By Laksiri Fernando –
The response begins by calling names. In the very first sentence, Dr. Siri Gamage is called “an expatriate academic critic.” This is in nationalistic terms and not on academic credentials, perhaps to find ‘enemies’ like Carl Schmitt did. I am here referring to Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka’s “The New Political Mission is Essentially the Old One,” in a defensive reply to Siri Gamage. That is excusable when compared to his xenophobic outrage against the Tamils. My take on the debate is to trace the obvious Nazi roots in Dayan’s thinking.
Out of 17 paragraphs he has written, 5 begins with the claim “I know.” Then there are another half a dozen of ‘I knows’ within paragraphs.
It is too noticeable that even Mahinda Rajapaksa is too small for his so-called mission which he claims to have started during President Premadasa’s time or from his Peradeniya first year tutorial. He refutes “Gamage’s idea that my [his] political mission is new, bound up entirely with Mahinda Rajapaksa and is indeed post-2015 election.” He also says that he is not “unaware of or unconcerned about the many faults of the Rajapaksa regime.”
He says “I am not primarily concerned with matter of political culture, political behavior and issues of governance. My focus is the state.” The State obviously is his God, like in the case of Carl Schmitt. He further says, “I am concerned about the State, not about Government, still less governance, which is why I didn’t give a darn as to whether or not President Premadasa ran a ‘one –man show’ as was widely alleged.” It is obvious that Dayan likes ‘one man shows.’
Most clearly he supports dictators and tyrants. He despises human rights as a tool of imperialism, or calls ‘human rights imperialism,’ assistance of which Rajapaksa sought in late 1980s. He is rather frank about his values and criteria. As he further says, “That’s why I support/ed Mahinda Rajapaksa, Ranasinghe Premadasa (rather than the DUNF or CBK), Mao (despite the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap), Stalin (despite the Gulags), the Communist tradition rather than the Trotskyist, and am a (non-practicing) Catholic rather than a Protestant. I am sure the continuum of values and criteria are rather plain.”
In the case of Mao and Stalin, he has stated ‘despite’ what he supports/ed them. Even in the case of Premadasa, he has supported him despite the ‘one-man show.’ But in the case of Rajapaksa he has not stated despite what he has supported him. Therefore, the readers might like to know whether it was despite ‘corruption,’ ‘family rule,’ ‘war crimes’ or ‘human rights violations in general? I hope he could be frank about his ‘despites’ in his next missive.
Dayan has also claimed that although he is not practising, he is a “Catholic rather than a Protestant.” This is intriguing. Obviously he is not Buddhist. Although he talks a lot about Sinhala heritage, his thinking does not appear to be anything akin to rationalist or humanist thinking of the Buddha or Buddhism. That is very clear.
Then where does he get his thinking? Of course it is ingrained. However, Dayan traces his ideological roots to Carl Schmitt who was or became a Nazi. He says “The distinctions I observe are analogous to the one made so famously by Carl Schmitt, between ‘politics’ and ‘the political’. He conceptualized the latter as defined by the “friend/enemy” distinction, and paid a tribute to Lenin for introducing this new political perspective—which, interestingly, he also traced to tough-minded Catholic political thinkers.”
It is true that Schmitt made a rare distinction between ‘politics’ and ‘the political,’ and latter to mean the State or the state power. It is also power and state power that Dayan is concerned about. But for what purpose? The state cannot or should not be considered a ‘thing in itself’ without its purpose/s. Human societies are more important than the states. The state has a history of about 7,000 years, but the human history goes back to around 3 million years.
Without quoting from too academic publications, let me quote just a paragraph from Wikipedia (The Free Encyclopaedia) to introduce Dayan’s mentor, Carl Schmitt.
“Schmitt joined the Nazi Party on 1 May 1933. Within days of joining the party, Schmitt was party to the burning of books by Jewish authors, rejoicing in the burning of “un-German” and “anti-German” material, and calling for a much more extensive purge, to include works by authors influenced by Jewish ideas. In July, he was appointed State Councillor for Prussia (Preußischer Staatsrat) by Hermann Göring and became the president of the Vereinigung nationalsozialistischer Juristen (“Union of National-Socialist Jurists”) in November. He also replaced Hermann Heller as professor at the University of Berlin (a position he held until the end of World War II). He presented his theories as an ideological foundation of the Nazi dictatorship, and a justification of the Führer state with regard to legal philosophy, in particular through the concept of auctoritas.”
I am not surprised that Dayan has called Tamil nationalism, ‘Tamil Zionism.’ Schmitt did the same. Schmitt was incorrigibly anti-Semitic, like Dayan becoming strongly anti-Tamil. Dayan is not merely talking about the LTTE ideology or certain sections of the Diaspora, but Tamil nationalism in general without a distinction.
Dayan is right in saying that Schmitt looked for ‘friend – enemy’ distinction to strengthen the state, sovereignty and also Nazism. Dayan already does half of it looking for ‘enemies’ to strengthen the ‘state and sovereignty.’ He even calls or denounces his former academic colleagues ‘expatriates.’ At what point he would become a full Nazi like Schmitt may be a matter of time.
On the positive side, however, there is a world of difference between Schmitt’s time and today, not only in terms of calendar time, but also in terms of ideas, thinking and values. In comparison, Schmitt’s ideas are quite archaic and regressive apart from his support or capitulation to Nazism.
Thiru / March 11, 2015
Joseph Goebbels Dayan Jayatilate, the Portuguese parangi indeed has become the Savior of the Sinhala Buddhist supremacists of the island of Sri Lanka.
Goebbels has a Fuhrer in Mahinda, the strong-man of the island who is responsible for the final genocidal assault on Tamils in Vanni.
Remember Joseph tried his utmost to cover up his hero in Geneva?
Dr,Rajasingham Narendran / March 11, 2015
With apologies to Prof. Laksiri, for commenting on your comment, instead of his excellent critique pointing out the ‘ Nazization’ of Dr. Dayan Jayatilleke ( born a De Silva), I wish to point out some possible errors in your assumptions.
De Silvas, D’silvas and Silvas were rarely, probably never of Parangi ( Portuguese) origin. They original Parangis with these names have dissapeared from our midst. Ours were either coastal fisher folk- both Sinhalese and Tamil, and Budhist or Hindu- who converted or were converted to Catholicism and given Parangi names. There were also South Indian Tamils and Keralites who were encouraged to migrate by the Portuguese, who adopted Portuguese names and either remained Tamils, became Tamils or Sinhlalese and Catholics.
They were generally of the Karawa/ Karaiyar caste.
Post independence, many such families adopted Sinhala family names, forsaking their patrimonial names and became even fervent Budhists. A similar process did not unfold in the north and east.
Some of these migrants, converts and name changers, became ardent/virulent Sinhaka nationalists/extremists and resorted to Tamil baiting to prove their new Sinhala and usually Budhist identity.
I do not know whether Dr.Dayan fits this pattern, though he has forsaken his patrimionial name. He has also become a Sinhala Statist and a Nazi as pointed out by Prof. Laksiri.
New converts are generally more ardent and vociferous than old practitioners!
Dr.Rajasingham Narebdran
Alahakoon / March 11, 2015
Since I believe in multiple histories, I can’t be certain. But according to my elders, Karawa is not a caste, it is a “Jathi” (closest translation could be ‘nationality’). As I understand caste system in Lanka is/was “service castes”, that is based on the “karmantha” (service) they perform.
Javi. / March 11, 2015
The New World of Isabel la Católica to unite the whole of Europe by marriage of royalty. after she and nuns drove the Arabs away to the north of Africa after 700 years of rule by mysticism.
A bit of knowledge about Portugal and its rise & fall. it can not get up except when USA needs a poodle like the last president of EU- thief big chief with no fiscal policy.
The Portuguese also shipped over many Orfãs del Rei to Portuguese colonies in the Indian peninsula, Goa in particular. Orfãs del Rei literally translates to “Orphans of the King”, and they were Portuguese girl orphans sent to overseas colonies to marry either Portuguese settlers or natives with high status. BUT they all left for Portugal just after the Carnation Revolution to become citizens of Portugal. Similarily many folk from u.P. India at Surinam became Dutch in 1978 when the Dutch withdrew. We had the same all TRP’s were made to leave by 1968 and the Sinhalese made it a vogue to have the middle name `DE` the vogue. Under Roman and Dutch law only the king has the right to change the family name even today.
The Jewish Diaspora the first of its kind during the WW1 was given the right to change name completely by UK so Gandhi an Iranians name to Gandhi for 1 shilling to at London- when you read Shakespeare its only about strategy and tragedy all 7. Therefore Indian and Lanka only think of how to evade never creating trade for wellbeing.
The Portuguese created the Muslim mercenaries at Kerala which was partly ruled by them because of the “PEPPER TRADE” pepper was the de facto currency of southern Europe even during Dutch times. Vasco da Gama sailed to India for a second time with 15 ships and 800 men, arriving at Calicut on 30 October 1502, where the ruler was willing to sign a treaty. Gama this time made a call to expel all Muslims (Arabs) from Calicut which was vehemently turned down. He bombarded the city and captured several rice vessels.[3] He returned to Portugal in September 1503.
The first Portuguese encounter with the subcontinent was on 20 May 1498 when Vasco da Gama reached Calicut on Malabar Coast. Anchored off the coast of Calicut, the Portuguese invited native fishermen on board and immediately brought some Indian items. One Portuguese accompanied the fishermen to the port and met with a Tunisian Muslim.
From the 16th century, the Portuguese meddled in the church affairs of the Syrian Christians of Malabar. Bombay (present day Mumbai) was given to Britain in 1661 as part of the Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza’s dowry to Charles II of England. The Luz Church in Mylapore, Madras (Chennai) was the first church that the Portuguese built in Madras in 1516. Later in 1522, the São Tomé church was built on the ruins of the original Kapaleeswarar Temple that was destroyed by the Portuguese. The portugese worked on servitude labour long after abolition of slavery. They ferried Chinese slaves from Maccau their trading post to Goa and this angered both the Chinese and Indians alike till they stopped it.
Following theCarnation Revolution year1974, the new government in Lisbon restored diplomatic relations with India, and recognised Indian sovereignty over Goa, Daman and Diu. Portugal continued to give the citizens of Portuguese India automatic citizenship.
The Portuguese who had captured Iran became the richest man in the world when Britain changed their ships to Diesel. Virgin Queen Elizabeth 1 crown ruler of New World after the battle of Gulliver gave the Portugese prince the last blow- they are more Islamic and African in origin after 700 years of Arab rule and forced sex slavery of white woman- seen at Tanzani Zanzibar picture museum- the worst of the European slave masters and the first to come off Islamism rule.
Hither and thither
Jan Huyghen van Linschoten (1563 – 8 February 1611) was a Dutch Protestant merchant, traveller and historian. An alternative spelling of his second name isHuijgen. with the newly appointed Archbishop of the Portuguese colony of Goa, Jan Huyghens was appointed Secretary to the Archbishop. So Jan Huyghens sailed for Goa on 8 April 1583, He is credited with publishing important information about Asian trade, such as the navigational routes that enabled the passage to the elusive East Indies to be opened to the English and the Dutch. This enabled the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company to break the 16th century monopoly enjoyed by the Portuguese on trade with the East Indies.
In 1604, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) began trading in India. Along the coast from Surat to Calcutta, VOC factories and warehouses covered a far larger area than the company controlled in the East Indies archipelago. It was from the islands that the VOC obtained most of its spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. India provided an ample supply of fabrics: silk and cotton. The finely decorated chintz (cotton) was especially popular in Europe, as was silk. Bengal opium was traded – in small quantities – on Java and occasionally in Europe. It was smoked as a recreational drug. Japanese produce included gold, silver, copper and porcelain. In Japan there was considerable demand for Indian silk. Silk, porcelain and tea were also traded in China. For a while, the VOC even traded in elephants in Asia. They were exported by the VOC from Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Sama / March 12, 2015
why should we bother with so called caste yet today ? When watching lanken TV or radio programs I have the feeling gone were days that island nation was entwined with caste and religions. On a village I myself grew up near to Galle, people did not respect laundary men and women, cinammon peelers, gold smiths or the like, blacksmiths of the like for only reason that they belonged to the lower castes. But today, after 4 decades, I have the feeling not even 30% of the lankens would consider those differences. There are lots of unknown- unthinkable surnames are becoming common in today than had been then. I think it is right to ignore that way since we are all regardless of the race, religion and ethinicity have the same blood flowing in our body vessels – with 1.5% gap between us the homo sapiens and the other close primates. Lately having watched the Bonaboos, Pavians behave while sitting together, I thought primates have much more in common than reported sofar. Sometimes, those 4-leg primates do their job in terms of working for permaenent peace and collectivity than us the humang beings. Latter is a fact.
srilal / March 12, 2015
I can proudly say , i was one of the fewest readers to identify DJ’s selfish agendas from the very beginning hence started challenging & exposing him , this happened way back during DBS ‘s Transcurrent blog time and then on ground views , even on this very same CT blog , i compared DJ to Kelaniya Mervin , but many people disagreed with me and even condemned my writings , Dr Laksiri was one of them , he defended DJ by claiming that is his nature , i’m glad today every body knows who this person is and what he is made of , i stopped reading DJ’s writings long time ago and now even stopped commenting on his articles , this man DJ is very much akin to Wimal Booruwansa , one has to ask the very simple question , why would any one waste his/her time listening or reading to Booruwansa’s rant ? it’s a good waste of your precious time , Wimal Booruwansa is a selfish ,larger than life trash so does DJ! there is absolutely nothing you can gain from either of the clowns , they are just trash, period !
Thiru / March 11, 2015
Dr,Rajasingham Narendra,
I agree with you, this is the pattern with people of assumed identity of converts to prove their loyalty to their hosts:
You can detect in Dayan’s irrational utterances on identity this phenomenon of extreme loyalty to Sinhala Buddhist supremacy.
I have seen come accross cases of Christian Tamils recently converted to Christianity, while born Christians are more tolerant and accommodating of others.
To me identity is your choice at your own free will.
I am proud of my Tamil identity: We learned in school that Tamils as a people we value our Tamil language as our life.
I don’t identify myself as a Hindu though my parents were, and I studied with diligence Hinduism up to GCE’O level. Even in my early childhood I rejected my identity as a Hindu.
If one were to Belief in Buddha, what you think is what you are including your identity.
You are absolutely right: New converts are generally more ardent and vociferous than old practitioners!
This peethal parangi is one ofthem!
Dev / March 11, 2015
May I join RN in adding that ‘mastermind” of 83 Cyril Matthew was such a “convert” who wanted to “display” his nationalism through the pogrom of 83 !
I wonder if Champika is of the same stock?
Would be interesting to delve into his family tree a bit……
Javi. / March 11, 2015
like the Palmyra heads who fled from 83 and changed their economic way of life using terror which is profitable.
the coconut heads have invaded even VOC under rajapkse and changed all that.
They have destroyed all VOC documentation at kerala (muslim mercenaries) and locals syrian christians etc because of portugese slave trade from china too.
They have destroyed all VOC documentation at Colombo too same time see the name of independence fore fathers as per the law- Some west indies still carry only a christian first name and family name of African origin- though born in the UK. Lanka is still agri like west indies.
The only VOC records left almost 98% was at Presidency Madras-
nothing to hide.Tamils in the indian ocean are Hindus not buddhist or cat-o-lics or Muslims.
sach / March 11, 2015
This Rajasingham reads some information on a website and repeat it here as if his own research results.
I have been asking for your historical sources. Can you please give them?
Especially about that poet from Eelam?
Anpu / March 11, 2015
Where do you get the information?
Have you read what I have given you?
sach / March 12, 2015
You mean about some wanni puwatha? Is that what you call as sources of eelam history?
If that is your history source, eelam is very poor when it comes to history..
Dont you have nothing else than so called wanni puwatha?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 11, 2015
Find the information yourself. It is open to everyone including you. I learned history long before the age of the Internet, as it was my passion.
sach / March 12, 2015
I am not the one who claim there was a historical tamil homeland. I am not the one who said there was a poet from eelam…it is you…so it is you who should back it up with proper sources.
I cant waste my time to prove what you allege, you have to.
I guess your silence is a sign that there is NO sources for the mythical tamil homeland though you want it to be treated as THE history
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 12, 2015
You are one denying the obvious. As such it is your burden to prove your contention. if you are determined to be in denial, I cannot spare the time to convince you. A blind man can be shown the way, but one pretending to be so cannot be.
sach / March 12, 2015
what am I denying Rajasingham? What is so obvious?
The problem with tamils are their historical interpretations are political and not technical.
I asked you to give sources for what you said. You gave me two links to two articles which YOU wrote. I think as an educated person, if you think that amounts to proper historical sources it is demeaning to you and your age. I can understand that coming from a person like vaddha fellow.
So if you make a historical claim, please give me sources and please give me the source for that poet from eelam..
I look forward to it.
Native Vedda / March 12, 2015
“what am I denying Rajasingham?
what am I denying Rajasingham? What is so obvious?
“What is so obvious?”
what am I denying Rajasingham? What is so obvious?
Native Vedda / March 12, 2015
“what am I denying Rajasingham?
War crime and crime against humanity
“What is so obvious?”
War crime and crime against humanity
Native Vedda / March 12, 2015
“what am I denying Rajasingham? What is so obvious?”
Apart from war crime and crime against humanity, your stupidity, ignorance, bigotry, etc.
sach / March 13, 2015
I see Vaddha fellow got hurt after my comment..:))
Vibhushana / March 11, 2015
Hello there Dr. RN,
Tamil Hindu converted by the Portugese to Catholicism? That cannot be. There were no Tamil settlements during Portugese period.
Tamils are a legacy of the British Raj. I thought I clarified this to you already.
I am happy to refresh your mind if you aren’t clear.
Javi. / March 12, 2015
Vibhushana, you are afraid well the game is up front- the indian ocean rulers are back in power- the marathas
The empire at its peak stretched from Tamil Nadu.
sihala eat alla battala where have you been but refugees in TN?? Hindu has temples to prove its tamil.
stupid free education the tamils have a history of temples millennial before you came there by hora_oru.
The rule is back to the Emperor of the seas Marathas- where schedule caste ambedkar has sought refuge- HINDU & Sanskrit not you sihala buddhist pipsqueak. Read what north indian fears muslim and english- you can never pewnetrate – proved that sihal are never to be trusted because they are like mathir sihala muslim not buddhist.
Bali is Chola, Tri Murthi Bombay is Chola structural.
The EU has dancing shiva.
At Trinco the portugese destroyed the hindu temple.
Its all in Spanish history Portugese the servants of royalty- they were the mixed breed of africans +muslims and europeans.
The men who handled the written work even for the archbishop of goa was dutch.
The Governor of Portuguese India signed the Instrument of Surrender[13] on 19 December 1961, ending 450 years of Portuguese rule in India.The Salazar regime in Portugal refused to recognise the Republic of India’s sovereignty over the annexed territories, which continued to be represented in Portugal’s National Assembly until 1974. Following the Carnation Revolution that year, the new government in Lisbon restored diplomatic relations with India, and recognised Indian sovereignty over Goa, Daman and Diu. Portugal continued to give the citizens of Portuguese India automatic citizenship.
In 1526, under the viceroyship of Lopo Vaz de Sampaio, the Portuguese took possession of Mangalore. The territory included parts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi in Karnataka state, and Kasaragod in Kerala state. (South Canara). Mangalore was named the islands El Padron de Santa Maria; later came to be known as St Mary’s Islands. In 1640, the Keladi Nayaka kingdom defeated the Portuguese.
From the 16th century, the Portuguese meddled in the church affairs of the Syrian Christians of Malabar. The Udayamperoor Synod (1599) was a major attempt by the Portuguese Archbishop Menezes to Latinize the Syrian rite. Later in 1653, Coonan Cross Oath led to the division of the local church into Syrian Catholics and Syrian Christians (Jacobites).
Bombay (present day Mumbai) was given to Britain in 1661 as part of the Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza’s dowry to Charles II of England. Most of the Northern Province was lost to the Marathas of the Maratha Empire in 1739 when the Maratha General Chimnaji Appa defeated the Portuguese. Later Portugal acquired Dadra and Nagar Haveli in 1779.
Maratha Navy[edit]
A painted scroll depicting different types of ships of the Marathan Navy including some captured English ships.
The Maratha Empire is credited with laying the foundation of the Indian Navy and bringing about considerable changes in naval warfare by introducing a blue-water navy. The Maratha Empire is also credited for developing many important cities like Pune, Baroda, and Indore. From its inception in 1674, the Marathas established a Naval force, consisting of cannons mounted on ships.
The dominance of the Maratha Navy started with the ascent of Kanhoji Angre as the Darya-Saranga by the Maratha chief of Satara.[72] Under that authority, he was admiral of the Western coast of India from Bombay to Vingoria (now Vengurla) in the present day state of Maharashtra, except for Janjira which was affiliated with the Mughal Empire.
The Marathas established watch posts on the Andaman Islands and are credited with attaching those islands to India.[14][15] He attacked English, Dutch and Portuguese ships which were moving to and from East Indies.[73] Until his death in 1729, he repeatedly attacked the colonial powers of Britain and Portugal, capturing numerous vessels of the British East India Company and extracting ransom for their return.
On 29 November 1721, a joint attempt by the Portuguese Viceroy Francisco José de Sampaio e Castro and the British General Robert Cowan to humble Kanhoji failed miserably. Their combined fleet consisted of 6,000 soldiers in no less than four Man-of-war besides other ships led by Captain Thomas Mathews of the Bombay Marine failed miserably. Aided by Maratha naval commanders Mendhaji Bhatkar and Mainak Bhandari, Kanhoji continued to harass and plunder the European ships until his death in 1729.
The ‘Pal’ was a three masted Maratha man-of-war with guns peeping on the broadsides.
You are the 30th state of India in 10 years for sure if you play with faith like even nagaland or sikkim who were never beaten by the muslims.
Burning Issue / March 12, 2015
You are an ignorant fool; I told you that you are only good enough to fly a kite. Please do not ever talk about history or politics for that matter!
Javi. / March 13, 2015
imbecile!! my foot you studied him on the border line not from ground control.
he is pirivan refugee down under- that is their haunt from JVP days – live on the dole watch the ceiling or be a crockdile key board warrior while the more enthuastic as far away in tasmania grow weed to be hip hop.- that is atta pirikana JHU vibushana the kangaroo refugee afraid of the english thieves because he is a brown lie not an immigrant- like sach family in their new found boots robbery and glory.
all into free education and idle left banter- Its Lust the wise one said. Dr RN did not know hope you know just – say Shhhhish to the alligator I am your boa_constrictor under that water.
Dr,Rajasinghan Narendran / March 12, 2015
The Portuguese forcibly branded the Tamil Hindus of all castes who did not voluntarily convert to Catholiicism, with a cross on their foreheads. It took one Tamil from Vasavilan – Kaladi Velan- to turn the tide. He converted the cross on his forehead into a trident (soolam) by branding himself further. Thousands followed his example and the Portuguese tyranny came to an end.
Because Tamil history has not been told as it should be or has been suppressed, it does not mean that the Tamils have no history or were a spineless people!
Vibhushana / March 12, 2015
Hello Dr. RN,
What is the source of this information please? Kaladi Velan et al.
Javi. / March 12, 2015
refugee down under skin head,
why does a squatter need to know about it??
squatting laws even in the UK has changed for the good- it’s illegal to squat.
kashmir is a squat of hindu land so is lanka by sihal muslims- that is hindu kerala history all of the deccan plateau.
Mokde yakko sinhal ametaha vela de?? have you forgotten your cosmopolitan language in the making?? Pronto learn the quaran the chinese and yankees will come to help you soon.- news from Russia.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 12, 2015
He was an ancestor from my father’s paternal grand mother’s side. He is part of my history and my genes. My great grand mother was from Vasavilan and she lived long enough to tell her grand children the history that was yet in the collective memory of families and the people of Jaffna. She died when I was eleven years old, in Vasavilan.
Vibhushana / March 13, 2015
Your ancestor is a con artist just like you. I asked for a source from a reputable source.
Javi. / March 13, 2015
“Your ancestor is a con artist just like you. “
you are just a belching farting key board Heyna Crucuta as inyour flag
(the more you sit on that pin cushion the more the belch & flatulence.. village crocodile- dundee is dead you are managing to survive Aney!!!
you are just another pirivana pinnata education atta prikanna down under (on refuged status like your brother bikkhu the bomber of maligawa at london watching the ceiling having been helped by diaspora solicitors)JHU zeebra pukka not worth a Vella’s boot stupid Sach’s bro hole.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 13, 2015
& yours?
Vibhushana / March 13, 2015
Dr. RN,
My ancestor said quite the opposite. So its against your ancestor’s word vs mine.
So run along and bring something from a neutral source please.
Javi. / March 14, 2015
Whey hey, sihal urumaya you become the wash and werewolf.
your ancestor fell in the washing machine like
your first fish_head Wijewweera in the incinerator at Kanatte Borella.
Buddha can survive at SL only if the Maratha Plateau king so decides the same way mainland china sees the Buddha or Dharamsala- the culture of non interference.Maratha has ruled the plateau with prime ministers that it needs no king elsewhere – the last was the maharaja who became a British pensioner-H.H. Choladesadhipati Srimant Rajasri Maharaja Kshatrapati Sri Shivaji Raje Sahib Bhonsle Chhatrapati Maharaj, Raja of Tanjore Tamil Nadu.
First Maratha /English translation 1817 and Marathas are closer to the heart of the Queen – they are proficient in German the grammar being similar.
Babasaheb, was given refuge there and Dalai Lama was given refuge neither play with language and culture its for the king to decide. Gandhi was shot at centre point Pin point 0,0,0, of India on the Deccan Plateau.
Presently, Anything in the Indian ocean is iHindu- and Boston Brahmin style.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 12, 2015
Vi husband,
Although the following article has no reference to Kalladi Velan, it has more details on the Portuguese conquest of the Jaffna Kingdom and many references relating to it. of _the Jaffna_kingdom
This article also has references to links between the Jaffna Kingdom and the Kandyan Kingdom.
sach / March 12, 2015
So please give me a source for this tamil history!
Javi. / March 13, 2015
you have no history but of squatter thief and murder??
you should be in cages like the animals in orange suits.
Amarasiri / March 11, 2015
Dr. Laksiri Fernando
“I am here referring to Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka’s “The New Political Mission is Essentially the Old One,” in a defensive reply to Siri Gamage. That is excusable when compared to his xenophobic outrage against the Tamils. My take on the debate is to trace the obvious Nazi roots in Dayan’s thinking.”
“He says “I am not primarily concerned with matter of political culture, political behavior and issues of governance. My focus is the state.” ” “Most clearly he supports dictators and tyrants. He despises human rights as a tool of imperialism, or calls ‘human rights imperialism,’ assistance of which Rajapaksa sought in late 1980s.
Thank you Dr. Laksiri Fernando for exposing the Dravidian Para from Southern and Eastern India, Dayan Jayatillaka, whose forefathers, Paras, came by Hora Oru, Kalla-Thoni and Illegal boats, to the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. This is fact and there is evidence in the DNA in his bodies. Challenge him to get his DNA Tested along with people of South and East India, of North India and of Sri Lanka, all the people. It will establish that Dayan Jayatilaka is a Dravidian Para from India, unless he had his roots in the Panagios from Europe, the Middle East, or elsewhere.
Dayan Jayatillaka can then be sorted as to what Para group he belongs.
Genographic Project
The Genographic Project, launched on 13 April 2005 by the National Geographic Society and IBM, is a multi-year genetic anthropology study that aims to map historical human migration patterns by collecting and analyzing DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people from around the world.[1]
Field researchers at 11 regional centers around the world collect DNA samples from indigenous populations. The project also sells self-testing kits: for US$100 (with the advent of Phase II “Geno2.0” testing, the price has been increased to US$199.95 for a more comprehensive test). Anyone in the world can order a kit with which a mouth scraping (buccal swab) is obtained and analyzed, and the DNA information is placed on an Internet-accessible database. In the first phase of the project, genetic markers on mitochondrial DNA (HVR1) and Y-chromosomes (12 microsatellite markers and haplogroup-defining SNPs) were used to trace the participant’s distant ancestry, and each customer was provided with their genetic history via a secure website. With the new Geno 2.0 test, nearly 150,000 genetic markers from across the entire genome are examined, with the results delivered via an updated website. As of 2014 some 700,000 people have contributed their DNA for analysis. This element of success of the project has resulted in a broader interest in direct-to-consumer genetic testing.
Introducing the next generation of our Genographic Project Participation Kit. This new DNA test uses cutting-edge technology giving you the richest ancestry information available.
Mallaiyuran / March 12, 2015
When Dayan and his boss agreed to obey the conditions of the UNHRC, Dayan either sold Lanka in UNHRC or lied to UNHRC or he lied there. Then he lied to his boss as he is victorious. He lied army that they are out of wood. He lied to Mahavamsa Modaya that they are great race.
Now nothing is moving. Old King fell down on Dayan’s American Imperialism supporter, the fascist, anti-communist or pro or nave Bourgeois Ranil. Dayan and his fall on their enemy, beg them for mercy and grace then come out and talk bravery. Dayan’s boss openly said he can use Tamils and destroy Tamils. (That is one of the thing by forcing Gobi to jump into Jayakumari’s house and arresting her). Now his boss is begging to show mercy and grace to him. That is the Head is wagging his tail. This tail is barking. Here, this Sinhala Intellectual is bagging him as as brave soldier.
Sama / March 11, 2015
you are spot on. Many will have to agree with you.
I wish Dayan would not add his thoughts anyfurther. He can only add hay to the fire. This he has been doing in an unsual frequency these days for some own reasons. Some believe it is just that he cant make his mind up that MR was defeated irrespective of glass clear predictions. Not many would read his either since contents of the articles mostly end up attacking the minority and MR rivals for his personal gains. Now as we are all aware, DJ would NOT be offered any kind of posts in the current or next regime. So he becomes more aggressive to change his style of writing. How come his turn to be not far from Wimal Weerawansa ? is the man coming from an educated background ?
Nan Seneviratne / March 11, 2015
Hey friends,
what if DJ would be given a position of high responsible to keep him silent ?
what positions would fall under his experience
a) He is well at working as a scare monger or the like
b) Since the man is selfproclaimed to have been a maxist – to send him to a latin american destination by offering him a diplomatic post
c) DJ s current actions can easily be tamed if one would do it as MR did it with Wimal Buruwansa – prior to any kind of MR-PROXY stage performances- Wimal was gifted by pitty toys; wimal had no the least kind of experience in travels by Helicopters – so Mahinda Rajapakshe offered him helicopter travels -since he thought the man would enjoy it as if a small child would do with a toy.
So the current regime has to find anything similar to above – to please Dayan Jayathilaka. He would like to be the boss anywhere where diplomats are in.
d)Dj and anyone who has gone through diplomatic postions -no doubt have gathered exp in that areas – so Govt could appoint him so that the malicious man could finally give a greater service where his capacity is met.
e) These days DJ has become the nation’s number one joker. Not even my friends that loved to read lanken politics would dare to read his articles. Many are betrayed by him. Educated ones would think twice before reading anything.
They dont see any difference between Wimal and Dayan.
Amarasiri / March 11, 2015
“Not many would read his either since contents of the articles mostly end up attacking the minority and MR rivals for his personal gains.”
Mahinda Rajapaksa, his skills, his cronies, his crooks, his bobbers and criminals thought that by being racist and bringing Sunhala Buddhist Chauvinism and Racism, they would be able to stay in power for a ling time, by getting more than 70% of the Sinhala Buddhist vote.
Despite being misled, despite the drilling and killing of many journalists. and putting restriction on the media, with deception , they were able to get only 55% of the Sinhala Buddhist Vote.
If the Common sense Phamplet Sri Lanka 2014 was widely available, Mahinda Rajapaksa would nor have got even 35% of the sinhala Buddhist Vote.
The Sinhala Buddhist demographics are against him.
Mahinda Rajapaksa and his cronies, are better off fishing in the vast “Indian: Ocean, before the Indians catch the Sri Lankan fish in the Sri Lankan Waters.
Thiru / March 11, 2015
Well said Laksiri Fernando,
This man Dayan is very dangerous indeed and he needs to be sanctioned for he can incite people to cause bloodshed in the island..
Justice & Fairplay / March 11, 2015
As I said before (and was edited out!) this bloke DJ [Edited out]
K.A Sumanasekera / March 11, 2015
[Edited out]
Javi. / March 11, 2015
gold medal for popularly known as Babasaheb,Lankan at wella gardens.
‘To be happy with a man,
love him little and understand him a lot.
To be happy with a woman,
love her a LOT and DO NOT TRY to understand her
Maratha humour.
Supun Jayawardhana / March 11, 2015
DJ behaves as if he is US made GMO (genetically modified organism) products. GMOs have become a great threat to world today. So is DJ to srilanka. I really dont know why a healthy person to turn a revengeful (poisonous snake like) person just because the majority of the nation elected MS instead of his beloved but highly abusive of all times -Mahinda Rajapakshe.
Ranjan / March 11, 2015
For all his own academic trumpet blowing look who he sits next to at the ‘Rising’..Elle Gunawansa, Wimal Weerawansa, Udaya Gamanpila, Nalin De Silva and Gunadasa Amarasinghe..the arch racist and fascist of Sri Lanka..You almost feel sorry for this jobless looser who actually only wants to be heard and be taken seriously by someone.
Spring Koha / March 11, 2015
Our DJ is so very yesterday. Within SL he is seen as an exotic, talking about things that people cannot understand or couldn’t care about. Outside our shores, DJ is indulged as ‘interesting’ but living off fading, long-forgotten laurels. He is like our native mosquito, everyone takes a swipe at him, but ever so often he would infect some poor soul.
A non-practising catholic? How quaint! Still, he protests enough to qualify as a practising ‘protestant’.
So sad that, to many, the best memory of this son of a legend will be the vision of a trouserless man.
Native Vedda / March 11, 2015
Spring Koha
“DJ is indulged as ‘interesting’ but living off fading, long-forgotten laurels.”
Is he living in Anagarika Dharmapala’s (the homeless one)days?
Samuel jayweera / March 11, 2015
DJ is [Edited out] if one would compare his CT archives going back to a year ago – he was not that biased to MR regime… and immediately after the end of his tenur in France – he souded very real senior diplomat like – but in the evolution upto now, his has become to the levels of WImal Buruwanse and Kelaniya Mervin.
But there are also good sides I find in Kelaniya Mervin – since he has sensed it to call a spade a spade – attacking Rajapakshes as no other.. But this man DJ would go on [Edited out] by Rajapakshe extrements. THat is a pathogenic situation of the being – Dayan Jayathilaka.
sach / March 11, 2015
So Laksiri, DJ talking against tamil nationalism or tamil zionism as correctly identified by DJ is racist and even nazist, but wiggie, ponnambalam reincarnations’ racism is totally acceptable?
You are saying he is talking about Sinhala heritage though he is a catholic! what are you trying to say here? cant DJ talk about it? Are you saying he cannot because of his religion? Doesn’t this show you are discriminatory (when cornered) while you blame others for it?
And laksiri, yes expatriates have LESS rights to talk about SL. Because they are not going to get affected from the changes in SL or its structure unlike those who live here. So those live here undoubtedly have more right to talk about it.
Javi. / March 11, 2015
” So those live here undoubtedly have more right to talk about it. “
so you hopped in for the free ride of the day FROG.
keep dreaming in shit island.
all small islands in the world are governed by multinationals never smooth talking sweet talking or blood hound mongrels-
what are you any way but codswallop- chameleon end of the day a paid troll in boots.
JR / March 11, 2015
This is all very interesting.
Thiru is against Nazim but wants first to attack Dayan as what he calls Portuguese Parangi. Racism?
In his second posting he says he does not identify as a Hindu but cannot resist a Jaffna caste insult, Peeththalal Parangi. Casteism?
Thiru in his third missive above says Dayan is dangerous because he can incite people to cause bloodshed even as he himself runs a tirade against all the Silvas among us.
Narendran does not seem to be aware that there are many Silvas and Fernandos and Soysas among Tamils especially in Batticaloa and Mannar. They are as full-blooded Tamils as the rest if one looks at documented patterns of Portuguese marriage in Jaffna.
Burning Issue / March 11, 2015
I agree that Thiru needs to avoid terms such as “Parangi”; this was a derogatory term used to refer to the Burger Communities.
I think DR NR knows that both Tamils and Sinhala converted and adopted Portuguese names.
sach / March 11, 2015
another misinformation by a CT pandithaya. Parangi is the sinhala name for Portugese and it has no relation to Burgher people.
Javi. / March 12, 2015
sach you never had a language but are still nick the prick.
it has nothing to do with parangi kotte giya.-
The Village in the Jungle “The foulest of all deceases”. By L.S. Wolf
The history of venereal disease and yaws (parangi) in Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
P A De Silva and M G Gomez
Parangi (Persian: پرانگي, also Romanized as Parāngī)[1] is a village in Jakdan Rural District, in the Central District of Bashagard County, Hormozgan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 126, in 40 families.
sach / March 12, 2015
Sinhala poets did not refer to an iranian village when writing Parangi Hatana :)
Javi. / March 13, 2015
no you were drunk like the alla battala eating coconut heads with no language.
that is why iranian are mixed and you are still black.
while the Brazalian are either of african or latino.
Scabbies!!! did the trick of capture and kill.
Javi. / March 13, 2015
Heard of the Economic crash in the west in 2008 and PIGS.
Most Portuguese went down to work in their colonies of Africa because of language and better prospects for europeans- then we heard of EBOLA like Scabies the first weapon of mass destruction by Portuguese only.
So the Parangiya Kotte Giya wagge neade??
Kalu pukka where are you from but south indian cabron sihala muslim like passa.??? that is what makes you a zeeba zeeba eating crocodile,
sunday sil monday kill ..kill the veddha rob the buddha blame the suddha.
Javi. / March 12, 2015
Burning Issue,
There is no necessity to apologies. If the Sinhalese in the 21st centenary while begging from the Chinese can come out with a book titled `chinaman` and say it’s okay when it is a well known derogatory term in standard usage in the USA- when its either Chinese, chinese man/woman,
Ignorance is bliss- don’t be a coconut head. You say parangi, they say parangi, they also say Ding the same way we say Poms don’t we??
After Diesel fired ships were introduced a Portuguese owning Iran became the richest man in the world instantly.
Any Brazilian can tell you the foulest of all disease taken there to capture the land.
The Village in the Jungle has been described as “the first novel in English literature to be written from the indigenous point of view rather than the coloniser’s”[2] and “a foundational novel in the Sri Lankan literary canon”,[3] but remains little known in the wider world.[4] In 1980 a Sinhalese language film entitled Beddegama was released based on the novel.[5]
Javi. / March 11, 2015
“”patterns of Portuguese marriage in Jaffna. “”
how very 2 dimensional and superficial.
the breed counts
the Portuguese were forced by the army and diplomatically to leave with the carnation revolution.
they left no blood behind all were offered Portuguese nationality.
the dutch have done the same with their colony upto 1974.
Even today if you have the blood and a grandfather then its residency of EU.
Dayan has none so the bleating.
BTW USA is still run by New England same like Canada by Boston Brahmins
so how you see caste is your stupidity like them no toilets in the village- pigs down south still mr soyza or sarem both saremas- the chinese gave the potty to the world like tea too.
Any one with DNA would be welcomed even by UKIP or oppisition leader milliband the jewish of ww1.
Javi. / March 11, 2015
Ceylon fell fully on its knees 1818 with a london treaty to English East India Company started in 1600.
Maratha army and India fell fully 1818 with a london treaty to English East India Company started in 1600.
Turtle’s Head and In The Box
Keyboard warrior get to know the history with artifacts in india uk and turkey even today and the numerous london treaties left at many locations of london- one at somerset house for the over 500 year new world european rule untill 48. The new worlsd is still ruled by europe – if the opp leader voted with the rest of IC syria would have been bombed- heinz means beans john is angry with the jewish bloke milliband.
Sanskrit Man means ‘manifested’ –
Sanskrit dákṣiṇa, meaning “south”.means Deccan Plateau
The present minister of defence is from the deccan plateau hindu. And it stretches all across the indian ocean to the south- de facto with Andaman as its listening point from 1947.
All these infringements from Mughal(The Mughal emperors were Central Asian Turko-Mongols from Uzbekistan, ) up north 1487 (came in with sharia law) and Portugese English from South West to VOC from South East upto the shooting of Gandhi to the creation of Bangaladesh was from the Deccan Plateau.
Mughal Empire was an empire extending over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and ruled by a dynasty of Chagatai-Turkic origin. The Mughal emperors were Central Asian Turko-Mongols from Uzbekistan, who claimed direct descent from both Genghis Khan (through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur. Was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan through Timur and was the founder of the Mughal Empire after his victories at the Battle of Panipat (1526) and the Battle of Khanwa. At the height of their power in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, they controlled much of the Indian subcontinent, extending from Bengal in the east to Kabul & Sindh in the west, Kashmirin the north to the Kaveri basin in the south. Its population at that time has been estimated as between 110 and 150 million, over a territory of more than 3.2 million square kilometres (1.2 million square miles). The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the founder Babur’s victory over Ibrahim Lodi in the first Battle of Panipat (1526). It reached its peak extent under Aurangzeb, and declined rapidly after his death (in 1707) under a series of ineffective rulers. The empire’s collapse followed heavy losses inflicted by the smaller army of the Maratha Empire in the Deccan Wars, which encouraged the Nawabs of Bengal, Bhopal, Oudh, Carnatic, Rampur, the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Shah of Afghanistan to declare their independence from the Mughals. Following the Third Anglo-Maratha war in 1818, the emperor became a pensioner of the Raj, and the empire, its power now limited to Delhi, lingered on until 1857, when it was effectively dissolved after the fall of Delhi during the Indian Rebellion that same year. The reign of Shah Jahan, the fifth emperor, was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort. The Mughal Empire reached the zenith of its territorial expanse during the reign of Aurangzeb and also started its terminal decline in his reign due to Maratha military resurgence under Shivaji Bhosale. During his lifetime, victories in the south expanded the Mughal Empire to more than 1.25 million square miles, ruling over more than 150 million subjects, nearly 1/4th of the world’s population, with a combined GDP of over $90 billion.
By the mid-18th century, the Marathas had routed Moghul armies, and won over several Mughal provinces from the Deccan to Bengal, and internal dissatisfaction arose due to the weakness of the Mughal Empire’s administrative and economic systems, leading to the declaration of independence by the Nawabs of Bengal, Bhopal, Oudh, Carnatic, Rampur, theNizam of Hyderabad and Shah of Afghanistan. In 1739, the Mughals were defeated in the Battle of Karnal by the forces of Nader Shah. Mughal power was severely limited and the last emperor, Bahadur Shah II had authority over only the city of Shahjahanabad. He issued a firman supporting the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and was therefore tried by the British for treason, imprisoned, exiled to Rangoon and the last remnants of the empire were taken over by the British Raj.
Last battle for the Deccan and India by British 1818- Marathi `Siva`ji and Hasting.
In that year the British dominion in India became the British dominion of India.
{{In Iranian context the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like “Alani”, “Ir”. Similarly, The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryan.
As a translation of Latin Ariānus for Ariāna (“the eastern part of ancient Persia”), Arian(es) has long been in English use. Aryan is of recent introduction in comparative philology.}}
(The Treaty of London, signed on 18 August O.S. (28 August N.S.) 1604,[1][2][3] concluded the nineteen-year Anglo-Spanish War. The negotiations took place at Somerset House inLondon and are sometimes known as the Somerset House Conference. )
Accounts by Afghans and Europeans:
Maratha Gurabs ships attacking a British East India Company ship.
The Maratha army especially its infantry was praised by almost all the enemies of Maratha Empire, ranging from Duke of Wellington to Ahmad Shah Abdali. After the Third Battle of Panipat, Abdali was relieved as Maratha army in the initial stages were almost in the position of destroying the Afghan armies and their Indian Allies Nawab of Oudh and Rohillas. The grand wazir of Durrani Empire, Shah Wali Khan was shocked when Maratha commander-in-chief Sadashivrao Bhau launched a fierce assault on the centre of Afghan Army, over 3,000 Durrani soldiers were killed alongside Haji Atai Khan, one of the chief commander of Afghan army and nephew of wazir Shah Wali Khan. Such was the fierce assault of Maratha infantry in hand-to-hand combat that Afghan armies started to flee and the wazir in desperation and rage shouted “Comrades Whither do you fly, our country is far off”.[74][75][76] Post battle Ahmad Shah Abdali in a letter to one Indian ruler claimed that Afghans were able to defeat the Marathas only because of the blessings of almighty and any other army would have been destroyed by the Maratha army on that particular day even though Maratha army was numerically inferior to Afghan army and its Indian allies.[77] The letter is kept in the National Archives of India.
Similarly Duke of Wellington after defeating Marathas noted that Marathas though were poorly led by their Generals but their regular infantry and artillery matches the level of Europeans, he also warned other British officers from underestimating Marathas in battlefield. He cautioned one British general that: “You must never allow Maratha infantry to attack head on or in close hand to hand combat, as in that your army will cover itself with utter disgrace”.[78] Even when Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington became Prime Minister of Britain he held Maratha infantry in utmost respect, claiming it to be one of the best in world at the same time however he noticed the poor leadership of Maratha Generals, who were often responsible for their defeats.[78] Charles Metcalfe, one of the ablest of the British Officials in India and later acting Governor-General, wrote in 1806:
“India contains no more than two great powers, British and Mahratta, and every other state acknowledges the influence of one or the other. Every inch that we recede will be occupied by them.”[79][80]
Most British Authors agree that Maratha infantry was equal to that of British infantry. After the Third Anglo-Maratha war in 1818, Britain listed the Marathas as one of the Martial races to serve in British Indian Army.[81]
Nehru was the cause later:
However, the later Marathas are remembered more for their military campaigns, not for their administration. Hindu right historians have criticised the treatment of Marathas with Jats and Rajputs. Historian K Roy writes:
“The treatment of Marathas with their co-religionist fellows – Jats and Rajputs was definitely unfair, and ultimately they had to pay its price in Panipat where Muslim forces had united in the name of religion.”[26]
Ram / March 11, 2015
A lack of self-awareness?
Javi. / March 12, 2015
yes Ramuuu, Palmyra head pick pocket.;)
prof has a head above his shoulders so he serves down under 1st world.
Ram / March 13, 2015
That was reply to JR’s comments re. a ‘Thiru’. It had nothing whatsoever to do with Fernando.
Peace / March 11, 2015
“On the positive side, however, there is a world of difference between Schmitt’s time and today, not only in terms of calendar time, but also in terms of ideas, thinking and values. In comparison, Schmitt’s ideas are quite archaic and regressive apart from his support or capitulation to Nazism.”
Thanks for summing it up so succinctly.
Crazyoldmansl / March 11, 2015
Pleasantly surprised! At least one fellow sees what I see and have seen for a long long time. “from his Peradeniya first year tutorial” !!! so it seems to be inborn.
BUT the fact that the media loves the trash that he writes is SIGNIFICANT. Its just his tip sticking out of the ice berg. Almost all Sri Lankan LOVE the stuff he says.
Lankan / March 11, 2015
Most of the people commenting here are racists.
The hatred is dripping off their fingers. Just pathetic.
Get a life!
Javi. / March 11, 2015
grand ma says if you have nothing to say don’t say it!!
one recognises another fraud=fool.
BIGOT= Bad Intubated Gas Orifice Tunnel.
Lankan / March 11, 2015
There’s one….
Javi. / March 12, 2015
night school free education wowla/lanket hanging on the wall
learning to sing
rain drops keep falling on my feet.
sihala are squatters in the island governed by marathas well known to UK- all that has gone on is play as with Portuguese Salazar regime which ended in 1968 so Mrs B embraced the non aligned Pan_Arab Nassar the postmans son and handed over Diego Garcia.
Its time for you to go on your knees to India like Sikkim and Nagaland and be counted as the 30th state.
The world is getting small.
Simon / March 11, 2015
You are wrong about Dayan wanting a “one man show”. What he really wants is a “two man show”. He and a dictator.
Native Vedda / March 12, 2015
“You are wrong about Dayan wanting a “one man show”. What he really wants is a “two man show”. He and a dictator.”
He wants threesome, MR, Dayan, and Weerawansa.
The earlier threesome act was MR, Dayan and Douglas
Prior to that, Premadasa, Dayan and Douglas.
Crazyoldmansl / March 12, 2015
Yes. He is the boss of the “DEEP STATE”…NOT the head of state.
Agnos / March 11, 2015
Aha, Dr. Fernando,
Given that you were his teacher at Peradeniya and an
academic colleague later, one would think the Nazi stamp from you
would be particularly stinging.
But no, you are dealing with a deranged Nazi who has no morality, no conscience and no shame, but is armed with an ample supply of words, which he will use to shell any No Fire Zone that stands in his way.
He is a disgrace to Peradeniya. Indeed to all people with a conscience in Sri Laka.
Crazyoldmansl / March 12, 2015
He is a grave danger to Sri Lanka. He is the head of the DEEP STATE that is being funded LIBERALLY by another state that does not accept the legitimacy of democracy or the rule of law and believes that power flows from the barrels of guns, opposition is ILLEGAL and that those who do not fall in line must be tortured and killed.
The fact that he is LOVED DEARLY by ALL SINHALA BUDDHISTS with very few exceptions shows how grave the threat is.
shu / March 11, 2015
I think dj wants revenge!from tamils for destroying his God (MARA)!
He has become an interlectual idiot!
Piranha / March 11, 2015
Prof Laksiri is absolutely right in his assessment of Dayan. I found Dayan’s love for Rajapaksa is very puzzling because Dayan is an educated and clever man who wanted Rajapaksa, a thieving, despotic, criminal anti-democratic village idiot to stay in power knowing very well Rajapaksa’s terrible track record and what it was doing to the country and its people.
The only way to explain this is by understanding Dayan’s penchant for Nazi type dictators. Prof Laksiri was spot on when he exposed Dayan’s Nazi mentality.
Native Vedda / March 12, 2015
“because Dayan is an educated and clever man”
Please give a break.
Javi. / March 12, 2015
hello kohmade leg break no murali??
dusara by nv.
Native Vedda / March 12, 2015
“because Dayan is an educated and clever man”
Please give me a break.
Mallaiyuran / March 12, 2015
It is interesting to watch the Sinhala Intellectuals calling them by their names (“Sinhala Intellectual”) and tearing off one another. The Leader of this clan, Dayan initiates and leads. And it should not be taken as a surprise when Dayan has announced a new category as “Sinhala Intellectuals – Diaspora”. He is indicating that the new sub category “Diaspora” is nastier than inland ones. But it needed not be necessarily. There is no grater or less in infinity. So Dayan is not less to anybody.
Dayan is associating himself to “New School of Thinkers”. That is Lenin’s…… Marx” last or even previous century left overs; Napoleon……. Hitler’s brutal occupying fancies; Victoria’s… George’s Brutal administration… and so forth. World has passed this so called “New Thinking” by at least a century. Main-Frames appeared, gave way to PC and now cloud and PDAs are the ruling. Dayan living in a world that had not yet invented the blade to take shaves for beard and start a new real philosophical thinking.
Dayan is telling that Premadasa and The Old King are his new heroes. He is bringing some fake, cut and paste to prove it. Those are unrelated, utter rubbish. This is one of his convoluted UNHRC’s 2009 story. It is nothing more than that.
The coward is dragging Tamils into that. He does not have the courage to tell he is building up a story that is “who won the war with the India are his heroes”. He has been advocating 13A and Indian friendship because of the fear of India. Now Modi is coming to have it implemented.
Premadasa did not know what sovereignty means in English is. India was occupying the Tamils’ land (not Sri Lanka). Tigers have been fighting with India. Premadasa was sacred to ask his army to fight with India. He gave arms to tigers and had them fight and send them out. A “Round About” rowdy cannot fight a war. It has to be a tiger to do that. That uneducated can only burn a library, if that is what you call preserving sovereignty. Ranil is on the path of fighting with India. But our PhD is in full against the Fox. He is the one refused to sign ICC accord. But old King accepted the request by UN SG to investigate. That is something, a thing in return, the PhD used at UNHRC to cheat the members. What a big theoretician is this cheater after doing all these tricks and call them as preservers of the country’s sovereignty?
The other sovereignty hero borrowed from IC and committed genocide. Then, when the noose got tightened, he called the fox to Temple Tree and begged to save him and his brother. Here again the funny story with India continues. He was so scared of India. China was building the string of pearl. As base for that, they had contracted with Chandirka to build Nooraichcholai for $280,000,000. This guy cancelled the contract and re-negotiated to $580,000,000. This is where the new sovereign thief’s sovereign story started. Then he was milking sovereign from China contracts. I do not know if there is any spelling mistake in my typing or Dayan is so confused without understanding what sovereign state means is. So he is thinking that is how the new King brought sovereign to Lanka (his home). In fact while putting few lobsters to Dayan’s boss, China had secured a sovereign island (a big shark) for it in the Colombo port. He allowed China to hack defense department computers and change the law and buy lands (including Nooraichcholai) in Lanka. Until that there was a much unknown piece of law in Lanka that foreign companies cannot buy land in Lanka. That idiot sold the Lanka and bought gold for him. Now our PhD is fooling us, with those two uneducated, as the inventors of sovereign.
The fight with India goes further. Tigers were fighting with India’s occupation. There was a traitor named “Varather” was working with India. He had his own collie named Dayan. Those two were trying making India to foot on the sovereign lands. Thanks God, the Dayan’s “Fascist Tigers” fought with the communist EPRLF, overwhelmed them and chased India out.
Dayan can fool him, but we know how Dayan and his heroes selling Sri Lanka’s and Tamils Eelams’ sovereignty for their money and fame.
Abe / March 12, 2015
“Tamil Hindu converted by the Portugese to Catholicism? That cannot be. There were no Tamil settlements during Portugese period.”
Are you saying there were no Tamils in Sri Lanka when the Portuguese came? What was Jaffna when the Portuguese took over the kingdom?
I hope no one tries to learn history from these comments.
kali / March 12, 2015
Dr Fernando:
Dyan is yesterdays man and by his own admission is on State Pension and suffering from an Identity crisis. His travelling days oustside of Sri Lanka are over just like Mahinthas except when he is jetted off to the Hague.
As for Dyans identity crisis he is a Catholic in a predominantly Buddhist Country so to be accepted he has to shout the Racists message louder than the Buddhist Racist such as BBS. He doesnt call the shots anymore and he is not going to determine the future of Sri Lanka which will be decided by outside forces.
Tungsan Yu / March 12, 2015
[Edited out]
I suggest we let him write his ass off and we just ignore this voice in the wilderness for i believe in another 10 years “may the good lord willing”
he will be no more.
“The stupidity of a man is known only after he is dead” – Tungsan Yu
Ashok / March 12, 2015
Hi Laksiri,
The few moments of freetime I have out of Sri Lanka I have followed your column on CT with interest.Afraid I do not have the luxury of free time to comment or analyse the history or geography of DJ,but thanks for exposing.
This guy is an [Edited out]Thank God 98 percent of our people don’t know this guy or don’t believe what he says.
God Bless
K.A Sumanasekera / March 12, 2015
Aussie Professor Dr Lucksiri Fernando was at the forefront of the non indigenous Academics who worked hard tto opple Rajapaksa and give the Elite , Anglicans and the Vellalas, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Good Governance without Nepotism, and Corruption.
Now that their goals have been achieved 100 percent,with all the above goodies are being delivered in truck loads with the help of My Three and his O.I.C Ranil,plus the SLMC,these Intelligentsia have turned their fire power to neutralize any indigenous Academics in Srialankan, who are trying to protect the poor inhabitants from too much Good Governance.
Poor Dayan,who put his hand up publicly to speak on behalf of the Dalits is now copping it big time.not from one but many ex Lankan heavy weight Intelligentsia.
Javi. / March 13, 2015
Kayia Baiya Poiye K.A Sumanasekera Babashaeb,
{{In Iranian context the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like “Alani”, “Ir”. Similarly, The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryan. As a translation of Latin Ariānus for Ariāna (“the eastern part of ancient Persia”), Arian(es) has long been in English use. Aryan is of recent introduction in comparative philology.}}
you are still kalu pukka ; that is how iranian identify you. while nazi german blue eyes blonde hair.
As to why the Nazi cretaria is because the 3 southerners were his bracket and the only one left Greece was ransacked by Hitler more than once for artifacts that would disclose his lie of aryan- Alexander the was at west punjab 230BCE his generals daughter married (greek goddess) Chandra Gupta Maurya whose foot print is at karanataka (copy siri pada) Kajurao- Kamma Sutra Greek & Sanskrit writings blossomed and there was no Buddha?? (the Germans bombed Madras very badly). Prince Philip husband of HMajesty is Greek but both have German blood.
Sihal are not related to German or Anglo Saxon- they are suddhu pukka.
The 3 southerners are (see how Portugal comes in looking for a Gibraltar in the Indian Ocean after WW2 Goa or Ceylon)
⊙◤Benito Mussolini Italian dictator fascist
in office – 1922 – 1943
⊙◤Francisco Franco Spanish dictator fascist
in office – 1939 – 1975
{{During the Cold War, Franco appeared as one of the World’s foremost anticommunist figures and his regime was assisted by the United States and was asked to join the United Nations and became under NATO’s protection.}}
⊙◤António de Oliveira Salazar Portugese P.M.dictator fascist.
in office-1932 to 1968.
he was never President of the Republic, but was the virtual dictator of the country in the manner of Spain’s Francisco Franco and Italy’s Benito Mussolini. He founded and led the Estado Novo (New State), the authoritarian, right-wing government[a] that presided over and controlled Portugal from 1932 to 1974. In 1940, Life called Salazar “the greatest Portuguese since Prince Henry the Navigator” [2] and Oxford University conferred him the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Civil Law.[3][4]
Opposed to communism, socialism, anarchism and liberalism,[b] Salazar’s rule was corporatist, conservative, and nationalist in nature, defending Portugal as Catholic. Its policy envisaged the perpetuation of Portugal as a pluricontinental nation under the doctrine of lusotropicalism, with Angola, Mozambique, and other Portuguese territories as extensions of Portugal itself, with Portugal being a source of civilization and stability to the overseas societies in the African and Asian possessions.The Luz Church in Mylapore, Madras (Chennai) was the first church that the Portuguese built in Madras in 1516. Later in 1522, the São Tomé church was built on the ruins of the original Kapaleeswarar Temple that was destroyed by the Portuguese.
The portugese worked on servitude labour long after abolition of slavery. They ferried Chinese slaves from Maccau their trading post to Goa and this angered both the Chinese and Indians alike till they stopped it.
Following theCarnation Revolution year1974, the new government in Lisbon restored diplomatic relations with India, and recognised Indian sovereignty over Goa, Daman and Diu. Portugal continued to give the citizens of Portuguese India automatic citizenship.
sihala are squatters in the island governed by marathas well known to UK- all that has gone on is play as with Portuguese Salazar regime which ended in 1968 so Mrs B embraced the non aligned Pan_Arab Nassar the postmans son and handed over Diego Garcia. Its time for you to go on your knees to India like Sikkim and Nagaland and be counted as the 30th state. The world is getting small.
K.A Sumanasekera / March 14, 2015
Javi mate,
Your new friend Modi came to hug Ranil and My three and told them to go federal like Tamil Nadu.
May be you can call it Vellala Nadu, to differentiate beteween the two.
Apparently RAW arranged the deal.
RAW probably didn’t even have to ask the two jokers, the Sinhala Vellala and the Gamarala.
But ” Sihala ” Jathika Hela Urumaya selling their souls to Hindians is despicable.
K.A Sumanasekera / March 12, 2015
Dr Lucksiri trying to portray Dr Dayan as a Nazi is a bit puzzling.
I know the Sinhalese have some links to Germans through Aryan ancestry..
But Jayathilaka is not even a Portugese name lat alone a Schmidt.
sandara / April 20, 2015
if a person of his calibre-ph.d/academic/u., rep etc- can talk like this-anti tamil etc think about the less educated sinhalese and followers of wimal weeravansa. is there any thing wrong with them to develop antitamil feelings? for very selfish reasons dayans will go to any extent. betraying his mother also.but dayan, in the long run your strategy would not work and you will regret.then it will be too late.