19 February, 2025


On TNA, TGTE And The UNP Under Ranil

By Dayan Jayatilleka –

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

While it is by no means the place of a uniformed officer, however highly placed, decorated or both, to comment on the peaceful political conduct of members of parliament and/or of academics, the story told by the new Chief of Defence Staff, to the effect that Mr Sampanthan and Mr Sumanthiran attended an event of or sponsored by the so-called Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is – if true—deeply distressing in several respects and warrants condemnation. If it is a mischievous untruth, a denial must promptly be issued by the TNA and a protest lodged from the floor of the House. If there is some truth to a story which has been maliciously spun out of recognition, a clarification must be issued by these gentlemen. If for instance they had made dissenting speeches at such an event, the text or transcript of these must be made public.

The TGTE is an enemy of Sri Lanka. The TGTE stands – and campaigns – openly for a separate state of Tamil Eelam to be carved out of the territory of Sri Lanka. This is not a call for a radically reformed Sri Lankan state along the lines of Canadian federalism! The TGTE stands outside and against the boundaries of the Sri Lankan political community. The TNA does not. Interaction with the Tamil Diaspora is one thing; association with those organised segments of the Tamil Diaspora or Tamil Nadu politics which are explicitly organized for the purpose of separatism and its promotion, is quite another.

The TNA must decide whether it is in or out. Does it operate within and as a part of a single united Sri Lankan polity while fighting for structural reform of that polity, or does it have one foot in and another out. Furthermore, does it have one foot in one political project and the other foot in quite another? Is one political project regarded by the TNA as a stepping stone to the other, as many Sinhalese fear? To view it less uncharitably, does the TNA feel that it owes an explanation to explicitly separatist networks of the Tamil Diaspora? To view it in the most charitable light possible, does the TNA consider itself as the potential leader of the Tamil Diaspora including its separatist tendency? If so what are the concessions that the TNA is likely to make these Diaspora radicals and what effect would the separatism of the latter have upon the trajectory of the former?

The TNA must regard its Sri Lankan Tamil voters as its constituency to which it is responsible, and Colombo as its main interlocutor. This being the real world, and the 13th amendment being by product of the Indo-Lanka Accord, one cannot prevent or view as illegitimate, the TNA’s political interaction with New Delhi—though one hopes that would be the unavoidable last resort and not the first. Outside the parameters of legitimacy and perhaps legality would be interaction with frankly separatist elements in Tamil Nadu or the Tamil Diaspora.

If the TNA leaders have indeed had such an interface with the TGTE in this, the sensitive run-up to the Northern provincial council election, it would be revelatory of the TNA’s mindset. It would also be evidence that the TNA veers outside of the managerial parameters of New Delhi, let alone Colombo.  It may be so doing because it feels that Tamil Nadu and the Diaspora give it that degree of autonomy from both Colombo and Delhi, or because in the TNA’s calculations, the Diaspora and/or Tamil Nadu outweigh Delhi.

If so, the prospect of the Northern Provincial Council becomes fraught. If the TNA did attend that TGTE event, it may have just ‘spooned’ the catch that the security apparatus and its managers were waiting for. If the story has veracity, by consorting with the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam, the TNA may be risking an abortion of the Northern Council and perhaps of the election itself. At no time in history would any state anywhere in the world, view with equanimity or casual disregard, the prospect of an elected quasi-autonomous territorial unit on a sensitive border zone of her soil, and which has contacts with its declared enemies across the water or further overseas.

A separatist Diaspora linked Northern Council and an ethnocentric, majoritarian State which is suspicious of devolution itself, is the scenario of an irresistible (centrifugal or irredentist) force meeting an immovable (hyper-centralist) subject. This is the recipe for collision and explosion.

So much for North-South dynamics. What of South-South ones? The UNP led a protest on a worthy cause yesterday at the Fort Railway station. Going by TV footage, still photographs or freeze frames (which make a rough headcount possible) and objective reportage, it seems to have been a little underwhelming. An Associated Press (AP) report by Bharatha Mallawarachchi in the Windsor Star said “among one thousand people…demonstrated”. Another report on Colombo Telegraph, hardy a pro-government website, said: “…According to eyewitness accounts, the Opposition rally managed to garner a crowd of between 800-1000 protestors.”  Even if one doubled the higher figure, one would have to conclude that the rally billed ‘Enough is Enough’, doesn’t seem to have gathered enough people. It couldn’t get anywhere close to the lowest five digit figure. The JVP or FSP supported by the university students and workers would have mobilised a far higher number, but it is significant that the organizers did not or could not secure their participation as shareholders of this rally. It would seem that the JVP (and even the FSP) just could not bring themselves to be seen as participants under the leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe. The UNP’s Muslims were not present in large numbers to protest Grandpass. One recalls the UNP Satyagraha campaigns of the 1970s against a tough Sirima Bandaranaike regime, which violently attacked the demonstrators on several occasions. One also recalls the protests after the shooting of student Weerasooriya in November 1976. Perhaps even more relevant are the UNP rallies and May Day meetings, say in 1976.  Today, the UNP cannot mobilize more than a few thousand – if that—for a demonstration on a highly emotive issue on the UNP’s home turf, Colombo. The moral (no pun intended) of the story is that relatively few are willing to rally around, mobilise under, or vote for, the UNP, so long as Ranil Wickremesinghe is leading it—and those numbers are dwindling. The people outraged, tuned in to Weliweriya, but tuned out rather than turned out for Mr Wickremesinghe’s protest.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Dayan, before you TNA ask Tamils weather you want to be part of srilanka or Future nation called tamil ealam. They will choose overwhelmingly choose later one are you ready for that. Tamils had enough of you all…

    • 0

      We can ask them….immediately after secular democratic India holds a referendum in and on Kashmir, Pakistan does so on Baluchistan etc etc. No state in Asia functions that way, friend.

      • 0

        Dear Dayan its all going to happen sooner or later. Rem my dear When UN started only 51 countries in the world. How many now? Simple mathematics man…How many now? How is it possible? Tyranny leads new countries to born in this world. Tamils of ealam one of the long suffering people of this world.

        • 0

          How come Tamils could not overpower even Dinosaurs ?

        • 0

          “Going to happen” , How? Jayalalitha, Simon, VaiKo and other hooligans in Tamil nadu are capable of forcing UN to do so?

          Without the consent of the SL government, nothing will happen.

          Estate Tamils suffer more than the Tamils of north and east. They never ask a separate enclaves in the hill country. Dont you know it?

          Tamils in N/E suffer because of the smugglers of VVT and their criminal allies of Tamil nadu.

          • 0

            What you take kanja or marijuana? Don’t be fool Idiot. why you living in Canada? why don’t you go back and clean rajapakses ass..

            • 0

              I hope you are a part of smugglers. That is why you cry like a stoned dog! After the defeat of the LTTE your business is dull.I understand your frustration. Advise your fellow smugglers to do fishing.

        • 0


          Please outline as to how the Tamil Eeelam is going to materialise? Are you going to start another war? If so, are you prepared to send you or your loved ones to the front line? To be honest with you, I have hand enough of people like you; not even an iota of realism in what you utter!

          I do however sincerely share your view of the Sinhala racists that includes the MR and his gang. The real hope is for the Tamils to forge a relationship with the Sinhala moderates and build a nation for all.

          • 0

            How many Sinhala moderates(excluding people running CT and GV) are there? What did Tamils do from 1948?

      • 0

        Why don’t you include East Timor with the other examples of yours?

    • 0

      Muttu my friend, that question will never be put to the ‘Tamils”. Sinhalese will never give any part of THEIR land to anyone. Tamils did not bring land from TN when they came to Sri Lanka. They can make their return journey to their homeland (TN) empty handed if they are not happy in Sri Lanka, and call that hell hole whatever name – Ealam if they wish. There are more Tamils in WP and CP (than in NP and EP), presumably happy to live amongst Sinhalese. The unhappy ones have a big problem as I see.

      • 0

        You must be thankful to india man, They responsible for decimation of LTTE. Otherwise Praba will still teach you very good lesson, YOu damn fools run like rats when he was in control of North and east. Simply shut up you fool. I don’t want to go back stone age history of modaya history. Teach your modayas your own version of history..

        • 0

          India not only helped to destroy LTTE headed by VVT smuggler criminals but also the EELAM dream as well.

          India never allow an EELAM even the Sinhalese support EELAM!

          Prabhakaran was a shameless creature and fell down at the feet of Premadasa to save his ass. So dont cry like a donkey here!

          • 0

            Is it just wait?

        • 0

          Muthu Bella,
          Who created LTTE , not India ? as they turned guns against India, supported decimation, haaa..haa.. Why ? Because Indian idiots were outsmarted by Lankan President Junius J.

      • 0

        “There are more Tamils in WP and CP (than in NP and EP), presumably happy to live amongst Sinhalese.”

        These Tamils are always praying that there will be no more pogroms against them, just like the Tamils in Mullivaaikkaal were praying that no more shells fall on them as they died in the thousands.

        Happiness being no pogroms and prevention of genocide for Tamils.

        Dayan thinks there might be a “Black 1983” in the future.
        What do you say to that?

      • 0

        Who said it is Sinhalese land. Who are these Sinhalese? Did Viyaya brought this land from India? Can you all leave Sri Lanka to Vedda’s and Naga’s to hold their land? Do you have population statistics and let us know what proportion of Tamils lived in WP and NP since 1800?

        • 0

          The census of Simon Cassie Chetty tells the Jaffna population was dominated by a caste called Madapally in 1834. Who are they?

          Majority of the Jaffna people was Madapally! In Tamil Madapally mean temple kitchen. How can the temple cooks be the majority populatin of the North in 1834?

          MADAPALLY is derived from the word MAGADHA PAALI which came with Kalinga(Orissa) Magha!

          So, the majority of Jaffna were not Tamil. One Tamil homeland is over.

      • 0


        Get it right; Sri Lanka does not belong to the Sinhalese alone; it belongs to Sri Lankans that includes all; the Tamils and Muslims as well! If you deny the due rights to the Tamils, they will aim to segregate themselves; there is enough evidences exist to formulate a nation within the Tamil dominated areas. This will become a reality if the Sinhalese do not deal with their racist agenda. It is going to be messy and bloody and Sri Lanka will be ripped apart by foreign forces and the Buddhist Monks cannot help but watch1

    • 0

      In early retirement Dayan seems to be turning ALARMIST!
      Guess he has nothing much to do but write articles with a slightly hysterical edge these days..

    • 0

      Do you seriously think that Colombo Tamils want to be citizens of Eelam?

      • 0

        There is no colombo Tamils and ealam Tamils. Only tamils my dear…

      • 0

        Idiot! Mano Ganesan never go and live in EELAM under the VVT smugglers!

    • 0

      Well bugger off to Tamil Nad then, you won’t get Eelam in Sri Lanka.

      • 0

        Well where you want to bugger off? tell me then I will follow you…

        • 0

          Good one!

        • 0

          To Tamil Nad of course. This week is ‘Madras Week’ they are celebrating the ‘cultural Hub’ – that’s where Eelam is.

  • 0

    Oracle of Delphi has spoken, please take note!

    He is the judge, jury and the executioner of Tamils.

    Thank god he is not in Geneva to prop up the genocidal state of Sri Lanka.

    Does a state the right to dictate to a people on whom it committed, and still committing genocide in various forms?

    Dayan Jayatilleka may have been a diplomat for the genocidal state.
    That doesn’t mean that he is the judge for matters of genocide.

    • 0


      Does a state have the right to dictate to a people on whom it committed, and still committing genocide in various forms?

      • 0

        The State has liberated millions of Tamils from massacres by the terrorists. The State does not dictates but gives free education, health care, an affordable public transport system. Even ungrateful, greedy subjects gets all that. Thiru, you are still moaning about the military defeat of your racist, genocidal and terrorist heroes. Get over it and get a life! Tamil Nadu awaits you with squalor and dirt. One way ticket costs as little as Rs 4000.

        • 0

          The state has liberated the souls from their bodies!

    • 0

      yeah well, if I were, we wouldn’t be serially losing those resolutions…:))

      • 0

        Ah finally someone’s little ego is showing LOL

        “you” did not win, SL won !

        Losing 2 resolutions is not serially FYI !

        • 0

          both he and sl did not win – :)

      • 0

        Too much ego!

        • 0

          It shold be there to someextent. THat makes a person smart. I respect DJ, he is a respectable senior public servant of the country.

          Common problem we have today is even the top leadership of the country seem to behave lower to a laundry man. How can he be a personality, if he seems to have no respect towards the educated people. Not to look down upon, laundry men were from the lowest cast at that time. I love there is no cast system seem to be strong in the island today, but we can forget our past.

          • 0

            we cant forget our past

      • 0

        That means you still deny the atrocious war crimes even with glaring evidence!

      • 0


        Yes you “won” a resolution blocking accountability hearings. However, didn’t you yourself just a week ago raise the question “how must that state have treated the Tamils in the closing stages of the war,….” Do you not owe an apology to the Tamils now?

        Are you really still proud of your action? Are you insane?

        What you won was a “Plum in Paris!”- and in that process you set the wheels in motion for SriLanka to be shot down to hell in a hand basket.

        And now, despite watching and writing profusely day after day about Grandpass, Weliweraya, BBS, what have you, and witnessing every western Tom and Dick dictating on every single domestic issue, you still think you did a favor to even the Sinhalese?

        Do you truly think without your covering the stinking “rear-end” of the Rajapaksa brothers , this country would have deteriorated to the current despicable, rogue state?

        You frankly owe an apology, not just to the Tamils, but to every Sinhalese and Muslims as well for the monsters you help create, instead of guiding them in the path of civility. Well, that is what you would have done had you been a true intellect – not one just masquerading as an intellect!

        • 0

          Well said Kumar, but it doesn’t get through thick skins and frozen heads!

    • 0

      How do you call the killings of Tamils by LTTE? Genocide or murder or killing?

      LTTE burnt Tamils alive during the “riots” of LTTE-TELO at Thirunelvey junction.

      Then LTTE joined UNP and started killing the Tamils who supported Indo-Lanka peace accord. Thousands of Tamils were massacred by LTTE. Thousands of EPRLF Tamils left to India. Thousands of Tamil ran to Colombo and suburbs from the North and east during the same time and not prepared to go back!

      So, stop farting about “genocide”.

  • 0

    What is Wrong in TNA attending & meeting with TGTE whose Prime Minister was secretly wooed by KP to join him not so long ago ???

    When KP Who was the CHIEF of Ltte could be seen chatting with Goatabaya, what is wrong in seeing Sampanthan chatting with TGTE members to know abt their views even if it may be radical ???

    In Dayan’s wisdom, What is good for Goose is not good for Gander.

    • 0

      Very good question!

    • 0

      Depends on the goose and the gander. There is a fundamental difference between any State and a non-state actor. The USA is talking to the Taliban (in the Gulf). What if a US political party or citizen did so? The UK Govt was in secret talks with the IRA through its political prisoners, on and off since 1972. What if the opposition Labor party had done it at that time?

      • 0

        The LTTE was banned in the US but not so the TGTE which is a democratic organisation permitted to operate from a democratic country. Furthermore if the SLFP can co-habit with the JHU and condone with BBS and RB, what is wrong with TNA having discussions with the TGTE?


        • 0

          You are not bothered about the Sri Lankan state not abiding by many of the laws of the land but you are bothered about some trivial thing to pick on Tamils doing something which you don’t like.

          Why don’t you advise your former bosses to make the police do their duties according to the law instead of your policing the Tamils?

          • 0

            This is directed to Dayan.

          • 0


            Do you think that those bosses would listen to anyone ? Look at the issue sending troops to Weliveriya recently ? Who took the responsibility ? There is no political wisdom based decisions under Rajapakshes. They are most uneducated politicians that woudl not listen to their advisers either. See alone the panel of advisers to the president today.

            One those who applause ending war by the leadership of GREAT Mahinda.
            But the very same Mahinda has failed to master small protest like Weliveriya where people protested asking clean water.

            So where has his so called vision gone ? let alone today the report from the forces are not ready.

            How come those most powerful forces to become all low level forces within a small issue like Weliweriya ?

      • 0

        Sure, it is like SL State Daily News can call Dr.Dayan as a “Diabolical Donkey” but others cannot. Even Dr.Dayan can’t even call himself a Diabolical Donkey !

        Is it also like LTTE killing anyone dealing with the SL Gov. But they themselves continue to talk, receive arms and money?

      • 0


        Instead of haranguing on the efficacy and potency of 13A as a panacea for the nation’s ills, let DJ prescribe some simple remedy to reduce the virulence, before it reaches epidemic proportions. If DJ casts away his paranoia that M R may botch up the marginalization process, under pressure with the most meagre 13A+, then he can prescribe hand remedies.

        What are the immediate ones? Replace military rule with civilian governance, reduce military occupation by 9/10th and liquidate the para military scourge. The first can be done in a day, the process for the second can be announced within a week and the third finished off within a few days. Then see whether comments display the same vehemence. Also check whether the patient demands foreign specialists.

      • 0

        DJ’s article is nonsense again… TGTE is a legitimate worldwide organization and TNA has every right to talk to any Tamil diaspora organization. It is also a non-violent organization.

        This is DJ’s cunningness to prevent TNA talking and working close to the TGTE, GTF or other Tamil groups. That is utter stupidity and only an Extremist-racist-chauvinist would say that.

        Anyway, the recent event and fundraising in Toronto had nothing to do with or remotely connected with the TGTE.

        KP on the instructions of Gotha and his right hand Major General Kapila Hendawitharane not only consistently talking to Rudrakumar both being founders of the TGTE, but woos other TGTE members who he has been working with previous of the newly appointed MP’s and Senators (Not Chandrika’s cousin)who he has never known.

        DJ should get back to his old friend VaradharajaPerumal lol.

        Donald Gnanakone

      • 0

        “..Depends on the goose and the gander. There is a fundamental difference between any State and a non-state actor..”

        Dayan, what rubbish are you dribbling? What is the difference between you and MARA or any other lunatic criminal in the MARA’s regime? At Weliveriya, if ,instead of your MARA regime, any ordinary civil servant, an ordinary police officer, an ordinary prosecution officer, an ordinary government analyst, an ordinary court of law conducted investigation they would have found within 24 hours basically that Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gotabaya Rajapaksha, Army Commander, Commander of the army unit that massacred people at Weliveriya and the very unit of army that went to Weliveriya are responsible for crimes against humanity and genocide! Your “Government with a difference” after so many days is bungling, groping, messing and crawling in every direction pathetically failing and being unable to trace even a single culprit for the heinous crime that was committed in front of thousands of people and tens of professional cameras operated by professional camera operators of (renowned?) medias! Your [Edited out] claims clearly demonstrate what type of an [Edited out] you are!

    • 0

      KP was seen chatting with Gotabaya…not conspiring. I think that the TNA owes us an explanation of where its true empathy lies.

  • 0

    This hyena is not likely EVER to change his habits! Under that veneer of sophistication is the racist.
    Since when has it become an offence to be SEEN in the company of even someone who has been accused of the most heinous of crimes and, besides, as another reader has pointed out, what about the fact that not only has the Rajapassa Regime accepted KP, Pillayan, “Col. Karuna, the “Masters” etc but has elevated them to official positions of importance in the government.
    That’s fine and dandy is it Dayan?

    The least of your problems is going to be the rank hypocrisy that you practice because you have also been complicit in knowingly and deliberately covering up much more serious crimes!

    • 0

      True majoritarian showing his colors sans diplomatic niceties!

  • 0

    Hello Dayan,

    Watch how the Tamil nazi desert you in droves. I am wondering whether you have ANY comprehension what you are dealing with here.


  • 0

    J.muthu,Thiru & Tamilan,
    I agree with you 100%

    • 0

      “I second that”

  • 0

    Can they take the “LTTE” out of Sambandan?.

    How come this Gun Political Guru took so long to realize a simple fact that our ordinary punters have known all along.

    Win the NPC. Demand Police and Land Powers,which obviously can’t be and won’t be granted.

    Organize “Weliveryas” in all parts of the Pennisula.

    Get the ” IC” to form a UN protectorate where Emmanuel , Rudrakumaran and even Vaiko can visit with a UN passport.

    Mind you, these are all gathered from the comments of the Diaspora supporters’ and some TNA members’ own statements since Nanthikadal..

    • 0

      Great majoritarian genius!

  • 0

    The war for Sri Lankan ‘NATIONAL LIBERATION’ has finally begun. Dayan is the leader of the revolution.

    • 0

      I am confused, I thought we already had the second independence – celebrations and all.
      Which nation is he going to liberate from which?

  • 0

    The constitution, so many rules and regulations are violated or ignored by the regime, and it doesn’t bother Dayan, only any so-called violation by the TNA bothers him so much.

    This shows his Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian mind set.

  • 0

    After the Americans and the Indians made MR the War Victor by deceiving VP, Dayan, Rajiva and Tamara Kunanayakam were useful to deliver the agenda of Devolution to the North as Promised and accepted by MR. Then when MR found to is dismay that Ranil still remaining as the Leader of the Opposition and the UNP, MR could not grant Devolution as agreed earlier, as Ranil would have destroyed MR’s credence. Then the Americans and the Indians realize MR’s plight and agree to drop Devolution and the 13th Amendment. Therefore now there is no need of Dayan and crowd for MR anymore and especially to speak of Devolution. They are a spent Force now. Good Bye Dayan.

    • 0

      Cheers. Owe you another drink Mr. Gamini.

    • 0

      Dayan and crowd are becoming hysterical, realizing the whole lot will be rendered redundant very soon by MR, after the CHOGM. Now they must be regretting for having helped this Bugger MR by conniving with him to sweep the Surrenderee’s massacre in Nandikadal under the carpet. The only way they can make a come back is to question at the highest level, as to why the LTTE buried their Artillery Guns and moved out of Kilinochchi their stronghold to a Beach Front for the whole lot to be massacred? The LTTE would have never started the War after closing the Mawilaru Anicut, if they were not ready for the War. This War was a Hoax, stage managed by the Americans with Indian backing.

      The Professional, thanks for the offer. I shall keep a count. Ha! Ha!

      • 0

        Gamini says,

        “..After the Americans and the Indians made MR the War Victor by deceiving VP, Dayan, Rajiva and Tamara Kunanayakam were useful to deliver the agenda of Devolution to the North as Promised and accepted by MR. Then when MR found to is dismay that Ranil still remaining as the Leader of the Opposition and the UNP, MR could not grant Devolution as agreed earlier, as Ranil would have destroyed MR’s credence. Then the Americans and the Indians realize MR’s plight and agree to drop Devolution and the 13th Amendment. Therefore now there is no need of Dayan and crowd for MR anymore and especially to speak of Devolution. They are a spent Force now. Good Bye Dayan..”

        “..Dayan and crowd are becoming hysterical, realizing the whole lot will be rendered redundant very soon by MR, after the CHOGM. Now they must be regretting for having helped this Bugger MR by conniving with him to sweep the Surrenderee’s massacre in Nandikadal under the carpet. The only way they can make a come back is to question at the highest level, as to why the LTTE buried their Artillery Guns and moved out of Kilinochchi their stronghold to a Beach Front for the whole lot to be massacred? The LTTE would have never started the War after closing the Mawilaru Anicut, if they were not ready for the War. This War was a Hoax, stage managed by the Americans with Indian backing..”

        Those who have commented here at levels only scratching the surface, don’t you find above portends ominous omens and vivisects the whole familial and autocratic drive of MARA?

    • 0


      I exactly cannot say as to who is using Rajapakses or whose advise Rajapakses take. looks like it’s similar to how Saddham Husain, Hosni Mubarak and Marcos was first used and subsequently dumped by the same users who now advise Rajapakses.

      With Rakapakses we exactly do not know as to under whose influence Rajapakses govern and work but surely they are going to end up in catestrophe.

      Rajapakses will lick anybodys ass to survive and to stay in power. But only if they understand about the Western Condom theory, they should think twice.

      May be it can be the same force that duped LTTE VP in Killinochchi is now advising Rajapakses

      By the time Rajapakse episode is over, Sri Lanka could have already ended up been another Somalia or Zimbabwe.

  • 0

    Dayan, you will agree that the world is getting smaller in many ways. So
    meeting of birds of the same feather is permissible and unavoidable?

  • 0

    The TNA has always said categorically that it stands for a United Sri Lanka with full devolution to the people of the North and East. It does not stand for separatism. It is the government that speaks with a forked tounge. It commits to the UN, the US and India that it will provide 13+ and now thinks of diluting or dismantling 13A. That is nothing less than cheating!

  • 0

    Our friend Dayan, who still thinks himself invincible, says: “This is not a call for a radically reformed Sri Lankan state along the lines of Canadian federalism!”

    I thought the Sinhala Buddhist elite had rejected federalism long ago.
    Is he living in a cookoo world after retirement?

    Now the goal of the Sinhala ruling clan is to ethnically cleanse the island into a Arian Sinhala Buddhist State.

    I wonder whether the karavas are Arians?

  • 0

    You sinhala racist you are cancer in the Sinhala society… go and fly a kite at Galle face. Come to think about that you may need a Chinese visa to do that now.

  • 0

    I have NEVER EVER have heard Sumanthiran support a separate Tamil state. In fact, everything I have heard from Sumanthiran leads me to conclude his aim is a unified Sri Lanka that is democratic and respects individual freedom and the rule of law. To say anything otherwise is simply slanderous.

  • 0

    Dr. Dayan,
    You are very correct to portray this association of the TNA with the separatists of the TGTE. While the Chief Minister in waiting of the NPC ex-Justice Wigneswaran has vehemently supported a united Sri Lanka the TNA are spoiling the party by hobnobbing with the separatists of the TGTE. It seems the leopard (in this case the tiger – pun intended) cannot change its spots.

    Many Sri Lankans have not forgotten that the TNA were proxies of the LTTE in parliament during the dark days of the conflict, and this latest episode if true does not cast the TNA in good light. While many in the Diaspora and ex-LTTE supporters may rejoice at such a meeting the TNA are playing right into the hands of those who are illustrating to us as ‘I told you so’. By this move the TNA has done itself irreparable harm and lost the trust of moderate Sri Lankans who want a solution that would cater to the aspirations of all the ethnicities of this resplendent isle.

    As some prominent Tamil journalists have so eloquently described ‘at the crucial moment when it comes to a resolution of issues the major ‘Tamil political parties’ have always a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot’. Running off to India will not help either this time as the political dynamics in Asia and the world too have changed.

    There is not another impetuous and politically immature ‘Rajiv Gandhi’ clone in the making in India to suffer the same fate as he did and the ignominy of the IPKF exiting the island with its tail between its legs. The TNA and its supporters have to grow up to the realities and be pragmatic to the fact that the future of the Sri Lankan Tamil community is interminably intertwined with the majority Sinhalese and the rest of the minorities of Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    It is in the best interest of Tamils if TNA maintains excellent relationship with TGTE,GTF,BTF,DMK,AIDMK and other Tamil friendly groups in Tamil Nadu, Government of India, Congress and BJP,USA, NORVEY and other friendly countries of Tamils.

    Very similar to UPFA being an umbrella organization having extremist like, Wmal, chambika,BBS,Dinesh andmoderates people like Vasu, Tissa, DEW and criminals like Mervin.

    If it is a good strategy for Mahinda why not to Sampanthan?

    What right has the governing party to speak about the constitution
    Do you think the government is serious about the constitution?.

    How about the serious, impeachable breaches by the governing party?

    Why double standard?

  • 0

    Dayan Is trying to teach new tricks to old dogs.

    Dayan very well knows how Tamil politicians behaved for the past century.

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    You can take the TNA politicians out of the LTTE but you can’t take the LTTE out of the TNA politicians.

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      well said.

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    If the Govt of Sri Lanka could speak to LTTE an armed separatist movement which Dayan was party to by association, what is wrong in TNA or for that matter any one else talking to TGTE?

    If you don’t make a person or entity a part of the solution they trend to be part of the problem.

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    Dayan, u know well that there is no connection between TNA’s visit and TNGTA. I am sure you might have all the details from your friend DBS Jeyaraj about TNA’s visit and speeches. Then why you wasted your time writing article with “if” condition. Infact TNA was severely criticised by pro eelam members who attended the event. It was organised by TNA Canada branch.

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      He is playing fiddle for the Maharajah. Create some decent so SLFP might be able to get at least some of the votes of the people still on the fence.

      Dayan is a hired gun.

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    during CBK time Ranil was timid,docile and never challenged as would and should opposition “leader” ,he contines this even now.
    Erm…one quick demo n spend more time chatting about it with friends n wine, cheese n biskits!
    This whole lot needs group psycho therapy as they think this is politics to win.

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      “Oh my God! What is this shit bundle? thiscantbhappening!!!!”

      That must be what your begetters have uttered no sooner than they saw you dumped on to this world from the sac, mal-conceived through a leaking contraceptive, ejected out in group sex hence of dubious paternal affiliation!

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    Dr Dayan,

    Sumanthiran MP, an eminent lawyer from Sri Lanka, says they have the right to speak to anybody.

    He also says the constitution, laws or other parties cannot prevent them doing so.

    Since you, as an ex-Diplomat, have raised legal questions on this matter, what would you say to his response?

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    Dayan’s zero intelligent contradictory claims revealed here! For the last few months this bugger has been theorizing the scenario what will happen to Sri Lanka if the regime continues to pursue racist, Sinhala Buddhist extremist and chauvinist measures violating the rights of minorities and also violating international laws which sounded quite true and convincing. So why cry now? You said Sinhalese could happily live in a re-demarcated and contracted Sri Lankan South and Tamils will have their own North with the help of IC! So this is exactly what you predicted would be happening and Sampanthan and Sumanthiran are attending to the steps that are making your predictions true!

    “..The UNP’s Muslims were not present in large numbers to protest Grandpass. One recalls the UNP Satyagraha campaigns of the 1970s against a tough Sirima Bandaranaike regime, which violently attacked the demonstrators on several occasions. One also recalls the protests after the shooting of student Weerasooriya in November 1976. Perhaps even more relevant are the UNP rallies and May Day meetings, say in 1976. Today, the UNP cannot mobilize more than a few thousand – if that—for a demonstration on a highly emotive issue on the UNP’s home turf, Colombo. The moral (no pun intended) of the story is that relatively few are willing to rally around, mobilise under, or vote for, the UNP, so long as Ranil Wickremesinghe is leading it—and those numbers are dwindling. The people outraged, tuned in to Weliweriya, but tuned out rather than turned out for Mr Wickremesinghe’s protest..”

    Dayan, you are born mutt though you self-proclaim to be a political scientist. 1970s, the pre 1977 era was a SLFP-political-famine-infested era of the country where the SLFP party of your cardboard war hero MARA reduced the people of this country to tree-bark eating-the long queues, bread queues, rice queues, chilli queues and queues and queues for everything! There was great dearth of food, cloth, shelter, medicine, resources, income, facilities and opportunities. People were just vegetating and living hand to mouth. There were all kinds of oppression, repression and injustice on people perpetrated by the SLFP bastards exactly as is being done today by the Rajapaksha and SLFP bastards today. People had nothing to lose and they would rather die in fighting the state than live under the impoverished conditions. People had no jobs, no occupations, no schools to send their children, no medicines to prolong their life and therefore they all took to the streets at the lightest incite, provocation and signal. Not JR or RP but the SLFP bastards themselves had already created future government of JR! –Your deranged and reality-devoid mind cannot see these truths! That is why you are creating these orphaned, bigoted and vindictive fallacies against Ranil– People had endured this despicable state for years under SLFP and in 1977 the pressure and desperation bomb exploded giving JR steamroller and rollicking power. Dream on stupid bastard! Who the fucking hell do you think is suitable for UNP leadership other than Ranil? People still do not get to the street not because as you say due to a lack of leadership qualities of Ranil but because JR empowered the impoverished ungrateful bastards in this country you included to the furthest point possible beyond protests, riots, demonstrations and strikes. It is only after the ungrateful buffalos in this country have degraded to the pre 1977 ear again when they reenact 1977. There is another factor too that is preventing people demanding their rights-unlike during JR period shameless dollar-happy maggots like you, the newspaper and media mother fuckers have sold out their whole souls to bloody Rajapakshas and in return brainwashed, undermined, weakened, mislead and abandoned the people so that they will not fight for the most horrendous injustice and crime committed on them the culmination which is Weliveriya incident. You fucking quote Weliveriya for Ranil’s inability but what fucking sensationalism does Ranil have to create there when the very people whose drinking water was poisoned, whose sons, fathers were massacred abandon their own rights and fight against the regime by not attending to on-the-14-Colombo-Protest against Dayan’s own pet regime!? It is this despicable Dayan bastard et al who have failed the people, caused mental gangrene and protest-impotent syndrome in them and not Ranil. Rest assured stupid laundryman though that pre 1977 era is fast drawing near and it is already there in some areas-economy is collapsing, banks are crashing, prices of goods are skyrocketing and people are being shot at point blank! Not Rani but your regime has almost completed creating the final uprising in peoples’ minds. When people have gone down below the cutoff point of basic survival, when they realize MARA has robbed them of everything, when they feel the pinch of deprivation you bastards better dig a deep hole to bury yourselves, draw a map of culverts in the country! The hidden motive of all your perverted attacks on Ranil is to delay the dawning of that day!

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      Silva, you have said a mouthful. One can not compare the pre ’77 to now as many have something to lose. Hence they are a little more reluctant to come out. It is no Ranil’s fault. Let the masses feel the pinch.

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    No wonder that much crowd…… Those who were in attendance came to see UNP Seretary “DAYA MAHATHTHAYA”‘S ungentlemanly act of climbing onto a roof of a public transport Bus.
    Its a first time for DAYA BOY as he has never engaged in such an act during his youth days or childhood days.
    What a sorry figure he CUT. UNP Secretary on the roof top of a bus.
    The Island front page showed that He was figuring out how to get down.

    Sadly the bus karaya too lent the bus as he was not interested in commuters nor Business.
    With this act, goes the fare increase that they were fighting for.

    These Opposition cardres were no better than the Govt cardres.
    They were capitalising on the carcasses of (03) youth instead PREVENTING THEIR SENSELESS DEATHS.
    What use of politicians be it they are Govt or Opposition.
    Shahelessly, come election, they will visit the victim’s families for their votes and say “Our Party Secretary too climbed a roof of a Bus for the sake of your dead son not when he was alive”.

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    It is all Ranils fault 94’on
    Opposition leaders around the world don’t wait for people to feel the “pinch”,they canvass a viewpoint effectively,market themselves and alternate policy.
    When CJ was being impeached he and his loony bin set demanded UNP MP’s be silent as Latimer house rules will take care…same man new failures.

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      Young chap, please dont put the blame on RW. That means you would further support Rajapakshes and his ilk to ruin the country much deeper.

      Even if you are against RW, please be cautious when putting your comment to this or other threads these days.

      I am confident if the majority of the people would realize that Rajapkshes are by all means corrupted – so thre should be masses with dissident views. Right at the moment, even if the Rajapskehs through the force deliberately kill the general public, not many seem to take it serious. Either these folks are sick or so indifferent today than no other times in the past – :(((

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    Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka.

    I think this whole issue of TNA Mr. Sampanthan and Mr. Sumanthiran attending the event sponsored by the so-called Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is a very much more complex issue than just pointing fingers at TNA to accuse them of collaborating with TGTE.

    If I jot down few important issues that led to this state, you will see that TNA also have a right to do so what they did.

    1) President Rajapakse Promissed International community to implement 13th Amendment and promissed to give more Powers to North East Tamil communities once the Eelam war was over.

    2)President Rajapakse won the war, and as soon as the war was over MR took over more powers through 18th Amendment and kept then on postponing his Promises to both Tamil and International communities.

    3)Once he got more powers he stayed away from what he Promissed to Tamil community, International community, UN, UNHRC and CW and did not even bothered to carry out LLRC recommendations.

    4)All three of you (incluging Prof.Rajiva, you and Tamara) should bare witness to the International Community on what MR’s Promissed to them and later how he hoodwinked them.

    5)MR not only did not implement the 13th Amendment but also did not implement his own LLRC recommendations.

    6)MR Jailed Gen.Sarath Fonseka using extra powers he got from 18th Amendment.

    7)White Flag along with the War crime charges started to crop up in media and among both local and diaspora community and this even went up to UNHRC.

    8)White van disappearances, Journalists disappeared and human right violations started to crop up all over Sri Lanka.

    9)MR used his 18th Amendment to supress Media, human rights and Govt. atrocities while formed a Buddhist Racist Extremist organization called BBS as a third force to cover and hide behind from International community war crime accusations.

    10)Now MR trying to take over powers such as Police and Land from PCs using his strong arm method while using his party goons.

    Therefore when TNA came to know of this MR’s new game plan, they went to TGTE to get their support and opinion, and it is justified.

    Therefore it was not the fault of TNA but the double game that MR play that leads to more trouble among the whole communities in Sri Lanka and the International community.

    There’s no other reason for Navi Pillai to come to Sri Lanka other than Rajapakses playing Hambanthota Comedy Drama with Politiscs which already have brought bad name to our country and effected our economy.

    Already Rajapakses have made Sri Lanka indebt to China to the tune of over three Billion US Dollars……and counting without no visible returns.

    Meanwhile we lost EU GSP status, businesses, foreign investments, Human right violations which could eventually lead Sri Lanka to a Pariah state.

    Now a large number of people are leaving Sri Lanka in Boats much more than during the hight of Eelam war.

    If Rajapakses keep playing their born Comedy Politics, very soon Sri Lanka will not only be a failed state, but will be divided to Two or even Three.There’s no other but the Rajapakses who should be held responsible for all the Troubles that we face today.

    With relating to UNP protest rally, I think Ranil should have done a much better job to represent himself as opposition party leader.

    His confidence, Personality and charisma to give confidence to the Public was insufficient.

    He had not even come prepared to give an effective speech to the Public and Media but failed to represent himself as a Leader.If he cannot prepare himself and draft his own effective speech, he should at least hire an outside professional organization to do the draft for his speech.He failed and did not capitalised the Protest to be more effective.

    People look for confident looking, Brave,foreward, effective speech, and a Strong Leadership to face Rajapakses. Not at a mere Pambaya.

    I think our young UNPers, MP’s and the supporters did a wonderful job in the protest Rally and all my hats off to them. They stood up to the Rajapakses and should organise more rallies across Sri Lanka.

    Ranil should think seriously on an effective game plan to face the born crook, Saradiel and Internationally notorious Robinhood Rajapakses.

    Good luck to UNP……our party of Generations.

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      “..With relating to UNP protest rally, I think Ranil should have done a much better job to represent himself as opposition party leader.

      His confidence, Personality and charisma to give confidence to the Public was insufficient.

      He had not even come prepared to give an effective speech to the Public and Media but failed to represent himself as a Leader.If he cannot prepare himself and draft his own effective speech, he should at least hire an outside professional organization to do the draft for his speech.He failed and did not capitalised the Protest to be more effective.

      People look for confident looking, Brave,foreward, effective speech, and a Strong Leadership to face Rajapakses. Not at a mere Pambaya.

      I think our young UNPers, MP’s and the supporters did a wonderful job in the protest Rally and all my hats off to them. They stood up to the Rajapakses and should organise more rallies across Sri Lanka.

      Ranil should think seriously on an effective game plan to face the born crook, Saradiel and Internationally notorious Robinhood Rajapakses.

      Good luck to UNP……our party of Generations..”

      Let alone good luck, this kind of flawed thinking only pushes the party to graveyard! This kind of comments are called half-baked theories. You interpret UNP according to your limited perception. You praise the young UNPers as having done a good job but sling mud at Ranil projecting your own rabid prejudice! You pathetically fail to understand that the young UNPers did so well under the leadership of Ranil! This is your sorry level of understanding.

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    When the nuclear disaster happened in Japan, a few Muslims acted fast distributing foods among the people. What I saw was the quick decisions by Japanese authorities. If we have many layers of government under different parties, decisions never happen!

    I feel sorry for the unfortunate Northern people. They will be the losers from the provincial council system.

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    TGTE is already dead. Then what is the point of talking about TGTE?

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