, give education or give whatever suitable for our children stand straight. This is not only Muslims but parents of all the other religious communities do. What a farce here.
Sarrij / December 2, 2017
R A.
You obviously don’t have a clue about SL Muslims and your imaginations are very questionable and brain washed. The I Q of a Sri Lankan is 79, the normal being 100.Muslim girls track record on education is nothing to celebrate about as the priority of the parents is to find husbands; not education. Marriage brokers do well financially; they don’t get kicked in the back; a figment of your imagination.
You tend to underestimate and suppress general knowledge.
Get real man.
Muslim girls need help to be free, to be educated, to choose their own husbands as the teaching of Islam advocates; not the tribal and misogynistic Mullah influence that hinders their well being.
Ralli Ameen / December 2, 2017
Sarrij, now you are following Amarasiri and talking about IQ. The IQ you are talking about is average IQ that is the average from a range 50 to over 150. So there are people in Sri Lanka having high to low IQs. This is the same all over the world. So you have to accept those countries having IQs have more intelligent people than the lower IQ countries. But don’t think there are no idiots in those countries. Anyway this not a scientifically established fact. I wrote Mullahs will get a kick if they force parents to give their young daughters. Don’t you know the differences between a Mullah and a marriage broker. Brokering is working for money so a Marriage broker will be least bothered about girl’s age. Only If parents need a marriage broker can go into that house otherwise he too will be kicked out. What rubbish you are talking idiot, you IQ must be lower than 50. You cannot be a Muslim but if you are a Muslim you belong to what we call a thuppai Muslim, the devils who do not know about their religion and blind followers of white man’s culture.
Sarrij / December 3, 2017
R A ( know it all )
Sure there are idiots in all countries and you are one of them, stupid man.
ralliamen / December 3, 2017
Sarrij, here you are the stupid man talking stupid things. Definitely your IQ must be lesser than 50%.
Amarasiri / December 5, 2017
ralli amen,
The IQ of Wahhabi-Salafies are quite low, even though theit native IQs may be high.There is data in support of this from Wahhabi-Salafi infested Saudi Arabia. The current Crown Prince Salman is trying to fix this problem.
Unfortunately, there is nobody in Sri Lanka, to fix the low IQ problem of the Wahdabi-Salafies and their clones.
Since you are a Wahhabi-Salafi, milslee by Satan, Iblis, per Hadith of Najd, giving up Wahhabi-Salafism, will not only improve your low IQ, you say around 50, it will also save you from Hell-Fire with Satan on the day of judgement, per Islamic ideology.
Wahhabi-Salafi Saudi Arabian Graduates have the Lowest GAT Scores in the World, around 320.
Quick Post: L&V’s National IQs predict GMAT scores across 173 nations
The GMAT is a graduate entrance test used by more than 5,900 business programs offered by more than 2,100 universities worldwide. While the test is given in English, it is designed to be as minimally English dependent as necessary to predict successful completion of Business programs taught in English
Regression Plot: The regression plot for GMAT scores and L&V’s (2012) Estimated National IQs is shown below.
Real Revolutionist / November 27, 2017
Muslim women must be trained & armed to fight aggressive men in their community, they must be made to protest for injustice unless they’re not qualified to live in SL.. Almost all the Muslim men must be rehabilitated.
Sinhala_Man / November 28, 2017
Reuters has a story, just come out with the heading: “Female circumcision in Sri Lanka just a nick, not mutilation” 7 hours ago. Interest in such stories tends itself to be a bit salacious.
Actually I think it best to steer clear of such topics, and focus on MMDA. When Muslim women secure certain rights within marriage it is best to let them get this sort of question sorted out. We should not be throwing every possible accusation at the Muslim community all at once, and making them fear that we are out to destroy them, although I thought myself justified in putting this comment in owing to the seriousness of the issue.
Another reason for putting this comment in, at the very bottom of what is now displayed is to answer Amarasiri’s question about how Colombo Telegraph’s technical features are working. I’ve got on to Google Chrome after a few days to submit this comment. It is not possible to enter a comment in this place using Mozilla Firefox. Also, the mouse hardly works there, but here it will take you to any place in the text that I have typed in, and also take me to the box for names, and for the e-mail address. Even on Chrome, it will not make suggestions for correcting spellings, although on both wrong spelling is underlined in red.
When using Mozilla it is possible to submit only Replies now. I think that is further deterioration. Most of my comments on Browsers appear on page one of the comments on “Sirisena Blocking Gota’s Arrest”. On the second page of that article, however, “Fahim knight” has reported yesterday (last comment) that his router has been hacked, and he attributes it to this government.
None of us is sure what the reasons are. When I use Google Chrome, as I’m doing now, “Adware.Elex.ShrtCln” creeps in to the computer. This doesn’t happen if I’ve used only Firefox during the session. Please see my comments at the places mentioned above.
I’m just describing what I find here, and hope this will help CT correct the problems, which are not of their making. They responded to an e-mail from me, saying they are working at correcting the problem. The Editor, Mr Uvindu Kurukulasuriya was also e-mailed by me.
shankar / November 28, 2017
export the mullah’s to saudi arabia. Make it clear to them that if they want to live in srilanka they have to conform to the laws of srilanka,not saudi arabia.Government must just get on to implementing our laws otherwise we will have sharia laws here one day.Saudi arabia has become a pain in the arse all over the world with their wahabism and all the good done by the sufi muslims has been eroded because of this neo conservative brand of islam and now the whole world has turned on the muslims.
See the way the sufis are being butchered in egypt.If not for the sufis and their mild fom of islam srilanka and indonesia would not have encouraged islam into their countries in the first place.Now as a reward for making the largest country of muslims indonesia a muslim country,the wahabis are butchering them.Muslims beware of wahabism.You won’t be able to live anywhere if you start to embrace this brand of islam because you will then have to fight the rest of the world.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
The issue of women in Islam, is topic of great misunderstanding and distortion due partly to a lack of understanding, but also partly due to misbehavior of some Muslims which has been taken to represent the teachings of Islam. We speak here about what Islam teaches, and that is the standard according to which Muslims are to be judged. As such, my basis and source is the Quran–the words of Allah, and the sayings of the Prophet, his deeds and his confirmation. Islamic laws are derived from these sources. To facilitate the discourse, we can discuss the position of women from a spiritual, economic, social, and political standpoint.
From the spiritual aspect, there are seven points to remember:
According to the Quran, men and women have the same spirit, there is no superiority in the spiritual sense between men and women. [Noble Quran 4:1, 7:189, 42:11]
The Quran makes it clear that all human beings (and the phraseology doesn’t apply to men or women alone, but to both) have what you might call a human; He
“breathed some of My spirit into divine touch. When God created him”(or her in this sense). [Noble Quran 15:29 See also 32:9]
Some of His spirit here means not in the incarnational sense, but the pure, innate spiritual nature that God has endowed her or him with.
The Quran indicates again that one of the most honored positions of human, is that God created the human, and as I referred to Surah 17 earlier, it means both sexes, as His trustee and representative on earth. There are many references in the Quran that reaffirm this.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
Nowhere in the Quran do we find any trace of any notion of blaming Eve for the first mistake or for eating from the forbidden tree. Nowhere, even though the Quran speaks about Adam, Eve, and the forbidden tree, but in a totally different spirit. The story is narrated in 7:19-27, and it speaks about both of them doing this, both of them are told that both of them disobeyed, both of them discovered the consequences of their disobedience, both of them seek repentance and both of them are forgiven. Nowhere in the Quran does it say woman is to be blamed for the fall of man. Furthermore, when the Quran speaks about the suffering of women during the period of pregnancy and childbirth, nowhere does it connect it with the concept of original sin, because there is no concept of original sin in Islam. The suffering is presented not as a reason to remind woman of the fall of man, but as a reason to adore and love woman or the mother. In the Quran, especially 31:14, 46:15, it makes it quite clear God has commanded upon mankind to be kind to parents and mentions,
“His mother bore him in difficulty or suffering upon suffering.” [Noble Quran 31:14, 46:15]
The Quran makes it clear again to remove any notion of superiority and I refer you again to 49:13. I must caution you that there are some mistaken translations, but if you go to the original Arabic, there is no question of gender being involved.
In terms of moral, spiritual duties, acts of worship, the requirements of men and women are the same, except in some cases when women have certain concessions because of their feminine nature, or their health or the health of their babies.
Sarrij / November 30, 2017
Good write up and useful information.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
At the time of marriage, it is the duty of the husband, not the bride’s family. He is supposed to pay for a marital gift. The Quran called it a gift, and it is exclusively the right of the woman. She doesn’t have to spend it on the household, she doesn’t have to give it to her father or anyone else.
If the woman happened to own any property prior to marriage, she retains that property after marriage. It remains under her control. Also, in most Muslim countries, the woman keeps her own last name, and her own identity.
If the woman has any earnings during her marital life, by way of investments of her property or as a result of work, she doesn’t have to spend one penny of that income on the household, it is entirely hers.
The full maintenance and support of a married woman is the entire responsibility of her husband, even though she might be richer than he is. She doesn’t have to spend a penny.
At the time of divorce, there are certain guarantees during the waiting period and even beyond for a woman’s support.
If the widow or divorcee has children, she’s entitled to child support.
In return for these listed securities, it is clear why the Islamic laws pertaining to inheritance give men a higher share. From the social standpoint, as a daughter we find that credit goes to Islam for stopping the barbaric practice of pre-Islamic Arabs of female infanticide. These ignorant people used to bury female daughters alive. The Quran forbade the practice, making it a crime. Surah 81 Additionally, the Quran condemned the chauvinistic attitudes of some people who used to greet the birth of a boy with gladness, but sadness in the case of a girl.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
The duty, not the right, the duty of education, as the Prophet said, is a duty on every Muslim, male and female.
As far as treatment of daughters is concerned, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Anyone who has two daughters, and did not bury them, did not insult them and brought them up properly, he and I will be like this,” holding his two fingers close together. Another version adds, “And also did not favor his sons over daughters.” One time the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was seated. A companion was sitting with him. The companion’s son came. He kissed his son and put him on his lap. Then his daughter came, and he just sat her by his side. The Prophet told the man, “You did not do Justice,” meaning he should have treated the daughter equally, kissed her and put her in his lap also. Indeed, whenever the Prophet’s daughter Fatimah came to him, in front of everyone, he stood up, kissed her and let her sit in his favorite place where he’d been sitting.
From the marital standpoint, the Quran clearly indicates in Surahs 30:20 and 42:11 that marriage is not just an inevitable evil, marriage is not somebody getting married to his master or slave, but rather to his partner.
“Among His Signs is this, that he created for you mates from among yourselves, that they may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” [Noble Quran 30:21]
There are numerous verses in the Quran to the same effect.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
Secondly, the approval and consent of the girl to marriage is a prerequisite for the validity of marriage in Islam. She has the right to say yes or no.
Husbands’ and wives’ duties are mutual responsibilities. They might not be identical duties, but the totality of rights and responsibilities are balanced. The Quran says:
“Women have the same rights (in relation to their husbands) as are expected in all decency from them, while men stand a step above them.” [Noble Quran 2:228]
This only specifies the degree of responsibility, not privilege, in man’s role as provider, protector, maintainer, and leader of the family. The same Surah speaks about divorce, about consultation between husband and wife, even in the case of divorce. When there are family disputes, first the Quran appeals to reason and the consideration of positive aspects of one’s spouse,
“Dwell with your wives in kindness for even if you hate them, you might be hating someone in whom God has placed so much good.” [Noble Quran 4:19]
If that appeal does not succeed, and problems between the husband and wife continue, there are measures that can be applied. Some of these measures are done privately between husband and wife. Some of them might appear harsh, but there are qualifications to restrict excessive or abusive use of these measures. These measures are considered an attempt to save a marriage rather than break a family apart. If the situation does not improve, even with the limitation and prevention of excesses, the next step is a family council. One arbiter from his family and one from her family should sit together with the couple and try to resolve the problems.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
If a divorce becomes necessary, there are many detailed procedures in Islamic law that really knock down the common notion that divorce in Islam is very easy and that it is the sole right of man. It is not the sole right of man alone and neither is it true that all you have to say is: “I divorce you three times,” and that’s it. Islam also has laws regarding custody of children. I was very surprised to see newspapers making the false claim that in all cases custody goes to the father. Custody involves the interest of the child, and laws often favor the mother of young children.
Polygamy has become so mythical in the minds of many people that they assume being Muslim means having four wives. This is a false notion, of course. A very renowned anthropologist, Edward Westermarck, in his two-volume work, “History of Human Marriage,” notes that there has been polygamy in virtually every culture and religion, including Judaism and Christianity. But the point here is not to say, “Why blame Islam?” Actually, Islam is the only religion even among Abrahamic faiths, that specifically limited the practice of polygamy that existed before Islam and established very strict conditions for guidance. The question, “How could any man have two wives? That’s terrible!” reflects ethnocentrism. We assume that because we’re living in the West and it seems strange, and we assume it must apply to all cultures, all times, under all circumstances. This simply isn’t true. Let me give you one current-day example. In the savage attack on Afghanistan, genocide was committed on the Afghani people. It is estimated that 1-1.5 million people lost their lives, a great majority of whom were men of a marriageable age.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
Now, with a great shortage of men, what will happen to their widows, their orphans and their daughters of marriageable age? Is it better to leave them in a camp, with a handout? Or better a man is willing to take care of his fallen comrade’s wife and children?
It is obvious that monogamy is the norm for Muslims. If we assume that having four wives is the norm, then we assume a population of 80% female and 20% male, which is an impossibility on the aggregate level. The only verse in the Quran that speaks about polygamy, speaks about limiting not instituting polygamy. The verse was revealed after the Battle of Uhud in which many Muslims were martyred, leaving behind wives and children in need of support. This verse shows the spirit and reason of the revelation.
The Quran placed obedience to parents immediately after worship of God.
“We commanded mankind to be kind to his parents” [Noble Quran 31:14]
And then speaks of the mother. In a very succinct statement, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Paradise is at the feet of mothers.” Once a man came to him and asked, “O, Messenger, who among mankind is worthy of my kindness and love?” The Prophet answered, “Your mother.” “Who next?” “Your mother.” “Who next?” “Your mother.” Only after the third time he said, “And your father.”
As a brother in faith, in blood, we find the Quran speaks about men and women, that they should cooperate and collaborate in goodness. Surah 9:71 speaks about men and women as supporters and helpers of each other, ordaining the good and forbidding the evil, establishing prayers and doing charity.
Marwan / November 28, 2017
The problems presented here are not the problems of Islam. They are problems of a lack of commitment, lack of application, or misapplication of Islamic teachings by Muslims themselves. The topics I have tried to cover here represent and exemplify the big gap that exists between the true teachings of Islam as derived from its original sources and its projected image in the West and the way some Muslims behave in the disregard of those noble teachings.
There’s no question that the Western media has played an important role in perpetuating these misconceptions. But in fairness, we should not blame the media alone. Western culture, in writings about other religions, in particular Islam, have distorted images. From books, novels, even in the academic circle, and sermons from the pulpit in places of worship, these kinds of prejudices are perpetuated.
There are fair and honorable people in the media who are receptive to correction of inaccuracies, and who present the facts, when the facts become manifest, as we have seen in the coverage of the barbaric and cruel treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. What I would also suggest to the media is instead of depending on the distorted information about Islam, they should keep in touch with educated Muslims, and remember, that there are 1.6 billion Muslims living peacefully in the world today. (Except a very small fraction causing mischief in the name of Islam). Only through correct representation and open communication with Muslims, can the media give a fair analysis of current events, given the background of those conflicts, to be of greater service to society.
Zaneera Farook / November 28, 2017
According to the MMDA
– Women of any age ( excepting those who are widows or divorcees) need the permission of the Wali or guardian who is the father or paternal relatives. For an example, female mature lawyer at 28, a qualified accountant of age 27 need the consent of the wali to be married. In contrast a boy of even 17, whatever his qualification may be, he can enter into a marriage without a guardian. A mother/ widow who brings up a daughter has no right to be a marriage guardian. A bride has no way to show that she agrees or disagree for the marriage.
– Polygamy: Men are allowed to marry 4 wives but according to Islam they must be treated equally. This verse in the Holy Quran was revealed at the time of war, when considerable men had died and this verse was preceded by a verse in relation to widows and orphans. In reality, men rarely marry widows or orphans. Remarriage pattern of tsunami widowers, show that they rarely married tsunami widows. There was a massacre in Kattankudy and in fact, there was widows’ village in Polonnaruwa area. I am still to know how many men married these widows.
Equal treatments of wives are myths. You may get an occasional man who is doing justice, but this is not common.
Prophet (Sal) married 11 women; excepting one (or two) others were all widows. In fact, his first wife was nearly 15 years elder to him. Also during the lifetime of his first wife, he never married. Do the present day men follow these traditions ( sunnahs)? Also Prophet (Sal) did not approve his son in law, husband of Fathima , contracting a second marriage. In reality women undergo indescribable difficulties in polygamous marriages
Sarrij / November 30, 2017
Z F.
Very informative and useful.
Hopefully, change is in the air; specially with the “hopefully political” changes taking place in Saudi Arabia. Saudi money had a very big impact in the Mullah teaching in S L.
Amarasiri / December 4, 2017
Dear Zareen Farook,
“Prophet (Sal) married d 11 women: excepting one (or two) others were all widows.”
“Also, Prophet (sal) did not approve his son in law , husband of Fatima, contacting a second marriage”
So, MMDA and the Ulama are NOT following Prophet (Sal) Sunnah.
Use this argument, and get the Sri Lankan legislators, to reform, MMDA.
The Ulama have turned Islam to theit advantage, and turned Islam to be a Men Only Tribal Religion. Is that what God, Allah (swt) intended? The Prophet (Sal) did not intend it that way, per Sunnah.
Mallaiyuran / November 30, 2017
What Marwan has written above is about Muslims religion. His start was to judge his religion from the real words in Quran, instead of just hear says. That is because, his assumption that others talking in support for abolition of MMDA is taking against Muslims. He can write those here, for a general discussion, or for a common knowledge, but not as any part for MMDA ablution. That is human right matter-not a religious matter. In fact, as I said earlier one time, he has to take these to mosques and his schools. That is where ACJU impose its authority and contradicts human rights. That where Islamic books are being rewritten by opportunistic leaders and writers. Other than some politically opportunistic communal riots, no non-Muslim people recommend how to rewrite the Islamic books. If happened so it is not matter to be followed upon.
Non-Muslim involvement here is about human right issue. Why would South African Envoy Yasmin Sooka go after Jagath while he is telling Tamil Radhika has been protecting him at UN? Is Yasmin Sooka a Tamil? A Sri Lankan? Is she an Indian or American or Chinese? No! She is only a South African. What kind of interest she has here? Only Human rights! So non-Muslims happen to be talking on the MMDA on about human right part of it. Sinhalese talk here only on the pure Human rights issue. Tamil might have an additional cause too. MMDA was brought right after Indian Pakistani Citizenships acts, to wedge between Tamils and Muslims by wooing the male politicians. Why the Yahapalanaya refusing to fix MMDA? It is only because fearing of losing Male Muslims politicians support. If Muslim women were in politics than men, Yahapalanaya would have acted the other way. So fix MMDA insisted of using the opportunity to preach Islam.
Sarrij / December 5, 2017
The foot dragging continues. The MMDA reform process seems to have fallen asleep at the wheel. Perhaps it’s time for the lady justice minister to wake them up from the slumber?